HUMAN Mechanic Repaired an Alien Guardian BEAST But What Happened NEXT Shocked Everyone. HFY Review

the planet cilia was a wasteland of abandoned ships wrecked technology and forgotten machinery for Tom Bannon a seasoned human mechanic it was a treasure Trove he roamed the scrapyards of kilia daily davening parts to fix or sell on a particularly uneventful afternoon Tom came across something extraordinary a half buried alien machine unlike any he had ever seen before it once polished surface was dulled by age and grime but its design was sleek and ancient A Relic from a forgotten era as Tom brushed away the dirt he recognized it as an egis 7 Guardian a rare piece of technology believed to be long extinct these Guardians were the Protectors of ancient civilizations beings of immense power and advanced intelligent Tom had heard stories of them but finding one especially in a place like kilia was unheard of intrigued and sensing an opportunity Tom decided to haul the massive robot back to his Workshop it was a laborious task requiring several makeshift hoists and pulleys but eventually The Relic found its way into Tom's Garage he wiped the sweat from his brow and stood back admiring the guardian's dormant form this is going to be one hell of a challenge he muttered to himself but if I can bring this thing back to life Pal's mind raced with possibilities repairing the guardian would be no easy feat but the thought of resurrecting such a legendary piece of technology filled him with excitement and so without hesitation he began his work unaware of just how much his life was about to change pal spent days studying the age of seven dismantling its outer casing to reveal the intricate technology within it was unlike anything he had worked on before alien circuitry complex neural Pathways and a power core so Advanced that Tom couldn't even begin to comprehend its full capabilities still he pressed on driven by a mixture of curiosity and ambition after nearly a week of non-stop work Tom finally made a breakthrough he managed to reroute power to the Guardians core bypassing several damage systems in the process the workshop hummed with energy as the guardian systems flickered to life for the first time in Century B held his breath watching as the massive machine stirred its eyes two glowing orbs blinked on casting a soft blue light across the room slowly it began to move joints creaking as it shifted wait then to Tom's shock the guardian spoke system reboot complete functionality at 65% awaiting further instructions Tom took a step back both amazed and apprehensive he had done it he had revived an age of s Guardian but what truly stunned him was the guardian's next words thank you Tom Bannon the guardian said its voice deep and resonant you have restored me I am in your debt Tom blinked trying to process what he had just heard the guardian an ancient protector of Worlds was thanking him a human mechanic from a Backwater Planet he had expected it to be functional perhaps even responsive but this level of gratitude and intelligence was beyond anything he could have imagined you're welcome Tom stammered still in disbelief the guardian nodded its eyes focusing on Tom I am designated ages seven my purpose is to protect and serve how may I assist you Tom Bannon for the first time in his life Tom felt truly AED by the machine before him he had revived more than just an ancient Relic he had brought back a sensient being capable of thought and emotion what ban as a simple repair job had transformed into something far greater um smiled well I guess we've got a lot to talk about don't we and so the mechanic and the guardian began their unlikely partnership one that would soon Captivate not just Tom's small Workshop but the entire galaxy in the days following the Guardians Revival Tom and AIS 7 who Tom affectionally called guardi developed an unusual partnership as Tom worked on restoring guardi to full functionality the guardian would assist him offering insight into its complex systems and explaining ancient technologies that had been lost to Time Pal was astonished not just by guard's capabilities but by its evolving personality wasn't just a machine following command gardy expressed genuine curiosity about the state of the Galaxy and seemed genuinely thankful for being brought back to life the Gratitude gy displayed was both unexpected and disarming one afternoon as Tom tinkered with guard's power core the guardian spoke again its voice resonant gentle you have done more than restore my systems Tom Bannon you have given me purpose once more I was created to serve to protect and now I find myself in your care how may I repay the debt I owe you Tom looked up from his tools surprised debt you don't owe me anything I just did what I do fix thing B's eyes flickered softly you do not understand my creators long extinct believed in the sanctity of life and purpose without a directive I am lost by restoring me you have granted me a new directive one that I choose protect you as I once protected my creators Tom laughed though it was tinged with disbelief you want to protect me I'm just a mechanic there's no Galactic threat coming my way perhaps not Ry replied but a protector's duty is not only in times of peril it is to ensure that those they care for May Live freely without fear tomk laughter faded as he considered the seriousness of gardy's words this wasn't just a machine guardi was more than that it was a being who had chosen to dedicate itself to him not out of obligation but out of genuine loyalty the realization hit him hard he had gained a companion in a way he had never anticipated well I guess having you around isn't such a bad idea om said with a grin but don't feel like you've got to protect me all the time we're Partners now all right Partners cardi repeated a rare warmth in its mechanical voice I like that as their bond grew it became clear that this partnership was about to extend far beyond the walls of Tom's humble Workshop word of Tom's incredible Discovery spread faster than he could have imagined it started with a few traitors who passed through cilia marveling at the sight of an operational eg7 Guardian walking the scrapyards they shared their stories with others and soon rumors began circulating throughout the Galaxy about a human mechanic who had revived one of the most powerful ancient machines known to exist it wasn't long before alien delegations began arriving on cilia drawn by curiosity and a sense of concern the agis seven Guardians were not just protectors they were symbols of advanced technology from a forgotten era and their reactivation posed questions about their potential power some were in awe of the technological feat While others saw it as a Potential Threat one day Tom's Workshop was visited by a small group of ambassadors from the galactic Council a governing body representing various star system Tom was in the middle of fine-tuning one of gard's energy stabilizers when they entered dressed in ornate robes and flanked by security Personnel the ambassador's arrival was as official as it was unexpected um Bannon one of them asked her voice calm but authoritative we represent the galactic Council we've heard about your remarkable accomplishment and we would like to see it for ourselves Tom straightened up wiping the grease from his hands onto his jumpsuit he wasn't exactly accustomed to formalities but he nodded politely sure come on in gard's right here gardy standing nearby regarded the newcomers with an unreadable expression welcome ambassadors how may I assist you the lead ambassador's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the Towering machine incredible she muttered we didn't believe the rumors but here you are an egis 7 fully operational after centuries Tom Shrugged trying to keep things light yep managed to get it up and running again guard's been a real help around here the Ambassador still stunned to Tom do you understand the significance of what you've done the AG of 7 models were considered the Pinnacle of ancient defense technology they were Protectors of entire civilizations Reviving one it's an unprecedented event an scratched the back of his neck I'm starting to realize that but guard's not just some War Machine it's more than that the Ambassador nodded though there was a hint of caution in her eyes we need to assess the situation Tom the galactic Council will want to know what this means for the balance of power in the Galaxy an egis 7 at full strength could tip the scales in ways we can't predict gardy's voice cut through the tension Al and measured I am here to protect I do not seek power nor do I wish to disrupt the piece of the Galaxy my directive is now aligned with Tom Bannon the ambassadors exchanged glan clearly uncertain about the implications of what they were witnessing they weren't the only ones who had heard of gardy's Revival and not everyone might be so willing to let such a powerful machine remain in the hands of an unassuming human mechanic as the ambassadors left promising to report their findings to the council Tom sighed feeling the weight of their concerns well that went better than I expected he muttered glancing up at gardi we will face many more visitors I suspect gardy replied but together we can handle whatever comes B nodded realizing that their partnership was now under the scrutiny of the entire galaxy what started as a simple repair job had turned into something far more significant and he knew they would have to navigate whatever challenges lay ahead the buzz surrounding the revived Eis 7 Guardian spread like wildfire across the Galaxy and it wasn't long before alien emissaries curious diplomats and influential figures began flocking to cilia Tom's small humble Workshop came a hot spot for visitors who had traveled light years to witness the Marvel of an ancient machine revived by a human mechanic Tom found himself overwhelmed he was no celebrity nor had he ever imagined being at the center of such Intergalactic attention the first few visitors were merchants and fellow mechanics who came to see the machine for its technical Ingenuity but as the news spread more influential parties arrived powerful alien leaders high-ranking officials from the galactic Council and Scholars eager to study the age of seven one delegation representing the planet galara arrived with a contingent of scientists and military personnel their leader a tall imposing Alien named Commander Ron approached Tom with an air of caution and admiration Tom Bannon the human mechanic R said extending a hand in greeting though his eyes were fixated on guardi I have heard much about you you have done something unprecedented um ever humble shook his hand I'm just a mechanic who got lucky with the right tools and a bit of persistence didn't expect it to blow up like this Ram glanced at gardi who stood silently beside Tom its glowing eyes calmly observing the visitors you must understand the implications of Reviving in egis 7 these machines once defended entire civilizations their knowledge of warfare strategy and defense is unparalleled how can we be sure this one doesn't pose a threat Tom shifted uneasily he knew this question would come sooner or later gardi isn't some weapon looking for a fight it's a protector and it's loyal to me we've spent a lot of time together I've seen how it operates and it's not here to cause harm Ron nodded but didn't seem entirely convinced forgive me if I seem wary our history with ages 7 models is one of both admiration and fear these Guardians were powerful and power can be dangerous when misunderstood guardy who had remained silent finally spoke I seek only to protect my primary directive is to preserve life and ensure peace as it was with my creators my allegiance is with Tom Bannon and I will defend him as long as I function Ron seemed to study guard's words the skepticism slowly fading from his expression perhaps I have underestimated the bond between you and your guardian Ron said thought but be warned there are others who may not see it that way as the delegation left Tom let out of breath he hadn't realized he was holding seems like not everyone's thrilled with you guardy their caution is understandable Ry replied power even when used for good often met with fear pal nodded realizing that the attention guardy had attracted might not always be positive they had to be careful moving forward as not everyone would share their view of peace and protection as more alien leaders and delegations visited cilia pressure began to mount while many were in awe of tomk accomplishment and expressed genuine interest in learning more about the ancient technology others were far more suspicious they saw gardi as a potential weapon an unpredictable force that could be exploited or Worse misused one day as Tom Was preparing for yet another visit from a galactic faction a small ship landed near his Workshop unlike the official delegations this ship had no Insignia or formal mark ings Tom's instincts told him something was off but he went out to greet the visitors nonetheless a group of figures emerged their faces concealed by dark cloak the leader stepped forward his voice low and deliberate Tom Bannon you've become quite famous across the Galaxy Tom narrowed his eyes I've been getting that a lot lately who are you we represent a group concerned with the balance of power eer said the age of seven you've revived is a relic of immense power to much power for one man tooo much for a human mechanic Palm stiffened guardi isn't a weapon tear to help teched the leader sneered that's what you think but we've seen what happens when power Like This falls into the wrong hands you may have good intentions others will come for it we're here to make sure that doesn't happen Tom took a step back Bart pounding what exactly are you saying we're offering you a choice the leader continued Bo cold hand over the guardian to us and we'll make sure it's kept under control refuse and we'll take it by force at that moment guardi appeared from the workshop its presence towering and commanding its glowing eyes locked onto The Intruders leave gardi said firmly I will not allow harm to come to Tom Bannon the leader took a step back clearly startled by guard's sudden appearance you're making a mistake Bannon this machine will only bring you TR Tom stood his ground his pulse racing guardi isn't going anywhere if you think you can take it you're wrong seeing that they were outmatched the group retreated to their ship though their parting words echoed ominously in the air you've made a powerful enemy today this isn't over as the ship took off Tom felt a knot of anxiety tighten in his chest the visitors had made it clear that not everyone would approach with peace in mind he turned to gardi whose eyes still glowed with a protective int intensity that could have gone badly Al muttered they will return gardi said its voice calm but unwavering they see me as a threat we must be prepared Tom knew guardy was right the stakes had just gotten higher what began as a project to revive a relic of the past had turned into a much larger conflict one that involved the balance of power across the Galax as the tension mounted Tom realized that their peaceful existence was in jeopard he wasn't sure what lay ahead but he knew one thing for certain he and gardy would face it together it didn't take long for the ominous warning from the mysterious visitors to turn into reality only a few days after the encounter late one evening Palm was working late in the workshop when guard's sensors suddenly activated the guardian's eyes flickered and it turned toward the sky unidentified ships approaching gardy stated its voice calm but serious hostile intent detect it Tom's heart leaped into his throat he sprinted outside just in time to see the ships descending on cilia's atmosphere dark and Sleek their forms were unmistakably designed for combat The Intruders had returned and this time they were prepared for a fight before Tom could react the ships fired a barrage of energy blasts aimed directly at the workshop gardi sprang into action activating a protective energy Shield that enveloped the entire building the explosion ions Ricochet off the shield bending shock waves Rippling through the area but gardi remained steadfast absorbing the brunt of the assault they're not holding back this time Tom muttered tart racing as the ground shook beneath his feet gardy's eyes glowed brightly as it calculated the next move defensive measures activated I will disable their ships without causing permanent damage stay behind me Tom nodded his trust in guardi unwavering the guardian extended its arm launching a series of targeted pulses into the sky the pulses struck the enemy ships with Precision short Circ in their systems and disabling their engines one by one the ships faltered falling to the ground with a heavy thud unable to continue their assault the attackers realizing they were outmatched quickly retreated Tom watched as the last of the ships limped away their engines flickering as they fled relief flooded through him but the reality of the situation quickly set in the attack had been close too close whoever had sent these forces was determined to capture guardy and they wouldn't give up easily guardi turned to Tom its eyes dimming slightly we have repelled the attack for now but this will not be the last they will return with greater force Tom clenched his fists his mind racing we need help we can't keep doing this alone gardy nodded in agreement I have transmitted a message to the galactic Council they must be made aware of this threat as the dust settled Tom realized that his quiet Life as a mechanic was long gone the Galaxy had changed around him and with guardi by his side he had become part of something much bigger the battle for control of the Guardian was only beginning and he knew they had to be prepared for whatever came next a few days after the attack amen gard's plea for help was answered the galactic Council recognizing the growing threat posed by those seeking to capture gardi then a delegation of peacekeepers and diplomats to cilia the ships that arrived were peaceful marked by the councils in signia and their arrival brought a wave of relief uh among the arriving forces was a familiar face Commander Ron the galaran leader who had visited Tom's Workshop weeks earlier Ron stepped forward as the peacekeepers disembarked his expression serious but respectful Tom Bannon Ron greeted nodding toward gardy it seems the situation has escalated faster than we anticipated Tom sighed nodding as he met Ron's gaze you could say that they're not messing around they came back with a full Strike Force Ron's eyes flickered toward gardi who stood tall and Vigilant we've received reports from our Scouts there are factions out there mercenaries Warlords and Shadow organizations who see your guardian as the Ultimate Weapon we've been monitoring their movements and it seems they gathering strength B's stomach Twisted at the thought he hadn't realized just how valuable guard he was to some of the Galaxy's most dangerous forces what do we do now we've come to help Ron replied Bo firm the galactic Council believes that guard's restoration represents not only a technological breakthrough but a symbol of peace and cooperation we'll protect you but we need to do more than just defend against these attacks Tom glanced at gardy who nodded in agreement what do you suggest Ron's expression softened we need to take the fight to them identify the leaders of these Rogue factions and stop them before they can strike again but we can't do it without your help Tom felt a surge of determination for the first time since the attacks had begun felt like he had a real plan he turned to gardy whose eyes glowed brighter in approval we with you I'm said letun do this over the next few days Tom guardy and the council's forces began preparing for a counter offensive using guard's Advanced scanning and tracking abilities they located the Rogue faction's base of operations an outpost hidden deep in the asteroid fields of the outer rim the plan was simple Infiltrate The Outpost disable their forces and neutralize the leaders before they could launch another attack as Tom and gardy boarded one of the council's ships Tom couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety this wasn't just about defending his Workshop anymore it was about ending the threat good and though he had never thought of himself as a fighter he knew that with guardi by his side they could accomplish the impossible as the ship took off heading for the Outer Rim Tom glanced at gardi ready for this I was created to protect Ry replied its voice calm and Resolute I will protect you Tom Bannon and we will protect the Galaxy together Tom smiled feeling a surge of confidence for the first time in his life he was part of something bigger a mission that could change the course of Galactic history with guardy at his side he knew they wouldn't fail the journey ahead was dangerous but Tom felt ready together they were about to face their greatest challenge yet the galactic council's ship glided silently through the vast expanse of the outer rim its Sleek design blending into the asteroid field that surrounded them inside the control room Tom stood with Commander Ron staring at the approaching coordinates on the holographic map gardi remained ever Vigilant beside them its sensors continuously scanning for any sign of enemy activity their mission was simple but dangerous strike at the heart of the Rogue factions operations before they could organize another attack The Outpost hidden deep within a cluster of asteroids had served as a base for various mercenary groups all of whom now had their sights set on capturing gardi Tom felt the weight of the mission pressing down on him this wasn't just about defending his Workshop anymore it was about putting an end to a looming threat that could plunge the Galaxy into chaos approaching Target Ron said his voice steady despite the tension in the air once we get close enough we'll deploy a Strike Team to infiltrate the base Tom nodded feeling a mixture of anxiety and determination he wasn't a soldier he was a mechanic but in the past few months he had been thrust into a conflict far beyond his expectations his partnership with gardi had changed everything as the ship slowed to a crawl hiding behind one of the larger asteroids um turned to gardi what do you see gardy's eyes flickered as it processed the data multiple life forms detected within the Outpost defensive systems are operational but appear to be of standard design I can disable their power grid upon infiltration ran activated a small hollow screen displaying the layout of the enemy basee if guardy can take out the power grid we'll have the upper hand our team will neutralize any resistance and will capture their leaders the plan seemed sound Tom couldn't shake the feeling that something would go wrong it always did in these kinds of situations still he trusted gardy more than anyone else in the Galaxy as the Strike Team prepared to deploy pal found himself suiting up in light armor provided by the council the wasn't going to sit this one out gardy Stood Beside him its towering form a reminder that no matter what happened he wasn't alone when the doors of the ship slid open revealing the cold black expanse of space dotted with asteroids the team moved quickly using small maneuvering thrusters they crossed the distance between the ship and The Outpost Landing silently on its surface the team made their way to a hidden entrance and as soon as they were inside the mission began in earnest guardi immediately interfaced with the outposts Power Systems bypassing security protocols with ease I will disable their power grid now it said its voice echoing through Tom's comms within moments the lights in The Outpost flickered and the sound of systems powering down reverberated through the Halls chaos erupted within the base as the Rogue forces scrambled to respond Ron signaled to the team move in they surged forward sweeping through the out posts corridors neutralizing guards and securing tea locations Tom followed closely behind gardy part pounding as they made their way deeper into the base air was thick with tension and every step felt like it could be their last as they reached the central control room the door slid open to reveal the leaders of the Rogue faction group of hardened mercenaries and Warlords all of whom turned to face The Intruders with cold calculating stairs you've made a mistake St coming here the leader growled a scarred alien with piercing red eyes that machine belongs to us P stepped forward his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him gardi belongs to no one we're here to end this leader sneered you think you can stop us that Guardian will be ours one way or another before the mercenary could act guardy stepped forward his voice filled with quiet Authority I am not a weapon to be owned I exist to protect and I will protect Tom Bannon and those who seek PE with that gardy raised its arm unleashing a non-lethal pulse that incapacitated the leaders rendering them unconscious the Strike Team quickly secured the room cuffing The Mercenaries and taking control of the base it was over as the dust settled in the control room Tom stood over the subdued mercenary leaders his pulse slowly returning to normal the mission had been a success but the reality of what they had accomplished was just beginning to sink in they had neutralized the immediate threat Tom knew this wasn't the end there were always others other factions other power hungry Warlords who would stop at nothing to claim a piece of technology as powerful as guardy Mander Ron standing beside Tom seemed to share his thoughts we've won this battle but it's only a matter of time before someone else comes after The Guardian as long as that power exists there will be those who want to control it pal side looking up at gardi who remained silent but ever watchful so what do we do we can't just keep fighting forever Ron's expression softened no we can't but maybe we don't have to the galactic council is prepared to offer you protection a safe place where you and guardi can continue your work without fear of attack there are worlds beyond the reach of these mercenaries places where you could build a life without constantly looking over your shoulder Tom considered the offer it was tempting e finally after all the chaos something about it didn't sit right gardy wasn't meant to be hidden away and neither was Tom they had been given this incredible gift this partnership and they couldn't just run from the responsibility that came with it we appreciate the offer um said slowly but hiding isn't the answer guardy and I we have a purpose now there's more we can do out here help people protect those who can't protect themselves that's what guardi was created for Ron nodded a look of respect Crossing his face you're right you're more than just a mechanic now Tom you've shown us that power doesn't have to corrupt can be used for good as they returned to the ship preparing to leave the now neutralized Outpost Tom couldn't help but feel a sense of Pride they had faced down one of the Galaxy's most dangerous factions and come out on top but more importantly they had sh the Galaxy that power wasn't about control was about protecting those who needed it most as the ship took off leaving the outer rim behind Tom glanced at gardi you ready for what's next gard's eyes glowed softly filled with the same unwavering resolve that had guided them from the beginning I will always be ready am Bannon together we will protect the Galaxy Tom smiled feeling more certain than ever that their Journey was far from over there would be more challenges ahead more dangers lurking in the shadows with gardi by his side he knew they could face whatever came their way together they had become something more than mechanic and machine or protector and they weren't done yet the journey back from the outer rim felt different to Tom there was a sense of Victory yes but also a deeper understanding of the road ahead the mission had proven they could fight back against those who wanted to exploit gardy but it also showed how vulnerable they were to the constant dangers lurking in the Galaxy as they returned to cilia the galactic Council sent a message ahead notifying Tom that they wanted to discuss the future Tom knew this would be no ordinary conversation it was about more than just him and guardi it was about the Galaxy and the way forward the council met him and guardi in a private chamber the room filled with holographic images of the Galaxy's most powerful leaders among them was commander Ron whose respect for Tom had grown since the recent Mission Tom Bannon one of the council members began your efforts have not gone unnoticed you have restored an ancient Guardian protected it and used its abilities to help those in need this is no small Fe Tom nodded humbly I didn't do it alone guardi has been the one guiding me through all of this council member smiled softly yes and that brings us to why we've called you here here the Galaxy is changing and power as you've experienced firsthand is sought by those who wish to control rather than protect we believe you and guardi represent something different a new kind of Alliance one that could lead to peace and cooperation across the Stars I'm blinked lightly taken aback what are you suggesting Commander Ron stepped forward we offering you the chance to lead a new initiative a galactic peacekeeping force not driven by conquest or domination but by the principles you've demonstrated guardi will be at the heart of it but you Tom will be its guide together you could help maintain balance in the Galaxy prevent factions like the one we just defeated from rising again Tom was silent for a moment processing the enormity of what was being asked he had never envisioned himself as a leader or a figurehead for a cause he was a mechanic Problem Solver not a commander but then he glanced at guardi Standing Tall and ever watchful beside him the guardian had been created to protect to serve and had chosen Tom to share in that purpose together they had already accomplished so much maybe there was more they could do Tom exhaled slowly I'm no Soldier and I'm definitely no leader but if guard's with me and if we can really make a difference then I'm in the council members exchanged glances their expressions approving very well Tom Bannon you will have our full support a new era begins today the days that followed were a whirlwind of preparation the galactic Council set up a base of operations for the new peacekeeping force on a remote neutral Planet Tom gardi and a team of Specialists worked to build a network of allies alien Engineers mechanics soldiers and scientists each one dedicated to the same goal protecting the Galaxy from those who sought to disrupt peace as word spread of the new initiative more people came forward to offer their help Tom's reputation had grown and with it came a sense of hope future gardy as always stood as the silent Sentinel its very presence inspiring confidence in those around them but with success came more challenges rumors of new factions emerging from the farthest reaches of the Galaxy began to circulate mercenaries Warlords and corporations that once thrived on conflict were now feeling threatened by this new force of Peace Tom knew that the battles they had fought only the beginning and the path forward would not be easy one evening as the base quieted down and the stars sparkled in the distant Sky Tom and gardy stood on the edge of the plat overlooking the world they now called home can't believe how far we've come Tom said a mix of awe and pride in his voice from that scrapyard on cilia to this gardy's glowing eyes turned toward Tom our journey has only just begun Tom Bannon there are many more who need protection and many more threats to face together we will ensure peace prevails Tom smiled feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders but also a sense of purpose he had never felt before he wasn't just a mechanic anymore and guardi wasn't just an ancient machine they were Partners Guardians in every sense of the word as the stars twinkled above Tom realized that no matter what challenges awaited them they were ready the Galaxy was vast and dangerous but with gardi by his side he felt capable of taking on whatever came their way yeah Tom said quietly his gaze fixed on the horizon together we can face anything and so Tom Bannon the once humble mechanic and guardy the ancient protector set out to do what they had always done fix what was broken protect those who couldn't protect themselves and remind the Galaxy that hope cooperation and loyalty could be the strongest forces of all their legac y as Guardians had just begun and the Galaxy would never be the same again

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