Donald Trump is getting absolutely shredded by vice president kamla Harris's ad game she's got some of the best ad makers in the game on Friday she released three new ads they're so powerful they're targeting swing States let me show you the first one let's play it when Mongol Warriors stormed Ukraine kei's church bells rang a night warning they rang again when ukrainians rallied for democracy today they're warning the world of Putin's threat to Freedom yet Donald Trump Embraces Putin I like Putin he likes sping he picked JD Vance I don't really care what happens to Ukraine but kamla Harris cares she knows standing up to Putin keeps America safe now you'll note that ad is like a remake of the famous 1964 Daisy Girl ad put out by Lyndon B Johnson in the landslide victory over Barry Goldwater powerful stuff here's the next ad that president kamla harrris released exposing Donald Trump's weakness on foreign policy and obsequiousness to Vladimir Putin and contrasting it to her support of Ukraine let's play it centuries ago as Invaders marched from the East a Polish Watchman blew his trumpet to warn his people today Freedom loving polls and ukrainians are warning us of a new threat Donald Trump encouraged Putin to attack our allies no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want but kamla Harris has heard the trumpet call she will defend our brave allies for their freedom and for ours here is the third ad that vice president kamla Harris released on Friday let's play it Mr gorbachov tear down this war and when one man is enslaved all are not free American Presidents Republican and Democrat have always defied Russia's communist dictators and defended American ideals kamla Harris gets this if we stand by while an aggressor invades its neighbor with impunity they will keep going Kamala Harris will stand up to Putin protect our allies and keep us safe following the debate on Tuesday where Donald Trump was defeated handily by vice president kamla Harris she released the following ad as well I think it's really well done just uses what was said at the debate here's what their positions are here play this clip I want to turn to the issue of abortion for 52 years they've been trying to get roie wade into the states I did a great service in doing it it took courage to do it and the Supreme Court had great courage in doing it I have talked with women around our country you want to talk about this is what people wanted pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term suffering from a miscarriage being denied care in an emergency room because the health care providers are afraid they might go to jail and she's bleeding out in a car in the parking lot she didn't want that her husband didn't want that a 12 or 13-year-old Survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term they don't want that I think the American people believe that certain freedoms in particular the freedom to make decisions about one's own body should not be made by the government I'm kamla Harris and I approve this message yeah I thought that was a really strong ad uh leading up to the debate vice president kamla Harris released the number of ads also that I just thought were you know A+ as someone who used to make ads I just think they're really powerful stuff here was the one that she put out leading up to the debate talking about how Donald Trump doesn't have the support of his own former closest advisers let's watch this one let's play it in 2016 Donald Trump said he would choose only the best people to work in his white house now those people have a warning for America Trump is not fit to be president again here's his vice president Anyone who puts thems over the Constitution should never be president of the United States it should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year his defense secretary do you think Trump can be trusted with the nation's Secrets ever again no I mean it's just irresponsible action that places our service members at risk places our nation's security at risk his National Security advisor Donald Trump will cause a lot of damage the only thing he cares about is Donald Trump and the nation's highest ranking military officer we don't take an oath to a king or a queen or a tyrant or a dictator and we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator take it from the people who knew him best Donald Trump is a danger to our troops and our democracy we can't let him lead our country again I'm KLA Harris and I approve this message here's another ad that her campaign team put out I think is again just A+ I mean all of these ads have just been very very powerful let's play it the American people want a president who understands the importance of bringing us together people don't leave my rallies they know we have so much more in common than what separates us people don't go to her rallies and we can chart a new way forward we have the biggest rallies the most incredible rallies in the history of politics I intend to be a president for all [Music] Americans it's tough to keep track of all the transactions we make every month did you know that the average American makes around 70 payments per month honestly I couldn't even guess how much I was spending until I started using rocket money rocket money is a personal finance app that empowers you to save more spend less and take control of your financial life with rocket money you could see all of your checking Savings credit cards and Investments all in one convenient place allowing you to understand your spending Trends rocket money could help you set up a custom budget by identifying top spending categories and suggesting areas where you could adjust your spending habits they'll calculate your monthly spending allowance and alert you when you're close to going over budget so you could save more and spend less I was shocked to see how much I was spending on my phone bill and rock of money 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defend you oh my god Lindsey Graham called it a disaster your team depressed freaked out comma owned you Donald Trump was fired told the truth about your little crowds called out your stupid lies eating the pets you kept taking the bait and she kept winning people are saying you should get out give up she's better than you you keep bragging about how smart you are Concepts have a plan but that debate was a test a cognitive test and you failed here's a third one from the Lincoln project that I really enjoy let's play it vice president Harris was clearly well prepared practiced on the offensive much of the night former president Trump did take a lot of the bait that she threw out she did so well and Trump did so poorly that they want to do that all over again I can't get behind somebody who maybe I agree with certain policies on but their character is atrocious and lacks complete leadership she conveyed the calm she Pro she conveyed a preparation vice president Harris clearly won the debate in terms of her delivery her polish and her preparation the moment of the debate if there was one I think was uh was when she baited him on the rallies people saw oh actually she's an intelligent capable person who has a point of view on issues and she uh she demonstrated that time and again she was composed she was prepared she kept her cool she saw advantages she took them Donald Trump look old tonight this is the difference between someone who's well prepared and someone who's unprepared whoever did debate prep for Donald Trump should be truly a a difficult [Music] night I want to share with you um some of the shorts that we did here at the midest touch Network um you know one of them a series that we've been doing is focusing on Donald Trump's steep cognitive decline and we did one on his steep cognitive decline then we did one on his ignant narcissism let me show you the first one here play [Music] it and my stupid people when I wanted to refute it they said sir don't dignify it with a refle have you been noticing peculiar Behavior recently in someone you know charite someone who mixes fiction and reality the late great hanb Lector he's a wonderful man perhaps someone of advanced age you have known for years did you just see Maduro venezuel it's a unbelievable Venezuelan of course we all have our Goofs but consistently odd behavior can be a sign of frontotemporal dementia a degenerative disease of the frontal and temporal loes of the brain that dramatically impairs cognitive function and there are some Key signs to look out for like slurring words the failing New York Times by anonomous really had an ominous struggling to find the correct words is another sign the Muller report I wish covered the oranges the oranges the oranges of the uh uh investigation you may also notice someone veering into incoherent ideas detached from reality you know what I'd do if there was a Shar or you get electrocuted I'll take electrocution every single time I'm not getting near the shore or an inability to complete simple sentences Saudi Arabia and Russia will we other notable symptoms include impaired motor function such as a wavering limb and decreased balance often accompanied by a signature lean or arched stance if someone you know is demonstrating several or all of these symptoms they are seriously unwell as a matter of safety they must be relieved of critical responsibilities and qualified from any position of authority remember frontotemporal dementia is a degenerative disease cognitive function will never return and will only deteriorate further don't ignore the [Music] signs and now let me show you the next one play it we will be creating so much electricity that you'll be saying please please President we don't want any more electricity we can't stand it you'll be begging me no more electricity sir is someone you're thinking of hiring promising things that sound too good to be true I could stop Wars with a telephone call do their facts and figures not add up actually Beyond a number of 100% it's a much higher number than that but does the candidate seems self-absorbed people have come up to me and they say sir thank you sir thank you sir I want to thank you you've made me a hero to my wife and to my family in all likelihood you've encountered the malignant narcissist malignant narcissism is a severe personality disorder that pairs the self-absorbed behavior of narcissists with the unfeeling manipulation of sociopaths unlike those who simply enjoy recognition from their peers the malignant narcissist is driven by a desire to dominate for personal gain and there are red flags you can look out for like do they have an unrealistic view of their own importance I have been the best president for the black population since Abraham Lincoln do they only regard other people as tools for personal gain I don't care about you I just want your vote I don't care do they lack empathy even for children actually I was only kidding you can get the baby out of here I I think she may believe me that I love having a baby crying while I'm speaking do they speak with an excessive use of superlatives who are the best who are the worst best the worst biggest biggest biggest lowest best best best uh I find it to be about the worst if the candidate you're interviewing exhibits some or all of these red flags trust your instincts and show them the door your organization deserves an employee that can lead with integrity and respect stay vigilant look for the red flags know and that reminds me a lot of the ad that anti- psychopath pack Run by George Conway recently made here's the ad that Conway did I think it's really strong let's play it Donald Trump has never ever been right in the head the late great Hannibal Lector he's a wonderful man and anas really an anas and then they announced there was no by no take a look at the oranges the oranges of the investigation Vel it's if you have a windmill anywhere near your house they say the noise causes cancer I don't know what I said they have voter ID they have ID on everything you buy a loaf of bread you have ID the first non-incumbent the kidney has a very special place in the heart we appreciate it very much Tim Apple injection inside or or almost a cleaning is that an illegal learn more at psychop anti psychopath Pac Inc is responsible for the content of this advertising I think one of the most powerful ads that's playing over and over again right now is the one created by the Republican voters against Trump group they're doing such a good job they've got Billboards everywhere sharing former Trump voter stories about why they're no longer voting for we love doing that here on the Midas touch Network as well their ad is simple it just shows former Trump voters who are not voting for him anymore here watch this powerful stuff I'm a two-time trump voter in 2024 I cannot support Donald Trump trump is 100% responsible for January treatment of women it's just disgusting Trump called servicemen suckers and losers yes Trump has a second term it will be much worse than the firsta Harris is a prosecutor he's a convicted F in 2024 I will be be proudly voting for KLA Harris Republican accountability pack is responsible for the content of this advertising this one to me is really funny as well uh this was post debate vice president K Harris's team using the words of Donald Trump's advisors and then showing his performance and contrasting it to his advisers at the debate let's play it what I can tell you is Donald Trump has been preparing for this his entire life he always is prepared and he's ready to take KLA Harris head on on that state so just yes or no you still do not have a plan I have concepts of a plan president Trump is well prepared for the debate tomorrow night that is right he doesn't need traditional debate prep you have said quote you lost by a whisker that you quote didn't quite make it that you came up a little bit short are are you now acknowledging that you lost in I don't acknowledge that at all I said that sarcastically you know that it we said oh we lost by a whisker that was said sarcastically it's it's imagine like a boxer trying to prepare for Floyd Mayweather or Muhammad Ali they're eating the door dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there I'll show you a video that we made here at the mightest touch Network in 2020 um yeah and I want you to remember that we did this one in 20120 and we were told we were being too extreme when we made this video back then where we talked about how um women who would be seeking reproductive care in other states would be getting arrested and we warned about it we were told we were being too extrem watch this listen everything's going to be okay right just let me do the talking okay just evening ladies license please where you headed oh we're just out for a drive headed to the Border oh no no we were just going up to the uh hey there what's your name Grace are you pregnant Grace step out of the vehicle she does not have show me your hands on the wheels please gra get out of the vehicle on the Wheel [Music] and of course where it all began with the mightest touch network was our video Trump the snake showing that he is the snake and I think as you watch all those videos to me the snake really shows you know who he really was the whole time play this clip who has heard the poem called The Snake my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars well documented and severe Financial downturn in the past year you you know about sexual predators and things like that I mean uh you are one all right and it's more than anger it's hatred they're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists down the path along the lake a tenderhearted woman saw a poor half Frozen State you'll absolutely love Trump Stakes more than 150 former students Alle Trump University was a fraud persistently illegal conduct at the president's charity take me in oh tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman side The Vicious would you denounce what happened in 2016 President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today he withheld the money he withheld the meeting he used it to coerce Ukraine to do these political investigations the American Embassy in Baghdad Under Siege he stroked his pretty skin again and held him tight the Chinese government awarded of unle Trump's brand seven new trademarks they pack of griffus his campaign managers got two condos a a yacht and they're all just leing the campaign that snake gave her a vicious bite the Corona virus this is their new HX the US now leading the world in death no I don't take responsibility at all this is a great success story I have saved you cried the woman and you've bitten me heaven why you know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die we want to terminate Healthcare and then I see the disinfectant you shut up silly woman said the reptile with a grin you knew damn well I was a snake before you took me [Music] [Applause] [Music] in there you have it folks hit subscribe let's get to 4 million subscribers together thanks for watching love this video make sure you stay up to date on the latest breaking news news and all things midest by signing up to the midest touch newsletter at midest newsletter [Music]

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