
Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:46:12 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] welcome we are back baby hi right so Rebecca Jody episode one it's here it's here here it and what was it that we watched we oh gosh what what was it salurn salt Sal yeah I've already forgotten no you haven't oh yeah no to be fair don't now I'm going to come straight in with a controversial um thought oh didn't enjoy it I didn't either I'm happy that you said that because I was really worried that you were going to enjoy it and I wasn't I think I enjoyed it like the cinematography of it I really enjoyed like the music it was really well done yeah the music was amaz everything about it was well done I was just I was losing interest how did you yeah same yeah it was a very slow burner at the beginning um I kind of got the twist quite quickly but also this is what bugs me with trailers cuz I watched the trailer before I watched the movie so did I once somebody tells you there's a Twist and a turn or whatever in it it ruins it I'm then sitting there watching it going something's going to happen yeah something's going to happen yeah but like how do they promote things without that's the difficult one we I think with promotion and the way they promoted this movie as well they didn't do well with hiding any of the twist no because within I wanted to watch the trailer before watching the movie because I wanted to get an idea of what was going on yeah and I thought well I went into it not knowing exact like anything about it at all so watching the trailer I was just like oh it's one of these kinds of movies where kind of dled that enjoyment for me yeah same 100% cuz you're you're instantly going oh here it comes oh here it comes and this is where um there was a movie I can't remember the name of the movie now but their trailers were all like it's a romance it's a romance and then it was actually like a thriller but I can't remember the movie and it's going to really bug me I love that kind of thing though but like a good you go you go to watch it and you're like oh okay wasn't expecting that and then I was kind of expecting it I I love that though I love that kind of twist but this one didn't work but I I also feel like this isn't really my genre that I enjoy it 100% same same it was so why did we watch it it was recommended it was recommended it was I had it recommended to myself by a few people really yeah and talk to people I kind of I only talk to a very small I'd say a few it was like three but it kind of made me super excited to watch it and it didn't happen for me it was I think for me it was the comment that was given to me was oh you should watch it it's weird but you should watch it like it but it almost didn't come across like it was a positive experience is that weird in a good way or a bad way don't get me wrong the actors and everything in it amazing they're oh yes so I wanted to get into that straight away so the two main characters MH Oliver and Felix yeah I really liked the way they they presented themselves yeah yeah I love the actor for Oliver anyway bar Yogen he's an amazing actor because he kind of has that weird thing about him but he can play so many like do you know what it is for me it's when he looked dead into the camera like he was looking into my soul i j revolted i got chills and they multiplied I straight down the SP it was just and then and then but then it also like started to tilt didn't it it was like he's look and then he's like yeah he kind of had that creepy smoke was like not sure about you my friend yeah I did think he was a great character to like a great actor to use for that character 100% and Jacob El Lord he was Australian I spent the whole time judging his I was waiting for like a few slip UPS I was like but it is I quite a did British really well though I quite often slip into Australian yeah you do yeah I do a lot yeah and it's the worst B is is I try and answer in Australian and I'm terrible at the accent it does not work for me yeah it's I've got asked if I've Australian so many times that's what I mean I think a lot of it's very the way that we move mes are very similar yeah but I've noticed a lot of Americans willed get confused between British and americ and Australian when I went to um I was about to say the New Forest many Americans The New Forest no no uh oh my God dead center of Britain for all of the Americans cuz that works you went full rural Britain for the Americans the Grand Canyon that's where I when I was at the Grand Canyon all right yeah I got asked by so many Americans if I was Australian it's be I think though with Americans if you had a British and an Australian literally talking at them they would be able to guess which ones which oh yeah but when it's singular British accent anyway both of the actors brilliant in their roles I really enjoyed their Dynamic yes it was but that kind of ruined the The Twist because I could see it straight away with Oliver 100 yeah I even wrote myself a note saying the twist is at the beginning yeah and just a quick one for anyone listening there is going to be spoilers oh 100% 100% go watch the movie you know what um has really stuck in my mind was the crunchy bar yeah when he was handed the crunchy bar I'm think I'm not that big all I know it was set in the '90s no it was set in 2006 2006 that's why they had the the Christmas scene The Cheeky Girls did you not he the background God I was wondering I was like oh yeah God so as soon as that stuck with me no it was a Christmas song it's terrible and as soon as I saw it I was like oh my God this feels so 2006 but it felt very British the whole thing felt did you not find that quite a lot of the SC felt very skinned yes right yes I also as was like it felt like IED that down TV yeah it I think this this movie would worked really well as a series rather than an actual movie where they could have actually left the whole twist thing out of the trailer mhm done it as a series really like done a slow burner so that twist wasn't so obvious from the beginning I think it would have worked better as a series but then it would have really felt like skins would have been SK just so bur yeah a lot of the characters kind of reminded me of certain characters from Skins as well yeah I get that I get that 100% I really enjoyed um watching Richard E Grant yes yeah he was he is a Sir James Sir James I'm pretty certain that is who he is in life oh no it that's not acting that's just turning up for he was way too comfortable in that position oh yeah he loved it do you know what actually I really enjoyed is you know the part where um can't remember his character's name um Felix was walking Oliver through the house oh it made it feel like you were actually there yeah and you could a sense of how big the property is cuz normally whenever you watch like these Royal programs and that you only ever see one room you don't see it feels like a scene yeah it feels like a stage like there's no there's no like okay this room connects to this room blah blah blah you got to go up the stairs down the stairs around but the way he followed from bedroom to barroom to bedroom yeah that but it also made it feel like yes you can get loster because you there's so much going on oh yeah and then he goes and we'll meet in the library all right yeah where where the hell is the library you didn't show me that one mate where the Butler is that didn't like him from the start yeah Duncan yeah I thought he yeah he had a good eye he had a really good eye but it was it was one of those characters that kind of like came and went yeah he was like in a few scenes did his part and then was like I'm done for the day did he die not that so I have questions about this there is a few characters that kind of just pu and disappeared the cousin guy he disappeared well he got told yeah well he no he didn't get told to leave he got told to go to his room and because the police were going to search room because Sir James said he's like he's going to send the police yeah and then we don't see or hear from Farley again do you reckon is still room re what um they also the poor poor um poor dear Pamela she just disappeared do you think they murdered her they did say did you not catch that scene where um uh rosand Pike no Roseman pike rosan pike Roseman Pike so she said oh Pamela died yeah out of nowhere yeah yeah how when why no was after they decided to send her away at night yes that to me sounds a bit like but that's why I was a little bit more question in it because did did they actually send her away like they were going to do with Oliver yeah and Oliver got hold of it oh yeah because that's that's The Twist by the way my bad sper oliv aill it just kind of nothing happened it was just like oh yeah by by the way Pam's dead we'll move on but I think that kind of works for the characters yeah yeah especially for and Sir James because I kind of shut down for anything that was to do with I felt throughout watching the thing like I can see where they tried to make the family look like they're the ones that probably did were doing all the killing but something was a miss it wasn't quite I think they weren't developed enough for us to actually feel that or or was I just expecting too much because I heard so many things and just expected oh I think we ruined it a little bit for ourselves but that was the whole point looking into it watching it and then going what did you give it out of five I gave it a 3.7 I gave it a three dead on three yeah I was like but I really enjoyed like the like I said like the music and the yeah the direct it was beautiful oh yeah yeah the the I really enjoyed like the graphics that they used at the beginning for like the titles and that what did you think about the aspect racho I thought it I did something wrong I won't lie I thought I pressed a button on my TV so I so I restarted it and I was oh no it's not me it's I did the same thing on the TV and it came up actually like blown up so so it also yeah so I actually like it skipped the top and the bottom oh yeah so I thought there's definitely something wrong cuz I read that the aspect ratio was meant to be for 4x3 four 4 point yeah 4. yeah and I was like there's something wrong so I then had to come out of the app completely on my on my TV and actually use it through my fire stick and that's when it finally did it on the aspect ratio so I don't know whether anyone else has actually watched it incorrect I'm sure people won't carry on watching it with but it looked absolutely fine because of the way it was filmed everything close people's faces in that cuz I noticed it like literally it was just a scene of you following Oliver into Oxford University yeah and I was like there's something wrong so I wonder if that's like if anyone else has like pointed that out I don't know me to email Amon have a look will you you're men your research uh help desk at Amazon Prim after watching the movie I was thinking maybe some like I was missing something maybe like some of it was reshot or some of it was Rewritten at some point yeah but no no no I feel like for me it's a onetime viewing although I did watch it twice it's a one time so did I but you don't need to watch it twice watch it twice but the second time I watched it I was trying to see if I could see the Tells that I knew were coming but you saw it the first time what true true you know what got me you know he was like doing the voice over at the beginning where he's like looks like he's doing an interview with a camera just before the title's hit he goes and he like they stop him just before he says something from that moment I was thinking well I I wrote um I think he hates him yeah at the end towards the end when like it's a few years later oh yeah and like he's aged up it looks so well done I was really surprised on that he looks like he'd actually aged and matur yeah yeah especially in the face yeah cuz normally they just oh we just changed their hair yeah we'll give him some better clothes but like his whole face looked like it actually matured and I think that was the way he was presenting himself cuz if you watched the beginning he's very slouch he's quite inverted in himself we're sitting here slouching yeah um and then at the end he's very shoulders back he he looked taller as well was that just me yeah he looked more Hench like yeah that was weird so I wonder how long between the first scene and the last scene being filmed like how long that was but then again he was wearing a lot was he wearing a long sleeve t-shirt yes so it could have been a suit yeah but some told you can notice that especially the yeah the around the wa no he wasn't but I did like El Beth yes yes I loved her character same she was so well played she's a great actress anyway mhm they're all really good it was a weird bunch of people though it was a weird lot to from the guy that tried befriending him at the very beginning in the school he was odd so you know who he is no have you seen the house of dragon no oh you haven't so he's in the house of dragon and I've Loved I just SW I'll bleep you out editing I really loved his character in that because he had like like weird kind of sance and he was a little bit twisted so when I saw him on screen in the movie I loved it I thought that was like that instant quirky weird like child from not get that Vibe I loved it I just got oh he's a proper weirdo yeah the weird and wacky I have studied every single book in all of the libraries I've ever been to and that is I think his name was Michael Gaby do you reckon they actually read the books like the characters do you reckon cuz he said I've read them all and he was like even thingy Bible I think he was lying then I think he was lying from the second the second his mouth started moving in this movie I think it's all been lies so Oliver like his first interaction that we really see him actually being Oliver rather than introducing himself to people at Oxford JY was in the room with the professor and Farley almost sounded like a professor when he was speaking to FY anyway so as soon as that came through I was like H you seem a bit snidey yeah oh are you hungry no I think it's just singing a song of its people after we've done the meet and great with Oliver Felix little bit of Harley like their life in uni they've gone drinking at the pub and this that and the other and he's like the scene where he goes to pay for the round of drinks yes so he gets peer pressure into doing the round of drinks yeah and Felix is a bit like oh it's a bit expensive for him I've got all the money and then you've got Michael the creepy dude with the glasses in the back like I've just been abandoned by my friends and then just leaves he was did you see that did you not see that no so you know where he went to the pub with the creepy dude with I didn't realize he stayed he stayed so he was there for a couple of minutes and then Oliver went to Felix and sat at his table Yeah and then it like Cuts back to like the background scene of Michael literally getting up having a look and being like well I've been ab and now I'll just leave so he literally just and then it goes into the part where Oliver PS for the r and the way Oliver is looking at Felix at that point is weird yeah that's really creepy because he's not just looking at him like it was at the end yeah where it actually shows you why he was looking at him that it was like a pervy look that made me uncomfortable and it just got worse from there when we start seeing him being a bit more F also he was talking about how expensive that round was for how many people it was not that many people and yer bombs in 2006 were not that expensive yeah but still you're in Oxford you're in Oxford and there's one two three like six of you there it's going to be more than 20 quid surely yeah oh well yeah you've got to be prepared yeah and why didn't have card he only gave him 20 quid I did not mate I'm not paying for you like for everyone's no absolutely not no but then we're not suckers to peer pressure ah true so it goes on to after the pubs yeah it goes on to Felix getting with what was her name one of the girls the the yeah I don't know India I think it was there were many yeah I think it was India and Oliver just stares at him through the window yes while smoking what are you doing yeah and he just watches him I'm sorry but with the twist at the end that doesn't quite make sense sucking the bath water out of the bath and then licking the all to I holding I can't I can't my brain just went there I was holding that thing um purely because I wrote that made me gag oh I swore again but what I wanted to question before we got into that scene scene shall be known as the don't that actually makes me want G I'm going to name this chapter it takes us half an hour to get to Salt and my god it feels like half an hour so I even double checked and it is literally half an hour into the movie you finally like see salt yeah oh does it feel like it I mean if you enjoy this type of movie absolutely fine I think it's because I didn't however because if you enjoy this movie this type of movie then you don't care how long it takes a story to get there that's like you like all the background you like the leadup and all that whereas I much prefer a easier to follow yeah movie if I have to use my brain too much for me then it's the no watch movies to have fun I don't that's why I don't like scary films why love scary films we have to do a scary film I've been watching Nancy Drew recently for the last week I've been watching this Nancy Drew series right and I kid you not the jump scares in that should not be a thing like at one point she opens the curtain and the music's all like happy and then all of a sudden the hand jumps through and it's like P literally jumped so much my dog fell off the bed like it was terrifying so no PO little dog you're just like throwing him off I didn't throw him off I jumped which made him jump he just happened to jump we have to do a Scary Movie one day please I love a good scary film even if it's not like scary SC my review will be I watched it with no sound no I am going to force you to watch the scary movie I went to go to cinema to see um the house in the woods cabin Cabin in the Woods a house The Cabin in the Woods and I spend the whole time sitting in the chair like this sideways on in the fetal position going back up God crying to your I was I I could not sit still and I'm terrible at sitting still anyway I just couldn't just I so would have loved to the scene because I find movies I thought that was a a funny movie yeah I don't think it's not scary but because I was at the cinema and I couldn't mute it and I had no had I had didn't have my special cushion but I couldn't hold on rewind take it back you have a what now I I have a special cushion and what is this special CA it's just a like a safe like a comfort blanket um for when I'm watching things I don't want to watch that the night before I went to go on holiday I thought you were going to say the nightmare before Christmas I went on holiday I was packing my suitcase and you bought your special pillow no Alan you're a big girl my other half Alan one half of the AA Club decided to put a scary movie on the TV while I'm hacking that's fine got to get up ridiculously early in the morning did I sleep no do you know why cuz I didn't have my emotional support that's amazing bless you darling right where where were we in the land of salurn oh God I never want to be in the land no well venisha ham yeah I love those two characters wish we could actually experience them a little bit more apart from like not the way Oliver experienced fisha that was I don't no I have like an easy gag and I no that's I mean if you can do it good you know good on you but no that is not for me but P the cleanup oh notop why well at Le we saw him clean up oh too far you question too much what I was going to say really wanted to see a little bit more of like their character development especially Pamela yeah cuz you could tell she was like an alcoholic kind of addict something so um poor dear Pamela her character right the way that she was is classic sign that someone is a very dependent person yeah so the fact that Elizabeth gave her instructions and she instantly went where who and as soon as elth said the kitchen she goes where's that how do you not know where the kitchen is you must have been staying there for yeah however long she must have been staying there so to think that that the only thing that we saw her really doing was drinking yeah how long has she been there and how sober has she been in that time cuz I doubt it was I doubt you very sober at all yeah exactly so I wonder what was going on there and then we like yeah but then we really get to like meet Venicia and Oliver's weird scene yeah Y and venisha said to Oliver I like you more than last year's one yeah like we understand like Ron in the movie that she meant fix's old friend that they had a fling with last year this this is where I this is where they're trying to play it off like it's the family that going doing bit like that that games night thing where it's like not games night whatever that movie is called where the family where it's like the who's who did it yeah that's where I think they were trying to they were trying to cover up that that twist yeah and it didn't work no it really didn't work and just wanted to mention breakfast the next morning after that issue where visha and Oliver were outside um Farley's bedroom yeah that was so awkward to watch yeah cuz I felt a lot of what Farley was going through like that must have been but also absolutely said she was going to stay at the dinner table and she did not no she lied she got up and went but Oliver did pick on on that later which also shows his like controlling manipulative personality there which is shown throughout the whole movie which I think is why the twist didn't work very well at all yeah it was almost like the edit should have saved all of that for the end you know like when they go back and they show him putting the pin in the tire oh yeah and all that if they'd saved a lot of those bits for there as well but they did break through the surface quite a lot throughout so you kind of saw all that coming a lot of it happening before they were like oh by the way this happened well yeah like we saw it yeah we saw that from a mile away yeah so I don't think that helped I understand that they've got to do like a character development especially with Oliver the way the movie is trying to point out yeah but it did not float my boat I really wanted it to be good I this is this is the thing like it is good it's shot good there's good movie it's got good script yeah it but it's just not my favorite no but it's basically there's a lot of holes that I can pick in it yeah yeah yeah boy did it drag why is it two hours I I I paused it to see how long left it had and I was like not even halfway no yeah that was painful why was it two it did not need to be 2 hours and I think that's because I wanted it to be like a shot car but but it this is the this is again where I feel like if the trailer had just not said oh like with all the reviews from all these people on it saying a goth Thriller for a summer never to be forgotten and you're just like okay well you've just told me it's a thriller like a th though but because I because those words were used I'm like think okay here we go here's all the Mur where's all the murders it did feel like they were trying to change like the age rating it's rated R in America th this is what I mean so it's rated what 15 like that yeah but we're OD as nuts aren't we o yeah but this did as a thriller so I was expecting like proper the but I was expecting it to be like proper Thriller yeah especially at 15 it kind of wasn't it didn't feel like that to me I mean even I could watch it really comfortably yeah that's something something have my comfort pill my emotional support she's growing up she's growing I'm a big girl I bet you wish you had a v bucket though you know what I feel like I'm just becoming a little bit numb to life because they didn't react at all to when he was like eating his cereal so I want to mention something to you that I thought was re really weird so at the end mhm where it goes back to his beginning monologue where he was like well actually I hated him yeah you hated someone that much why did you suck his come out well he did say it was like he he loved him and hated I think what he actually I love you but not that much thank and I definitely don't hate you though much that's a weird thing to do I can't look at bath THS the same ever again it was the noise or it was the noise or dug up soil I'm never going to be able to look at dug up soil the same way over again so I wanted to cover that why if he hated him that much that's a second move that he did well actually there was multiple um I think he he was in love with him but wanted the money more I think oh it's weird yeah yeah but like Aline because he I think I think I just had a St um I think his first plan was to get with the guy to get the money yeah and then because he was being shot down yeah it didn't which is why he then drugged him I think because he literally got but then he put the drugs in there before he went over to him so this is another thing I I know that there's like British police they're not quite as high standard as would have put a plus Bal C hell they would have been like we'll do an autopsy oh we found this in his system but I think I think he ODed like he' already had drugs so he took I think he probably used cocaine or something that's probably why like Farley also proba why he mentioned the drugs at the table to tell him to go yeah yeah have a look that way kind of that would make sense why his dad overreacted to the drugs oh oh how did you feel about Sir James and Elizabeth's reaction to Felix's death well I thought hers was very staged he was in denial he was like got to getting warm got to getting warm so I think he was in like not my not my son she it felt like she was just needs to when we first see her there she's like facing away from everything um but then she turns around she like right let's go have dinner but if I rewind back to op's dead yeah she was there was nothing and I think that's what she was trying to do with Felix like just play it off yeah let's go back to normal let's go let's go have dinner cuz it'll all be fine in a it yeah but it did fit yeah she has lost it at that point yeah so I I did actually really like her her reaction purely because it showed like a mother who has just lost her only child really like Prime son mhm and she is fully like going back to normal it'll be all right in a bit but then when they're sitting out dinner and Duncan has to pull the curtains I did notice it was only her and Oliver eating yes and it always goes red and then like sir James's reaction when Duncan couldn't pull that curtain and he was just like just pull the goddamn curtain that was great because that was really like I've had enough now we need to stop I can't see him go past the window no it was just the sound's reaction was brilliant where he was like trying to hold it all in and then everything is like piling up and it's all like turning into a volcano of emotions and he's just bursting at the smallest thing I really like that yeah that's how Elizabeth should have been yes like the smallest things was like a huge bombfire yeah your son is dead yeah I was waiting for her reaction like like far surging or yeah thirst like you just like like God damn it and then like slam your fork down or something I thought that was so good I thought that was really good it's like a small thing but it really worked for his character yeah that was good and I think that also like shocked Oliver that was when Oliver was really trying to plant that seed with El Beth it's like yes everything is fine I'll talk about this instead yeah he was yeah he was trying to get that connection to that's when I was getting a weird vibe from him oh I got a weird vibe from the S incident he went into far's bedroom which we haven't mentioned yet oh yeah is that just I think it's all just a way of controlling the situation Oliver trying to control that's why he smashed the GL at first I thought he smashed the glass and then went into that room with a Shard of glass and was going to like stab him in the penis or something bit dramatic there well you know I wasn't thinking directly well you know he was doing stuff there so that would be the location yeah oh and when the glass got fixed and he was like hm yeah didn't come back to that did we who fixed it because the maids do everything as well M cuz there was a lot of stuff where Maids must have known that he was the killer oh God knows everyone just seemed to have just like turned a blind eye that's also what I got annoyed with where did Duncan go he knew the ins and outs of everything at the end when eleth found Oliver again yeah which was also apparently Twisted he apparently Twisted that yeah cuz he was just typing nonsense on his keyboard so he hunted her down did she he not ask her oh where's Duncan now and she say that he's still at Sal and that he should come and visit yes yes so where did dunan go did he get rid of every one of the workers out H I don't know you would like to think so consider you PRC around naked I wasn't expecting to see everything I saw I saw a lot more than I was I was not expecting the the bounciness of it all all the way through the whole movie there was a lot of sexual references there was a lot of like sexual activities going on we haven't actually seen any private parts male or female no and then at the end that was a good three minutes you see a man dancing naked but at first it was just from behind so you thought okay we're not going to see everything at the front oh we do yeah we even see it waving in the wind as he goes around in circles I don't have a penis I was quite fascinated at the way it actually moved when he went around in purple right the way it kind of just floated and like a point Ed like a campus I just kept thinking surely that like is that not going to hurt if he get it trapped all I was thinking was he was going to turn wrong and hit it on the table KN over the the way he spun and it just kind of floated in the air like a compassing to you know those spinning top things like I really enjoyed the sound choice for that yeah I really did yeah it really worked but did it not feel like it went on for a while yeah I also don't think he was listening to that song when he was actually dancing because there was a bit where it it's like and she goes it's m on the dance and he like reacts too late and I'm like yeah okay they've added this song in afterwards I wonder if they chose a different one I want to know whether they chose a different one so I wanted to cover what did you think he was going to do to Elizabeth at the end where he pulled yeah I kept thinking he was just about to like rape her or something I thought something really Dodge was going to happen because he's been dodgy throughout the whole thing he h to pile of dirt like I mean he's done a lot more than that so yeah like the whole I'm a Vampire scene and oh yeah yeah like he's done a lot worse so when he was in that like monologue scene that we've seen from the beginning we've now elabor elaborated what he was actually saying yeah and it SB in the in the bed yeah with her ler yeah how did she get into that state what did he do he must have been like poisoning her over time or something yeah cuz he was Wheeling her around and she was all floppy and I thought she was dead first I thought she was dead in the wheelchair yeah when he was going but then that timeline wouldn't work for them to go oh this is him weaving her around dead his her on a ventilator so it must have been he was doing something overtime yeah and it slowly destroyed her was killing her off now she's on a ventilator yeah and then he kind of does his little monologue to her about whether he loved hated or was in love with Felix yeah like y we've elaborated that but why did he pull that cover off of her so slowly and then just climb onto her like a little Ka and I thought he was going to put his head in like her groin but then he puts it on her chest and it was like a like a motherly cuddle rather than like his weird ass creepy and then it just kind of pulls the ventilator out of yeah which I'm I'm pretty certain they're going to know they're going to see that that has been pulled that has been pulled out and then there's no helpers in in the household anymore he's dancing around naked for a good like three minutes I didn't time it yeah pretty much and then like there's no Farley he's just disappeared yep like Phoenicia oh we didn't cover Phoenicia dead dead in the bathtub and yeah after Oliver was very like intimidating to her yeah and she was like I know exactly what is going on she knew that's why she had to go that's why she had to go why she because he realized know he she saw between the lights yeah so she's gone Farley don't know what happened to him Elizabeth died how long was he waiting to get the to get so I don't know because they like panned it back to like his first visual scene of Jacob what's his name again Felix Felix like I'm forgetting the movie is instantly his own did he instantly know then that Felix had a mistake he must have known that he had money maybe not to that extent or he researched him before he went because he knew a lot he did know a lot he knew what story to tell about his parents that weren't true we didn't dad died his mom was an alcoholic got really playing on Felix's heartstrings for Felix G see if I was fix I would have left him there I wouldn't have let him back in the car yeah I would have literally just left him at his parents and been like I'll drop your stuff off later or I'll send it in in the mail or whatever cancel the party nobody cares it's but he was just like oh we've already planned the party now we've already got 200 people arriving you've got to come back to saltburn with me even though you're creepy if you w such a nice you can't I can witness witness um I don't know what I was saying I lost my trail of thought letting him back in the car taking him back to top yeah just don't do it I'm sorry if you if if I callau you in like the world's biggest lie I'm like see you later yeah my whole life is a lie my brother isn't Nam Stuart no I know we were bonding so but like if it was a huge issue like that like I would have left him behind he he's obviously got a a happy family there like his parent why haven't his like his parents never questioned Oliver on why he just the mother is very clearly sad that she never sees her son yeah the dad obviously knows more because he was just like just let just let just let him he's a young lad he's in uni leave him to it he's a meter it didn't where even is that from I can't remember it's like Scottish though is it has been a murder what is that from oh that's going to really annoy me now but my end view on this movie wanted to really enjoy it de did not enjoy it as much as I was hoping to and it felt so long I don't know how I managed to watch it twice yeah once is enough I yeah no I didn't like it you really wanted to yeah I really I really want to lie and be like oh yeah really enjoyed it like we said before though the music's great yeah the way it's shot is great there's a lot of artsy fartsy moments where I was like they're really trying hard there cuz the director is Emerald Fel yeah yeah I don't think I've seen promising young women oh I was going to say I don't think i' I've seen any of their work academy award winning is this Academy Award winning what we're doing right now no salurn salurn um don't don't play me like that s is not the academy winning I would say a lot of the acting was really good oh yeah 100% the characters I wish I knew more there was two too many characters to try and do like a backstory for each of them yes yeah that's why I think better series it a little bit reminds me of you know like knives out and things like that where there's lots of characters and things but CU that's what maybe it's literally just his view of like so once they leave cuz he's not seeing them you don't see them yeah because we are literally following his footsteps from beginning to end yeah that could be could be the view that they went before but I found everyone but Oliver more interesting and I don't think that works for a movie following one person no cuz I wanted to I mean he's played the character so so well like he what makes me worry a little bit that he's a little bit creepy in real life that means that means he's a great actor he's a brilliant actor in this role yeah but he does play a lot last thing I saw him in was eternals yeah yeah he was great in eternals yeah I enjoyed that movie I really enjoyed that movie as well shall we talk about eternals let's no let's talk about eternals for the next uh hour he it was in D Dunkirk as well haven't seen d c really he was also in the last very end scene of the Batman the 2022 one is it who's who's Batman Robert Pass oh okay yes yes y so at the end we're like the J spoiler by the way um is is bar believes because it didn't actually suck no it I full on was expecting it Tock I was expecting it to as well so I kind of just I didn't watch it in the cinema I mean I also thought the same about Ben Affleck so did I but he actually worked quite well yeah do you know what I've learned about myself I don't know the names of things oh I'm terrible with that old thingy from that show with the person you know that one that one because I wasn't really enthralled by it I I couldn't even be bothered to write many notes I got very distracted that's why I was writing notes because I was getting a little bit bored yeah I it was definitely not my cupy yeah we can have cupy can cup but I was a little bit disappointed yeah same because I really wanted to like it oh yeah 100% the the fact that so many people told me to watch it or or like they're going oh have you watched so and I'll be like nah had heard of it but then again I don't watch normal TV or watch anything with aders so I never know about unless it's Doctor Who I do not watch TV but I think that's why like we were blind to it yeah so three out of five for me well now I'm think now I've spoken out loud how I feel about it I feel like 3.7 is too high it is too high Dar that is too high especially if you're doing it out of five yeah I think mine one quite average because it was 1 it wasn't a bad film my opinion not a great film yeah so it should be down the middle I don't think we're the We're Alone on this no cuz it was 71% on Rotten Tomatoes that's quite High though it is but like when you put it into like five stars like we doing yeah three or five times the same true and then you've got 7.2 out of 10 on IMDb to me 7.5 out of 10 I got written down for IMDb oh maybe it's gone up or maybe it's gone down it's probably gone down probably gone down yeah I wrote this a long time ago it felt like a long time ago before the movie started I wrote it but it got released in November I didn't realize it yeah 17th of November yeah geez um have we got any more thoughts on this movie um not really don't watch it I don't no no no I think I think you should watch it but don't watch the trailer beforehand and don't listen to this podcast well that's so we've done our views see you later right well I don't know how you're supposed to end these things so bye peace out subscribe

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