Category: Gaming
Here or there's real trouble calm as you like and they're running away with it a time for a cool head and that is precisely what he showed yeah as decisive as it comes spot chosen spot hit Read more
Category: Gaming
ま く あ ラたとの激しい戦いが続くこの コンペティション今日のゲームは条件達成 をかけて挑む大事な大事な一戦 ですこの時間はアーセナル対アーセナル こちらをご覧いただき ますこのゲームの舞台はアーセナルの ホームエミレーツスタジアムこの大きな 時計が印象的なスタジアムは2006年に 会場したイングランド数のスタジアム ですこのゲームの解説はおなじみ日本代表 フィルダー北さんですどうぞよろしくお 願いいたしますよろしくお願いし ますまず前半見ていき ましょう競合同がぶつかる90分トップ プレイヤーの共演を堪能しましょう今日の 試合はサポーターも楽しみにしてた でしょうねはいいいゲームに期待したい... Read more
Category: Gaming
سيداتي انساتي سادتي احبائي في كل مكان طابت اوقاتكم بكل خير مرحبا بكم معنا في مباراه اليوم اجواء جميله قبل كل شيء اللقاء سيقام في طقس في طقس رائع جدا بصراحه جو كوره جو يساعد اللاعبين على التالق لذلك نتوقع ان نشاهد كره قدم ممتعه حديث للاعبين يلا اعطوني ما لديكم قدموا الكره القدم اللي ننتظرها اليوم نتواجد... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] now it's oaba he's got away there's the hit they've scored well there's leadership for you that's what the armband means for him setting the perfect example the perfect tone tremendous and that really is so so impressive yeah that's what the game is all about excitement and entertainment... Read more
Category: Gaming
[música] boa noite para você que está em casa nós estamos aqui nesta noite super agradável nem muito quente nem muito fria ideal para a prática do esporte meu deus que beleza espor bretão hein essa é antiga a torcida está fazendo a sua festa cantando apoiando sem parar tomara que a gente tenha uma partida... Read more
Category: Gaming
A slightly better ball would have led to a very different outcome there look the game is full of ifs and buts if only the oh shooting chance and it's there and the lead is free it is surely done Read more
Category: Gaming
That welcome to dowy fckin stadium home to the east carolina pirates where the purple has engulfed this place as they are ready for a showdown what an exciting matchup we have in store for you this afternoon built around the pageantry tradition and everything that makes college football great as we'll... Read more
Category: Gaming
When you see that field of blue you know it can be only one place in the world boyy idaho on the campus of boisey state and home to the fabled giant killers the boyy state broncos what an exciting matchup we have in store for you this afternoon built around the pageantry tradition and everything that... Read more
Category: Gaming
Lsu's tiger sadi the most intimidating environments in all of sports this death valley crown has been oh yeah there's as'll number team in the country the old rebels taking on theth rank team in the for ea sports college football i'm chris joined here in theth by k stre thetion on the [applause] field... Read more
Category: Gaming
We have what's surely going to be a thrilling game in store for you today the hype has been building all week and the fans are pouring into the stadium the anticipation is palpable all the drama next here on eatv hello and thanks for joining us on a pretty dull evening but hopefully the game will be... Read more
Category: Gaming
All right so i'm making this video to say that hudson and mason are most likely dead here's why this cing card and a bit more information on this calling card you can see that hudson and mason are kia just like black ops 2 unless you shot mason in the leg and kept him alive and woods is and woods is... Read more
Category: Sports
السلام عليكم معكم شو مرحبا بكم معنا في هذا اللايف ان شاء الله نلعب مباراه قويه اللي ك اليوم التصف ديال كاس العالم بين العراق والكويت اوكي يلا خليكم مع لاخر الفيديو في هذا اللايف يا شباب اهلا بكم مشاهدينا الكرام في كل مكان ليله صافيه رائعه جو كوره جو كوره يا جماعه لو كنت مكان اللاعبين سسجل هاتريك في... Read more