🔴LIVE🔴 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Review Access Stream!

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 02:23:55 Category: Gaming

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e oh awesome my YouTube live stream does in fact not contain uh uh the the playlist music I finally set it up the right way God I am proud of myself good afternoon Brandon how you doing chat I just want to let you know uh we are going to be having a little bit of a split stream today uh we got a project that we're working on oops uh project that I've been working on um with uh rare drop and a cool client um and uh we're doing some I just got to do a couple I got to do a meeting at 2:30 or 2 2:30 and then I have something right after that uh and then I'll be back online uh for for hopefully a long evening stream unless something unless something goes sideways okay okay doing good how's it going Broman oh it's going really really well what class are you going to be uh there's classes God this interface is [Music] trash man speak into my mind I got one minute all right so yeah uh we'll be doing a [ __ ] sick all right wait until exactly noon here chat what chapter are you picking what man I I'm going into this completely uneducated so like I I um hopefully hopefully that doesn't slow me down a lot uh oh okay I'll hit play button here fantastic our coverage begins now at noon just want to say thank you again to focus entertainment for providing us with a review copy so that we can check this game out um uh you unlock chapter Herold t as you play oh man I'm going to learn so many new words today I'm going to learn so many new words today definitely lots of new words today do you think this is a game we could play with the controller or you think it's going to be mouse and keyboard must I haven't been seeing the trailor it's time to choose your killing Machine controller you know what my favorite part is I got this black myth Wukong controller and I can just turn it on and we can play remotely very excited controller it does it it does look like it has that boots on the ground third person like heavy movement feel I didn't see a lot of like Twitchy shooter stuff which is you know like us usually why I feel the need to use a mouse and keyboard I'm telling you this Apex 3 controller that they sent is the best controller interface I have ever [ __ ] used for uh uh for a PC it's nuts it it from an ease of use standpoint you know oh my God yeah hit me with that music [Music] I uh connect use for fast access you can stand the QR code using your smartphone to open the page in your browser oh wait no hang on I don't want to do that okay settings Link epic games [Music] uh all right uh next uh motion blur probably want off uh push to talk uh look sensitivity this all stuff we can adjust no inversion um color blind mono sound output okay I believe I have subtitles turned on already I'm M if you need someone to group up with later let me know I will damn it to hell I'm not uh since I have to cut out early uh but when I get back yes yeah let's link up oh uh Gala store age of constant War new Dark Age which Enlighten was replaced by superstition [Music] player one of the most powerful and Dread imperian Defenders are Space Marines bioengineered superum Warriors they're the last Humanity's last Bastion against the terror there is no time for peace no respite no forgiveness ooh what's up cck pastrami in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War okay kataku what's crazy is I know for you Warhammer fans like this all means so much already [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that up too high for this hey Garcia thank you Hive Fleet okay so do they just show up on a giant meteor and take over planets that's a [ __ ] Vibe of a strategy for sure TI in its four pods look at the little hell divers okay [ __ ] okay so they got like a mother ship uh okay early early Invasion stage SE any bombardment preparation project Aurora present Aurora access denied oh Aurora strategic value absolute urgent assistance required from nearby forces submit encrypted message hail the omnis Hail the machine God wait what Death Watch kill team Prime is subjective deploy prepare for atmospheric entry they were denied ability to just blow up the planet that's insane that's what they were asking for can we just blow this [ __ ] up approaching Drop Zone [Music] okay this cinematic is a brazy [ __ ] crazy oh they're screwed huh or maybe the circumstance is just less than ideal who knows my man didn't give a [ __ ] we survived fall from terminal velocity good armor in the future very good armor in the future holy [ __ ] kill team leader to Squad box check repeat kill team leader to Squad confirm Vox contact we crashed from your position do you have the virus bomb moving to lost contact with brother okay approaching orbital launcher facility Well SEC holy [ __ ] um that's a lot of tiits okay so like if I really love the 40K universe and I wanted to like educate myself more off stream where would I go for those resources like just watch YouTube videos are there books of the command under negative no contact since the crash I'm here Dam it C you have command what are your orders we proceed as planned launch the virus bomb into the stratosphere detonate and watch the tyranids die the sight I will greatly enjoy missile must be broken Hants the area will be crawling with the just casual okay I'm already I'm already drenched in blood uh damage depletes armor armor regenerates after a delay lost Health can be restored by dealing damage the white line indicates the maximum regen amount where's that deam virus CL uh hold RB to finish a chainsword combo with a heavy attack heavy attacks against large groups okay I'm up to my elbows in these wretched BS any words from Brother Darius on the commander nothing it is left to us to share the glory now C hold on Brothers whoa Parry perfectly Tim Parry is Will stagger spores [Applause] oh so basically like if you can get into the tussle and just start perfect parrying everybody you're talking about Decades of stuff oh I know I know it's like been a forever kind of story oh [ __ ] uh press Dodge lock on okay execute bro why is this game why is this game so like Peak already like I can't get over like uh this feels like mid end game most other third player experiences they gave them bone whips tell me more about those you must reach that bomb I will even if I have to chew my way through knows exactly what it is it certainly does thank you very much Russ yeah I'm glad YouTube's got the lore Darius brother I will repay them 10 Soul this B will Roar in your name O Okay I swear on it confir it I should be kicking these rotten shos out of my fans for weeks situation here at the launcher is becoming severe have you secured the virus B so all tyranid guns and weapons are a lesser symbiotic creature that's being used on the tabletop bone on tabletop bone whips had a stin where they were really strong okay cool no they how fun 10 moreing down if we fail to launch that bomb there will be nothing to stop the panics I am almost at the quest site just make sure the launch is standing when I get there I will hold the line for as long as I can okay so countering frequently is going to be very important okay gun strike uh hold RB to knock back small enemies and mark for a gun strike plus press right trigger to perform a gun strike on a marked enemy gunstrike instantly kills small creatures deal significantly significant damage to larger enemies Okay so got it this whole world is nuts okay those explode those explode too got it wonder if this or Doom medieval is going to have the most Gore ah I'm curious too we Running Out of Time Hill team I am at the crash [Applause] site okay so you got a big window there I like that Daren my brother you have honored the Imperium with your devotion this is feeling viby Chad I'm liking it can't wait till I come across normal siiz humans aren't they going to basically be half my stature ala K if you can hear me I have the virus bomb headed to the orbital launcher is that as hard as you bite Cen us come on what is this oh and this shoulder no your death will not go [Music] unpunished oh my God whoa I love that every counter is also an attack between this and Wukong I'm going to be busy oh my god dude perimeter off anyone is the bar on rout hang on are you with me oh God chat can I just say I I just want to say like from a from from my perspective it's really really awesome that so many of you know so much about this because I feel like you know I I don't really get the opportunity too much uh to experience something that that I've never experienced when you're the experts you know it's always kind of like reversed uh so I just I just want to say already thank you uh for sharing your love of this game with me because it is definitely making my experience way better like seriously it's pretty cool thank you you have served your Emperor well brother bro are we going to be the last one alive and we got to pull off the [ __ ] record L to any Imperial that recovers This Love My Team crash landed off course I know another money eating hobby for me could it be the could it be the award-winning MMO Final Fantasy 17 that's free to play up to level 70 my brothers are all dead slain by tyranids I have to it could be moving to the not this time oh no [ __ ] way Stratosphere where it will disperse over positions sh I really like how in the tutorial they've anchored melee combat is really strong but it's sort of like your last resort and you don't want to get into melee combat cuz it's super dangerous I've almost died like three times the virus is our one chance to delay The tyranid Invasion the virus will spread through their forces they will adapt but it will slow them down the virus must be launched into the stratosphere Nothing Else Matters watch you play through 14 would be awesome maybe one day yeah you combat really feels like it's on a knife edge you know what I mean like you can go from being fine to being [ __ ] really fast which definitely fits in the universe right like you have to play like a hero to survive I they've really they've anchored so this is is a normal human tent right that's a normal human tank and I am the size of a normal human tank operator shift change overdue your tar has been flaged from viation open the gates shift chronometer reset you registered as on duty machine spirit it's not the computer voice it's the machine spirit dealing with multiple ranges of opponents is going to be rough I can't believe this is the tutorial like I can't imagine what a hard mission is going to feel like I'm terrified all right so this is the bomb inserting payload that's troop transport oh payad Cham material detected further benedictions required transmitting override authorization set course for stratospheric detonation the right of hey just jumping in the Stream how is it so far great Joey Joey over on YouTube being kickass ooh grenades we are stacking uh we are stack in abilities is this the day only or will you be able to play it until release um I believe I can stay on this copy until release the Embargo has been lifted so that means we can kind of just play technology is very dark in the lore that's what I've heard man I I've heard there's a deep distrust of machines and they like pray to them like religious artifacts seek an authorized at the command console console is posted at the edge of the observation platform AOS will attend to you shortly doubtful yeah Space Marines are ter it's terrifying to be created as a Space Marine it's [ __ ] nuts I know a little bit about that I I think I played a game I played their mobile game and I read a little bit of the lore about like the space Rines and like the Valkyries Jesus Christ what's up lad man Awakening from initi May beginers of charging prayers of charging can you not hasten the damn process seismic disruptions have occurred launch to be altered oh my God operations complete oh [ __ ] ATT is required for oh my God oh my God I barely [ __ ] survived that you laiz oh that's a like rail cannon that's pretty neat it is done [Music] bro that was insane that was that was wild why' I take my helmet off that feels unsafe I will take you all with me I will rest until you lie dead on my face even if I am slain I will leave you with wounds by which you will remember oh my God this makes me want to vacuum under my bed you're crazy from the Galaxy oh May that fire your and your bones oh [ __ ] oh I missed Dodge I showed my wife this stream said oh God now you're a tabletop game and a video game I'll never see you now all no you be like no it's like you're just going to feel so satisfied with your hobbies you know what I mean that you're going to be more present during everything else that's that's that's the that's the reality you know also what is this thing that I'm fighting that won't die I guess it's going to kill me [Music] that's a cariflex a tanky tyrannid ah good thing he has three lungs and two hearts the Space Marine does that's a lot of hearts where are we now the orbit of the planet we were just on okay [Music] wait day four but we launched the thing I'm confused if if we launched the thing wasn't that supposed to stop the thing praise the Emperor God I look [ __ ] awful okay the w was fatal you survived only through the Rubicon surgery we remade you you are a primaris now what does that mean why Lord Kar issued the command himself is that a promotion gone summoned by the Primark I must get back to the watch Fortress you have been reassigned my place is with the death watch the Inquisition can find no stain on you Titus accused of heresy you have served Penance in the death watch for almost a century and not once have you faltered but you will never know Redemption until you have faced the Judgment of your brothers prove yourself to us surgically all to be stronger than a normal Space Marine got it what's happening now what is your life my honor is my life oh is this their Creed your fate my duty is my fate what is your your fear my fear is to fail what is your reward my salvation is my reward what is your craft my craft is death what is your pledge my pledge is eternal service oh my God what the [ __ ] the Rubicon surgery has remade you as a primaris marine you are now stronger faster and more resilient you will take your place as an ultramarine once more your brothers will know that you served in the death watch but your dishonorable status as a black shield has been redacted from the archives should it be discovered there would be questions Lord kelgar has offered you a second chance do not taint it so uh I'm assuming that being a black shield means that I I was like basically Marked for Death for like a hundred years didn't die and so now I'm getting a chance Gods will be cleaning up BS of for weakness brother liutenant normal siiz person good us we have work to do ga the rest of the squad fight joke yes brother what the the [ __ ] are those the evil cherubs not evil oh okay stand by sending a sty support thank you Lord we shall ready a counter offensive the effects of the virus bomb oh I was just trying to my Lord lien Titus reporting for Duty are drops on they should be have Sergeant guard report to the bridge how are your winds good enough yep I'll be straight with you Titus I have my reservations about your reinstatement there could be questions suspicions I cannot afford Discord among the men not now you're so what are we using then like team that'll be a problem no Captain very well we're facing a tyranid splinter Fleet they engaged us on two planets avax a hive world and Kaku which you already know we're abandoning the latter my character may have been influenced by chaos chaos is like the power of the warp right these defense guns are keeping the skies clear for our ships the tyranids have taken note get down there and protect those guns Captain you wish to see me Sergeant this is liutenant Titus he'll be taking over command of your squad sir I expect you on the ground within 30 minutes dismissed chaos is Hell okay liutenant forgive my hesitation I am merely surprised by this development as am I uhhuh Sergeant gadriel the absorver is ready to depart brother Chiron this is liutenant Titus he will be leading our Squad is that so well I shall be glad to have a commander of such experience is the rest of the squad ready already assembled on the flight deck good we leave immediately online play is now available man this uh something about this game is making me feel emotional who sits in that chair or is that like a query Vol on orps headed toward Kaka transmitting Telemetry data to our ground forces the Imperial Navy Fleet are firing on the spores weird Chatters man that guy's weird um I mean welcome to the welcome in uh what the [ __ ] man this guy's giving me Vibes only Throne that local Throne only one that matters is that isn't it like an hour what for the drops if you're not getting progress on your Drops make sure you're watching only one stream custom emote with altta 4 you sayans have lost control of the orbital guns we are to recapture them lost them already the tyranids are hurling spores of those guns in Great Waves I'm impressed the cad held out this long do it Brothers Lio alarius and alen make up the rest of our Squad have any of you faced tyranids before only these past two days then there is much to learn I look forward to it deployment path obstructed those Warheads are not properly secured do you know what will happen if one comes loose I'll do it myself go and find a tech priest to tighten the screws in that half brain of yours tasking blessings ofation make Gall hear of this [Music] compliance servator we detect an aberration in the Resident Properties at engine manifold gamma 2 assemble the required tools and components for a rapid engine service you have until this vessel returns from its current assignment compliance I make preparations [Music] indeed bro that's crazy those are called common Thrones where the captain sits it could just be a mustering station where one of the higher ranked Marines gives orders wow so like every every like little position could have its own Thrones and stuff there throwing a lot of stuff at you with this hanger I mean well that's the thing with 40K right is it has to be in Universe consistent and what that means to a player or a longtime fan is every choice that's made inside of the ship has to be accurate right so I would expect there to be hundreds of hours of lore in just what we've experienced already the effects of the virus bomb was so short lived the K Sergeant Brothers are joined by Lieutenant Titus welcome brother we are yours to command we leave immediately yes Li all right all right uh Skyfire kadu rendevu with the mil militarium defend the air encampment a planet skies are a battlefield just like any other understand them and dominate them drive your for foe from them without mercy and this way you will achieve victory sir you served in the Death Watch yes that must have been a great honor M it's a privilege to serve with you approaching Drop Zone let's go you see those service stuns our Li tenant is over 200 years old he couldn't have been born in primaris you're at 75% well drops only started at noon so you couldn't have gotten drops before noon so the maximum progress that you could have right now it would have been like 80% drops didn't start until 49 minutes ago on your feet Soldier move to defend our flank and get those heavy vsed my Lord major SAR a kadan regiment anate so are all of the little icons that are on their armor like badges like are they are they representations of Feats guns theyed us to like all my guys here got different [ __ ] on they got different seals different words different pieces of rope uh I got that chain on my arm and this like bone Talisman everything has meaning I figured the yes brother major we must reach the defense guns yes my Lord follow me all right hang on I got to make sure I'm want to double check 230 okay the situation here has deteriorated those foul gargoyles pollute theg the tyranids have the over to guns they do these unrelenting attacks make a counter offensive difficult we shall take care of that out for majer we've got more incoming from the East move to reinforce the Eastern flag you go with him we will assist in the defense very good my Lord the numbers are endless we will see about that I hope you're keeping score brother oh I am here they come for the glory of Ultramar got my Lord intelligence report multiple swarms closing in direct us to them sending coordinates to your aspect display my Lord we are preparing an air strike can you hold the enemy in place until it hits consider it done leave not one of them standing oh no more chainsaw sword I got a knife Target destroyed relo right where the [ __ ] there's just like oceans of enemies this is insane this way oh the world I remember that World War Z mechanic that was dope a strike incoming bur youed creatures beautiful a direct hit major the eight never miss just like Pelican 1 everyone at this base owes you their life my lords fun fact the Guardsmen that found the blueprint for your knife were awarded a planet what do you mean EST defenses planet for a blueprint what's so special about the noif tactics theal guns are on the other side of the SW it's just a really good night the tyranid will be lying in wait this game is full of woke garbage says crank Cuffin bro the fact that you would come in here and even say that means that you're definitely not the right viewer for this channel you you can go ahead and say goodbye they will not get Bast I heard this game is woke said the nonsense spewing nonsense enjoyer let art be art quit constraining it that was YouTube everywhere I'm not on Tik Tok right now organic machines indeed their ship ODS all of it their very existence is heresy we Shin their numbers today brother ra do not stop moving it's Tim's goddamn magic deck throwing grenade Z toxin fting [Applause] stomach need to reload mition secured nah it's all it's all good lad man they never I'm too high for this Dominic don't even engage with that nonsense anybody who comes into a twitch chat room and wants to start talking about something being woke is dog whistling to you that they are a racist okay like that's what people are using that word to tell you about themselves all right I don't I don't have any tolerance for uh for people who want to be exclusionary like that it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense humanity is best when we are all in in anything together and this idea that if somebody makes a game that you don't like or that you don't understand that it's that it's bad is nonsense okay it's it's not worth engaging with save yourself the [ __ ] time I expect better of the cens losing the and they have paid for it dearly but the enemy numbers are not insignificant the cadan E will have to do better you're familiar with this foe brother I am how do the tyranids compare to other xenos they are an unrelenting plague but they are cunning the controlling influence of their High mind makes them act as one reload your combat doctrines are an orthodox liant which company do you serve with before this one I serve the emperor elsewhere the death one yes I hope I too will share that honor one day so I thought the I thought this Death Watch thing was a punishment but apparently it's not needs get through eliminate them then Pro special tactics ready W man those things are tough changing magazine uh yes and no it's where Marines who are on the brink of madis go to do the the most dangerous missions the most direct route is through the swamp let us proceed no the swamp will be infested dude wait what there is a bunkered we will cut through there but that will add considerable time we we will not trade strategy for expediency as you command I do like that on YouTube you uh you just hide someone's messages from the channel stabilizing vs which which means they'll just scream into the nonsense of nothing huge gear fan oh it's definitely got that heavy boots on the ground energy you must proceed alone understood thank you Lio see you on the resilience this universe seems very intense I will say uh I'll say this man like like they did like this is 40,000 years in the future and like there's just I mean it's constant war and so like this is this is I think they do such a good job of exhibiting what that would look like you know thousands of years of war and technological advancement everything pushing straight for you know one outcom reloading h another one dead restocking screw you buddy dang need to reload no Dodge [ __ ] Splat this is on Steam Xbox PlayStation 5 that is correct had a shot for the first time in over a month tired as [ __ ] how about you Hey sir sir I can hear reinforcements get him execute yeah wow got you magines Angels we're saved I'll be damned Space Marines that's us it again we shoot the emperor protects you will desert your post Guardsman no Lord never we've locked them in we could do no more open the gate yes my Lord open the gates sir you said open the bloody Gates another wave oh are we opening the door or not you will serve your Emperor Soldier position men do not let them surround you what are they try to get up here them grabbing a weapons clearing the way you not the LA down soldiers why damn you where is that kadian spirit I have heard offing magazine ah resupplying for reload reload hon your whole W memory G to reload oo they nevern loading up R grenade deploy this will serve you well what the [ __ ] my Lord the gates are open everybody inside now one should we not eliminate the grade of the Swarm there will always be more we must focus on taking down the hid ship what a [ __ ] moment get these Gates closed my command stand do not relenting your attacks why that grenade go inside never seen do that makes them easier to kill you have yet to see the worst we wasting time proceed through the gates bro all these yapping yeah I I imagine we're going to see a lot origin of a lot of uh high-tech weaponry that we see in other video games for [Music] sure major Sakana go ahead we met with one of your squads thank you my Lord I shall give them new orders the way is clear proceed looks like a Slaughter no excuse for cowardice [Music] reload need to reload to reload I repeat awaiting orders to attack major do you read this is leftenant Titus identify yourself Captain idot sir our longrange comms were damaged and battle they must be close hold fast Captain we are coming this is crazy the facility is just beyond those Gates there must be a console that opens them reloading changing magazine this way uh [Music] execute got reloading weapon need to reload they bullets are gross little bugs that bore into what they hit oh I hate it never this is crazy I'm loving it man it's very like uh it feels smooth single player no no no uh you can play the campaign without the three people three three three player co-ops 16 player PVP that's very strange that there were not more enemies back there I can Zana receiving we have made contact with Captain Iden Iden I thought him lost we are approaching his position now can you punch me through working on it restocking link estblished go ahead major Captain I thought you a dead man huh not today sir you're tougher than groc hiide I'll take that as a compliment Iden we need to take back those orbital guns I've got armor ready to Ram see it's done Captain yes sir let's give him a taste of cadi and wrath time to empor all right give me one second Chad I'm going take a quick break I got to use the restroom uh coffee's sneaking up on me I'll be right back hopefully we don't die here okay looks like shit's popping off so I'll be right back oh we got to change the uh production quality over all other things pog all right I'll be back e e e I'm too high for this e e e e e e all right all right all right I'm back in the video G fantastic uh Thoren welcome thank you very much uh thank you thank you thank you puppy has a puppy and had some paperwork I had to look at dude always a fun day godsman honor your Emperor with great pleasure my Lord just the Cinematic scope of this game is nuts that cursed Cate is in our way and let us remove it controls must be nearby soldiers do your work controls are in that Tower make use of them music absolutely nuts Pro reload resupplying this is just one planetary system and there's literally galaxies of War happening like this like it's crazy and this all started because they they were like can we just blow the planet up and they said no so I want to know why this planet's so important it said value is absolute changing magazine which means like I assume it means it's absolutely critical foren yeah you like that [ __ ] you loser bet we'll find out I bet we will you know what I mean I bet we will to reload ah ah munition secured gate is opening squat move your ring backsides through that Gate Auto bolt rifle link up we likeand interact okay I love what they done with the tyranids but damn I want to see some necrons I mean I I imagine I I wouldn't be surprised if we got some of that you know in the life cycle of this game reload a fine gift from the for [Music] never as disrespectfully as possible navigating through this facility will take time a little redecorating will speed things up my Lord my Lord just I got I got to say like I'm not um I know I'm not a a a 40K lore junkie but the fact that we've played and I I'm just calling out what's obvious but the fact that we played like an hour of this and every lore junkie in chat is loving it makes me so excited for this game um because this is this is a game with a like a franchise and a community and a a universe that's deeply beloved and it's really easy to get that [ __ ] wrong uh but that doesn't look like that's what's happening here you know looks like they got it super right more the fil ready to deploy special Tacs holy Terror what is that take it down while the what is that thing reloading Got You observe this location major we have retaken the facility praise the emperor boing a valkyrie now heading to you that's a basically a Beholder in 40K so it revives the the Army around it I think it's what they saidar get these guns onine move uh it's a lesser bug that extorts the hive mind's will as troopers get farther soig you can fly a through it so it's like a relay Communications relay biological Communications relay device the hive mind the tyranid powerful collective intelligence not to be underestimated major the guns are in a zero state of charge will take time to wake the machine Spirit hurry the tyranids will throw everything they have at this facility this is Major SAR divert second and third platoon to the orbital guns immediately copy that sh let's show these bastards what the a are made of [Applause] why does the character look like Henry caval I'll tell you why because they couldn't get uh they couldn't get Henry's uh uh judicial brother you know Henry gavl major we need to establish a perimeter my troops are in defensive positions they'll hold the enemy will try to scale these walls do not let them I have no plans to Northern wall is breached conate fire noit reloading get them off that welled grenade will reloading to reload can execute what in the [ __ ] Helms Deep like this feels like the PlayStation game where like I don't know if any of y'all played that goddamn that [ __ ] but if y'all played like two towers on the PlayStation this feels like Helms Deep and that's basically like the highest praise I could possibly give an action game I haven't felt this feeling in a long time very cool reload liant the orbital guns are functional but the tar system is it needs to Beed underst bro is there anywhere I can refill my ammunition what the [ __ ] they got the area bro they're just going to keep dying I guess that means I have to work quickly I clean these guys in power wash simulator sure [ __ ] did loading up restocking changing magazine reload restocking stick to enemies and they cause significant damage okay assist where possible but do not linger the like the sheer size of everything is blowing my [ __ ] mind system is our priority like like like this area has been so infested with enemies and so massive and so detailed and so well told on the story like I feel like since I've got started I'm playing the final mission in another franchise like it is so cool when Lord this elevator will take you up to the controls we'll keep the zenos off your back Emperor protects you major Sana we are almost at the targeting system you need to manually raise the Petals of the Satellite Dish we will see it done Maj I see the mechanisms stand by the alert the tyan have taken notice of you let them come interact keep them off me when I get this done am I get them off me I am just starting a generator up by myself supp another one I can't even imagine the amount of force necessary to move a magnet-based engine that large like like we're like this guy's exerting the force of an entire ass waterfall done go for the next one reloading track grenade deployed also I feel like my companion AI is not [Music] stupid all right what's up hero time baby B reloading weapons w God damn we are done I don't the gers are heading for the antenna they need to destroy the tar syst see that they f holy [ __ ] swapping magazines this is genuinely epic the scale is incredible yeah they did an excellent job with visual scale if I'm being honest this is what I was this is sincerely what I was hoping like the last stages of Destiny 2 would feel like legit like I hope I I this was the feeling I was hoping for I got another feeling that I enjoyed but this is peak resupplying here come the winged Vermin protect the antenna reloading grabbing a weapon restocking more headed from the antenna need to reload using cck grenade the enemy are going for the antenna eliminate them ready to deploy special tactics the enemy have damaged the antenna munition secur emper the enemy have damaged the antenna reload oh my God changing magazine the enemy have damaged the antenna we must H them back they never learn we must H them back reload reload my Lord the antenna has sustained significant damage I know the emperor uh I need ammo cash and frag grenade and I need this whatever this is now [ __ ] you take a bio reload don't know if my computer will be able to handle it I mean they got that Nvidia stuff so you know that that'll usually begin that'll usually give you a lot of Headway if you've got an Nvidia card for uh stuff to work all right so what's this going to do for us let us relish the sight of those filed ships oh planetary defense planetary orbital defense Cannon oh [ __ ] wow oh yeah Tomar the boosters are brutal right now that was one mission right [Music] [Music] what up e leftenant Captain akaran has new orders for you very well where is ellot the enemy tried to smother us we got separated by the time we had slain the attackers I'm too high for this dead something put a hole clean through his helmet AB that's what I'm talking about I only wish he had Liv Hive ship burn oh Tomar with the gifty the Nifty gifty have been defeated by horigans there are creatures more deadly than hormons down there you should not have let our Squad be divided he is gone Sergeant duty is all I do not forget my brothers so quickly grow up [ __ ] goddamn spine the battle map serves as a center of operations select the planet to start a mission current mission is marked in yellow finished missions are playable available to replay uh changing the game mode allows you to switch between operations and eternal War playing these modes before finishing the main campaign could reveal spoilers ronal war is a PVP game mode uh where the battle for the fate of the never ends a quick match is the fastest way to find stuff okay operations is PVE centered around the auxiliary missions of combat Squad uh tasa and vidiian playing this mode before finishing the camp the the main campaign could reveal spoiler SPO story spoilers okay well we won't be doing either of those things um cool so that is that is how uh it opens up is this a dreadn yes that we're that we're inside of I believe so these orders reach down from the primar there can be no question as to their integrity it is useless debating with you two I would get more sense out of the statues at the Temple of Hera oh they still worship Hara in the future or is that somebody different how do you set the difficulty in this game uh it's got difficulty settings where you would usually find them uh you usually find a video game difficulty set in leftenant I was informed you arrived of Lord calgar did you fight with him on vigilus I've read through those battle reports more than a 100 times a masterful defense my duty kept me busy elsewhere you have an unusual service record that is my good fortune I want a scout Recon to that position Captain get over here Captain I have the mechanicus on Vox they can wait this is noic beta 12 a mechanicus arch magos he should have been aboard the ship an hour ago but he refuses to leave Kaku without some data from his lab he's currently in this Imperial Guard base his facility is here the enemy is closing in that base will be overrun imminently noic is a high value Asset get that data and get them out the Mining facility if we rupture the staging tanks direct the flow into the valley we can ignite the fields around the base boil them in promethium I'll give you command of a small team to hit the staging tanks three men that's all I can spare brief them immediately yes Captain retri mean I think the question is are there multiple difficulties uh yeah there's multiple difficulties easy normal hard and Ultra hard standing by well well liutenant Titus we are told you have need of us brother my squad must recover data from a mechanic's research facility in sector 41A a large enemy swarm threatens to overrun both that facility and an Imperial Guard base to its East you will sabotage a promethium Refinery to delay their Advance we will not fail you gravis armor what is that burn the zenos FI time is short I will brief you on descent brother mayos scalo wishes to see you in the Armory noted if you have not been issued a p blaster for this task then get one from the Armory immediately we must burn any biohazards clinging to the fuselage before the flight Crews conduct maintenance yours is a I have not Lo in quite some time Titus who the [ __ ] is this how are you acclimating to your new status I have no complaints intriguing predictions would determine A9 probability that you would I have pressing duties MOS very well Engage The Armory terminal I will see that you are suitably equipped for your mission all right and the armoring station will handle the outfitting procedure though much has changed since we last met all this will remain familiar to you the omnis blessed us with clear sightedness from the beginning we offer blessings to this machine that it may serve you just as it serves him I I feel like we should try that maybe I I don't know I really did like that thunderhammer let's go is that what I picked up oh no that's is that this ah I see the War gear selection seems incomplete this Armory is comprehensive but available options are those recommended for the current Mission very well my thanks magos C suffice we know each other well enough for thaty Lord was called away so soon the first company joined us I should brother Titus we leave on a mission of vital importance the battlefield below leaves no room for the slightest error of judgment I of clear mind purpose May the directives of our beloved Primark guide your every action all right holy [ __ ] chat just a reminder I will be uh I got some meetings this afternoon so I will be taking a break uh at 2:30 until probably 3:30 or 4 uh so that means uh I'll basically be offline uh for like an hour or two progress closely and then we'll be back we'll try and do some uh late night I'm very much enjoying this oh yeah and tomorrow's my birthday so you know like I get to do what I want now duty calls uh which reminds me uh h interesting good good [Applause] wishing you a wonderful birthday today oh thank you birthdays are complicated for me but I appreciate it you can play the mission from two different perspectives you can oh I had no idea sorry I kind of wasn't listening that happens sometimes Aros for the last time we must get you off world that assessment equals in Ed ignorance we'll be overrun in minutes by the cease interruptions major ah aaran finally sends me what I asked for Arch MOS it is imperative you evacuate immediately will not leave without the data we to my facility I will instruct toox make ready to leave this will not take long major I have a second unit working on a theoretical that should buy you some time my Lord I've lost three squads trying to reach that L we think something's out there not we're a 3050 run this oh definitely it said you could play from this point of view or from The Inferno Squad perspective well already replay ability creeping in Time fact we will Vox when we have an update see that you do we will never get this planet stench out of our armor compare to your usual a it is an improvement brother de tasa a cadians are running out of time it's just a shotgun but it's made out of fire the facility now making good time what was that we are we are being hunted oh hell hound I think you're going to enjoy it uhoh godness Septimus damn it this is the work of elor Sergeant gadriel to resilient two of our brothers have fallen in battle send an apothecary received we shall honor them brother sergeant uh-oh something's in the water toxins ass sail my senses for the Target destroy uh it's basically a walking tomb the Marine is in case in it serve its chapter even in in death but even if if we're able to play as the other squads or characters there could be a chance oh of playing as like a walking tomb reload the [ __ ] I'm too high for this party parrot party parrot party parrot party party parrot party parrot party parot party parrot party parrot party parrot party parrot party parrot party parrot party parrot party parrot party par parot party parrot party Parrot uh guy who hates to thank you for the 100 months of subbing and the party parrot Rave truly the best kind of Rave then we shall take it I love video gamesin munition secured what why is that that knife is the size of a broadsword like amazing we did it Joe the [ __ ] y'all killing me with this we shall defy death's cross oh that's pretty sick deploying this Beast dares challenge us stay clear of it we enough to you reloading got you this place re death coming this friendless inefficiency is unacceptable uh yeah Lord psychos actually the first MTG game I ever played was on Elder Dragon H Jinks and I borrowed Tim's necron deck out r they never Lear R grenade woo restocking restocking special tactics Lo ammunition I tell you what man this uh oh [ __ ] me not what I meant to do snipers watch your sidelines impress observe this location [Music] relo and we got to take this High Ground for sure another one dead no way it knocked me down oh what awesome level design okay that was [ __ ] cool we can cut through this bunker Gather By the entrance Small Arms fire it sounds close everywhere godman assist them for the emperor I don't want to stop playing this [ __ ] game chat I this is tickling so many parts of my brain what are we doing here are we going for the flank do we have to flank him do not stop moving dude much love to you guy who hates toast I hope the rest of your day is fantastic you deserve to have an excellent day [ __ ] get him ooh ooh big stab ooh over here brother ready to deploy special tactics Ching magazine did themselves proud theyed honorably come our own duty is not yet done oh I guess this was not maybe not the way I was supposed to go I'm confused to reload more might have been reloading resupplying I feel like these plants can do area damage but I'm not 100% ooh ah I didn't mean to do that this way oh that ignore my ping evidence something is off yeah we're definitely getting hunted this is it weapons ready come and taste death Vermin this is about to be boss fight [ __ ] oh my God God what what the [ __ ] is this oh uh oh um uh uh what [Music] this it's like a chameleon mixed with the Mantis the Ein no dash do you have um somewhere somewhere where is this guy I hear him or do we start here oh [ __ ] me uh [ __ ] oh I got a I got a wiggle out of it sorry I'm distracted chat my brain's my brain's transitioning into meeting mode oh God not the right time grenade to reload reloading weapons I dodged it oh my God get him need to reload watch your PLS changing magazine no uh zenos tricks damn it oh [ __ ] is my battle brother going to come get me please resby resby resby resby AI help help AI help me what could gadriel possibly be doing right now get him yeah wait no wait yeah warar PR magine and he just casually is like let's keep going are out here I suspect you have already dealt with it indeed it will not trouble you again very good okay chat this is where we're going to pause for the day um I will be back in about a couple of hours so I just want to say thanks for hanging around while we check this out uh don't usually split the stream up but we got to do it today uh always fun to make cool things happen together um thank you for watching I'll be back uh in probably an hour and 10 minutes or uh if it's longer it'll be about an hour 40 minutes uh but thank you so much for tuning in again I appreciate you and I will talk to you again soon thoughts so far fantastic fantastic it's very fun

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