PBD discuss about Taylor Swift endorse Kamala Harris | Shannon Sharpe Audio Leaks

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:22:55 Category: People & Blogs

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go to the next Story Taylor Swift so Taylor Swift gets up there and she says what she says and after she says it what is the page Rob that shows all the numbers adendum no oh is it on theendum it is on theendum you're right so Taylor Swift goes up there and endorses uh Kamala and all of a sudden 338,000 people go to vote.gov with kamla Harris endorsement so Rob do you have a video of this or is it just a uh um let me see if this is a video or not no I have a video for the Elon Musk uh okay so let me go to this we'll go straight to the video so Taylor Swift endorsement K has led to a surger of 33782 Goo US Government Services Administration spokesperson confirmed that as of 2 p.m. on Wednesday September 11 there have been 337,000 visitors to vot in her Instagram post she wrote I'm voting for k Harris and we know the rest right so that bump of 337,000 people going there and Elon mus decides to respond because of course Elon doesn't have enough kids so encourages something Rob if you want to play what Elon says to her well he tweeted but this is what the internet then created with AI is a photo of Elon and or video of Elon and a pregnant Taylor Swift caylor though kind of I mean just the listen cats are getting a lot of love these days guys yeah they are oh my God that's a problem Rob do you have the Tweet of what he says yeah if you just go to Twitter and just pull up exactly what he says he uh uh he said something in in a you know hey if you want a tenth child I'm here I'd love to have a tenth baby with you I mean he tweets a lot so you're not going to find it I mean space SpaceX just had something they they just had a guy walking outside it just happened yesterday right Rob of what oh SpaceX had a man uh it was the first private space flight yes he said okay fine Taylor you win I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life and by the way Caitlyn Clark likes the post but she was asked was Caitlyn CL Clark asked any question Rob or No Yes here she is being about her end go for it Caitlyn um you liked a an Instagram post last night uh from Taylor Swift that got a lot of attention and I'm just curious if if you could tell us what that post meant to you and if you are in fact potentially going to endorse kamla haris thank you I think for myself is you know I have this amazing platform so I think the biggest thing would be just encourage people to register to vote um I think for myself this the second time I can vote in an election at age 22 I could vote when I was 18 so um I think do that that's the biggest thing I can do with the platform that I have and that's the same thing Taylor did um and I think continue to educate yourself um with the candidates that we have the policies that they're supporting um I think that's the biggest thing you can do and that's what I would recommend to every single person that has that opportunity in our country no Scott okay go to Usher cuz Usher also had a us being pushed and he likes it his way but you know when he was when he was going through it and you know go ahead Rob this is the oldest in this emergency that we're in I think that the who's artist to come out and speak for Camala against Donald Trump because he is an existential threat to the country what do you say to that you know what I don't get too deep into politics I didn't get a chance to watch the debate last night I obviously have been watching uh like everybody else I think voting is an individual choice and I think that you're right you have to look at the reality of the country that we are and the country that we want to be and find the candidate that you feel both are are uh who fits the category of where we want to be um and and that's it and that's what you vote based off of uh who you um highlight and how you choose to highlight it on whatever platform you have is your prerogative yes the question is does does he make her want to leave the one she's with or or start a new relation trp TR you make me want to this is what you do but I don't know I don't know so Usher Caitlyn Taylor Tom do any of these things have any influence on the election you know what's really interesting if a if you were to go take a look at um people that study marketing celebrities sell apparel very well hey I like what that celebrity was wearing I like the Wardrobe they have there look at the sneakers they were wearing in that video wow I want some of that everybody agrees that it's there celebrities have a hard time pushing food because food is a personal choice and they have a very hard time pushing political candidates it's not zero it's not zero but there aren't people sitting at home waiting to find out wow what would Bruce Springstein do Bruce Springstein and Obama had a failed podcast P Bruce was unable to bring the audience Obama's unable to bring the audience and so it's very difficult for celebrities in the political realm to support which is why candidates so often were looking for who did you look for in the old days Governors Mayors and newspapers those were the ones that used to move people what does your local newspaper say what does your Governor say what does your mayor say it was very important to get down ballot support from a leading candidate and to get uh up ballot support if I'm running to be mayor so and celebrities you cannot discount this mob of that follows Taylor Swift you can't discount it but historically quantitatively speaking celebrities have a get paid a lot to be spokespeople but if it's not and I would go makeup with the Kardashians I mean um uh it's just amazing that the amount of product they can move but take a look at what that is you're a wardrobe makeup fashion on that lane man it's it's all about it but when you see that link those swifties were swiftly seeking Swift purchase of Swift swag and they were swiftly disappointed you know swiftly done very Swift well I think it depends on the size of the personality and the magnitude in which they can actually move the needle okay so let's take Caitlyn Clark she's part of the WNBA you know half the league are lesbians no disrespect it's just like out there what do you think they're voting for stop it like it's not even close but she plays in Indiana that's a red state so think she was a little bit media trained Hey listen Caitlyn you're going to be asked about this we know where you stand wink wink but you're also playing Indiana let's just be diplomatic here Usher other than leaving the one he's with black man making a lot of money we see the trend going towards Trump let's be diplomatic you saw how quickly Joy bear like he's an existential threat right right right he's like well listen why do I choose to vote who you go she goes okay I like that flipped real quick but Taylor Swift that that's an there's no nobody comparable to her that can move the needle like Trump generally needs to find a Kim Kardashian type to basically him move the needle let me ask you a question can we just do some math Rob go to Instagram go again and pull up the number what what moved the needle like we keep saying 4 I get that guys but go to number 284 let's do the number guys this is maybe one of the worst like Taylor Swift endorsement on Instagram this may be one of the worst conversion rates in the history of mankind how many people went and register 338,000 let's do 338,000 they didn't register that was the traffic to the site the registrations were never disclosed so this is just traffic it's not even an EXO how many of the 338 you think voted well nobody's voted registered so 338 register go to 338 divided by what what was the number again Rob was it 292 284 284 284 million you know what that is it's a conversion rate of .1 % you know what that is if you offered conversion ratios like this you'd be fired that means no one gives a [ __ ] they just went to the website and left and maybe they you know registered or did something and you know what happens the next day everybody moves on the Instagram post doesn't have wait three weeks from now yeah or 6 weeks from now 8 weeks this is just s weeks from now this is just now this is not as big as people think it is and it's her audience how many those three uh uh how many of those 338 that went for conservatives how many of those 338 that went for Independence how many of those you go to 5% so of the 338 that went the 5% of 338 okay let's just say it's a 05% 16,000 people and then of the 16,000 people that went how many of them do you think were from Big metropolitan cities of blue City places how many of them you think were California New York Illinois how many of them you think were places like that okay those states don't matter anyways so then you really take that 16,900 people that are independent or even have any kind of a influence in this and you really you go down to from the 50 states and you go to Pennsylvania you go to Ohio you go to whatever whatever Georgia Arizona Nevada and you know what happens where they're needed what what is the population of Georgia Arizona Nevada Rob go to Georgia Arizona Nevada what is the population of Georgia Arizona and Nevada let's just write it down real quick and we're going to do basic math here guys this is the stuff that you know it's that's what 10.91 is who Georgia 11 for Georgia go to Nevada what's Nevada's population who is that say uh that's who Nevada 3.2 okay 3 million let's just say 3.2 million what's the next one and just do uh uh Arizona 7.5 okay let's do 7.5 guys you know what that is it's 22 million people right there what's 22 million divided by what's 22 million divided by 340 million okay 22 million divided 340 million is 0.64% so we're now down to the 16,700 so now let's go to 060 6 so you know what she really moved it's 1,80 people that's crazy did you guys get how I did the math this is not a big this is not like a revolutionary and then we even if we go to counties that matter if we go even more specific it's really 300 people that's it it's 300 people what's 300 people almost the amount of people that we have when we do a live podcast that's it's not that big of a number this thing is not done this thing is going to require constant hitting and you're not going to win every day do you remember the week when I said this could have been the best week Trump sat for the last 18 months yes what was the week after he got shot RFK tulsy shot you know it was Tulsi RFK was one other thing Zuckerberg Zuckerberg said the fact that yes we did this he never once brought up Zuckerberg like he never like dude somebody needs to sit there president like right before it's a stage president just want to remind you bring it up that they the assassination attempt was just seven weeks ago bring it up what Zuckerberg said bring it up what Biden and Kamala did that they forced him bring not want bring can you please bring these five things up this is you got to bring these the Border bring these five things up if they're not going to bring it up you bring it up bring these things up it's all needs to happen little bit more preparation to adjust and then go freaking campaign cuz she ain't going to campaign you think she's going to do campaign TR oh she's going to do campaign with what no by the way B Biden was campaigning yesterday for her you know what he did pull up this is how Biden is helping her out Hey Joe hey hey hey hey Kitty hey hey Kitty hey what is he call her Hey kid hey K Hey kid I'm going to go help you win this election I'm going campaign for you rob do you have the uh this is this is how President Biden was campaigning for Kamala yesterday to help her you think they want him on the road play this clip there you go man got guys we a trump hat want my hell no hell no the that man is officially the hottest item local City Bar look at that oh my God look at that endorsement look at the Secret Service guy trying to grab it you saw a secret service gu like get out of here Mr President that's radioactive it's a joke I know but he got but it's a photo opportunity look it's nice you don't do this no no no you don't do this you don't even mess around like this Adam He's So Gone thing the camp is saying Camp is like can you guys make sure listen they he said your your boss is on vacation 40% % of their time they're probably going to be saying Biden take the next two months off please don't take the next two months off just go to Delaware chill out kick back relax enjoy the ride listen to some 30s music 40s music and just just do your thing you know it's scary that you mentioned the assassination and the time I'm sorry I I don't know you want to say something if Trump gets shot and killed they're still with Biden right now there's no comma and Joe Biden is still the guy that's running against who who whoever he we're still living in Obama's third term I get exactly so we'll close the book on endorsement with a quick PG oor and Hunter S Thompson talked about Rock the vote from 2004 2008 Y and they talked in Rolling Stone magazine that they had spent all this effort all this energy to do this to do get Rock the vote Rock the vote Rock the vote and get artists to volunteer time and companies volunteered and donated money so they could put the stages together and Rock the vote and then they came back and Hunter S Thompson was famous for saying the little bastards thought it was the summer concert tour they didn't know we wanted them to get home and get to work so and they had spent all that money on it and they felt that they got nothing out of it and Bush was reelected W was reelected and so you can go back to the anals of time of people trying to get endorsements celebrity endorsements don't give you the traction you think and pbd just took us through the math of what probably is a very very negligible impact by the way this is why I'm a big fan of PJ oror great nephew Bert oror Robert oror is the best what a fantastic guy he ising shout out to Robert Robert oror in the house actually PG oror the late PJ oror got rest of Soul wrote a great book about our government you should read it's called parliament of [ __ ] and it was um gez no no you should go look at it it's a it's a great book okay good but what's who's the type of person that actually changes or decides their vote because their favorite celebrity encourages them to do that like who is that person I would I would venture to guess I would call useful idiots because the reality is an 18-year-old freshman at Cal Berkeley who's just hearing this for the first time of her life has the exact same amount of votes as a 46-year-old businessman entrepreneur in Florida I don't know I know of you and everyone has a vote and the useful idiots will get swayed by Taylor and her merch and all it takes is a couple thousand find me 12,000 votes all it takes is a couple different votes to change an election and that's reality and I mean the Democrats think about it if you think about Democrats have Hollywood Music athletes everybody on the left and the media goes for vote vote vote who does uh uh Donald Trump have Kid Rock he has Kid Rock and like you always say those people are already voting for you Dana UFC people they're already voting for you that crossover I mean cuz think about Hollywood you're never going to have an artist come on and be like I love Donald Trump cuz their career is finished all right let's transition into a complete different story here guys I mean this this this kind of stuff happens to all of us how many of you like be honest how many of you are having a good time with your girl or your wife or your boyfriend your husband and you know sometimes your butt or your hand or your elbow hits the live button I mean we've all done it before Instagram very normal thing all the time on Instagram because if we actually go on Instagram and and you use the app first here's what needs to happen your phone first has to be unlocked number one okay Mr Club Shay first PL put guys if if your kids are watching I'm just telling you right now you may want to give them a break in ear Ms for the next I'll give you 5 Seconds what I'm about to play is Shannon Sharp's Instagram live not it's it's sitting on the bed and it's under looking at the ceiling but on the background there's background noise it's kind of like the one from the movie Rainman when Raymond realizes his brother is getting it on in the other room is is Raymond here orli s field and Forest scum yeah exactly go Okay so we've given enough of a warning go ahead and play this go ahead [Music] Rob okay you can pause that's you get the idea so now now by the way that's all we need Rob do me a favor play is this him and uh uh is this him and ooo so this is where Channon sharp addresses that the uh recording was put out okay go ahead how long is this one here cuz I this one's we have a bunch of short clips this one's 2 minutes I hear I hear most of them are 2 minutes is what I'm hearing cuz he initially said he was hacked go by the way the recording was only two minutes cuz long go ahead Rob event that happened today um look at this obviously I'm embarrassed um someone that is extremely extremely private um and to have one of your most intimate details the audio heard for the entire world to hear um I'm embarrassed for a number of reasons um people count on Shannon Rob go to I mean I get what he's doing and just I want to see you try to you try to make light of it nobody no nobody was harm in making of this audio except for the girl no animals were harmed I don't know except yeah exactly he's about to say except for you know she might had to put a little ice pack down there but she good otherwise she's going for it you know you play a hard game you ice basketball players ice they knees they ice their ankles elbows and stuff like that up know up and down football does he say what does he say hey she might be in the Epona right now huh hey in the EPA right now watching watching watching the show hey Michelle all right heal up sweetie heal up up he put He put her name out there he say at least it's not yes here's another one uh this is cuz I sent you on Rob he he says Cat Williams calls him was I was I was upset but then I also remembered that you're not very good or you're not very technically Savvy with phones and computer equipment and all that stuff so I gave you a little Grace but I I was still a little upset I was a little hurt but the fact that it was a Michelle and not a Michael God that's my dog Jes never never been a Michael that's myg by the way is this Cat Williams is this is um him talking about the phone call he received from C from C Williams go ahead minute five minutes before I came on phone rings it's Cat Cat Williams what's up the first thing out of his mouth guess what he said Oho W you ain't gay today so think about the irony listen uh you know I'm an extremely private person yeah so there I am you know on camera out there talking about it on a podcast right now live to the world I'm extremely private though I wouldn't talk about that then she's ice packing herself Michelle right ain't that right put your business out there but I'm extremely private I would never tell the story to the world thing guys let me just let me just kind of take is it there Shar how often is your is your phone closed with what do you call it with uh password protected how often all the time all the okay but let's just say he's picking the music I didn't hear any music playing in the back okay all right so there's no music so here's a step process let's go through to accidentally press live okay Tom I want you to see this here Tom okay I first I got to go up then I got to go load okay then after I look I have to find my Instagram app and it has to press perfectly on Instagram then I go on Instagram app then I have to swipe left okay look how perfect they have to then here I have to press live then when I press live I have to press live and then it ask you are you sure to go live right so if it's like a seven step come on bro come on on man come on man I get it he pulled off a Kim Kardashian and he's trending and by the way two if you want to get rid of any gay rumors that's exactly what you do and and and not only that he's a single guy yeah you can do whatever he wants you can say whatever you want he did not commit a crime he thinks he did but he did not commit a crime crime and uh it is what it is but at the same time come on bro come on man come on man come on man come oning never never tempt to network how Adam just went through it to make sure it never happens how many steps did it take you man I'm I'm blocked from Instagram live can't even do it um how much will this affect his career zero you don't think so no zero he can start only fans right now blow only fans you don't think this will be uh do anything this is not what Paul Pierce did what did Paul I forgot what he did you guys are joking I forgot go pull up why Paul ESP and Fir Paul Paul you guys are joking I remember he had some sex t or there was talk Paul Pierce was doing an Instagram live talking about we got prostitute oh he was at the strip club or something like that no no no in his house calling girls over paying them and all that stuff oh so he just went there and he got fired the like 5 years ago something like that not 5 years ago it's like 2 years ago three years ago it's not that long ago don't Don't Damn yeah so hey Pat shootter shoot man yeah they got to put the ball in the hole it is it is what it is I'm not saying anything what year was that all I'm saying is four years no years ago yeah not less two years ago two and a half years ago poers doesn't sound upset at all about stripper video that led to ESPN firing that's that's what happened there so anyway so that's that now um we just cover that story

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