Category: News & Politics
I am zhao shaokang. welcome to the tvbs shaokang situation room . we have special guests on the scene. councilor zhao yixiang. li youyi . spokesperson. dean jiang minqin. councilor lin yufang. councilor you shuhui. councilor chen weijie. because i was just watching. jiang minqin used to be a visiting... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Deutschland macht die grenzen dicht aber deutschland macht nicht die grenzen dicht wenn es ums geld rausschmeißen geht heute in diesem video haben wir unglaubliche informationen von christian lindner dem aktuellen finanzminister deutschlands und auch von mario dragi der beauftragt worden ist von ela... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The president has met with the head of the national assembly from his own block as well as representatives from the far right national rally including marin leen let's take a listen to what she had to say coming out of that meeting the new popular front is led by france zad the idea that there should... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello justpinko here with five geo guesser tips for europe europe is made up of a diverse set of nations but there are a few features that are common among them first european license plates are generally quite wide and are painted white with a blue badge on the side notable exceptions include the uk... Read more
Category: Music
Up what's happening this big he we back in this thing k to good sleep with a cut out turn on the early morning early early morning vibes over here and we here to talk we here to talk about kendrick lamar cuz hey he came back y'all he came back y'all he dropped watch the potty dying we here to talk about... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The red carpet rolled out for a new prime minister on his first official visit to berlin and in hope of a reset in [music] relations here to turn the corner on brexit and draw up a new treaty with an old ally to forge closer ties on defense security migration and trade press in for a better result than... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Je vais appeler maintenant andré tiang voilà 19 ans qu'andré teng fait les conclusions de notre rencontre et c'est particulièrement intéressant d'avoir aujourd'hui un regard asie sur une journée de réflexion qui était complètement tournée vers l'ouest afin que nous n'ayons pas un torticoli qui nous... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
>> joe: he season. >> jesse: great blocking on the offensive Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem video nach der iphone keynote im ersten teil habe ich über die airpods und die apple watch gesprochen in diesem video geht's ausschließlich um das iphone 16 und um die iphone 16 pros und hier haben wir wirklich viel gesehen insofern verlieren wir keine zeit... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Die us-regierung prüft eine aufhebung der beschränkungen für den einsatz von langstreckenwaffen durch die ukraine im abwehrkampf gegen russland nach medienberichten steht eine entscheidung zwar bald bevor die regierung in kiev müsse aber noch einige monate warten weil die usa vor einer übergabe weitreichender... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well we're having an event on the same day as uh the european elections are happening right across the european continent and another part of this island and i suppose we're making the point that we have been dragged out of the european union against our will and we would like to get back there as soon... Read more
Category: Music
What's happening it's big k we back in this thing k to good sleep with a cut up1 i'm trying some new [ __ ] out here you know what i'm saying just hey just be along for the ride anyways we here to talk we here to talk we talk about you know lebron james and drake you know yes i know i don't really cover... Read more