The Legal Battle Over Dave Williams to Remove Him as GOP Chair

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 01:15:45 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: dave williams colorado
sometimes we forget while we're here it's easy to fall off track these help us [Music] remember don't look like they fad don't look like they're ever G away they ain't never going to change these batt growing up I had a dream something no one else could see tell me what it means when your faith is falling beneath your knees and you can't breathe everything you see reminds you of what you're not or something you won't be you got that's how we live it don't be mad at the system simp we existed I hear a lot of people talking [Music] [Music] like e e e [Music] he [Music] everywh well hello everyone I hope you're seeing me right now because I am actually posting something on Twitter uh that I wanted to post um someone I know is doing a ballot selfie lawsuit and those of you who may not know I hope that's not the furnace coming on I did a ballot selfie lawsuit back in 2016 and won so I hope that my case is used as a precedent for her case in North Carolina hope she wins deserves to win uh those of you watching if you're wondering why all of a sudden I do not know why but the lighting has gotten so inconsistent in the studio I need another professional light not I don't think a box light but I know exactly what I need like a key light right up here but can't afford it so a Super Chat i' super appreciate it if it was uh for me to get a decent light up there though I think it's because I'm using this mic here again I was using it up top before I decided I liked it kind of on the side again I've got this other mic I'm always messing around with stuff so rather than ramble the way I normally do because that's my comment from nonsubscribers I know you guys are all family I did a upload on what was going on with the Colorado suit I'm going to be doing a fuller show on that yes I know I look like buzz around Buzz around bumblebee you don't need to tell me uh so yes let me do my YouTuber stuff and then we're going to get right to the subject matter so first of all first of all subscribe particularly if you are watching the show because you're interested in what's going on with the GOP Republican party um I think that was redundant but the Republican party in color um it's really related to my lawsuit in Colorado which we are going to have to talk about a little bit because it is related please subscribe to this channel if you like this kind of obscure political content that gets into some specialty areas that some of the other Talking Heads just aren't going to give you for reference I am a paralal of 35 years not political law but law transfers let's just put it that way I'm not a lawyer but I do have legal experience and I do have knowledge in these some of these areas at least so more than your average bear but not as much as a lawyer um also though I am a registered parliamentarian with the National Association of parliamentarians which is a rarer skill so I can give you some parliamentary background if you don't know what that is that means that I have a certification in Robert's Rules of Order um which is useful in things like political parties God I do not like the current lighting I need better Lighting in here as I'm getting older lighting becomes more and more important um if you would like some of my hot political takes you can follow me on I call it X Twitter I'm never going to stop calling it Twitter you can kiss my libertarian booty Elon Musk uh I am Karen an harlo spelled c a r y n a an n h a r l oos at so it's at be right before on Twitter you won't regret it you won't agree with everything I said but I certainly am entertaining on Twitter I don't think even my haters will say that I'm not entertaining on Twitter and last but not least um my current positions as happens every few years has lost me some patreons because people seem to think they love your integrity as long as you're on their side but the minute you're not on their side all of a sudden they abandon you like cockroaches on the Titanic and that is just fine because you want to know what I do love you all as family but you want to know who I love more me and I have to look at myself in the mirror so what we're going to be covering today is very inside baseball when it comes to the Republican party of Colorado but I'm sure this is going on in Republican parties and parties all over the country I know the Michigan Republican party is in a mess so what do I have with you you know I do these legal deep Dives let me take this off the screen if you don't like getting into granular like really picky stuff if you just want the Bene Puro facts don't care about your feelings type talking points I am not the channel for you but if you want the unique Niche stuff that you are not going to get anywhere else I guarantee it I am am exactly what you were looking for so what do I have I have right here yes and let me just get this out right up front yes I do have autism it's not a joke I am literally autistic but I weaponize that autism for good so I did print out the entire Colorado election code it is right here and yes i' I've read it and bookmarked certain tabs so we might need to look at that stay and I have that here I've got my legal pad in case I need to write notes on things I don't want to forget I do have a pink pen and pink glasses because yes I do have a fetish for pink and last but not least as if you couldn't tell that I really liked pink um and this binder is printouts of case of the the Colorado case it's not completely up to dat and hello Nathan hello trendeline how's my day going Nathan I'll tell you in one moment first let me just introduce this uh this is most of the pleadings in the Colorado case let me rant about Colorado for a moment because I have been a legal professional for 35 years I've gone from having law libraries in the law offices I've worked at to everything being online I used to live in color uh I live in Colorado now I used used to live in Florida and Florida was on electronic filing long before other states were and if you're a member of the public of Colorado you could sign up for a free account I don't know if this has changed I haven't been in Florida in like 12 years but at the time I was there you could sign up for a free account and download any pleading that you wanted for free and look up any case throughout the you you you had to go county by county which was inconvenient now in Colorado you you can't do that and you can't download pleadings you have to either go to the courthouse and fill out a paper form and send them a check like it's the N like like it's 20 years ago and even if you're attorney the filing fees are absolutely ridiculous Colorado is completely behind the times so I can't be right up to the minute up to date because I'm not a lawyer and I don't have access to what is called CF which is Colorado electronic court filings I think is what that short for so I have to rely upon writing the clerk every few days and asking for updated pleadings I also have contacts and I don't know if they want me to say their Nam so I'm not going to I have contacts with some Colorado political reporters who send me things and I'm very great ful for the latest pleading which I would not even have known about that I just read a few hours ago which has been sent to me by a Colorado Reporter so if I'm missing a couple facts that's why I'm trying to stay as up to dat as I can now how is be I'm going to answer Nathan's questions first and then we're going to talk about how this interfaces with my Colorado case even though we're mostly going to be talking about the Republic party um here so I'm going to deal with some of the um comments here Nathan asks how's my day going my day is going I'm sorry I keep bumping the camera let me explain something to you my new viewers my older viewers know this in Colorado the soil he there's basement in Colorado I am a I am a basement dwelling libertarian but if you saw my basement people freak out when they see a picture of my basement because it has a wood floor and there's like a 3ft subfloor with a sump pump underneath it we live in an area that has like clay so you can't have a cement floor because it would crack your foundation so when I go like this it shakes the hole that's why when Wayne comes downstairs it shakes everything it's not like a typical a typical basement so I'm sorry if the camera shakes that's what that's about but my day is going great despite so much pressure you know how much pressure I'm under Nathan and you know in 2021 I would have been falling apart I would have been a mess I'm not going to say that the stress isn't going to get to me I'm not going to say that I wasn't terrified pretending like I was an attorney a couple days ago but I am one in one of the best places I've ever been in my entire life and I want to put up what Philip momes said you'd be a great lawyer thank you I do think I've missed somewhat my calling if I had the money I would do it I really wish I did have the money again I'd have to get my BS first but you want to know why it isn't because I want to be rich I'd like to have enough money to live comfortably but something I've discovered about the law and I've really discovered this in this case I'm filing against the libertarian party of Colorado is a lot of people get away with screwing over other people because people are scared of the court system they don't know how to navigate it and the bar is a cartel there is no real reason considering I wrote most of the documents that earned us a preliminary injunction in federal court under trademark which I had never even done before there's no real reason why in simple cases I couldn't represent people I am perfectly competent to do so but I'm not an attorney I didn't spend $100,000 in debt in order to do that there is no reason why pargal which I've been a paralal for 35 years I am certified with the National Association of Legal assistants should not be able to represent people in certain types of cases but we can't because there's a cartel and it's the same thing with the medical profession though that is loosening where nurse practitioners can do a lot more I hope there becomes something more like paralal practitioners is an administrative law which I have no experience in maybe I should learn it but like before the before administrative courts like the Social Security Administrative but I don't really have much interest in that in administrative law paralegals can represent people in certain things but like small small claims cases and just certain types of cases paralal should be able to represent people because the average person gets screwed something that happened back when that whole Delaware thing went down and just as father wrote me and was like we just felt helpless the reason why I would love to be an attorney is because I'd like to help people obviously i' want to make enough money to live comfortably but I would also like to be able to help people who feel helpless and I already try to do that to the extent that I can but I cannot engage in the unauthorized practice of of law which is why I'm the only plaintiff in the case against the libertarian party of Colorado there are plenty of people who want to be part of this case but I can't represent them I can only represent myself but if I can represent myself and they consent why can't it's just so dumb and the and the first judge in the case said for prosay filings these are very well pled now he didn't know I was a 35-year pargal but basically it was equivalent to what a lawyer would do and the fact is I didn't even know election law and I still did well pled pleadings okay um Nathan also um had said wow Colorado is usually more up to dat and open to transparency efforts no they're actually not Florida is much more there's a rumor that Florida's called the Sunshine State because of how much son it gets it isn't it is because of how easy it is to get public records in Florida um okay Nathan ask it can't it can't be a class action it maybe could but I can't represent people on a class action if there's any Colorado attorney out there who might be interested in that get in touch with me I could find your plaintiffs very easily and we could raise cost lawyers can't donate costs but they can donate their Legal Services they can't donate costs I know this from the Colorado ballot selfie case that I did that I won that I won the right to be able to take a selfie of your ballot in Colorado um all the legal services were done for they ended up getting paid out of the settlement from the state of Colorado but I didn't have to pay anything but I did have to pay the cost I did have to pay the filing fee which we raised I did have to file pay for transcripts service of process things like that okay so to this Co to this Republican case let me let you know what this is about and how this relates to the case I have currently against the libertarian party of Colorado and if I keep slipping up between Republican party and libertarian party it's cuz I'm so used to saying libertarian party whoops I have this upside down and I did actually buy these more professional looking notebooks to bring into court so I wasn't bringing in my hot pink Hello Kitty um notebooks into court I was already coming in with the disadvantage with the hot pink hair but I was dressed very professionally those of you who saw my videos so what this case is is the plaintiff is David Williams as chairman of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee um versus defendants Nancy pazi who I believe is the chair of the Jeffco which is the Jefferson County sorry I'm used to the we we all know the abbreviations here in Colorado the Jefferson County Republican party and Todd Watkins who is somehow involved in the El Paso Republican party it's not terribly important both of them are members of the State Central Committee their State Central Committee is about 400 people that is because of Colorado major party law so I need to give you some Colorado History here I should have pulled up um some old newsletters from Colorado but Colorado has as far as I'm concerned the best ballot access laws in the country though some billionaires are trying to come in here and ruin that with top four and all of their [ __ ] but up until 1998 we did not have good ballot access laws but after 1998 there was a bill passed and it was HB whatever whatever but we just call it now the minor party law so in Colorado election law there are sections that apply to all political parties there are sections that apply only to major political parties and then there are sections that apply only to minor political part parties I'm not going to get into all of the differences but I'm going to give you some of them in order to become a minor political party in Colorado you either have to get you have to petition like we did in New Mexico or you have to get a get and maintain a certain number of registered of your party so in the case of the lpco it would be registered Libertarians and that number number is only a thousand we have well over 40,000 registered Libertarians in Colorado so there's a lot of people affected by the decision of this absolutely arrogant and Rogue and degenerate Board of Colorado of 11 people who think that they can just trample upon the rights of over 40,000 people it is complet completely disgusting but moving sorry that was my little lpco rant lpco stands for uh repu uh libert I did Republican in those are half of them I think a bunch of Republicans but libertarian party of Colorado so if you petition on then you have to continue to get a certain percentage of um votes in certain races I'm not too educated about that because we didn't petition on WE maintain over a thousand registered Colorado Libertarians and in order to become a major party in Colorado you have to get over 10% in the governor's race that's the only race the Constitution party did that by accident I forgot what year and it destroyed them why did it destroy them it destroyed them because the minute you become a major party you have way more regulations to comply with that Nathan will be familiar with with Arizona where you have to have Precinct men and it's you you you you have to have Precinct committees and it it it it's just such a structure that Libertarians in Colorado we just do not have the numbers or Manpower to maintain there is no Advantage none and this ignorant [ __ ] board can't get this through their head there is no advantage to being a major party in Colorado when you go to register as a Libertarian in Colorado it isn't like there's a list of major parties you can register for and minor parties it's just the parties there is no advantage to it it is only a disadvantage vage now if you get to the point where you can maintain that structure well you might as well because then you want to give more people more voices but this whole fetishizing being a major party that would destroy us in Colorado the same way it destroyed the Reform Party in Colorado I mean the Constitution party in Colorado and let me dispel another myth and do a little mockery okay I'm not going to say the guy's name cuz he's a he's a young eager guy I'm not trying to embarrass anyone personally except for I am trying to embarrass the lpco board because they keep acting like they're playing 90 chess you know when they're barely playing like Shoots and Ladders so at our June meeting they tried to appoint somebody as Affiliates director that person wasn't even a a qualified they weren't a sustaining member of the party they didn't even ask but they tried to elect a in now he did get elected in at the July 12th meeting and was a sustaining member guess how long 10 days and I'm still not even sure if he's a registered libertarian I think they think all that required is paying dues no you have to be a registered libertarian but I don't know that for sure I don't know that for sure at all but 10 days and they stuck them on the board of directors but what's even worse is in public comment and he's he's somebody from Young Americans for Liberty it tends to be a more Republican group they're they're they're nonpartisan but its volunteers tend to be more Republican he got up and confidently said in favor of RFK and I bet he feels real smart now in favor of RFK if we get 5% in the presidential race will become a major party in Colorado and it's like no you dumbass don't before you say something do you even look it up it takes 10% in the governor's race the presidential race has zero effect in Colorado except for getting us more National delegates and and you realize that becoming a major party would destroy us and he also said that 5% would make us become a major party federally and that's something that a lot of people said and I've always had to disabuse people of that notion 5% does not make you a 5% National vote average does not make you a major party federally it makes you a minor party we're not even a minor party yet is the libertarian party federally 5% makes you a minor party 20% makes you a major party 5% does get you access to the federal funds to the federal welfare funds that come with so many strings attached that when it was a lower threshold and Harry Brown qualified for it two times he turned it down because he got more publicity from turning it down dollarwise than taking it with the strings that are attached so people need to stop saying ignorant things but if you're going to stand up and public comment and say ignorant things I mean come on listen I say stupid [ __ ] all the time but usually like I'll admit it but on that thing if you're going to be like well you know we've got to support or RFK who has anti-libertarian policies because it will make us a major party and Jacob Lura the campaigns director for the lpco thinks that they're going to get half a million dollars from RFK Jr you know that joke you know that joke would you sleep with me for a million oh yeah I'd sleep with you for a million dollar would you sleep with me for $10 and then the lady goes what do you think I am a [ __ ] and the other person goes yeah we've already determined that fact we're just negotiating the price anyway I agree with you Nathan that the presidential vote metric should be removed from delegate allocation that was actually one of the propositions but we're not going to get into that on the bylaws that that we didn't that we didn't hear oh I don't want to open this up yet this we might not ever have to open that's the Colorado election law so let's now go to this dispute within Colorado why did I take such a personal interest in this well for one reason I needed templates to follow in in filing some of my pleadings in my case against lpco for short for those of you who don't know we're just going to give the short version um it's Karen an haros you can look it up versus libertarian party of Colorado and Hannah Goodman as its chairwoman for trying to put a different candidate RFK Jr who's not a Libertarian and is anti-libertarian on the ballot instead of the candidates that were validly nominated at convention Chase Oliver and Mike termont and as of right now Chase Oliver and Mike tmont will remain on the ballot we did have an evidentiary hearing on Wednesday I had a motion for preliminary injunction and it was to enjoin them from their continual efforts to throw not I don't want to even say Throw to to to replace Chase and Mike with RFK Jr and Nicole Shanahan now that they're dropping out on Friday I hope they feel like um the [ __ ] that they are but the judge denied my motion for preliminary injunction which may sound like I lost but it was actually no he said you've you've basically said you've already won the Secretary of State agrees with you if the Secretary of State changes their mind well then I'll see you back in court and you can bring in the Secretary of State into the suit or if they want to bring the Secretary of State into the suit he said basically I'm not he didn't word it this way I will never put words in a judge's mouth and maybe my interpretation is incorrect but he basically is like I can't enjoin them from having stupid meetings and and passing stupid motions so that's why I'm so interested in this case but there is a second reason why I am so interested in this case if you may remember I had a tiny falling out with the libertarian party of Colorado when they allegedly signed this deal with the libertar excuse me with the what do they call themselves I can't remember the if they call themselves the Colorado Republican party or the rep Republican party of Colorado we're just going to call them the Colorado Republican party to make it easy I'm not sure if that's their official name but that that's what we're going to call them let's just call them the cogop Colorado GOP that's that's the easiest way to say it so they allegedly made this deal with the co goop that that um in certain races where the Libertarians might be the Swing Vote the spoiler as it were that that we would agree not to run a candidate if their candidate signed a Colorado specific it has nothing to do with national they fap all over this Liberty pledge and confuse it with the national pledge it's just basic stuff that that that rep Republicans should be able to agree to anyway but they made this deal where we wouldn't run candidates if their candidate would run would um sign this pledge and if they would agree not to run candidates in certain races where we had a chance to win then they walk that back when they realized that they couldn't make that promise because it's the delegates at convention not the board see at that time they actually somewhat cared about the bylaws because Jim Wy wasn't in the picture who I call the Rasputin of Colorado right now um please don't get upset at me Nathan because I know you're a fellow Ginger there are good gingers this is a bad Ginger this is a very bad Ginger he's the ginger Rasputin of Colorado but in any event at that time they sort of cared about their bylaw so they walked it back and said no we can't promise not to run candidates in certain races but we can say that we'll use our influence as a board to convince the delegates not to nominate us uh candidates in certain races okay that alleged deal that they signed was with Dave Williams it was about as popular with the nonis Libertarians as it was with most Republicans in other words they all hate hated it and thought it was an extreme compromise and that we exist as separate parties for a reason and that Libertarians are not Republicans and Republicans are not Libertarians we may agree on some areas and we may agree on more in Colorado and other states because we're both in the minority in Colorado I realize in BL in in uh red States that's different but Colorado is very much a a blue State now we used to be a purple state but we're a blue State and boy are they coming for our guns and they're on our side a lot of the times with the with the gun laws and we have a really good gun Association here the Rocky Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Association so they made this quote unquote deal and they made it with Dave Williams who is the current chairman of the the Colorado GOP but he's very this will sound very familiar he's very edge lordy and has caused a lot of division within the Colorado GOP and there are people who want him out that's where we're at so under their bylaws they were trying to invoke the procedure to have a vote to remove him as chair that is what this suit is all about now I did try calling the attorneys for the defendants who are Nancy Pelosi and Todd Watkins never called me back they are probably suspicious because I told them right up front I don't really have a dog in this fight I don't even like Republicans I'm a Libertarian but I think you're going about this all wrong and there's a real easy way to get to where you want and when I mean get to where they want it isn't removing Dave Williams cuz I don't know whether they have the votes or not but to at least get to a meeting where you can have the vote all of this see this and this is what I got so far all of this this isn't arguing over whether a vote to remove him was legitimate whether or not they have the right to remove him none of this is about that you want to know what this whole suit is about it's about whether they have properly petitioned for a meeting to have the vote this is all about whether or not they've properly called a meeting for those of you who think that things like that don't matter that is what all of this is about and I'm thinking of myself as a parliamentarian why are you arguing about this you might be right maybe you did properly call the meeting but there is a question why don't you just unquestionably do it the right way within 30 days you'll have your vote and maybe you'll remove the guy why fight over something questionable when you can just cure it even though we are not how do I put this even though we are not personal friends at this time um an excellent parliamentarian Jonathan Jacobs wrote an article called I forgot what it's called but it was something breach of bylaws and and Pascal's wager and he basically said it's worth it to do things the right way rather than risk A continuing breach of the bylaws so stop arguing about no no no this is the right way just just do it unquestionably the right way and that way you won't be arguing about this stuff okay so let's get into the case now this is going to get really really into minutia now in the beginning Nancy pazi and Todd Watkins and I'm just going to call them Nancy and Todd like we're best friends I don't even know who they are and we're going to call the chair Dave even Dave Dave Williams um at first they were prosay so we're just going to we're just going to go through this and I'm going to give you the bird's eyee view I might be mistaken on some things correct me if I'm wrong if those of you who are watching this um have some information I don't if you're Republicans and you have opinions let me know we'll stick them up on the screen I don't have a dog in this race except for the fact I'm not a big fan of Dave Williams I don't even know him but the fact that he made a deal with Hannah William Hannah Goodman who's turned out to be awful and shouldn't be chair of a dining room set and I cannot wait for her no longer to be chair of the lpco and we dodged a bullet by her not being the vice chair of the national party that makes me be like yeah get rid of him he signed a deal with her yeah okay but whatever it's really I don't have a dog in this fight from what I understand Dave Williams is actually pretty radical for a republican I think he even considers himself an anarco capitalist I'm not sure whatever you know he might be a great guy I don't know I really don't have a dog in this fight it's kind of just me being a little [ __ ] because he made a deal with Hannah I'll be honest with you I'm being catty I'm being catty okay all right so I recognize doing filings like these so Dave had an attorney from the very beginning and the first thing he filed was a complaint for anticipatory declaratory judgment and a permanent injunction I had never heard of until this day anticipatory declaratory judgment which was really interesting we talked about declaratory judgment in one of my cases about lpco but it's for the judge to declare the rights of parties it's very common in insurance cases so contract law cases so in this case the Republican party is not Incorporated um in my case the lpco is incorporated so they have some protections where they don't have certain personal liabilities unless you pierce the corporate veil and I think they've misbehaved bad enough that they don't have corporate protection even though they have the obligations to certain corporate things because they chose to incorporate and it wasn't this particular board but they being the libertarian party of Colorado which I'm sorry Hannah doesn't belong to you and the other 10 members they have some vacancies but the board is normally 11 people doesn't belong to you you are temporary custodians of those seats and no matter what your arrogant ass thinks yes people did accomplish things before you showed up on the scene I hate to tell you wild May with Big M energy my [ __ ] and yes fiduciary duty does apply um on this state level so anyway [Applause] so here's the general allegations there was a meeting called by Nancy pazi to basically remove Dave Williams and replace him with someone else there are only certain types of meetings that can be called by certain people under their bylaws anyone in the libertarian party should be familiar with this kind of stuff this is our we know this like we are Roberts fetishists we know this so okay so she allegedly called a meeting to have a vote of their State Central Committee which again the entire membership of it is about or exactly 400 people and um we'll get into the num it would take to remove him so she filed this petition once the petition is filed the chairman who is Dave Williams then has 10 days to set the meeting and I think he can set it wherever he wants like way out in the sticks if he wants to this should seem very familiar to libertarian party people because I just filed uh now it was a JC appeal but it was a petition and and it needed a certain percentage of people um and then it had then a hearing had to be called within a certain amount of days so this is very similar to some of the rules that we have in the libertarian party their bylaws are bad but I actually think their interpretation of them is worse because some of their wording is the same as the National Party bylaws and we've never had any problem interpreting them and we're just we're a third party it's like people like are you [ __ ] I okay I'm definitely going to be demonetized please send me some super chats I'm not above begging or become a patron at pinkf flame of Liberty so this would be a quote unquote other meeting and in their bylaws the procedure for calling other meetings is prescribed and it talks about at various points throughout the bylaws not in this section but at various points throughout their bylaws voting members must be verified for their signatures or votes okay that's simple enough and that should remind us of the dumb argument that was made against my petition even though I ended up losing the JC appeal I it wasn't thrown out for being procedurally invalid so what I did and I'll be doing again because the lnc passed some other bylaws and I know that JC ruled against me I respectfully disagree I still think that J that joint fundraising agreement with the spoiled ask Kenedy is against the bylaws they didn't agree with me I can accept that that's our process um there they the lnc passed some other motions that I think violate the bylaws please sign my petition when I get that distributed and what I did is I set up a jot form but it it was a paid jot form where you can electronically sign it like Doc you sign and that way there was an actual signature and there was a phone number in case anyone wanted to to verify there were ways to verify I didn't just send in a list of names and say these people agree with me I actually sent in a signature which is the way we do business in this country and so they mentioned that throughout the bylaws um signatures are often used so this part of the bylaws that talks about calling an other meaning by a certain number of people which we'll get into doesn't specify how how the signatures are verified or not signatures how the agreement of these members are verified it's like this isn't hard just use DocuSign or jot form or any number of these other signature platforms Adobe like we figured this out is the lp you couldn't figure this out and this is where the defendant screwed up they sent in a petition with a certain number of names and just said these are the people that agree with us well they could have just looked up those names because the the members of the CRC which is the the the central Republican committee are public and just pick names at random now do I think they did that no but of course they could have there's no signatures or anything of course it's deficient in this Dave Williams is right the petition is deficient rather than argue that these people actually do agree with us why don't you just get their signatures and this whole lawsuit would have been over they would have been required to call the meeting okay there are other issues but just do that it's so dumb to me it's like when people argue about the dumbest thing when you could just get to the main point but anyway here is where things suck and why I am glad we are a minor party in Colorado our state law in Colorado actually says intraparty controversies now that is fantastically vague but who is the legitimate leadership and things like that I would say probably can be characterized as an interp party controversy it removes it from the realm of contract law and says that whatever the State Central Committee says who could be a rogue bunch of people is is Gospel well what if you have two crc's I mean like what if you get a Michigan situation doesn't really deal with that that's not the case here but I think that's just awful to take things to take things completely out of the realm of the court now of course you have 400 people on the CRC so you don't have 11 little napoleons like you do on lpco at least with more people the chances are that you're not going to have such a blatant abuse of power but it could still happen that doesn't apply to minor parties in Colorado and I really had to press that point home over and over and over at the hearing saying courts can't get involved in party controversies I go no that's not correct our statute specifically says that they can't do it in in major party controversies but says for minor party controversies it's the bylaws that Prevail since the legislature showed that they were perfectly capable of taking it out of the hands of the courts and did not do so for minor parties but did so for major parties means that they didn't intend to do so we dealt with this when I was talking about historical fallacies if you were trying to date a book that purported to be about the history of New York and didn't mention 911 you could reasonably assume it was written before then if it was a historical book anyway this is just basic principles of exag Jesus EXA Jesus if you don't know it's just a fancy word for the science of interpreting the meaning of documents okay I'm not going to get into the dates here there were these emails they were allowed to use the logo they weren't allowed to use I don't care about any of that okay but that is one of the issues so then the dispute came whether the call for this meeting to have a vote to remove Dave Williams under the procedure in their bylaws was valid not whether or not they could remove him though later on they deny I'm sorry I'm not impressed with the filings by Dave Williams um yeah uh es SKU ask if it's the same thing as hermeneutics it's very similar to hermeneutics um in a way EXA Jesus has an opposite which is Isa Jesus so um ex Jesus is is is reading out of the text reading what the text says and getting the meaning out of it Isa Jesus is reading into the text a presupposition that's not there it's very similar though to hermeneutics though I it'd be very interesting to look up what the I'm sure there's like some some granular differences but yes you're getting the idea um okay as you can tell my background is theology using words like hermeneutics ex Jesus I Jesus and so on and so forth um so then they started arguing over whether pazi's notice was correct that's what this whole initial lawsuit was over I'm just ready to bang my head okay so then this should be familiar to LP people under Colorado law and their own bylaws they determined that whether or not this notice of hearing was valid was an internal party controversy which the um they had the authority themselves to determine and they are correct however notice what I said the statute said the State Central Committee did but who actually determined it was their executive committee now Libertarians now are going oh my God this sounds so familiar how many times has our current chairwoman put something to the executive committee when it should have been the full lnc and we aren't dealing with 400 people we're only dealing with 17 versus 7 but they instead called the executive committee and are acting as if the executive committee is the exact same thing as the CRC and the final Arbiter but they're not the CRC is but it doesn't matter you should have just did it the right way the first time anyway anyone though into the lp stuff are going oh my God this story sounds so familiar you know executive committees doing things that the full body should have done and no the Colorado um Republican party does not have a Judicial committee their CRC basically is the judicial committee they've investigated themselves and found themselves not guilty okay so they they did these meetings legal not legal whatever whatever whatever okay so they had a party controversy hearing which is like a JC hearing but it was through the state executive committee not the central Republican committee and what they determined at this hearing was that the defendant's petition did not comply with the requirements of their bylaws they directed the bylaws committee they admitted there was ambiguity and directed the bylaws committee to take a look at it and said that this previously called meeting by pazi via petition was invalid because the petition didn't properly comply with the um requirements of the state party okay are are are we everywhere all right then they argued and argued and called other meetings and none of that matters to me the declaratory relief part comes in where they say the statute says that the State Central Committee makes decisions but gives us no enforcement mechanism we are asking the Court to declare that they are the enforcers of it I don't even care about things of that either it was just interesting okay so let's get past all of that and then they asked for an injunction against a future hearing okay so now I got their bylaws in front of me at first I was like holy crap these laws are 60 pages are you out of your mind but but a lot of them do I have them in here multiple times I think I might anyway these were adopted in 2023 and it says you know the the the Central Committee can exercise all of its powers blah blah blah um the central committee decides who can use its logos and name because that's part of the controversy here it's interesting that they didn't claim common law trademark but I'm not even getting into that okay um they Define who the officers are and then there's a section and this is a section I'm really interested in is removal now you know I'm not fans of removal for personal reasons like I'm not entirely objective on that but it says any elected officer which the state chairman is of the CRC may be removed from office at any time for whatever cause the CRC May deem sufficient by a vote of 3 fifths of the entire membership of the CRC eligible to vote at a meeting called for that purpose so um we're not going to get that's written very badly by the way but we're not going to get into that just say that there is a provision for removal we could get into whether or not he's entitled to a trial and under the last interpretation of a similar bylaw at the libertarian party he would be but under he hasn't argued that at all we're not going to deal with that here written notice has to be given and that that action will be final it's not appealable okay and then it talks about how other meetings which this would be because it has to be a meeting specifically called for that purpose other meeting shall be held at a time and a place designated by the CRC or upon the call of the chairman or upon the written request of one quarter of the voting members which would be the entire CRC so 25% of the CRC that meeting on the written request shall be called by the chairman within 10 days if the chairman fails to do it any voting member May issue the call at the expense of the CRC that's a terrible bylaw what if 10 of them are all mad and issue 10 different notices for the same day like it should be like the person in charge of submitting the petition whatever they got a very badly written bylaw the meeting shall be held within 30 days of the call so the maximum amount of time that can elapse is 40 days okay all right and it also deals with special meetings I think this can be a special meeting as well and it says special meetings shall be called by the chairman at his discretion or at the written request of one-third of the voting members of the executive committee so you can call an other meeting by 25 % of the entire CRC or a special meeting by onethird of the voting members of the executive committee okay all righty and then I don't think there's anything else in the bylaws that apply yeah the rest are like County and District stuff so even though it says 60 pages is stuff that deals with the state party is 28 pages and then they've got all the notices and name calling and all the crap that happens in a political party and they also allow proxies by the way which is a whole other thing so they do so Dave Williams files a preliminary injunction to say that the meeting called by Nancy pazi was invalid because because the members weren't verified he it couldn't be proven that 25% of the entire CRC would uh called for the meeting because all she submitted was a list of names of people and I actually agree with them there how do you know but why are they fighting over this the minute he disputed it she should have just went and gotten either the electronic or physical signatures of these people and sent it in and none of this lawsuit would have been necessary they could have just had their vote I'm looking on Twitter right now because I got a message and I don't know if it has anything to do with this let me see here nah this has something to do with with the lp I want to read this though for a sec I don't want to read it out loud but this is interesting never mind it's just stupid RFK [ __ ] but it doesn't have anything to do um with here all righty so um so they did the motion for preliminary injunction saying they can't have their meeting to try to remove Dave and I agree with them that it's deficient because how do you know those people actually agreed okay then they got an order and it says you got to serve people before we can issue any kind of injunction so then they served people then they did a motion instead for a temporary restraining order about this meeting so look look how many pages we've already gotten where they're just arguing we're halfway through that the the signatures aren't valid okay then the the temporary restraining order got granted so they couldn't they couldn't have their meeting then the defendants finally got an attorney who filed a an Emergency motion for reconsideration of the temporary restraining order or in the alternative an increase in the bond it was only a $1,000 Bond you always have to have a bond in a Toro h okay and then let's see there are some hearing briefs all about whether or not things were verified then the court reversed itself and dissolved the trro and then dismissed the case then Dave Williams appealed the dismissal of the case to the Colorado appella courts all of this is still arguing over whether the notices were valid because they weren't properly verified why didn't you back on where you know on August what 22nd now this started on July 18th you'd have been having your your meeting by now if you had just done it right the first time and over and over there is a um a um and and Nathan says there's a weird limiter that may also apply here the CRC can only meet three times within every two years that was never brought up in the case so I don't don't think it applies here it would have been brought up they must not have met because it looks like they do nearly everything through the executive committee that was never brought up in the case so I'm not bringing it up because I don't know anything about how many times they met so case dismissed then Dave Williams filed for a stay in the dissolution of the TR pending appeal now I don't blame him for doing this it's in his best interest to drag this out as long as possible but what are the defendants thinking if the goal is to get to a meeting where you have the vote where you win or you don't this could have been over already there has to be something I'm not getting here or people could just be that delulu but over and over the defendants say that they've consulted multiple legal experts and their petition is suff efficient this isn't a legal issue it's a parliamentary issue not once is a parliamentarian mentioned and they all are using Robert's Rules of Order not once do they point to similar issues in other political parties now it wouldn't have been on their side I mean the LPC o would not lpco excuse me the national libertarian party would have been a great one to point to but we we require at least electronic signatures it doesn't say that in our bylaws but I don't think you have to say that how of you can't just submit a list of names there's got to be some way to verify them we've always done that like this isn't just for my petition this goes back as long as I can remember in the past before there was electronic signatures we used written signatures you'd send out letters to delegates okay then they start arguing about whether or not the court even has jurisdiction to determine whether or not the hearing is valid but they did when they issued the restraining order and then dissolved the restraining order saying that the they dissolved the restraining order because they're claiming facts were pled incorrectly by Dave Williams and the big issue is that the executive committee is not the same thing as the CRC that the final like adjud adjudicatory you know what I'm saying body is the CRC not the XCOM so the Court's trying to have it both ways by saying we're hands off but we're not hands off we're like half hands off we're like a couple fingers in oh my God that got a little filthy quite quickly okay all right and they get into jurisdiction then it gets appealed and there is a motion for injunction pending appeal so what Dave Williams is asking for is no meetings until we're done arguing about whether the prohibiting of the meeting that never happened they had a rally instead we're going back to July into the past was valid do you understand my frustration here Nancy can I call you Nancy Todd again maybe there's just something I don't know here what time frames but it seems to me you just already blew it take the L get a jot form account I've just done it there are other accounts doc you sign is cheaper but it's a pain in the ass don't try it I'm telling you right now I had to get a refund fund pay the $129 a month raise the money for it like I did which I'm going to have to do again to file another appeal and and get electronic signatures of 25% of the CRC if you really do have it if you really don't have it then you're not entitled to the meeting if you really do have it you're entitled to the meeting make sure you have Quorum in the votes and if you lose the vote you lost the vote move on this is such nonsense that could just be done by doing it the right way and that is about all I have to say about that I will keep following this case I wrote Arapaho County and asked them for the final the the final filings such as the order dismissing the case which I don't have yet I just learned that from a reporter a reporter sent me the first appell it I'm filing I asked the arapo court if they could point me in the right direction of who I need to start bugging every couple days to cuz I have to buy these pleadings by the way too you don't get them for free um I think it's like 20 cents a page so okay just look but it did help me in my lpco case and I'll start getting and I'll keep reporting on this case but I'm telling you I'm not your parliamentarian quite obviously Nancy and Todd but get one get one and just do things the right way it is so stupid that this is in court there must be like it's so stupid that I'm thinking I have to be missing something have you ever been like what's that meem you know or or or the lady you know doing the the math puzzle so I'll keep you posted you know I like covering these these local things and we didn't have to break out the Colorado code but I'm going to leave all of this down here because I'm sure I'll be doing a followup to this show now I'm going to bring some stuff with me to Orlando but I doubt I will have time now those of you who are just interested in the Republican stuff you can go now I'm only going to be talking about libertarian stuff um there is an lnc meeting this weekend I'm leaving at 5 in the 5:50 in the morning or something tomorrow um we'll be in or uh Miami about 2: in the afternoon um um we have an lnc meeting over the weekend most of the weekend is board training but considering I was the only person specifically called out for why we need board training and why was I called out because I dared to disagree with the chair the lnc member who constantly insults people no that's not a reason we need board training we need board training because you're not allowed to disagree with the chair so for right now until until it's proven otherwise and I and I will be very happy to be proven wrong this weekend is Karen reeducation Karen an re-education Camp Maybe I'm Wrong do I think this lnc is dysfunctional yeah anyone who kisses RFK Jr's ass is dysfunctional when you have a voting block that talks amongst themselves and I've been guilty of that and I've repented of that um yeah it's a dysfunctional board when you try to constantly silence minority voices it's a functional it's a dysfunctional board when you conflate the mis's caucus with the entirety of the libertarian party it's a dysfunctional board do you think any of that will be addressed this weekend if so I would look forward to it with anticipation I'll bring it up and I'll be made to be the bad guy but maybe I'll be pleasantly maybe I will be pleasantly surprised but may that was a long way to say I'll bring some stuff to maybe uh broadcast on if I have any room uh rooms not the right time time if I have any time uh between all of the activities otherwise I'll see you guys next week um I certainly am going to implore you again please become a patron of the show um some persons are some persons dropped off because like I actually was like I said something so revolutionary like we shouldn't kiss RFK Jr's ass and we should actually support our candidates whether or not they were the ones we preferred or not yeah I said like things so revolutionary is that but other people also just have changing Financial situations so I appreciate every single one of you who can do it it's pink flame of Liberty and I hope you have an awesome evening bye-bye you got take that's how we live it don't be mad at the system it's simply how we've existed I hear a lot of people talking like they politicians that choose to be an accountant because it's safe

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