Noah Eagle Talks Olympic Journey With Dwyane Wade & More

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:34:27 Category: Sports

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[Music] it's my absolute pleasure to bring in a great friend Noah Eagle uh who has been on your television doing everything all summer the next time he'll be on your television is Friday night in Brazil on peacock where he will call Packers Eagles uh the uh one of three games that uh your family of networks has this weekend uh Noah Eagle how are you man are you must be tired definitely a little tired but pushing through you know nobody what's the the great quote for Michael Keaton and the other guys uh yeah I don't want no scrubs yeah that was TLC you waterfalls you know also TLC uh he didn't recognize that but yeah I I we just we just pushed through man you know how this is you know how we're we're wired and excited to to get another awesome assignment that's that's really what the the big thing is here so three NFL games including then the College Football Saturday on top of that I mean it is going to be a special week of football not just on NBC but all around the country no doubt about it uh you guys have the Thursday night opener as well and of course Sunday Night Football as scheduled we'll get back to the football in a second but I I'm just so curious because you know we were over there in France we tried to get together in Paris our schedules didn't align because you were quite busy calling men's and women's basketball and I I you know I'm just curious like what it was like for you we haven't actually caught up so this this is a real conversation between friends that's happening into microphones that people get to hear but like the experience of calling it especially the men's with Dwayne someone that I'm sure we close enough in age that we both grew up watching uh including in the Olympics and being arguably the best player on that 08 team in terms of performance what was it like to go through that process with him and and especially I think the thing that I'm interested in know is he was so outwardly grateful to you for being his partner in that experience like on Instagram he's like thank God I had Noah to teach me the ropes um so like what is that like to to go through it and then to take a step back after and be like wow look at what we just did yeah I think you nailed it it's completely different when you're in the moment and then after the fact when you can actually embrace and analyze everything that went down but to start on the Dwayne side of it I'm not sure you could find a classier person and how he handled himself start to finish let's not forget he never called a game before you know the only game quote unquote that he called was like a skills competition and uh Rising Stars challenge in the Allstar Weekend format so he had never called a real game until our first game which was France Brazil and Victor wanyama running out on the court chucking up a shot from half court in front of 30,000 fans who are patiently waiting or impatiently waiting for him to get on the floor an hour before tip off and drilling a halfcourt shot that was his first experience sitting in the chair before a game and he goes is this what it's like I'm like not always all right not always this is not don't get used to this this is not normal and I think he embraced that part of it and obviously you mentioned it the experience he had as a player was massive and he drew on that certainly as an Olympic player as as someone who played with USA basketball and outside competitions as well but his wealth of knowledge for the game was on full display his willingness to have fun was on full display and more than anything I what I hope people took away from him doing it was how much effort he put into it and he really did before we ever got there he was literally working with a vocal coach to learn how to pronounce your European names properly you know that's just going above and beyond and and his whole mentality was well I had coaches when I was a player you know when I wanted to improve my jump shot or I wanted to have a better handle or if I wanted to become stronger I had somebody as a as a trainer or an athletic performance coach or a skills coach said why wouldn't I do the same thing as a broadcaster and rely on all the people around me and try to learn and so he was as a result incredibly coachable he listened to whatever we had to tell him and anything that we heard but more than anything he remained himself which is the most important you know this I mean if anybody who's in this knows that if you want to be successful you have to be you you can't try to be anybody else and I thought he did that but yeah I think once it was over and I really took the step back and appreciated the three weeks that we were there and appreciated the two- week run of games where it was what 22 games over the course of 14 days 17 different teams that's that's not quite a normal assignment so to really step back and say okay we did that and we did it well and we got really lucky with some incredible games some games that maybe I will never match over the course of my hopefully long broadcasting career that's pretty cool yeah for sure um one more like Dwayne specific question and I do want to know like a little bit more about the prep that goes into calling the Olympics especially when you're doing the men's and the women's as you were you have all these player like many players that you cover as you're doing Nets games in the NBA and you did Clippers games for a number of years but a lot that you didn't so we can talk about that in a second but that coachability from Dwayne there there's because it can go like I've done this long enough as well like it can go one of two ways with athletes athletes either think they know how to do it and they don't want any feedback or they're like I've been coach my career coach me up and then I I know that you guys also were able to have like all these moments you guys were posting from going to dinner together and and all those kinds of things like how did building that human connection with him and those moments help the broadcast ultimately in what we saw unfold over over two weeks of you guys calling games together no it's massive because I mean that's what the question I think people ask me the most is well how do you develop chemistry with somebody quickly and it's really not a difficult formula the formula is you develop a friendship with that person a genuine friendship with that person and even if you're not best friends it's a taking a genuine interest in the person that you're working with and listening and responding and being willing to talk about things whatever it might be that are completely unrelated to the games that you're covering that's important in fact that's imperative in my opinion to have success as a teammate and so Dwayne was perfect for that I mean the best example of that was week one we were in Le which was two and a half hour drive from Paris maybe even three three and a half if you got stuck in the traffic we did go in there and we were staying in I would say you know a very okay Hotel it wasn't the nicest accommodation you'll ever see and Dwayne Wade who was in the Hall of Fame and has made a whole lot of money could have easily said I'm going to go find better accommodations for myself I'm gonna stay in my own area but he chose to stay with us the entire time he stayed across the hall from me I would say he said it was probably the the lowest quality hotel room he had stayed in since his college days maybe or maybe even since his high school days but he did it because he wanted to be a part of the team and we had explained to him beforehand hey this is like a locker room you know this is like your locker room this is the closest thing you're going to feel to your locker room and we're going to roast each other and we're going to hang out with each other and we're going to poke fun at things that are happening and we're going to create real memories and then that's going to oo itself on screen and that's really what happened you know everything that we were doing was real and then it just kind of was a continuation you know my my stats guy Tyler freed said don't say anything that you don't want getting on the air off the air because anything's fair game at this point and for us it really was we would we would be talking about something on the ride over the first day I remember we were doing that Brazil game it was Brazil and France and Cristiano felicio was on the Brazilian team and I'm like Dwayne you played with him in Chicago and he's like yeah he stole a triple double from me first thing he said I'm like what and he goes into this whole thing of how he stole this triple double and he yelled at him he's like come on man you got to be smarter than that and he's like I didn't have many of those left that was at the end of my career at that point we talked about it for five minutes so the first thing he checks in and out of nowhere I just hear Dwayne go it was a cold night in Chicago and I'm like okay I know where this is going now and it was a whole back and forth it was great so that stuff is is really important because if you don't have it you can still do good broadcast it just takes it to a different level and then was the crew you're working with you mentioned that team uh was it mostly the same crew outside of your analyst and your sideline reporter like is the same people producing the men's and the women's games and then you're you know Dwayne and then you obviously have lechina who's incredible as your analyst on the women's side I I think it Zora and then KB your two sideline reporters kth Burke is it is it other than that the same crew so you're all just kind of one big team or were you kind of bouncing between two different teams no it was all the same the one thing for this particular assignment was the main production crew producer and director and Graphics Etc they were back in Connecticut for it so it was a little different than you know what in theory and normal if if you're doing the NBA and you're a top crew you're going to have your entire crew there this because it's the Olympics and it's such a a massive massive undertaking they've done a lot out of Stamford there's only three Sports I believe they travel their entire production cruise for at this point it's the big three Olympic sports track swimming and gymnastics so for us that was a little bit of a challenge certainly having Dwayne but one thing that NBC did that was smart they sent a longtime seasoned producer someone who's real good at the job David Gibson with us and he was basically at the table with us he had Direct contact to both Dwayne and my headsets during the broadcast and he was really there to make sure that Dwayne was comfortable to make him understand and also to give him some of those pointers that he saw throughout so that was that was huge to have almost a conduit from him going back and forth with the truck back in Connecticut but no for us yeah it was they were there they were with us so it it was a nice continuity feel and familiarity and then on top of that everybody in terms of a technical crew that we had was with us essentially from start to finish and you mentioned carth week one Zora week 2 lachana is incredible I mean you know lechina and she's not only an incredible broadcaster incredible basketball mind but an even more incredible person and so to have her for me it was like having an elite tight end just a perfect dump it down you know exactly what you're going to get be delivered every single time so that was easy for me no doubt about it Noah Eagle uh NBC sports with us here on the Hoffman show he's got the call Friday Packers and Eagles talk about that in just a few minutes but recapping a little bit of his summer spent over uh in France calling the basketball and then by the way people have like oh he probably rested in still football no he's been calling a Chargers preseason jumped right back into it so been all over the place lots of airline miles lots of time zones he barely knows where he is but he's doing this interview and he's doing a great job uh so when it comes to learning that many names and as like if I I had learned that my broadcast partner was having a vocal coach to Learn the European names I be like can I get in on those sessions because there's a lot a lot of learning and a lot of languages that aren't uh comfortable to the the English-speaking tongue if you got to learn like the Greek names and stuff like that so what is the process of preparing and then I would also be curious especially because you did both the men's and the women's like La China's knowledge of the women's game is so vast like do you lean on her do you do you just follow the same process men's and women's what was what was it like to and and how long did it take like how long ago did you start preparing for that element of it yeah I mean the preparation side was difficult on because I I in theory I was like okay you know what I I did the I did the French Open and that ended second week of June and so I knew I had from the second week of June until the third week of July essentially until that's when I was leaving for the Olympics said okay I've got five weeks let's say here to regroup and then potentially try to get ahead and I look I was doing things in the middle of that I had little things that were taking me away so it's not like I was totally free all the time but I knew I had pockets of time that was probably the most amount of uninterrupted time I was going to have so I'm like okay how much can I get done the problem is the rosters weren't released the only rosters we knew were the two American rosters and so I was like all right at least I'll get these American ones done but those aren't the ones I really need to learn even the US women we know all those players you know they're they're Stars every single one of them is an AB you probably called a couple of them uh in while you were in school yeah 100% 100% so and even if I hadn't you know I did the 3X3 a couple years ago Jackie young Kelsey Plum both played 3x3 in Tokyo so you have that institutional knowledge and I was glad that a couple of the other 3x3 players from Tokyo were on the five on five teams non us now which is nice so you at least have a little bit you know on May Yamamoto who I don't know I probably wouldn't have known much about May Yamamoto if I hadn't done 3x3 in Tokyo so things like that but yeah the the just to give you a sense of when the rosters were officially official because I I had to almost hedge my bets and hope I was correct and there were a couple teams that I was very much incorrect on who they were bringing they didn't give us the rosters officially until the day before the competition started oh no yeah so a lot of them you know a lot of them I got pretty good and even if it was one or two players that I included one person and they decided to bring somebody else I could switch that but there were a couple teams that I tried to do and I got six incorrect seven incorrect because they was completely listed differently online that was a challenge but yeah the first day so we do that Brazil France our second game we did a double header Dwayne's first day ever calling games we did Brazil France and then we did Canada and Greece and I was like if he is GNA be good at this this is the perfect way to find out because this is going to be a challenge and if he's willing to accept this challenge we know what he's all about and he was all in on it he was practicing he made sure he got every single one of those correct so yeah those were different you had to go definitely digging a little bit more you know the NBA WNBA players you can find information about them like that there's so much information available now about those players but the ones that have never played in the NBA or the WNBA especially on the women's side there is not that abundance necessarily that you're accustomed to at the professional level you really have to go digging and so for me I've always been of the belief okay I'll exhaust every option you know you look online you look for articles first that's always the first thing you're looking for you look for bio and background information whatever that's great second thing I go to then is YouTube type the name in see if you can get any kind of interviews that they have done and then the next thing I'll look at is social media do they have an Instagram page that I can find something that can at least give me a hint you know I feel like an investigative reporter sometimes or or some kind of just uh uh someone who's trying to crack a crime you know like I don't know what I'm doing but you just try to find a clue something that can put you on the right scent so I did a lot of that especially for the women's players on the non- US teams and then you know we got lucky late the Australian team a ton of WNBA either current or former players obviously France and Gabby Williams was the head of the snake but even maren Johannes we know those players but and even some of their younger players like we know a lot of those players but teams like Niger area that it's an expanded and maybe the top two or three great uh Alexis Peterson playing for Germany was awesome you know I see that I see a Syracuse connection somehow I'm like this is great and obviously satu was was huge for them but yeah it was just it was a process and you really had to dig and you really had to put in the effort which I did and I was I was happy with how it all came out I really focused on whatever the day I was doing was what I focused on so basically I got there I had four days or so before the competitions really started those four days everyone's like oh what' you do you know you you're exploring Paris I'm like no no no I was in my hotel room and I was studying for all these teams so I got I could vouch for that by the way this man was working I was trying to hang out with my friend in Paris and he's like I am slammed bro yeah there was no chance and I I felt terrible like a couple people reached out yourself included I'm like look man I I really wish I could but it's a daily thing and we had games every day from that point on um so to answer the second part with the China yeah her her knowledge of the women's game is so vast and so impressive I definitely was relying on her you know I I did a lot of research on the teams and the players that we had and you know I I feel like I was pretty good in terms of recent knowledge especially of the W and certainly of the college games probably in the last five plus years but I really needed the the historical stuff which I knew she was going to have so I did a lot of research on historical stuff just so I had it in case but I knew that if I was in a pinch and I wasn't 100% sure I could basically pass it to her and let her go and there were moments where that happened and I was more than happy for that to be the case because I knew she was going to deliver and she did every time so it was great she she was a joy Dwayne was a joy our whole team was great uh and yeah once I learned all the teams and learned how to say the names we just called ball and we let the rest take care of itself so for a TV play by play guy there's two huge things you got to do you got to set up your analyst great and you got to nail the big moments and lo and behold you wind up with a huge moment in both gold medal games the curry dagger three which sent me absolutely cackling as I was watching in French because I was we were still in Paris that was the last night we were there and just their version of the call was was hilarious and then you have the moment uh where Gabby Williams foot is on the line and you have to like process that in real time which by the way I haven't told you this I was watching that game on the plane the VPN worked on I watched you and L China call that game somewhere over Canada as we had gone like up and back down towards uh we were flying into Charlotte and then had to connect so got to a point where the satellite internet was working well enough to to stream the old app love that yo that's crazy uh I don't know how peacock tracks that in terms of viewership but whatever it is we appreciate you big dog yeah you're so welcome so how do you like with the I'm sure You' gone back and watched the calls like is that almost like an out-of- Body Experience moments like that that that you know and especially like the curry one you know you're calling something that's going to last forever that's a moment that's going to be in every highlight re for USA Basketball for the next 100 years like does that does that hit you in the moment later like what's that like definitely not in the hit you right now yeah definitely not in the moment um especially because I knew I had two women's games the next day and not just the next day but starting at a 11: a.m. and so that game after all the ceremony and everything I didn't get back to my hotel room until 12:30 and now I'm like I got to prepare for two straight games tomorrow and you know I think I knew it was big because my my phone was definitely blowing up from it and so that that signaled how many people were watching but I didn't really look it in historical context now I will say this in terms of the calls themselves and in terms of the moment itself I had done enough Steph Curry games as an opponent certainly different when you're an opponent and this was the first time I really got to experience it and the Jubilation that comes with one of those Steph heat checks but I've I had done enough of these to know there's one more coming you know there's one more coming there there's another one that's you know so you you do know that you have to still have another level and so I I took the I took the chance in keeping something late now people have asked did you come up with the golden dagger ahead of time I did not I came up with that in the start of that possession basically I anything that I said none of that was pre-planned it's impossible in my opinion to truly pre-plan any of that stuff you got to let the game come to you let the game dictate how you're going to say it and Steph obviously provided the moments and now our job is really just don't mess it up man don't mess up this moment don't jump on this somehow get out of the way when you need to get out of the way but just if you can add something great if not then just don't try to do too much and I felt like that's what we did is we really just reacted very genuinely very naturally and so we got fortunate that people seem to respond it is funny how quickly things can change because in the Serbia game when the US is down 17 in the third quarter I'm I'm sitting there and I'm thinking wow you know Dwayne and I have really everyone seemed to really like what we've said the China and I people have really enjoyed kind of our broadcast so far we've been really lucky to have a very positive reaction but if the US loses and I'm on the call for this and Dwayne's on the call for this we go from being you know somewhat of Darlings to absolutely universally hated and every time we pop up on screen it's like ah those guys they're on the failure failure like I'm like that's what I'm thinking right and then the polar opposite where obviously they win that game and everyone's like this was awesome and then they win the gold medal game and everyone's like this is awesome and then the women same feeling now is happening because when France is battling with them I'm like this is this is getting tight and I'm looking at Le China and she's like this is getting tight and we're like is this gonna go the right way is like because look obviously they were the more talented team in terms of just overall depth but it's not like France wasn't talented I mean obviously they're their top players or their top players and we know what they're capable of and Gabby Williams came alive in the second half in particular but at the same time the US was also going for eight straight Golds and I don't think we were giving I not necessar us but we as a country we giving enough credit to how difficult that actually is because of how dominant they have been for so long so in that moment we're kind of having that same thought of what are we gonna say if they lose here like how are we gonna frame that and then obviously Kalia copper just comes up huge massive buckets in the second half and down the stretch in the fourth quarter big plays from her big plays from Asia she hits the free throws copper does the like last couple seconds whatever five seconds left and I just remember Johannes gets it up ahead for Williams and I I was pretty certain that the foot was on the line but that's to your point it's a decision you have to make in the moment do you wait on it or do you just say it and I was I was at a certain percentage of confidence let's say I was 90% confident I said okay I got to take the risk it's a risk that's going to be worth the reward if I'm correct and I felt good uh but Le China right after right after I think we finished the broadcast she goes thank God you were right I was like I know she goes I couldn't see it I couldn't see if if it was on the line or not and our producer the on-site producer David Gibson's like I didn't see it either thank God you were right I'm like I just I got lucky you know what I mean I just I just took the risk and fortunately I was correct but man both of those finishes were insane and when I talked to my dad afterward he said uh I really hope you enjoyed those I was like I they were incredible they were they were some of the best games I've ever called he goes you're right and you could call games for 40 more years and they might be the best games you ever call so I hope you enjoyed them I was like yeah I did so by the way speaking of your dad I did want to ask one question where your dad is going to be a part of it but I will also tell you uh you know what else I watched on the plane was because I'm me and I have the job that I have I had to watch the commander preseason game to be ready for my show the next day which on NFL Game Pass was the Jets broadcast and thus I switched from you to your dad let's go watch went from gold medal thrill to Jets commanders preseason week one let's go let's go um I the reason I was going to bring up your dad is not necessarily specific to you but if I met a broadcaster and was like wow you have all of these wide array of games you have to call in terms of scope you mentioned your last assignment before you lock into basketball is the French Open you come back you're doing the NFL and if I met someone who was younger than me and I was like you know you need to meet to prepare for this is D Eagle because your dad you know in Booking him for radio shows over the years I'm always like oh right you have Nets and Thursday night football and CBS Sundays um and he's also obviously called so many games of a high magnitude so I'm curious the advice you got from him and if if there's anybody else that's not your dad um that you lean on that has similar experiences I mean Taro is obviously there part of the NBC family I'd imagine he's a name that might come up uh as well as the Syracuse connections I'm sure you've known him for a long time but like your dad's the obvious one I'm I I'm not going to to discredit your dad because I also love your father um but I'm curious if you have any non- and Eagle mentors that you don't get the shout out maybe quite as often that are also really important to you to prepare for both the scope and the magnitude of the assignments that you've been able to take on recently yeah I mean so the first part is just watching him and kind of how he handles everything it's a similar mentality to what I was talking about with how I handled the overall Olympic assignment which is you focus on the day that's you have right now and then when it's time to shift to the next next one you shift to the next one so yeah it's all time management and budgeting and you can try to get ahead but you have to be present in the moment and that was really what his biggest thing to me for that was going into that is just remember to be present in the moment and enjoy the moment on top of it like obviously go work your tail off do well call the games but have fun and be present in that and take it the true one day at a time cliche that we hear about all the time so 1,00% too is definitely high on that list I'm glad you mentioned him I mean somebody who does everything to me at an elite level and that's what I I aspire to do is doing everything at the elite level you know calling games as one of the best game callers hosting as one of the best hosts going out and doing a segment or what and doing that Elite level for sure and he's always been great and certainly since I've gotten NBC you know I've known him my whole life but getting to NBC now and being teammates every time I see him we we always have nice long chats and he's always there to provide any any kind of knowledge or advice on handling certain things you know I remember when I started doing the NFL with NBC last year you know I'd done a couple NFL games but NBC does it a little differently with some of the meetings and the one thing that Mike does and I don't know if this was a Mike thing or this was like a Fred gelli who's an elite producer some would say the greatest football producer ever and it's still heavily involved at NBC I don't know who came up with it but the play play-by-play guy talks to the Special Teams coordinator during the week and then the analyst talks to the offensive and defensive coordinator and then everybody collectively together talks to the head coach quarterback and two stars and I was like huh that's interesting you know that's different I haven't heard that before so I called Mike and I was like what is that like what do you do for that what do you get out of that and he gave me a bunch of stuff and sure enough you know I just did the Michigan game I used a ton of that special team stuff and Fresno State I call their special team team coordinator he tells me this whole background about how their punter is a 22-year-old true freshman from Australia who has never played an organized football game before and his first ever organized football game was at the big house in front of 110,000 people and the defending national champions like that's stuff you don't get unless you do talk to the Special Teams coordinator so that's cool and so he's always there to provide kind of guidance and that type of stuff but any of those people I mean Adam Amin has been great and I love Adam and I think Adam is an outstanding broadcaster as is and is somebody who can always just be there to provide whatever it is but it's really just and you know this all the people that you become friends with in the industry and you just have conversations with in the industry and you share experience with I could go down a long laundry list of those where I'm just talking with them and we're exchanging things we're not even meaning to do so it's probably just organic conversation but you might take bits and pieces from it and then run and so that's friends that's acquaintances that's people you run into but it's it's a small business and a large business all at once and so I try to take advantage of that and keep building those relationships each week no doubt about it very very well put and very very true and Adam am me yeah I don't know about that guy very questionable character that Adam am me top tier hugger man top tier hugger yes oh that A+ note on that A+ note uh all right last thing for Noah Eagle uh here the actual reason uh in theory that we're having one the real reason is I wanted to have this conversation with Noah because I I've been wanted to ask him all this stuff and I thought it' be really interesting for the audience and so we got all the uh the background of the summer and everything out of the way next up Packers Eagles Friday night on peacock 7 PM uh the coverage begins week one is beautiful Noah because we have no idea what is going to happen uh week one is terrible for broadcasters Noah because we have no idea what is going to happen so as you prepare for this one like what is your top storyline going into it um if you want to give one each team or if you just like there's one more overarching one that crosses uh you know sideline to sideline what is the big thing that that you think is the the the story line to watch that you'll be tracking and and kind of keeping the audience updated on throughout this one Beyond whatever plays out on the field yeah well I mean I think the overarching storyline for our game is that it's an elite matchup between two teams that believe they can win a Super Bowl this year and so how do you start a season with expectations of hey we need to go out there and compete for the Ultimate Prize and both teams certainly have the Personnel the coaching and Etc to do that and I think that Nick serani is trying to prove no no I do belong in that Elite coaching conversation despite what happened in the second half of last year and the Eagles are looking to put that behind them uh the main storyline on top of that is the fact that there's an NFL game in Brazil it's the first time that's ever happening and so we're going to really highlight that and showcase what it looks like over there NFL has told us that those tickets sold out very quickly and so the Intrigue in the game is massive the fandom in Brazil I didn't realize how much it was growing they they say they have about 36 million fans in that country right now which is incredible down in South America uh but yeah to just go kind of scope on each team Eagles have have reloaded you know you lose some some alltime players and certainly Jason Kelce at the the Forefront of that but you retool in an offensive line that's still arguably the best in the NFL a defense that now has young studs on top of the veterans that they bring back on all three levels saquon Barkley coming over in division like that doesn't happen very often now you have Jan doson as you guys well know coming over in division again that doesn't happen all that often so offensively they've got as many weapons as anybody these are two of the highest paid quarterbacks in the league and Jaylen Herz this is a big- Time pro it year in many respects this is a guy that was fighting for the MVP two years ago was nearly a Super Bowl champion Super Bowl MVP and instead within two years he's gone from highest paid player and near MVP to is he really the guy we thought he is and was I think that it's still very much in there with him and this is the start of him trying to provide that for the rest of the league on the other side Green Bay was one of the great storylines of the NFL last year and Jordan love and his Ascension was one of the great storylines of the NFL last year but there's a difference between being the hunters and the hunted and they're going to shift to being the did now how do you handle that and that's what I'm looking for out of them I think we know laflor has been probably one of the more underrated coaches in the league now for for years I think that he's proven himself to be an upper echelon coach they win every single year and even two years ago when they just barely missed the playoffs given the injuries that they dealt with given the inexperience they had around that roster the fact that they were in the playoff hunt to start was pretty remarkable now you've got Jordan love a ending to now he's the highest paid quarterback in NFL history which happen with each new deal so I I hate saying that because it feels like every time you say one someone else takes the the mantle uh you bring in Josh Jacobs so both these teams have star running backs now and on top of that I find the receiving core with Green Bay fascinating because they don't necessarily have a guy right like you don't have your 1A in theory but you have a bunch of really good good guys and honestly sometimes that can be even more dangerous it's a pick your poison they've got good two good tight ends they've got a line that I think is going to have to prove that they are ready to be a Super Bowl winning type offensive line but a defense that's littered with talent and a defense that should be really difficult to face it's a team that has all the pieces but how do you handle being shifted from Hunter to hunted and I think that's what we're going to get to see right out of the gates here week one because that Philadelphia side they've got a lot more to prove than they did a year ago no doubt about it yeah the love trajectory is it going to be what Jaylen went through and a year from now are we like why do they give Jordan love that deal or is he actually this good I think it's probably that one but fantasy owners everywhere hating the Green Bay receiving Corp football analysts everywhere loving it there's so much to watch and it all be uh with Noah on the call Friday night on peacock uh really appreciate you dude thanks so much for being so generous through your time and uh I'll catch you at some point later in the season or perhaps when you come to town in the spring for the most vaunted assignment on your schedule Wizards Nets you know I'm ready man you know I'm always ready for the whiz I saw a lot of balow Kabal so it'll be time when the time is right but Craig appreciate you man thanks for having me as they say in France Al hey this is Da and you're listening to the Hoffman show on the team 980 and the r

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Can Kliff Kingsbury Adapt to Rookie QB For Commanders?

Category: Sports

[music] uh by the way and we are almost to 2,000 subscribers on uh team 980s youtube page so uh you know if you're not subscribed yet uh what is it that you are waiting for uh we we scream uh or we uh we scream we uh we stream the show uh live every single day uh all three hours or two hours and 45... Read more

Why Dan Quinn Isn't Worried About Trading Dotson to Eagles thumbnail
Why Dan Quinn Isn't Worried About Trading Dotson to Eagles

Category: Sports

[music] as for the jand dawson discourse it's been interesting now we're over 24 hours from the trade and the biggest gripe seems to still be from most people that don't like it or have reservations that the washington commanders traded him to the philadelphia eagles within the division and i genuinely... Read more

BMitch Goes Off on Commanders WR Room thumbnail
BMitch Goes Off on Commanders WR Room

Category: Sports

[music] right now reacting to this today from b mitch and finley and that's the reason you bring him in the camp you know because what bad hosting job him is martavius bryant the star receiver uh in the mid two or 2010s who hasn't played in the nfl since 2018 but has constantly been on practice squads... Read more

Kyle Finnegan Tells Dad Jokes to His Nationals Teammates 😂 #Shorts thumbnail
Kyle Finnegan Tells Dad Jokes to His Nationals Teammates 😂 #Shorts

Category: Sports

Corey dickerson your dad i have dad jokes how do you find will smith in a snowstorm you look for fresh prince did you see the chicken in the weight room i did not he was working on his pecs what do you call a dog that can do magic i don't know a labra cadabra door i prepared them myself nobody gave... Read more

Darren Baker and Zach Brzykcy on getting the call to the majors thumbnail
Darren Baker and Zach Brzykcy on getting the call to the majors

Category: Sports

Special um you know our manager matthew leor he kind of joked around with me a little bit and then uh you know got to call my parents they're excited so something i'll definitely won't forget as these last two years played out how much was it on your mind were you trying not to think about it um maybe... Read more

Commanders' top plays vs. Patriots | Preseason Week 3 thumbnail
Commanders' top plays vs. Patriots | Preseason Week 3

Category: People & Blogs

Commanders top plays versus patriots preseason week three watch all of the top plays from the washington commanders home win over the visiting new england patriots in preseason week three ahead of the 2024 nfl season please subscribe to my channel Read more

Commanders vs Patriots' final preseason game thumbnail
Commanders vs Patriots' final preseason game

Category: People & Blogs

As i dive into the commander versus buccaneers game i can't help but notice the commander's strong defensive line putting pressure on the buccaneers offense taylor hein's precision passing is keeping the commanders in the game but can they maintain this momentum in the second half stay tuned to see... Read more

Commanders Announce Plans For Sean Taylor Statue thumbnail
Commanders Announce Plans For Sean Taylor Statue

Category: People & Blogs

Commanders announced plans for shawn taylor statue the washington commanders announced plans to honor the late safety shawn taylor with a statue taylor's daughter jackie will help design it taylor who played three and a half nfl seasons before his tragic death in 2007 was known for his hard-hitting... Read more

Eric Bieniemy Didn't Let Commanders Players Wear Backwards Hats? | Grant & Danny thumbnail
Eric Bieniemy Didn't Let Commanders Players Wear Backwards Hats? | Grant & Danny

Category: Sports

Did you see this anecdote in a piece in the washington post from sam cosmi i saw now i don't really have the context of why this came up today in this story but we've talked a lot about eric benemy not being popular with players last year a couple different times i wouldn't call it a report as much... Read more

Patrick Corbin after picking up his 100th win thumbnail
Patrick Corbin after picking up his 100th win

Category: Sports

Thank you very much bob yeah the nationals get a win today and patrick corbin gets win number 100 in his career patrick congratulations on that you've accomplished some pretty good stuff in your career let's back up i've had two of those one or two gatorade showers in his career you've gotten 10 years... Read more

MacKenzie Gore after rough start thumbnail
MacKenzie Gore after rough start

Category: Sports

Um you know it's it's about winning losing uh but yeah i was bad um it's kind of that same thing but we're going to figure this out we're going we know what the problem is i'm going to stop talking about it and i'm going figure out a way and whenever i pitch again i'm going to um figure a way to be... Read more

Keibert Ruiz on Patrick Corbin's start and more thumbnail
Keibert Ruiz on Patrick Corbin's start and more

Category: Sports

Really tough and like you say everything was working on the bottom of the song for him his sinker move a lot his changas it was a tough night for us what makes this change up so difficult to to try to lay off yeah it just looked sam you know and he's a really good pitcher and we we try to do our best... Read more