Category: Education
Labor day was first celebrated in the us on september 5th 1882 it took place in new york city around 10,000 workers participated in a parade they wanted to show the importance of workers labor day became a national holiday in 1894 president grover cleveland signed it into law it was created after the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Did you knew there is an animal named i i the creepiest and coolest primate you've never heard of this nocturnal critter from madagascar has a finger that's longer than your future job list it taps on trees like a tiny woodpecker listening for insect larve inside once it finds a snack it uses that long... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I'm at imperial beach today it's the southwestern most city in the united states it's just slightly down the coast from san diego right on the border with mexico and i'm going to do a little beach hike adventure today it says on all trails the all trails app that it's a little over five miles round... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
The southern caer also known as the double waddled caer is a large flightless bird native to indonesia papa new guinea and northeastern australia standing up to 1.8 m tall and weighing as much as 154 lb it is one of the heaviest birds in the world this bird is easily recognizable by its striking blue... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
This might look like a circular saw to you but actually this belongs to an extinct shark-like fish that lived over 250 million years ago this is the helicoprion helicoprion is an extinct cartilagenous fish it had a jaw-dropping feature that still baffles scientists today a spiral saw likee row of teeth... Read more
Category: Education
Imagine a bird that looks like it walks straight out of a prehistoric jungle meet the cassowary the world's most dangerous bird don't be fooled by its vibrant blue neck and striking cask this bird can outrun out jump and even outfight you with powerful legs armed with razor sharp claws one strike can... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Wolves don't need to drink water often the reason is that they often live in tundra regions where there's little free flowing water so like many animals they adapt to their surroundings most of their water needs are met through the meat they consume and the chemical process of digesting it most animals... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
The most fearless animal on earth trust me you don't want to mess with this little guy honey badgers also known as rattel this small but mighty mammal is native to africa southwest asia and india don't let its size fool you this creature is tough as nails and can punch way above its weight a master... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
Whoa she doesn't care about the hat so it was a little bit of a rodeo but not crazy wasn't a crazy rodeo maybe it was a crazy rodeo how are you whoa i guess you better watch the whole video today's video is a little bit of a rodeo and you know what you think i dress for the occasion but i didn't i just... Read more
Category: Education
प्याज काटते काटते रो-रो कर थक गए हो जब तुम प्याज काटते हो तो वह एक कंपाउंड छोड़ती है हवा में यह सल्फ्यूरिक एसिड बन जाता है तुम्हारी आंखों की नमी से मिलकर होता है धमाका आंसू Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Emma watson graduated from brown university with a degree in english literature Read more
Category: Music
Brad pit is often celebrated for his iconic roles but did you know he has a fascinating side beyond the silver screen first he's a skilled sculptor in fact he took up sculpting as a form of therapy during a challenging period in his life showcasing his artistic talents in a completely different medium... Read more