Breaking Down The Giants' Top Defensive Players: 1st Depth Chart Revealed!

but let's get into the defense here Little D oh let's talk about that D so we start off with the defensive end position where surprise surprise the 285 million do man is starting Brian Burns the Spider-Man Spiderman does whatever a spider can and I don't know about you but I would love to see him wrap up some quarterbacks in his webbing this year it's time he people keep talking about the pressure that's on Daniel Jones and legit we just talked about a second ago at ourselves so I'm not trying to say they're wrong for saying it let's talk about the pressure this man's under that's a freaking big big contract to to to live up to guys like that is a massive contract this guy's only had one year one year with over nine sacks and I get it's sacks not the end all we've talked about that before I'm not changing course on that but when you're making a $28 million contract I'm not going to give you credit for rushes and you know disrupting the passer and blah blah no you get that damn quarterback to the ground this is the one exception to that rule that I'm going to look at that and go you better get that damn quarterback to the ground because I'm paying you freaking $28 million a year not that I personally am just get excited say I don't have that kind of money definitely don't have that kind of money wait a minute wait a minute but yeah uh like I said it's just that's a lot the pressure is GNA come with that guys he's never dealt with that kind of pressure before he's never played in New York before which is a whole different set of pressures at that point there yeah and I'm telling you you played in North Carolina where you you the Diamond amongst the rough yes shine bright like a diamond now come to New York no one shines bright yeah and I I think he's up to the New York task that part I'm not worried about but I have to bring it up because there is a difference that some guys can't hack in New York I think he can handle the New York pressure and the New York media and everything that comes with playing for the Giants as one of the star players for them I think he can handle that what I'm not sure on is can this guy put up 13 14 sacks because I'm telling you right now with that contract that's what I'm expecting 100% that's what I'm expecting now don't get me wrong again sacks are not everything and I'm still not changing that I still want the QB hits I still want the rushes I still want the tackles I still want the Run stopping I still want all that stuff but the sacks have to be there because in the end the edge rushers that are Star players get sacks they get Seck that's what they do and if they don't quite frankly they're not worth the contract they're in and that's the problem you run into at this point is he has those expectations I'm going to read you this I'm going to give you guys a stat number somebody the last couple years 14 sex 16 sex 16 sex 12 sex 10 sex 13 and a half sex okay that's the last six years of Miles Garrett those are the numbers that I need from Brian Burns now because of that contract right or wrong that's what I'm looking for maybe not that high but yeah there damn it well of course you want that because that's yeah he's on our team now stop that that's what we're paying you we're paying you to be that guy we're paying you to be one of the best defensive players not on the team in the league you're right but also Garett got that when that's not when the contract was like that's not what people got paid that's what people are going to get paid at this bond in NFL that's what's GNA happen I don't care but if he doesn't come out and get 16 sacks this year and he gets 12 I'm still gonna be happy 12 list I told you I'll be happy or I play 14 is what I'm hoping for which 12 be fine with well my thing all right so if he gets 12 let's say he gets 11 and a half right this one you want to see more yeah but if tipido and uh and sexy Dex their numbers go up this year because of the pressure he's providing and people running away from him looking at the play I'm okay with that yeah I mean you kind of evaluate it overall when the season's over and take a look but yeah but I I said he just has a huge amount of of weight in his shoulders there right now uh oh yeah backing him up is Boogie Basham who's actually he began a lot of love and training camp you keep hearing his name on the reports of stuff going on so that's good to hear there guy had aist that guy had a lot of you know credibility coming out of college and really hasn't lived up to that in the NFL so you know maybe we can actually somehow get something out of him that'd be nice that' be fantastic so far that was and he's also got one of the best names of football so yes he does Carlos yeah is that is his actual name um third team at the defensive EV position is Obie uh ah ouu I always mispronounced his name I apologize to him oh go for you B yeah anyway another undrafted rookie free agent um nose tackle it is no surprise whatsoever Dexter Lawrence the best nose tackle in the entire freaking League number one there after that Jordan Riley DJ Davidson and then Timmy Herer who sat in the corner eating his curds in a way I don't know why like a little Jack ho like whatever that is whatever that one goes I always think of him when I hear that name but um obviously see last name that's why but still it's just weird combo um yeah and one of these guys has to step up guys we talked about before like they the way they that are putting this is a little weird for me in my in my taste because let's be honest defensive end is an edge rusher you know you're not putting Brian Burns on the line he's going to be an outside linebacker Edge position guy uh now you're going to put him on the line during 43 and nickels and dimes and stuff like that that's why it comes a little convoluted but when you're in a base 34 defense one of these guys has to step up because Dexter Lawrence can't do it himself we probably can't if anybody can I about say he kind of he kind of gets close to do himself yeah yeah he needs some help he needs some help and needs someone who can spell him to even when they are in the regular defense at that point there like he need he needs help guys and you're asking a lot we've said it before out of some guys that just quite frankly aren't high draft picks haven't done much in the NFL one of them though will probably step up and be serviceable I'm not expecting crazy you know chaos here so to speak where this guy comes from make a seventh round pick to a pro bowler like that's that's ridiculous but I think someone's going to become up serviceable because if there's one thing the Giants have done over the last couple years successfully that's Draft defensive tackles that is one thing the Giants for whatever reason have been able to do very well you know we're talking the Dexter lawrences the lynville Joseph's you know all these different people over the years I feel like as long as I've been a Giants fan we've had good defensive tackles you know Keith Hamilton is a good example at that point there you know um you know it's just there's there's just people that have been for whatever reason been very very good at that position that we have drafted so um hopefully one of these guys stands out um at the actual defensive tackle position rakem Nunes roaches number one who we need a big year out of him yeah because he's the only established defensive veteran on that true defensive line again not the defensive end or Edge rushing position but the true defensive line in the 34 that has any really real experience playing and he's kind of washed up besides de Lords then you got Ryder Anderson who is going to be interesting one because by all accounts he fits better as a defensive end in the 4-3 so it's interesting to have him second I wonder if they're going to use him a lot when they go into 4-3 kind of sets I wonder if that's kind of the plan like if they go into a 43 kind of set there and you know go into a a Nickel Dime kind of package at that point there and change some things up and they're going to put him in as a defensive end of that position uh after that Jordan Phillips who's a guy who said kind of washed up guy had one great year as a sack artist there I think like what nine sacks like five years ago and has like 20 sacks in his career but you know again he's a Savvy veteran he's a guy that teach some of these young guys he'll make the spot as one of the backups that's for sure uh Elijah Chapman who has been basically the surprise in the last week or two of this training camp like all of a sudden this kid is getting hyped up like he would not believe absolutely hyped up and it's really interesting there because this is a guy that you really didn't hear too much about afterwards but there he is he got you know picked up they talked about a little bit he's got the baby bison name that some people like obviously and now all of a sudden the last week or two he's just you're hearing a lot more about him at that point so we'll have to see what H happens see if he can make the roster that'd be a little shocker if he does but you know he's been shown to be pretty athletic he did play a little fullback in college as well which is kind of interesting maybe plays a little double side like that interesting everybody really us the fullback anymore but yeah back um what just that and then of course we got last up there Casey Rogers Oregon undrafted rookie free agent that I don't think you you really should expect to see here in this uh you know on this roster probably when the actual final roster pops up uh he's more confused for Casey Jones of teen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that be confused with New York Giant cnga dude all right let's go to the outside linebacker position first up Kavon Tibido obviously there obviously and that's GNA be interesting year because Kavon had the sacks last year guys but if you actually watch the tape a lot of people thought his year was not as great as those stats give you know he beat up on some really bad offensive lines with the commanders and the Jets um he had an extremely high pass rush to sack ratio like the success rate that he had was like ungodly high and we' talked about the show before the one thing he really needs to get better at is setting the edge in the defense so he can go ahead and stop the the runs whether it be a quarterback or running back I've seen both them blow right on by him because they push him on the outside pass where the quarterback is and then goes right for it like he's got to get better at that stuff this is the a third year guys he's got Brian Burns to teach him who's had a lot of success in this league and again I said before I'm not sure $28 million success but he's had success he's still a pro bowl player at that point so you know see if Kayon picks up some stuff for him I'm sure he will you know Andre Patterson who is a defensive line coach for the last couple years for us who's also is credited with helping Dexter Lawrence get to the success he has now um you know he's been helping with the outside linebacker as well so that's always good to see plus there's a new off new outside linebackers coach so you know we'll see what happens there I think I think he see a little bit of change in how these guys play I think the fact that kon's not going to be put probably into the position of having to cover people as often is gonna help as well yes I gonna say different he's gonna be set up in a defense it's probably gonna be play to his talents more often exactly like we've talked about it wink Martell's defense was not conducive to Edge rushers it just wasn't yeah they he had him in coverage he had him in run stopping Gap gaps and stuff like I mean all kinds of crazy like and I get it putting your blitzes from weird places helps sometimes but you know it also helps putting your best in pass rushers in a pass rushing position it's crazy it's crazy yeah oh you got this Talent of getting to the quarterback awesome chase down this receiver yeah like you you drafted a guy fifth overall to be a pass rusher and you have him covering running backs in the flat like that's no that's not what you do that's not what you do when sat there they'll never expect it they expect it because it is expected this point the safety is GNA Blitz is what happens backing him up is z o jalari again contract year a guy that you hear in every single practice rep good things about there and listen we like him a lot like we're fans of him on the show guys the thing with him is him staying healthy if he's healthy he's a guy that you can count on getting at least a sack every other game which is a really not not a great amazing ratio but if you're gonna sit there and tell me that someone season I'm going to say okay that's a solid player I'm not going to say Pro Bowl caliber you know defensive NP or anything crazy like that but if your backups getting you eight sacks a year well and that's one thing we to see as a backup would he continue that kind of you know what I mean yeah well I mean probably if if he stays healthy playing as a backup plays through the year he might have a better average than what he's had the past couple years when he's been injured plus they're going to throw him in just in passing situations so it's gonna be like he goes in just goes after the quarterback comes off gets rested comes back in goes after the quarterback like that's what's going to happen so you know I'm curious to see what happens with him overall my biggest concern which it's a great concern to have guys don't get me wrong is that he plays the point so well that we lose him next year because I think he's got a lot of talent him I almost want like him to play good but not great because we can keep him at selfish get a good deal on him then have him blow out and you know what it is because like that's one of the most expensive things to get we talked about with the Brian Burns thing a minute ago a guy who can get to the quarterback is not cheap to get it's just not and a guy who can get to the quarterback as a backup and provide that Off the Bench is very difficult to come by because everybody wants to throw them in a starting position but you have to wonder is a Zeo gelar Zeo galari better as a backup to keep the health concerns down you know he had the issues coming out of college why we end up getting him in the late second round when let's be honest there are plenty of Giants fans if we drafted him in the first round would not have been upset when we draft you know if we had drafted him instead of cadarius Tony in the first round plenty of people have been okay with that a good move yeah even on draft night nobody would have been upset so you know it it's the talent's there you just got to keep him healthy on the field uh third up is Mr Timone what does the fox say who um is is just a guy that listen Mo Fox is that Scrappy guy that just all of a sudden just finds his way into situations he's a he's a decent backup kind of guy to have at that point but he's your back end of your roster kind of guy he's not you're probably not going to develop into like a guy like we talk so nicely about you know aizo jari a minute ago like he doesn't have that potential guys his ceiling his floor is not that much different apart he's a low-end edge rusher that can happen to make a roster but you're probably if you have to him bring anything significant you're probably in trouble I do little special teams for you that's fair yeah now we got Benton Whitley which just sounds like that sounds like a fancy name doesn't it feels like I should be drinking some having some teen crackers yeah it's like I wanty the thir Esquire to have some water Crescent sandwiches and some Earl Gray it just sounds fancy it does and the scary thing is we're going to talk more about the fact that his name sounds fancy than him himself because he's not going to be a giant let's be honest here probably not probably not going to be uh inside line back uh you know the funny thing is somebody's probably to be watching this or listening to this for the very first time going what the hell are these guys on listen we're what are they talking about it's in the damn name inside linebacker position obviously you got your start starters Bobby O car and mikah mcfaden um second team they had Carter Coughlin and Deontay Johnson now Carter Coughlin I'm kind of shocked he's that High guys I'm a little shocked he's that High um you know keep in mind he was a late edition and I wonder and I don't listen I have no news in this guys let me be very clear on this I have no inside information us whatsoever but let me ask you this Rob you're sheenbow from minut okay you get the Giants defensive coordinator position what's the first thing you probably do you what that besides that would you say maybe watch some tape from the last couple years they watch some tape clean some house I'm just saying like you probably watch a lot of film of the Giants yeah I'm just wondering if the fact they brought him in so late when they kind of made the determination he wasn't coming back before they got Shane Bowen I wonder if Shane Bowen saw something he liked I have no information on that whatsoever I'm not trying to say like breaking news like no but it's just weird to me that like he was gone he's on social media saying thank you to the Giants Organization for everything there was a clear breakup and then all of a sudden there he is somebody on that coaching staff asked for him back that's what I think personally at that point point I mean you know it also could have been you know obviously the fact that we have a new special team coordinator as well in in in griel and maybe he wanted him at that point for he is a special team stud but it just makes me wonder now when I see him on second team inside linebacker and they brought him in after he said he was leaving after we got Shane Bowen if Shane Bowen saw something he liked in him so we'll have to kind of keep track on that because he was an in side linebacker and an edge player like he never really had I feel like he never really had a full home on defense because they kept them moving him towards the Special Teams said just a little odd to me a little odd um the other guy on that second team Deontay Johnson is one of those guys that sneakily sneakily has also had a very very good trading camp like this guy has popped up on the first team with the you know with the first team defense at times and if you remember last year Micah mcfaden was taken out for Isaiah Simmons I wouldn't say a regular basis but I'm you know passing down specifically let's be honest Micah mcfaden is not the guy you want week one going against TJ hackinson no he's not the guy now is Johnson the guy I'm not saying that it's an undrafted rookie free agent that sat around for a year and is hopefully develop something with the coaching staff there but if you're going to put we'll talk about the position in a minute but if you're going to put Isaiah Simmons at a different position you need somebody who's athletic and can go ahead and cover to put in those kind of passing DS maybe that's who it is you know maybe that's maybe that's who it is I mean we'll find out but there's a lot of hype around him right now so we'll get into play ERS that we should watch for in the preseason game coming up on Thursday but spoil alert he's one of them he's definitely one of them 1D team Matthew Adams special team star kind of like Carter Coughlin doesn't really see defense very often and Darius muasau the rookie we got this year that to be very Frank I'm still trying to figure out why we got him not trying to be rude about it I just don't think that he's see where he's at he's in the third team inside linebackers like I'm I'm questioning the pick a little bit there not trying to be a jerk about it no offense moo just not so sure that was where to go um and the all by himself he don't want to be hash save my beavers yeah on the fourth team yeah Darien beavers on the fourth Team all by himself there I'm a little shocked by that I I listen guys this is this may be the end of Darion beavers if if this continues he doesn't he doesn't go crazy this preseason this might be the end of Darion beavers and let's be honest if you're expecting him to go crazy during the preseason that means he should be going crazy during the training camp which means he wouldn't be the fourth team I just think that injury he had as a rookie just killed and Zapped the potential he had guys and that's a shame because this was a kid that we were pretty came in there was a lot of potential there you know yeah um unfortunately it's gone like like metli has claimed so many ACLS in the past it's gone uh look at that Rob's so upset he's Frozen that's how upset Rob is he's Frozen so next up is the nickel position there guys and with the nickel position you got Drew Phillips as your starter now Drew Phillips obviously Andrew Phillips is our third round draft pick there from Kentucky interesting that you see him as a starter because to be honest in a training camp a lot of times he has not been starting there so it's interesting that they're putting him out there as a starter um you know kind of says to me that he's been doing better with them lately uh they're putting a little faith in him they're putting a little bit of uh you know onus on him to to keep that up now so uh we'll see what happens there overall with him and then backing him up in the nickel spot is the guy we talked about a minute ago Isaiah Simmons and listen Isaiah Simmons needs a real home guys that's been the story of his you know of his whole entire NFL career at this point is this man needs a home and his home is going to be nickel at least this year in Sheen Bowen system and that's the spot that he probably is best suited for to be very Frank with you guys I mean he's gone from a safety in in Arizona quite frankly did not work out like just point blank did not work out to going to be a guy who you know had the opportunity to play linebacker last year with us now did it work out I mean were you guys really that happy I know some guys like Isaiah but let's be honest some guys still like isah Simmons because they thought he was a great pick coming out of the draft um you know he was okay he was best in coverage so if he's best in coverage nickel position is like perfect for him at that point you put him in a spot where he's covering guys who are slower you know tight ends running backs people of that nature at that point you're putting him in a position to still help in the running game because he still has that ability and listen nickel blisses are going to happen in this defense it's not just win marale that that throws random people at the quarterback you know like he'll still rush the pure occasionally I I I think this may end up really being the position for him I think it's where he's probably best suited and I I'm I'm intrigued to see what he does there third up there is Nick McLoud there can be only one and this is a guy that I still think I still think could be a starting Corner in this league and I I know I'm crazy for it I know that most people will not agree with me whatsoever guys I still think he could be a starting Court of this league and I think the fact that he's that low is a little shock to me that's be quite honest there and it's so shocking to rob that he left for a minute and he came back now I was so appalled so you know again we'll have to see what happens I'm curious to see where he ends up because Nick MCL is not just the guy who played nickel which is kind of funny because nick nickel but um he was also a Highlander we already did that before when you were gone I know you missed it they can be anyone I can't help but say it every time um but yeah I mean you got Nick pcloud there who is you know listen he's he's a good backup corner to have this is a guy that can come on the field he's done it before not embarrass himself and you know do something with with the with time on the field so um then you got Trey hen the guy we got from Jacksonville who's got a little storting experience there um so listen that's that's a solid group for people to bring in nickel and dime packages and that those kind of situations guys um next up the starting outside corners Deontay Banks and Cordell flat let's be honest there's no surprise there Cordell flat I feel like is like the guy that they are determined to shove down our throats like I really hope that he does well because I think if he doesn't there's going to be some slack coming back on dble and Shane over this I really do and I and I honestly let's be honest I hope every single player plays well I'm a Giants fan but this is the risky move like you didn't go out and get somebody to play this position you put that kind of faith and flat like you the very beginning like Flats the guy Flats the guy Flats the guy you drafted flop too early to begin with most guys had him at a fifth round pick you gave him round pick for him so yeah there's a little bit of a risk there for sure in this whole situation there um now there's not risk for Deontay Banks like he's never been a number one corner and the times he struggled last year was when he had to be you know and he's got that Gauntlet we talked about before in the show he's got a gauntlet of wide receivers to go through the best of the best the best sir here come the man in Black but that's that's where he's at there it's like careful someone's gonna get slapped but I mean he's got a gauntlet of people to go through and I'm not so sure he can do it without some help and it's gonna have to be help in the safety position places like that probably to do it he's going to need a little help as a rookie number one corner if that makes sense he was a number two last year now he's the number one we got a lot of talent like you said there's a lot of talent that we're playing this year yeah and but he's got a lot of physical Talent himself his issues always been you know a little bit of of the you know the form a little bit of the uh you know the abilities to go with the um you know the uh the uh the physicalness as far as the mental aspects at that point you know reading what the receiver is going to do and and that kind of stuff but he's got Jerome Henderson if anybody can teaches there there certain guys on this coaching staff I have a ton of respect for you know we talked about Andre Patterson before I have a ton of respect for him Jerome Henderson's that guy as well like I would not have been pissed off at all if Jerome Henderson got promoted to be defensive coordinator in fact we suggested it multiple times multip multiple times mul even before Wing glass we talked about it I think I remember right yeah like Jerome Henderson is a solid guy um backing those two up they got Trey Hawkins the third and dar Holmes which I'm a little shocked Dar Holmes as an outside like he spent a lot of his career there with the Giants since he's the kind of that that spot in the carpet we can't get rid of he SP he SP a it's a good analogy you know it he spent a lot of time on on the inside in that slot position there so you know it's it's it's interesting to see him on the outside maybe it's just a change of pace maybe that's just what he needs maybe I'm just being trying to be optimistic because we haven't wanted him on this team for multiple years but keep bringing it back on oneye deals for some reason yeah yeah and then you know Trey Hawkins we talked about before as well as being this was the guy that everybody thought was a stud coming out of training camp last year at one point they moved the Dory Jackson at the slot and had him and Deontay Banks as starters in the corner position and he just failed miserably guys miserably there was no like this was the Fall From Grace like you would not believe like so hopefully another year under his belt he was a very raw player coming out of college that was like that was one of the things like if you listen there was there was his his his head coach from college um did a uh interview and I I I apologize to whoever it was I cannot remember for the life of me what uh what program it was on I want to say it was lockdown Giants with Patrina I may be wrong in that though um but he played only I think one year at ultim if I remember right before that he played at Trinity Valley college guys this kid was signed because of potential he wasn't signed because he was ready that's why he went in the sixth round you know so by the same point sixth round picks don't typically pan out that's life in the sixth round so don't expect too much but understanding his potential and let's just see what he develops into and not give him crazy suggestions of how great he can be like we did last year to him you know um after that the third stringers David L Jr and Brion borders so two different veterans that we we we signed this offseason as well um so we got some guys there we got some names got some legitimate NFL players there I'm just dud I'm just a little nervous about the starting to I'm a little nervous about that I think the pass rush has to help them out I really do that's not a experienced group that's not a group with a great NFL resume yet they could develop one still but they don't have one right now so hopefully these pan out because this these are Joe Shane picks here guys this is his third round pick and his first round pick starting up being backed up by a sixth round pick Joe Shane's Corners guys he's the one who chose not to go get a veteran corner at least not the one that can start David long junor is in K I was going to say he's only a junior anyway oh man extra large wow I'm not going near that let's get into the safeties guys the safeties it's a safe place here guys let's talk about it um so starting d Belton and Jason pinck listen pin's obviously not the surprise but Dane Belton starting that's a little bit of a surprise again this is like a Theo Johnson moment Tyler nubin has been hurt Tyler nubin has not played much this training camp Dane Belton has they're giving the N Dan Belton right now Tyler nubin I'm telling you right now will'll be the stared before the season starts 100% not any mind whatsoever unless he gets injured or Falls flat in his face which I really don't expect I got a lot of high hopes for Tyler Newman I really do think he's going to be a good player in this league um which would put Dean Belton in the backup position which is where Tyler nuban is right now in the backup position on the second team there along with Elijah Riley now should note Jaylen Mills is currently injured so again he's another guy is not being listed in this whole thing Dane Belton Jaylen Mills will be your backup safety that's that's what it's going to be Elijah Riley will be backed up into the the third team at that point yep which is where javarus Owens is right now along with Caleb Hayes and then Alex Johnson who was a corner in college they have him listed as the fourth team as a safety so I'm wondering are they G to put him in like because we talked about like this this guy's really been a guy who has done amazing things in the last last year at college with interceptions are they going to put him in that center field roll I wonder if that's what the plan is like just put him in the center field roll and let him do his thing yeah he's a little L though for safety six foot even guys so he's got the height of a corner and the height that work for safety but he's 185 pounds it's a little he so you know we'll see what happens there but I mean five interceptions last year at UCLA after having none the uh the prior five years because guess he played six years in college um and then before that you know obviously also in special I'm sorry in the training camp he's had a couple as well he had that one practice he had two he have two interceptions I think and one like one tip or something like that I mean he's had some good some good times in practice as well training camp so we'll see what happens because fourth team is not good for making the squad maybe that's the plan that was not to have him make the squad put him in the practice squad and let him develop into a safety that seems like the possible plan there guys so you know it's going to be a fun defense to watch though my big thing is I want to see the difference in Shane Bowen's defense and I want to see what these Corners do that's that's that's the scariest part of this defense for me is that is those Corners so we'll see as time progresses here so if you like that clip then you will love the full episodes too find us on your favorite podcast app and look for us on all your favorite 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Unveiling The NY Giants' Offense: 1st Depth Chart Revealed!

Category: Sports

Let's go over that depth chart here because the giants released their first depth chart today guys and of course we're going to start off with the offense gotta start off the offense and there he is daniel jones himself look like he's about to cry i don't know why he does he just does that's my old... Read more

Drew Lock Healthy for Season Opener thumbnail
Drew Lock Healthy for Season Opener

Category: Sports

We're going to start with the guy who took a lot of slack after the week one a preseason game and let's be honest rightfully so to a certain degree didn't have a good game but i'll still say it's a preseason game guys let's not get out of hand and it also wasn't that much of a tape to go over and that's... Read more

Giants Add Depth: Jakob Johnson Returns, Curtis Bolton Signed! | Giants News thumbnail
Giants Add Depth: Jakob Johnson Returns, Curtis Bolton Signed! | Giants News

Category: Sports

More positive news guys more positive news we want to give happy news because for every sad story this time year guys there's a happy story for everybody that gets taken off the roster somebody else gets added so that's why i want to leave give you guys with a positive here so jacob johnson who's had... Read more

New York Giants Waiver Claim Watch thumbnail
New York Giants Waiver Claim Watch

Category: Sports

Coming up we go live as the new york football giants put in their waiver claims looking to improve the depth across this roster who did they hit on who did they miss and how will it impact not only the current roster the practice squad and how this team moves towards opening weekend just 11 days away... Read more

NY Giants Rumors: Is Joe Schoen Already Scouting Daniel Jones' Replacement? thumbnail
NY Giants Rumors: Is Joe Schoen Already Scouting Daniel Jones' Replacement?

Category: Sports

All right let's get the other news here they got everybody all up and about and all in a tizzy there this weekend here people freaking out already over things they don't need to and that's because joe shane's already scouting quarterbacks well that's the way the media would have you think of guys so... Read more