Category: Science & Technology
Intro does it make sense for you to upgrade to the new iphone 16, apple watch series 10, or fourth- -generation airpods? that depends on which product you already have, so i'm going to walk through all of apple's latest announcements and give my advice. iphone 16 let's start things off with the iphone... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Le résumé de la keynote apple septembre 2024 en une minute une apple watch 10 qui change de design mais pas radicalement plus fine plus légère une finition titane qui remplace l'inox pas d'apple watch ultra 3 mais une nouvelle finition noire airpods 4 avec un nouveau design avec en plus une version... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Einleitung was geht ab hier ist dein joker rund um apple und der frage hat apple mit ihrem it's glow time event uns zum glühen gebracht oder war es eher ein schwarzes loch wir kenen alle vorgestellten produkte und ihre features durch und ich gebe euch meine einschätzung und wie immer freue ich mich... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro so der diesjährige iphone event ist gerade vorbei und er war wie immer nur als videostream verfügbar für uns ich habe das ganze dies malal auf der appleion pro geschaut und ich muss sagen es war eine ganz coole erfahrung also mal so ein bisschen immersiver noch dabei zu sein als vielleicht nur... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hey everyone welcome back to our channel following the apple event earlier this week we wanted to do a deep dive on all the latest updates from apple but first make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more videos starting with the apple watch series 10 there aren't any massive changes there... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[musique] [musique] you [musique] [applaudissements] [musique] [musique] [musique] [musique] [musique] he je me suis fait avoir bonjour tout le monde bonjour welcome bienvenue débef de l'apple kinote bienvenue sur les chaînes la chaîne les tests de cyril nous sommes 31 on démarre juste on est déjà 31... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Einführung hallo leute apple hat nun offiziell sein september event abgehalten und dabei die neuen iphone 16 16 plus 16 pro 16 pro max die neue apple watch series 10 die airpods 4 sowie überarbeitete versionen von airpods max und apple watch ultra 2 vorgestellt und in diesem video fasse ich für euch... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
So apple has announced their latest product in the new event called glow time we have pretty exciting product launches so let's explore them all starting with the main core of the event the iphone 16 lineup this is the star of the show the iphone 16 16 plus 16 pro and 16 pro max these are the apple's... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Apple just wrapped its glow time event here's everything he announced in under 3 minutes to start there is a new apple watch series 10 with an elegant new design that features the biggest apple watch display its thinnest body and a metal back it comes in several refreshed colorways such as the glossy... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[music] what's good brian tong here and hey things happen fast but now i have the official invite from apple for their fall event with the title it's glow time and it will be held on monday september the 9th in person at steve jobs theater at apple park at 10: a.m. pacific time that's 1: p.m. eastern... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Apple watch series 10 for series 10 we developed the largest and most advanced display ever for apple watch it's the biggest wearable display we've ever built even slightly bigger than apple watch ultra and compared to previous generations it has up to 30% more screen area with a larger screen you can... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro we're just one month away from apple's biggest event of the year and the iphone 16 is leaking in some major ways plus apple is reportedly delaying one of the iphone 16's biggest features and which apple products are a bad bad buy right now in 2024 you've got questions i've got answers lots of... Read more