Dewpider Spotlight Hour! Time to Hunt for Shinys! Hundos! Shundos!?

so since the day is over if we walk over there we could we could take down the gym right now it's terrible cuz we're inside unless you're still connected to the Wi-Fi it's trying to break off [Music] hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle you going then L baby blue face baby yeah right why about to rain bro it say it's not raining today I got no rain clothes I wore a jacket none of them was getting caught what how much space do I have not enough all right let me do this before we get crazy save my shinies no hundos no nunds any good PVP IVs today any good P IVs today nope and so then age Z to three all right time to cook I would like time to cook we need PVP I hund's really don't matter for this thing but we need pvps we need shiners shiny that's PVP I is a double Banger so I got Flex it in baby comps that coughing is taking space that coughing is taking space it actually looks like it's about to rain very soon as in sooner than later soon shiny shiny where is the sh no where is the [Music] shiny Aquin it is so good we'll do some um dynamx RS around here if we stumble upon some actually there's one there feel like I should have put on a better fit man the the weather report lied to me these are not weather boosted why are these so hard to get oh hold on hold on two times catch Stardust oh popping the star piece so I'm putting two star pieces on and I'm putting on the inant now we can get a active now we can get active now I actually need to catch these I might even have to go to Ultra Balls that's how serious this is crazy that's how serious it is that's not need to catch everyone this is serious except you cuz you're being a butt munch me no dupid who popped out the ball like sounds like so that is 300 star pieces that's not bad let's get it what's good Ace welcome in welcome in welcome in honestly I can't put on this side cuz I'll be quick catching this way we want a Shiner we want a Shiner let me get a little closer cuz these things are kind of small it's midnight for you you're 6 hours ahead of me where uh what country are you in again 6 hours ahead it's crazy at least you got something to watch as you go to sleep I guess I don't know UK o Josh what's up Josh welcome in UK in here I need Stardust because boy oh boy I'll be feel like I'll be going broke a little too quick start do broke I feel like I'll be getting broke a little too fast I really just want a shiny man that shiny looks so good and I really want PVP I if I had to pick a shinier PVP IV that would be a hard choice soz I know I need my PVP cuz I want Legend to get a nacho libbre prika but I'm a shiny Hunter at heart I do not know which one I would want shiny I don't know I don't know the shiny looks so good like be it's a be you pi bvp obies all day you fake shiny Hunter you Wann toe Shiner Hunter how many you guys are going to be here tomorrow when we battle the chat so you guys can try to be in giveaways how many people are going to be here when we battle the chat that's the real question you shiny hunt too that's like the ultimate question pvps or or taking the shiny cuz at that rate you're choosing to be a shiny hunter or a battler that is literally the choices that is the Peak choices and I'm torn so I want the shiny but I really want to get that natural Libra p and I know people who said they'll trade it to me but nothing feels different than when you actually get it off the grind when you get Legend and it just a so beautiful that is an easy answer but you only get one you can't get lucky on that every time ooh a Shiny Metagross nice they're going to bring Metagross and buum for the uh Dynamax I'm having a blast I've done like over 20 Dynamax or Max battles today Dynamax Rays Max battles I've literally did so many yeah they're spotting very slow like I have been like on it today no dang it like if I go here and then I go to Dynamax they give you three to start you get two wulu and then you have to get one SC it and today the day it started so I'm at 24 so I've done 21 today and I got a couple couple of the particle packages too I have 10 left I think earlier I had like 15 so I've really been going at it and one thing that I think is super cool which I didn't know maybe you guys know maybe you don't but as you evolve your mods they can change your they can change the Dynamax move they get so a lot of times the babies will just get Max strike and then they can evolve and that move will be a different type but sometimes as a baby you can get a Type move already sometimes as a baby you can get it so let me show you so dry right now so this Boba has Max overgrown so he has a grass move as a baby right that one has it but this one just has Max strike just regular but when I evolved all my my Max dri they end up getting a move so this blasty boy end up getting a water move which was sick but then this blasty which is sick got a dark type move Max darkness and I can't get a better I I want a better IVs I want at least 14 attack 14 or 15 attack before I evolve but this Venusaur got grass as you can tell by the name then I have a Charizard this one has a flying Dynamax move and then this already has a fire Dynamax move so we we've been hunting we have been hunting so I re I really want something nice like and I do have some other Bulbasaur and stuff I can evolve but I'm getting low on candy and then after with the candy you also need more candy to level up the moves and stuff so yeah that's that let's go I'm come in yeah Josh it's pretty dope I like it are you showing your trainer code I add people technically tomorrow every Wednesday I add people if they participate in battle so every Wednesdays I battle against the chat and I put my friend code up and people battle against me so yeah so essentially if you came tomorrow the one down there done all of these everyone in this area have been completed I don't want to do that I just want to do the the stream ending the stream ends when Spotlight hour ends so about 50 minutes about 50 minutes we stream earlier for an hour and 10 we're streaming again for about an hour I also posted a video so if you guys haven't seen my latest video I should put it up for you guys should pin it up so you guys can check out my latest via let me see let me let me P up hit that like button man y'all if y'all haven't hit that like button what are you doing if y'all haven't hit that like button what are you do doing let me let me uh pin this so y'all could watch it please check out this video oh my no it's itchy make sure yall check out this video Let's see thank you for subbing I appreciate that there we go bang he and then bang and there we go there we go there we go oh tomorrow about this time I usually stream well an hour later so as my stream ends today I will be starting it so I'm not sure what time zone everyone's in everyone's in a lot of different times typically I'll stream tomorrow around 8 8:15 eastern time so around then dude these things are sparse today why are they not spawning I feel like we need to go in that little uh corner spot there's a couple Dynamax over there's too you see they're not spaw check out my latest video I did it this morning before I streamed I did my first damax I gave an honest first feel to it it's like a full Vlog first feel the things I seen with the things I like I don't like no cutting the corners so yeah I pinned it up for y'all also Timo what do you think about the Legendary Heroes event on the 26 I mean the 20 the 26th is my birthday so I think it's great they're having a Legendary Heroes on a Legendary Heroes birthday so I think it's amazing you know so what can I say that will be a stream I might stream the whole day for my birthday birthday stream hunting for shiners cuz I believe that's when Zan shiny comes out that Wednesday for raid week which is the 25th which I actually can't even go to because I will be at a twins MLB baseball game watch out so I actually won't be able to do ra hour done for shiny asan yeah the shiny hi hi hi NAA [Music] hi yeah these squits here dude the storm really brought down that whole tree man who birth my birthday is September 26th during the Zan Heroes event so it's not today but we were talking about it so today is not today but it is on the 26 during the heroes event that is what we were talking about we got three dup Hiers already that are moderately ready for baby comps you got it 0513 PVP baby let's go we take those I'll save one of these for aquid let's go first 10 minutes and we already hit a 0513 we take those all freaking day guys just put this in the middle I don't know why but that looks like a a nice spot in my head to put that let's go and you say hi you talk about to mini she's streaming herself on her own stream she's back there she's streaming herself she's a streamer she's a streamer she's a streamer she's a streamer name what name your dad has a shundo Pichu that's wild Pichu are hard to get let alone shun those those little EG guys man's doing Dynamax raids and I can't do it because they're already completed for me oh up the what's the name of her where's your 15 yeah 402 where's your where's your other phone right here just um comment something in the chat I'll have her message right now so you guys can just click on her name and follow her what's up Ryan no shiny luck for me we got some good PVP IVs we got a 0 15 14 13 Bowman you're back what's up dead R shiny R's boosted all right let's do not that I know of there was a spotlight hour not too long ago when it was uh trubbish it was 64 but I believe d p is full odds you are B you're good she just commented right now um she said hi with the wrench is rain she's streaming right now that's my girlfriend she's behind me streaming so if you click on that the mod rain with the wrench next to her name she's streaming right now she's literally behind me so I guess you would get both perspectives of the stream me and hers and we're L next to each other so if you can be on YouTube and have both screens you can see both of us and so report both of us at the same time she's lagging so she's walking slower she's getting mad I'm not going to stay there while she's mad I'm just going to I'm just going to keep walking yeah n nothing I can do there Brothers you know when your girl's mad you ain't got nothing to say just keep going you said tomorrow you will add me won't let you go to her stream why won't go to stream well that's hers it should let you click on and go to it yeah yes so tomorrow is Wednesday and that is when I put my friend code and add people and battle the chat so yes now I add people if they participate cuz some people will come in the Stream add me and leave that's not the point of Wednesdays the point of Wednesdays is I'm saving my friend codes for people who want to battle me who want to participate so if you come in tomorrow and battle me and you participate then I will add you and put you on my friends list but a lot of people think they can just come in Wednesday that's why I'm just saying this disclaimer come in Wednesday add me like my friend code and accept it but I'm like the whole point is I'm saving it for people who want to hang out on Wednesdays who want to participate not saying you're going to do that tomorrow but a lot of people just come in for like two seconds just add and just be like add me back now and I'm like bro the whole point of the friend list is to battle and to get lucky trades with people locally that is that is like the gist of it the bonuses for spotlight hour two times Stardust so I have a instant and a star piece on so two times Stardust so it's pretty good honestly all right here's Spotlight hour two times catch Stardust right there for you end the 43 minutes ah two times cat dude these Pokemon are not spawning they're sparse they're stingy with the spawns hell they stingy they stingy guys they're stingy you want to join our stream but it won't let you I'm not sure why it's not letting you she put her name that's so weird yeah um if you just go to YouTube and type in mini like m i n n i e and type Pokemon go but besides that usually I just click on people's names and it'll say like view Channel and after you click view Channel it lets you like see the stream and stuff so it's unfortunate that it's not letting you do that it's kind of weird that's typically how I do it when I watch other people streams I just click on people's name and be like view Channel View profile and then once you do that you'll see that she is happens to be live as well [Applause] you don't want to use your special rent no I don't cuz nothing's going to change like some Spotlight it's weird cuz like even without weather boost some Spotlight hours are really good and some aren't but like the point of me doing this Spotlight hour is that I want to get a of Stardust and if I'm investing like 50 to 100 can Stardust then uh that's not really what I wanted it for like the shiny is cool and all but if I had to take away like my top three things number one get as much Stardust as I can which I don't want to invest in to get it cuz nothing is really spawning cuz I used to do special rain a lot when I had it and then also PVP IVs and we knocked down a good PVP IV already with zero uh 0514 or 0513 it was still good so we knocked that down for baby cups and then if we can get like another zero attack one for aquid for great league for uh ltm's limited time outs would be super good but we're essentially we're getting we're getting our top twos right now I just felt a raindrop and we're deep from the cribo nice we got a couple more can you get some nice that's respectable I could respect that that's okay nah these three are nice this one's nice right here the 402 this one's nice yeah 05 it was 13 015 13 after stream can you send me the text Ed to not transfer stuff yeah just message me on um message me on Discord after and remind me and I got you I don't want to say yes and forget so if you remind me I got you and I can explain the different things I use to not delete and I could and I got you I got you so let me see let me put this here so I go through I th I go through a couple of them personally so when I click here see more that's why I don't have it there see more don't have so I have shinies today so it's was like a quick search so I can see my shinies without checking just shiny H zero I got a trubbish and a Le chunk that's like my fast search one and then hundos I just have it pre-save so I can see how many hundos I get four star so while we're doing um Spotlight hour for dup pyro if I see hundos go to 129 that means I got a hundo dupid so I like seeing the numbers XX is extra small want extra large mons and then nund zero attack defense and HP but the really good one that I pref is the string for PVP IVs only show me mods with zero to one Attack 3 to four defense and 3 to four HP so pretty much show me mons in that bar range of upper to Max defense and HP and then nothing to lower attack this is like the prime one but now I just do that and then when I click see more I just look at this and since I look at it so often I know if yeah yeah it is do you want to keep going it's up to you it starts pouring we have phones that are not waterproof why our phone's not waterproof this pH is I a Galaxy 21's not waterproof they made waterproof phones a while ago I mean I'm good for either so when I just look at these numbers I just know if it's raining it's starting to sprinkle guys so we may just turn around here are my legendary shines we can turn back around yeah here's them right here I got my PVP I I don't want I wanted a shiny but I mean we still have lures at the crib so we can drop some lures in chat if that's how many shiny so far we haven't got any I don't believe this is boosted either believe it's just full odds last Spight hour we had our shiny in the first freaking 10 encounters I was [Music] geeked why to is ready I have a your team is ready oh yeah yeah so Bowman when you uh when we battle the chat I let you guys pick the game mode and I let you guys pick the level so like an example if you guys want to do great League we can do great league if you guys want to do ultra League Ultra we can do Master if you guys want to do baby cut 500 under if you guys want to do great league and fire types only or Ultra league and water types like the whole point is that like I want you guys to earn a spot to be in the giveaway but I want it to be fun and that you guys have control so if you come in tomorrow and be like hey let's do ultra league dark type only that's what we're doing so if you make you a team now knowing what you want to do you would probably cook me and I want you guys to beat me cuz I want you guys to get in the giveaway that's the whole point I just Tred to I just try to have the giveaway a little bit fun that's it that's why I have you guys battle me so it's a way that you guys can get my friend code and then a way for you guys to have a little bit of fun it's not one out of 25 oh no no not even close what 1 out of 25 that is only on Community Day this is Spotlight hour and the highest Spotlight hour can be is 1 out of 64 if it's Perma boosted and that's just the natural Mon's shiny rate so an example like a month or two ago they had trubbish and trubbish is naturally one out of 64 so since it's naturally went out of 64 the whole Spotlight hours went out of 64 and I got like four trubbish and I CAU a trouish today cuz it's 1 out 64 but that was the highest it will be for spotlight hour oh yeah it's raining nice and hard right now my battery is 20% yeah it is porn it happens what team I'm team Instinct I'm team Instinct yeah have you adjusted to the new meta for PVP I feel I feel like I got worse I'm barely winning battles says Ryan I haven't did the real PVP yet for the simple fact I've still been doing baby cups and as far as baby cups I'm doing better than ever it's a small meta super easy have the overall number one and even without the overall number one we were cooking I'm at about 65 to 71 percentage so every other set I'm going three out of five or four out of five but I have not played the great league and the ultra league and I have not really went into the new meta cuz baby baby cup is always you know we went yeah baby cup is always just how it is but once baby cup go goes I'm going to have to dive into it but right now I'm just focusing on that because since I have a high win percentage I'm in that range of right now like 2700 to 3,000 so I'm in that Legend range so that is like my primary focus and I'm almost to getting my rank so then I'll have about what five six days to try to get Legend cuz I'm already running into them now I'm just not officially ranked so right now well it's 19 I don't know why it's not showing oh 18 all right I'm a few away from 19 so I should get it tomorrow I'll probably have my ranking before I battle the chat tomorrow that's probably when I'll have it to be honest I did get a bunch of could I friend you so I save my friends for those who are local so I can do trades as well as I save them for tomorrow every Wednesday that battle of the chat which I was talking about a little bit earlier every Wednesday I battle the chat and I save my friend codes for those who participate so if you come back and participate I got you I got you then come on Sparkle for me man I got like a good one PVP I and two that are really nice so if we're cutting short halfway through cuz the rain I'm not even tripping we want a shiny but pvps some XLS is is top priority top priority I guess that gives my answer I asked in chat earlier would you rather have like a shiny or a good PVP dup Hider iin I think I kind of answered that now cuz I didn't know what it was for a while but Shin I could always find a low like a low friendship that I can add mirror those it will still have a possibility of getting a shiny mean you can say the same thing I can find a friend and I could trade the shiny got to trade something else out of your stuff if you just we stuff together cuz like just like no one cares about dup pider like that's not like a famous that's why I'm like it can go both ways PVP or Shiner cuz I done taking some costume charmanders and Peak off for people so I know I could take a Dy off of somebody oh my [Music] really bro Dynamax or something bro turn 8 ft tall little our dog it stopped they gave us a fake sprinkle it still I can still feel it where but under the tree under the tree or whatever they said Little Mermaid you mean Under the Sea yeah that too under the trees under the tree some some some some I'm under the trees oh there it is good old water rain water rain sprinkle down hey hey hey hey hey water rain sprinkle down what time do you stream on Wednesday about 8:15 Eastern Standard Time I'm not sure everyone's time zone so you may have to convert it if you're not in the US but about 8:15 [Music] EST is this open man they let me get kicked out of this yellow gem just for them to take it back y'all some sucks boy I'm a hater uh pm. I'm not going to wake up at 8:00 a.m. in battle y'all I ain't going to lie that's not even at consideration dang we got to knock these off just to get a spot how many people is there there's three but if we both do it altered it'll go quicker so I'm doing it now so if you hop in after I finish Goodra then we'll do it quicker so right when I finish Goodra if you go in then we'll be altered [Music] alternating all right hold on hold on hold on okay you can go in go go faster this way they say the rule in the room always be the loudest remember me and bro was jumping off the couches we could stand in the there in some nice shade yeah so it's p.m. I'm not going to stream for y'all no 600 7 8 in the morning it will be p.m. the earliest I have streamed for y'all ever is like 10:30 a.m. that's the earliest I give y'all it's 10:30 a.m. but I'm not I'm so just safely assume most stuff is p.m. and whenever I stream in the morning it' be random as heck what it's just a college I know I didn't realize it was going to be open are you on hyrian mhm all right good so I can go on Goodra so we can alter you did you finish yeah I'm in so it's 6:30 it is 6:30 for me right now y'all can see I know you can see the clock did I finish it yeah a I don't think I was going to finish it I got I got a Dazz and gleam or two so it should get tapped so did we clear it is that is that an empty gym MH no that was too fast why did they make them all weak versus fairy they made every one of them John's weak versus fairy hope they can last us to the night I beat you you know slay King is my number one hot hot Peter piper pecker we found some uh we found a Brisk of shade guys under this building so we're not getting swamped in this this rain the work we put in in the rain is crazy Under the Sea one of y'all Sparkle for me man I don't ask for a lot just enough and watching video DX and just so you know you can change the type of Max move it has how are you talking about when you uh Power It Up is is that is that what you're uh referring to like when uh where is it like right here when I train it is that what you're referring to cuz I don't yeah that says Aqua tail like when you power it up cuz when you power it up we found out that it does randomly change when we power it up cuz when I did that video I did it this morning and those are my first three but I end up doing 20 more since then so yes Sher a sparkly it looks so beautiful W oh that looks so beautiful oh oh what am I doing air bald what am I doing oh it's so beautiful oh that's fire fire that's sick that's fire oh I didn't even check my fault I I just I just I just felt I just felt the magic hey we take the Shiner bro we already got we already got our PVP for the day Yay good job so we got three shinies today that's actually wild we got a duper a trouish and a l Chun today my auto catcher caught two of those a a these are two new ones no that's respect that's respectable let's go all right I think I'm ending the max move is dependent on the fast attack and you can change it with a fast TM I think I'm going to end this stream have anything really do stoping so annoying all right all right let me juggle something in hold on I wanted my auto cruncher to keep going but I I got the wrong Auto crer all righty I'm exhausted my head hurt so go so fast tackle oh that's hard oh that's tough good looks mango hell yeah you see it Max overgrowth Max strike so apparently it's based off of the fast move but the one that you just leveled up it's disappeared what do you mean you just changed that right yeah but did you power it up those no oh okay wait what I'm just showing you how you could change it it's based off the fast move so then if Venusaur can get a fast sludge move right what move set can Venus or now let me do this poison poison um know oh wait is that all you can get oh oh he can only get grass never mind I about to waste that oh that's tough I get it good looks so then for you okay okay okay I see what you're putting down now mango so dragon breath is an elite charge move but if I do that with Charizard I can get okay okay okay now charge mov already hold on now we now we cooking hold on you can only have Bubble yeah yeah okay yeah now we cooking so what the freak do you have what do you do I have one of you guys still alive damn is this the 98 that is the 98 so what do you have tackle damn they going to make me start saving up these we ass fast moves you're a normal type I don't know why I did that to myself scov it does have a dark move though oh that's tough G look mangoes how many Max battles in a day you can do un unless you until you R essentially you can in for my knowledge you can do as many as you want because you get soft cap to 800 a day but you can buy particles and if you buy particles you can keep going cuz today I've done 20 no today I did 21 because they give you three to start with they give you two wulu and a sov it and they came out today so I've done 21 if you're talking about as far as being soft capped at 18 there's a way to get past that if you like interact with four or six 6 and then you do your 2 km walk for 300 you'll get 1080 if that's the case then you can get 4 a day for free but if you pay like I did I mean I stopped at 21 I could have kept going to see but yeah I could have kept going to see 21 can you do some for me so it sprinkled a little bit when it wasn't supposed to rain at all sounds like Minnesota sounds like Minneapolis mother loveing Minnesota there's still a good amount here I'm going to how many XLS let's get to 200 xl's before we end the stream let's get a 200 xl's at least before we end the Stream cuz we started the stream I believe with 50 or 60 xl's and we stopped walking halfway because it was pouring I have to admit I don't want to get wet I have to admit L huh L don't low me you sus chat I might stream some uh I might stream some Pokemon unite later if you guys want to see a real version of rage you guys don't know what Pokemon unite is it is the Pokemon version of League of leg Legends if you don't know what League of Legends is then you probably shouldn't play unite because it'll be a very confusing mobile [Music] game hey big forehead looking boy that coughing is still here from earlier why is that coughing still here can't believe we got three shinies today my auto catcher C two of them the M sign my auto capture sells it's a wild well now we don't have to do all that extra crap we was talking about it will be nice to get better at these but I'm cool with these especially if I know how they can't get no better I just stick with what I got yeah that means I need to do more fast race why is this not closing there's probably something behind that's Clos now oh yeah that cracked now going smell oh and it's closed something went wrong what went wrong you know what why not because we can drop aure down why I drop a lure and it gives me something that's not what I wanted I did do a magnetic lure though so I casted this upon myself you can't do a water lure no man I like to save my water lur for something good 21 can you do some for me get that out of here boy 193 I think we can get to 200 if we're still make it if I delete these extras should get us to 200 I think get us to 200 so let me make sure my shiny's good my shiny's locked No hundos One XL no nunds PVP no extra pvps no extra pvps and then do age zero leave out and transfer 21 dup Potter and I said we want to finish till we hit 200 bada boom bada bang and we got a little under 100K Stardust that's not bad a little under the 100K that ain't bad that thing is such a good one man very distinct yeah that's that's the one and it's not the two of the three can't figure out how to unlock you think it's bugged I did it this morning uh go to your Dynamax pick them on and then you see how these moves are locked Max guard and Max Spirit unlock those that's how you unlock a Max move if you've done that and it didn't work that means your stuff may be bugging I would sign out and sign back into my account but yeah you Lally click Max guard train or Max spirit and train and then yeah let how you unlock so these are your max moves as you see it says lock so just pick either one and unlock it if you tried that already then I would log out and log in my account again that's yeah that's it that worked hey I'm happy you had to finish it's not a dumb question it's not a dumb question because you got to think about it right Dynamax came out today and they literally gave us no information so everyone's just out here trying stuff like we're just trying stuff like I have pinned me doing my first Dynamax rigs if you guys want to check out my video and support it I did not know what the freak I was doing but I was just enjoying it so here's something else that's cool that I just found out for mango if you're still here CAG if you didn't know if you go to Dynamax my Dynamax are name big you can change your um you can change your max move if you change your fast move so I thought that was cool so like right now mine's is Max strike because my fast move is tackle so if I go to my items and now my fast move is grass changes your max move to a grass type Max move so if you want to change your typing so technically for Charizard Charizard has a fire a flying and then if you use an elite if you lose an elite charge TM Elite fast TM then you can get a dragon move which I want to do on one of my zards but I don't think these guys are good enough for it but now this makes me want to do more charmanders yeah that's not good enough that's not good enough that's not good enough this is not that I want a better Charizard if I get a better Charizard I'm going to teach a dragon breath so we going to have a dragon a dragon a dragon move so yeah if you didn't know that you learned some newy Max I just found that out literally like 5 minutes ago but I think I think I did enough Dynamax today I've done 21 Max battles and Dynamax raids I think I'm I think I'm going to call it for today I think I'm going to call it for those today I could push for 30 people have asked me what's the limitate and I don't know I could push for 30 if I won't cuz I both I didn't get to earlier that I wanted and now that Charmander I can teach a dragon one I want to uh Charmander over there I ain't going to lie I got two hours to decide if I'm going to do it or if I'm wait till tomorrow but knowing me I might wait till tomorrow 21 in one day is pretty good pretty good pretty good [Music] not bad got another 100K XP it was two times Stardust and our two time Stardust we got another 100K in Stardust and a Shiner so you know what we take those what do you want dog stop stop Trying what don't shake my hand my phone's at 8% he gave me two messages and notifications I was about to die so I'm going to end it here a little 10 minutes early but we're going to end it here probably have oh Pikachu my auto catcher Run for the rest of my days I just have the auto and honestly my Audi got me twoo shinies today so I could trust it some days you can't trust the auto catcher there it is I'm like why is it not turning off oh my goodness these allergies are getting beat up that's not what I wanted to push is this thing officially dead no I need to charge need to charge all my devices honestly come on it's charging load me up yeah it's dead dead but we tried but we tried but we tried all right chat thanks for being here bye

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Category: Gaming

[music] nope nope nope nope [music] [applause] [music] let's do this thing wo [music] [music] what Read more

*SHINY DYNAMAX, POWER SPOTS & MAX PARTICLES* Everything you need to KNOW in Pokemon GO thumbnail
*SHINY DYNAMAX, POWER SPOTS & MAX PARTICLES* Everything you need to KNOW in Pokemon GO

Category: Gaming

Welcome back trainers and in this video we're going to be going over some more details on the dynamax and we do have power spots showing up and it's very interesting as to where some of these things are actually appearing quite literally there's one right down the street from my house unfortunately... Read more


Category: Gaming

Hello everybody we are starting the dynamax adventures today power spot should be opening up soon we should be able to get our first dynamax pokemon in pokemon go i'm super hyped for this new startup screen absolutely beautiful let's see if i can get chat up here and because of a little oh whoa whoa... Read more

Pokémon TCG at Truist Park #braves #Atlanta #truistpark #shorts thumbnail
Pokémon TCG at Truist Park #braves #Atlanta #truistpark #shorts

Category: Gaming

Yeah okay go ahead all right go hey we're at the tru park the atlanta braves today opening a pack of obsidian flames it's so hot out here but we're going to smoke the competition of the braves game today see we get that code card right there bam code card our energy is psychic see what we get out of... Read more


Category: Entertainment

What is going on guys nicole here it is friday we're gonna go hunting for some pokemon cards i got my joker mask on guys we're first stop walmart let's see what we got here guys it doesn't look good but let's take a look anyways hope you guys are enjoying your day same positive staying safe yes it is... Read more

Pokemon Kampf gegen Markus Söder! | Cards against humanity thumbnail
Pokemon Kampf gegen Markus Söder! | Cards against humanity

Category: Gaming

Points ze heute haben wir richtig zeit und lust vielleicht sogar auf 11 aber dann machen wir auf 12 das ma ich gerade noch das gren und schwarzen humorhtet aussagen da in diesem video vorkommen sind nicht ernst gemeint es tut mir leid prof aber wegen dem 5 l monster energy bin eingeschlafen es tut mir... Read more


Category: Entertainment

Será que a marv vai fazer uma uma parceria com a anan meu [música] deus vai fala galetin canal galena começando mais um vídeo para vocês não é começando fala galera canal 40 trazendo mais um vídeo pr vocês e hoje dia comunitário não hora do holofote do d pider dessa aranhinha que é uma aranha ela garante... Read more

Galar en Pokémon GO: Skwovet, Wooloo Shiny y Más, además Combates Lapras Cantante en Pokémon UNITE thumbnail
Galar en Pokémon GO: Skwovet, Wooloo Shiny y Más, además Combates Lapras Cantante en Pokémon UNITE

Category: Gaming

[música] y [música] [música] y [música] y ah [música] [música] [música] ona onda cómo andamos cómo andamos me oigo no me oigo qué dicen por ahí nos escuchamos no nos escuchanos a ver vámonos para youtube a ver si pokémon go acaba de iniciar las 10 de la mañana en méxico y algunas partes de latinoamérica... Read more

Weekly Pokemon Card Deals and Steals (09/01) thumbnail
Weekly Pokemon Card Deals and Steals (09/01)

Category: Gaming

Today is week three of the pokemon card deals and steals of the week let's see if we can save some money on pokemon cards this week and i'll tell you guys it's looking like a pretty solid week might be the best week we've had so far starting off with best buy when best buy has a deal you know your week's... Read more

Kraftquellen, Dyna-Partikel & mehr! Das Dynamax-Update in Pokémon GO ist da! thumbnail
Kraftquellen, Dyna-Partikel & mehr! Das Dynamax-Update in Pokémon GO ist da!

Category: Gaming

Das dynamx update steht in den startlöchern heute geht es schon los da werden bald ein paar energiequellen auftauchen na und man kann sich für die kämpfe vorbereiten wir sehen uns alles an ich habe sogar so eine kleine pressemitteilung von nian gehalten also sollten irgendwelche infos nicht im blog... Read more