New X-Ray Technology Proves This is Christ?

this has been circulating all over the world in the last 24 hours it is incredible huge sign this seems to be a time when all things are being [Music] revealed hey guys okay so I actually have a video that was supposed to come out today and because of this headline yesterday I put this video on pause I'll probably have it come out tomorrow and I'm just going to take a minute to talk about something pretty incredible okay so for those of you who have followed my channel for a while you probably recognize this video right here here's a screenshot the sacred mystery of red hair rare blood types and what did Jesus really look like so this video is my most popular video on the happy lady channel to this date with 395,000 views this video seems to stay in that momentum and I get comments coming in every single day and I put this video out in 2022 now I have other videos on my channel from years ago that have reached over a million views they were thrown out of the algorithm when YouTube censored my channel around the time of the elections but this video seems to remain steud over the last couple of years there's a whole section in this video where I talk about the shroud of Torin and I read letters from around the time of the first century from those who knew Jesus who met him and they describe his appearance and I also talk about the official portrait of the Savior that we use most often in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which has always been my personal favorite painting of Christ this is the painting that always has resonated with me ever since I was a child even though I have other paintings of Christ in my home you'll see in fact it's right there in the background over there on the piano there's that painting I also have one upstairs by the front door there's a pretty awesome story behind that painting that I share in my video so there's a story behind this painting that many people don't know but I have shared before in past videos the church commissioned Dell Parson a Latter-Day St artist to paint a portrait of Jesus Christ they gave him instructions of what the Savior looks like and who better to give that description than those who have a personal witness of our savior those who lead his church so each time the artist brought his work to the Brethren they would say say actually that's not quite right you need to make these adjustments and so this went on for a while Del Parson went back and forth making changes as requested by the leaders of the church until they finally gave the green light and said yes that is what the Savior looks like now I never knew this story until years later but even as a little child I felt that this has always been the closest painting we have that best portrays Our Savior and what I feel is his face so yesterday morning I was cleaning the kitchen A video popped up that started talking about this story so apparently a new x-ray analysis proves that the Shroud of Turin was indeed from the time of Jesus Christ I've talked about that before in past blog posts and in that video the evidence definitely proves that it is from his time even though there were naysayers trying to prove on the contrary in the timing of this breaking news artificial intelligence was used to recreate images of what Jesus Christ looked like based on the what I call negative that was imprinted on the cloth which happened as a result of the light from the resurrection so that light imprinted the image of Jesus Christ on the fabric and that fabric has been preserved all of this time by those closest to Jesus who collected it from the tomb after his resurrection over the years the naysayers tried to prove it as a forgery and because of that conversation because it made headlines people didn't really want to touch the story so anytime anything is put out there as mere spe ulation if it makes headlines that becomes the narrative and here is the picture along with that number 44 that I talked all about in the last video message that came out earlier this week I've been seeing that number everywhere and here it is on this picture of Jesus I talked about the symbolism of the number 40 which represents cleansing in the scriptures and the number four represents the Earth so the cleansing of the earth before the Lord returns but also the cleansing of the hearts of the people on the Earth well last night this image began to circulate everywhere and as soon as it popped up on my phone I ran to my husband and before I could say a word he said wait I got to show you something and we both held up our phones at the same time and had the exact same image on our phone it was kind of funny but we were both pretty excited but here's what I wanted to show him what I love about this AI depiction from the image taken off the Shroud is that it looks exactly like my favorite painting of Jesus Christ which I feel with all my heart is accurate so here are those two images side by side look at the mouth look at the beard look at the structure of the face it is incredible I wish wish I could have put this in my video about the face of Jesus Christ I remember when I put this video out there was a lot of talk at the time that people were starting to reject all of these paintings of Christ because of the TV series The Chosen they felt that the actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen according to their beliefs more accurately depicted the Savior and even though that actor plays the role of Jesus in an incredible way to me he didn't look like Jesus he didn't look like the painting that has always resonated with me but that didn't change his performance he is incredible and definitely emulates the Savior from the inside out but I remember around that time there was a lot of conversation going on about how silly and ridiculous it has been over the centuries that people portray Jesus Christ looking like this they said why does everyone make him look European clearly he would have looked like this now here's a screenshot of what the world believes Jesus would have looked like if he was from that part of the world and so I talk about in this video and I've talked about before in other videos how Israel 2,000 years ago would have looked very different than Israel today now people seem to forget that not all Jewish people people look like this in other words they don't all share the stereotypical features here's a screenshot of many different Jewish people who live in Israel this article is from the Jewish website and it says is Jewish a race or maybe a nation or just an ethnicity it goes on to talk about how all throughout Biblical history there are many times in which other people from other lands became Jewish during different Exiles races have mixed for thousands of years and that's why in Israel back then and today you can get a wide variety of mixture of Jewish people who look like this now that's quite the variety and around that time according to the historical records and letters that I read in that video people pointed out that he looked very different from the stereotypical rabbis and Pharisees the letters describe dark hair dark beards dark brown eyes all of complexion and then the savior is described as having a ruddy complexion lighter skin lighter hair blue eyes and we know from scriptures that his mother Mary has always been described as being very fair people also forget yet to consider that not only is the savior part of his mother Mary but he is also part of his father God the Eternal Father he definitely stood Out Among the people where he ministered often times I'll get comments coming through on this video from people quoting this scripture right here Revelation 1: 14 and 15 his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many Waters so John is describing the glorified Lord what the Savior looks like when he's in his full glory and power Lamb's wool is used as a description because it's white when Christ is in all of his glory he has always described as having white hair glowing or burning eyes and a brightness coming out of him almost like a fire that of course would be John's description of brass people will often send me this scripture attached with this image right here or an image similar and they'll say this is what the real Jesus looked like he had hair like wool and his skin was like brass or even bronze through the different emails and messages I receive pertaining to that video I've come to learn that there are many people out there who have a hard time connecting with the Savior if they can't relate to him if they feel like they can't identify with him because he looks very different from them and so I've seen different artist depictions like up on the screen here where people portray Jesus in the way that they can relate with him the way that they can best connect with him but one day we will all see him face to face every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord anyways we often conclude that you know it really doesn't matter what the Savior looks like because what's most important is our relationship with him which is what I conclude in this video and I think most people can agree with me on that but what's so interesting and why I'm so excited to put out this video as sort of a part two to my other video from 2 years ago is that this seems to be a time when all things are being revealed and there's a Hot Topic or conversation right now going on about the mother of Jesus Mary in fact my video that was going to come out today talks all about that something else I was going to put in that video that I'm now going to put in this video is something that someone sent me and said I ought to look into it a week before that image is released to the whole world this image is sent to me with a story alleging that this is a painting of an actual photo that was taken of the savior in the 60s I spent a little bit of time trying to figure out where this came from where was the original Source I couldn't find anything so I found this interesting that this was sent to me a week before this story broke with this AI image that I believe depicts the Savior accurately I haven't taken the time to look into this but it sounds pretty far-fetched according to the story there was a Catholic priest who regularly visited with this messenger who led him to a lost scroll and apparently this took place on June 1st in 1961 in Chichen Yucatan in Mexico where 30 archaeologists were working at the time in that area and when this messenger appeared according to the story one of the archaeologists was permitted to take a photo with his camera of the messenger in my search to find where in the world this came from I came across several others this one of course on Pinterest it says a nun took this photo of Jesus in the monstrance year unknown and this one photo of Jesus Christ the Lord this is a zoomed in pick that is allegedly taken from the chronovisor a time machine from the Vatican personally I can't understand how that would be possible to take with a machine and I love this comment down below this person responded by saying from what I can tell this is a zoomed in edited photo of a painting called Jesus in the wheat field if you compare this with the painting you can see it's a match I will say that even though these two images look very similar especially underneath the beard where the neck and the fabric come together that part looks almost identical the rest of the images look a little bit different the image on the right has more facial hair going up the cheek and underneath the nose and the distance from the eyebrow to the hairline is also different I do want to point out that this blurred image looks very similar to the AI depiction taken from the Shroud but regardless of who was behind this image on the right one thing is for certain the adversary is trying to create these distractions he's always got a counterfeit to what the Lord is doing now I haven't seen this interpreted scroll I have no idea what it says according to this story this scroll is written by Jesus and his disciple Judas es scariot now I have to say this isn't something that I believe or subscribe to I'm just reading the story it vindicates Judas es scariot and clears his name proving that he was not the one who betrayed Jesus now the story doesn't seem to mention if it wasn't Judas then who was it and it sort of reminds me of how the adversary likes to use that deception I'm not your enemy I'm your friend I want to help you I'm the good guy I had a good plan that no one wanted to support but my plan was to save everyone and I was going to do it myself I'm the good guy and we've heard this from people who openly follow and worship the adversary in those churches they see him him as a good enlightened being who has always been just misunderstood and misrepresented and that's sort of the vibe I get from this story and when I look at this image it doesn't have me feeling like I'm looking at the Savior you know that's really him it doesn't look like that to me it looks like these other paintings and depictions from earlier times where the savior is depicted as skinny and scrawny and emaciated and there's this Darkness about him that's what this reminds me of to me this feels to be a counterfeit but isn't it interesting the timing of that the adversary always tries to be a step ahead of what he sees the Lord doing and he always tries to counterfeit it I'm not going to give this any time or credibility but the reason I share it the reason I bring it up is because isn't it interesting with the timing a week before this image is released of Our Savior Jesus Christ based on the actual shroud that he was buried in as I have been pondering this I personally feel this is a huge sign that we indeed are drawing close to the return of the Lord he is manifesting we are seeing his face on a worldwide platform this has been circulating all over over the world in the last 24 hours which is incredible all things are being revealed at an accelerated pace so many scriptures come to mind right now and I can hear so many sound bites from previous General conferences so I put something together for you and this is how I'm going to close out this video I hope you enjoy during his Earthly Ministry Jesus Took Peter James and John to the Mount of transfiguration ation where the scriptures say his face did shine as the sun and his reignment was white as the light we might ask what do my children see when they look at my face do they see the image of the savior in my countenance because of how I live my life every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me and calleth on my name and obeyeth my voice and keepeth my Commandments shall see my face and know that I am I have learned that where there is a prayerful heart a hungering after righteousness a forsaking of sins and obedience to the Commandments of God the Lord pours out more and more light until there is finally power to pierce the Heavenly Veil a person of such righteousness has the Priceless promise that one day he shall see the Lord's face and know the that he is if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land seek the face of the lord always that in patience ye may possess your souls and ye shall have eternal life prophet invite us to seek his face I take this as a reminder that we worship our father and not a formula that we're not finished until we see Jesus as the face of Our Father's Love and follow him and not just his rules there are many different ways to see the face of Christ and there is no better place than in his holy house when thou sest seek ye my face my heart said unto thee thy face Lord will I seek we learn to see him by serving him for how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served and then in that great day when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is it is our sacred responsibility as parents and leaders of this Rising generation of children to bring them to the Savior so that they might see his face and the face of Our Father in Heaven as well I give you my sure witness that Jesus is the Christ he lives and leads his church God Lives Jesus is the Christ his church has been restored to bless all of God's children I love the Lord Jesus Christ he is in the words of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Everlasting father the prince of peace and as the Apostle John made clear Jesus Christ himself is the word of this I testify as an apostle called to the Lord's Divine service to declare his word and called to stand as a special witness of him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen do you suffer from dry itchy flaky skin tired of wasting money on products that don't work hi I'm Lindsay reach the creator of hydro Hill a product that's been changing dry skin for almost two decades I created Hydro Hill back in 2008 as a solution for my own dry feet countless pedicures and dermatologist visits weren't making a difference and who has the the time or energy for this method word on the street spread and hydro heill gained the attention of Shark Tank investors and Venture capitalists launching it on a nationwide TV campaign gaining interest and attention from celebrities on live TV see it to believe it demos and try before you buy put Hydro Hill in the spotlight selling out of product at every show after my feet were transformed I decided to test it on eczema dry lips and hands athletes foot and cradle cap and the results were incredible brand new skin in just 7 days but it gets even better Hydro Hill was also tested on a recovering Hospital patient 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