🔴LIVE🔴 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Review Access Stream!

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 03:03:58 Category: Gaming

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Time Heals all wounds or so I say yeah not just bad things but good things too right like we always come back to like the Baseline right I don't know man I I just feel like Amy and I have been through so much bad [ __ ] the past two years just insane [ __ ] and it it it's like I finally learned that it's okay to be happy when you're feeling sad too I don't know if that makes any sense but uh it's a genuine feeling genuinely positive feeling all right does bro just Yap the whole time can you turn off blood in this game bro that is a wild question um my hypothesis is no but we can check I'm not ready yet Chad I turned 38 tomorrow ah Amy's making she's she's making me my favorite brother it is 40k you do not turn off blood that's what I'm saying yeah where is my Tik Tock uh goddamn Studio guy at yes launch is it is it crashing no okay I was about to start I was going to have me a time with that dude all right go live um oh my God Warhammer 40K there's so many uh I guess they don't have the second Space Marine but that's fine how you spell Emperor EMP p e r o r Emperor God I hate that spelling Truly Deeply genuinely how you doing Diablo Dave over on YouTube says uh crush your enemies see them driven before you hear the lamentation of their women Conan is Conan the Barbarian uh the original Space Marine all right so to brief you in the mission we're on currently okay the mission we're on right now we are attempting to literally burn the entire like an entire face of the planet to Ash with uh with phosphorus type Munitions okay so we are very it is very intense that or he's doomed guy completely agree completely agree Doom guy Doom guy he's the Doom guy sec I can't believe I survived that boss capable foe a welcome challenge were the left tenant not with us I fear we would have joined cordonis and Septimus perhaps they faced more than one no the facilties Hun alone let us hope nok's research remains intact oh they hunt alone huh that's good I'll be honests I'm good dude I like that Diablo dude how are we playing uh we got early review access thanks to the Fantastic Folks at uh Focus entertainment oh God oh God here we go oh this is some kind of electricity I'm get I'm shocked I can't counter reloading Zen toxins meos the entrance is in operative standby yeah run away expect enemy presence rally at the elevator verify your signature is detected one not disappointingly no progress for anastasis spare me the insults MOS statement error insults I engage in pure analysis locate Primary transmitter coordinates inbound I have had more pleasant conversations with Orcs for the the god Emperor what's up what's up you think this will run out of 570 probably I I feel like the downscaling on this game is really good like for me if a game is super well optimized on the top end that means that Downstream it's also really well optimized so like I think most I don't know what the minimum cards are for this but I would say if you have something within the last two generations of cards you're definitely going to be able to run it prior to that I mean you could always try putting it on low and 30 FPS you know what I mean um but I know if you have any RTX series cards um like you know there's just a lot like I I feel like this game is so well optimized you'd probably be hard pressed to find a modern system that can't run it you know like I don't know how a 20 series card might do um you know and I'm is a and I feel like a 57 100 XT is that's within the last couple of generations of AMD cards yeah I think especially when you thrill points this out on uh Tik Tok but especially when you have consoles in the mix I will hold you to that uh 1660 TI isn't that part of the 20 series if if you've got stuff that's running on uh PlayStation 5 Xbox uh 1 x your lower-end PCS are more than likely going to be able to hit the target and if not you can always I would imagine you be able to use like Nvidia GeForce now or some sort of Remote Play option too he deserved better this P Blaster will serve us well against grippers I have crossplay I have the crossplay option here as well py Blaster oh resilient brother desus Hasen received location mark for aper brother sacrifice will be remembered rers here they come weapons only with the p Blaster while we thin their numbers this way reloading weapon munition secured what's over here medical stem th there must be thousands that door looks like our exit clear a path through those vermin oh oh uh Saturday probably Saturday genius we need instructions power system controls and your current location streamers got one day early access from the devs so yeah we have review copies uh same kind of copies they hand out to like press Etc secr FSE Det they area yourselves component machine powera woo do not get too close be playing the rest hey man I mean I worked hard to uh I know you might not think there's a lot of people over on Tik Tok or whatever but you I have a decent following on uh twitch doing this for a long time their boldness I'm not I'm not I feel like I do a good job covering video games that's why I get opportunities like this you know I understand the feelings all right no way somebody on Tik Tok just joined and their username was your boy skinny penis me yeah sorry I don't usually call people out just for joining the stream but that name was too good not to call out I hope you understand it's me your boy skinny penis coming at you real Slim you're my preferred news on anything gaming by a large margin oh that's kind very kind what is this nice how am I doing I'm doing great Rich was Brom man being toxic to viewers again shocker I'm the most toxic dude biom hella toxic chat chat if I've been toxic to you can you just please type one some of my longest time viewers have been folks that I was toxic to I'm just saying the sooner we exterminate these Horrors the better what's up craft king that's a lot of ones zero you're very kind I'm not a perfect person I've definitely been an [ __ ] on stream before man I I have forgiven myself for that [ __ ] uh hopefully you can forgive me you know that's all I can do you know restocking definitely not a perfect person over here why are there so many dangling chains and hooks over here Brothers everything reminds me of him oh wow I got crapped onon what is our heading we need to cross this room they will not get they never learn need to reload sweet to see you play at oall well very good Jackson very good check corners for Secrets o make good use of it no that's great that's good to know I didn't even think about how this could be a game like that um grabbing equipment yeah I was like I need one of these things resupply oh my God aret destroyed toxins assail my senses restocking good Lord oh crap this game is looking pristine it really is I am down on your feet brother ah they all ran away are are no more incapacitation christas or we fail wish you could see these dead bastards Char hey bro thank you very much for the raid man I hope you had an awesome [ __ ] time with the uh Space Marines today man excellent work to extract welcome welcome that was very very kind popping in from Char hope you're having a a great day I am having a good day man busy day but good day always good to be busy and it's busy to be good you know what I'm saying yeah yeah thanks for tuning in if you're just joining us hi I'm Professor bro man it's nice to meet you it's it's nice to see you maybe for the first time if this is our first time meeting there's one thing you need to know about me and it's that I don't have any hair that's right there's no hair on my head any hair that you see on my head is an illusion I've been practicing making it disappear for a very long time it's nice to meet you also if you're curious about how we're playing this game right now uh we have review access so we are reviewing the game with you live uh on Twitch YouTube and Tik Tok so you know there it is observe this location in my review is this game is crazy good it feels like I'm playing Dark Souls and a horde shooter at the same time has been some time since I brought death from above the day is not yet done brother how do he play to compared to the first that I cannot compare for you unfortunately I didn't play the first one the umis expect I don't want to go back into the pit with the the Wormy things man transm at zero state of charge move generators I can break to myself fire the work system is in your honor will that interfere with operation negative keep close proximity to the terminal While I Work connectivity R limited us begin your Working Connection rippers that's right that's what they're called oh [ __ ] SEC grenade I'm glad the other guys are doing a good job fighting cuz I feel like I'm barely holding them off War generate equal to for State charge objective to subsequent generator oh God I'm nervous oh don't die proed concem all right we're good how are we playing we have uh Early Access thanks to the devs at Focus entertainment yep yeah that's it that's that's how we're playing uh I don't have more revives bro leave me alone even the dogs are into it man brother they are not Ty T my sight generators activated Rel I will not let you die brother brother up oh my God bro I can't even stand upad rest something I don't know what I did or what happened but it set us free I did not like holding the flamethrower there I'm going to stabed this [ __ ] out of your face oh my god dude that was rough that was rough holy crap thanks for tuning in today everybody hope you're having a good time if you're watching on Twitch YouTube or Tik Tok just want to let you know we're enjoying some uh some review access for Space Marines uh 2 thanks to the folks of focus entertainment the emperor protects and uh if you like video games uh hit the follow button I guess I don't know all right now where I supposed to go oh I can hit this button going to tell me right here rest can't wait for tomorrow it's going to be awesome brid extension initiated activate the conso to commence transmission Anis transmission active data incoming Den classified believe such matters to report transmission complete your assistance is no longer required major sarana please escort noik to the Thunderhawk and get him off world yes my Lord with pleasure I shall be glad to be rid of these trivial duties as I will be glad to Cease the flapping of this repugnant flesh voice time to go thise goes to the Rooftop that's a terrifying noise you're a terrifying noise magas confirm receipt of data stream this is Lio transmission received is on the Thunderhawk standing by Dale Dawson stationary supplies that's the office and among us that sounds great maor s what's your status we've lost a lot of man a lot of heavy rounds but we're still in the fight we're coming to you now will they hit Lio do you read me major did you see what happened no idea we saw no impact that is territory claimed by the Swarms we need to reach him fast there was an armoring chamber below jump packs sir the Guardsman with respect my Lord we're cadi we can take care of ourselves the tyranids will swarm the crash site if nosik is still alive his time is limited our brother aboard that Thunderhawk will make quick work of the tyranids hold why you can go into the air I hope they survived do not admit such a thought too many of us have fallen today we are at War Death bro what engaging PR okay this is crazy moving freaking uh can't believe the verticality in this I was not expecting this zenos verman take full advantage of the jump packs Cal down upon them like lightning bols redeploy how you playing early uh this is review access so we get to check things out a little bit early very nicey them is it fun it's a blast um we're about probably I mean we just got out of the tutorial I I guess I'd make an argument that oh my God I'd argue that we're still in the tutorial cuz we're unlocking uh primary mechanics still this is insane Zen is it hard uh I have had a hard time uh I have I had a hard time on a couple of these missions and we're still in the very beginning so I'm I'm pretty sure we're going to be having an interesting time as stuff goes on further I'm assuming you play as each class for a bit uh no I haven't changed classes at all or unless that's what my backpack is I I don't know is a pre-order worthy h i mean I would want to get my hands on playing this as soon as possible like I have really enjoyed my time with it no you no yeah why don't you like that like that another one did you have a spec yet uh no spec yet um I just yeah like I really haven't unlocked that much the crash sight is on the other side of that biomass too high to jump we have melter charges lifting place them strategically weak points only the xenos protects their hide stop at nothing we must reach the crash Target destroy reloading weapons watch for the out oh my God this is like pretty awful reload we have no time let us blow this Dam wall hi JY no wrong button reload delay risks thees of our brothers okay where's you suck dude you are the worst just like get just die thank you thing suck the Z Thro is dead engaging we are wasting time I want to interact with that oh what the you can clear the whole map this is insane I was not expecting any of this [ __ ] okay okay okay okay maybe where am I going now okay this isn't high enough time let us blow this damn wall I'm trying to blow the wall bro just chill chill for a second reloading is The Game worth buying I think so man it's uh very [ __ ] fun is this get to work oh oh charge position magazine oh [ __ ] can't shoot that's for sure what other charges we got to do here reposition oh that sucks prors today Yeah man they never learn explosives ready reload else we got to do over here that's insane that's nuts melter charge set okay when does this come out uh tomorrow no Early Access is tomorrow here Brothers charge arm charge is in position clear the blast area one more Sor right all right getting distracted with pleasure oo chaos sweep the area brother I'm fine it must be the Rubicon surgery when two days find it hurry we should go I said I'm fine noik is dead the mission is over whoever did this is long gone there we go I was wondering why it was quiet my Lord we cannot take you we have just taking a nap cannot allow so like why would they burn why would they burn that guy Warhammer fans like why would they burn a mecha a tech priest someone who doesn't know much about Warhammer is this game good I know next to nothing I've been having an absolute Dynamite time Bob man over on Tik Tok does the game track your stats I'm sure it does the captain is withholding something Aur will not deceive us gadriel then where did Demetri and Titus serve previously and why is he back in battle so soon after such Grievous sergeant ventia had spoke of a Death Watch Team that deployed a virus bomb on Kaku perhaps our leftenant was one of them I am far more concerned with what we just saw at that crash site liutenant brother are you recovered I am the apothecaries should run a diagnostic I do not have the need nor the time for such a process magos Gallo also expressed his concern consider his counsel if not ours if there is any risk of recurrence it puts the whole Squad in Jeopardy it can wait I must speak with Captain akaran as you command serve our the death of an arch MOS will not be regarded favorably by the machine cult the fault is theirs their own report suggested engine failure anyway damn the arch magos Lia and alterus both lost their lives in that crash our armorers would not have permitted such a fault but someone is responsible brother it is a relief to see you on your feet heard you took a turn for the worse such reports were exaggerated I am glad to hear it your efforts in delaying the Swarm were admirable it was a sight to behold brother I must report to agaran excuse me the emperor protects the emperor protects Titus has been busted down if I remember correctly so yeah in the beginning of the game and I don't think this is a spoiler you know you're Titus you get [ __ ] up real bad and then you get a promotion right was that truly the work of the arch enemy it was not clear to you it may have been only a handful of Fanatics a handful of cultists could not bring down a Thunderhawk he is right the arch enemy is here they chose to reveal their presence there must have been a reason they wanted knows it dead Okay so he got killed and then they burned him alive to prevent like Intel leaking what in damnation happened down there noik was assassinated the adeptus mechanicus report said engine failure that's not what I saw Sergeant traitors chaos you're sure no mistaking it sir clear the bridge noik was head of a highly classified project Aurora what is it a weapon and the minions of chaos learned of its existence with noik dead there's only one man capable of continuing the work you definitely don't have to play the old game yeah yeah yeah yeah not at all Apprentice he is currently missing his last known location was a mechanicus facility on aarx one that is now overrun with tyranids this will get you into the citator within the facility you can access losers tracker from there we are on course to avara now I want you ready the second we enter orbit sir what was on the ship with nosik what concern is it of yours the mechanicus seemed eager to retrieve it and yet the enemy left it untouched whatever it is without lose is useless to us H I mean I'll tell you this the game play is really fun it's a mix between like a hectic shooter and the close range combat feels very dark souls very well if it will you at ease Mega Gallo will be in the Armory so I definitely recommend playing it anything think it's worth uh they hold secrets that must not be shared even to allies of the imperi oh [ __ ] to maintain specs monitoring the tyan will likely attempt an ambush hi sir stand down from high alert standing down from high alert all staff resume normal duties I thought Early Access didn't start tomorrow so I'm one of a I'm a group of people who got review access chat that's right people of all shapes and sizes even people without hair can get review access it's crazy how did you know about Aurora I saw the name in a mission report thought most of which was redacted I would have preferred to stay in Kaku and hunt down the Heretics that Dishonored our brothers we will find them on ABX unless L is already dead whatever those Tech priests are working on is still here in this system I expect the greatest battle is yet to come Titus I heard that you collapsed upon encountering the tainted wreckage I am concerned a mere side effect of the surgery I am fully recovered Sergeant gadriel I trust that you will be close at hand should your brother suffer any further episodes yes brother chaplain if the arch enemy is indeed present any weakness could grow into a cancer of the Soul bind yourself to the pages of the Codex and it will shield you from the glare of heresy my faith is without compromise I will not waver tired mer how long have you been playing 22 hours add everybody's talking at once concern it was brief likely a result of the surgery you suffered catastrophic damage to a number of primary we're not super of that car while in that state you underwent radical surgery your body was ripped open from head to foot if some error was made and remains undetected it could cost you your life brother we cannot afford another episode like that the apothecaries may not have time for a thorough diagnostic but they've given me their sanction to do so now settle in this will take time got to settle in got to settle in is this early access Early Access for everyone I believe starts at midnight question mark I don't know when this game launches for uh on uh uh uh tomorrow your Biometrics are below Peak but well within the tolerances for combat I can find no explanation for the symptoms you experienced then I have duties to attend to you have the blessings of the omire one question what do you know about Arch magos nok's research such knowledge would only Grace the peaks of Olympus Mons I am certainly not privy to the subject of his activities I only pray there remain records of his discoveries all right okay what other options do we have here uh it's crazy the H with which we were dispatched defic time to go yes they went over at no DET all supervised by a 10 priest there was nothing my Ser SC assisted no need for that sir it was not a request right very well then [ __ ] is getting intense on this goddamn ship plane thing's deployment is now limited to two Thunder hws do not to keep up with increas train let a single boat be left untied you will be supported by my priests absolute is expected at all times specifications battle barge that's right curious about their multiplayer plans ah me too man handle that smot my router smot it your tick I love everybody who's like the Tik Tock is dropping yeah yeah for for all right are we back online YouTube I'm not going to go back live on Tik Tok that [ __ ] was so hard for me to handle I couldn't keep up with actual chat cuz everyone in Tik Tok was like how are you playing how are you playing how are you playing playing how are you playing it was like I I've never felt so terrified in my life for all right dude I was trying to help out Tik tok's honestly the best place to build community once you get the Riff Raff out no no no it's fine I just have too much other [ __ ] going on tonight for we are back on the stream okay okay okay Broman can we see the game please I'm trying to get the feed to go back in I apologize I'm fighting uh I'm fighting a couple of I'm fighting on a couple of technical fronts it's not like uh it's not like when the power goes out it does good things to your technology okay uh I think we got this okay all right also chat be I know you want me to see me play more but I have I'm literally waiting to make sure that the thunderstorm doesn't take my power out a second time uh that's all uh so like I give me you know give me a minute cuz if uh if the power goes out a second time I'm just going to call it so just give me give me like give me my little 10-minute grace period here ah you don't need to worry about rich rich is fine um if I'm if I'm comfortable I'll go live on Tik Tok again yeah yeah if if I'm not worried about it yeah we had 100 plus people in there man it was it was popping for for I'm too high for this for the emperor for the emperor so sorry for sorry for appropriating bald culture Ben oh oh what no no not at all thank you I stepped away for a toilet snack you got to have you got to eat on the toilet or you're not living you know what I mean would you ever want to do a bald vers bald uh freelancer race and Hitman ABS [ __ ] lutely I would welcome back mad marigan that sounds Dynamite I we played freelancer mode for like a month and a half until I got like the hardest mode clear I I definitely non Target killed non not non non-target killed non-target killed all right okay it's been 10 minutes we're safe everything seems powered on appropriately internet's back uh we're going to go live again on Tik Tok I I am not going to bring them into your chat window though chat because that was too much they are going to get their own separate chat window and they're going to stay in timeout all right and then we're going to turn on our controller again my favorite part about this so far is that I load in I load in with some weapons right and I immediately trade them out like for whatever else is laying around immediately did did did this [ __ ] up my Road settings again ah no nope damn how does my microphone sound okay chat I think you sound right okay cool it's it's showing up on OBS weird for me so I just want to make sure you need to take the elev from here you need to take the cargo ele elevator from here understood my thanks brother little toilet snack that [ __ ] cracks me up the elev look at all those that'll be one hell of a fight shame to miss it we should be down there with the rest of the company we will be soon enough I'm a I'm a Mayan I'm a army [ __ ] [ __ ] ridiculous the way they talk to each other is like it's just crack it just [ __ ] cracks me up like it just there's no pretense like there there's no emot like it's just like we're doing this ug like it's [ __ ] wild to me engine here elevator repairs are incomplete please conduct holy maintenance the elev is broken we must find a way to restore power please conduct holy maintenance servos skull how do we fix yeah servos skull ghost I mean servos skull is unwise you may override safety protocols via the control room at your own risk up there looks like the control room the main is destroyed I found an alterate route oh [ __ ] check our display here through that door all this destruction and not a tanid in sight they're here watching reload Dam it fighting everywhere here what you call this these are lefts ah no Dodge creatures yeah they live hundreds of years right Spire is infested the control room may be out of action if the controls are out we'll find another we will meet Victory one way or another for their my Ste yeah taste it I better taste like guts A Thousand Years another one dead to reload this is too easy the quickest way up is over the rooftops ahead clear the debris proceed the tyranid will make ruin of the entire city given him the chance have The High Ground then take it from them oh if you don't Dodge the sniper bullets it's real bad the studs they have in their heads represent years served shut up that's crazy how am I playing maybe a console hack n dude the Early Access review access way to say it magazine so sit back relax and enjoy the show controls ahead brother this will get us to the objective the machine labors we may be here sometime okay that'll go great for us I'm sure coun elimin great great love it love it very fun restocking special tactics ready they never Le down reload oh no [ __ ] bro why oh is it cuz I'm shocked keep [ __ ] it up do we did we do it I think we did it we may now cross the bridge I think we did it proceed to the ob I don't trust that chaplain you don't sir you seem to be at full strength again did the apothecaries identify the cause of your collapse focus on the Miss Sergeant wish no secrets huh that's heresy let's got the control room is on the other side of that door bow this is it use the controls to restore power it worked let's get down there practical there's a shortcut across the rooftops to the east good proceed what motive do these creatures have to attack this facility they have no need for the technology they're like seeds carried by the wind only need is to devour and expand bro how stunning is this look at that holy [ __ ] hey Bob duck and weave thank you very much for the raid welcome everybody hi nice to see you um y uh how am I liking it oh bro it's really good man oh what's up Sam see all that red [ __ ] that's the hive Fleet all of the red [ __ ] is the hive Fleet all of it that's insane all right yeah what's my objective here reach okay oh we're running AC we're running over here okay am I on PC yes cut them down with this got B will silence you the [ __ ] the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I hate all this sentient [ __ ] come forth and be slaughtered ready to deploy special tactics Ty T my sight need to reload grenade we have prots reloading enemy destroyed clear that obstruction yes sir there's a theory that every tyranid that has ever been seen in 40K is nothing more than a scouting party and that the sheer span of their force is enough to engulf everything if they launched a true full scale Invasion oh so they're just like having fun I hate all the sentient [ __ ] good he's getting it loading up why is all this [ __ ] why is it got a brain it's lame lame ass brain having brain nerd I'm too high for this right reply celebration Zen brother you wish for me to humiliate you again brother oh [ __ ] Irish Badger thank you welcome welcome need to reload rer eliminated reloading yeah so like that's just them swarming around huh dude the scale of this this [ __ ] game is unbelievable this platform is very exposed expect to bump your ride if I'm not mistaken you've had bad luck with cargo elevators that was a long time ago oh I prer not to discuss it at least you made it out alive which is more than we can sa for the Orcs it appears we and they have ours and you had my ax what video card are we running of 4080 oh my God Z us protect those chains C in the way gear bastards are off the chains ch bro I'm about to put this [ __ ] on easy this is insane prebuild or do it yourself you're talking about my PC uh all my well it's like a mix match at this point I've added a lot of components but it came pre-built a long time ago reload the ch oh [ __ ] yeah buddy yeah you ain't got nothing on me losers holy [ __ ] let's go I don't know I feel like they just just pumped adrenaline straight into my [ __ ] brain yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah buddy the PC of thesias at this point I mean like the motherboard's like 6 years old at this point it's definitely more built than pre-built but like you know it doesn't mean much let us get to work where where where where ah [ __ ] idiots ready to deploy special tactics we've been moving this entire time we have been moving through the environment this entire time I was like where's my status bar and then I I see us slowly approaching this area God this is [ __ ] dope dude can't load up on Xbox yet I'm sorry I know I know you got I know probably people get excited I do have earlier access thanks to the folks of focus entertainment you know I get it I do get it the PC of thesias and and is it the same PC anymore the processor is the same but every other parts all the other parts have been switched out at least once one floor down let's go let's go oh this game's content might not be suitable for younger audiences chat just be careful they should just release it once's it going to hurt I agree with you the words of the aremy hold Dangerous Power oh wait what not dismiss any data that may be relevant have you ever fa the arch enemy Sergeant regrettably I have not then I suggest you listen to your brother who is the arch enemy who are they talking about if the arch enemy is involved might we not encounter them here I hope we do I wish to have words with those traitors oh my blood raises Heretics they'll be counting on your hatred be sure they don't use it against you down here the adeptus mechanicus put up a disconnected uhoh has Leandra made an appearance yet I I don't know I do not know uh okay okay never played Warhammer this looks dope did I break it I might have my my my internet went offline earlier so like I that could have been like a a very tenuously connected session how'd you get access says uh I have been making content for uh over a decade is how I got access that's the truth I you know I got a review I got review access very very delicious uh an enjoyable experience I'm too high for this rich with the nine those vile creatures T every credit how far to the citator with no direct rout it'll take longer than I'd like why don't they attack no another one of the teleporting invisible guys could these insects be cap what are those these are M drones then what guides them what is this worthy adversary is this a man computer do you do you rub the bottom part to make it run faster like what is this what am I staring at 40K nerds I need the answers reload this will serve me well o data slate Tech Corridor hi segmentum k21 b/ senior Tech Priest 1 1 why is this not showing up in my subtitles oh okay uh okay I guess I don't have it that's a psychic processor ohle overflow bro is not reading chat nwork neural verification code 1 0 1 0 1 D you want to know what I have to think uh Dan J is phenomenal man it's hitting all the right notes and we're barely getting started Dage recorded can feel extremities go to death Uplink unsuccessful repeat attempt neural verification code one more Teran and filth they are a plague staining worlds with their very presence I don't want this I don't want that job very good I'll take that PC game said that this is a bad game I don't know who PC Gamer is but uh I think it's fun is lock look for a nearby access terminal machine Spirit has been sounds like heresy to me resing now what happened down must probably rage bait yeah I mean they it did make their name come out of my mouth so your BS oh we're fighting in the dark huh watch your back screw this oh my God this game is gorgeous [ __ ] you reloading yeah you [ __ ] dead oh that was the teleporting guy I got him yeah that's what you get you little piece of [ __ ] oh I can turn invisible yeah we invis this dude stab in the face this way these Heretics are about to find out what for-profit Healthcare is I'll be honest man the hell divers kind of look like babies compared to these guys which I guess like that's the point right there's two ends of the Spectrum in the same kind of universe in one you're literally Canon fodder and then in the other you are the Canon Brothers choppy frames it looks straight out of an alien movie yeah like how beautifully visually produced was that combat SE section really good almost there holy [ __ ] do you have Early Access that I do that I do expect heavy resistance they wish to interfere with our objective our objective is of no concern to them their only wish is to kill us a fine gift from the forge no drop frames I was talking about the visuals oh no you didn't cause me to panic I was like you're right like there were only like I could barely see so like that game that felt like flash frames while you were playing it it was totally nuts I've seen people trying I would love to see the hell diers colors on these dude these [ __ ] crazy some sort sort of Technology Temple are these servers God the technology is so perfectly created and ancient that it runs by itself let us get to work what am I doing so computer nerds basically win all I know is that in the 40K Universe technology is so ancient that like knowing like caring to learn about it is like [ __ ] weird so they just sort of prey to the technology Spirits oh yeah baby yeah you killed me last time getting ready to taste the [ __ ] loser Char is yeah give me these goddamn grenades give me that nade [ __ ] mov Brothers oh I didn't see its health bar up there ammunition de oh giant yeah good [ __ ] on loser you killed me last time but this time I killed you I thought a piece of that statue would offer more sport looking like dinner uh I once faced a carax alone but nothing but a b that was sport well I am glad to share in the glory of this kill someone put down a well it's got that Vibe dude resupplying this facility is in Cham let us hope the data center is intact can we access losers tracking data from another system apparently not it's this or nothing either this or nothing bro what's a well uh it's a destiny joke it's something that you use to keep the rest of your fire team alive um insert Destiny 2 joke here what manner of research could justify such a waste of human life it does not surprise me the adeptus mechanic so willingly make monsters of themselves another one track grenade deployed [ __ ] idiots Space Marines Destiny Destiny Rising too bro that is that sure is a rumor ain't it door function inoperable adjust pathing xen they have us boxed in a mistake they will soon regret sorry they never Lear I really like this cannon dude nice face bubble you mean the iron Halo yeah I'm sure any D any Destiny concept or power probably exists in the 40K universe that would not surprise me this is Arch typal sci-fi you know what I mean like that there's a lot that we're going to see in here that we see in other places and I I think that they've done a really I think that they've done a really good job taking something that can feel Bland because it is so like archetypal right it can you can definitely have a great IP and swing and take a huge Miss um but they have done right by this IP they really really have they've done like this game has doing right by Warhammer fans great I don't I don't know Pat I don't have a preference yet I'm not a seasoned enough Marine uh yeah maybe some crazy bread nah we're getting pizza tonight chat because tomorrow's my birthday which I it doesn't feel like it but it is okay all right so don't forget I forgot just now Captain permission to don't let me forget to change my stream title at the end of the stream to birthday stream okay that's please don't let me forget that okay thank you what plagues your mind Corporal Captain intelligence reports that the tyranids are on their way rollock units in key coros let's get them closer but Corporal do you want to question my authority what crazy bread it's just like bread sticks but it's from Little caar no sign of the arch enemy maybe they've been and gone maybe they're not involved after all stick to what you know brother I'm merely observing the data you look like you're feeling better by the Codex ofies Pizza Pizza to someone like me it's just regular bread uhoh look out we got a badass over here still running let's hope the machine Spirit has it under control a meltdown will be catastrophic we'll disable it once we have the data my P impression of this game is that it [ __ ] uh I would AG age thanks for tuning in make sure to hit the follow button pray to the machine Spirit okay iwen leftenant Titus ultramarines second company answer your command locate Marius lose access t access rights granted establishing Locus the City Temple of thian vitals are elevated our box for a thunderhook wait open file project Aurora register intention requisition open the file oh what's this yo congrats Rich reconstruction garia droon open file reconstruction brother those are classified no it was destroyed wait what shroud interior what is this mechanic's fools display current location of artifact what did they do warning V reactor unstable down imminent this whole place will collapse onto the city beneath us get them off the core those are the gates to chaos oh [ __ ] but we can't have gates to hell just wandering throwings into the reor going to have that godamn Mach power the reactor no compliance Rel ofuse manual override required explain emergency disengagement mechanisms are located on the reactor platform for those controls reloading where am I going oh I'm going over here I didn't know you did Ultra mer marathon's Rich that's crazy you're hardcore here they come keep them off that reactor incoming Brothers let us show them some of Tim's hospitality restocking you're doing uh 57 miles dressed as Tinkerbell for a cancer charity next month oh that's crazy that's really cool congrats quite the awesome human rich is there an invisible guy loading up secur changing magazine reactor remains unstable disengage additional PS move to the next console make haste judges the for Pon stand by how many pylons remain Eng One V pylon maintains the reactor disengage it unable to comply temp feels a lot like yours of War 100% re thanks for tuning in joining us today chat we've got uh review access to uh Space Marines 2 we are definitely having an awesome [ __ ] time with it relo the Beast graes death oh they got snipers out oh and they got the God damn it I hate those things we must break sh neiz the cor a [ __ ] [ __ ] me grabing Z Pro is dead reloading we observe this location [ __ ] you so un neut I should have hit that shot sooner you loving the game so far I'm really enjoying it disengage remaining Pon to complete shutdown sequence activate those controls now okay here we go jent reaction has ented in Tropic Decay that was the last of them generators have been awakened system oh my goodness no ofan a smell of burnt I enough we have what we came for all right move to the extraction Zone we got something God each of those each Mission feels so short but so long at the same time you know what I mean wait titus's brother is a chaos Marine no shot really I'm buying I didn't know the game had an 11-h hour campaign is that how long they expect it to be 11 hours God God damn liutenant what did you see in those mechanicus files a record of extreme foolishness explain you may direct that request to our captain give me a tactical overlay of the city Captain a minute The adeptus mechanicus Must Be Stopped what if they trigger the weapon the results could be catastrophic what use suddenly in exp mechanic's research they're using an artifact to power the weapon I've seen it before on a planet named Gia a traitor by the name of nroth called it a fragment of the dark God's power it almost destroyed the planet G Titus the mechanicus are acting on orders approved by the Primark and here are you talking of Gia of all places Captain if chaos is here if they get their hands on this thing enough I will hear there no more on the subject now did you get a location for lose I sir then get down there and find him there are those who would see you sent back to the Inquisition tread carefully brother thought the game came out on the fifth we have early review access thanks to the folks at uh Focus entertainment have impacted 30% of the planet surface mostly in the outskirts of the highest cities but at least one district is already completely overrun our bombardment cannons are loaded already sir widespread destruction would undermine our defense we have a surgical solution in progress so we finished two total operations yes Captain well I guess okay so we've done kadu Severance okay we've done four total operations can't get over how much uh archeron looks like one of my old bosses you know without the robot eye and the heavy scarring is that a T-Rex emote I love it I'm in love so happy in love with it very devious emote how long has each op been about 45 minutes to an hour I'd say do not keep us in the dark it is not your concern you criticize the captain for withholding intelligence and yet you treat us to the same evasive obscurity damn stray words of trust me dearly so you do not trust us Brothers calm yourselves L you face the chaplain centure is there character creation or just armor uh I haven't seen any character creation yet but I've haven't finished the game and we keep unlocking systems so look the [ __ ] is that I hope they survived those are flawless Wells Anis suest how bad is the contamination mocity is 97 micr that is well below tolerances check your thresholds you're way overtuned calibrating inspection I should think so I make pilgrimage through the interstitial corridors on the hour may this blessed vessel remain free of rust and residues replacement systems are satisfactory of replacement exceeds that of all right we got another one heavy bolt rifle and bolt rifle and bolt sniper yeah set active we like it is it you pick a class to play and you customize your suit I haven't been able to like pick out a subass or anything anything like that yet so I'm not really I'm not really sure when that comes into play time to go I will not conce brother you seem troubl I Tire of Reckless fools I hope you mean us not unless you worship the omnis ah then I share your distaste where the G chip what's down here found crawling through water pipes ventilation they are everywhere we should bring a 100 Floors of stone down in their heads are you enjoying the devastation of Imperial worlds no but i r in seeing those turn to Ash let us grind the kitous Cur deep into the parched soil of aarx a viid picture I speak only as one who is stirred by the words of our Primal I prefer action to color of speech I love this dialogue Jesus Christ sh servant of the machine all right approaching the temple is located inside the Dome section of the city we'll have to land outside and make our appro looks like we're landing outside emergency landing lock is this going to have multiplayer it's got uh what is it 16 12 B12 16 or 16 player PVP Lance of Jo report Min damage tank team is inbound can we depend on you for extraction yes Lord we only there very good brother the emperor protects make haste we have considerable ground to cover I love that everything just crumbles in front of us what was that looks like a Euro placed on OverWatch inside that build carat let us thin their numbers oh quick scoping with the sniper might be a strat sir have you faced a neuro before I have a tricky adversary neuro Thro what's a neuro Thro this will serve me well the the EMP bro this Power sword is nuts what is this electricity is it actual electricity or is it like scary Warhammer electricity T get varelis is that you Kiron bless the emperor it's good to see you where's your squad gone Nero thr tore them to Pieces we need to get across the bridge liant nothing gets across with that Beast up it's empowered with kinetic energy it makes the weapon hit five times harder holy [ __ ] thead are holding the bridge at Great cost set up assault positions by the bridge we'll deal with the neuro Throne very well we will avenge them brother watch yourself tactics what's our theoretical a direct assault on the rear guard is that it doubt our ability all right good let us CH them with their own blood I'm standing in bad I think I'm I'm obsessed with this sword bro I can't put it down do I have a link or is this just Early Access it's just Early Access I don't have a link this I I don't have like a hash ad thing to promote to you other than my opinion of the game which has been absolutely Stellar so far theold for the game is really fun Close Quarters Close Quarters combat feels very time uh oriented like if you're a good Souls player you're going to feel right at home in close range and mid to long range feels strong you know fun Gunplay lots of variety so far let us honor him by avenging his men incoming sler not this son of a [ __ ] again ah you [ __ ] get not again you bastard watch your thank you brother they're just casually standing there while I dismantle that living being good [ __ ] I guess that's what it looks like when your job is death every Space Marine is basically can but for death I only have one job and it's death that's my only job I go death what if you're trash at Souls games uh you could still hack and slash your [ __ ] to your heart's content brother what happened on G nothing good can you be specific I would sooner focus on the mission at hand you are withholding information relevant to the mission at hand dude you're stop talking about this Mission bro has been erratic you force your way into classified files you tell us nothing gadriel we deserve to know who is leading us this conversation is over reloading n I'm not giving up this sword for [ __ ] with them blood orelis ready your men you droke through we're about to take down the neurotrope good make it suffer conate fire on the neur special oh is this just like a stronger version of of the ones we were fighting earlier changing magazine wow for clearing the way bro what is happening with these [ __ ] beams this thing is shooting out like I can't [ __ ] fight am the oh I hate this bro the emper attacks very good oh you have to get in close yeah you're [ __ ] toast loser oh wow that was insane you th dead Victory Is Ours brothers that this is was sketchy clear to take the bridge by the Primark I had little faith what microphone is this it's a Logitech uh it's a blue Sona travel well Brothers thank you so much for tuning in tonight chat thanks for joining us for review access for Space Marines if you're new to the channel I'm glad that you're here you want to hit the follow button so we can you know have fun together in the future that sounds dope lock it in I'm really excited I want I hope this is a great like games with viewers type of game in the future sir that is red true cadians are driving the tyan back theen cowards B at a fair fight vile creatures no time to gloat we must keep moving oh we got a nade launcher huh loading up look at the [ __ ] this is like an actual this looks like a Warhammer tabletop battle look at this let none Escape reload this is like the fifth or sixth time they've done like a full scale vignette like this like I am so impressed reload punch him in the head shoot him up chop him up get the stuff back it's really it's we're in the [ __ ] throw a grenade I don't know detonated execute this guy that grenade looked like it made a black hole how to lose his position we're still a long way from the doome and we must hurry oh that's not great we're a long way from our goal I I don't like hearing that that's not great ride Brothers Sergeant good to see you the cadians have the bridge under control you could an extra hand a welcome offer clim on the temple is this way leftenant the cadians are requesting support go thank you brother Ultra Marines have the enemy infiltrated the Dome no my Lord what about the Temple of thian the Dome was evacuated days ago rejoin the main Force immediately our orders are to remain Here on Whose Authority Captain Fairburn we are to hold this position until further notice the Dome is empty now move on but S I gave you an order forgive me my Lord perhaps there was a communication error the captain insisted the deserters no no no we have our orders box your captain if you are deserters I'll execute you myself uhoh Captain Fairburn come in Captain Fairburn come in what's that what's that tattoo Ambush uh-oh bro they killed him oh now we got to kill bad humans what is about to happen that's the mark of chaos oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] are these guys trait these are the traitors these are the heretic Marines it's ready sters of the Thousand Sons pay for what you've done your Trey ends now are there people in there or is it just like dust reloading weapons Abominations come for and be slain it just dust do they get turned into that like or is there I have so many questions no way it's the Thousand Suns Chad tell me what is that super bad that it's the Thousand Suns their souls are bound to the armor okay so it's like still them but it's just like really shitty magic okay like really shitty to them magic uh really like that the normal human enemies turn into a pile of guts with one bullet corupt space and time do not fall prey to their trickery the hared my very eyes no victory for you here reload tius to Captain this game sounds like as interesting lore it's got 40 Years of lore apparently of chaos you're certain oh dear heretic AIS and their minions th damn it do you have lose negative we're minutes away find him and get him out of there hurry what are we waiting for grabbing a equipment that's [ __ ] him up this is [ __ ] crazy right now don't t I will grind your bones to dust legalize nuclear bombs defensive for we will cover hey Matt zapper thank you for the 25 gities dude that's very kind force fields covering the exit I see impious weapons that's absolutely nuts wait what are these things ancient Egyptian deities reloading almost dead hold need help so how big of a deal is it that we're dealing with the Thousand Suns chat are they like the ultimate Heretics grenade deploy not the ultimate but they're just cool your worthless life is end that is all of them bring me more the exit is blocked by heretic sorcery the alar itars Mark of the arch enemy destroy it an eyeball artifact destroyed look the force fields are collapsing Tyron move through the exit brother by the gates of Hera you must calm yourself rest until every last vile heretic lies dead at my feet this uh I feel like this is not going great the god of CHA yeah which chaos godon I order you regroup I have other business down you will need cover Move I've never seen him control like this he has put the fate of the whole system in jeopardy partic cowards I will end you all betray us Bridge clear cover chyo oh did they like recover their health oh I hate that mition secured observe this location so which one of the chaos Gods works with a thousand suns is it slanesh restocking that champion War uh Z zenet how do you say that how do you say that phonetically help me I I have I have reading reading problems no traitors remain get to Chiron now how you playing the game mate early review access T explain need I justify my hatred you need justify your recklessness the are dead to me and you will throw away your life to collect death is my duty your duty is to the emperor you will die when and where he so chooses not over some personal Vendetta do you understand T zinc zinc is pronounced zinc leftenant you should see this this guy is crushing the bald look he's crushing it big plus BL must be in there they're using some kind of Shield the altars same ones we encountered earlier they must generate the shield destroy them then Purge these Abominations from the face of this world it seems the traitor's motives are unmarked Zs you doubt they wish to stop aora you will soon learn that when dealing with Heretics nothing is as it seems they cried out my name but I stayed hidden my position my rank my life is worth more than theirs I am of the adep to administratum I am of the departmental exor i p the War I am instrumental I pass on the tithes I open the purse that keeps our defense guns charged oh they told the CST where I'm hiding I'm sorry is that a rich guy hiding from the fighting I didn't think that was allowed in the 40K Universe how did that guy even get rich I didn't realize there was like an economy like you know what I'm saying like I I thought it was just War all of the time well how do they get rich or entitled are they former war heroes that have become garbage resupplying you told aaran the mechanicus Must Be Stopped why the artifact we saw in those classified files may be of chaos origin he oh he gets they get rich from like looting while they're in combat they believe they can control it you're just going to hand it over to Lo let it continue these are my orders what are they do it matters not kill them let us tear off their limbs kill those slaves of the C and gain the notice of the changer of way die for the true Gods the coward witch vanished another barrier sustained by No Doubt wey this is looking real scary now the spell is broken they are attempting to breach the doors that is no simple sorcery look how twisted the alar has grown it seems alive if it lives it let us teach it of pain and death yeah [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] if it's scary space Quantum magic we're going to [ __ ] teach it a lesson with our fists God these guys are insane freaks of the warp the armor of your contempt and snuff it out look it shrinks from us close and endure we must disrupt the spell the such Ace to meet us show them the error of their way Abominations to dieties reload no Victory the think they can stop us let must relieve them of their delusions brother let's hold this ground corruption your treachery end now break spot ooh grabbing a weapon back to the war need ammunition my weapon is empty oh [ __ ] it's empty going restocking loading up running real low on ammo munition secured reloading oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] are you atast bro what is snaky eyeball ass shit's amus imir who is imir sorcery the another sorcerer okay Smash It smash it quickly destroy it their sorcery is undone leftenant Titus to Lance of Jo status report we are patched up along our way see you at the objective the emperor protects legalized nuclear bombs of what happened stand for what happened mad sapper with 25 more gifted sir sir how many arms deals did you close this week sir how many homes did you H wholesale sir sir the wedding sir morus loose I owe you my existence come with us to where the battle bodge compliance but I must speak with Arch meas noic at once he's dead dead you are to replace him lose legalize nuclear bombs thank you Swamper not going to be around much tomorrow Happy Birthday bald man thank you m saber I appreciate that 38 doesn't look too bad I technically turned 38 at like midnight 1:00 a.m. specific Source it's dangerous bro again I can't believe the mission is over I felt like it just got started but it was in fact like an hour AR adance why must the mechanicus meddle with the unknown we for a whe of the omnis go ahead Titus report to Captain akaran immediately on a Ral confirmed Titus a captain Titus was killed on the Forge World of graia over a century ago he died holding the power source in his hands that wasn't me not even an aarst could survive power of that magnitude morus loose come with me holy [ __ ] so Titus is like a big deal you don't know you weren't there priest thanks for tuning in chat make sure you hit the follow button and the like button wherever you're at lock in mhh Titus is basically oneof a kind after certain events from the first game interesting interesting that's cool vital assist we must report to Captain aaran imediately minister in maintenance I will need a repair crew before my next flight yes take note of the battle damage for the engine Sears armor plating in sections 28b and 40e is compromised along with void seals pide Aon is jamed pide After Burner has Shel launched inside pressure test the fuel system after the leaks are sealed heavy bolters require a full resupply short range sensors have been rendered useless make that a priority I'll make the necessary arrangements my Lord requesting seror assist at hydraulic jack station it's just this area feels so alive meditation Glory ain't that the truth it's cool that little moments like that which are just so Zen the they're just [ __ ] Zen still exist in the Grim dark future of 40K what was that between you what the [ __ ] is going on here I disagree that is your right brother we only want to help you help you almost cost us the mission and now you speak of help what are they doing are they just praying is that are they charging that thing is this game based on Gears of War I think you could argue Gears of War would be based on this game or this universe throughout City still no heretic ships on scanners now they're just teleporting down to the [ __ ] ground whenever they want bro Lord heretic has started they're showing up in every Hive City on avax we're already over that's stream cult watching him the traitors have us off guard the adept's mechanic has tell me Aurora is ready they say the weapon will work sir I know your concerns Titus but we may have no choice can we at least warn calgar of the danger impossible the astropath relay on aarx has been completely surrounded [ __ ] so what's that what's about to happen then every attempt we've made to break through the tered lines has failed can we Vox a message in there's a dead zone around the relay something's interfering with our Vox coms we have to get inside Emperor tried now the tyranids have launched an attack on our defenses we're pulling back to the Fortress we'll make our final stand there Battlefield projection magnify C3 where are you there The Hive Tyrant we've had no reports it's there we kill it we break the synaptic connection oh it's scatter like rats a hive Tyrant a worthy adversary and if you're wrong if it's not there I cannot afford to throw men after a hunch give me two squads two two squads we need to kill the hive Tyrant find whoever is jamming us and get the message inside the relay six men that's all I can spare use them wisely thank you the emperor protects bro what liant Titus receiving okay I got to be right back chat give me one second e all right we're going to hear these guys out and uh prep for the next mission and then I'm going to go eat some birthday Pizza a severely disrupted what do we think now I'm in if the chaplain wishes to see you because of my transgressions I will take full responsibility I gave no report I have yet to decide if you require formal penals the arch enemy lurks in the shadows of the hive city jerus was blindsided by a rubric of startis he slay the enemy but lost his left hand Abomination stir a deep wrath within me brother indeed the cowards send empty vessels to face us there is hardly satisfaction in slaying vacant ceramite that does not lament its Folly give us heretic flesh that we may settle old scores amen you know praise the omnis sah velis always did put his brothers before himself he once shielded me from a tower Ambush rail rifle nearly took his arm off along with half my helmet the one degree of deflection saved my life we only had to mourn his Pon that day the emperor will remember his H long after we join him no wrong praise be the emperor well we just saved the guy that was like praise the omnissiah and whatnot are those different people I thought it might have been the same person just different honorifics Titus the captain has put great faith in you with this Mission should you reach the relay your message to Lord kelar May determine the course of this war choose your words wisely you doubt my intentions it is your actions I will judge I need not remind you of the consequences you suffered the last time if you cannot trust in the will of the Primark then you are unfit for this Duty oh oh I fit it seems I am not the only one on this ship with concern I'm too high for this hey our awesome thank you for 96 months sub BTW and now I find you have a history of it I am doing my duty as I was then protecting a system from ruin yeah let's see if we got what new War gear we got to use tomorrow there he is Lieutenant gallo and I were just examining your recent diagnostic oh yeah Gallo I object to such intrusions as do I but there are queries I must fulfill I seek only answers your survival is a profound mystery that must be resolved such unbridled curiosity is the gateway to ruin but that is where you are mistaken ruin is all around us but I will soon depart for the Aurora facility on the marum and there I shall close all gateways to ruin permanently you will see love it love it all right chat that's going to do it for me today thank you so much for tuning in I had an absolute awesome time this evening uh whether you've been watching on Tik Tok or twitch or YouTube I really appreciate it make sure you hit the follow button we're going to continue our playthrough tomorrow uh I'll probably be on early in the morning tomorrow is September 5th which means it's my birthday so uh also it's birthday stream so we'll be doing that too thank you for tuning in I hope you enjoyed uh getting a look at this game getting a little flavor a little taste I'm very excited to see how the whole thing rolls out see you later Tik Tok

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