BREAKING: Jordan Love OUT 3-4 Weeks with MCL

great news best news we could have got Jordan love out three to four weeks with an MCL tear no ACL injury the ACL is intact remarkable when you look at the footage because the footage of his knee buckling it it's amazing the ACL didn't get snapped um 3 to four weeks what's that mean for Josh Jacobs what's it mean for Jaden Reed Jaden Reed now no longer has that God we just saw him break out now he's going to vanish into into the abyss now we know Jaden Reed's going to have a great year uh three to four weeks is going to go by pretty quick I wouldn't be shocked if he comes back for the third week and it's one of those remarkable recoveries because this is a dog right here this is a guy that loves to fight for his team he's eager to prove people wrong that doubt that he deserves the money that he got the Green Bay Packers are going to lean on Josh Jacobs is that good or bad will he have low yards per carry and C stacked boxes or will Jacobs rise to the occasion and be a an animal while awaiting his quarterback's return the fantasy football show Breaking News Edition we go live whenever news breaks and we also go live Monday through Friday at 8:00 p.m. Eastern every single Monday through Friday file on in hit that like button get ready to talk a little Green Bay Packer ball and Jamar Chase is now being listed not only questionable because of the the whole contract situation but he's being listed with an illness on top of of just being questionable anyway so looking very very much like Jamar Chase is not playing week number one but that could that could turn right on its head real quickly to the fantasy football show begins now live from the fantasy football Studios it's the fantasy football show live Monday through Friday 8:00 p.m. Eastern smedy is also live whenever news breaks from the fantasyfootball newses here is your breaking [Music] news so uh love has an MCL tear he didn't avoid an MCL tear he avoided an ACL tear he has what's considered to be between a grade one and a grade to MCL teor and um so someone said I had a a a title wrong let me see if I have the title wrong do I have a jordal out with an MCL no I have the title right has MCL tear what are you talking about it's about 3 to four weeks so it's between a one a grade one and a grade two tear so what that means is that you know he doesn't need surgery grade three would mean surgery grade one would mean he probably could potentially even play after a week or not even sit out a week between one and two means that it's it's a three to four to five to six week injury it depends on the player the MCL is a very very very painful injury when you stretch that MCL out and tear it to any significant degree at all it's something that that you'll feel pain for a a a long period of time a long period of time um I tore my MCL ACL SN my ACL tore my LCL and my miniscus when I tore my ACL um a lot of that happens with football where you tear the entire knee up when you tear your ACL and the MCL is so painful for years even to this day we're talking about over a decade I still have AC or MCL pain when the weather changes it's a it's a brutal injury it really is but in this case between a grade one and a grade two ter which is what Jordan love has you're talking about some pain tolerance on top of just making sure you don't make this injury worse so you have to sit out you have to rest it but there will be like when he's on the verge of coming back it's going to be a pain tolerance issue and this guy is not going to sit out you know I I have a feeling it's going to be a between three and four week thing I don't think it'll be four to six there were initial reports saying four to six it's probably 3 to four with this guy it's probably three no no one Jordan loves knowing how hungry he is to prove people wrong knowing how hungry he is to make doubters uh I don't know suffer when when they when they doubt this kid and he's going to go out there and prove him all wrong so we'll see what happens Jaden Reed uh will be an absolute Marvel this year if he can get his quarterback on the field sooner rather than later I think he'll still be very productive walking into the next couple weeks because they're going to lean upon him and and also keep in mind that when a quarterback's out for the season defense is team differently you know it it's it's a it's a much different thing for somebody to be you know heading into the remaining weeks like Jaden Reed without any sort of good quarterback play in in the in the future there's no light at the end of the tunnel there's still going to be a lot of you know defensive focus on stopping Jacob stopping Reed and trying to make uh inexperienced quarterback make mistakes sure but this thing is not as bad as it seems in this three to four week window maybe the Packers win one of the three games or four games that they play is certainly going to put the Packers at a disadvantage walking into the remaining part of the year so come week four five six whenever Jordan love does come back let's say it's in week four or five they're going to probably have one win they're probably going to have one win maybe they have zero wins we don't know Jordan Love's going to have his work cut out for him and it's going to be a tough road back that that might also make them be cautious maybe so this is all just you know conjecture at this point if they're 0 and four you know there is a chance if they feel like they're putting their future at risk by throwing him out there a week too early they might hold him back so there's a lot of things to factor in if the record's nice then I think that he pushes the limits a little bit so we'll have to see what happens but um 3 to four weeks is not that big of a deal especially the impact that Jaden Reed and Josh Jacobs and Christian Watson um man what a what a gut punch it would have been to have lost Jordan love for the year if you're a Jaden Reed owner and you just saw Jaden Reed become a Debo Samuel you know 2.0 which is what he really did become and and he proved it last year it's not like somebody made a comment uh in the comments yesterday when we came out of the live stream like uh they said something to the effect of like okay let's let's calm down Reed's got to prove it more than one week Reed proved it all last year Reed was doing these things last year and he jumps straight out of the gate and does them in week number one so I think we have the proof the proof is in the pudding already we don't need to wait for uh another week from Reed Reed's doing his thing this is his second year and this is what we needed to see we truly did need to see him do it at least one week and he did it in week one so this is a guy that that a lot of people say he's not on the field during three wide receiver sets doesn't matter this team uses four wide receivers five wide receiver sets they're they're barely ever two wide receiver set formations anyway and and second of all you want him in that role because it puts him in a advantageous spot where he's moving all around he's got different Defenders on him at every every moment you can't lock him down you don't know where he's going to be this is why Cooper cup and CD lamb are so successful in the slot because you you're you're moving them all over the field they're seeing all different kinds of coverage they're seeing different different defensive backs they're getting mismatches all the time defenses can't cater their entire defensive game plan to a moving in motion player and offenses that have motion offenses that have pre- snap motion like the Miami Dolphins like the San Francisco 49ers like the Green Bay Packers these are Dynamic attacks where you can't contain these wide receivers you can't double team them like you think you can you can't shut them down like you plan to and that's the new NFL you have a pre- snap motion team you have an electric potential monster on your hands and that's the new the new thing in the NFL if you don't have pre- snap motion all over the place if you're not confusing defenses and throwing a bunch of stuff at him before that snap you're not having any advantage you had a boring boring mundane offense that isn't going to surprise anybody so that's the way we're that's what we're looking at right now uh Jaden Reed's getting two three uh two three rushes a game two to three rushes a game one rushing touchdown every three or four or five games he's pulling in three maybe four touchdowns every six games receiving this guy has a potential to have 12 11 total touchdowns on a semi mediocre year uh and if he does great things all year long and he's going to have a little bit of a lull without Jordan love I I think at the end of the year he still finishes with like 12 something touchdowns he did does have a nice little jump with two out the gate but he will have two three games here where it probably won't be as plentiful near the Red Zone the goal line uh the there between the 20s it's going to be hard for the Green Bay Packers to to live inside the Red Zone in the next couple weeks there's no doubt about it but the question we have is like will will this team lean upon Josh Jacobs will Jacobs be someone that uh I I would say he's going to be leaned upon well his yards per carry go down he had a 5.3 yard per carry average last night which is phenomenal that was higher than saquon Barkley it it was it was a great game for Jacobs it was a very very slow start I think everybody wanted to drop him by by the end of the first quarter and then especially at halftime a lot of overreacting Oscars out there but Jacobs got on his horse and Jacobs looked really good he looked fantastic in the second half and he was ripping off nice runs and there there's a good chance that they they lean upon him there's also a good chance he either you know it's 50/50 he's either going to explode he's going to either bust through uh def defensive fronts and figure ways to they're going to figure creative ways to get him in positions where he's not just facing eight-man fronts constantly maybe they throw to him maybe there's a lot of of crazy nice design plays that keep the defenses uh at Bay with Jaden Reed Ender rounds jet sweeps all kinds of things that that re can do that Debo can do maybe the Green Bay Packers get creative enough to give this man room to run so Jacobs to me is a a fantastic player still moving forward I I'm not going to lie I'm a little bit worried about the next couple weeks in you know I'm hopeful that there's a way that they they can still get him the football feed him maybe they over feed him maybe they dial it back after Jordan loves back and we keep Jacobs healthy all year maybe they feed Jacobs to the tune where he would get Hur if he got the volume on the on the entire season but they can give him a nice little short shot of of 20 carries 18 carries 25 carries and in 18 carries let's say it's four games and then Jordan love comes back and and it's an efficient offense you can dial back the carries a little bit he gets more yards per pop and he's still getting you 80 to 110 yards a game on the ground with less carries that's kind of the way I'm I'm hoping it goes I do hope they overfeed Jacobs for 3 four weeks I do hope Jacobs stays healthy and if he does things will be good at the end of end of it all but there are two worlds where Jacobs gets shut down and and faces too many eight-man fronts and the Green Bay Packers can't move the football down the field and then there's maybe they surprise maybe they surprise maybe they're able to matriculate the football down the football field maybe they're able to get Jacobs the ball in creative ways we will find out but this is great news this is a step in the right direction at least for our fantasy football teams and and man these injuries are just this field and people could say oh that field had nothing to do with that injury but I I I beg to differ I I think these players were tired I think these players were worn out from a field full of potholes and and there were some situations that almost ended up with injury even with saquon Barkley getting caught up in the in the grass and he he Jord Love constantly like getting caught up he was about to throw a ball you'd see him Buckle a little bit cuz it's like he stepped in a pothole and that probably put him in a vulnerable spot his body was in a vulnerable spot everybody's body was probably worn down a little bit more than it should have been in that game and so you can say that that exact play didn't have anything to do with it but I beg to differ I think everybody's body there's wear and tear on on every single player out there last night that that shouldn't have had that wear and tear little extra wear and tear little extra soreness a little extra vulnerability they buckled their knees several times Wix was going for a a reception and he dropped the the ball and we we we judged him for it live on the show I judged him I was doing play byplay and I said Wix what are you doing they showed the replay and Wix got caught up in the in the field and then you see him like get twisted from it and then he tried to go back for the ball I didn't blame Wix at all after that I I saw the replay it was not his fault Jordan love almost threw a pick that would have been taken to the house in the first quarter untouched and we thought Jordan love what an awful throw you watched the replay he got buckled up into the grass and then he got twisted and then tried to throw the ball I I saw that replay and I said that's not Jordan Love's fault this is the NFL's fault the NFL put all these players in an unnecessary position and and we don't know the lingering effects of that we'll never we'll never know you can't measure it but how much wear and tear did these players take in week one it was like it's almost like they're leaving week three now that's how much their bodies probably got beat up from this stupid field that ridiculous um Jordan love congrats to anybody that that's been waiting uh on the edge of their seat and then this this news right here um is is something to be a little concerned about if you got Jamar Chase because it does not look like he's playing Anything Can Happen the 11th hour but right now Bengals have updated their injury report for Sunday is opener to now include an illness for wide receiver Jamar Chase Jamar Chase's injury status now includes an illness for tomorrow's game he remains questionable this coming from Ben bra Ben baby and also Adam sh so you know by low opportunities still exist for Jamar Chase I think the Jamar Chase owner is probably a panic Peter right now and my advice is if you do want to go trade for Jamar Chase now is the time to strike because you've got somebody that is saying you know hey I'm already taking an L this week I don't like that I'll I'll send him packing for a second you know round wide receiver so you know it's not it's not it's not something that like I want anybody going to take this risk on if you don't need it if your team is looking like it's going to ball or in you're you're taking a a starter out of your lineup and then putting Jamar Chase right on your bench I'm not saying that's necessarily the way to go but some of you have a freaking tank Dell and somebody on your bench you know you have a Nai Harris and a potential Godwin or something like that you send Godwin and Nai to the Jamar Chase owner using those two bench pieces and you have Jamar Chase going to your bench where those guys were already sitting and now you have a sleeping giant sitting on your bench ready for week number two or three or whenever he comes back those are the kind of Jamar Chase moves that I think people should attack um and for those that don't know this is the preemptive waiver wire show that I had up and make sure you understand that this has not been touched uh since the the pre-week one waiver wire um episode so um let me see what happened there what happened there I got to put that back uh so make make sure you understand that that this is uh this is untouched this does not include the week two stuff by any means this is literally the preemptive week one waiver wire show and uh this right here is your your secret to success if these guys are available on waivers go check it out make sure you don't leave 80 Mitchell out there before he does exactly in a way what worthy did been preaching this all week long make sure Jaylen wri isn't out there Drome Ford uh Chase Brown we got brillan Allen Davis likely nobody should have had likely on their waivers because he's been on this list during the entirety of the prew week one waiver wire content and same thing goes for Fields like the these two calls just I think they're winning weeks but potentially so uh appreciate you Rico start to uh Diggs DK Jamar Chase Devonte or sorry Devonte D David Montgomery already have Gibbs starting I'd probably say I mean start two if if Gibbs is already starting your tell me to pick two if Jamar Chase plays I'm I'm probably going to play him as long as you know if if with Higgins likely with Higgins out you know J Chase will probably play more than we think you know we we keep hearing limited he's going to be limited but without T Higgins I don't think if Jamar Chase were playing I I couldn't sit him unless we hear something crazy right before like he's going to play a couple series and that's it then of course but my my rank here would be DK and and then I would say I would say DK and David Montgomery that those are the safest options I know you have gibes in already but in some ways that'll be nice to have that hedged up and I don't think it necessarily prevents you from having a touchdown from each one of them got offered Evans for Reed I would take Evans I would take Evans if let's say Jordan love did not get hurt and he wasn't set to miss three or four games I think we'd have a debate on our hands but I think you got to take advantage of this with the three or four games that Reeds now going to be facing so I would say grab that and and I don't want to say run cuz Reed deserves consideration there but that's a good move to make and amazing that that Evans is getting traded for that though to be honest coming out of the draft Evans had remarkable draft value and he hasn't played yet so he shouldn't have any diminished value as a Titans fan I hate to see love go down mostly because uh you have have him as a backup I hope Malik can step in and become an NFL quarterback I do like Malik a lot and I think that he has a skill set that if if they use him right they can squeak by and maybe get a win win one out of three games you know if he if he has to play Four hopefully they can get two wins that would be remarkable but it's going to be it's going to be hard uh one one win I the most i' count on um but yeah he just got dealt a bad deal here in Tennessee yeah I like Malik a little bit I think he he could be a pretty decent uh backup quarterback in the National Football League and we'll get to see that we look get to see if that comes true right away I'm not a panic Peter but thoughts on Yoshi VOS uh Irvin or Burton I like Yoshi vas the most um he is the number three wide receiver in name and with both the top two guys down he becomes the number one which is crazy also CMC questionable do we get Jordan Mason of course you do that's what I just showed you here you you can't you can't leave Mason and gendo on waivers if you're a a CMC owner and if you're in a league where you can't roster both of them in some ways I can't help you with that like you you maybe shouldn't be drafted CMC in a league where you can't properly back him up when he's walking into the season at 28 years old with a a c injury so you got you got to have both of them you have to have both of them it's just what it is it is what it is Thomas appreciate you 12 team only QB is jd5 drop Darnell Mooney for fields of course I would do that yes yeah I I would have already done that love owner has mhj JT Devonte Smith Bucky Irving we're selling them momes for a package why would you sell momes I I Mahomes is going to be probably the number one or number two overall quarterback this year I I I if you took away from week one that momes is someone you need to get rid of Max I don't know I don't know what you're watching don't sell Mahomes I have bejon I have zamir alve Coleman Higgins as starters well who would your QB Be Love owner has mhj mAh moms selling them Mahomes for a package no who's your quarterback who's your other quarterback if your other quarterback could be sent to them for some of this I'd do that I'm not trading Mahomes Mahomes going to go absolutely Bonkers I I get I get two or three times a day Smitty what are we doing with Mahomes and I just I just shake my head I don't I'm not saying Max you're saying it like that but I don't I don't understand it I don't understand it James says missed my $ five holler you didn't James you I didn't miss your $5 holler I haven't got to it yet we're going through them all James patience uh love love owner let me put that on on there let me let me go let me grab all these Yoshi Vos or Deontay I'm going to go I'm going to go Yoshi uh I guess Deontay is a little safer but I kind of like Yoshi BOS this week bro I I think he's going to be pretty good you you could even say let's get the chat vote on that Yoshi vas or Deontay Deontay is safer but I don't trust Deontay much but we don't know what yosias even is you know so it's tough to really say uh here's James's first Super Chat full PPR trade my Goff cancade pulk for Bowers javante btj I momes but Bowers would be my starter uh I am not trading King Cade no can Kade for me no absolutely no absolutely no um momes is going to brow up blow up bro I know people are wild bro is there anybody in the chat other than that question that's questioning Mahomes I don't even understand it what they prove to you you should be licking your chops and saying good god look what they have look at the weapons momes has he he has so many weapons now it's absolutely insane which wide receiver to stash Luke um mcaffrey cooks or Michael Wilson I probably say Michael Wilson Cooks is the safe play but offered Higgins Warren for my Reed and brillan Allen I'd take i' take oh wow i' take Higgins and Warren I think I don't know chat what are we doing on that do we re Reed's so good but you have three or four weeks where we're not going to see the same exact read um what are we thinking here guys Higgins and Warren or Reed and brilin Allen I love the Warren I like that you're getting Warren I think Warren's going to take over the backfield at some point I don't know when and Higgins I mean what a disappointment he's been already that's why I didn't want that's why I never drafted him that's why I told people hey look at my team Smitty and it's always trade Higgins trade Higgins trade Higgins trade trade Godwin trade Higgins trade Deonte um some people are saying keep Reed Razer appreciate you joining Reed Allen uh yeah let's go read what if what if this what if this hamstring thing gets worse you know what if this thing gets worse it's going to be crazy um yeah we're going to go we're going to go live on the on the Christian mcaffrey thing on a separate video I know we got 590 people in here but I like to keep these things compartmentalized in different videos because I feel like it it helps people find the video better so we'll end this live stream and we'll go live on on uh on macaffer free so let me let me get these super chats out of the way and then we'll come do that uh dirty play by Carter a lot of people are sending him some nasty DMS that's all over the Internet uh $5 holler love owner has mhj oh what do we yeah what do we say here who I I think I was looking for your quarterback Max who would the quarterback be that you could just send off I I no way I'm try Mahomes Z I don't care I don't want to look at it B Allen korm Mason uh Shahed keep two on the bench korm and Mason especially with CMC questionable brilin Allen thank you Kentucky appreciate you I don't know this this is going to be this is going to be a wild week one it's already a wild week one Thursday and Friday games out of the way I feel like we played like two weeks of football already it's kind of wild when you think about it and and some of the amazing um amazing players that have have shined already our our our our own saquan Barkley he's on a shuttle tomorrows Mars man look at this guy Che go having a day already loads dropping and spinning aimlessly in space Barkley having a day already um I I know I know Jacob disappointed people but he he was it was 5.3 a pop you know it was 5.3 a pop and then the moonman ding look at these look at these guys right here look at this Duo what a great moonman list what a great looking moonman list worthy and rice just absolutely balling uh Devonte Smith had an okay day it could have been better but I still love I love Smith but Fields man Fields is going to come through I I love this uh Moon Man list to the Moon Mars man list to the Mars Saturn man list to Saturn let's go let's go let's go yeah Jacobs will be leaned on now uh Bruce It's just tough to know like what's that mean for yards per carry and efficiency but I you know we've seen it before where it's it's gone well for the running back and it's gone badly for the running back this is not a formula that you can predict when a quarterback goes down does the running back get better or does he get worse it's it's not an easy formula it really is not it's not something that's super predictable uh Max says QB is car 14 men so trying to rob them so you trying to get momes or what do you mean like your quarterback's car like you were about to trade Mahomes away Max and you're trying to rob them he was about to rob you if you were going to give him Patrick Mahomes on the low that's what I'm saying Max you can't trade momes would I try and Rob them you can't Rob them with car no one's taking car you could have no quarterback and no one's taking car and you damn well sure not have uh been leaning towards starting car and trading Mahomes away though Max maybe I have it wrong on what you're saying but Max no stand down on that one my guy alert Stand Down order in effect and and the best cuff board in fantasy football is in full effect Mason greno and mcaffrey you have to own all three I've said it all off season long and I don't want to hear an excuse from mcaffrey owner saying I didn't get gendo too I didn't get Mason I didn't do this I didn't do that I'm tired of hearing the excuses if you have Christian mcaffrey you should have already drafted Mason and gendo I don't care don't tell me about your roster depth or whatever can't you need all three if you don't have all three enjoy the show it's been very this is this board has been shown over and over and over again I dare I say I show this board four or five times a show four or five times a show and I can't tell you how many people keep drafting or kept drafting moer without jayen Wright not to mention you need all three and I don't want to hear that's not how it works in fantasy football you can't have three guys on one three guys from one team on for one roster spot this isn't one roster spot this is two these are two starters here these three guys make up two starting spots for your fantasy football team you're starting moard and you're starting Anan together every single week this is your flex play this or your running back to even and this is your running back one if you're so lucky to have a running back ahead of Anan this is your running back two and this is your flex play every single week if he goes down he goes in if he goes down he goes in that's why there's an arrow pointing to both players he's a universal handcuff but this is a trio this is a trio mcaffrey gendo Mason it just is it just is Yoshi voster Naji Harris uh probably niji my guy that's the safer the safer app Avenue you kind of have to do that cup and Spears for Chase I'd rather have Cooper cup My Guy Cooper cup is is going to have a big year and Jamar Chase comes with some injury risk now that he's he's holding out you know he's he's out he's vulnerable very vulnerable very very vulnerable um we'll be back for the CMC thing I I'll stay live for a little longer let's take some phone calls and talk about this specific uh situation if you dial into the phone line make sure it's about this first I'll help you with something but make sure you're asking a question about the topic at hand no offense but not everybody wants to hear your whole team spat out and what do I do here's my entire roster let me tell you the entire roster my entire league people want to talk about this guy right here and if you want to talk about Jamar Chase since that's also a topic at hand that's fine you want to bring up Christian mcaffrey that's fine too but make sure if you dial in you're not just going straight to your selfish team we will help you if you do want that but let's go ahead and uh take some phone calls Alex appreciate you dialing in first Alex you're live what can I do for you Alex what's up Smitty what's up so do you think it's time to trade away Watson like most Packers receivers for like the time being cuz love because of Love uh I I don't think that you're going to get much for Watson would I trade him away in the right deal sure I'd trade away anyway anybody in the right deal but keep in mind he didn't have big yardage I think people are still worried about him I don't think his one touchdown made anybody feel Ultra warm and fuzzy that doesn't own him but if you could package him with something sure but here's the thing bro who's trading for a wide receiver right now that's had his track record that just lost his quarterback nobody nobody cares bro no one's going after Watson I hate to I hate to burst your bubble you could maybe throw him into a deal and just get get a deal done but no one and I'm not saying it's right I think people should be interested in Watson especially in Dynasty you know there's some value here but in redraft I don't think anybody cares bro you know give me a scenario give me a scenario all right so I've offered mhj Waton um chub and Walker for e and Hall say say that again say that again I offered mhj Walker Watson and chub for etn and Hall all right let me let me break that down so Walker etn um most people have etn ahead of Walker okay Hall everyone has h above mhj so you're basically asking for two better players and you think Watson and chub who may never be the same player ever again um are going to close that Gap I don't think so but if you pull this off bro as I say I quit my job I come work for you you show me a receipt I mean I don't know how you're going to pull this off this is a redraft league I think you're getting a little get you're getting a little excited about what Watson offers in terms of trade value he offers you probably an extra pickle on your ham sandwich that's it you're not even getting the ham sand for Watson do you think I could like replace Watson with um with worthy so you send worthy Walker and mhj for etn and Hall I mean yeah and chub too chub too chub chub no one cares about chub bro sure throw him in yeah worthy I mean maybe worthy maybe I don't know chat does worthy maybe confuse this guy maybe it does I mean you could try it it certainly improves your odds of getting it done you're not getting this done this is like walking up to somebody and saying hey I'll give you a $10 bill for your 100 Smitty you think I can do that no no but maybe this you're you're giving him a bunch of like foreign exchange money like and he doesn't know what he's looking at you throw worthy end and he's like I don't know how to calculate this how do I convert this I'll do it and then I'll convert it later and he realizes maybe he lost I I don't know you could try it you could try it yeah he also has Forge so that's why chub might matter a maybe yeah that might work so yeah I guess throw worthy I I don't think worthy makes this something I wouldn't do so throw worthy in and yeah I'd take etn and hul all day long yeah all right bro all right that's about it later yeah that's that's uh that's tough we throw you throw in someone like that you never know what can how it can confuse somebody people love riding the wave man every everybody in their mother wants uh wants a piece of that rice and worthy situation you still high on Jacobs uh my appreciate your $20 holler send you to to Mars on that one to Mars yeah I do like Jacob still I I think if I was drafting over I his value would be so much lower people would be doubting him that it would be nicer to draft him lower and you get a much more baked and risk amount but I I I guess I I guess I would say I guess I would say it depends right am I getting rid of him no like because I don't think I'm going to get what I deserve to get for him am I trading for him it kind of depends I don't know that I'm running toward a disastrous situation I think that that isn't the best makings of a fantasy football championship run is to say hey look at this train wreck over here let me run toward it so I'm not necessarily on the the the wagon of let's go get Jacobs but if someone was mistreating him and they're revaluing him as a flex play a low-end flex play I definitely would use bench talent to go Accu accumulate some Jacob shares yeah absolutely but would I be swapping on starters and making risky moves for him no but do I think he can absolutely survive this I Do I Do Is it a lock no is the risk involved Absol freaking lutely but risk I'm willing to hold on to um let's see here Fab thank you smack for the the $2 Fab dump unlikely full full dump unlikely I in two points per TD I guess I would do a full dump on that yeah if it's two points per TD or for sorry two points uh per reception for tight end premium I think I think likely does deserve a full Fab drop in that situation and you you should have you shouldn't have left him out there my guy I know it's I know it's not what you want to hear right now but start M or jonu at tight end that could go either way that really could I I you're banking on two players to do well that and we don't know what their outcome is going to be it's kind of a 50/50 call Kevin uh let's get chat vote on that one cuz I'm just I'm just forcing an answer so I'd rather get a consensus for you which is more valuable sometimes than than just one take so guys are we starting M or are we going with jonu appreciate you and Mr Frost PPR Flex Chase brown or Coleman I'm going to go chase Brown I'm going to be rooting for both of them strongly we'll be celebrating the either one being Victorious so know that don't come into the live stream later pissed off cuz Coleman catches two touchdowns and we're screaming and yelling you've got two players that we absolutely love as you know sleeper candidates breakout candids on this channel but I think Chase Brown's probably a tad safer especially with Jamar chase out with uh likely out and with with t Higgins out you're looking at a team that's going to have to rely upon uh a couple weapons and guess what Chase Brown is defined as by this organization and people that watch football a weapon and so there's probably a good chance that chase Brown gets a ton of work so I'm going to lean toward that but I do really hope that we are loving the results of Coleman coming out of week one because I'm rooting for both of them uh let's go uh let's go to Ron Navy Ron Navy you're live you're not gonna believe you're not gonna believe what I'm about to say I'd actually I'd actually start johon Smith I like him yeah I do like Jony Smith I I think the both of them you don't really know what to expect but yeah I was shocked that you said that I was thinking God Ron's in the phone when I'm reading that question just going to be like why would you start Fri move I can't believe you I was like I'm wondering if Ron's goingon to say that uh what what do you so this is great news about Jordan love three to four weeks he had an MCL Terror I don't know why people there's like three or four people in here they were like Smitty you need to reward your title is a sprain and sprain is a terror like it it is a it is a tear it is a grade between a grade one and a grade two tear so in a sprain you tear your your MCL there there's there is a there is a a tear involved but but this is good because it's three to four weeks um it's not it's probably not going to be anything longer than that especially with a young kid like Jordan love I think he's gonna he's going to heal up pretty quick and he's gonna want to prove everyone he's lucky Green Bay lucky Green Bay if they could if they just get two wins while he's out they'll be they'll be good yeah but hey who do you got because you got with uh smoking Joe burrow and they're playing New England which I think they're gonna dominate with I think they're gonna kill England but even with Chase out and Higgins out so who do you got as the number two receiver there after yosias yeah uh you know it's probably it's probably going to be Burton but I mean I know I know he's had some as you said last time some issues like mentally or whatever you know but well reported that Irwin is yeah over him in the death chart he could be but I mean they're going to need all of them you know so it's tough to say like does the pecking order really matter Joe Joe's going to he's going to have to he's probably going to deliver the ball a ton to chase Brown a ton to Moss both the running backs will probably get a lot of work so Zach Moss is kind of even an interesting play and get a lot of work it could be G work yeah he made some nice catches really good receiver yeah he he might catch like a touchdown or something like that I could see that and then Yoshi Vos is going to be thrown to the fire so he's an exciting little start you know you're you're in some trouble at wide receiver Yoshi BOS Ain't a Bad play they they elevate him to the number three they elevated him to the number three wide receiver spot over their their young exciting breakout rookie Burton and that says something about Yoshi Vos that they're putting yosias in that spot over Burton who so many people and including me saw this guy is one of the rising you know star wide receivers that got overlooked in the draft and Yoshi Vos gets the nod so yosias is very much going to be heavily involved he has a little bit of that super cup vibe to him this year he's got he's got a great opportunity the the kind of knock on him walking into you know draft day was that he's the third wide receiver but it's a great offense so he might do something so maybe we'll draft him right and now he's the number one wide receiver walking into week one I know it's not longterm but wow what a what a change of uh events Jamar Chase not likely to play and even even if he does he's super Limited in this game if he was to let's say an 11th Hour get in there and and then without T Higgins like this is what I kind of said is going to happen to McMillan over in Tampa Bay at some point Evans and Godwin will both not be starting at the same time and McMillan's going to just be thrusted out in the Forefront and this is happening to yosias in week one so he's a very very very intriguing intriguing wide receiver three four this week you know if you if you have like two Flex spots like I three wide receiver set in your fantasy football league I could see you having a better option than Yoshi BOS cuz you you drafted better better than that and I'm not saying it's not exciting to have them there on the bench and you're regretting not starting them or something like that but if you're in a league where you have two or three wide receivers and you have a two two additional Flex spots Yoshi BOS is probably earning the nod this week and you should be strongly considering putting him in yeah what's that say about Burton though because I mean got you got smoke Jo coming out talking about his professionalism of a lack thereof falling asleep in meeting uh not not paying attention um you know and then that's that's burrow coming out saying that yeah so hopefully he he needs a he needs a fire lit under his but or somewh hopefully because he's got the talent but he's not applying himself professionally to to I mean he's disappointing his quarterback quarterback's not going to have no trust in you fall asleep in meeting yep no Noam says uh full PPR really Ley for for for or Ridley Ford Chase Brown um I'm going to rank them in order of I really want to say Chase Brown won right now because of the the the amount of Leaning that the T or the Bengals are going to have to do on Chase Brown I'm probably going to say Ford is slightly safer but Ford and Chase Brown are neck and neck and and even on the the waiver wire board here it's it's right Ford and brown and and I haven't touched this this is the preemptive week one show I have not touched it I I refuse to touch it until after the draft go or after the week one so we can go into week two if I could redo it at all like in retrospect I really think right Ford and brown are like neck and neck and neck you know like it's tough to say one of these guys coming out of this week is going to look like just an absolute home run and they all three could and I'm I don't think right Wright stands a little bit less of a chance but he still could get that one or two plays where he breaks off this 5050 yard uh you know touchdown run and people are like wow like you know they're going to use him they're going to so we don't know but Ford and brown are neck and neck for me and I I think that you're in you're in a tough spot because I want both of them in the lineup I I guess I would say Chase brown maybe faces a more difficult slightly more difficult situation just because you know I I I don't know I don't know that you don't you don't fully know how they're going to utilize both backs okay you have that I do think that chase Brown's the starter I think we've seen it in all the practices and preseason it all looks very much like it's all lined up for him Ford you know what he is he's the start he's a start yeah hold on one second he's a starter he's getting all the work um he's a touch he's got a nose for the End Zone this is a team in the Browns that when they get near the goal line at all they want to run it in they don't trust Watson they want to run the ball they have a great defense that that caters to the run then you got matchups to consider and everything I get it so I I would say like this is near coin toss close and if you want a big swing and you're willing to take a little bit of risk and you're not going to cry later in the live stream you be like Smitty you can't believe you told me Chase Brown might be your guy there's a lot of upside here if you want steady Eddie you want 80 yards in a touch I think Ford's your guy and I like Ridley a lot too but I I just think I lean on those running backs that are guaranteed those those touches more than anything go ahead Ron yeah I just wanted to say I noticed that you hit like 700 viewers here for a second you're at 694 right now yeah but I got a challenge to the chat we only got 174 likes if we and and I got to take my dog you know I'm late so I got to take her to the kennel soon so um Within the next five minutes we can get up to 300 likes I'll give 50 memberships there you go 50 YouTube exclusive memberships being gifted if we get the went to 199 immediately if we can get the 300 thumbs up we have 700 viewers in here 300 thumbs up Ron's gifting 50 exclusive gifted memberships so we're at 207 you it's amazing what the motivation does for people we're also at 27,1 134 subscribers so we went over 27k the other day we're already at 27 almost 272 uh so subscribe if you're new too I don't I don't know what that is about where people will watch every day and not subscribe it helps the channel out a ton if you subscribe so please do that uh so now we're at uh 241 thumbs up if we get to 300 Ron Navy's dropping the 50 gifted membership so please keep punching that button uh Red Hawk should I drop Cate for jonu Smith you know this is a tough one red hawk because as you can see over here cate's one of my preemptive week one guys to grab the the only thing is we don't know if it's going to be something like Musgrave didn't do anything in the game and musra is also in the same vein as a senate where at some point I think we will be talking a lot about that player King Cade started off very very very uh very slow his rookie year M gra is not a rookie but he missed pretty much the majority of the year so he could have a very slow start and everyone's going to give up on him and then he could come around um Senate is a rookie and he very much could have a slow start or he could be off the off the rip just be absolutely amazing because he is a rookie that developed with the rookie quarterback so I feel like there's a little bit special bond between Senate and jd5 since they played together from the beginning of of their Washington careers so I I kind of feel like you know I want to say you're going to regret later dropping Ben Sate but jonu Smith probably helps you more now and I and I'm fearful that Cate catches that touchdown pass in week one and then you're not going to be able to get him back whereas you could kind of monitor him and pick him up a little bit later but jonu certainly got a little bit more appeal right now but I don't know if it's so much that I'm willing to let senic go I don't know that's a tough one I i' go s it but I i' take SS for free pretty much free you can get hers for so you got M so you're waiting out you're waiting on Senate If he if Ur like started out the season really good but then he falls off and starts going to C it you got both of them that's what I would do yeah it's a it's a tough call we're at 282 thumbs up we need we just need 18 more and Ron's dropping 50 gifted memberships we have about 700 people in the building prayers for love got Jacobs uh will cook bear will cook Bear Down um J J Jacobs is going to Jacobs is going to have a lot of work coming up I don't know how it's going to Faire I'm definitely you know we've definitely seen especially doing this as long as I've done it professionally like I've seen everything I promise you that and even before that I played fantasy for a lot a lot longer than just what I've done professionally and I'm thinking back even to like the days of uh what were the what was the name of that quarterback that went down I I don't I think it was Tim Couch it was the quarterback before that I I think even he went down and I forget the running back's name but but there's a fight in our in our league back then I think I was I was a young young kid and everyone was fighting over when the quarterback went down a trade was made and a guy acquired the running back from that team and and it got vetoed and everybody was up and you know their panties in a bunch because the guy made the trade right when the news was breaking that the quarterback got injured the the running back that was involved in trade wasn't even in injured but it got veto because everyone's like now that the quarterback's going down you were cheating cuz you knew that information and you acquired the running back now they're going to lean on the running back constantly I forget who it was I want to say it was like ah I forget the name of the RB back then but it was back in the day but but it reminds me of that situation CU everyone thought that it was the RB was going to take off because the QB went down it wasn't Tim Couch but someone went down and and the running back sucked like he just couldn't get any room to run and it was like you see those different things happen if the teamies on the runner and they don't have a good passing attack you can see uptick for for the RB but you also see eight-man fronts and you also see an offense that doesn't sniff the Red Zone and and then the running back's just very inefficient more times than not I want players on good teams that are popping off and I and I'm I'm not saying I don't think Jacobs will do well I think if we own them we hold them I just don't know that I'm racing toward the flames and saying I want to buy Jacobs right now cuz he's going to be overfed right now with Jordan love out I'm a little apprehensive about going to acquire new shares but I do feel very comfortable if you own him that you're going to get a lot of work will it be less efficient maybe um so it it as for this one uh Chase Brown over Nai and so share the work you know it's it's very possible and ra Andre this could be a thing where everyone thinks ra Andre is going to get game scripted out because the Bengals get up to an early lead but then they throw to they throw to raand or at least they did we don't know if in this system he will be thrown to as much but this is the best receiver on the team raand re Stevenson so having like a seven reception 90 yard receiving game that's totally in the cards for uh raand re so I I guess I would say give me Chase Brown if you want that highrisk high reward give me prayers for love already did that one appreciate you dropping that Super Chat Joe boy says uh pick two Yoshi Vos Palmer ad dunesday Chase Brown thanks I'm going Chase Brown and I'm probably going are we going Yoshi Vos or adun zon youc it seems like it could be safer I I do I do love a Dun it could take ad dunesday a little bit of time we already know we already know because we saw his performance especially towards the playoffs last year he was he was getting it done yeah so yeah 306 thumbs up 30 hey explain to these guys before I drop them explain to them what they got to do to have a chance to get one because I can't control who gets them you gotta explain to them you know I don't even know I don't even know how they go in you got to go into like your settings and turn on accept gifted memberships if you have that turned off you won't get one so uh does anybody real quickly know how to describe that you have to do it on a PC or a laptop you can't do it on an iPhone I know that yeah I don't know I'm not sure uh pick to javante Williams Dell or Stevenson I'm going to go Dell and Stevenson pretty easily not saying that gavonte can't you know gain some of his glory back but I'm going to let I'm going to let it play out before I I jump into that $5 hauler here 10man Lamar JD F Gibbs Skywalker Garrett Wilson London Dell zamir Chase Brown Mitchell Coleman suggestions uh I like I like the team I guess I would probably say let it play out I I like Chase Brown over zamir if you're deciding between that and I think you just need these guys to go out and do their thing mclen is very hard to have on the bench so I think if he has a good game you could even put mclen over Chase brown but it if Mclaren has a good game Chase Brown has a good game if ad Mitchell has a good game who I think he will if Coleman has a good game if zamir has a good game you have the potential to maybe make that Flex upgrade I don't really want to trade London Dell Garrett Wilson Skywalker Gibbs and you got Lamar and jd5 I don't think I want to trade any of that necessarily unless I can move Lamar up to Mahomes to be honest that's just what I'm doing using mclen using Chase Brown using whatever but I think you know if zamir or or chase brown or mcclaren's your Flex you could use two or three of those guys to upgrade it later but you have to take that into the season bro there's just no way you're going to you're going to get anything of note yet until those guys do something so I'd say wait and hold off wait and hold off um okay uh given chance to do that I'm gonna here they come all right if you don't have your membership on sorry but here they come here they come 50 gifted memberships from Ron Navy thank you for hitting that thumbs up guys keep punching it though uh Ron have a good trip bro are you you're heading to the airport now no no no no I gotta take my dog over to the kennel where she's gonna stay for the next while I'm gone so I got to drop her off today I leave tomorrow at uh five my time so 50 5m 50 gifted memberships for Ron Navy there you go send that man let's send him to Saturn to Saturn send him to Mars the moon good luck everybody hope you get one Ron try and check in with us I'm sure you'll be able to I I mean you have it's not it's not like it's a longdistance you know internet connection you're just pulling up the show from YouTube over there so I'm sure you're yeah well get one of their I had change my SIM card out and get their SIM cards I got you make sure make sure your make sure your account allows for it yeah I I don't know how long um I don't know how it'll work yet so we'll see call your phone company make sure that you can get on the internet over there and not get charged some roaming BS or something all right well not if I get not if I get local S card there I got you all right Ron Navy to the Moon appreciate you bro have a good trip safe travels two later pal care later pal later Ron Navy Ron Navy thank Ron Navy on the way out as he as he leaves uh who gifted 50 exclusive memberships um if someone says they didn't get one yet they're still being given out they they trickle out so you still may get one it takes a little while takes a little while for them to to to trickle on out um we'll we'll probably be going live on this Christian Caffrey situation it looks like um according to this report here let's see here is officially questionable for Monday night I'm going to wait a little bit on this news though and then we might come back live on Christian mcaffrey but according to Tom peliso the 49ers are listing Christian mcaffrey Cav Achilles as questionable for Monday night's opener versus the Jets now before people start like getting all upset no one's saying he's out and no one's saying he reinjured anything necessarily but no one's saying that he didn't cuz we don't really know and there's there's a little bit of a it's a little weird that they're you know not not clearing him from this thing they just keep listing him as questionable he's supposed to be good good to go but it obviously hasn't gone away a Cav injury is what took out Aaron roders essentially if you remember C the Cav injury that Aaron Rogers had L led to a torn Achilles tendon players have tearing their Achilles Tenon all the time now it's become the new ACL and it's worrisome when you see Russell Wilson also have a Cav injury and he can't shake it and he makes it worse and now what Russell Wilson's probably not playing week number one although he's travel with the team and is still questionable not ruled out but I I have a feeling that fields will be named starter and we'll be going live on that but we'll see we'll see we will see and anybody defending Christian mcaffrey as if it's you know not something to be concerned about at all that's a Niner fan or a Christian mcaffrey owner that's not an objective look at it the objective look at it is that Christian mcaffrey is still dealing with this injury what if someone has both CMC and Jamar Chase Birdman Birdman you got you've had a stressful week that's what you have I think you need to I need I think you need to grab uh uh some food some comfort food sit there in front of the TV and and hope for the best pal and I think you you better have Christian McCaffrey's backups uh and cuff cuff them cuz you have to if I was a CMC owner I would be worried with his history absolutely with his history and also you know he's older he's a lot older so Ron Navy appreciate you big dog says thanks there's a lot of people saying thanks to Ron Navy CMC always hurt says Bruce Chase brown or Brian Robinson Jr I'm going to go chase Brown everyone gets hurt at these International games sto stop the international games absolutely I've been saying that been saying that all week I said it before the game started I do think that uh I I wasn't scared to play The Players though because they weren't going to be jet lagged really and tired from you know going overseas after playing four or five weeks of football and their bodies being beat up already so I wasn't scared to start anybody last night clearly they you know they all did fine that played so you know that that part but as far as me hating the field hating the experience of these players having to travel and get tired especially the the the traveling that's done during the middle of the year once The Season's already going I didn't worry about it too much on this one the field was incredibly bad though shame on the NFL shame on the NFL I keep refreshing X and all my chat groups and everything just trying to keep tabs on everything for you Hopkins questionable is set to play Sunday at Chicago just so people know and let me see if there's any other get ready for the new look let's see Christian mcaffrey news yeah this Chris mcaffrey thing it's definitely worrisome guys it's definitely Derrik Henry Chris mcaffrey these are two players walking into this year that had incredible risk at their ages you know Derek Henry especially because he's 30 years old but CMC 28 with a long injury history in a cry now he could come out of the gate Mark mark my words if he plays he plays well if Christian mcaffry is on the field he's electric and there's no signs of drop off physically so that's going to be even more hilarious and people come in and go told you mcaffrey you didn't tell anybody everyone knows mcaffrey when he plays is a phenomenal player that could be the number one overall fantasy football player period in an offense that that feeds him properly the problem is doesn't matter if he does four weeks of great football and drops you know eight weeks of fantasy football Glory if he gets injured by week 10 you got a problem on your hands so Brian with a super chat appreciate you Brian should I swap dle for Mason wght or Palmer I I don't know I would Brian this is what I'm telling everybody and I'm sorry I'm not giving you an exact answer here but I'm dropping my Kicker and I'm picking up up right and I'm trying to trade dowle that way I don't have to cut Dow cuz D is such a good player to throw in and if you only get one wide receiver rank upgrade in your mind like you get somebody just like just a hair better than the other player trade dowle for that piece so that you don't have to go ahead and make this cut because you're you're gifting somebody a starting running back in da how do you feel about Luke mcaffrey I like him a lot Stephen I I think we we got to be careful to expect too much right away as he's transitioning into the NFL and doing different things that he's never done before on a regular basis so you know he's kind of like a slash right now and they're giving him run R he's running giving running work they're giving him receiving work to giving him that like Alvin chimra treatment and it could take him a little time to adjust and I think that inconsistency for him could be in in the cards but I do like him a lot I think he's somebody that could really really really be a potential a potential gem but he could also take some some time to get going so Ron's 50 gifted memberships are just rolling through I wonder if we have it on this screen because I hear them but my my my stupid alerts are are causing me problems I wonder if I can let me see if I can fix that all right uh I'm going to probably head out for [Music] now and we'll be back on most likely be back on the Christian mcaffrey news um appreciate every single one of you thank you Ron for gifting the memberships thank you all for being here uh great news on Jordan love great news for Jaden Reed great news for Jacobs that he doesn't lose his quarterback all year and maybe he gets a little heavier dose in in the coming 3 four weeks and does well with it we we hope um and and of course those other Green Bay wide receivers get a lot of value back because everybody was about to be stripped of their fantasy football value easily stripped of their fantasy football value so it and if you guys want to take a few phone calls before we go let's let's go ahead and do that call into the show call into the show [Music] [Applause] phone Line's open briefly briefly 30 second calls only I'm going to be uh uh dropping people like that after 30 seconds so you get your question in and that's that there's no uh there's no Smitty I need more time or let me tell you a little story or hey Smitty how you doing uh the weather's great here in in San Antonio and uh just want to say thanks for here's my 30 seconds and that's it you get hung up on I don't care who it is I don't care who it is I don't care if my mom calls in two 207 what's your name first and where you calling from let's get that out of the way hey my name is uh Reed and I'm calling from Maine all right Reed let me get you in the system here Reed and then I want you to uh you got 30 seconds to make sure sure read from Maine you said you got it yeah Main USA from Main all right Reed you got 30 seconds go all right hey uh with the current situation with the Green Bay Packers right now I just kind of took a look at their schedule when do you think they're going to get uh you know their first win or do you think they're going to go 0 and5 here to start off the season um you have the schedule in front of you if you read off the the four games in a row oh yeah oh yeah let me pull it back up um they play like the Titans they play like uh the card can read off the games in a row I'll give you more time go ahead sorry uh I don't have it from me oh come on I'm so sorry man come on Reed sorry Reed you're shooting blanks disappointment disappointment I didn't take somebody else go back to me Packers Packers Packers he's gone he's gone that's just too finish him call terminated see football show what's your name pal where where you calling from this is C this is CMO right CMO yeah it is CMO CMO you got 30 seconds pal make it make it snappy fit it in go all right uh would you trade na Harris for moster Nai for moster do you have Jaylen right yep I think you I think you need more bro because Nai is worth more I mean do I want to do this trade in theory I do well actually you know what yeah I was thinking it because I got right I do it I do it I do it I don't think need more you do I don't think you need more all right I I me honestly I I've seen I've seen moster go ahead of nii I've seen na go ahead of moster it's fine I I don't care about draft audio at this point yeah cuz the owner the owner wouldn't let me get he has a chain too yeah I I go ahead and do that I smash it I I think I think you know as much as I like nii and I do like him I think that you're guaranteeing yourself a pretty high on running back too so you know will moster stay healthy all uh all year I can't promise that but do I think that there's a chance that he's one of the most regretted not drafting players walking out of week one you know but does he get hurt yeah he probably gets hurt all right bro later appreciate you I appreciate sm all right Let's do let's do one more one more call one more call 30 seconds could have Googled it faster than that I know I I guess answer his question Packers schedule I don't know what he was doing with his his internet connection was was brutal he he had that that Walmart dialup going uh so I mean I I guess so Indie Tennessee Minnesota the Rams I mean they could win that Minnesota game maybe they win the Tennessee game it's certainly possible I mean it is it is a a good schedule considering it really is not that bad of a four game uh okay that caller lost his chance CU he had that show blaring in the background um I appreciate every single one of you we'll see if there's one more caller maybe that guy will call back and turn down his his darn speakers uh Green Bay will be fine says Joshua that's an optimistic out put they'll be okay you're going to win they going to win all the games they'll be fine I think Minnesota look Minnesota's a great a great matchup for them and Tennessee I don't think Tennessee is walking apart necessarily but I think they they're that's a winable game uh 949 what's your name and where you calling from hey it's Rick from uh Southern California Rick from Southern California Rick what can I do for you all right so I'm in a 12 team I have PPR I punted tight end I had KT because I stacked him with Caleb Williams Because I also punted QB to I got Caleb and Goff um just wondering if you think I should drop Conlin for uh likely this week and if you think I made the Right Moves uh sitting Caleb for Goof this week uh I think that g Caleb for golf thing is okay I I think it could go either way because I think Caleb can score fantasy points I just don't know about like how successful the team will be kind of like Fields Fields was the exact same way I I think you know are you really contemplating Lele versus Conlin though like is that even like are you why you even asking that question is it because you don't want to spend the Fab for it or do are you thinking because I mean it's easy believe likely yeah I think he's a great TI and a great week one and if Conlin puts up a dub I'm thinking dropping uh him for likely well I but my question is what do you mean thinking about it why wouldn't you do it okay I got you yeah yeah no I I I mean of course the answer the answer is yes I'm just saying what was the Dilemma the hangup you're like should I would you swap out this $5 bill for 100 or do you think I should just hold on to the $5 bill you know you're right you're right yeah like conl I'm with E11 can you punt Conlin now and pick up a better player for week one like what are we doing I'm J yeah I'd rather have jonu Smith I I mean I hate to say this because like I hate to to to steer you in the wrong direction and then Concklin goes out scores two touchdowns but I'm we're all we're all the entire draft is drafting joony Smith over Conklin oh okay for sure I mean am I wrong chat so you take you would take Johnny over KT and uh Hunter Henry too KT's like okay I think he's okay but that's a crowded room though you know the past kitchening room is very crowded so is Joe Smith's room though I don't know uh guys Co KT or jonu I know it's not Conlin the answer the answer can't be Conlin and and I I apologize in advance if Conlin scores three touchdowns if Conlan out scores saquon Barkley this week I have I very much apologize in advance but I think I'm not the only one yeah right uh someone says Ben I trust hell yeah hell yeah the Ben Sate uh start uh let's see KT Cole KT KT Conlin uh Henry should do good Henry Conlin we got a couple Conlin votes uh KT jonu giki uh I can get too I can get Ben okay but which language do you want me to translate to no Ziggy I I think uh you know Ben s's interesting man he could definitely lay a goose egg though like he could do a he could do what we feuring Concklin does but he could also be an absolute Gem and monster you know I almost say Ben in it I I it could it could it can't be any worse than which language do you want me to translate to Ziggy shut up up I think I think Ben cinate could leave you with the same production that Conlin's going to leave you with but the question is do you just pick up Ben Sate hold him and then start KT or do you start Ben Sate swing for the fences and S it goes out and has a monster game or has a touchdown and we're excited about him I like Ben Sate a lot I do I just can't guarantee you his production I can't I have no clue I just know he came up with jd5 in the offense from the from the jump and rookie Camp so the Rapport is there he's got a better rapport with Cate than he does SS or really anybody else cuz he he him and him and Senate were like this in Camp so I I don't know I kind of feel like I kind of feel like he's going to call upon him yeah someone wants to know taste some hills available no someone gra that's a good question but all right yeah you know I guess I you know why I roll the dice with Sate because longterm I like it better too for the season once he gets going I really like s he's a breakout tough call bro you're right he could be the the poor this year he could be all right man yeah all appreciate trust your gut trust your gut though we're talking about like we're splitting hairs here man this could go any Direction all right later yeah it's a tough call I'll see you all later appreciate you I got one super chat here that needs answering this is from uh Roo would any of these guys get me mhj without hurting my team uh Ford corm Mason brilin worthy Coleman I also have cup um I mean you could try worthy and Ford but you might have to wait until the week's over anyway so if you send the offer now might get rejected but if Ford goes out and has a day you might be able to get worthy for Ford and with with Ford and worth worthy and Ford sorry for mhj but like some might say depending on how Ford looks they might not want to do that I mean what if wory a top 10 top 12 wide receiver man I'm not saying he is for sure but I certainly am not saying he's not love msj though I say we see what happens man I mean msj could go out and have a a dud game and then you can buy them lower you know you can buy them for that and I'm not I'm not afraid to hold on to four and let Ford gain value I'd rather play chicken that way than than jump early before week one and then realize that mha has a okay game Ford goes nuts wory went nuts and now you have two pieces that probably get you a different player or easily get you that trade later and you might even get something thrown in I'm going to say with what you listed I'm not trading those guys I'm not trading cup either I I like cup a lot man I think cup is somebody that we drafted after mhj every time pretty much but for some reason in trade I don't like trading away you know and and the and the draft values are all kind of out the window now and I'm just kind of holding on to Cup and if I had Cup in a ton of leagues and I I know mhj I'd probably make the swap but I think cup is somebody I don't want to trade I'll see you all later I'll probably be back on Christian mcaffrey on a separate live stream appreciate you bold Josh Palmer and Curtis Samuel W receiver ones this year woo thank you little Nikki [Music] come on man pick up please leave your message after the tone hey man it's Devonte Adams again um call me back bro [Music] Xavier worthy wide receiver from the combine he can't catch many say he won't make it at the next level enough watch me I must go back and make it right saor worthy he can't catch youon it catch this great catch wow nice catch he's not overrated catching the ball he can really catch it's Chief season mams is scoring 45 plus touchdowns let them cook hm aan is the [Music] man his haters call him small but he is 9 ft tall [Applause] h h h [Music] is the man with the [Music] master he [Music] can he's kir he's 7t tall and he knows how to handle [Music] he's he can take FRS and turn them upside down with his touchdowns your beon card has been revoked

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