Mike Gundy talks QR code on OK State helmets, cutting his mullet & RB Ollie Gordon | Pat McAfee Show

The mullet is gone?! so joining us now ladies and gentlemen is a coach of the year reigning for one of those conferences now just so happens to be West Virginia's conference but ladies and gentlemen the reigning Coach of the Year from Oklahoma State absolute dog Mike Gundy what's going on guys coach thank you for joining us we were just chitchatting with Rich E and he asked if you still had the mullet obviously the mullet caused a lot of Ripple effects you do not I lied right to his face I thought you had like a more sporty aversion the mullet is completely gone I see it it is gone I uh I actually cut it the last week in July my 19-year-old son is not fired up about that he said that uh his generation which are age the age we recruit they wanted the mullet so uh I'm in I'm in the process of trying to grow it back okay we're looking about six to eight weeks Pat mullet cut remorse happens to I think a lot of people and we're two months out which is good that'll be right in the middle Prime of the season will be prime mullet I mean that is good news not bad news if you talk about it as a fellow mullet holder yourself uh Connor did you learn anything from what coach just said there I I mean I'm crushed I'm not I'm not going to lie I I'm absolutely devastated I want to ask him you know and thank him really for being a Godfather of the mullet and I I mean I'm broken up you broke this guy's heart you broke this guy's heart coach I hope you know that that that is a big time mullet right there and he's got the mullet with the ball cap where it looks really good that's old school that goes all you guys are too young but that goes back to the 80s mullet no we're old souls coach coach we are old as old as I am I'm an old soul I'm 57 years old you're a man yeah I remember I'm way past being a man I wish I was back to being a man I'm an old man now how many of uh those photos of that press conference do you sign out for boosters or nil stuff how often does that get brought up what I want to let you know as a player at the time when I see a coach go to bat for his players like that obviously love it absolutely love it but your delivery was certainly one that was going to be talked about forever here we are at 57 uh and we're still talking about it P you know what's interesting is I've signed a bunch of them but now when I go into homes and recruiting the grandparents bring it up because they were around the younger generation they're like uh what they might have heard it on somebody's ringtone but essentially the grandparents bring it up and so it benef it it was might have been the best thing that ever happened to us in recruiting yes as a player it was like I would like my coach to go to bat publicly for me like that let's talk about now that was when you were 40 you had this job now obviously 17 years later you have the job and you're being quoted right now obviously for saying hey tell the agents I don't want to talk to them and I assume that means once the season starts there has to be some cut off of when we're doing business when we're doing football when we're worried about this when we're worried about that you don't have to directly answer that particular quote but I do want you to kind of give your side of where we are right now we've had a chance obviously to talk coach Sabin and his mindset on it all about the future we talked to Coach Dan Lanning about what they're doing out at Oregon coach rule would love your take on kind of where we're at right now and how you feel about it and what you think maybe we need in the next step of this entire transition of this era so it's interesting that um there's negotiation that's going on in college football now but essentially it stops when the portal closes unless the young man is just going to hold out till next year or go or go play in the Canadian League so essentially what I shared with them is that with coaches and players everybody including myself all the negotiations all the money's off the table we pay our players um very well here um they have certain functions that they have to take care of um to to be able to get their money through the nil Concepts but the big challenge is to get players who are not used to making money to say look the negotiations are over when the portal opens back up whether we like it or not I think you're going to see more players going in the portal to negotiate not necessarily to try and leave that'll be the big change now we're waiting on um the judge to sign off on this Revenue sharing that I'm sure you guys are aware of and you've talked about a bunch once she signs off on this will all have parameters for what direction this goes I don't think there's any question path that we're heading towards um college football players being employees and the reason I say that is because we're going to be negotiating seven figure contracts I don't know anywhere in the world where there's seven figure contracts that are negotiated without a contract yes yeah so I just don't see it happening well Future of college football coach and I think I've obviously been very Pro player making money for a long time because when I was at West Virginia Pat White Steve Slayton Owen Schmidt and the boys you know kind of put us I don't want to say put us on put West Virginia back on the map then the video game and then enrollment at West Virginia goes through the roof the amount of money the school is making the buildings get bought up the stadium gets built up the locker room that they have now was probably built by that era we never experienced any of it and Pat White Steve Slayton Steve had a great NFL career wasn't as long as you would hope Pat White gets hurt early in his NFL career so he doesn't get to benefit from how great his football was Owen Schmidt same type of situation so it's like I watch these guys personally build up a town and then in the end what do they end up with like not as much as they deserve so I've always been like players need a share players deserve a share let's do this so they then they finally make it happen somehow with nil but it's kind of just thrown out there and then all of a sudden it's like whoa whoa whoa we need to figure out how to protect the schools obviously is from one angle but the players need protect in this entire thing too signing bad contracts agreeing to Lifetime deals with people losing 20% of your money long term it's like at some point that all needs to get figured out and sorted and hopefully with this injunction that's coming they think in the q1 next year year I believe I don't want to misquote anything a 10year thing where it would be 20 million or 20% of the revenue will go to the players at least then we know who's paying who's in charge what the parameters of the deal is what a deal looks like in comparison to other deals that are taking place out there because you guys are all kind of blind right now right is't it all kind of like pseudo blind almost yeah and everything you're saying is accurate you guys have done your research and you know Pat White and those guys you know they they invented the re Zone stuff on offense back Rich Rod baby yeah Rich and he was uh that was revolutionary at that time much less being able to try to catch those guys um but but the point being is what you said is exactly right so I've been at Oklahoma State um since 1986 other than five years of my life as a player and a coach and a head coach and um coach Eddie Sutton was here for a long time in basketball when they went to the final four when football has success wins 10 games wins championships go to big bowl games our enrollment goes up every year so it drives the market and um in my opinion football is essentially the face of the university in most cases and the money that's generated and and the revenue we're making now for the players is being shared as we move forward and what you're saying is exactly right because we can't get to the details and how to handle this in the right manner without contracts in my opinion you're not going to go down the street you know your your wife talks you into buying a vacation house you're not going to go down and buy a vacation house without a contract it's not going to happen so the point being is that you have to have contracts to move forward there's marketing there's branding there's so many things and and I really believe that college football teams are going to eventually break away and become their own company yeah and I think there's a lot of eyes on that and the NCAA where do they fall into this entire thing Charlie Baker I got to listen to him speak at the same time he talked about that in Jun I think he's a talented I think he's got a good brain and his vision for the future is hopefully one that keeps everything together and you know there's a lot of smart people in decision-making positions I think right now and we're going to need all of them coach you talking about a vacation house you ever been to Myrtle Beach coach you ever been to Myrtle Beach yeah my youngest son played in a baseball tournament there when they were 11 years old I was there for seven days you loved that area and the island I can't remember there's an island you drive to right by there yeah I understand have a couple RB Ollie Gordon II good time there uh before the boys have some questions for you and we can't thank you enough for your time in the middle of this you know training camp era before the season gets started can you just tell me about how great olly Gordon is so like last year he was under the radar under the radar under the radar under the radar felt like and I assume you guys feel that way as well and then going into which I forget which game day it was Tone's my guy who does all the research he's like hey there's a running back in Oklahoma State who he's like on par with like Derrick Henry right now and Trent Richard like all the everything he possibly do so I I start cutting a promo about this Oly Gordon guy on game day and then all the Oklahoma State fans are like look at this look at this look at this this dude is a NeverEnding highlight reel seems to be a dog who can carry and take on all the way to the team seemingly we're going to see more of that this year and what do we not know about Olie Gordon that we should about the way he operates as a a running back for your team so Allie uh took off after game three um we were struggling so we revamped our offensive schemes and the way we were rushing the football and we said we need to hang our hat on this guy this is how we wanted do it and move forward we pushed all of our poker chips out there um it worked out well for us and the the one area that Olie really um excels in is he's a Workhorse he's old school you know we pumped it to him 30 times a game you don't see that a lot um he was able to carry the load throughout the season and then con consistently do it week in and week out uh when people were putting an extra guy in the box and trying to stop the run you know and the one thing about him that that people don't don't don't know much Allie's really young I mean all is um he's not 21 uh he's um as you know uh and uh he's uh um got a lot of development we didn't have the luxury of red shirting we had to play him early in his career he's very intelligent see he played a lot of quarterback in high school they'd snap the ball to him and he'd run it which is smart and um he's very intelligent um he's got an unbelievably Magnetic Personality I mean people love to be around oi uh and The Branding in the nil Market is huge for him because of his personality and the way people are drawn to him you know we QR code on helmets just came up with this QR code deal the other day I don't know if you guys knew about it or not but it's something we put in and people are going to hit his QR code Forever um you know they're going to give him an opportunity and you know people can be at a bar in London or New York City or or um LA or Tokyo and having a watch party and get fired up and they can go online to our social media and they can bang money to him through the QR code or to our team enjoy a beer tonight on me enjoy beer not on me Olie for the you know what it is Pat instead of getting fired up guy makes a big play instead of around on everybody for me it's okay no pull up and and send some money in the QR code you Bingo and you we did this for the Notre Dame lacrosse team last uh last off season they win a they win a National Championship then they go over to Ireland no England just yeah Europe they did a little they did a Europe tour and they uh took a picture and they're like uh we're taking we're accepting beers or whatever at this venmo and it was like send them some beers because if somebody sees somebody they normally would like to help them for olly Gordon I think he's going to be dancing into paint a lot this year that's a brilliant strategy there hey I think that's smart what you guys did for him I think he's going to benefit from it also thank you for going to bat for him you know that's a whole another thing you go to bat for your players I think that is a trend that you have certainly showcased and it is very much noticed you need to know that from people like me and other players I think and and they deserve it you know one thing that we talk about I guess maybe I talk about to the team is is that in order to be a good college football player you have to totally give your body up in our sport you have to be willing to say I'm going to give up my body to play a game uh for success I have to be willing to play with pain all the time and continuously run into people over and over and have total disregard for your body and players that are willing to do that need to be supported by the fans yeah and you um you go to bat for those types of players is a cool thing which is why you've been able to coach at the same place forever I I think your messaging was hilarious two beers what are we even what are we even talking about here that was a hilarious way to phrase I just want we got a good pop out nobody should be in 2024 we all agree but just you saying like me being a human who is flawed as well viewing another person who does everything right other than this particular situation what do you want from me I think it was a cool thing you stick up for your players you're awesome has a question for you yeah coach good to hear that the mullet will be back cuz you know that mug sitting behind your big daddy you are kind of the Big Daddy of the mullet Community if you will but on those QR codes how did that kind of come up how did that become a great idea of course but how did it kind of become implemented and will you also have a QR code on your visor so that when you call a beautiful touchdown to a player that I have and one of my parlays I can say damn it Gundy did it again let me send him some money for that vacation house that you were talking about possibly a Myrtle Beach oh Myrtle house huh now that is a great idea for a QR code on a visor I hadn't thought of that but to be honest with you since we're on H the pat mcabe show we're not just giving normal coaches talk which I never give normal coaches talk anyway that's why I stay in trouble so much but the point is we were sitting around in my office uh with my assistant Danielle and um our director of business finance kinat right used to play in the NFL and now we've hired to be our director of business and finance and I said I thought to them I said how can we get people across the country to be able to give nil money for our players and set up them being able to orchestrate things to make the nil money if I'm in um Los Angeles or London or Tokyo or New York City and I want to give how can I do it and we came up with a plan we said why don't we have QR code set up smart because that way they can do it instantly and you know it's almost I guess you know I kind of thought about a GoFundMe you know you see people that are in need and they set up a GoFundMe and um the people in this country come together and they help them and all of a sudden they if they've had a terrible incident they have an opportunity to get out of it so I thought why don't we set this up for for nil and give the Oklahoma State people a chance that when they're sitting there and they see a player make a great play they're going to pull that up on social media and bang that money and so we started working on it about three months ago got social media people um got Chris deal in our um media relations and he helped us and we've got it set up you know it's going to be in all the bars in town and restaurants it'll be on the table Toops on game day wow it's wonderful smart that is a very smart one and you know some of those GoFundMe is not legit hopefully those get sorted going forward because this being actually set up through that and on the website we see you can credit a team member too down at the bottom means you can send it directly to the person I mean it's and hopefully that money gets shared with big boys too I don't know how many I don't know how many offensive lineman Q codes are going to get banged any money but hopefully the team will certainly share it uh this is brilliant this is brilliant coach last question here I know you have to go and we can't thank you enough for your time tone has one OK State's schedule about the scheduled opener yeah coach we had a coach rule on uh a few times and we talked to him and he said when he went into Nebraska he told the ad do not schedule me any dtas okay that's the one thing I don't want is any dtas and you scheduled the Dakota South Dakota state has won back-to-back national championships at FCS and they are the number one ranked FCS team coming into this season what does that do for you guys as a week one test I know you got you have like 20 returning starters and Alan Bowman might be 35 I'm pretty sure but is that how is that go for a test in week one so you guys are aware of this but these schedules were set 8 to 10 years in advance I we were not aware of that I was not aware of that I did not know it was a decade I thought like years ahead obviously because bureaucracy and but I didn't know it was 10 years yeah yeah 8 to 10 years these schedules are set in advanc and um in fact I'll get back to the South Dakota state but in fact we played Alabama I think in two years maybe and when they came to me with that about 10 years ago I thought well hell we a schedule him I won't be coaching that long anyway and that'll be on somebody else's plate but South Dakota State guys they are well coached they understand they don't get out of place much they play hard uh what I've shared with the team and said it publicly is this is a team that you have to take the from them they're not going to give you the game they they play they they haven't lost in like 10 years um and and their point spreads through the roof so uh their coaches understand and people said well what do you think they're going to do to you and I shared with the team and the coaching staff said guys it's been so long since they lost the game they ain't going to do anything different other than what they're doing they don't see us they're not scared of us in fact a few years ago I think the last game they lost they played Iowa and Iowa ended up in the top 25 in the country that year and they lost like six to three Iowa so these guys we're aware of them um if we were doing scheduling a year in advance probably wouldn't have scheduled yeah well you could have said the score and we would have been able to guess that it was Iowa you could have said 63 and we would have been able to figure that out I think it was 93 okay yeah I'm sure I'm sure almost double digits almost double digits it's close you know 63 93 that's all the same no it might have been 6'2 I mean that's I will football there's a chance uh but go big go Blue Go Jack I got a chance to go out there and uh for game day they were out there at South Dakota State for the Dakota marker game against North Dakota State who Colorado has week one uh so like I I'm excited to kind of see this year how it goes you know and you got some additions to the Big 12 you got some losses to the Big 12 it's a hey they're saying you guys are about to go you know and do it but oh this year you know Cody the the he's coming on out there he's doing a good job he he's coaching really well and they're they're getting some tough kids uh you know West Virginia for forever and ever and ever used to be tough guys they were old school tough guys they'd hit you in the face hit you in the mouth um and you know I knew you were a West Virginia guy and and I know you guys are letting me go but they they're giving me like two minutes here before somebody screams but okay so here here when I did my research I had known about you because all my boys I've got late 20s mid 20s and the 19y old and they all watch your show up and so they knew that I was coming on and they said you need to do this you need to do this you need to do this and so I did my research and you know we have a lot of things in common you're a multisport guy in high school okay you kicked and punted I kicked and punted in high school okay um you got you did championship wrestling right um the I wrestled for nine or 10 years okay um college football background Booth commentating sideline you've been on college game day I've been on college game day wow Are We Now you won punt pass and kick Championship I didn't get that accomplished I dang sure didn't make the Pro Bowl twice okay and I have never recovered my own onside kick um wow you got all that accomplished um but uh and I I tell you the one thing I liked was you super kicked the war Peg right man coach I'll tell you what BR I mean from list of humans didn't you're top of the list bud I am so thankful that I got a chance to talk to you thank you for the due diligence to the Gundy boys thank you for the recommendation to your father to uh come on this they lit me up they were lighting me up they were they were on my butt big time about like don't screw this up okay well I don't know if you're I don't know if you screw things up I would want that you know that said you know I'm a great interview I'm not going to screw it up because I don't do coaches talk you know gundies GNA bring but anyway really appreciate you guys having me on uh the show's awesome the only reason I don't see it all the time is because I'm working but now I'll try to fit it in I'll get my assistant to pull it up there but you guys call it like it is I'm all for calling it like it is anybody else they're not worth watching man what a promo we're gonna cut that you're the man coach love you gy hey coach uh Team on me all right guys team on three appreciate you how L coach team on three one two three two three team thank you coach how down good staring down some Hallelujah

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