Category: Sports
You don't win every player i think would feel that the road to cooperstown airs saturday at 9:00 a.m. eastern on mlb network radio siriusxm 89 and the allnew siriusxm app new episodes drop every tuesday wherever you get your podcasts in season or out of season the number one place for college sports... Read more
Category: Sports
Straight game and look for a sweep against the angels today hi and welcome back to rogers center for this sunday mat a i'm ben schulman alongside chris laroo show ali is our host nick blackmore is our producer andrew adams and tom young are our technical directors toronto blue jays baseball is brought... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
To swing and it miss struck him out yeah man this right here is just one of those moments in baseball that i know people will be talking about for probably years to [music] come to swing and a miss struck him out gets out of the inning it's ran a man at second okay things like this are very special... Read more
Category: Sports
Good morning good afternoon at 282 with eight home runs oh two got him two strikeouts on six pitches and now guy that has the highest strikeout rate of anybody in the national league over the last two seasons in patrick wisdom the lefty zo won rift on a line to center field that's the one two three... Read more
Category: News & Politics
One minute drill. hi, everybody. the red sox 2024 schedule is out and the sox schedule to start next season will be challenging. here's why. they begin their season at a ten game west coast trip. the season opener is actually march 28th out in seattle. then they go to oakland for three, followed by... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back to baseball rambles everybody hope everybody's doing awesome out there staying safe had a chance to enjoy the mlb allstar game if you haven't like or subscribe please do so can't tell you how much i appreciate your support best way you can help me out is by hitting like and subscribe and... Read more
Category: Sports
You know i think they go back home yeah that's a long bus ride that's strike three oh and a challenge right away so this the last challenge right yep i think this is a strike just from eyeballing it if they lose it no wow that was not close he's [applause] confident it's the one thing that we did not... Read more
Category: Sports
Ch for the reds tied at two santiago espanol and joe asata giving verlander one more batter two two lifted to right falling fast al can't get it fren scores frey crosses reds take a 4-2 lead santiago espinal delivers again ammed rosario is singled he's also flying to center up the middle base hit wave... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
How about big ted washington we had him we had ted ted was a he was a monster inside when we had him and great player back then too that's a long time when we got ted we took the three four defense and we moved everybody out we did we the ends lined up and we moved them out outside linebackers we moved... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] bounc to short there's one and they don't turn two blatty will beat it out it's a fielder's choice and an rbi and the blue jays have the lead and is scoring either way but bl keeps things rolling he knows right away that he had to hit a pitcher's pitch and he chopped it to short but good... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And we do have baseball today. we are commemorating 23 years since the tragic attacks that took almost 3000 american lives on september 11. we ask that you please join us in a moment of remembrance as we honor those lost on september 1123 years ago. today, up against the birds tonight, he's coming off... Read more
Category: Sports
Saludos mi gente de liga mayores respor el podcast bienvenido a este análisis que vamos a hacer sobre dos jugadores dominicanos mi gente que son prácticamente subestimado en el mundo del béisbol en nuestro mundo señores casi no hablamos de ello esos son josé ramírez y willi dame josé ramírez este 2024... Read more