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Dewpider Spotlight Hour! Time to Hunt for Shinys! Hundos! Shundos!? thumbnail
Dewpider Spotlight Hour! Time to Hunt for Shinys! Hundos! Shundos!?

Category: Gaming

So since the day is over if we walk over there we could we could take down the gym right now it's terrible cuz we're inside unless you're still connected to the wi-fi it's trying to break off [music] hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle you going then l baby blue face baby yeah right why about to rain... Read more

MAIS UM SHOW DO GÊNIO DIMITRI PAYET 🧠🇫🇷 | Dimitri Payet VS Fluminense | 10/08/2024 | 4k thumbnail
MAIS UM SHOW DO GÊNIO DIMITRI PAYET 🧠🇫🇷 | Dimitri Payet VS Fluminense | 10/08/2024 | 4k

Category: Sports

[music] is it only me feel sinking trying desperately change it don't see but i can feel it everywhere it's funny how things changeing doesn't take much thinking but everyone can feel in the see know i figh fing from you i can't say it i hate the truth [music] [music] it is never up to us i feel like... Read more