Borderlands Creator MELTDOWN, Rants About Unfair Criticism With $100m Flop Movie...

Randy Pitchford the CEO of Gearbox Software the creator of Borderlands can keep on deflecting keep on crying but it doesn't change the fact that the Borderlands movie is a giant flop in a pile of garbage he can talk about Borderlands 4 try to get fans excited for that it also doesn't change the fact that he's a horrible human being we'll get to that in a second and take to interactive the publisher of 2K Games and of the Borderlands franchise can say give the film a chance let's see what audiences have to say audiences have said as much uh the box office and everything is evidence that we all view it as complete garbage and that uh this Borderlands adaptation should have happened long ago this brings us to the Rotten Tomatoes page of Borderlands 9% out of 100 yikes it's really that bad even the audience score pretty pretty nasty here and if you actually check the contents of these reviews and insipid Miss smash of tried genre tropes Borderlands is devoid of any real Edge video game movie adaptations have sped out some serious Clunkers over the years but even by the lamentable standards of the genre Eli L Ross re-shoot plagued Borderlands is abysmal and it's pretty much just this nothing that works about the games has been adapted intact in this ugly boring truly inept piece of film making Borderlands arrives as a legitimate Contender not only for the worst film of 2024 but one of the worst video game movies ever released and uh the Rotten Tomatoes page the consensus is that's a glitched out in every Department Borderlands is balder Dash and even on IMDb not always reliable but yeah 4.3 out of 10 only 8,000 reviews for it because nobody cares to see this pile of crap even the HBO showrunner the last of his writer he was the one who originally wrote this wanted his name taken off because once Eli Roth came in took it over he rewrote it made it his own film and Craig Mason I think that's his name the the guy who worked on Chernobyl and The Last of Us said that ain't me don't want anything to do with that pile of crap because he knew he knew that this was going to be a massive St an ER and I don't blame him you do not want to be attached to this absolute travesty of film making and this review coming from Forbes is a great Summary of why this it's a pile of A Borderlands fan regretfully reviews the Borderlands movie it goes on to mention that the script is not resemble any Borderlands game at all other than it's vaguely about finding Pandora's Vault they make the thrust of the story an off- Canon rewriting of Tina into being some Atlas made clone using a already in DNA to open the vault as a Chosen One her only connection to her original character being her bunny ears and saying things like Deo the script is not good but neither is the action this is what I'll I'll now be calling Rebel Moon syndrome where PG-13 cut neuters the action of something that clearly should have been R-rated and uh he continued pointing out that the Borderlands movie debuted originally with a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes and again all of the reviews everything is just absolutely bashing it because it's terrible and fans deserve better and uh again yeah it points out that it is one of the worst reviewed scores of the year or in recent memory I should say and it goes on to mention that uh from his original review this is neither a good Borderlands movie or nor a good movie period it feels like gearbox and Eli Roth tried to split the difference here making a massive appeal PG-13 action film but gesturing vaguely at the games to try to get that crowd to show up too but the end result is throwing the Borderlands games at a wall watching them shatter and gluing back together a handful of mildly recognizable pieces I said in the piece that the casting of Kevin Hart and Kate Blanchett are big problems as expected everybody knew that as soon as we saw that little mini guy Kevin Hart playing Roland everybody was just scratching their head because it just makes absolutely no sense but I'm guessing gearbox and whoever was in charge of casting thought popular black guy throw him in the roll Hart mostly acts like a barely toned down version of his usual self and again nothing like Rolland uh Blanchett is of course normally a great actress but a 30 or so age increase from Lilith again is bizarre and also makes no sense within the confines of the film as actresses close to her age appear to remember her as a child and all of this leads us to this absolute box office bomb this has over $100 million it cost for them to produce this it was actually filmed like three or four years ago editing hell all of that stuff only got about 8.8 million I think in domestic I think overall you know worldwide it's like 15 or so this is going to be a massive uh bomb for who I don't not sure which studio was was in charge of this but it probably needed to break 3 to 400 million ain't going to get anywhere near that ain't going to get there and it is important to realize the Borderlands Creator we're about to talk about is not a good human being I just want people to remember that he before there was the anthems you know Mass Effect andromus Fallout 76s we had Aliens colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever games that Brandy Pitchford was responsible for in some regard and on multiple occasions over the years he has gone on the defensive about saying that he loves it he thinks great games ridiculous statements uh he also has lied multiple times been exposed for numerous on numerous occasions and had full-on meltdowns about this aliens is a great example of that and he was also called out by the voice actor of clap trap who said that he bullied him harassed him shoved him humiliated him David edings I believe that was his name we also had Randy Pitchford during the George Floyd uh protest and everything trying to sell Duke Nukem 3D here's the Tweet if you want to do that this weekend here's the Duke nuk from 3D 20th anniversary World Tour and the funny part is he didn't even discounted anything he just tried to shill his product during very controversial tragedy everything that was going on we also have the fact that he cut bonuses he he promised bonuses to his development team for Borderlands 3 and just said nope that that's not going to happen and uh a lot of people bringing up the fact that he himself got massive bonuses millions of dollars but I guess he shafted his own employees because he is a scumbag human being then on top of that we have have the infamous uh USB stick at Medieval times I guess Medieval Times is like a cafe or something like that but he had adult content and Company secrets on that USB stick and he left it behind and there was allegations in a lawsuit that the contents of that was actually underage and one portion of the suit makes two Sensational accusations about pitchford's behavior that he accidentally left a selection of underage that type of content on a USB stick at a restaurant and that he used his company's money to host parties where adult men have reportedly exposed themselves to minors to the amusement of Pitchford the allegations about a USB stick places its Discovery at a 2014 Medieval Times Diner in tournament located in Dallas down the road from gearbox's headquarters calendar alleges in the suit that someone from the restaurant perused the USB sticks contents upon their Discovery and then contact the game studio so that its employees could recover it Pitchford declared that the thumb drive was his requested its prompt return uh citing information and belief C under alleges of the USB stick in question contained Randy pitchford's Personal Collection of that type of content in addition to the sensitive corporate documents this was actual content related to Borderlands 3 before it was even announced or released and uh a former employee saying that he's a liar con man anything more than that they have no idea and Randy actually admitted to this uh he said bizarrely that he corroborated some of the story saying that the content was barely over 18yearold content from from a Creator that's Randy Pitchford that is the man we're talking about I just need people to understand the horrible human being we're talking about there's so many more examples I can bring up but this is one of the most infamous Randy pitch first stories over the years and this brings us to his absolute meltdown over his movie flopping he said yesterday I blocked a bunch of truly nasty accounts but in the process I've accidentally blocked at least three good accounts including at least one person I like and I've actually met in person I'm sorry sincerely have mistakenly blocked you no excuses let me know if I screwed up blah blah blah blah blah and then he goes off on Paul you remember that Forbes review I just brought up a second ago the one that was again a Borderlands fan reviewing a terrible borderland's movie well Randy Pitchford had this to say about Paul tassy oh except for that Paul tassy guy he was pointed out to me that I blocked him to so far I think accidentally blocking three people not Paul tassy I thought he was being a dick and so I blocked him on purpose I unblocked him but I might block him again something about that dude's attitude just feels off to me I read some crap he wrote where he seems to act like he knows me in fronts like he he knows something he doesn't and that doesn't rub me WR bad vibes but I don't know him at all and only know that he writes on Twitter so who knows the internet can be a mess sometimes it's strange to be someone other people seem to want to think about and talk about and I know he's super obsessed with the stuff me and my company make and I know he's a dude who's making a living talking so good for him again all of this is because Paul tassy pointed out the fact the the film's horrible he said some tweets about it the fact that it was getting 0% and I guess Randy Pitchford takes this as hate rather than and criticism it's truly astonishing the reaches he's making here but this is Randy Pitchford we're talking about but he did continue because Paul tassi pointed this out saying ah yes tagging me insulting me with an entire paragraph broadcast to 690,000 people as extremely normal behavior and does not at all reinforce anything I said thank you for unblocking me sir he said also if by super assessed you mean again he's a he's just a fan of the franchise he plays Borderlands games you mean I've played hundreds of hours of every Borderlands game a serus I like wow you got me and this is where he again goes on a tie rate an absolute meltdown and also spending hundreds of hours talking look at this a paragraph he has here spending hundreds of hours talking about which is cool in your business and your prerogative but you're not exactly normal when it comes to Borderlands what does that mean I genuinely what is it's cool I'm obsessed with a bunch of stuff including Borderlands I wasn't trying to get you with the comments and then he goes on saying that not every day that someone gets an offer to chat with the creator of something they've spent hundreds of hours enjoying my will be to sincerely understand you better and to share your fellowship over something we obviously both love how will you use that offer cheers again he's so cocky arrogant it's it's frustrating somebody pointed out why are you acting like such a deranged fool Paul writes gaming articles for forbs it's literally his job he said must be some new usage of the word deranged fool you're using I got The Vibes he's obsessed with Borderlands not me I'd be quite content for the dude to never think of me again cheers and he did continue another he said this this is the original post to uh Paul's comment right here he said it's my opinion that you enjoy talking at my expense your comment here further and reinforce is my opinion it's super strange given that you seem to love something I also love and brought into the world I'm just trying to make entertainment again people like Borderlands I think the Borderlands franchise is drastically drastically overrated my perspective has always been that Borderlands 2 great game Borderlands 1 and a couple of the others are okay but most of the new Borderlands stuff's been aw and um yeah this guy also is an absolute loser in the gaming space if you want to make an argument about lul cows and gaming Executives that personify that Brandy Pitchford front and center of that um he said I'm just trying to make some entertainment I'm glad some of it is really engaged you I'm sorry everything we do don't doesn't hit you I get you're doing your gig but why be a jerk about it uh and then he did continue again he went to one of Paul Tasty's first tweets the fact that he wrote a book and I think he was trying to mock him I'm really not sure should I read this I'm going to try and build a bridge here cuz I'm an idiot dude isn't just a Critic dude is out here making stuff adding to the world I respect that I blocked him because I thought he was trying to hurt me and hurt something I love uh another person saying it's wild that you blocked a guy for his review blasted him to over 600,000 people and now you're trying to make up that by asking if you should read his book I didn't block him for the review I blocked him because I felt he was being a that he was trying to hurt something I love and he was trying to hurt me he reviewed your terrible movie that's going to flop horrible at the box office and again it's just another long list of failures that happened under your guys so Randy Pitchford he is quite the quite the character another person saying he's a journalist and video game critic he's allowed to voice an opinion about things he said yep and I'm also allowed to block people I think that are a-holes cheers uh so what you're saying and then this was I guess a response to all of the criticism he's seeing so what you're saying is you like what my friends and I do with our Borderlands games even more than you like what some of the biggest and best cast in crew the if you're calling this the biggest and best film makers and uh creators and actors Jesus Randy um on the planet have done I'm super for flattered we're working extra hard for you on what's next and again this is the tease to Borderlands 4 and Randy Pitchford wasn't just blocking unblocking journalists it was also one of the most popular Borderlands creators on YouTube and they said well that's one way to handle criticism and another individual saying I genuinely think Randy needs to step down or be replaced from his position at gearbox Randy though of course responded having another melt down saying bro you're obsessed keep making videos as frean I'm not sure I will ever know how to retire making is my obsession and frankly every Miss makes me want to just swing harder I'm now actually curious what you think about what we're working on keeping your eyes open and your head straight and another person saying Randy with criticism you used to take it on the chin and very well especially back when Duke Nukem Forever was released I don't know about that and he said what criticism haven't I taken well it's this entire ordeal he's acting like a fool a deranged fool another individual bringing up an old tweet of Randy which is not aged well Borderlands anime are you in drugs that sounds like a terrible idea it actually sounds like a fantastic idea Borderlands anime kind of like cyber Punk that happened not so long ago I think it would be a fantastic collaboration um Brandy said I think an animated Borderlands would be cool but I don't parse that the same as anime I think anime is a very specific genre and I don't think Borderlands is well suited for it I it could be wrong just my opinion man I think he is wrong because this man just enjoys producing non-stop slop uh and then one of the final tweets I will bring up is again him having uh just continuing with a meltdown uh somebody just wrote David edings under one of his posts again that is there is the former clap trap actor the same one that I brought up a bit ago that said that Randy bullied him and all that stuff he said congrats you're that don't you have a movie that needs moving to a streaming platform soon due to flopp reviews hoping you'll also learn to keep your hands on yourself Randy assaulting people and then firing them as diabolic work and Randy said it's interesting that you like that story and it's sad to me that the dude feels like he needs to tell it but your buddy's Behavior has cost him every partnership and every career he's ever had again he's just continuing to go after this individual years after the incident uh somebody saying the simple fact is that you know that this movie stinks you just can't express that because of being so close to it he said I sincerely do not think the movie stinks I enjoyed it and I'm super glad that it exists I don't know if I agree with nothing close to the games depending on what you mean by that if you're saying saying that my friends and I have done a better job with the games than this unbelievable cast and crew of filmmakers did with this movie I'm very flattered and I'm happy to live in that world I'm close to it it seems about half the people who actually see the movie seem to like it uh okay Randy and half the people who see it don't like it that's cool all opinions are valid The Beatles had more number one hits than any other band in history and their hit rate was less than 20 Randy Pitchford is comparing the Borderlands movie to The Beatles that's how it is with entertainment got to keep swimming and that is the delusional human being that we are talking about here and why I just do not like this man do not trust him with anything and why I feel he got lucky with the Borderlands franchise because most things that he has touched since then has been just non-stop slop and trash anyway have you seen the Borderlands film are you planning to let me know your thoughts down in the comment section below uh thank you for watching make sure to leave a like if you did enjoy this video and I'll see you later

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