Category: Gaming
Hey guys dear pokemon here today's video we're playing the brand new season of max out in pokémon go and we start off with an amazing looking clusters we got ourselves two sovit one of the brand new shinies we got two wulu the other brand new shiny and we got ourselves score bunny groi and i don't know... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] o it's popular community day guys i do not know where princess is but everybody is following me right now looking for princess hang on it's okay it's okay i got princess replacement here this is princess this is bill just kidding not not not be but bill all right so hi hi to all of you guys... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] nope nope nope nope [music] [applause] [music] let's do this thing wo [music] [music] what Read more
Category: Gaming
Welcome back trainers and in this video we're going to be going over some more details on the dynamax and we do have power spots showing up and it's very interesting as to where some of these things are actually appearing quite literally there's one right down the street from my house unfortunately... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello everybody we are starting the dynamax adventures today power spot should be opening up soon we should be able to get our first dynamax pokemon in pokemon go i'm super hyped for this new startup screen absolutely beautiful let's see if i can get chat up here and because of a little oh whoa whoa... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yeah okay go ahead all right go hey we're at the tru park the atlanta braves today opening a pack of obsidian flames it's so hot out here but we're going to smoke the competition of the braves game today see we get that code card right there bam code card our energy is psychic see what we get out of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What is going on guys nicole here it is friday we're gonna go hunting for some pokemon cards i got my joker mask on guys we're first stop walmart let's see what we got here guys it doesn't look good but let's take a look anyways hope you guys are enjoying your day same positive staying safe yes it is... Read more
Category: Gaming
Points ze heute haben wir richtig zeit und lust vielleicht sogar auf 11 aber dann machen wir auf 12 das ma ich gerade noch das gren und schwarzen humorhtet aussagen da in diesem video vorkommen sind nicht ernst gemeint es tut mir leid prof aber wegen dem 5 l monster energy bin eingeschlafen es tut mir... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Será que a marv vai fazer uma uma parceria com a anan meu [música] deus vai fala galetin canal galena começando mais um vídeo para vocês não é começando fala galera canal 40 trazendo mais um vídeo pr vocês e hoje dia comunitário não hora do holofote do d pider dessa aranhinha que é uma aranha ela garante... Read more
Category: Gaming
[música] y [música] [música] y [música] y ah [música] [música] [música] ona onda cómo andamos cómo andamos me oigo no me oigo qué dicen por ahí nos escuchamos no nos escuchanos a ver vámonos para youtube a ver si pokémon go acaba de iniciar las 10 de la mañana en méxico y algunas partes de latinoamérica... Read more
Category: Gaming
Today is week three of the pokemon card deals and steals of the week let's see if we can save some money on pokemon cards this week and i'll tell you guys it's looking like a pretty solid week might be the best week we've had so far starting off with best buy when best buy has a deal you know your week's... Read more
Category: Gaming
Das dynamx update steht in den startlöchern heute geht es schon los da werden bald ein paar energiequellen auftauchen na und man kann sich für die kämpfe vorbereiten wir sehen uns alles an ich habe sogar so eine kleine pressemitteilung von nian gehalten also sollten irgendwelche infos nicht im blog... Read more