Martavis Bryant signed, Injury updates, Jets aftermath, and more | Trap or Dive Podcast

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 01:15:30 Category: Sports

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[Music] change [Music] change [Music] change [Music] ch it [Music] down down you going down you going D watch the we going to pick it off you going to let them hit the hole you going to cut it off going to play through for longer you going to punt it all your Defenders Heavy Hitters put your pass in don't be looking for the ref to throw no Flags in keep the helmet on keep the CLE tight you the type to One to Win by any means right you should look alive this is traod di yes sir welcome back to another episode of choad die podcast I am your host oh my camera a little blurry Molly M Jamal forg in here with AJ Dre is on the way on the show today we got Shan 48 for the Washington Post man checking in um we got a good show BR like we got a we got a couple spicy topics um after the first week of the preseason for the commanders man the jet aftermath we definitely G to dive into um the the after further review like the film sessions things that if we Circle back because I definely y'all know I tapped in uh film session is going to come out tomorrow um for the first film session heads up I didn't do anything specific I went through offense and defense and I just put it into one film session um I I don't know if that's going to be the thing for the preseason obviously I I'll be a little bit more specific in the regular season um but you know we'll cross that bridge when we get there anyway film session is Gonna Come Out Tomorrow um so be on the lookout for that AJ what's going on player ain't nothing much man just looking forward to having these conversations about wide receiver room yeah and it's crazy oh he my man Monty ain't playing my man Monty ain't playing no games bro he he with it already bro is Jan a bust or not let's find out on the next episode of try dive um obviously as you all know uh let's actually yeah let's get into it bro like um the just aftermath is one thing but I think we can start with um the more prevalent news of the day uh and it's crazy because I don't want to essentially like Martavis Bryant signed with the Washington commanders if those who have not been like listening to the news throughout the day or just catching up through Trapper Dive by the way we appreciate y'all watching listening um if you are new make sure you hit that subscribe button if you haven't done so hit that like button as well if you on Twitter we definitely appreciate you taing in on Twitter but if you want to migrate over to the YouTube side um just to help with the subscribers and and that stuff we definitely appreciate that as well Don't Force It your preference whatever audio side same thing if you are new man hit that follow button we definitely appreciate that if you want to give us a rating review show your support man it's free to do so in that way get us with a rating and review man it takes three seconds to do it anyway if you are just tapping into the commanders news and you don't know what's going on Martavius Bryant formerly of the Pittsburgh Steelers um formerly of the Oakland Raiders um and formerly of the XFL and the Dallas Cowboys as of last year on their practice squad has signed with the Washington commanders um and obviously after a game where Jan Dodson played essentially the whole first half with three different quarterbacks obviously John uh Jaden excuse me Marcus and um uh Driscoll excuse me uh you know questions arose of like what his standing was um you saw some players that kind of stepped up as well and and dami brown and had a solid game but also just like two signings in Byron Pringle a couple weeks ago which was during training camp and then obviously Martavius Bryant another training camp signing at the position um you know it's a it's a fluid conversation going on there uh let's kind of talk about it right now um and when Dr comes in we can discuss it a little bit further we got about 25 minutes till till Sam 48 comes on so we can kind of dive into this and still get through any of our lingering uh evaluations from film I definitely got a few that I want to talk about from the Jets game as well um but but AJ my main thing just to kick it off I mean everybody in the chat let us know let us know what you thinking about um generally the the wide receiver group what does the the signing mean anything like that let know how you feel perfect timeing Dre just checked in he got his drink in his hand I got my drink right next to me as well um let us know how y'all feeling about this wide receiver group um but AJ to get into it um I think this is interesting because not not not for the reasons for why marav is here I think marav is coming here only pushes the competition a little bit further but I also want to remind people about something that we've been talking about here for a long time the the receiver group position we we was concerned about this for a long time and and this shouldn't confuse anybody and and Dre even when Dre because when when JP Finley came on we had that uh small argument where uh we uh Dre H thought that the receiver group position was was solid for the most part um and and know all uh the the three of us was against him basically just saying that it was kind it wasn't there yet it wasn't it wasn't there there was it was nobody behind Terry respectfully though Jan is good but he had to prove himself type deal there should be no confusion about what's going on here like everything that we were concerned about is literally playing out in how they are maneuvering in terms of trying to trying to increase the floor of the back end of that depth chart fellas uh let's have that conversation what do you all think I mean I think uh yeah you had you had to be alarmed cuz you knew this team was taking a quarterback with their first round pick so going into the offseason I felt like a wide receiver to pair with Terry McClaren had to to be a priority uh we've heard different names mentioned via trade acquisition such as a t Higgins of course Brandon iuk and uh the situation with that and the connection that happened to come along with drafting uh jayen Daniels so it's no surprise to me I think what people are ALS Al messing with this Martavius Bryan signing just last week they brought in Brian Pringle as well and they got rid of Demitri bird and they released uh Dax Mill y Mill like maybe two weeks ago so it's like they've been telling you that they're not sold on this wide receiver room you feel me like you bringing a Brian Pringle that hadn't been with the organization at all this entire offseason until last week now you bringing a Mart Bryant like forget about you know the fact that he hasn't played in the actual NFL game but he was on Dallas Cowboys practice squad for at least nine weeks last year so Dan Quinn actually got to see him against the scout team like so I don't want people to think like he's just like a bum at the end of the day you can't teach height um I don't know how fast he's he can still run crazy thing about Mart agent claims 43 yeah I mean the agency I used to be where we actually used to represent him uh and then went into the whole cycle of you know suspensions and stuff so I got to know him a little bit pretty chill dude I don't know what he's been up to over the years uh to be honest with you haven't kept communication with him but I mean you got a guy that's a freak a 64 guy uh I heard in the interview he weighs 208 pounds back then he used to run a 43 I don't know what he's running now but either way you can't teas that height and you also can't teach the the the catch radius um but I mean this team needs help at the wide receiver position I don't know how they go about truly adding to it unless they pull off a trade that we've all been talking about but it's interesting did we um did what did we bet on the Chipotle and Wingstop bet what was that bet I don't remember what it was about don't worry about it because AJ still ain't never honor our bet from the draft oh what happened let's bring that up then right quick where's the from the dra remember it was about JJ McCarthy AJ said he wouldn't go in the top 15 picks was that was that was drinks wasn't it I think oh it was like it was like first round but I'm just [ __ ] with AJ I'm M when when J McCarthy went like 12 12 11 I think it was 11 whatever the Vikings was I got you I mean oh I got you a drink I got drink at I got that's why I say never mind you was lit n i you was lit lit that's funny as hell but yeah I mean like I was saying man we've been knowing about this position group it's just fascinating to me because the main reason why I keep bringing up the Brandon IU thing is th that's the team he really wants to be on he really wants to be a Washington Commander you feel me I don't know the intricacies of the trade details whatever I believe that they asked for Terry mccl in return but it's like Brandon ultimately number one team he would rather be on is the Washington commanders but it's like even if you don't fix it this season is it is going to roll over to be a priority next year anyways so you might as well do something to try to alleviate it now because next year you're already going into knowing the fact that Terry mccorn possibly is going to need a new deal you have no number two wide receiver the guy that you drafted third over I in the third round Luke mcaffrey is not he's not there but I mean that showed on tape so then you're just left with a bunch of one-year guys in a sense dami Brown is a free agent next year alade zakiras is a one-year deal Brian Pringle Jameson Crowder all these guys are one-year guys so it's like what what's the plan because next year if you don't if you don't hit on like this offensive tackle situation you're putting yourself in a hole where you have to go either spend money on a Fred and wide receiver depending on who's out there or having to draft a guy maybe a Travis Hunter is one of those guys Luther buron wide receiver from Missouri but you just don't know yeah let's I so I don't want to get track like let's kind of I don't disagree with most of what you're saying let's but as in terms of this year and what we got um are you it's kind of let's put that on the back burner like at this point that's either San fr Pittsburgh like as far as we know that s Pittsburgh bro um but I think with Washington and their current situation disagree with but I'm saying but what all I'm saying is but only reason why I say that and I'm not it's not me disagreeing with you but what I'm saying is like that has like Washington is not in the picture right now and what I'm saying is we need to focus on the current situation at hand like no more we don't have to discuss the the the iuk thing because like right now Washington situ is the fact that they're bringing in these uh Pringles and these um Martavis Bryants because they don't think that and and also I think we need to think about this because I I told you all right after the game I don't actually I don't remember if I told y'all after the game but my thoughts on Bryson Chaine um Bryson traine is the only six4 receiver on the roster right now that well I've said it on Twitter for sure um but he's the only 64 only other team only other receiver on the team with that size that frame right but Bryson chain I don't like you can't get on a roster just because you can catch High passes like or that you can make plays because of your your height and and like there's so many other intricacies of being a receiver that I don't think when he shows in a game isn't necessarily standing out and and and it confuses me because the reason why it confuses me is when I look at um these reports about Bry and Germain I seen this last year when I was at camp like brys and termaine stood out in Camp uh from his ability to make plays at the catch point but he wasn't always creating that much separation it wasn't like he was really dying people up in the route in the route phase but he was a dog at the catch point because he's 6'4 but he's also got strong hands he makes plays he's competitive at the catch Point like he does things right there when the ball is in the air you can't take that away from him but like I don't I'm not saying the coaches don't like him but I think that he still has a long ways to go he's not that fast he's he's also not that person who's like athletically gifted in a sense at that at that size so like he has things against him so I think about a Martavis bran right and I remember him being an athletic guy like at at his size he's an athletic guy but he also has the speed and I'm not sitting here saying that he's here to replace Bryson traine but they need help because he because relying on Bryson is not a person like I don't think Bryson has solidified himself on the roster and I think all of the people who are clamoring for him I seen this last year like I visibly seen it last year and I know what it looks like and he's doing the same thing again this year so like that back end of the roster has not been solidified yet you only really got four guys fellas who is that that's that's uh Terry Jan zakii diami and five I'm sorry because Luke they not gonna cut Luke they're not gonna put Luke on practice squad so who's that six guy who's that seventh guy I don't know how they're going to do it but like who are those guys and and that's kind of where I'm like bro like they really need to they really need to focus on those backend guys because um they're going to be using these guys in certain situations and one person one thing that Dan Quinn mentioned specifically when it came to Martavis again not projecting he makes the final 53 he still has to play these last two games he still has to practice but one thing he mentioned was the fact that he was a Red Zone dog like he that's the that's what they Envision in Mar Davis right now so if they can make if they can get production from him in that situation then I'm think I I would say that's better than zakus in the Red Zone I would say that's better than uh diami in the red zone and I would say that's better than Bryson trrain in the Red Zone but see M this is the conversation we actually been all having in the sense that we've been trying to figure out who are those backend guys in the wide receiver group now you know there's I think a lot of this is being blown out of proportion as far as the Jos the Jan doson talk you know because you know obviously we all saw what happened on Saturday then we hit Dan Quinn's comments I think it and I think the surprise comes from a lot of us kind of solidified um doson as that number two guy on this team but what we're witnessing is there is real competition beyond the guys that they've kind of identified as the core guys on this team I mean that just not even at the wide receiver group this is the D tackle group you know they have a bunch of core guys they are that they've identified but then there's the Who's the who else is there you know and that's why I think all of this talk is being blown out of proportion at this point because I don't think the group is trash like I don't think the wide receiver group is trash at all I do think a lot of fans probably think that after Terry I think the problem is you don't know like as you were alluding to Mo you don't know who else are the guys that can Boler the death on this roster or on this group and that's why you bring in a Martavis Bryant I mean as you mentioned you know the only six foot4 guy on this team was Bryson traine that's the only body they had in the roster I listened to Dan Quinn talk the other day Quinn was talking just about that about Martavis Bryant being that big body about the catch radius you know and that's the thing that Bryce and Tain can do but we don't even know if Bry and traine is a lock to make this team right now so you want to bring in more guys that's gonna light fires under their asses but I don't know what their true feeling is on Jan doson at this point you know the only thing I think I can surmise from this whole position is that they are really making guys compete that they haven't uh you know kind of identified as a core guy on his roster so everyone right now is competing for a a spot doesn't mean they think the guy's trash that doesn't mean that the guy's gonna get cut like I do not think Jan Dawson is in in any danger of getting cut I think at this point he's just working for his spot because I mean we have to realize these aren't their guys like these guys have come in and they're evaluating everyone like everyone essentially outside of the core guys are starting from a CLE with a clean clean sleep with this coaching staff so you know Jan has to prove himself I mean all of these dami has to prove himself you know and it sounds like dami has kind of been making himself look good in training camp and he obviously had the bit catch in the preseason game so who knows if he has a leg up on uh Jan right now when it comes to that number two spot but again I don't think this means that you know these guys are bad or anything but I do think this a situation where they're not overly thrilled with the wide receiver group but this this is also a thing where we can't fix everything in year one you know we just got here we realized I mean Adam Peters told you that this roster you know in so many words with the long silence that he had in his initial press conference that this roster wasn't there yet but you can't address everything in one year so you know but again like I said I mean I think they like the guys that they have I mean because this what else you gonna do at this point I mean unless you're gonna go get a brand and not you but at this point you know I think they're just trying to booler as you said more that death who's that sixth guy at this point on this roster maybe a guy can come in and challenge the fifth or the four guy right now that we have so I mean that's what they're looking for um you know and I do believe that after this season there two positions that's going to be of high priority I mean this is what I feel right now it's the wide receiver group and it's the offensive line group I mean they did you know a couple of things with the offensive line they they addressed it but that not enough not to you know what we think as fans uh as they need for this team same thing for the wide receiver group I do think that's going to get addressed I just don't think that they feel like oh we have to go out and address that star power right now because that's what we're talking about when we talk about the iuk of the world we're talking about the star power we're not talking about the guys that's Boer in dep and I don't think star power at this point is an urgent need is just bolstering the death as we've been talking about uh bro it's just it's just frustrating bro because it's like you knew you was draing the quarterback and I think they knew from the jump that this wide receiver room wasn't going to be adequate enough so if you do get a star now you're not expecting certain things out of certain guys so that's where it does kind of matter if you could pull off getting the star uh of course like everyone's tired of hearing the IU thing but I truly believe 49ers are waiting for a team to either be in dire need of a wide receiver whether that be due to injury or lack of what they're seeing in in in training camp in preseason games out of certain guys but if you get I'll just throw some names out there if you get a Devonte Adams a t Higgins a Brandon IU now your expectations level of what you're expecting from a Jan doson changes or now you adding the mix of Lade zakarias uh a Luke mcaffrey but right now if if Terry mclen was to get hurt you pretty much got one of the worst wide receiver rooms in the whole NFL but see AJ are you kind of basing what Washington should have done kind of in comparison to what the Bears have done for Kayla Williams because in my opinion in my opinion I don't think that's a fair comparison because Chicago has already kind of had an establishment in place like when you think about it Ryan POS has already been there as the GM he's been kind of building their roster the only thing they did this offseason was say okay we're moving on from Justin fields and we're drafted cayb Williams so they had kind of the luxury to go out and get the Keenan and you know everything else that they kind of put around the Bears whereas Washington yeah we we they knew they were drafting a quarterback but Washington starting with a clean slate they can't I don't think they were able to have the luxury to do what the Bears did with Caleb Williams I think Washington is looking at more of a okay we're gonna go into this thing with a longer term Vision like we're going to do what we can now and then we're gonna you know supplement those needs as the years go by whereas the Bears everybody especially Ryan Po and all those guys are kind of they they have the urgency to kind of do what they did with cayb Williams and they already had the structure in place to do what they did so you know to make things better I mean that's what I'm asking you are you kind of basing your comparison that Washington should have did this this that the third this off season because the Bears did what they did for Kayla Williams I mean I think you want to surround your your franchise quarterback or who you deem to be the face of your franchise and that guy at quarterback with more Talent uh so do I love with the did yes you know adding you know a DJ Mo year before but also knowing hey with our top our other top 10 pick Let's Get romad Dun in here let's also bring Kenan Allen over from the Chargers um you know those are like even the Chargers move that's a move Washington could have made whatever but even if you look at in the draft maybe not taking a a Ben uh sonat in the second round that's a weapon all right okay and then third third round also not taking a project wide receiver and a Luke mcaffrey when there's guys on the board that are more developed and not as raw like just certain things that could have been done in my opinion in the draft wise to even go get a guy if if they liked them in the draft I have no clue who they liked and who they didn't like uh obviously we know who the picks are but you know there was some good wide receivers still sitting on the board in the second round and also third round uh just think that I just want Jaden damel to be in the best situation to be successful offensively no matter what um if the record doesn't match up if they lose more games than they win still I just want him to be in a offensive situation where you could truly see him develop and and building a rapport with guys because right now the only person kind of can lock in at the wide receiver position that's going to be here is Terry mclen outside of that everyone's on rookie deals uh Jan doson is going to get his option declined more than likely next year and guys are on one-year deals so it's just it's just a concern um of course we don't we don't know what the full offense looks like for four quarters but right now you don't have many guys that can win one-on-one matchups and that that's a major issue so um last I didn't forget you z um last thing Z asked uh do you think Jan playing 30 plus snaps was essentially a try out um if you impress cool if you don't you might be traded um I don't think John would bet traded z um I also don't think there was somebody had asked matter of fact dammo shout out DMO he asked um he's like why is Jan still in the game uh this was before we figured out how many snaps these guys played he just like why is Jan sit on the game playing with these twos and threes um and my response to that Z was was he ain't Terry McClaren it's is there is literally no receiver that shouldn't be on the field after Terry McClaren coming out that first drive or that second Drive whenever he came out um first drive I'm sorry um so for me I had I had no problem with Jan playing through the first half I had no problem with johnan playing in multiple alignments um I think and matter of fact Dan Quinn spoke on it um he he said that part of the reason why he was out there was to see where he can play best and what he was looking like in in both those those multiple positions um but I had no problem with it and I also don't think it's an indication of him being on the trade block or him being under scrutiny or anything like that um I just think that it's no question whatsoever that there is no receiver to the level on this roster of chry McClaren uh Point Blank period he's going to play as much as they want him to play and he better deal with that [ __ ] no I mean Mo I I agree I mean and and I'm a Jan fan let's get this straight right now I've been a Jan F since but I'm with you I'm completely F well we know we know you're not AJ but no I mean I have no problem with the competition aspect especially like I said from a guy from Jan Jan didn't have a great season last year Johan had what you would classify as a sophomore slump so going into his third year he's put a whole new coaching staff if they say Hey you gotta prove that you're a number two receiver on this roster to me I'm completely fine with that let him go out there and prove it I mean hell I mean if it's a competition between him and dami right now sure dami you can say has the leg up if we're just basing it off the preseason game now granted I haven't been out to the training camps I haven't seen the practices and seen how dami look versus Jan but you gotta think think about from the coach standpoint you know they're evaluating these guys and they're pitting these guys against each other so you know I want competition of almost every spot that deserves the competition and this is one of those spots like I said I hope Jan wins but if Jan doesn't win I'm gonna assume he just didn't do enough to win and someone else look better to him and that this is real competition and this is something that I kind of feel like has been missing around here in previous years like we've heard you know the previous coaches staff we're not going to say his name but we've heard the previous coaching staff talk about competition but we never really felt like a lot of those were real battles at those spots but I feel like now Dan Quinn isn't lying to us Dan Quinn seems like a pretty genuine guy he seems like a pretty honest guy and I feel like right now they are really having battles out there and I want the best man to win I don't want guys to win because of their draft status or their name I want them to win because they're being the better guy in practice in games preseason whatever it is so Jan if he has to step it up he has to step it up and if he has to play two three four quarters in a preseason game so be it go out there improve yourself I mean I'm all for it man man do you really like who is Jan competing against dami right now I would say dami I think that's a legit competition right at this point man if you if you if you losing that with thato I rather say Zak kid than dami because if you battling dami for the number two spot at wide receiver you might as well pack jond up like I don't want to give up on him I don't want to give up on him I I've never seen him as a number two wide receiver in this league I mean if you guys don't remember when uh that draft happened we were actually at FedEx Field I was so disappointed when they drafted that man like because I was like I don't understand it I don't really see him as what he's projected to be as far as being a a first round pick like I just didn't see it in this game man AJ went to the spaces as soon as as soon as we got in the car whatever had a long I had a long drive from from Landover to Tyson's like hell yeah like yeah so I mean at the end of the day you know I don't none of us know what's going on with Jan we're not at practice we don't know you know that's why we got guys like San fornier coming on maybe we can get some insight how he maybe has paid attention to his mannerisms uh during practice whatever uh I just think that a lot of the fans are are hype about d uh Jan doson because of his rookie year having seven touchdowns but it wasn't an amazing season I mean it's 35 catches for like 530 yards that was an injury he it was an injury but I also think it's because how he started because at one like like probably like six weeks into the season he was leading the league in in touchdowns so like that's kind that's kind of how it started I I have no clue what B Mitch said today I did see Maul posted a tweet that went viral uh whatever but I mean that's that's B Mitch you feel me at the end of the day don't yeah I didn't even assume it was that could be anybody honestly it it could be a bunch of people but it's just concerning with Jan because last year you know a lot of people tried to give him a pass because of Eric benmy and even he kind of went public against Eric benmy now you're with a whole new caching staff but it's the same wide receiver coach Bobby Ingram and your name is being brought out again like to have for him to have 32 snaps in a preseason game is extremely alarming and I don't know if he anything in those 32 snaps okay let's go ahead on hold on let's go ahead let's go ahead and ask the good man himself uh Sam 4ier Washington Post you know um as I mentioned he's going to be checking with us uh and he's backstage right now so we can kind of get things rolling with the good man from The Washington Post s for what's going on boss man how you feeling I'm doing well thank you guys for having me I appreciate it already man so um obviously the the bigger news today um and this and I even prefaced this when we started the show like Martavius Bryant hasn't been around for some six years um he's practice squad last year obviously with the Dallas Cowboys so Quinn has some familiarity with him but we we think about just the receiver group in position as we kind of think a little bit macro and not just specifically Martavis uh what do you think about that position group but also Jan doson and itself um I don't AJ thinks the 30 plus snaps in preseason game was was a problem I I was for it um I actually don't know what you think Dre um but just generally speaking the receiver group position in itself but also the 30 30 plus snaps from Jan Dodson and first week of the preseason yeah there's a there's a lot there um Let me let me start with Martavis because that was the story of the day out at Camp uh you're right we haven't seen him in a minute somebody actually pointed out to Terry today when we were talking to him like the last time Martavis was making plays in the league like Terry was not in it he was at Ohio State which like kind of gives you a a frame of reference there and so I think that I mean look like uh you don't have any big body receivers on the roster except for Bryson taine and even though showed out you know you're still not exactly sure what that what he is and so I think bringing in Martavis at the beginning of a rebuild just seeing what he is seeing if you know he's the type of guy that can add some value to your offense like I'm for it why not um we we're not even sure like I don't think they know what he is right now and so today on the field you know after practice he was getting some extra balls from from uh Bobby Ingram and and I think just you know working back into game shape and so because he is like Dan Quinn at the presser before we went out there was like this is a receiver in a linebacker's body and I was like yeah okay like I've seen some big receivers but he his size really does stand out and so if he can be uh if he can be anything close to what he was which I think is an open question like I think he could be an addition to the Commander's offense but I'm not penciling in him for sure as one of the five six seven receivers they end up keeping on this roster and about Jan specifically um obviously a lot of convers ation surrounding his 2023 season but also trickling into this year um some weren't impressed with his outing in against the Jets um I took it with a grain of Sal I did think that the one that he fell on uh that was not a good I thought it was overthrown but either way that doesn't even matter because that has nothing to do with him I think that there's really no good excuse for you losing your balance the way in which you did but um what do you think about Jan uh and and the fact that that there's so much controversy or conversation surrounding him as a year three player it's tough because a part of me wants to say this is not a big deal I still think he's like a lock to make this roster he's clearly one of the best four receivers on the team he's talented um and another part of me is like yeah like I I do think that number of snaps for one of those guys is a concern in the preseason just because you know you you just don't see a volume of Reps for for guys at his caliber normally um and I would say even like you know the like you said he fell he had three targets that was one of them and and he bobbled uh that one near the sideline on another I I don't think that was his most impressive day um but but I don't see that as a as a reason to to Ring the Alarm Bell and and I don't know if B Mitch was talking about him or not I heard you guys talking about that a little bit um beforehand I I certainly have not if he has had body language problems at practice they've not been glaring to me um I mean I'm there every day like I watch the receiver drills I'm glad you answered that cuz I was I was a little confused he he wasn't specific in who he named but I was like um maybe I thought it was the the chance that he could have overstated exactly what he was talking about as well I mean he could have been talking about Jan you know like I don't know and I I I won't speak for B Mitch but just if you're like if somebody were to ask me have you seen Jan you know pouting have you seen him stomping around and being upset at practice like no I I have not uh I think you know I think I'm pretty tapped in when I'm there uh and I do watch a lot of the offense um just because of Jaden this year you know I think that's that's where I'm most curious to to look so and I and I haven't seen anything that's been you know that's kind of popped off the field so Sam last week we had Ben standing on and he kind of touched on Jan doson not necessarily having the best training camp of course everyone has uh two different pair of eyes how have you felt about his his time uh in training camp and also the third round pick Luke mcaffrey so starting with Jan I would say like he hasn't he definitely hasn't popped and he does he hasn't impressed I think in the way that someone like I don't know dami Brown has and dami brown I think is a separate conversation because we've seen this dude ball out in Camp for what three years in a row four years in a row now and it doesn't necessarily translate to the regular season so that's an open question that I have but when I think about Jan especially with the way that Joe wit likes to call defense you're just getting more pressed coverage and we knew coming out of college like that was something that he was not strong against right I remember I can't I honestly can't remember if it was like early in Camp or if it was in OTAs actually but Jan had a rep where he won at the line I want to say against Michael Davis and Terry like lost it and he was like bro like hands at the line like win at the line win early to win late basically is what is what Terry was telling Jan and he was fired up but but that has not been a consistent thing that we've scene um so I mean I don't want to go too hard I'm not like ringing the alarm Bell like you know I think Johan's cooked or anything like that but I I still think he's a talented receiver who's going to contribute to this team this year but he just hasn't um stood out I think in the way that that maybe other guys have so quick quick F quick followup because you mentioned something Joe wit and Dan Quinn they like the Press at the line of scrimmage more so has Jian been in the slot more so in training camp or has he been on the outside he's been I mean like I haven't been tracking snaps but he's definitely have like he definitely has been back and forth I mean it's it's definitely not an exclusive position because I realized I didn't answer the second part of your earlier question going to Luke mcaffrey um he's he's stood out at times um and he you know he plays the slot as well I mean they're they're certainly moving these guys all around and I like the way Cliff experiments with things on offense um you know we were we were talking before the show in the like on Twitter DMS and like one of the things that stood out to me about you know the play calling they're not obviously going to show a ton of scheme but like they used two back sets like three or four times on that second drive and like that's not something Cliff has done before like he's been almost exclusively an 11 12 some 10 Personnel guy he's not been a 21 Personnel guy but he's been doing it way more in the spring he's been doing it more um you know in this summer and I'm like very fast to see is that an experiment that carries over the regular season which of the backs he uses it with how does he deploy it because I think it could be really cool I know I'm rambling and getting far field to your question but what I'm saying is is I think that like this offense has been uh pretty predictable and stagnant over the last few years and I'm curious with Cliff Kingsbury not being a head coach being able to just focus on offense like I I spent some time in LC Texas with Cliff when he was at Texas Tech and and like I showed up at the facility at like 4:00 a.m. one day and he was there and we were you know I saw his whiteboard in his office like the dude is a mad scientist um and so I'm curious to see like if he can fully devote his attention to developing a quarterback and and a number two pick like what does he come up with in like 21 Personnel or how he uses those different receivers because that dude loves to scheme people open like those are the things that I'm I'm most curious to see you know when we get to the regular season yeah Sam I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned but I got disconnected but I wanted to ask about Luke mcaffrey because when he got drafted I was already I was kind of assuming that he would be a guy that was locked in somewhere between three and four at the wide receiver spot but then watching his preseason game now I know he shouldn't take too much from the preseason but I noticed he was kind of further down like you know along the lines of guys that played at the wide receiver spot can you talk about what he's been looking like this training camp and maybe what M what what's possibly his role going forward in this season yeah I we just touched on Luke um his play but I would say that I still think he's like a lock to make this team for me it's Terry Jan diami Luke and then probably zakus um I think those those five guys you know have the have the inside track and then you know do you like a Bryson Tain uh do you like Mitchell Tinsley Martavis Bryant who we already discussed I mean there's there's like there's a lot of and then how many receivers do you keep I I think it's it's an open question um at this point but to me like mcaffry is going to be on this team you don't use that high of a pick on him uh in your first draft of a rebuild and then cut him loose um does he fulfill that Vision right away I think he has a chance to because he's a smart player he works really hard you know everybody talks about Jaden getting it 55 he does the same and um obviously you know got some good lineage in this league I'm not saying he's that guy but but obviously he knows what it takes and I think that that's a huge part of being a rookie getting acclimated to the NFL so um that's where I kind of see the receiver position at for now so um let's kind of flip to that defensive side of the football uh right quick um there was some things that stood out in that game um Emanuel Forbes in the secondary s rist in the secondary uh in his couple of possessions early on um and then obviously like Frankie louu made a pop uh Jamon Davis stood out good and bad um what about what's your thoughts in terms of what you saw from those ones and twos while they were on the field against the Jets was who were some of those standouts whether it was good or bad what was what was your your thoughts that's tough because I I have takes about all three of these guys um let's let's start with Sam still still because because that was I I think might take you 20 minutes yeah uh look s still obviously swaller nickel having the you know the big slots in the league like cup and and NCA um uh I think that like he's gonna have to stop the run this year and his ability to do that at least in a limited capacity um in the first preseason game was welcome we knew that he was going to hit we knew that he's that type of guy but just seeing him do it in the NFL I think is is always encouraging um so he's he's a guy who I say like he might have some some some some tough spots just because of his size but like it won't be because of lack of effort and and I think he could jump out right away and like I am I am somebody who I'm very cautious about how much I take from that first preseason game because I don't know if you guys remember last year but last year like Sam how looked great Emanuel Forbes had that big tackle at the goal line on Third and one we were like this dude can hit and Quan Martin got beat inside on that on that touchdown and people were like Quan Martin is terrible why oh yeah he had a terrible preseason one year later like all three things you would have said are wrong you know like and I would have said him too because I watched the tape but um so I'm wary to to take too much from it but um I would say that stood out about s still um do you want me to talk about one of the other two guys or you want to jump in N Go For It um because I had a I had a follow up about a different player but I I want to hear your thoughts on on fors because I think the commentary surround him is actually pretty interesting um I'll just say this one thing uh for sure you got the floor it don't matter how good you are from start to finish if you giving up that one big play that carries you or that follows you your entire career to start your career uh that follows you and and that's something that I think Forbes is is struggling to really really really uh get behind him uh what are your thoughts on on Forbes I think forbes' future with the team is is very much in question even though he's been taking a lot of starting reps and I thought it was notable that today when we asked Dan Quinn about him Dan was like yeah you know I would have loved to seen him not just have a pbu on that throw off the sideline but but come down with an interception and for him to kind of come out and challenge Emanuel in that way I thought was notable um you know he did have that tackle early on that I thought was was positive or you know maybe he had the maybe it was a an assist or a half tackle or whatever but he he did have a nice play early on and then he got beat for the touchdown and and and I and I didn't think his footwork was very good and so he's a guy that he he as ball skills which this which which obviously this defensive staff prioritizes as much if not more than anything I just don't know if his technique can be consistent enough to allow him to be the player that that he could be um and so I I I just think that if I were to bet like I would say the two outside corners on on week one right now are Benjamin St jice and Michael Davis I think that's obviously one of the weaker position groups on the team but I still don't know if Forbes fits into like the Future Vision uh for this roster well I I kind of want to jump in and ask about you know closer to the line uh a guy that stood out to me in this past preseason game KJ Henry draft pick last year I want to know if he's closer to entering that edge rusher rotation because this is one of the kind of positions that's kind of a question mark for me on the defense I feel like it's not going to be a bad position group The Edge rushers that is but I don't know how impactful this group is going to be and is KJ Henry kind of ready to jump into that rotation with a Lawrence Armstrong and the Dante fers yeah to me he's like their fourth or fifth Edge rusher right now um I don't see like I don't think you're counting on him to be one of your main guys generating pressure off the edge um we can go back to to Jamon Davis uh because I think he factors into that discussion and and I'm I I have some thoughts on that but like but I think KJ Henry yeah he had that nice play where he had the change of Direction but I but I also that the toughest thing about the preseason man is he had that nice like change of Direction play to bring down the quarterback but like I don't know if Peasley's like going to be in this league you know like I don't know if he's a guy who you can really like say oh that was an impressive play against a dude that's gonna be playing on Sundays in the league uh at a on a regular basis and so you know I think he had some nice moments he had some nice moments I thought he finished last year strong on obviously a a a really tough pass rush unit um but I don't I don't know if he ever ascends past like nice piece you know hey Sam are you gonna uh be in Miami for the The Joint practice yes sir flying down tomorrow okay so if you being out there what are some key things that you'll be paying close attention to while you're out in Miami uh you know seeing Mike McDaniels offense and the speed demons the on full display yeah I mean the speed has got to be the number one thing right and how this defense like matches up to it I wonder I mean obviously they won't be game planning but I I would wonder like if they would try to play a little bit more ball control offense if they were playing them in in the regular season like that I I would be curious to know like what that game plan would look like uh but yeah I mean we just talked about like how perer corner I think is one of the one of the weaker units on the team and like that doesn't bode well when you're gonna uh face you know Tyreek and and and waddle and and those guys the one thing I will say is I don't think you will get what you got last year in that game which is like Quan Martin being singled up in the slot against Tyreek Hill I think that you'll have a defensive staff that has better prepared these players and they will put them in better positions to succeed uh I know that's obviously not going to be a huge focus of of this joint practice but um yeah man I mean like I'm just I I love you know like Tyreek has been talking um talking trash uh about about no like I just dude I don't I don't know if you guys remember this but that there was a throw that Tua had it was like going away from the Press Box last year where he threw it I was like there's no chance Tyreek gets this and Tyreek that was like I just love seeing like elite players make plays like that and so I'm just really looking forward to seeing those guys again because I think that offense is special yeah I don't blame go ahead AJ oh no I was just goingon to say there's very few guys that can accelerate when that ballers in the air like that besides maybe Des Jackson and Randy Moss and maybe Calvin Johnson but like to the degree where you can see that speed taking off is it's insane like it is insane there's times especially like we haven't seen a ton of those players here right and so like no anytime like you get around like you know when I'm in the playoffs uh like they sent me to Giants Vikings a couple years ago and just watching Jeff like Justin Jefferson run routes like just as a fan of ball like it's hard sometimes not just be like oh so so that's what it looks like so I got one question uh on my end say and I appreciate you joining us spending some time with us on travor da man um I I did I know one of the things that you looked at yesterday was just trying to understand how the the the ones that were out there how they messed with Jaden Daniels um against the Jets uh like what what were some of your your notes uh from that running back position group I think it's actually a little bit more versatile than than some may have projected coming in some meaning the fan base I don't know how the reporters felt um I thought that uh Austin Eckler provid some juice as a receiver um actually like actually running routes as a receiver that I probably think that some people didn't understand the mismatch value that he provides um but also B Rob Eckler and and people behind them what do you think about uh that running back position yeah it's a good question because I like when you look at the tape from the first preseason game you're like oh like Austin Eckler is going to be used a little bit more between the tackles than we expected like uh I don't think that's gonna be the case I think they'll do it as a change up but to me like I I still think the the common expectation of BR Rob's GNA be more of your one you know first second down Bruiser in between the tackles downhill guy and Austin's going to be the third down pass catcher guy that you line up um you know you line up outside like I think that that's still going to be what it is there's going to be more versatility but Brian Robinson I think personally I hate this is this is tough but like I don't think he's the the route Runner or the like the the pass catcher he's he's good out of the back field he has good hands I don't want to like get it twisted but I think that fans sometimes maybe overvalue his value as a as a pass catcher just just for me personally like the the big plays he had and he can certainly create in the passing game but like there mostly you know screens or or you know uh scramble drill type plays for me so I would say that Austin if if you're going to go pass catcher he's still your guy um the third dude Jeremy McNichols I think it's Jeremy McNichols over Chris Rodriguez just because of what he adds in the passing game and obviously Anthony Lynn's a big fan of him um being with him last year in San Francisco I know he's a vet I know he hasn't like played in a game since 21 but right now he seems to be the third back to me you know and then Rodriguez Wy some of those other guys um I I I'll be I'll be curious if they keep four backs um I think it could be three right now um but but going back to the two back sets which we talked about um it would probably be tough to keep three I don't know these are this is the time of Camp the dog a camp where I go back and forth on on on a lot of my takes but I would say the the running back room the running back room right now um I think it's going to be BR Rob and Eckler and you have to feel pretty good about that I think Sam um I I know you had to go fellas jry AJ if we had questions we can just spin the block next time Sam comes on but I want to give you the floor just to anything plug anything and everything that you got going on obviously you can find Sam on Twitter at Sam the number4 TR um but anything and everything that you got going on the floor is yours I appreciate you joining us I appreciate you guys having me I'm glad we were finally able to make this work we've been talking about it for a minute um you can find me on Twitter uh like you said uh the the the post at in the physical news newpaper if anybody still gets that uh and and to that point my job was like Hey this dude's 28 like he'll he'll figure it out and so they're having me on Tik Tok Instagram it's the same handle as as Twitter so you can find me there there it is man say appreciate you joining us uh enjoy the practices be safe in Miami man get you a littleb for your boy all right boys all right all right there goes saying 4 of The Washington Post fellas um good conversation uh like I said he had to jump off he had a strict time so I wish we could have asked him a couple more questions um but we jumped the gun a couple places uh do we want to close the book on anything and all first off I'm sorry appreciate everybody who's checking in out if you haven't done so already make sure you hit that like button make sure you hit the Subscribe button um and I have not forgotten about the Jersey giveaway I've just been lazy admittedly I'm sorry but the Jersey giveaway will come out M fact we'll get it done um Saturday post game of the the Miami Dolphins and commanders game that game Saturday that thing at seven o' so seven on a Saturday night bro it's gonna end like 10:30 probably gonna end about 10 10:30 something like that but you ain't gota watch that long because ain't nobody gonna be playing by that time I mean you know could be out there because because because the starters are supposed to be playing the whole half so hey that man play if that man played 32 snaps last week he D gonna be there at the end he gonna be taking a Nee with the quarterback to end the game d h I think they need to be playing yeah I need to be I think they need to be playing at least a half these last two games bro I don't ever understand yeah I'm cool with him playing in both the second and the third game I just don't like when you got that much time in between like your third your third preseason game and then the week one game bro I don't understand why you're not playing them this my opinion because you ain't doing no more I think the third the third game should be the dress rehearsal game that's why I think you know because back in the day it was the third game was the dress rehearsal game but you had a fourth game after that now you only have three games I feel like the third game should be the dress rehearsal game if the second game is a dress rehearsal that's too that's too soon that's three weeks between week two you know the preseason game two in the regular season game one I don't think I don't think I don't think he's playing the final game just uh just a heads up I would hope he play that I want to say is it it's not that weekend yeah actually is that weekend college football debutes next next week FL Florida State plays GE August 24th yes week zero flid LS next weekend okay Bet LSU plays in Vegas on that Monday what that mean they gonna let him heas he's supposed to be out there that's from yeah from what we were supposed to be trying to do with him at Top Golf I already been told he was gonna be at that game that particular weekend trying hit that [ __ ] man get his ass on the field bro hey I mean at the end of the day I I think tell them ice up Sunday I mean if it was me I wouldn't play my starters the last game of the preseason I I do week two and let's just start game planning for for week one against Tampa whoever your opponent comfortable with that 3we break though I mean not to say it's a big I'm not even trying to make a big deal about this but that's three weeks between week that that preseason game two to NFL week one it's a three-week break that's why I'm like I would rather do the week three where they do the dress rehearsal I guess why I'm cool with it is because it allows your your coordinators your position coaches and the players to to seriously lock in on that week one opponent and how you plan on attacking them from the offensive side of the ball and defensively so they're still going to be practicing and doing walkthroughs and all those things but I just feel like yeah you need to settle in figure out a a strategic game plan for this week one opponent especially when you got a rookie quarterback going against a toe BS type defense and we also need to figure out who this damn starting line a starting offensive line is going to be cuz I mean they ain't no slouchers over there at Tampa especially when you got a big boy like via uh V via uh at nose tackle so um yeah I I just man why I want these guys to go against the Patriots next week I'm I'm cool off that if it was maybe if it was a more competitive team I'd be like all right cool let's see them for a little bit but the Patriots hell no if it were me The Starters wouldn't even travel uh to the home game and they and they right in the in the local area they would be right at their crib don't even come to FedEx so uh let before we get out of here do we got any closing thoughts on um damn I should have we should have well we ain't had that much time um should I had say about any injury reports um now I gotta do the work but but what uh do we got any thoughts on on the Jets like did anybody rewatch or or or study because I mean I did but I don't want to go like full dive into everything that I saw um because I can be here for a little minute I only watched the first half again I mean again uh I love the the the starting draft that they had you know they got out there and they did they were supposed to do and you know what's funny is in the moment watching it the drive didn't feel that long but then when I rewatched I'm like man that was a long sustained Drive I mean but you obviously hope that at some point you start to see the bigger plays and all but the fact that they had a long sustained drive and they were able to finish that drive with a touchdown I mean that was encouraging because long drivve scare me from previous experience because we always have some kind of stupid penalty that ends up you know halter Hal in the draft or you end up the drive with a field goal or even worse uh no points at all so it was really encouraging as he that was a lone draft that they had to start off with and he ended up scoring a touchdown so you just want to [Music] build yeah here yeah okay all right AOL started acting up but uh but I mean uh for me backage for a second I went and uh watched the Jets game but then I also I went back and rewatched the game and then I also paid close attention to Jamon Davis and then some uh Clips came out of all his snaps uh against the Jets and I just I just personally want to know what the hell did he work on this off season because whenever he was going one-on-one against Olu uh Fano he had no plan there was no plan it was like I'mma just hold your shoulder pads and let's just let's just twep with each other it was literally no rip move no spin move no Euro Step no nothing it was literally like straight almost damn near bull rush on everything every single snap that he took from that position so I'm just curious like what what did he do this offseason like did he did he not know that he was prepared to play defensive end what like I wanna I no rip moves no bending nothing I did want to say one thing um because I I I I agree with your assessment um but the questions itself I don't necessarily agree with um and the reason why I don't agree with them is because like that transition bro it ain't it ain't like the same for everybody right and I think like your theory of putting Jam Davis on the jam Davis on the edge um like you were one of the first people out there to say that he should be on the edge right like he should be used in a role where he's not just just that off ball linebacker but more of a versatile piece in the defense um but what you didn't account for and like everybody didn't account for uh in that instance is like all the intricacies of playing in a Defender like you have to understand how to get better with your get off you have to use your hands much more because in the trenches that's all you're going to do and as a linebacker you can just go shoulder first you can just run through a lineman or you can run around a lineman like you can do all these other things that can help you get to the ball a little bit quicker but when you entrench when you on every single snap you got you got to use your hands against an offensive lineman or or a tight end um and and and try to win these reps in that fashion or have like these counter moves and these tiary moves I hope I use that right that's like third that's like your third move thing like that like I'm I'm out here practicing my words um like when you have these like those those Rush plans or those counter moves intact like that takes time to develop but not only that like those come a little bit more easier than uh to to people who have played that position much longer than a Jamie Davis who's only been playing it for uh five months I mean you gota at least try that you gota at least you go at least try how that's my point what are we doing here bro like that's what I'm saying like you know I'm not expecting this dude to be no Elite passor no miles Garrett no Michael Parsons nothing but if you're not even attempting the moves like what he tried to SP move got his H up he he tried to spin move on Olu got his ass hammed up he lost the quarterback bro now granted it was a sack on that one play uh I forgot he got the Asian Pacific name uh po po po po po poto the dagle yeah yeah yeah yeah he got the sack on Ty Rod bro but uh I'm sorry I didn't do that on purpose for those that's listening um but he got he got hammed up by Olu on the edge uh he tried to to spin off him Olu just yanked him up like a little kid right and he lost the quarterback in that instance but but all I'm saying is it's AJ that's so funny bro like I don't think you're wrong I just think like that's that's just a little bit more jumping the gun with Jamie like I didn't expect I didn't expect him to have all the answers or have enough answers at all in this I didn't expect him to have the he don't even have a good get off right now like his his Rush his Rush path ain't even that good like he don't have nothing as a pass rushing and that's like he has nothing so I mean literally like no no hand R there was no placement of the hand it was nothing it that that that was what made me frustrated it wasn't more so expectations of him being you know uh a top pass wrestler whatever but the reason why they put you there is because of your pure athleticism so even if you feel like you can't beat that man with your I'm glad you say that try to get around the corner Ben like use that speed like use something of of your advantage and I did not see that at all I don't know what he's doing in practice right but like in the game buddy was just straight up trying to bull rush like and it's not like he's even strong enough he's not a he doesn't have the Brian arpo strength at Bull rushing you feel me like he's he's just straight up getting locked up so here's my thing let me out I'm locked up here's my last thing on bro and I'm going close the book on a couple players and give them some shout outs whether good or bad I'm going give them some shout outs on on things that I noticed on again film session gonna come out tomorrow morning on YouTube um things like that what's going on Mark what's going on big dog appreciate you checking in uh one of the the big film gurus in in the commanders land um so like my thing with Jamon and I'll close out on this um I forgot exactly what I what what word I just keyed in on what you said but I'll just say one thing bro um when it comes to Jamon a lot of people are looking at his frame his his size and his speed bro and like obviously the coaches may like him but I don't think that's enough like I don't think it should be enough to Warrant him staying around and the reason why I don't think it should be enough is because like so many people are trying to make this argument or enough people that's on the beat that see him every day are trying to make this argument for why the coaches like him and want to keep him around but I'm like if you see what if you see what you just saw in live game reps like you don't have time necessarily to practice your move in like like you do in training camp like you're in a real life game situation where you have to play situational football you have to play uh uh play Smart in terms of like what you identifying a run you have to locate like run Defenders I'm assuming you have to locate ball carries you have to set the edge properly like you have to do all these things and like if you don't look great in all facets excuse me let me even if you don't look good or serviceable in all facets um and or at least consistent in one fcet then like it's going to be hard to necessarily even keep you around especially as a year four player in that situation I think that's what really boggles my mind when it comes to Jamon in that instance um and so I I say that to say for those who say he's guaranteed a rock spot because the coaches like him I don't agree with that um now I may be wrong in terms of like they may actually keep him but I don't agree with that that don't mean they should keep him around because he's in his last year he doesn't have an extension on table doesn't off he doesn't have offer on the table um and you're asking him to switch positions in his very last year with your team I have no reason to keep you around and especially if you don't look that promising as a pass rusher what am I gonna keep you for um and that's the last thing I'll say on that I'll just transition to a couple players quickly uh and and I'm done talking for this episode uh I want to give shout outs to where are they at um Noah egg bagy and ch doy Anum you piic the two you picked the two Nigerian dudes they got some names on them bro oh my god um two cornerbacks bro uh I think Noah plays uh the see that's crazy because their name so crazy bro but I think they I think Noah plays the slot and Choi is the rookie the undrafted free agent out of Colorado say who plays outside man they had some solid games as against the New York Jess's quarterbacks uh playing some man coverage some off some off man in some situations and things like that and also some press man from the outside from Cho chuzi chozi um so shout out to them um I want to give another shout out to uh what's his name Anthony Taylor Pitman Anthony Pitman and it's not it's not a good shout out I bring him up because somebody said he's gonna make the team shouting him out for his FL somebody said he gonna make the team I'm like I I'll watch that man I said bro what does he what is his role here because because like that first game the the my opinion the the game that he had I'm like BR there is no way that you survive the 53 uh the initial cut if you have another game like you did in New York against the Miami Dolphins um so I gotta give him his his shout out and also gotta give a shout out to Chris Rodriguez um I watched the game back again um during the tape what's today Tuesday yesterday today um I did tell you admittedly and I said it on the post game immediate post game I thought he was on The Chopping Block uh I still kind of agree with that but I also want to acknowledge that man had TR like bro there was no like he had trouble with the offensive line bro he ain't B Rob he ain't gonna break a thousand tackles to get two yards he wasn't getting [ __ ] and there was a lot to do with that offensive line like not even picking up first level block uh first level rushers or Defenders um which really hurted case I it made it look way worse than his actual or way worse than than you know you know the situation was so um I'll leave it there I got other thoughts on some other players um but I'll I'll save those for the film sessions for everybody um that's gonna be tapping into that so uh I'm done man I I just hope that we don't see Chris Paul at right tackle ever again and uh you know for this week two of preseason that we get some type of understanding of what this uh starting offensive line is going to be uh I think that's very important I understand that Brandon Coleman has had like some type of ailment or whatever uh and and a couple other guys on the offensive line but you want you want them to at least play one game together before you go into week one of the season so yeah I just I just hope that they um let these guys play at their natural positions cuz I truly did not even know Chris Paul had some experience at right tackle but yeah I don't want to see him playing that ever again uh I don't want to see a lot of those guys playing ever again at those tackle positions but yeah I mean you know this was a a Twist and Turn I ain't never hear uh someone get shouted out for the bad [ __ ] that they do but you know hey man got gota be objetive brother that's why tra a dive you feel me tra a dive man um hey so OG if I don't I think they're in the film session but if they aren't I I'll I'll put them on Twitter said can we get the clips of the Nigerians yeah crazy and then J Jay Tyler J Jay Tyler on Twitter talking about something when I I think I I think I talked about Emanuel Forbes and he said he said I believe it's gonna be the Canadians starting along with the two Nigerians outside and no he said Mike Davis and one of the Nigerians at the slot um did I say that right no he said one of the [ __ ] Michael Davis is Mexican and he talking about he's talkinging about the one Canadian that we got on our team I think um my boy your boy your boy um okay Cole that's gonna wrap it up for us um y'all be safe we gonna have all 32 on Thursday uh post game is going to be around for the commanders Dolphins uh Saturday immediately after just like that first game we gotta get in our preseason late night late night thing um so uh yeah we'll see you all Thursday we'll see you all Saturday um and then in between time you know what it is bro back to back to busing AJ ass and and Madden college football oh here we go bro here we go I wasn't even gonna do it all right I'm done I ain't gonna do it bro lost in overtime yeah you lost Indianapolis Colts but you know I had you know I had the Bears bro I mean come on they all proin oh the Bears like three damn wide receivers they they all pro teams bro what you mean Cale Caleb was looking nice out there but you know well we'll run it back we'll run it back I'm I'm probably off college football unless it's a it's a league game yeah I ain't gonna lie to you iing that yeah about I ain't gonna lie to you what's going on with your Dynasty then if you off college football you you left them I mean my Dynasty I got VTEC I'm I'm five and 0 I played somebody tonight who I played I think they I don't know who they got but I'm five and0 now I just that Dynasty online because you you got to remember back in the day when college football was around there wasn't online leagues so you ain't you ain't had they had an online jint that was that and but that was the last one and the only one they had yeah but it's like bro you got to do all this recruiting pitching all these things sign I a got time for all that man like I really don't have time for that battling with all these different schools for five and four star players nah son like I I'll just be on my CFM and Madden uh so yeah if anybody gotta leave for me and Maul to to join and beat y'all ass in you know feel free matter fact I will run a couple leades I'm gonna run one with the gangs I told you I got like 10 11 12 people with me um but if you got to if you got a leave for me bro I I'll join that J solo too as long as it's a 48 hour J where I got time I ain't got time to be doing no daily J yes sir but yeah I mean I think Thursday will be very interesting on the um on that app called X it will bro I can't I can't wait for that because Tyreek and and jayen Wadd I think it's definitely gonna be a fight I ain't even gonna fake it's definitely gonna be a fight that happens but hey so we gonna tap in we'll be back Thursday um the the traod dive Commander scw will be back on Saturday uh Saturday night y'all take it easy enjoy your evening all that good stuff we out of here yes sir peace

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