Jayden Daniels was in sync with Terry McLaurin and Dyami Brown | Film Session

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:16:58 Category: Sports

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Intro yes sir welcome back to another traile film session I am your host of the traile podcast moolly Mo J force and listen we are diving into week two week two against Miami Dolphins obviously preseason as always but when you take a look at some things we all know there's some people who are standing out whether they're fighting for a roster spot whether they are ready for the regular season or some people who kind of Sly surprises you in a good way we're going to tap into some of those instances in this film session we got jadden D we're going to look at Terry McClaren dami Brown again some people on the offensive line and and my my guy I don't know why I said my guy like that I mean I'm cool with him I like him Tyler Owens man safety rookie safety undrafted free agent uh he made a couple plays in that in that game as well that we're going to showcase on this film session so without further Ado hit that like button hit that subscribe button chopper down field session starts right [Music] Jayden Daniels, Terry McLaurin, Dyami Brown now all right so let's tap into the couple play from jadden Daniels that I think stands out they are in unison with Dy Brown and Terry mclen right so first off let's go ahead and take a look at Terry and dami dami at the top of your screen right on the first play and I think what's important here as we look at dami but also as we look at jayen is ball placement right so from Jaden's standpoint you see you got a double AAP Blitz coming on the way or pressure look right cuz they're showing pressure they you don't know if they're coming right now but at the same same time uh they do pick it up correctly the running back stays in you get some good protection from BR and Jaden Dames has enough time to plant his feet and get the ball out into one place where biami can really make a play on the football because right now that's strap right but just good from dami side good ability to get up field press a little bit but get physical at the top of the route the break point right and I think that's a good deal from dami because it's a physical rep you have to use your hands you have to use some play strength to get open and he's able to do that the top of his route but not only that getting his hand and securing it for there's a third down catch by the way so you're moving the sticks in a big moment and that stands out to coaches too right so it's not just the fact that he caught the pass it's not the fact that he just ran a curl route it's not just the Cur route it's things that he did at the top of his route right and then what he did at the catch Point that's really good ball security uh that's a clutch play for dami and for Terry here on this next play we're going to show Terry mclen and what I appreciate from Terry in this play you're going to see it on the very next play what you're going to see here on this play is just look at his release right again very good ball placement from jayen Daniels uh he's set his look at his feet is set the way he's able to throw it his angle his outside shoulder away from the cornerback tight coverage again right but let's go back to where my point was with Terry his release at the line of scrimmage how does he set this up up presses vertical right let's see where he starts at starts at let's say the 30 36 37 yd line so you're looking at probably about a eight yard my math ain't I'm not I'm not the best person in the world counting numbers but my math ain't right but that's about like a eight yard seven yard curl coming back to the football you get you get a play but you sell that vertical route right with that speed on the sideline getting up field that's important but also the hand usage the same way that you see with dami brown tight coverage how do you work your hands at the top at the top of the route how do you create your own separation so you can get free at the catch Point really good rep from Terry McClaren good reps from the DBS let's give them credit good reps from Miami DBS but in one-on-one situations sometimes you do got to get physical and this tight man coverage you're seeing Jayden Daniels help his receiver out but you're also seeing the receivers come through for their quarterback right so let's go to the very next play that I want to show you from Terry McClaren after You' seen that release all right here we go very next play for Terry look at how he starts it looks exactly the same as that curl route right that 8 yard curl Route 89 yard curl route now you get a big play from Terry because jayen one puts the ball on the money right where his receiver can go get it and allows him to turn outside for Yak but let's pay attention to again the release he sails vertical the corner corter back who is in man coverage at this point they're in a Zone but they're essentially in man coverage right now because he's outside on he's outside on the boundary B himself essentially right so when you press vertical use that foot speed right and then you instantly plant your foot in the ground to turn around that is what the separation is right here at this point you have at least two yards of Separation Jaden has the ball to the outside shoulder perfect timing from jayen and placement from Jaden for Terry to get the ball catch it on the move just a hitch right it went from a curl to a hitch he sailed the hitch just like he was going vertically up field and created that separation from the DB and I think why I really wanted to point this out obviously the rock running is important in the detail and how you do things like that but Terry has been working on on stuff like this he's actually said this in the pre I mean in the offseason um I don't remember when exactly but like his hand usage but also just like how he works on his releases and being able to be that efficient as a route Runner like all of those things are important he mentioned Yak too by the way um so it makes sense for why he ain't going out of bounds right a really good rep from jayen and really good rep from Terry so let's go ahead and take a Andrew Wylie, Sam Cosmi, Brian Robinson look at the right side of the offensive line Sam Cosmic your your left your Right Guard excuse me Andrew Wy your right tackle really good combo block on 91 as they run to BR Rob on this play obviously you're going to see BR just explode up the middle of the field get him some yards get skinny and G at 11 right but really good combo on the front line you see John Bates overtake 20 and is able to get him and seal him away from br br is able to cut off 87's backside and maximize the yardage that was in front of him but again Wy cosm me really good combo at the point of attack cosm's able to climb to the second level get some hands on 11 and Wy does a good job overtaking 91 as that se block really good first level reps impressive from everybody obviously you see B robs juice as a ball carrier he had a couple runs that was really good in this game as we all know all right let's show some Luke McCaffrey Rooks the Rooks some love now what's his what's the quarterback's name Driscoll Jeff Driscoll he's in quarterback now so no more Jaden Daniels but we're looking at Luke mcaffry at the top of your screen if you all seen the film session that we had with Luke mcaffry right the toughness that he brings what he can do at the catch point right he makes a lot of contested catches you see another one here where he's able to extend outside his frame go up and snag it but also really then with with good ball security um you're looking at uh cover three essentially I mean when that Defender is leaking out right he has to kind of he has to do a little bit more extra work Luke does in terms of his stem and bringing it back towards that outside hash left hash excuse me I don't know why I said it like that but really good rep from Luke uh high ball from from Driscoll but I mean the pass gets there for Luke and you're able to get a conversion right just kind of look at it from the other angle oh and don't mind I you know I showed my I showed my boy some love last week oh my Lord what's his name uh Ricky strongberg I showed him some love they got him in at Right Guard now so I've never seen him play Right Guard before I'm sure he's done it in practice a couple times but I've never seen him play it I've only seen him play left guard and I've only seen him play center so maybe this is a difference but you see what happens with Ricky when I mean this happens to any offensive lineman who's unable to get their hands on the defender but as also their hand placement is out of position right 91 is able to control the wrist and then drive directly into strong BG's chest he has no leverage whatsoever strongberg does he's fighting for his life this is like a a sled drill he's just driving him back um so I did want to kind of point that out he had a couple rough moments in the game it wasn't terrible but that was one of the the bigger ones is at the point of attack he was out of position from a hand standpoint but also unable to to anchor down against 91 that was a rough rep last one on the offensive side Braeden Daniels let's go ahead and look at the man Braden Daniels he's over here playing left guard right so you're going to see him cross the formation on a couple of these plays it's back to back plays it's a good seal for I think that's Wy um the running back yeah that's Wy but you see him pulling this is about Bren Daniels clearing that out for from 41 get sealed good job from Braden on this pull clearing away and then the next play same thing crossing the formation but now he's kicking out he's not pulling into a gap but then he finishes the block too like he took him out the screen but the the full play you see him bury the defender into the ground but you just see like the the kick out on this instance right Good Hat placement on both on both occasions that's a good strength on contact obviously the linebacker once he got on to the linebacker linebacker was getting off all right so let's close this one out Tyler Owens with Tyler Owens it's a three playay sequence right so now you have Tyler in a situation where out of these five plays he made a play on play 29 play 32 play 33 really good reps from Tyler and let's kind of show how everything worked out for him as he play these situations right so the first situation you'll see um he's not necessarily the single high but he's about again help me with my math here it look like that that looked like about 10 yards off the ball right um so really good rep from him here you'll see able to really quickly diagnose the run you see the Run flow he's he's going shooting that side the angle all right shooting the angle I meant to say shoot the edge I'm sorry but really good rep from Tyler Owens coming from 10 yards off the ball uh closing the Gap like that with the quickness and acceleration getting the guy down for no no game been nice if it was a tfl but no gain is no game that's a win for the defense that's a win for Tyler Owens especially got is trying to make this team next play now a lot of people you're probably going to have to look at this a thousand times to actually understand what was going on you may some people thought that it was Tyler Owens that was responsible for the big game let me just run it and then you all can kind of we can kind of talk about it that's effort great effort so for Tyler in his instance right they're in a man coverage so when I said people thought or mistakenly thought that this was Tyler's responsibility initially um he actually saved the linebacker and he saved Jeremy Reed who obviously missed the tackle coming from that single high but Darren man coverage right so you see him and if you want to know how this is IND indicative of man coverage I'll give you some indicators right look at where Tyler goes initially he goes with 49 he's man up on the tight end so initially he's following with 49 right but if you want another indicator look at the pre- snap motion right with the receiver crossing the formation who's running with him that's a Defender running with him another indicator of man coverage if you want another indicator of man coverage and this is where the first mistake happens the middle linebacker number 40 it looks like the rookie um Hampton so he comes down right but look how he reacts once he comes down he's looking for the running back but he realizes the running back hits that Gap that's vacated so now he tries to get he tries to find a running back but 49 comes down and crashes on him cuz that's his assignment 49 crashes down on the linebacker seals the linebacker away so I say all that to say obviously this is a man cover situation I want to paint it the context all right so now you're talking about a full on Pursuit from Dominique Hampton after Jeremy Rees misses the tackle on the open field great effort great hustle great awareness to get his head turned around and realize where the football was lastly we are going to another this is the very next play after he just hawked the Dude down after a 40 yard run so Hampton had to turn on the Jets right and then come right back and defend a run so good job by the two rookies John Baptist number 90 right and then obviously Dominique Hanson but this is the focus is on Hampton um he's able to see the the the cracking or the not even he's not even necessarily cracking I'm sorry but the the receiver trying to block him right awareness to quickly shed that get up off me you're not going you're not going to block me but now because of John Baptist the Run was going to the left side this is great backside containment and patience right but because of John Baptist the runner bounces towards Hampton's side I mean excuse me towards uh Tyler Owens side and that's where you get the tfl so that's a great rep from Tyler Owens fortunate tfl staying patient because of his ability to shed the block his ability to get off get off the block quickly and then obviously stay as that contained man as a backside Defender so Conclusion I going to wrap it up on this film session hopefully you all enjoyed it make sure again you hit that like button make sure you subscribe button if you got thoughts any comments you let us know in the comment section you can find me on Twitter you know where at at let M tell it but yeah that's going to wrap it up for this one overall I do think that people ask me about the scheme um I think it's been as vanilla as it could be offensively but I do think the uptempo approach was really interesting because it put Jaden in charge essentially on the field um and he led that team with his decision making his ball placement I do think he got fooled offensively on that fire zone that one that that deep shot to Terry where it looked like he was throwing the football out of bounds he was trying to give Terry a shot but it it just was an overthrow but also secondly you'll notice that I don't think they I think they slid to the wrong side trying to identify the Blitz but they slid to the wrong side so I actually wonder if this was a be Tyler biotic situation where he should have helped Jaden out I don't know I don't know what this going to look like in terms of communication is the quarterback supposed to identify the blitz or if it's the center that is calling the protections and things like that but all that to say Eckler is free on the blitz side which allows him like a one-on-one opportunity in space so you want to kind of think like how's that going to be worked out in the regular season but outside of that accuracy ball placement was on point from Jaden you saw the receivers dami Brown Terry McClaren terms of their route running specifically Terry but also how they can work at the top of their routes their play strength how they're getting physical at the top of their routes to to win at the catch point was really good um and then obviously Tyler Owens was the bigger storyline along with Jaden and Terry and all them Tyler Owens is making a huge case to become a final 53 man uh stamped like no controversies no ifans buts about it so really good reps from Owens in that game against Miami as well that's going to wrap it up till next time man y'all take it easy [Music] peace you going tra [Music] you [Music] going throw the ball we going to pick it off you going to let him hit the hole or you going to cut it off you going to play through four and long or you going to punt it off your Defenders have you hits put your pads in don't be looking for the ref to throw no Flags in keep the helmet on keep the CLE tight you the type the one to win by any means right you should look alive this is trap Di

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