Harris Calls For A Debate Re-match, Ohio Dad Tells Trump To Stop Using Dead Son For Political Gain

well the father of the Dead uh 11-year-old boy in Ohio claims that his son has been exploited in anti-migrant politics uh the Ohio fathers asks Donald Trump to not use his son for political gains US Congress to boost Federal Security for electoral vote count this comes after uh the January 6 us Capital attack in 2020 security has been upgraded ahead of [Music] that all right the big story that we're tracking right now on us election watch well after the debate between the first presidential debate between kamla Harris and Donald Trump early polls seem to reveal that kamla Harris won the presidential debate uh with significant uh uh uh majority and numbers seem to indicate that CNN poll as for the CNN poll 63% of the debate voters believe that kamla Harris won the debate the first debate between the two presidential candidates CNN also said and termed kamla Harris's performance as right up there and ranked it one of the best that they had seen as far as presidential debates go in fact on the other side Donald Trump supporters are also reconsidering a vote after the debate which uh saw the former president come out with a not so perfect response and it was a sharp contrast to how he performed against former against President Joe Biden who is now no more in the race uh well it all Li now on some of the key factors of the debate which was immigration and economy and on that let me tell our viewers that let's get that graphic point also on our screens that on those specific points whether it was immigration or the econom on both of those factors as per the polls it indicated that uh Donald Trump had a bit of an uh Edge specifically as far as those two particular areas are concerned this of course are Graphics relating to the larger debate per se but as I said those two factors pertaining to immigration and economy is where is where uh Donald Trump seemed to have fed better all right let's get in Robert Shapiro political analyst and scientist joining us live on the broadcast Professor Shapiro thank you much thanks much for taking out the time and speaking to me on NDTV my first question to you sir well the world has been able to digest the first presidential debate now it's been almost 48 hours or so um I want to ask you that specifically as far as immigration and economy is concerned despite despite not having a a good performance or good day say whichever way you want to put it Donald Trump seemed to have done better than kamla Harris on those specific points yeah that that that that that's very striking and his Trump's final comment about you know if if Harris had good ideas to deal with these problems why why didn't she deal with them effectively with Biden in the past four years I think that was a that was a very effective statement it goes to show you how important these issues are and how these issues work against kamla Harris this this election should be a at least from the Republican standpoint um as a strategic matter an election on the based on the performance of the Biden Administration and those are the two areas where they've been perceived to have done poorly and even though Harris did very well in the the debate she wasn't able to shake public opinion on those issues and uh if we if we see some of those numbers as far as immigration and the economy is concerned the the distance between the two or the gap between the two candidates is quite significant it is not a marginal Edge that Donald Trump has over kamla Harris on these two specific points is this pretty much the Crux of the US election then yeah I think I think that's the Crux of the election and and the big question is is that KL Harris did extremely well dur dur during during the during the debate but the big question is will this have any effect on her support in the election and we don't we don't we don't know yet um but but it could be the case that it'll only have a um a small effect because of the strength of those issues for the Republicans and the big question is if it had to the extent that it has a small effect will it be in those key seven states indeed and then let let me then ask you this that you know if you are if you are let's say advising the Democrat campaign right now uh what would be your one or two top advises because you know the candidate seems to be the candidate that is kamla Harris is has done fed fed very well she's done well but she seems to be not getting the message across on two key issues of the election well I think on the immigration issue she she she has to hammer home the fact that it was Donald Trump that that blocked a uh Maj major piece of legislation that could have been enacted to deal to deal more effectively with the immigration issue the other thing she can emphasize is that the the Border problem now has been has been going down that is the number of border border crossing has has been decreasing with with regard to the economy I think she just needs to emphasize what her economic program is going forward in terms of he helping businesses helping working helping Working Families and and also dealing with housing which is a which is a major problem related to related to inflation and and she needs to show she has ideas that could deal with these problems going forward that she's got to emphasize going forward and emphasize how she represents a big change from um Biden and Trump and Professor shabir if you were to say one piece of advice to the Trump campaign what would that be in the wake of these numbers oh I I would I would simply recommend that they they they continue to EMP emphasize th those issues and the big question is is that whe whether there'll be a uh um a second debate and the second debate is an opportunity for Trump to do what he what he should have done during the first debate and simply focus on those issues and and not go off the rails talking about crowd sizes and and eating animals and and those particular kinds of things and uh you know kamla Harris cannot rest on The Laurels of her doing well in that first debate I think a second debate would be important for her to to enable her to get to enable voters to get her know better and to show the Striking contrast between her and and Trump and to emphasize how you know how she can deal with those particular issues um going forward and I think that's that's pretty important the the other importance of the of a second debate is that this isn't just a presidential election this this is a congressional election for the House of Representatives and the and the Senate and there are also State ballot initiatives on abortion and other issues and and these are things the Democrats need to do well on and the Republicans need to be mindful of this as well but the Republicans control control the House of Representatives and they're look like looks like they're poised to win the Senate yes and I think the second debate would be important in in mobilizing democrats for other things as well right in fact in fact Professor Shapiro stay with us I want to play out this report that tells where exactly do both the candidates stand as far as a second debate if at all it could actually happen because there is now no consensus on that take a look at this report we come back and talk more [Music] the first presidential debate between vice president kamla Harris and former president Donald J Trump Drew 61.7 million live viewers according to Neilson exceeding the Trump Biden debate in tune by 31% many reviews of the debate indicate that Trump struggled against Harris failing to make an impact on the viewers according to reports the Harris campaign is now gunning for a second debate the Harris team believes a second debate could give the vice president a chance to reach voters who are unlikely to attend her rallies reports suggest the Republicans were thinking about what to do as some of them think the debate did not go well for their leader Trump on the other hand has repeatedly claimed he won the debate when a fighter has a bad fight gets knocked out or loses the fight the first thing he says is we want a rematch so we won the debate according to every poll every single poll I think that uh are we going to do a rematch I just don't know we'll think about it according to reports the Trump house is divided with some wanting a rematch but others saying they hoped he would not agree to a second debates unless it was hosted by Fox News something he himself alluded to I would do NBC I'd do fox too I'd do fox too but right now we have to determine whether or not we even want to do we had a great night last night and you see by the Paul numbers it was really fantastic while it is difficult for Trump's allies to find a silver lining in the aftermath of the debate the race is far from over [Music] the evidence is mixed for how much the debate could actually shift votes however the current scenario mostly appears to favor Harris with Vishal VI Bureau report NTV all right will there be a second debate does Trump campaign want a second debate should kamla Harris insist on a second debate to build on this momentum or quoted backfire given that economy and immigration are still areas where her campaign and her messaging seems to have come off quite weak uh let's get that uh and open this up to uh the panelist joining me on the broadcast is Alex sidan who is uh GOP strategist we also have harini Krishna uh who is uh uh who represents I think South Asians for kamla Harris and of course Professor Shapiro stays with us thank you so much to all of you for joining me on this broadcast uh let me start with you Alex uh the question is that um the Trump campaign or the Republican house is divided why is that so on a second debate well look the division doesn't exist in my head Bring It On Let's have as many debates as possible this has nothing to do with performance it has to do with the fact that more debates are good for the American people they allow the American people to watch and see their potential presidential candidates their next president likely square off in that format I would love to see former president Trump and vice president Harris face off in a town hall setting to hear questions from average voters this did happen in 2016 between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton it would be a very valuable way to see these candidates interact I'll also point out that your numbers showed that 67 million people watched the debate in 2020 81 million people voted for President Trump that is not even close to the amount that watch the debate itow it away so not all of America was watching more attempts for more Americans to see their presidential candidates in action are a good thing har Krishan respond to uh some critics who said that uh kamla Harris definitely had a moments she came out strong prepared and ready for the Trump uh assault as some would say but uh there's a lot more between now and the C and the actual election and the fact that Taylor Swift actually endorsed on a day when and kamla Harris was anyways on a high proves that maybe it is not gone as clearly in Harris's way as some would believe no I think the contrary I think um come on I mean I think anybody who was watching the debate clearly saw what I saw which is um you know Kamala Davy Harris came prepared um she talked about the American people she's only had one client her entire life she talked about the American people she talked about her economic agenda you know I find it strange that you know people are saying she didn't talk about she talked about her economic plan she talked about the $50,000 that she wants to give to small business startup owners she talked about family tax I'll give you time to resp about family tax credit and let me finish she talked about family tax CR uh tax credit and she absolutely talked about an economic plan and she talked about those issues whereas Donald Trump only talk talked about himself he talked about crowd size he talk talked about people eating animals and pets um and you know we we saw exactly who Donal Trump I think the world watched that debate we we've all seen it and you know we've got 36 hours in which we've digested all of it the reason why I was asking you specifically is that some of the numbers seem to suggest that as I said uh kamla Harris had a moments she managed to put Donald Trump on the mat and and the world saw it but when it came specifically on issues related to the economy and immigration she was not able to deliver the message home that's what some of the polls seem to suggest so in the wake of that would kamla Harris want another rematch I think she's absolutely ready for a rematch because she would do exactly what she did um in this first debate which is talk about the policies that she would talk about the American people and she would show exactly the contrast right you have somebody who is pewing racist vitriol even in a nationally televised debate um somebody who is talking about random incoherent things versus somebody who is talking about policies and let's talk about immigration you know she addressed the fact that it was Trump who told um many congressional leaders not to bring up the border security Bill she was ready to sign it and it was you know that President Biden was ready to sign it that the fact that it was Trump who stopped the bipartisan bipartisan border security bill and when it comes to economy um IEM you know just uh yesterday um uh Economist came out saying that the inflation is now back in February 2021 um you know what it was in February 2021 and we are you know we are dealing with a far better economy especially after impacting some of the most transformative uh legislation investment in clean energy with the infrastructure reduction act so we are absolutely doing better I think a second debate to emphasize the clear contrast uh the fact that immigration is something that she can absolutely handled only let's get in the other let's get in the other voices yes yes Alex San respond to that and then I get in Professor Shapiro as well Alex the fact is that Trump may have hammered home points related to immigration and economy but overall he came as off his performance was was very different from what it was in the debate against President Biden so why would he want another another rematch if it could go down the same uh path well let's be clear about one thing vice president Harris is not Ronald Reagan she's not Abraham Lincoln she is not a solid debater we saw her especially at the beginning of the debate she was unsure she was overprepared she was a little shaky I think that President Trump could exploit those weaknesses don't forget vice president Harris has hours and hours of video to watch of President Trump debating everyone from Hillary Clinton to Marco Rubio the Trump team did not have as much to look at in regards to vice president Harris now because the two of them have met on the stage there is a rapport between the two of them they do know how the other performs in a debate situation I think that a second debate would be very informative I think the Trump team didn't learn the lesson of the debate with Joe Biden which is calm cool and steady wins the race and changes minds but I will point out that President Trump's best parts of the debate were the first 30 minutes and the end and those are the parts that most people watch most people tune in for a portion of it and then maybe tune out they tune back in at the end I think those parts were president Trump's strongest performance Professor Shapiro come in there that if if you think it happens at a network that uh Donald Trump is is is uh open to like a fox do you think a second debate is pretty much on the car or do you think it would be something that is is uh dicey as things stand right now um I I I think it I think it should I think it should be I think any reluctance on the on the part of trump and his team um is probably Mis misplaced I mean Trump I think has a pretty simple job and while his team may have learned lessons from the the the Biden debate and from the the last debate Trump himself has to has to has to learn the lesson and the lesson is he needs to come across as uh a very calm and and leader-like figure and to emphasize those issues of of the economy inflation and and the and the southern Border in a way that he got derailed from in in the last debate KLA Harris has a big incentive to get another have another debate whatever Edge she gained from the from the last debate she needs to solidify it in a big way she needs to help mobilize her party for the for the for the Congressional elections and also keep in mind that we're relying on polls which in 20 2016 and 2020 underestimated uh Trump's performance and with that in mind that makes it even more important for for Harris to try to get as big a lead as possible going into election day and the only way for her to do that is to debate again and to try to do as well if not better than she did in the last debate Miss Krishan if it's if it's a Fox network debate would uh would KLA Harris agree to it I don't know um I will say that she is ready for a debate she's ready for a second debate but we also know that you know Fox News is uh one that has uh continuously validated uh the the lies that have been spewed by uh you know the former president so I'm not sure you know but I will say um one point I do want to hammer is um on immigration we saw the former president um use fearmongering talk about oh they're coming for you uh the migrants are coming for you um and talk about concepts of a plan so to those who are saying that you know um that you know kamla Harris didn't talk about her policies she talked about her policies a lot more than the fearmongering that Donald Trump did but I do think it's to kamla Harris's benefit to have a second debate uh but not sure where where that'll be okay so uh Ju Just it's my job to also put out the other side uh lot of trump camp campaign said that uh ABC moderators did not do a fair job and and they were completely slanted towards one of the candidates I'm responding to this in the in in in the context of Fox network but U Alexan respond to the fact that what if it's not Fox what if it's some other network would would Donald Trump be prepared to do the to the debate then let me point this out CNN may be the most anti-trump Network that there is but president Trump's first debate with President Biden was on CNN you see that Donald Trump is more than prepared to go into what might be viewed as hostile territory and make his point I truly hope the vice president is willing to do the same I'll also say that Fox's anchors including Brett Bear and Martha McCollum are accomplished journalists who are known for their fairness and impartiality again it is vital that we get an debate all right I am afraid I have to leave it there but Professor Shapiro 30 seconds Sir do you see this going Fox NBC or do you think it could happen in any other network well I I think I think K Harris would probably prefer NB NBC to Fox but if it comes down to Fox or no debate I think her people will decide to uh as we say Bring It On All right on that note appreciate all of you for uh joining me on this edition of us election watch uh and now let's also take a look at this report that's been filed about well Taylor Swift uh one of the most popular women on earth she's uh endorsed kamla Harris take a look at this report that tells you the story in detail in a political landscape where every endorsement counts one pop Superstar support has made great Taylor Swift the global music icon has thrown her weight behind vice president kamla Harris and the impact has been noteworthy the pop stars post endorsing Harris for the White House on Tuesday drove over 337,000 users to visit the site vote.gov giving a glimpse of what her support could do for the Democratic presidential candidate celebrities were all praised for Taylor Swift's endorsement I really commend women an artists like T Swift who you know stand on business who do their research and who say something not just to say something you know I don't think she set out to set that standard or not I think she did what she felt she wanted to do and in setting a record straight those are her words giving the AI that's been out out and about I think more I think more celebrities are going to you'll find them setting their record straight because of AI um so that that was more noteworthy than the political nature of what she had to say um but no no listen I mean it's rock and it's politics It's Entertainment uh when people get a platform and they're they're passionate they're going to use it this is not the first time Taylor Swift has urged fans to vote just last year more than 35,000 people signed up to vote on her request as the election approaches the power of celebrity endorsements like Taylor Swifts could be a game Cher for kamla Harris it's a boost that could make all the difference Bureau report NDTV World absolutely and on that note a quick update as far as some of the other stories coming in first up the US Congress is set to get increased fed Security on the 6th of January remember this comes after the 6th of January Capital attack that took place four years back when the power transition was taking place in America and in the wake of that FBI will also be involved in monitoring any threats whatsoever well the epitome so-called epitome of democracy would want the power transition to be as smooth as possible which is why additional security is set to be deployed all right another quick update coming in from Ohio where the father of the deed 11-year-old boy has said that his son and his death is in fact being exploited in anti-migrant politics uh the father has asked Donald Trump and the Republican campaign to stop using his son for any political gains remember immigration is at the heart of us elections and at the heart of Donald Trump's campaign and uh Ohio's D has also asked and said that U he has sought an apology for spinning his son's death towards a hate and he has said that I wish my son was killed by a 60-year-old white man that's on your screens that tells you exactly how much immigration is tearing the American society into practically two different halves I wish that my son Aiden Clark was killed by a 60-year-old white man I bet you never thought anyone would ever say something so blunt but if that guy killed my 11-year-old son the incessant group of hate spewing people would leave us alone this needs to stop now they can vomit all the hate they want about illegal immigrants the Border crisis and even untrue claims about fluffy pets being ravaged and eaten by community members however they are not allowed nor have they ever been allowed to mention Aiden Clark from Springfield Ohio I think that was a very tragic incident uh and on that note it's a wrap on 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minister must be televised today mam banerji waited for the doctors in an empty Hall but they didn't show up this despite what the Supreme Court said recently when the Chief Justice said it was time for the doctors to get back to work next up on the program this evening the national security advisor Ajit doal in Russia meets Vladimir Putin tells him about prime minister modi's visit to Ukraine talks about how India is willing to be a partner towards a peaceful solution to the war between Ukraine and Russia will Russia accept India as a possible intermediary Putin asked for a meeting soon with prime minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the soon to be held brick Summit all this comes at a time when it appears that the United Kingdom is greenlighting Ukraine's use of European cruise missiles on Russian soil a move which could potentially cross Russian red lines I explained what the Storm Shadow missile can do and the military implications of its use but first a quick look at the headlines it's the end of an era in Indian Politics sitaram yetri the veteran left leader dies in Hospital of a prolonged illness popular across party lines he was a strong advocate of the core values of India's Constitution a group of young army soldiers are robbed their friend is raped in madhia Pradesh two people have been arrested a hunt is on for the other other attackers several opposition States attack the center over what they say is the unfair allotment of tax revenues telingana and Tamil NAD joined katica in the protests and prime minister meets India's par Olympic contingent the Indian team creates history at the par Olympics winning 29 gold medals but first our top story fairly dramatic developments in Bengal today Mamta banerji stood up by protesting Junior doctors who were invited at the state Secretariat for a meeting apologized said she wasn't enamored of the top post and that she was ready to step down listening to what she said and it came right at the end of her press conference today after the protesting Junior doctors refused to meet with her insisting on a live streaming of the meeting Maman reason that this was a very sensitive case it was being heard by the Supreme Court the CBI is investigating it and at this point live streaming if any comments were made that affects the case that were you know that is not in in the sense of uh you know appropriate given the circumstances then her government her officers would be responsible she agreed to the number of Representatives the doctors wanted the the government agreed to recording the entire meeting sharing a copy of the recording with the with the protesters the doctors and also sharing a copy of the same with the Supreme Court if necessary but the doctors did not come for the meeting 2 and a half hours the chief minister waited she said I've been waiting yesterday day before yesterday and today every day for over 2 hours to meet with them but that has not happened so this is something that the chief minister said and then of course she highlighted patients were dying patients were not getting treatment then of course she went on to make that big statement at the end of the press conference where she said if it is in public interest I am willing to resign I do not want the chief Minister's post but she added that all of this the people have been coming out to protest because they want justice but there is political color here there is color here she said they don't want Justice they want the chair and in that context she made her comments this is of course a very big statement from a leader like mamata banerji of course who's known to be uh you know very aggressive and you know very firm uh but obviously she says she respects public sentiment and she says there is sentiment attached to this case and she also uh you know asked for forgiveness of the people uh with folded hands in that press conference in that sound bite and also said that she was willing to resign if it was in public interest now of course this is something that means that the stalemate is likely to continue the junior doctors who've been protesting have defied the supreme court orders they've not come back to work so Supreme Court had set a deadline of 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday that they did not return to work the government has tried to meet them for three consecutive days and every time they put forward conditions the government has agreed to some of those conditions but today of course they did not come for the meeting or did not enter the meeting venue after coming all the way to the the state Secretariat insisting on a live streaming that's of course where it stands now and this of course we'll see how this proceeds further remember next Tuesday the Supreme Court hears the case again all right well joining us now DOA said member of the of the rajas saaba in the trinal Congress I'm also joined by Dr shupa of the BJP mipa Banji the senior journalist Dr nvk moan who's a a protester also a senior doctor in Kolkata Dr Kanan mukarji vice president of the bestest Bengal doctors Forum thank you all very much for being with us um Miss let me come to you first when mamata banerji says that she's willing to step down she's not interested in this post was that a political statement or uh does she really mean that you know in a situation like this she's willing to step down uh you know that um mam Baner is a true master leader she uh believes in Mass uh sentiment she understands Mass FS much more than other so uh I think today to make understand the junior doctor to make them understand uh our honorable chief minister has made that statement so that Junior doctor and Junior doctor the those who are fighting against the administration they can understand hard feeling and they can join the dialogue and they can join their duties again right so she's not really stepping down is she uh I don't think she's uh stepping down now but this is for uh God's sake that she can't step down any any time anywhere she already uh we have experienced many times this type of things when uh she was cabinet ministers in Union government uh several times we have seen so she can step down she doesn't you as Aon MP compulsion for the chair understood but ma'am would you as a senior leader in the party other leaders like you allow her to step down I don't think uh it is the time to step down by her because uh only two months back the common people of Bengal under uh Central forces under the jurisdiction of court and Election Commission more than 45% of uh the population of Bengal uh nearly 46 % of the population of the Bengal have voted for MTA banery and only two months back she has achieved a uh all right so at this stage no question of of her going I hear you loud and clear Dr shupa is that um how would you look at that because when a chief minister that also a strong one like M banerji says that she is willing to go it appears to be just an emotional statement and nothing more than that right Vishnu as usual she's playing to the gallery Dadi is absolutely right uh our honorable chief minister is knows exactly the pulse of the people as always so she has again you know played the victim cut um and she said that yes yes I want to resign well she should because just like doar said a percentage of course a larger percentage of the people of West Bengal under whatever circumstances uh have voted hard in 202 for Loa MPS yes and 2021 in vihans SAA the same people uh almost 2 CR 30 30 lakh people have voted us to opposition BJP and we wanted her resignation from uh ever since this has happened uh so she should listen to the same people who have you know given the mandate to make us the opposition we not saying we want the power mind you but she should design 13 years she has created havoc in the health system in the police system and and as chief minister of West Bengal we all know across India the message is very clear the dire streets at West Bengal is in just before you going to uh somebody else I just want to add I I want make two quotes today the junior doctors were sitting outside no one not and the same the larger group was sitting outside the health department and they kept saying live streaming a k you understand Bengali live streaming a k Bo it is very clear that M Baner did not want a live streaming because she was going to you know face some pretty embarrassing questions from these doctors and let me tell you vishu I think everybody has seen the complete L I think I told you this day before yesterday when I was in a show the restraint the sensitivity people across West Bengal have come and given them food okay Dr shupa hold on you've made lots of points Dadi has to respond but a short one before I get into the meat of the debate Dadi go ahead um two three things I want to tell regarding the BJP spokesperson reaction one I think uh you all will agree that uh rape is a social evil what is going on in our country in our universe uh and it's condemnable we are shameful that that at the 21st century we have to face rap till it but there is a uh uh statistics of 86 to 91 reps per day now in India if only for this rape and murder mam banery has to resign then every chief minister every prime minister has to resign every M what will be the uh solution now second uh the BJP spokesperson was telling that people are in the streets I am also a social activist I also went last one month to and fr of our uh State West Bengal the people the rural people the people in subdivisions the people who uh has given mam banery again a big very big mandate they all are annoyed that the students the junior doctors with due respect they are valid with their demands but they are not uh considering their o what they have taken to serve not that's a good note good point for me to actually move on with the doctors as well Dr kin mukarji uh you know I mean she was sitting over there in a hall waiting for all of you to come she said that she's willing to quit she doesn't care about the post she respects your sentiments and she's asked for forgiveness why aren't you talking well um it's not for me to answer this question directly because I'm not a junior doctor and it's a movement of the junior doctors do you believe the junior doctors or as senior doctors you should persuade the junior doctors well we are in complete solidity we are we are in complete solidarity with their demands and they have actually shown more openness than anybody else they have written time and again and they have been replied in Disguise of threat that they will be facing punitive action and actually they went all the way from their agitation point at the health Secretariat to the state Secretariat and they were actually kept holding uh without agreeing to their little demand uh of televising the entire so that's what it boils down to televising right everything has been agreed else everything else has been agreed upon it's just televising this right that's what the St there were only two demands there were only two demands one was met that they actually had agreed to the number of Representatives which they agreed to but they did not agree to televise now now what is the problem I don't understand why are they making such a big issue of televising the entire episode but why are doctors making such a big issue of televising the entire episode ultimately it's not televising the the episode which is going to be a solution to the problem the solution lies in Greater security for doctors a revamp of security in hospitals perhaps action against those who are responsible uh a proper judicial probe all of that is taking place why are you so uh intent on televising absolutely

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Election Prediction Legend Allan Lichtman: 'Harris Will Beat Trump'

Category: News & Politics

Foreign policy and aspects related to the ukraine russia conflict and the uh uh war that's taking place in gaza could be the factors that could be undecided right now to explain to us what could be the impact that they may have in changing if at all uh your prediction no matter what happens with two... Read more

Apple Event 2024 Highlights | iPhone 16 Features A18 Chip, Dedicated Camera Button thumbnail
Apple Event 2024 Highlights | iPhone 16 Features A18 Chip, Dedicated Camera Button

Category: Science & Technology

The next generation of iphone has been designed for apple intelligence from the ground up it marks the beginning of an exciting new era and here it is [music] iphone 16 has a vibrant new look it is made from beautiful aerospace grade aluminum with 85% recycled content in the enclosure iphone 16 now... Read more

Murdoch Family's 'Succession-Style' Legal Battle For Family Trust Explained thumbnail
Murdoch Family's 'Succession-Style' Legal Battle For Family Trust Explained

Category: News & Politics

This is media titan rubber madok a 93-year-old billionaire who owns one of the most influential media empires in the world this includes fox news the wall street journal and other outlets in australia and uk this is logan roy a fictional character played by actor brian cox in the hit hbo drama succession... Read more

Harris Calls For A Debate Re-match, Ohio Dad Tells Trump To Stop Using Dead Son For Political Gain thumbnail
Harris Calls For A Debate Re-match, Ohio Dad Tells Trump To Stop Using Dead Son For Political Gain

Category: News & Politics

To digest the first presidential debate now it's been almost 48 hours or so um i want to ask you that specifically as far as immigration and economy is concerned this is us election watch i'm gori dedi let's get you the headlines this thursday evening first up kamla harris aims to reach those unlikely... Read more

Trump Harris Debate | 'This Was My Best Debate,' Trump Says During Spin Room Appearance thumbnail
Trump Harris Debate | 'This Was My Best Debate,' Trump Says During Spin Room Appearance

Category: News & Politics

Very important debate now she wants to do another one cuz she got beaten tonight but i don't know why wouldn't you look at her get under your skin there was she successful brought multiple times tonight you have condemned that multiple times what what have i condemned project 2025 i have nothing to... Read more

Donald Trump News | Donald Trump Rules Out Another Debate As Kamala Harris Gains Ground In Polls thumbnail
Donald Trump News | Donald Trump Rules Out Another Debate As Kamala Harris Gains Ground In Polls

Category: News & Politics

The united states now republican nominee donald trump has announced that he will not take part in another presidential debate with kamla harris ahead of the november 5th election this decision follows several polls indicating that kamla harris won their recent debate in fact in a statement on social... Read more

US Elections 2024 | Presidential Prophet Releases US Election Predictions | NDTV Exclusive thumbnail
US Elections 2024 | Presidential Prophet Releases US Election Predictions | NDTV Exclusive

Category: News & Politics

Foreign policy and aspects related to the ukraine russia conflict and the uh uh war that's taking place in gaza could be the factors that could be undecided right now to explain to us what could be the impact that they may have in changing if at all uh your prediction no matter what happens with two... Read more

US Presidential Elections | Trump Refuses A 2nd Presidential Debate Proposal | US Election Watch thumbnail
US Presidential Elections | Trump Refuses A 2nd Presidential Debate Proposal | US Election Watch

Category: News & Politics

Us network abc saying absolutely not abc has denied allegations that kamala harris was given any questions ahead of tuesday's debate the denial comes after trump who claims the debate as unfair and and rigged flirted the idea that harris had been given a heads up on what questions to expect in the leadup... Read more

US Elections 2024 | Lichtman Predicts Kamala Harris Win Will Presidential Eelections | World 24X7 thumbnail
US Elections 2024 | Lichtman Predicts Kamala Harris Win Will Presidential Eelections | World 24X7

Category: News & Politics

You are watching the world 24/7 on the ndtv network i'm parmesh barava we've got an action fact bulletin lined up for you let's begin with the headlines we're tracking at the moment the known american election forecaster and historian alan lickman has officially predicted that vice president and democratic... Read more

US Election 2024 | Trump Agrees To Debate With Kamala Harris, Outlines Specific Rules thumbnail
US Election 2024 | Trump Agrees To Debate With Kamala Harris, Outlines Specific Rules

Category: News & Politics

Ending speculations that donald trump could back out from debating vice president kamla harris the former us president has confirmed he will be debating harris next month however trump has specific terms and conditions for the life face off that is 2 months before the presidential elections in a post... Read more

Patriots 10 - 20 Commanders summary, stats, scores and highlights |  #breakingnews  #news  #nfl thumbnail
Patriots 10 - 20 Commanders summary, stats, scores and highlights | #breakingnews #news #nfl

Category: Sports

In a thrilling preseason matchup the washington commanders showcased their strength by defeating the new england patriots 20 to 10 the commander's defense was the star of the game applying relentless pressure and stifling the patriots offensive efforts despite the challenging circumstances rookie quarterback... Read more