Donald Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at Rally, with Lowry, Sexton, Prager, Bolling, and More

e good evening everyone I'm Megan Kelly thank you for tuning in to the Megan Kelly show as you may know by at this point there is breaking news out of Pennsylvania Butler Pennsylvania to be specific this evening where former president Donald Trump appears to have been the victim of an attempted assassination he was grazed by a bullet according to local authorities the Butler County District Attorney Richard goldinger telling the Washington Post that Trump was grazed by gunfire but is safe we are receiving similar messages from the Secret Service that Trump is safe that he's been removed from the scene but he was bloodied and he was grazed by gunfire the latest reporting out of the Washington Post again citing the local district attorney from Butler County is that an audience member was killed and the shooter is dead as well another person said to be in serious condition according to this prosecutor again this is from the prosecutor to The Washington Post to reiterate Trump grazed by gunfire an audience member was killed the shooter is also dead uh killed we understand by either secrets service or by local law enforcement Who We Believe Unleashed fire once the president had the former president had been grazed uh another person in serious condition at this hour um and that Donald Trump is receiving medical care at this hour and I'm sure it will be very thorough even though he looks like he's all right they need to make absolutely sure that that's the case we're going to play the video for you now as we have it you will hear two shots at the top and we believe that that is the shooter we believe at this hour that what comes after is returned gunfire by law enforcement and an incredible scene you will see President Trump get back to his feet fist up in the in the air appearing to say the words fight and the crowd breaks out in chance watch you see something that said take a look at what happened down down what we doing what we [Music] doing to theare hold when you're ready on you ready move go H guys here here move the get ready get ready you ready we good down Shooters down are we good to move down we clear we're [Music] clear let me get my shoes let me get my shoes got you sir I got you let me get my shoes hold that in your head is bloody so we got to get move to the clve to the let me get my okay watch out [Applause] [Applause] us and there they exit with the former president into what appeared to be an SUV though we don't see that final moment an absolute showing of resilience and strength by Donald Trump who under the absolute worst of circumstances managed to stop the Secret Service as they were escorting him out of a dangerous scene saying to them first where are my shoes and then saying wait putting his right fist in the air with blood covering his face because it's very clear he was hit again the word they're using is grazed along the ear the right ear blood on his face pumping his fist in the air and it seemed clear to me he mailed the word fight fight repeatedly and the crowd broke out into chance of USA for the listening audience now the the American flag being waved in the air above that fist this is a closeup of the grazing along the upper part of his outer right ear and you could hear the the former president speaking he sounded lucid and okay you know the comment where my shoes you know he wanted his shoes makes you wonder whether he was confused about what exactly had just happened to him um as opposed to just getting the heck out of there as someone was clearly trying to take the president's life we kick off our special coverage right now with Rich Lowry of National Review editor of National Review Rich it's a shocking moment in American history in the context of this race and in the context of the messaging almost Universal unless you're a fan of Donald Trump's or or a cover of him like like you are about the the messaging around him the rhetoric around him I'm not blaming this on rhetoric but we would be derel if we did not mention how it has been dialed up and in particular it has been dialed up as I think the left feels this election starting to slip away that's not to say that caused this we don't know who pre who pulled the trigger it's just there's been an atmosphere around this guy that has been dialed to an 11 for far too long and many of us believed it was only a matter of time before someone acted on it stunning pictures here this one is of President Trump on the ground bloody with his hand nearby his face trying to recover from what could have been an assassination your thoughts on what we're witnessing today I I want to weep for my country it's just uh it's horrible it's it's uh there are no words for how terrible this is and how terrible more terrible it could have been I mean we were centimeter how far away from president Trump's head being blown off at a rally on live television and these are moments Megan the reason why you know assassinations Fascinate people one of the reasons history T telescopes down to inches and seconds right if if JFK's driver had sped up rather than slowed down to see what was happening after the the first or two shots JFK would have survived that assassination attempt if the arch Duke Ferdinand one they threw a bomb at him which didn't work if he just said we're not doing anything else but he had kind of a trump likee Spirit he like we're going through this whole ceremony and in Saro I don't care and when he was heading back actually want to go to the hospital to see the people hurt from the bomb if the car had not turned made a wrong turn down a narrow street that I couldn't get out of that it happened to be that Gabriel prip one of the assassination team was just standing there not knowing what to do was standing right there at that moment he would have lived and all of history would have been different that was the most consequential assassination in world history but that that that moment of pumping his fist shows what a sense of the moment right we get in fender benders where where your head head you know goes back a little bit and you're you're kind of shocked you don't know what happened to you or you know it takes a little while to get your senses to know that what that moment called for was strength and reassuring his supporters when you're right how does he know the Secret Service thinks the threat's been neutralized that's why they're picking him up how does he know right he he's just been inch from being killed how does he know that that is an image that will live throughout American political history rich I I don't know about you but I feel infuriated right now I am angry over what is has been done to this man you and I sat together in 2015 and National Review said not not Trump not this guy here we are all these years later I see him so differently yes he's got character FL of course but this is this is the embodiment of strength in the face of an unbelievable Onslaught emotional Financial free when it comes to his freedom and now his life literally with a bullet having shot him in the head his fist is in the air and he's telling the crowd and all of us fight fight for your country fight for what we're all in this for don't let them shoot you down don't let them shoot down your ideals don't let them ruin the country I I've never seen anything like this yeah so high politics is about you know it's about policy and ideas but a lot of is about emotion and and this is a guy you know one reason we couldn't stop him when we when we tried in the primaries in 2016 is he he understood a crowd he understood the moment he he he got feeling and could play off of it and this is just the the the very Pinnacle of this that that was just an epic reaction and again it will never be forgotten and what you opened with on the rhetoric who knows who the shooter was and but but if you literally think he's Hitler that's what they're telling us right the president of United States incumbent is telling us that and maybe in not so many words what's the proper reaction just voting against them and hoping things turn out right if you take it seriously I think we've learned a lot of Democrats actually don't take it seriously but unfortunately a lot of people do if you take it seriously what do you do if it's existential for American democracy for our system of government our way of life what do you do maybe you do whoever that that uh apparent shooter on the rooftop maybe you do what he did there is um video I don't know if we have it or can show it of a shooter forgive me we don't know that this is the shooter of what appears to be a man lying on a rooftop nearby and the reports online are that that's the shooter and he's dead he's motionless and he's lying down um we're g to we I've spoken with somebody who is at the rally and we're going to have him call in talking about the security but it was tight as it would be for any Secret Service event with the former president never mind the the leading Contender for the GOP nomination which of course takes place next week as a formal matter and so this person in order to have a gun Rich you know anywhere near shooting range of this President yeah I mean it does make you wonder how he did it whether he had help how on Earth anybody was within shooting range of the this man Donald Trump from a rooftop all of that is going to be investigated uh but you've got to say kudos to local law enforcement or the Secret Service whoever took this guy out because it all yeah so the you know all the professionals say and it just seems as though just watching as an amateur their reaction to this was Pitch Perfect I mean they they immediately go on Trump they're protecting him with this their bodies which inherently moving act uh putting themselves on on the line but but there are going to be questions you know according to Twitter who who knows things things are going to change we're going to learn more you know as as we speak you know just during during this segment probably we're learning more but um how is it there there are indications that people are pointing to this guy on the rooftop and he got the shots off before the secret server got him maybe it was unavoidable who knows but there're going to be a lot of questions so it looks like the reaction was a secret service success but I think there'd be questions about how this guy was able to get within range and initially it seemed like there's some speculation maybe it's a BB because you know when you get shot in your ear you just it's not just a little blood right it's a horrible event and it seemed as though no one else was hurt but now of course we gotten the reports of other people in the crowd tragically hurt we've seen that video of the uh the Trump supporter who is there and is emergency room doctor I believe was trying to save someone Grievous head wound and didn't so so this was a a furious assassination attempt and if if anyone comes this close to to being killed that's under Secret Service protections there going to be a lot of critical questions afterwards uh we have that video again this is of uh an ER doctor who was on the scene let's take a listen H that's exactly where I heard him com from what did you see sir um I Heard the shots um I uh I thought it was firecrackers to begin with uh somebody over there was screaming he's been shot he's been shot so I made my way over uh I said I'm an emergency department physician let me help you the guy had spun around was jammed between the es he had a head shot here there's lots of blood and he had brain matter there and so I got him there's a helicopter coming in to get him uh so uh I got people there really helpful I got there only one person shot that you saw I did CPR did chest compressions as well as a brief form one person you guys we need to evacuate everybody well that's horrible I mean that is horrifying rich and you in I mean we don't know it we don't have the angle straight but clearly as you point out within a within a a couple of centimeters that could have been president Trump and God prayers go out to the family of the of the Trump supporter that's how it appears uh who was shot and killed just there to support a president in advance of an election not not to have his brain matter Spilled Out all over the ground what is this country coming to Rich yeah talk about uh offense against American democracy to attend what's become kind of a Civic ritual for half the country these Trump Ries which are so epic and ionic and be killed is just it's beyond words it's just horrific and profoundly wrong and again we're just we're tremendously lucky that that Trump himself wasn't killed and it's it'd be a human tragedy a family tragedy just for him and the people around him but it would just be an unbelievably awful thing for the country because these assassinations they are deranging events and our politics is deranged already it would get much much worse I mean we still we're still arguing over he who killed JFK right you know 50 or 60 years later so this is why it's extremely important to make sure this never ever happens and whatever these security Arrangements were going into this obviously they they need to be heightened but Trump you know there was a big thing on the January 6 Commission oh he didn't want uh the people to be magged or to go through electric detectors on January 6 it's because he's always he wants to be out there he wants the crowd to be um big and to have a good time and not have to wait forever and he trusts them right the the reason when when this is a big Scandal that Trump supposedly want people to bring weapons to proximity to the capital someone was telling me he always joked with the Secret Service about that these are my people just let them in it'll be fine but anyone who's out there in any crowd like that no matter how secret how much Secret Service section is you are ultimately putting your body on on the line and we saw this dramatic evidence of that this afternoon and Rich here is the the report that I got uh from this is this he is the father of my friend uh his name is Larry Wood and he said that uh there were tens of thousands there by his estimation that he heard a single gunshot he and his wife were seated farther back then another then a pause and then the rapid fire that there were state police everywhere and I asked him about the security and he said it was tight and that they were forced to go through a magnetometer and even they as an older couple uh were not allowed to bring in his wife had a long umbrella and she couldn't bring it in right so they understand it always amps up when the former president is there and it amps up even more as he inches closer and closer to becoming the nominee again so they wouldn't let her in with the long umbrella so they had to be seated farther back and then they saw what we saw which was he appeared to get hit um from on the right side from a shooter who was off off to the right and then the crowd went went nuts I mean people started to realize you know he started to realize he said first he thought it was maybe fireworks he wasn't sure and then they they realized it was gunshots and that they needed to get out of there and you think about you know it's not just Donald Trump it's not just this poor Trump supporter who appears to have been murdered today forget the shooter it's it is the old it is men and women who are just out there to support their country their preferred candidate to show their love of the Stars and Stripes days after July 4th and what they think it stands for by potentially voting for this man and they get scared to with an inch an inch of their lives running for their safety because they showed up at a trump rally that's what that's what they did today that's what Larry and his wife today to show up at a trump rally in Pennsylvania the heart of the nation part of the Heartland and probably the most critical state in this election as in in Another Universe Rich we hear every other day that Trump's Hitler that he's the demon we hear from the president himself this week that it's time to put a bullseye on Trump I'm not blaming this on Joe Biden but I would be remiss in my duty if I did not point out that he he just on July 8th said to a group of Democrats whom he was trying to shore up about his mental acuity quote we're done talking about the debate it's time to put Trump in a bullseye the left I mean the the headlines in the New York Times Rich when Sarah Palin had what looked like a Gunsite on certain districts prior to Gabby gord's being shot led to litigation that went on for years about whether she had been the subject of what she called a blood liable and now you've got the sitting president who has been so loose with his language he called Kyle writtenhouse a white supremacist despite the fact that there was Zero evidence for that and none of it was was born out in that trial and he said it's time to put Trump in a bullseye days ago it's just totally irresponsible yeah so if the Pon standard applies and of course it never does it only applies to people on on the right President Biden will be blamed for this uh so many other people on the left would be blamed for this but they they shouldn't call Trump a Nazi because one it's untrue and two it does work people up in in a way that's extremely unhealthy and potentially dangerous so they they should stop it but they they never will because it's so it's so useful uh to them it makes them feel feel good they like the sound of th those words uh coming out of their their mouths and a lot of them have just simply lost their minds so you'd hope there'd be a return to sanity you know on Twitter now all the statements are let's cool down the rhetoric they're not gonna you know that's going to last 24 hours and then we'll bet back to the the same thing again here's what they're saying Rich um you know I I it's taken the president over an hour to finally put out a statement Barack Obama put out a statement before Joe Biden did I understand when you're the president of the United States you need to be careful you know it's it's more important what Joe Biden says than it is what Barack Obama says but I understand it it took too long and Barack Obama should not have gone first Barack Obama for what it's worth said as follows there is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy although we don't yet know exactly what happened we should all be relieved that former president Trump was not seriously hurt and use this moment to recommit ourselves to Civility and respect in our politics heal your own party sir heal your own party he finishes it with Michelle and I are wishing him a quick recovery and this from the President Joe Biden moments ago I have been briefed on this shooting at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania I'm grateful to hear that he's safe and doing well and praying for him and his family and for all those who are at the rally as we await further information um and it looks like it was that signed by Jill and Joe trying to say oh no Jill and I are grateful to the secret service for getting him to safety there's no place for this kind of violence in America we must unite as one nation to condemn it this is we get news per CBS and Ed O'Keefe that a Joe Biden campaign official tells CBS News the Biden campaign is now pausing all outbound Communications working to pull down their television ads as quickly as possible of course um they would have to Rich that would be stand like yeah the statement's fine it's not particularly eloquent or moving but it's fine you know it's what you'd say kind of replacement level statement about this kind of event but I can can I come back Megan to the reaction of the crowd because I thought that was very telling and you noted how they started chanting USA I think there are three things notable one a lot of these people in the front they they were standing up too they they they were not going to be cowed right then they chant USA this patriotic reaction and then in one of the videos you've seen over and over again from from the front as Trump's being led down the steps you see as he's he's going towards the Beast there there are a couple guys and they give the finger to I think you know back towards the media just in general so I I think that's also very telling that's that's the level of that's the natural reaction of defiance that a lot of trump supporters are gonna feel right and if there is any doubt about the enthusiasm for Trump there's none now there is none now no I mean we said after the law fair many people said we'd walk over broken glass you know to vote for him at this point just as a as a statement about who we are as a as a country even if Donald Trump is NE necessarily your preferred candidate he's not your perfect candidate now I mean I've got to ask you how this changes the politics rich and this this is not confirmed this is from Charlie Kirk who's very very tight with all things Trump and all team Trump uh who says he's seeing reports that president Trump will be at tonight's UFC fight with Dana White Warrior spirit I mean because it's Donald Trump you it's possible you know you can't rule that right out and say no no chance I'd probably bet on it I'd probably bet on it I mean the other thing go go back there Tom go go hold a bigger rally there tomorrow you know' be another Trump like move but but this Trump yeah we got to talk about the politics for a minute because all of my friends were texting me and I was texting them and the number one thing I was hearing was Trump just won the presidency like they the the Donald Trump voters there's nothing that will keep them away on Election Day I do it doesn't matter how long the lines are it doesn't matter what the weather is it doesn't matter nothing matters they will they will be there this will activate the the esta lishment wing of the Republican party this will activate right-leaning Independence it will be a message it will be the middle finger that we saw at that rally to anybody who would behave like this and and the people who behave so irresponsibly in creating the messaging about him comparing him to mass murderers over and over and over what do you think yeah yeah well there'll be a bump based on sympathy and then that'll go into the convention maybe be indistinguishable from a bump he gets at the convention but the convention itself will be like there'll be moments we've never seen before right no one has walked onto a convention stage having within days having been the subject the target of a serious assassination attempt I mean the roof will blow off uh the place so th this if there is any doubt about the get out the vote effort you probably don't need one right you probably don't need one but I do think a lot of people in this race are kind of dug in this will increase the odds of trump winning but I I'm just hesitant to ever say it's it's put away I mean we we saw what happened with Joe Biden at that debate obviously you you called it right away that there are gonna be efforts to to dump them but you had a Washington Post poll that had the the race tied and NPR poll that had Biden head to I think both of those probably outliers that's not really where the race is but it just shows a lot of people are going to vote for Joe Biden no matter what so I I was still still you know on the vep speculation the reporting has been Trump's been focused on I don't need a governing pick I need an electoral pick someone's just going to help me get this get this done and I I would still have that attitude even after this horrific event oh my gosh um I know you're a praying man you're a Christian as am I and um I know we're both praying for president Trump and for the families of the absolutely the the the fan who appears to have lost his life and we will learn more at any moment about the shooter and his background Rich um don't go too far please we'd love to come back to you thank you so much for being with us on our breaking coverage really appreciate it uh I want to get to Eric bowling who is uh close with Mr Trump has been close with the Trump campaign and has been following all of this as well um Eric Tucker said it I said it you said it many people who have been watching the escalation against Trump in every Forum it's not like a random newspaper article or a passing comment by Sarah Palin it's everywhere in the media that he's the devil that he's Hitler that literally our democracy is on the line that there will be no more America if he wins and it's been grossly irresponsible before I bring you in to react to it let me just show you this is Tucker he said he said this to us he said this to a few but here is this you guys is this Tucker yeah this is Tucker with Trump watch this started with protests against you massive protest organized protest by the left and then it moved to impeachment twice right and now indictment I mean the next stage is is violence is are you worried that they're going to try and kill you why wouldn't they try and kill you honestly uh they're Savage animals that they are people that are sick really sick you have great people in the Democrat Party you have great people that are Democrats most of the people in our country are fantastic and I'm representing everybody I'm not just Republican but I've seen what they do I've seen the lengths that they go to but these people are sick people these are people that uh I think they hate our country you want to know the truth just to reiterate a spokesman for the Secret Service tonight saying Trump is safe right now for those just joining us after an incident occurred at his rally he is safe he did not provide further details uh members of the Secret Service removing the press and declaring this a crime scene which indeed it is Eric your reaction to the president of the United States the former president of United States and presumptive GOP nominee being the victim of an attempted assassination hours ago and and a friend and a personal friend Megan um I Heard it I thought it was you must have been some sort of joke to watch to watch it I mean the video just just watch when he realizes a bullet just grazed his ear he starts to get down listen they've tried to assassinate this man's character they've tried to assassinate his bank account they've tried to imprison him and now they've tried to literally assassinate the man when all the other ones failed and this one failed too there's there's a path of Destiny let's call it that if you're if you're a God-fearing first God's looking down and said one qu of an inch maybe a a millim couple millimeters or a centimeter to the right he's done he's gone it's over and then what where's the country so the Desy St um if if Rich Lowry doesn't want to do it I'll do it it'll be a slam dunk it'll be a landslide when maybe nothing we've seen since mandale lost 49 states to Reagan 1984 so it the presidency is over but question is are they finished are they done trying to kill a man I don't know will there be another assassination attempt will they wait till he's president then do it I don't is this a group is this alone alone wolf you know psychotics people are saying it's an antifa member the GU you know some of the pictures that were circulated look like he gear unconfirmed We're not gonna we're not going to mention anybody's name but yes there are all sorts of rumors as there always are after this kind of an event on the internet but but will they do it again will they try again and my guess is sadly yes and and and frankly the you know Trump he just likes to Get Out Among the amongst the people he'll go into a a Chick-fil-A or or a you know a a Cuban bakery in Miami tell the Secret Service to stop he's getting out he leaves himself so vulnerable but I think Elon Musk that he's the topest president the Roosevelt also who just won the election that that's how this feels um there's literally been Bloodshed now from the former president a man has lost his life or a woman we don't know that the sex of the of the Trump fan who according to the local prosecutor has been killed on the scene again the information is that the shooter is dead as well and we will be getting more information on what I presume is a hymn In the hours and days to come um just getting more and more detail here there are some eyewitnesses wondering how many Shooters there were as you see we saw this after JFK I mean here we are all these years after JFK 60 years we're still speculating about how many shooters were at the scene there will be a full investigation uh on what direction the shots came from and whether it was more than one um there is something again I'm not blaming this that's a that's a yeah go ahead go well my my I just want to jump in when you were talking you're reading and I'm thinking mag at this moment you know that the left Paints the the Trump the magga supporter as an extremist they they violent extremist and and they go apoplectic every time Trump you know says one of his throwaway lines I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and and I'd still you'd still vote they'd still vote for me he does it to to just have fun I mean it's a funny guy he talks these in these metaphors and whatnot but they take it literally and in the bottom line the reality is they just Tred to take out the leading and Republican Contender for the United States presidency and that couldn't have been someone from the right I'll just say they it may be too early for you know what about them but good Lord if it was Biden they would be all over Trump saying it's it's his fault it's Trump's fault 100% that's exactly right and look at what they've done look at what they've done I mean Tucker was outlining some of it in that question to Trump but they've indicted the man four times they've weaponized the justice system at the federal and state level against him in a truly unprecedented move that we went almost 250 years without doing in this country they they sued him to and they shut down the Trump organization in New York the city that he loves the city in which he came up the city that he put on the map in some certain ways over the years and it turned on him and crushed his business thanks to this rabbit attorney General who completely tried to bring him down based on some some law that was never used in this way before they put this past week Steve Bannon in jail for a contempt of congress charge Peter Navaro too Merrick Garland the Attorney General is in contempt of congress the same thing and isn't going to jail Eric Holder was held in contemp of Congress when Barack Obama and didn't go to jail this is at most turned into a civil thing under most presidents if you're in contempt to Congress you don't turn over you don't give them the testimony they want only when you're a trump appointee does it become a matter for you to be behind bars and while we're on the subject of Steve Bannon he too repeatedly has warned that they're going to try to take Trump out and indeed he sits behind bars right now unable to react to this because he's been jailed by these very same people and Trump now was grazed by a bullet it's there they're starting to realize I think the people that um who bought this whole idea that Biden was the the grand UniFi they weren't they never were they were violent in in the summer of 2020 and they looked the other way and they said that wasn't violent that was you peaceful protest they called January 6th an Insurrection and a threat to democracy when January I'm sorry summer of 2020 was far more violent and more deadly and more expensive than January 6 was the the unfair the bias in in the media and really the the zeit is incredible finally they're starting to come around the celebrities have realized Biden can't win but this let's see let's see if they step up to the plate and say we were wrong we blamed the right for being violent extremist and the only violence I've seen right now in this 2024 has been inflicted on Donald Trump not on Joe Biden or anyone else the media reaction yeah I'm sorry but it's been disgusting so far yeah the the CNN Headline while they were on the air and there was very clear that we had heard gunshots and you know they were repeated the the CNN line on their politics site was Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally after he falls you the the description of like the the level of gravity being used by Wolf Blitzer earlier did not match the moment you know sometimes this happens and it's always sad when it happens you know like it was somebody throwing an egg at Donald Trump the man was shot centimeters away from being killed and two people were killed the shooter and an innocent it you do not say he fell off the stage you do not say it's sad you know when this kind of thing you know but it does happen when does it happen L Lincoln was assassinated JFK was assassinated Ronald Reagan got shot in front of our very eyes and survived Donald Trump got shot this thing doesn't just happen there are decades thank God between this kind of thing it's a massive news story and there there's a reason for it Eric Wolf Blitzer knows that CNN knows that it's their hatred for him that makes it hard for them to even get the proper emotion out on a night like this you know they the um I was waiting to see if you're just a human being forget president President Biden just you see this happened to your opponent you get in front of the American people and say stop this is not right this we don't do this here this is not what America is about represents it was at least an hour if not an hour and a half before that that statement got released that looked like some Aid wrote it and maybe even used AI J chat GPT to write the thing cold insensitive they're not they're they're done their their goose is cooked but I'm not suggesting we wanted to hear Megan what Joe Biden had to say about it but it would would have been the right thing to do RFK Jr got out within minutes within minutes he made a statement this isn't right we have to denounce violence and all you know coming from all directions so Biden took an hour and a half at least maybe longer and then released the statement that I don't know sounded a little bit more political than actual heing to me very generic and by the way this is the same man Joe Biden who will not authorize Secret Service protection for RFK J Who You Know by G given the polls is in at least in the double digits which is remble for a candidate running as an independent why is he running as an independent even though he's a Democrat because the Democrats rigged the system such that he couldn't get on any Democrat primary stage or balloting as a Dem and has been under serious threat according to him in his campaign and yet not withstanding the fact that his father was assassinated that his uncle was assassinated and that he's facing threats and is a Kennedy uh nope Joe Biden said no um right now we are just receiving an on camera statement from the president of the United States Joe Biden made it on cam the comments run two minutes let's watch what we know now I have tried to get a hold of Donald uh he's with his doctors uh they apparently he's doing well I plan on talking to them shortly I hope when I get back to the uh telephone look there's no place in America for this kind of violence it's sick it's sick it's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country we cannot allow for this to be happening we cannot be like this we cannot condone this and so and I want to thank the Secret Service and all the agency including the state agencies that have been engaged in making sure that the people who and we have more detail to come relative to other injur other people may be injured in the audience I don't have all that detail we'll make that available to you I may be able to come back a little later tonight but we'll put out a statement if we don't if I'm not able to give we if it's not convenient for you all but the bottom line is that the Trump rally was a rally that he should have been able to be conducted peacefully without any problem but the idea the idea that there's political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of it's just not appropriate and we Everybody Everybody Must condemn it everybody I'll keep you informed and if I am able to speak to the to Donald I'll I'll let you know that as well but so far it appears he's doing well number one number two that there're thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience I have we have some reports but not final reports and every agency in the federal government I'll be and I'm going back to to my phone to speak with the federal agencies that are being put together again to give me an updated briefing is anything happened they learn any more in the last couple hours so thank you very much and I hope I get to speak to him tonight and I'll get to back to you if I do okay did not take questions um stand by hold on just getting more information now uh new details let's see I don't know who this is uh hold on a second I just make sure before I read this to you I know who's who who's providing this senior investiga senior investigative producer for CBS News okay um new details from Pat Milton uh as I said the title shooter was outside the cordoned off air area of the rally that would make sense with my eyewitness who is there Larry was outside the cord andof area of the rally a couple of hundred yards away from Trump the shooter was standing on an elevated structure was shot and killed by a member of the US secret service counter assault team the shooter weapon was a rifle the shooter weapon was a rifle I mean it's he very easily could be dead right now he could have been killed literally within inches Eric Trump almost had his head blown off tonight when you watch that video he's talking straight to the Straight Ahead just 12 o'clock he's talking 12 o'clock he turns to the right his right and he starts talking to that portion of the crowd that's where the bullet came from it appears it came from that direction either way if he's still talking straight he's dead because it the bullet would have hit the back of his head but the fact that he turned which looks like in the direction it came from or if it came from behind he turned eliminating the back of his head for the shooter it was matter of maybe 20 seconds so the shoo let's let's watch it we actually just got new video in of the moment that that he took the shot um it's a little bit closer up is my understanding I haven't seen it either let's watch took over and look what happened to our country probably 20 million people and you know that's a little bit old that chart that chart's a couple of months old and if you want to really see something that said take a look what happened who whoa whoa what the hell is that there he is from afar with the fist up let's just play the original one again because it's it's just the most remarkable minute of tape I may have ever seen as you see the former president of the United States get shot and then stand back up tell the Secret Service trying to escort him out to wait so he can look at the crowd raise his fist in the air say the word fight that's what I see in here and then they break out into the USA chant watch it you see something that said take a look at what happened down down down down what we doing what we doing [Music] to theare hold when you're ready on you ready move move guys here here mov get ready get ready we ready we good down Shooters down are we good to move we clear we're clear clear we're clear [Music] let me get myo let me get my shes I got you sir I got you sir let me get my shoes hold that in your head is bloody so we got to move to the let me get my watch [Applause] out we got to move we got move we got to move [Applause] [Applause] never seen something so extraordinary president fist pumped over and over telling them wait wait so he could fist pump to the audience show them that he was okay remind them to fight and I have to say the kudos to the audience members who showed incredible courage standing there breaking out into a patriotic cheer I think I would have been running for my life Eric I can't believe the tarity shown by those people it was shocking it was shocking and and the um you know you mentioned the the strength of the guy the toughness of the guy you know New York billionaire with you know you know gold on his walls he gets an assassination attempt he's bleeding doesn't know how badly he's hurt within second he's up telling the Secret Service wait I want to fist pump and say fight there's there's a lot of fight in that dog there is a lot of Fight You Know Trump showed more um character and strength in the moment when he's being attempted to be assassinated then then the strength that Joe Biden exudes every time he steps on a stage just think about just suppose those two stages Trump getting up from an assassination attemp attempt and the strength and the composure he had then versus Joe Biden trying to figure out where he is those those are two images that that should decide the election alone it's unbel I mean the man's 78 years old he's 78 years old and what I mean he's worried about where where he wants his shoes like it's just remarkable I I don't know even know if Trump knew he'd been hit in the head I mean he was shot in the head grazed yes but Trump took a bullet today and I'm sure he's just coming to terms with that right now I mean even Donald Trump hasn't had that happen to him in his past and I I a part of me wants him to see that wants to see him do something extraordinary like show up at the UFC event tonight that's totally unconfirmed but part of me doesn't because I want him to take care of him self you know just like got his got his cage rattled today and who knows what else may have gone you know like he needs to be examined thoroughly the Secret Service of course again is telling us that he's okay that he's fine and that he is being examined fully examined as you would imagine um I do want to say that we've we've received now again this is kathern Herod she's reporting receiving unconfirmed reporting from local contact that the shooter was on a rooftop and downed by a sniper uh this Dove tailes well with earlier reporting that we had received and there is this video uh again I'm going to show you this video but this is unconfirmed we don't there it is this would match the location that we're hearing which would be a couple hundred yards outside the Cordon area there appears to be a body looks to me like dressed in Gray down and not moving this does not look like a sniper on his belly with a rifle you know trained on anyone it looks like somebody who's been taken out though my experience in these events tells me be careful because in the hours and days to come this information may change dramatically go ahead we go back to something you said that I think is it's gonna be a big theme and I'm not sure that you even realize you stumbled on it the courage and the resolve that those Trump fans displayed as shots are being fired in their Direction shows the resolve of the people who are supporting Trump and and and the resolve to make America great again that you stumble on that and it it really is shocking that those people didn't run from gunshot they stayed they maintained their position to to be assured that Trump was okay wow that was that is an incredible observation I I mean think of what they've gone through too you know from basket of deplorables to after January 6th if you were even a trump supporter they were threatening to not publish your book not hire you you were treated like scum he was of course demonized universally no question he behaved badly but they really did try to take everything from him everything right down to his freedom and never stopped trying to this moment they're trying I mean one does wonder what does this do to the law fair campaign do they get the message Eric did they take the pedal off the gas a little and understand this is a human being who's in public service do they does Jack Smith the rabid dog take just take a seat and say maybe we went too far maybe there's only so much one human being should have to take I wouldn't bet on it and not only that it it makes it look so small in comparison now Trump just surviving at that Nation attempt this Jack Smith stuff and and finy Willis stuff they're if they continue that path Megan they're just going to make him even more popular even more popular the guy's been shot at and now he's being unfairly dragged through the court system they it's over it's over so I I just can't say I mean like that's what's resonating with me is that as Joe Biden I'm not blaming Joe Biden to be clear but as Joe Biden increased the rhetoric against Trump saying let's put a bullseye on him why did he do that why did he get so pointed this week he was he said that judge said he raped that woman speaking of Eugene Carroll and you know what you can go back and read the opinion but a partisan judge yes after the jury did not convict Trump on rape they did not find that he raped her the judge providing an assist for the prosecutor who failed to prove rape said they must have been talking about rape in an extraordinary written opinion that was completely inappropriate and now of course Joe Biden seized it because he's desperate because he's desperate based on his own debate performance and up the rhetoric he's a rapist put a bullseye on him and the New York Times the same thing Eric do you see them this week with the all black print with just a white coming up hold on a second we did we did a story on this yesterday um where it says okay he is dangerous in word deed and action he puts self over country he loathes the laws we live by how dare they here it is he's dangerous yeah he's dangerous you are dangerous do you know the reach you have is there any cogn cognition of the need to be somewhat responsible in your rhetoric when all the left controls all the media and they all talk like this about him all of them yeah I'll do it again I'll tell you you do the outut the script and have the right um Fox News whomever and use Biden as as as the subject of that text and they go crazy you you guys are violent you're extremist terrible it's but for me that New York Times piece that you just scrolled through was a kind of a makeup to the left because they they were both the editorial boing Biden step Ste down now to win so they look I my general feeling on these matters is crazy people shoot other people and we've had very heated campaigns in the past very nasty and heated 2016 was just as heated and nasty as this one and it didn't drive anybody to try to shoot anyone you know Mad Men are going to do what Mad Men do irrespective of what you know Joe Biden irresponsibly says or the New York Times irresponsibly prints and it didn't look much different than what they've said about him millions of times before you know and it is millions not maybe not just the times but certainly the media um but there has to be some responsibility when it comes to a person's safety and just environment around them when you know it is the entire media save for conservative voices that's jinning up this messaging that he actually is a threat to the country that's just it's gross it's wrong um you mention we talked about approval ratings right and and what what will happen to Trump I mean Trump we talked about this on the show this week and I realize this sounds crash but we are in one of the biggest political weeks of this entire election you know Trump's about to accept the nomination as the Republican nominee on Thursday so one has to wonder what this does to the week we're about to have in Milwaukee um Trump's problem in this race has been he can't get his approval rating up very high he's never come close to really hitting 50 and that's unusual for someone who's going to win neither can Biden you know Biden's is low too but just historically Ronald Reagan who was also shot as president came into office on a fairly high note he had an initial job approval rating as high as 60 60% in mid-march 1981 uh he was of course sworn in uh January of 81 on March 30th he was shot on the streets of Washington DC um in front of the Hilton by John H Jr and the resulting concern and sympathy helped lift his ratings to 68% by May by the 100th day of his administration 51% of Democrats supported him 70% of Independents 92% of Republicans I believe do we have the Reagan moment uh queued up guys okay well we'll get that I mean I you and I both remember we were kids at the time you know it was 1981 I was 10 and I remember exactly where I was when I heard that the for that the sitting president of United States had been shot Trump of course not the sitting president but likely to be and so I do think realistically one can expect forgive me again it feels crash but it's relevant somewhat of a pole bump for Donald Trump it's GNA SAR I mean but the the the head-to-head matchups don't matter it's the it's a swing state matchup and Trump was already winning by wide margins and you know some of the at least seven of the big swing seven of the big eight or nine swing states he had the he has it locked down he'll just increase the lead I think you hit on something important also in that if the pro the laware the prosecutors around the country want to cvin Bragg Leticia jamesny will it Jack Smith they want to keep going after him they're just going to make it even even easier for him um it's for me at this point can he win can he win Wisconsin again can he win Michigan again can he win even Minnesota if he wins those it'll be historic it'll be another historic wi maybe like I said not not since Ronald Reagan's defeat over Mondale that type of wide margin you know what Eric and because it it's not just the fact that they tried to assassinate him in the same way that the law fair drove many of us to say we're voting for Trump no matter what because we have to remind people of what this country is the the initial bullet that Trump was hit by tonight would have been enough to Dr to drive many people to his side to say no hell no this kind of thing will only drive to the opposite result of the one you're seeking but in it was the moments after that I even cynical news people like you and I I think would have to conclude we'll draw some people to say I am with Trump I have never seen that kind of strength emotional and physical under the most trying of circumstances and he had it in the moment it wasn't 3 hours later it wasn't when he emerged from the ER it was as he was bleeding with the blood across his face and his ear half blown off that he stood up there pumped the Fist and said no I will message my audience to on what I want them to do and it's fight f and making that they're pulling me out of this office that I borrowed one final thought the person who lost their life the rgo who died just being there feel for their family but can you imagine the powerful moment if the family survivors of that person who died comes to the the stage at the RNC convention next week can you imagine the moment and if you're if you're undecided it's over then it's over once you see something like that right I mean just to just to stand up for what their loved one wanted right I mean yeah the person who was killed was just there to express their support of their preferred candidate and Trump is the preferred candidate according to the polls right now of the majority of the American people it's not he's not some outlier he's not some freak he's not some authoritarian he's not Hitler part two he's just a man and by the way his politics are rather moderate for all the jerks out there who just believe what they read on he he's moderate this is what this is one of the beefs that died in the wool conservatives have with the man they want him to be more Neo they want him to be more pro- Lifey know I pray right now I pray the left they're going to do it I I I hope they give it a beat before they start the gun control AR arent with with a shooter using a rifle I it's it's probably already happened I you know you I've been talking for a few minutes here someone some stupid leftwing pundit is gonna blame guns and it's it's insane you're right it happens every time I I do want to read this statement then I'll let you go Eric president Trump just Rel released it I want to thank the United States Secret Service and all of law enforcement for their rapid response on the shoot shooting that just took place in Butler Pennsylvania most importantly I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the rally who was killed and also to the family of another person that was badly injured it's incredible that such an act can take place in our country nothing is known at this time about the shooter who is now dead I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear I knew immediately that something was wrong and that I heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin much bleeding took place so I realized then what was happening in all caps God Bless America you know what reminds me Eric a little bit of George W bush after 911 I mean of all things Trump ear his ear was ripped off part of his ear was ripped off and it reminds me of the George W bush well I can hear you and soon the people who knock down these buildings will hear all of us it's that kind of a moment right now you you may have almost shot off the man's ear you may have sh almost shot off his head but the world is going to hear all of us on November 5th that this is not who we are this is not how we resolve political disputes in the United States of America we are not actually a Banana Republic despite the left trying to take us there in unprecedented ways over this past year I think true Patriots and I mean Patriots you can separate apart from whether you're a core Trump supporter true Patriots and lovers of this country in this experiment understand now that the stakes have changed in this election it's not about Petty concerns that can be resolved for years from now it's about who we are and what we'll tolerate As Americans the stakes have changed entirely I'll give you the last word my friend the last word is you're 100% right they've changed but I'll tell you if anyone if they thought something like this at the left to not suggesting they were hoping something like this would happen but if they wondered the reaction with Trump cow and Cocoon and say wow this is life or death he's the opposite that just energized that they they filled his tank through November 5th and probably through the the 2028 election and in fact until we get there Megan really really good being out with you appreciate your time oh all the best so appreciate you coming on on a time like this very grateful to you let's talk soon um I want to play for the audience before we bring on our next guest couple of pieces of tape that we've just just gotten in one is an eyewitness uh to the shooting you're watching it as I am for the first time let's watch tell me what you saw okay I was in the first rad right in front of President Trump I heard first boom boom I heard four boom boom booms immediately thought fireworks somebody still putting fireworks then the Secret Service jumped onto him pushed him to the ground what did he look like when you saw him when he got up so I'm just telling you now I pushed him to the ground that's what we saw and not one of us in the front row either hid down or anything we all stood up strong to make sure we wanted to protect him too we wouldn't move till Trump got up what did you see from him so then the guys with the guns came they clear right clear left or they said lift them so they lifted them straight up and Trump said I got to get my shoes on he wasn't he was he looked okay to me but I saw a little bit of blood right here on the side of his face the right cheek it was like a teardrop almost but then when he turned to the right I could see the blood from the top of the ear to the bottom was not gushing just but it was it was all the way down you're doing okay yeah I'm fine no I thought something happened but in my mind I thought when they pushed him he hit him self on something you know almost like a burn like brush burn or what you know something and then he put his hand up real big like strong and they walked him down that's it's really incredible to see this is a woman she she appears to be forgive me Madam 50s or 60s um tough as Nails tough as nails and it's it's because of what I I just said before the the Trump supporters are used to being having everything thrown at them they're tough they have to be tough they have no choice you show up at a trump rally you you understand you're going to take some incoming but this is of course something no American should H ever have to be subjected to when just attending a political rally but still look at that woman in the face of gunfire all around her able to give an interview able to say she's okay able to describe it in great detail which matches up with the video that we saw as well joining me now Bill Stanton uh former NYPD and buck stom former CIA um guys thank you so much for being with us tonight let's talk about the security because I think a lot of people are wondering how did a loaded rifle get anywhere near former president Donald Trump at an event like this um Buck I'll start with you on it because um this is well it's both of your lines of work but how what how on Earth could this happen look I've been uh like so many others uh just Fielding calls text calls text ever since this happened uh with the latest information and and people trying to analyze uh how such a thing could could go down just tactically and already I think the uh the sense is that the Secret Service uh was slow um certainly and perhaps missed one of the most obvious Overlook points for there to be this kind of a shooting now I'm basic I wasn't at the rally obviously and and I have to base this off of what's being shared not just in terms of the videos alone which are are obviously very instructive because there's so many videos from different angles as to what went on here but also it seems that the shooter on the rooftop um was able to get up there uh his rifle was visible to people nearby there have been eyewitnesses talking about how they even tried to flag this to Secret Service they were able to once this guy opened fire hit him with counter sniper fire so that response was rapid but how they could have missed uh based on the the schematic if you will of what this area looks like where the buildings are the blueprints how they could have allowed anyone to get up on that building with a rifle to me is it's clearly a massive error I mean when a president almost loses his life or um a presidential candidate and former president in this case this was an inch or two from National catastrophe so there was a clear failure here from the security protocols and we're going to have to figure out how to make sure president Trump is safe going through this election and and hopefully uh beyond that when floor and had a perfect view of JFK in this open open car it's not like we don't have a history to look back at say elevated platforms are dangerous when the president of United States or the former president of United States is there and Trump is an even bigger Target in some ways than the sitting president he's just an extremely controversial figure and it's like I don't understand I mean I I gave kudos to the law enforcement at this at the top of the show because the shooter's dead so that's a plus but I don't understand how my friend Larry's wife couldn't bring her long umbrella in but this shooter was allowed to get as it appears now on a rooftop nearby within a couple hundred yards of the former president and shoot him Secret Service should have had positive control of that rooftop uh I don't want to step on my uh colleagues time here from the NYPD but I just wanted to say that there's no and not only should they have been able to get return fire quickly which they did they they should have had positive control of that space I mean there's absolutely no way that anyone should have been able to get on that rooftop if you were trying to plan an assassination just an everyday person and trying to figure out how would I get the clearest shot of the president on the podium the building where the shot was taken from seems to be the most obvious one this this just in bill before I bring you in uh this is from an eyewitness who well take a listen to what he saw someone who was here you weren't inside the event but you were just outside tell us what you saw and so so we had a party here all day you can see behind us at the brinkles farm and Greenhouse here we had a party um and we all decided hey you know when when we hear Trump up there we're going to walk up through the field stand by the trees up there under the shade and watch and listen to the rally right we couldn't see them but we could hear them so we walked up and probably 5 to 7 Minutes of trump speaking I'm estimating here I have no idea you know but um we noticed the guy crawling arm you know bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us 50 50 ft away from us so we're standing there you know we're pointing we're pointing at the guy crawing up the roof and he had a gun right he had a rifle we could clearly see him with a rifle absolutely um we're pointing at him the police are down there running around on the ground we're like hey man there's guy on the roof with a rifle and the police were like huh what you know like like they didn't know what was going on you know we're like hey right here on the roof we can see him from right here we see you know he's he's craw and next thing you know I'm like I'm thinking to myself I'm like why is Trump still speaking why have they not pulled him off the stage I'm standing there pointing at him for you know 2 3 minutes Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn I'm pointing at that roof just standing there like this and next thing you know five shots run out oh my God Bill Stanton former NPD that is absolutely chilling your reaction well there's a lot to unpack here Megan and I texted you some of my initial feelings so first let me say these law enforcement all of them are willing to put their life on the line to protect the former president that being said watching that and having trained with some of the best in the world X SWAT x uh Delta Force Navy Seals and strategic response and with the Secret Service what I saw that there was not their best day uh what do I mean when they heard the shots they kept him up there on the podium in my opinion for way too long uh I mean just shoot sent a ass at that Podium we knew the president was back there I saw a little bit confusion and I believe that comes from lack of proper planning I would be interesting to see in the post you know shooting review did they do a proper advance were the advanced teams there when were they there did they walk the perimeter were there Undercovers within the crowd was there proper communication and coordination between the different departments I could see there was some local there was some uh uh strategic Response Team there was counter snipers and were there coordination amongst them they kept him up on that Podium way too long and while it made for a good optic dick you know I want my shoes they shouldn't have listened to them they should have got him right out there when Reagan got shot if you can go back to that tape they didn't hesitate they threw him I even think they cracked his ribs because they were so forceful getting him into the uh the Beast the armored uh limo so you they handled him like a ragd doll when Reagan was shot they they immediately shut down any of his own movements and got him into that car that's exactly right they kept the former president up there way too long and the pictures that we're seeing the closeups the photographs that could just as easily have been the scope of a rifle so you know we don't work in the movie world we work in the real world there's always room for improvement and this has to be looked at this will be studied and hopefully the mistakes will be rectified going in I'm also curious to see what type of budget they had you know what type of budget does a former president have for the Secret Service what is his detail especially running for president do they have enough bodies do they have enough resource to do the proper advanced work and coordination that's needed as we've seen never more so than tonight hold on I'm trying to find I'm trying to find that update my team has sent me a lot maybe they can send me but there is a question about whether funding more more funding for Trump security was rejected can I point out that your friend and mine uh the Dan Bonino who obviously has real expertise on the Secret Service side of things having served himself uh tweeted out that he believes the head of the Secret Service U should resign because she was warned about the increased threat and the need for additional resources uh on my own radio show clay and buck clay said just a few days ago on the air I'm really worried about Trump I would personally pay to Triple his secret detail the threats against him must be through the roof so this was you know you start to pull this all together and this isn't like some random Congressman somewhere that was attacked by a maniac Trump is the single highest profile I I I think you could argue even more so than the sitting president because of the political temperature and what's going on in the country right now sing is high highest profile Target that there is um and and the most threats against him right now and so I mean while I can understand that uh you know there's this idea well Secret Service did their best and they Dove and they they tried to you know manage the situation they really have one job and it's to prevent this from happening and they didn't prevent it uh the counterfire was late I mean it stopped this from getting worse this was inches away from a national catastrophe where we would have woken up tomorrow in a different country in a different political reality in a place where my own family was calling me I was talking to my parents as soon as this happened I mean I was in the worst situation I was getting texts and I'm in the gym it's loud my parents called me they said do you see this and we're talking and I said oh my God have they have they assassinated President Trump and they asked me what do you think happens I had I mean I I think I have ideas for almost everything Megan but if that had happened we would not know what the country would look like what the future would be like tomorrow in a way that is that is terrifying honestly I mean I think that if you're looking to see how the country could be pulled apart at the seams it would be a presidential candidate who's ahead by Massive numbers um being assassinated and of course it's not also in the vacuum of just one C I know they're going to say it's one crazy person but we know that Trump was he has been impeached twice he's been indicted four times they have thrown more against this President and had more aggressive propaganda and just insane things calling him Hitler like I mean Hitler killed 11 million people in the death camp 6 million Jews in what universe is there a hitlerian comparison that he's made Donald Trump they do it all the time they just had him on the cover of the new Republic a week ago with a Hitler mustache on these people are insane and the major news networks I'm sorry they're just as bad in terms of the propaganda they're a part of it CNN had a thing about the president fell down did you see that I'm sure You' talked about it already Yes I mean I grew up with the trumps I knew Trump's kids he's a dad he's a husband he's a human being he's serving the country there's just no sense of basic Humanity when it comes from from the other side not just in the midst of this assassination attempt but all along they treat him like he's some sort of reptile that has to be exterminated it is horrific and so it's in that context that we see this assassination attempt it's in that context that we say how many people on the left go on Twitter right now or X there are people that are making jokes about this there are people that you know say that they I don't want to repeat it on your show but there are people in this country for whom today wasn't a wakeup call um it was something that they've been perhaps psychologically preparing for and maybe even hoping for for a long time and that is a horrible thing to think and say as an American right now but it is out there you can see it for yourself you saw this um it's it's ubiquitous on the left but they're just having one of these big Mucky muck conferences out there in Sun Valley it happens every year and the one thing that about that all the billionaires go and the one thing about this conference is they don't leak what's said you know Behind Closed Doors by all the wealthy and connected people doesn't get leaked because that's their private club um except now this is leaked Peter Theo was up there um entrepreneur and um venture capitalist and somebody who employed JD Vance after JD Vance finished uh yeah law school coincidentally uh he sarcastically thanked bundler billionaire um Democratic heavyweight Reed Hoffman for funding lawsuits against Trump saying they'd turn Trump into a martyr Peter's you know more right leaning in his in his politics said you know sarcastically thanking him thanks because you've turned him into a martyr increasing his chances of re-election and from the stage uh this is Dylan byer's reporting of um punch B news reporting um that Reed hoffen responded with his own sarcastic quip quote Yeah I wish I had made him an actual M and by the way my friend was there and confirmed that this exact thing happened so I mean I can she was horrified this is horrifying this is not how you talk about another yeah they he was telling the truth and that that's why I was talking earlier Buck about you know I tuned into CNN earlier and Wolf Blitzer he was far more sympathetic when we had the first uh Desert Storm War I remember watching his reporting there over what was happening in another country then he was about what just happened in our country as at least one innocent American lay dead another's now in serious condition and the former president of the United States and likely next almost got his head blown off they can't muster it they genuinely see him as an evil man and and it is one of those you know however much you hate the media it's not it's not enough and by the way this is this evil moment other friends by the minute are just for filing in saying they all heard Reed Reed Hoffman say this that it was a shocking moment go ahead Bill we what what I see happening with my high dollar clients and um also from the streets you have the elites that live in a bubble and they live in there literally their Ivy Towers they fly in private jets and they're so far removed from the daily Strife that everyday Americans endure now you also have today's youth that no longer live in a world of reality they live in the cyber world where they have big coones they feel they could say what they want there's no repercussions in my youth you mouth off to someone there was always the threat that you may get smacked in the mouth and you have to Knuckle Up and I think what's happening now in today's world with the active Shooters with antifa they put on their covid masks and they engage in violence they cannot differentiate between the cyber world and the real one where they're so used to screaming out loud I need to be heard I need to take action online this is now transcending into the real world and it's become blurred and this needs really needs to be a wakeup call to Everyday Americans to secure themselves and to watch out for your neighbors a couple of things um breaking here Shawn Davis of the Federalist reports as follows and please audience bear with me as I said initial reports almost always get revised things that are said have to be taken back on the on the night of breaking news of this sort so please everything with a grain of salt unless you get it directly from the Secret Service but this is um this is from Shawn Davis of the Federalist a source familiar with Trump's security detail tells the Federalist that the former and future presidents detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks but has been rebuffed Time and Time Again by Biden's Department of Homeland Security DHS which oversees Secret Service protective detail quote was not responsive to those requests for more resources according to this Source Buck this is exactly what you were just saying that the the the absence of appropriate security was noted that there was a request that it be beefed up and if this is true it was denied which is going to be a political Scandal of its own oh absolutely as it well should be um I I think that Biden's best defense is that he didn't know what was going on with this just like he doesn't know what's going on with anything else although that doesn't really make any of us feel much better I think considering he's the commander and chief technically um this will be something that I think there's a there's a paper trail for email Trail they'll be able to show these requests if in fact that reporting is accurate by the way Shawn Davis is good friend of mine brilliant guy and uh you know I I I know he's going on the breaking news too but I I tend to put stock I I would do what you did Megan I would trust enough in Shawn to to put forward him as a source so I think Shawn is is generally wrong solid um and and if this is the case uh you have to wonder in what Universe would it be okay decisionmaking for the sitting president who has his doj bringing two cases I know it's separate the doj we all know that's preposterous and then has an agent a former agent if you will of the doj taking a massive demotion to go bring a prosecution against him in New York I mean when you see the law fair campaign that is being waged and then simultaneously it seems there was a denial of additional security resources I don't know how things can get much worse for the bid Administration than they are but this would actually accomplish that this would show us that Biden is not only um senile and the whole thing has been a lie but there's a viciousness and a vindictiveness to him um that shows you what I've always been saying by the way which is that he's never been a man of any character or decency that was a front as well so we'll see I I certainly think we need to get to the bottom of this because there there can be no excuse for that kind of uh denial of resources given the threats against Trump there's no about Ken coverage what about what Will Kennedy be getting coverage now yeah yeah well RF KJ here listen to this um Chad perram Capitol Hill reporter producer for Fox News longtime trust Chad program entirely uh he reports that James comr who's head of over oversight in the house wants us secret service director cheel to appear for a hearing on the Trump shooting soon his committee has oversight of Secret Service comr quote my prayers are with the president with President Trump and the victims of the assassination attempt at today's rally in Pennsylvania I think the brave secret service members who put their lives at risk to protect president Trump and for the American Patriots in the audience who helped innocent victims political violence in all forms is unamerican and unacceptable there are many questions and Americans demand answers I've already contacted the Secret Service for a briefing I'm also calling on secret service director Kimberly Che cheel to appear for a hearing the oversight committee will send a formal invitation soon of course there will be a full-fledged investigation into how if that man we heard with the red hair the eyewitness is correct regular Americans saw the shooter Climb Up on the Rooftop in front of their very eyes with a rifle which According to some reports is being described as an AR-15 rifle they saw that with their eyes tried to call attention did call attention to law enforcement that was on scene that they had seen it and according to at least that one eyewitness the local law enforcement seemed befuddled as to what to do that's my word not his and now we see what appears to be the shooter dead on top of the rooftop it certainly seems to confirm that set of circumstances bill I want to show you this um it's a remarkable photo and it was captured by former White House Press Corp uh member Doug Mills if you zoom in which we have here over the president's left shoulder keep in mind he got hit in the right ear um and you will see what the appears to be on a super closeup it looks like it could be a bullet flying in the air um this is saying to to the right of the president's head I may you know how sometimes when you put the picture up it flips this to me looks I mean on screen it's it's to the right but the president's right ear would be on the other side in any event there will be a full investigation here as we saw with JFK Jr on exactly where that gunfire came from Bill and whether there was just one shooter well what they're going to do is they're going to do a whole Deep dive on the deceased the as salant social media they're going to look at his correspondence his his texts and they're going to find out who he was Affiliated hopefully they'll do uh half the job that they did with the January 6th investigation uh what I will say speaking to law enforcement complainy in law enforcement is not your friend it's 99% mundane 1% adrenaline like we've seen here these cops where they're from you know it's probably not a high crime area they used to directing traffic doing their daily duties it's not often a president comes into town so when they're hit with a stimulus like hey hey hey there's a shooter up there they weren't necessarily trained on how to react like that I'm not giv not making an excuse I'm giving an explanation and the president I'm telling you that man has True Grit I mean I would have been a pancake on that floor I wouldn't have gone up I would said carry me out that's not true I would have but not you this is this is something that needs to be learned and there needs to be action all this Petty BS what the uh left has been doing cutting funding looking to persecute him I mean I feel like I'm watching braveart just yell Mercy you know and this man keeps on going this will rally his voter base this will rally the independence and where is the violence coming from the left and it's going to be interesting to see how they spin this what can't Happ happen is that Trump now has to go underground for the next four months because of this security environment you know I mean that but for sure they're going to start to have to take his security much more seriously you know I said this last September when I went to interview him in person in New Jersey there was far too little security around him granted everyone knew I was not a threat um and but and things hadn't ramped up the way they have right now where we're four months out and counting but but I I can personally attest to the fact that it was very clear he did not have enough protection even to my late person's eyes and I'm horrified to learn that's ongoing we do have the Reagan clip queued up um because I do think that that's probably the most similar historical situation to what we just saw today though thank God it appears that President Trump was not hit nearly as bad as Reagan was but to your point earlier Bill the Secret Service did not let Reagan stand there for a minute and do anything they grabbed him as I said like a ragd doll and got him into the presidential limousine let's watch it didn't make much sense Henry he puts you here and he runs around [Music] turn get him out and they did this by the way um from Michael Reagan son of the late president the Reagan family sends their prayers to president Trump and his family special prayers for Melania as we remember what Nancy was going through in March 1981 we also have this in from Ivanka Trump thank you for your love and prayers for my father and for the other victims of today's senseless violence in Butler Pennsylvania I am grateful to the Secret Service and all the other law enforcement officers for their are quick and decisive actions today I continue to pray for our country I love you dad today and always and so with that you know it is worth remembering buck that though it certainly we need to investigate where was the funding where was the adequate security and where was the Secret Service as this man took to the top of that roof it can't be forgotten that they they do risk their lives every day to protect people like Trump people like Biden too many of them do not go home at the end of their shifts both law enforcement and Secret service and you know there's been a long history of them losing their lives in these circumstances it just it happens it wasn't it doesn't look like it was well handled but you got to say a prayer for them too because their lives were also on the line right U well look always and and you know I spent uh 18 months in the NYPD Intelligence Division on loan from the CIA and so I was around those long a lot of law enforcement Personnel working beside them for counterterrorism purposes and so I'm very familiar with the risks that they take and and the stories and and what it's like for them and their families um no one I think is questioning the The Bravery the patriotism or the um uh professionalism of any uh particular agent secret service agent or group of Agents um that said they have one job and it is prevent what basically just happened um what saved president Trump's life was not the Secret Service it was the uh really divine intervention um I don't know what else you could call it of a round fired at him from a rifle from an elevated position that missed him by perhaps two inches it would have been different it would have been fatal um and he was able to get those clearly uh aim shots off from that elevated position and you have to wonder how this kind of a thing could ever be possible the the clip you showed of Reagan um I mean this is just this is we learned this in the CIA learn this in the FBI all the different federal agencies you're actually most vulnerable usually when you're moving um you know when it comes to static security they can usually do a better job one of the reasons why they have motorcades and they're um you know as large and and well armed as they are is that when you're IM mobile is when things can be uh more problematic because people are you know there's just there's just more unknown introduced in the situation as as you see in the Ragan clip there he's coming out on the street there's a change of venue there's people going with him when you're preparing for a presidential speech and president Trump was almost killed on live TV giving a speech I mean this is the the absolute core of what the Secret Service needs to be able to do is to make situations like that safe and this guy got up on a rooftop and got off aim shots and hit the president in the head with a rifle round I mean I don't this is a failure and and I'm I'm sorry you know I remember people were uh upset at me initially when the Uvalde Massacre happened because I said there was no Universe in which those officers I know it's a different situation but just a very different situation but there's no Universe in which those officers could explain waiting in the hallway as long as it did I don't care what's going on inside it's not possible it's against do it's against tactical Doctrine there is no world in which this is not a massive Secret Service failure um now that's not on any one individual but that is the truth and we need to understand that and there needs to be I mean we'll get into these hearings and and the the so what of who signed what and all of that in the days ahead but um secret service got lucky Secret Service got lucky uh that and that's not where they should be it should never be if they had taken the shooter out before he could get a shot off on the roof I'd say all right the procedures worked he got shots off Megan we could have lost president Trump tonight we were literal and we did lose one American we lose another another am yeah for me he was up on that Podium for and Eternity and if you look at I mean the textbook doing it right well first of all if someone's committed to losing their life it's very hard to stop someone whether it's a vest whether it's a handgun or a kitchen knife if someone could have touch access they could do the damage and what we saw from the Reagan shooting the brief clip that you showed their backs were to the principal they had designated people to get him in the car and they got him out I saw once he was in the car he was in the car way too long I saw a couple of Agents you know waving their gun in the air better training bigger budget more Personnel we we shouldn't have to keep learning these same lessons uh Elon Musk tweeted out not long ago moments um dangerous times ahead two people separate occasions have already tried to kill me in the past 8 months they were arrested with guns about 20-minute drive from Tesla HQ in Texas can't keep doing this to each other you can have political disagreements where you say I don't like his policy I don't like the new X I don't like SpaceX or Twitter or what you can say all of that we we have to stop demonizing these men in particular with the worst scariest darkest most evil rhetoric we have it's again I don't know anything about the shooter right now I've seen the same Reports online that you guys have seen we just need to be more responsible in general um oh gosh okay I really believe honest yeah go ahead I'm sorry I just gonna say that this this is not and I know they're gonna do this all week this is not a we need to stop political violence on both sides moment I'm not saying you're saying that but I know that's what yeah will be said that will be the the the call Jo Biden Hitler nobody says that about him no my point he is dangerous in word deed and action he puts self over a country he loathes the laws we live by and that's not even getting into the body of what the New York Times said about him this week sorry keep going you know that's exactly the point and this is not a bothsidesism thing uh this is not a moment where we should all sit and think about political violence in general terms or anything else the left in this country is insane and the left has a home in the Vanguard of the Democrat Party and some people saying recently call all the major shots um they I mean here here's an example that you won't hear talked about on CNN there have really been uh two um active shooter mass assass or active shooter assassination attempts against politicians in America and recent memory obviously what just happened to president Trump and then there was the shooting at the baseball field in Alexandria back in what was it 2018 where uh a Bernie Sanders voting you know I'm do I'm bring that up because he said this is for healthcare that was what he said as he was shooting tried to kill conservative members of Congress shot Steve scales tried to murder Senator Rand Paul and a whole bunch of other Republicans he was a leftist uh a leftist lunatic showed up with a gun and a knife trying to and said that he wanted to kill Supreme Court Justice Cavanaugh this is coming from one side the left their their little partisan hacks at all these different news networks at the New York Times They pretend they're above it but they're not when you use ad hitlerum when you talk about people as an extinction level event for democracy or the end of the Republic you are encouraging violence you are encouraging someone out there to take into their own hands changing the destiny of this country by taking the right to a free and fair election in this case voting for Donald Trump out of the hands of the American people they have been pushing this and pushing this and we don't say the same thing Megan if I was on your show and I said Joe Biden's going to lock up everyone's family send them to camps and murder everybody you would be like Buck what's wrong with you like you know get off my show it would just never happen they say lunatic stuff about Trump all the time they say that Trump let let me tell you something by the way Rand Paul too was was attacked and it was Rand Paul was seriously death by Democrat neighbor yeah yeah and people thought it was hilarious they they loved it can I just give you one example I don't mean to bash on just the BBC because it's certainly not them but my friends over in in Great Britain uh like Dan Wooten and um he was on the air and he had a commentator on Lawrence Fox and they made Lawrence made some crass joke about this woman who was playing down men's mental health and he said basically he didn't want to sleep with her in a British way and uh what man would want to Shag her that's what he said and Dan said oh you know she's she's an attractive woman Lawrence and you know whatever it was an awkward moment and they ended it and it was fine both those guys got fired they both got fired okay for for saying that kind of thing on the air in the UK where they have very strict Regulators I was on the BBC Friday night Friday night right we're Saturday night right now and I don't I I didn't know I was participating in a panel but suddenly they brought up the actor Alan Cummings who played Mr Elton in the movie Emma with gwenith palro years ago if memory serves fine actor less of a great political commentator he was on to talk about the fact that he had just been at a Biden fundraiser and Biden was more like the debate Biden and less like you know the Biden of 10 years ago and Alan Cummings decided to jump into my trump analysis to say what's wrong with those moderators of that debate why didn't they point out that Trump's just been accused of child rape he says this on the air at the BBC and I said that is absolutely untrue that is beneath the a channel like this to even allow such an allegation to to be aired and there's absolutely not a cintilla of Truth to what you just said that guy isn't banned from the BBC no one's been fired you didn't even hear about this story did you didn't even make a wave didn't no problem you can go out there and Proclaim that Donald Trump is now a child molester which is defamation per se meaning a damages will be assumed you don't have to prove it someone says you're a trial molester they're presumed no problem you say about one leftist woman that nobody wants to sleep with her after she says men's mental health doesn't really deserve much attention and you're fired your ass is fired I realize it's granular I'm just saying to your point buck there's such a disgusting double standard and it has to stop it has to stop um this just in Trum motorcade just left Butler Memorial Hospital on route to Pittsburgh do not know exactly where he goes from there but thank God the Trump motorcade just left the hospital we presume that means Trump is in the motorcade um and if so that's great news certainly would love to hear that he's been given clean bill of health and has been released from the hospital one more sound bite for you and before I say goodbye in this new sound bite we have guys I'm just going to descri describe it apparently we're going to see a secret service member on a rooftop appearing to shoot at the sniper who killed the Trump supporter and shot at president Trump let's watch and you know that's a little bit old that chart that chart's a couple of months old and if you want to really see something they said take a look at what happened okay so what we're seeing it's hard to see in the tiny little box that we're all looking at but it it appears to we'll play it again and we can talk over it we don't need the sound um but you're you're seeing a white rooftop and I guess if we zoom in there you can see a secret service member and this wouldl sniper team there to prevent yeah is the person who should have seen the man in the first place before the trigger was pulled well I I and again I'm curious what uh what our colleague thinks about this as well they had that roof secured positive control sniper team the other roof they leave open to anyone to just crawl up on I mean at minimum H have a local PD guy posted at the base of that building at minimum at minimum I I don't I mean look I don't want to sound crazy there are people that are now starting to float all kinds of conspiracies about you know I mean I'm not doing that but I'm just saying when there's this level of lapse people start to wonder what the heck is going on and the um I I would i' would agree I mean I've also I've had it's funny I had three friends me MPD tonight all saying the same thing which is he was on the stage way too long so um that's absolutely true as well from procedural standpoint but leaving open the elevated platform for the shooter to get to in the first place is uh I mean that just feels like an un unpardonable oversight from a security and and and preparation for the venue perspective it's a sin this is what has to happen for the game to be raised for more procedures for more Personnel for a bigger budget that this has to happen this way which TR Trump rallies are still people will wait I mean they would wait before Megan as you know for 24 hours I mean they would camp out they do whatever to go see Trump Trump's rallies are now going to be on lockdown but I think you'll see still huge numbers of people because more than ever I mean they they will want around the block to get in there'll be lines around the block to get in and there'll be lines around the block to get in on election day too we pulled the the cover you you referenced Buck the new Republic in June with a with a morphing of trump and Hitler and the headline on the cover is American fascism what it would look like shame on you shame on you it wasn't just them the The Washington Post December of 23 that look at this the two men their heads merged the back of Trumps into the back of hiters in a very similar I mean I know you just said it but this is and listen wait let me just read the let me just read you the caption yes it's okay to compare Trump to Hitler don't let me stop you by Mike Godwin shame on you Mike Godwin shame on you all go ahead no it's just this is incitement Megan they've been inciting and inciting and inciting and now someone took a shot at Trump it's only gonna get worse it's not going to get better when you have illegals coming into this country robbing gangs you know taking over people's homes when you see you know prosecutors inventing laws to convict a former president this is only going to get worse before it gets better this just in from Jackie Heinrich of Fox News former senior federal law enforcement Source tells Fox quote secret service failed shooter was High Ground took way too long to get him out and he was exposed if there was a second shooter that was an inch away from his assassination that again sourcing a senior federal law enforcement source which dubs with my own former federal law en enforcement Source here on the right and my former law enforcement Source at the cop level on the left go ahead Buck I mean I was say unfortunately you know CI in the intelligence world there's a long history of trying to prevent these kinds of things from happening and intelligence agencies from unsavory places do these kinds of things and this is a this was a massive failure um I mean there's no way around that reality and as I said we just got really lucky so everyone say a prayer tonight because God was watching out for president Trump God was watching out for this country absolutely right you guys thank you thank you both so much for being here Bill all the best I want to play you another look at the video that we have been watching uh this this moment that will live in American history as iconic iconically terrible iconic ially inspirational in the way that Trump handled it iconically disturbing in what we've come to when an assassin got into a trump rally appears to have gotten up on a rooftop that was unprotected took a shot at the former president of the United States and soon to be nominated Republican candidate for president of the United States hit him in the head took the life of a trump fan and another who is reported fighting for his own life at this hour he or she don't know the gender uh before he was killed by return fire watch you see something that said take a look at what happened we doing what we doing [Music] to theare hold hold when you're ready on you ready move up move hkey here here mov get ready get ready we ready down we good down Shooters down are we good to move down we good to move we clear we're clear clear we're [Music] clear let me get my shoes let me get my shoes I got you sir I got you let me get my shoes hold that your head is bloody so we got to move to the watch out fist in the air [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh guys maybe maybe you're feeling it at home too I that that that brought chills that brought chills seeing him with the Fist and stopping the Secret Service from escorting him out I realize against protocol and all that but like the man stopped the Secret Service from getting him into the Beast so that he could show his supporters he was okay so that he could remind them to fight and he could show his strength it's natural it's who he is it came to him in a way I have to admit I don't I think I'd be like yes get me out of here um it's who he is and it was inspirational um it it was I I want to update some of our earlier reporting we told you that Charlie Kirk who's very tight with Trump World said there's a possibility that Trump could show up at the UFC fight tonight in Denver um now the New York Post reporting that will not happen uh that a source for the Trump campaign confirmed directly to the New York Post no and thank God for that the man needs to be with his family on a night like this um a senior Trump adviser is uh telling Phil Wegman of real clear that Trump remains quote in a very good mood and that he has resolved to continue with the convention this week that there are quote no plans to deviate on anything that was already planned extraordinary news want to bring in my friend Jesse Kelly uh former Marine now commentator and host of uh Omri on the first TV Jesse your thoughts on what's happened in the United States of America tonight well first what a remarkable level of composure from president Trump to stand up the dude was asking for his shoes did you hear him on the microphone he's like hold on I gotta get my shoes he just got shot in the ear I don't like when my son slick me in the ear he got shot in the ear and he got up he was worried about his shoes so look all the credit in the world that is uh that's a that's that's very very impressive to him and and the people needed to see that too can you imagine how scared the people would be if they didn't know and for him to keep his thoughts together enough to reassure them I I thought was awesome but look Megan I've I've got some dark thoughts but these are thoughts that you and I have talked about many times on this show we have a serious problem with communist violence in the country that is what they believe the left believes in violence it's not what they do it's who they are all political power comes from the barrel of a gun Maad dun that a long time ago and you don't have to look far you go on Facebook or something like that you'll see just the regular neighborhood Democrat when they get mad at somebody hey someone post his address it's just natural for these people because in their minds they're fighting a revolution and there are two different kinds of Communists I talk about this all the time there are the Elite ones and there are the street ones you have guys like Chuck Schumer they'll get up and they'll give speeches and they'll threaten Brett Cav by name and tell him he's going to reap the Whirlwind and then he just washes his hands of the whole thing and then there's an assassin who flies from California with a gun outside of cavana's home ready to put a bullet in his mouth this is how it works and the reason it works this way is because after these Street scumbags do these acts of violence they're protected they're given legal protection by the dirty Elite Communists do I need to point to the antifa people who firebombed an NYPD cop car and should have faced 15 years in the clink for terrorism they're already out on the street of course protesting for Palestine or something stupid like that this happens all over Democrat politicians Democrat judges Democrat ga da they let these people go free with the understanding with the anticipation that they're going to do the violent things Democrats want done we don't have a political violence problem in this country and everyone who's saying that is dead freaking wrong we have a communist violence problem in this country I remember it was uh Breitbart I think it was I want to make sure I give them credit they printed an article in Trump's last year of office where they documented that it was over 390 acts of violence against Trump supporters just during Trump's four years including a trump supporter executed in Oregon by antifa this is the norm it is how they operate and you have an FBI arresting Schoolboard moms Pro lifers and January 6 mimos who ed through the capital and no serious effort has been made zero to attack groups like antifa and we hear the allegations we don't know details yet I don't want to act like we do but there are these vile violent Street Animal networks like antifa black lives matter the people who've been firebombing the pro-life centers and when you ask the Attorney General what's he say about it well they were wearing masks and it was at night nothing we could do about it but he sure can send a swap team to a pass house and stick guns in in in the face of his wife and his kids we have a communist violence problem it is not only encouraged it is allowed at the highest levels of our government and there needs to be a government clean out like no tomorrow this is a government problem it's amazing when I I hear you talk because just this week I was listening to some leftest podcast and they were talking about it's very serious what Trump is threatening to do now as the way has been cleared um by the Supreme Court when he's talking about draining the swamp and taking control of certain federal agencies and putting in only loyalists you know if he's a if he's going to take a correct exactly that's what we want him to do we do not want this regime to stay in control for one minute longer than they have to this is what we can expect maybe not gunfire on your average day but the complete undermining of the man and the attempted ruination of the elected president we've talked before about how they intentionally ruined his first term with the impeachment and the non-stop Russia Russia Russia and the Deep State and the undermining and the FBI and the CI against him and it's only going to get worse unless Trump is empowered to go in there and put in people who will do what he wants who will enact the Trump agenda which if he's elected again will have been voted on by the American people most normal people understand that's how government should work there shouldn't be a civil war unspoken internally in the government after a full and free democratic election but today underscores the lengths to which they will go and Jesse you've been on my show enough we've talked about it your book you call the leftists Communists and we've laughed about it but you've Justified why you call them that and I have to say I'm feeling that tonight more than ever like this the crazy lunatic left and yet we don't know whether this guy was antifa I've seen the reports you've seen but that element of the farle is genuinely dangerous and does need to get the January 6th treatment when they engage in violence and yet they've been treated entirely differently whether it's in civil lawsuits or in criminal cases than Mima on j6 as you point out well Megan and just just a couple things off the top of my head that I can think of that just took place in just the last couple years the FBI they kneel down for George Floyd protest there's video of this you can look at pictures of it online FBI agents in uniform kneeling down before black lives matter FBI recruiting at Pride events I know you've probably already talked about this the slide that was revealed from Fort Brag which they know call Fort Liberty because we can't preserve anything in this country the slide revealing terrorist groups and the national right to life was one of those ter groups this is why I'm so focused on government right now because the street animals would be nothing with very little law enforcement Focus these groups can be found out broken up imprisoned and taken care of but this stuff is allowed and oftentimes facilitated by a government that has turned all of its guns inward against its most patriotic citizens I explain this to people all the time they're not destroying the FBI they're not destroying the military they're building one they're building one there's a reason guys like Obama get in there and they fire a 100 Generals in the first five minutes and they promote a bunch of loyalists there's a reason why they put the vax Mandate for the military so quickly to run out anybody ideologically on the right and then there's a new gay pride parade on an Air Force Base not that that's unusual for the Air Force there's a new gay pride parade every five minutes on an Air Force Base so you have these guys anyone who's ideologically on the right they email my show all the time and said Jesse I'm done I'm getting out Jesse I was going to join the Marines now I'm not going to join Jesse I'm not doing it and the result of that is the same thing these dirty communist scumbags have done everywhere they've ever taken over they take all the forces of government the state police they take the military and they fill it up with their Loyalists and they have always from the bolik revolution to Cambodia to Spain to you name it every single time they have done this they have done it with the intention of turning those guns against their political opponents and every single time they have done it with the justification that their political opponents are debators or threats to democracy threat to democracy he'll end democracy do you remember Megan I know you do when Joe Biden gave that evil speech with the red backdrop and he had the Marines behind him totally inappropriate to have the Marines there because it was a political speech calling us enemies of democracy threat to democracy threat to the foundation of democracy and the next day kin diversity hire his press secretary was asked why were the Marines there that was inappropriate and this is what she said verbatim they were there because they're The Defenders of our democracy people don't want to believe this is the case I'm telling you right now the government the most dangerous thing going on in the world is the government turning its guns against its own citizens as as fervently as this government fought the war on terror during the global war on terror era of which I was part of that is as fervently as this government is refocusing its efforts against the right in this country and if you can't see it you're blind we have a major problem on our hands honestly it's very scary because we've lived this we've watched the things that you just outlaid that mer Garland's FBI did label parents domestic terrorists and start looking into the ones who showed up at Schoolboard meetings to protest the covid policies or went over their time when they were at the microphone that actually happened they did crack down on churches that continued to hold Services during uh covid they they did take the BLM protesters and antifa and let them go just as soon as they if they were arrested at all just as soon as they were arrested and then in the case of many paid them reparations for the way the police arrested them like the police weren't treating them with with the kid gloves that were required when they were trying to keep them from burning down police stations which actually happened and federal buildings which they were trying to attack I mean this has been our past two years Megan and I'm sorry to interrupt but I I want everyone to remember how exactly the Schoolboard thing came about this is how it came about we know this from after the fact parents were showing up at school boards they didn't want the masks on their kids they didn't they were getting angry about all the the America sucks white people are evil crap that's taught in our schools today so moms and dads were showing up and they were just getting loud as school boards no violence at all and we found all this out after the fact from documents that were released how did they how did it end up these parents were labeled domestic terrorists the White House Joe Biden's White House coordinated with the national teachers union to compose a letter so Joe Biden's White House coordinated with the teachers union to compose a letter that letter was then sent to attorney general Meritt Garland who used the letter composed by the White House as justif ation to stick the FBI like a bunch of Rabbid dogs they are after Schoolboard parents and counterterrorism heads of the Federal Bureau of Investigation met privately to discuss which terrorist threat label to put on Schoolboard parents the details of the things that you just laid out are 10 times as frightening as the headlines themselves and that's why I am extremely suspicious about what happened today extremely suspicious and we have a big problem on our hands I I mean I can't go that far I I think this is going to be some leftist lunatic but I don't know and I've seen I I mean but like I know I don't whatever we'll leave it at that we'll see what happens I do want to say this Dan banino former Secret Service protected Obama was on the presidential detail um reporting as follows tweeting on X Us Secret Service director Kim cheel must resign she was warned about this she ignored the warnings and then he doubles down I want to repeat and can absolutely confirm the US secret service director Kim cheel has repeatedly turned down requests for a larger security footprint around president Trump despite knowing the threat level is catastrophic resign tonight this dovetail somewhat with the reporting from the Federalist sha Davis who said requests had been made by the Trump campaign to increase security and that DHS which oversees Secret Service had refused Dan banino saying it was the secret service director herself Kim cheel who said no um where was she tonight and what was her role in saying no to additional security for the most threatened man in America to remind our audience tonight in but but in Butler Pennsylvania the former president of the United States was the attempted Target was the target of an attempted assassination the bullet grazed his ear inches if not centimeters away from his brain at least one person behind him was killed an emergency room physician who was on site testifying that he attempted to save that person's life and saw that person's brain matter understanding that they were already gone a second Trump fan was hit and as far as we know and now we've been on the air a few hours continues to struggle for his or her life in the hospital tonight I'm sure we'll have updates on them at some point soon president Trump by some sort of Miracle is fine and has we understand been released from the hospital and is extending his thanks to the Secret Service as are his family members Ivanka and Don Jr among them um this is one of those moments where you need to pray for our nation we need to pray for us to come together there was a guy forgive me I can't remember his name Jesse he wrote the book b bowling alone back in like '95 right around there talking about how our society was getting more and more fragmented and isolationist toward each other staying at home and watching the TV too much not going out to join the join the bowling league right together um and that it was leading to a real deterioration in Mental Health Community country like the dynamic between oneself and one's mental health and oneself one's country was precipitously falling and he was trying to sound the alarm he recently spoke with I think it was the times again and said um nothing's improved nothing's improved I it was just this morning I think I think it the listen to this this morning on their podcast uh where he said I tried to sound the alarm but it's only gotten worse you know it was six or seven years before the iPhone came out that I published first it was an article then it was a book and we've only gone into our Corners more both in terms of our devices the way we live our lives and our politics then he got annoying and started to talk about Trump of course in a completely inappropriate way but the underlying point the first point is well taken and you know I don't we don't have a lot of moments of unity the last one I remember the really big one it wasn't Co that was very politically driven it was 9/11 where we understood that we were under attack by an outsider and we came together to stand shoulder-to-shoulder as Americans this is something different because of the things you just outlined there has been a cauldron of toxicity around not just Trump but people who vote for Trump people who love Trump people who show up at the rallies could be an 80 yearold could be a 20-year-old and we've allowed it to go on for twoo long again I don't if this is some antifa nut or some nut who knows there's a difference between causation and correlation we can't yet go there but it's too much because we're fraying we're fragmenting as countrymen right it's like we can't even agree on patriotism loyalty to our nation saluting the flag flying the flag I don't know if this is going to be any sort of a healing moment eventually right now now I think people are going to feel like forgive me for getting you know to Bose that it's War right that that it's war that someone's declared war on President Trump and that President Trump will be defended and that his values and his beliefs and the beliefs of his core supporters will be defended and I pray there's not any escalatory violence well let's let's be clear it is war but it doesn't need to be the violent kind it really does not and it should not be and I want to caution everyone tonight as you can probably tell I'm mad you know Megan's mad how could you not be mad it's it's I'm a human being my blood pressure is through the roof right now look how freaking red my faces but there's nobody nobody nobody for you to go after right now nothing for you to do pray be angry go punch a punching bag somewhere go to the shooting range if you want to blow off some steam go a jog there's we don't know details right now we don't know details about anything we don't know details about the shooter and we may never know the way everyone lies about everything in this freaking country we don't we don't we don't know anything right now but you should channel that anger into positive fighting positive fighting back digging in we do now share a country Megan with people who hate it it was not always this way if the Democrat Party was not always this way at all yeah guys like JFK were freaking war heroes almost died for this country was not this way at all a lot of this ties back a lot of this ties back to Barack Obama and the people he filled the government with we've never had somebody like that who went and grabbed you know maybe normally a Democrat would grab a a Democrat city councilman or a Democrat out of this department or that apartment we've never had somebody like Obama who went and grabbed the most radical maist out of Academia and put them in positions of power in the government it's not an accident we are this divided they're trying to divide us that is the entire point the entire platform now is white people suck and men suck and America sucked and this sucked and that sucks and that it is intentional it's intentional to divide us get us to hate our country get us to hate each other had a very revealing conversation with the Democrat uh neighbor kind of neighbor mine he lives in my area a couple years ago I was complaining about the NFL and doing all the kneeling and all the black lives matter stupid stuff they were doing and I said I gave that that line that we all probably gave at the time why does it have to get political this isn't political and he looked at me and he said what are you talking about it's always been political they have the military there now process that in your head Megan process that for him the United States military is political The Defenders of the country is political where are we we are at War it is a culture War hopefully and that's exactly where it needs to stay but we are at War and there only be one V Jesse Kelly thank you thanks for coming on thanks for your service as I always say to you it's great to see you appreciation Megan the author I referred to from of bowling alone is Robert putam and you know one of the points he was making today that was annoying was um it started off by saying there are two ties that are important in socialization one is to people who are like you and the second is to people who are not like you and it's the reason he singled out Maga is because he said well they don't they don't pursue number two they they have the bonding that comes with being around people who are like you but they refuse to reach out Beyond Maga you know they demonize people outside of Maga Robert putam is the author's name and I laughed when I heard I me I'm used to as anybody is listening to the left demonize the right and certainly any Trump supporters but what an absurdity that these core groups have been they were literally labeled deplorables by the Democratic candidate for president she made a whole speech about how disgusting they were as Jesse just pointed out they're told they're evil because they're men or their white period they're called Karens and made fun of because they're white and they may break down emotionally at something that he completely misdiagnoses who's rejecting other who's refusing to reach across who's refusing to see a human being on the other side I think very much their reaction is a is a reaction to the way they've been treated and not the ones who drew fire first maybe that's the wrong word to use on a night like this I asked the team to get my next guest as our final guest tonight because he's an old soul and he's extremely learned and he's one of those guys I always want to hear from when something big has happened in our country and his name is Dennis Prager uh of Prager U he's with us tonight Dennis thank you so much for being here your reaction by the way I was an old soul when I was a kid just for the record I believe that zero chance I don't believe that so uh I was just listening to your last guest and couldn't agree more I wrote at least 15 years ago that we're in a civil war and I pray I wrote in the article I pray it remains nonviolent but you know you mentioned causality and uh correlation not necessarily being the issue and you're entirely right sometimes this causality and sometimes just two things happen at the same time correct but I do believe there's causality look uh the new Republic uh which was once a liberal magnificent liberal magazine which is now just another almost stalino organ of the left has portrayed uh in its re most recent issues Donald Trump as a fascist as a hitlerian as a Nazi and you can't have it both ways you can't say that someone is Hitler and then say oh gee why would anybody shoot him if you in fact fact uh morality has been my preoccupation all of my life if you believe someone is Hitler you are obligated to shoot him I wish somebody in Germany had shot Hitler in the 1930s this the Holocaust would not have taken place World War II would not have taken place not at least not in Europe uh so you can't you can't do both oh we have nothing to do with this even though we keep calling him Hitler the New York Times just last week repeated the horrible lie uh that Prager you put out a video six years ago that the Charlottesville lie was a lie it has Steve Cortez did it it has a I don't know about 10 million views and uh it was a lie he never said that there were fine Nazis this was a lie of he said it at the debate in front of 50 million people President Biden that was one thing he managed to get out that's correct that is exactly right and they they uh Snopes which is not a conservative quote unquote fact Checker uh said just about two weeks ago he never said it said it's a lie the Charlottesville claim is a lie this is Snopes and the New York Times repeated it last week and Joe Biden repeated it a few weeks ago so you you can't you can't have it both ways GE we shocked nobody would kill who's on our side but if you if you keep claiming that he's a Nazi and a fascist do you know that in Louisiana they they have decided to uh uh enable schools to use prageru videos in classrooms and the Louis the Democrats of the Louisiana state senate uh tried to pass a bill Banning prageru videos from classrooms and in the bill I saw it five times prageru was listed as anti-semitic I happen to be a religious Jew that's amazing that I mean we could spend all night talking about the demonization of the right and it's just fine with them that's absolutely fine with them I can't I I cannot imagine what this press would be doing had it been God forbid a shooting of an attempted shooting of President Biden you know they they they would be blaming you and me and Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson and Dan banino and you know Dana Pino they would they would blame the the blandest you know most milk toast no offense to Dana you know what I'm saying um people on the right and the and the bomb throwers that's that's what they would be doing no one here is blaming that we don't know what was behind this man's motivation he might have just been a nutcase that we've seen as well crazy people do crazy things sometimes and we later find out they never even watched the news they never even read the news but it would be irresponsible in A Night Like This Not to Lament The Growing culture of hatred around this man and his supporters it has to stop it was only a matter of time before somebody found themselves in danger and so we'll find out more about the shooter undoubtedly because he's dead and I'm sure they're pouring through his laptop his social media and his friends and family right now this eyewitness account just in to Fox News people started screaming and so we all just hit the ground and I started looking around at what was going on I saw one of the Secret Service guys he was firing back there were probably six or seven shots total maybe and then I woke up in the bleachers and people were just screaming and crying and there was blood everywhere there's just there's blood all over his family members there was a guy up there trying to administer CPR it just all happened so fast so quick like still trying to process everything and we're just all down on the ground and people down on the ground are crying we don't know what to do people are just screaming and crying so that's interesting because you know that not all of that was on cam what we saw was some extremely Brave strong people stand up almost as if they were just not going to let president Trump get shot again almost like they were Secret Service in the line of danger not cowering which I 100% would have been and this from Scott mcfarling who adds from CBS News he's a reporter there there were a bunch of kids at this rally today in all sections can't unhear those screams you that's one of the things Dennis about unleashing ing this at a trump rally you are taking the lives of innocent civilians in your hands including the lives of the elderly the weak the disabled the children and it and of course to some extent it would require a Madman man to do such a thing well that's it's a a rare case of where I might differ with you I don't think it requires a Madman if you believe Trump is Hitler I would think a completely rational and even uh conscien driven human being would try to kill him I if I were German and I could go back in time uh I would have tried to kill Hitler and I'm not a mad man uh there are times where there is such spectacular evil that that is your only choice you as I say you can't call him Hitler you can't call us fascists uh and then say oh gee would anybody shoot you you it's one or the other this I talked moments ago with Jessie Kelly about this I mean really it it wasn't Earth shattering but there was a moment on the BBC where this actor who was on when I was on casually made reference to Trump being a child molester that there were allegations he was no not true that was one of those you know online forums if you're really on the leftist left and you dig down deep you can find things like that no and and there was somebody claiming not him but somebody claiming that the Washington Post or the AP had also reported at no in any event um there was no massive Scandal around it nobody lost their job wasn't even a thing I didn't even see it in the news thereafter I mean I corrected it live on the air then this uh just out okay it was two weeks ago my friend Dan Wooten calling my attention to it the BBC presenter that's what they called him over there David aronovich just two weeks ago called for Joe Biden to quote have Trump murdered there was no push back from the media Elite or the establishment who considered the comments completely acceptable just looking at the at the actual tweet sent out by David aranovich if I was Biden I'd hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America's security # scotus this is unbelievable like I'm in the news but there's only so much you can digest on a day-to-day basis it's absolutely stunning that that people have been act it's not even there's not even any subtlety to it Dennis the new Republic with the faces merged The Washington Post with the two men merged and saying yes he's Hitler this guy with the BBC I'm saying in UK you get fired for saying I don't want to have sex with that particular woman and yet you can say Biden should have Trump murdered and you're good it's just we've it's a powderkeg and it's boiling so I I my field of study which I never ever imagined in my wildest dreams would be relevant to the United States was communism uh at the Columbia School of International Affairs the Russian Institute I learned Russian I went to the Soviet Union a number of times I went to Eastern European communist countries repeatedly and uh I know that world really well I as I said I never thought any of this would be applicable to to my beloved America but uh it was started by Stalin Stalin called trosky trosy along with lenon was the architect of the Bolshevik Russian Revolution and trosky eventually vied with Stalin for power after Lenin died in 1924 and then fled to Mexico Stalin sent an assassin to kill trosy and he was killed he called trosky a fascist the the the uh the left not liberals the left has always done this if you oppose the left you you are not opposition you are not conservative you are not even just right-wing you are a fascist and later a Nazi this is this is universal this is what the left does I I hate saying this and and again I always draw distinction between left and liberals liberals vote for the left that is their shame but they are not leftists in fact they're conservative they're much closer to our values than to left-wing values but the left does this and has always done this if you oppose them you're a Nazi there you're absolutely right I mean I have you know I told my audience my some of the people I love most on Earth are Democrats they're normal Democrats they never cheer an event like this they would never want an event like this they don't like the rhetoric about President Trump they don't like President Trump but they don't like this demonization and the hitleresque figure and all that nonsense but there is a group within the party that is rabid absolutely rabid again we'll find out who was behind the shooting the beautiful Democrats the beautiful Democrats in your family and in my family not my immediate praise the Lord my wife and kids are are share my values which is a great source of joy in my life uh but I have wonderful family members in my extended family and they they they're not leftists none of them are they don't believe that men menstruate they think the idea is preposterous but but they vote for the people who do say that and and that's a shame yeah I know here's um an extraordinary thing that just crossed my my phone okay I read the statement that President Trump put out tonight talking about how he wanted to thank the Secret Service law enforcement for their response um he wanted to extend his condolences to the family of the person at the rally who was killed and the other one who is who's been hurt I'm trying to read my my phone it's blurry because this screen grabs blurry um it's incredible such an act can happen in this country nothing is known at this time about the shooter um I was shot with a bullet that pierced part of my ear and so on and then says um much bleeding took place so I realized that uh when it was happening and then he says God Bless America here was the reaction from Margaret Brennan at CBS News closes with God Bless America and we saw him raise his hand in the air defiantly blood on his face as he left the stage uh he is recovering from these injuries now this was a traumatic event no doubt for him but I did notice there was no call for lowering the temperature condemning all political violence and really trying to signal to his supporters as well uh not to retaliate or to have any kind of escalation here I I I just am looking at these stat in his inner circle that he's under siege being attacked at his rally and so there's a lot of every text message I'm getting exactly digest it you're saying I mean every single text message I literally every single one from Trump sources is outraged and uh shocked and so that is certainly the mood inside the highest ranks of the Republican Party speaking to CBS News tonight and he closes with God Bless America and we saw him raised his hand oh my go is she kidding me I'm sorry Dennis but is she kidding Trump almost got his head blown off tonight and he needs to go out there and say let's lower the temperature the man is recovering from an attempted assassination one person is dead another one may be struggling for their is struggling for their life behind him the shooters also dead and Trump needs to be saying now's a good time he's thinking about thanking the people who saved his life and telling people that his status and saying God Bless America maybe he'll get around to keep the temperature low when the blood has stopped well the whole thing is projection the the temperature is what it is when I spoke at Arizona State University a little over a year ago 34 professors signed a petition that nobody should go to my speech I spoke there with and Charlie Kirk spoke there and uh it was H how could you go to these haters uh you should not you should not hear these bigots and these haters a and Charlie Kirk do you know what Charlie Kirk he spoke before I did his whole his half hour speech at Arizona state was about why as a Christian he has come to observe the sabbath that was his whole speech that was the hate-filled speech that he gave but it doesn't matter again people have to understand if you oppose the left all tactics may be used all words all rhetoric may be used to crush you that that's the the left doesn't debate I invited all 34 professors onto my national radio show I will give them a millions of listeners and I said how about even giving me 15 minutes in one of your classrooms and of course crickets they don't debate they destroy this that that is just Next Level I mean that she actually thinks a man within moments of having an assassination attempt Unleashed on him needs to be calling for us to lower the temperature give him a minute to get his head put back together Margaret I'm sure he'll get around with it to it but you know what the truth is these Democrats these leftists here they're probably two weeks away from blaming whatever happens next on Donald Trump they're going to pull up that statement and say it was incitement and blame him for it the same way as please go peacefully and March on the capital got turned into falsely incitement under the law Donald Trump is a human being he's allowed to have a minute before he thinks about what to tell his supporters about how to behave and you know what else they're entitled to their anger right now I hope they don't I pray they don't do any return violence I urge them not to but they're absolutely entitled to feel enraged tonight Dennis I feel it too well you're you're talking to a kindred spirit I've been enraged for all of my life time about what the left has done to Western civilization and what the left did to any country it took over uh I have a video up at prageru and I I I only do one out of 10 videos 90% are other people doing these videos these five minute videos and it is why don't people hate communism as much as Nazism it's the the left has gotten a moral pass for all of its history and uh this is just another example you you can say the man is Hitler and get away with it you can say that uh he uh he inspired an Insurrection do you know that I condemned it it it happened I'll never forget in the last 20 minutes of my of my radio show and I said this is this is awful I I condemned the the entering of the capital the next day though I also added to that and I said I know what's going to happen the left will use this the way in which the the uh the Germans used the uh uh the ri stock fire as an excuse to suppress Liberty in in the United in the United States they used it then in the in uh Germany and they will use it now here and that's exactly what has happened it has been used by the doj to suppress Liberty in America who suppresses descent in the United States or almost anywhere conservatives or leftists it it it's it of course we have a right we have no we don't have a right to be angry we have a moral duty yes they ruined his first term by calling him illegitimate from day one including Hillary Clinton they spent four years accusing him falsely of colluding with the Russians and being some sort of Manchurian Candidate they impeached him over a BS phone call accusing him of doing something we would later learn this current President Joe Biden was effectively doing when it comes to Ukraine according to the allegations trading favors uh for corrupt purposes they impeached him a second time as he was on his way out of office they changed the law in New York state to get him so that eing Carroll could resurrect a 30-year-old claim she didn't even know she had she couldn't remember the year in which he allegedly sexually assaulted her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room and sure enough she brought the case funded by Democrat activists and won ultimately $80 million because Trump not only denied it but continued to say I don't even know who that is a leftwing judge slapped him with a liability verdict after the jury so found and a defamation claim that made people's eyes open as the woman celebrated it on MSNBC saying she was going to buy Rachel madow parent France they brought a nearly $500 million case against his business over some BS fraud claim that not a single Bank who was allegedly defrauded complained about and shut down essentially the Trump operation in the state of New York they filed a criminal indictment against a sitting former president of the United States for the first time in our nearly 250e history for a bookkeeping error at best that he put into an account book that no one saw about his hush money payment to stormmy Daniels they indicted him again down in Florida for taking presidential records that Joe Biden also took though he'd never been president so he was not able to declassify anything same offense he didn't get charged Trump facing charges down there they indicted him over January 6th the same thing that he got impeached over but they wouldn't actually convict him a thing the Democrats could not let go of that claim has now been all but gutted by the US Supreme Court saying you were out a line and then they indicted him in Georgia by a corrupt prosecutor down there who couldn't keep her legs together long enough to bring the case without creating a massive conflict of interest for herself and she's now about to be bumped off that case on appeal what happens next he's on his way to getting the nomination Joe Biden is in firm as we all saw at that debate the panic button has officially been hit on the Democratic side and Trump has never been more of a threat and now tonight after calling him Hitler on newspaper magazines and informally respected newspapers they sit and they say really he should tone down the rhetoric really he should be calling for his side to behave better you've got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me they're not kidding you this is the way they operate as I have said all of my life truth is not a left-wing value back to the Soviet Union first thing Lenin did was to found a newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union I learned Russian in order to be able to read that newspaper it was called Pravda Pravda is the Russian word for truth and from then to this day truth is what the left says it is there is no objective truth the the most famous philosopher in Italy died six months ago and his entire raise on death his entire philosophy of life was that we live in a posttruth era and he called himself he said I am gay I am Catholic and I am uh I am a communist and uh that was his whole outlook we are in a posttruth era and for the left it has always been a post post truuth era that is why they could say for two years that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government the purpose on the left is to crush your opponents truth is an irrelevance indeed no I better truth is an obstacle right right that's what that's what this postmodern approach to everything is there's really no truth everything needs to be redesigned we'll figure it out who cares 1619 is really what the country's all about maintaining slavery we're just going to say you know 2 plus two doesn't equal four right it's we're we've just abandoned truth because truth is racist truth is sexist truth is anti-trans rights um and the the rational middle has said just no no all of that is a failure and false and really the country is finding its voice on those things the left is losing um I'll I'll add this Nicole Shanahan who is RFK J's running mate out with a with a very strong statement tonight uh and he had a good statement earlier it's just been lost in the text that have been coming into me but listen to what she says when we treat our political Rivals like they are the Enemy of the State we radicalize our country I'm very glad Trump is safe the demonization of His Image by the DNC and Legacy Media keep in mind this is a Democrat uh is responsible for the hysteria that is ripping this country apart now having been on the receiving end of the dnc's campaign of Lies I know most of what they've said about Trump's danger in quotes is an absolute falsehood my heartbreaks for the family of the individual whose life was lost at the rally in such a violent way let this be a lesson to all political leaders when you dehumanize your opponent and radicalize your base you are responsible for the violence that inevitably ensues that's a great state Nicole that's truly that's that's very impressive and I'm not surprised uh Robert Kennedy Jr whom I've come to know and like other Americans have I been really know about him till the last couple of years and I've had him on on my fireside chat I've had him on my show and uh I will say this man whatever you think of any given view this man I believe and I I put my own reputation on the line saying this he is committed to telling the truth that that truth you know the New Testament says that um Love of Money is the root of of of evil and it is certainly a root but I believe the greatest single root is is lies that is the that is the one thing that you can predict perfectly when truth is no longer an issue and uh enabling men to compete against women in women's sports is denial of Truth they are not women end of issue they may say they are and they may deserve our respect and our sympathy and our compassion but they're not women and they certainly cannot compete with women in women's sports when you have gotten to that point where Children's Hospitals will say oh yes you're 15 and you say you're a boy then perhaps we will remove your breasts and that is the root that is the root of the crisis that we are in and they but they get away with it the the New York Times gets away with it the they should be called on this Charlottesville issue it's a it's a big deal to continue this lie and by the way when they speak about rhetoric people should read Joe Biden's inaugural address it was the most hate-filled inaugural address in American history they should compare that to Trump's inaugural address give it to people and and and try if if you could find a neutral person in America say which one seems to have more hate in it the the discussing white supremacy in uh in his inaugural address that was it was a Despicable address he's an awful man in my opinion it has nothing to do with dementia he his his character is defective and and that is where the horrible rhetoric comes from and by the way if it weren't a Biden then it would be ca Harris it doesn't matter who it is for no one on the left liberals yes but for no one on the left is truth of value and it has never been as I pointed out since Lenin and Stalin and uh people don't want to recognize this I understand that I have said all of my life the analogy of evil to dark is not correct evil is not dark it's easy to look into the dark evil is so bright people don't want to stare at it you know when I knew I wasn't a leftist I thought I was a liberal for much of my my life and in many ways I still am ironically that's why I'm called a conservative because I have liberal values but uh in any event I knew it in high school when I realized wow the left doesn't hate communism wow if you don't hate evil and that's my favorite verse in the Bible I'm writing a Bible commentary the fifth volume is coming out next year called the rational Bible and I I I know Biblical Hebrew like I know English my favorite verse in the Bible is those of you who love God must hate evil it is it Hebrew has a command form in its verbs it is a command if you don't hate evil you don't love God the um president of the United States just in the past couple of weeks as you point out has called Trump an enabler of white supremacy that's the the lie about the Charlottesville thing which has been debunked over and over he was allowed to say it from the debate stage in front of 50 million people doubled down on it Days Later he's called him a rapist that happened days ago as he's fine tuning his rhetoric trying to amp up the nastiness about Trump because he's in a downward spiral thanks to his mental state he said we have to go out and it's time to put Trump in the bullseye and has been of course calling him a dictator over and over and over saying that's what we will get and we will get the end of democ democracy so I don't really care that the latest news is he's just spoken with Donald Trump this just crossing the wires that President Biden and former president Trump have spoken according to the White House Fine that is literally the bare minimum that this President should be doing for Donald Trump right I I don't I don't really care but for what it's worth that's just cross the wires and um he has to say we we my side and I will no longer call him a fascist or a Nazi that's all that's what I wanted to say a phone call to Donald Trump is sweet and irrelevant that's all he needs to say we're stopping calling him a Nazi we may think that he's not good for the country may we may think a whole host of things about him but that is the root of the problem Miranda Divine of the New York Post tweeted out the following all of the violent rhetoric comes from the anti-trump side don't tell us to lower the temperature you control the temperature dial and you turned it up to the max so well said Dennis thank you she much it's great to see you're terrific thank she's the best yeah all right we'll see you soon you know all of this has me thinking about President Trump 78 years old independently wealthy though they're trying to stop that too as I pointed out and he's been through the ringer my God before tonight he's been through the ringer for this country over the past eight nine years you know he was the host of the number one television program in America The Apprentice was crushing it and he was the reason soon as they tried to use another host it went down the tubes he could have just stayed doing that he was beloved he wasn't as controversial he didn't have to get into politics but he did and he's in politics he's been president why would he run again just right like who would do such a thing just go back to your private life and your beautiful wife and your children your grandchildren and your golf courses why put yourself through this why continue engaging with these people who hate you and want to destroy you and you know it that was the final question of my interview with Trump in September and here's what he said you could be going into your 78th year enjoying this beautiful Golf Course Mara Lago your lovely family no um you don't have to be running for president sitting for four criminal trials some civil and possibly looking at jail time yeah is it worth it yeah uh make America great again our country is going to hell our country's going down you don't realize that I don't believe you realize it but our country is going down our country and I used to say we're going to end up being if we don't do certain things we're going to end up being Venezuela on steroids how about how about we're buying oil now from Venezuela how about that we're making Venezuela Rich okay think of it the people running Venezuela which we're total enemies what we're doing is so crazy we're not using our Oil we're making venez well or Rich but the country I believe has one last chance and that's this this is the most important election we've ever had I believe Donald Trump genuinely loves his country not just himself as his detractors say I believe that's why he is running again despite all of it all the things that have happened to him he doesn't deserve what the left is done to him and he certainly didn't deserve what happened to him today and the people who love him who saw the Magic in his message in his Persona and responded to the way he made them feel which was seen and heard for the first time in decades someone who though he had become of the elites rejected elitism and said to the men and women of Appalachia I get I get it I see you I see what happened to your manufacture uring jobs and I'll fight for you I'll stand up to China I'm not going to lean into the free trade thing I'm going to talk about possible tariffs I'm going to do some radical things that President Biden would wind up continuing though he criticized Trump mightily for them at the time and they knew in their gut that this guy was different that's why they surprised everybody they shocked the world in November of 2016 and put him in office and remain that loyal to him ever since is he a perfect man no was he a perfect president no is he guilty of rhetoric that can be controversial of course we we know these things about President Trump but he's a special man there's there's not a lot of guys like this not a lot of human beings like this with that kind of strength and resilience and ability literally Under Fire to stand up and say fight it was inspirational I believe President Trump is going to win in November I've previously disclosed he will have my vote and I am now one of the people who will walk over broken glass to make sure I cast my vote and I know I won't be alone I think now you are going to see formerly blue States rush to pull the lever for Donald Trump I thought it was bad before tonight and I just I think my fellow Americans will understand how important it is to send a message loud and clear to the people who want to change our country that we won't allow it that we are not going to lose sight of one another we're not going to continue trying to ruin each other end each other that's not how we want to live that we will find our way back to one another tens of thousands of people showed up tonight in Butler Pennsylvania to show their support for a presidential candidate and some maybe just to listen to him the kids don't know they just wanted to see the former president that's a uniquely American thing the way we do things in this country and he's such a character maybe they just wanted to go for the fun or because they wanted to hear what he had to say the way I do with my kids or I say listen to this speech what do you think let's get a glimpse of him what did you hear what's your reaction they showed up and they ran for their lives instead in Butler Pennsylvania and after Mr Trump was removed in the Beast and two of his most Ardent fans were shot dead or within an inch of their life the American flag still waved the remnants at the site bottles and so on scattered the ground and yet much like 9/11 after it was all over the American flag still waved over a now empty area that's what it's all about our flag was still there we're still there we're still with each other I just said this on July 4th we are so lucky to have been born in this country we hit the lottery our patriotism must be reignited for America and yes our understanding that there's Humanity on both sides the hard partisan loons who have been behind the rhetoric we've discussed tonight do not represent either side and there is room for a reconnection but I'll tell you what president Trump needs to win this election period president Trump needs to win this election it's not about him anymore it's about us and so I hope you'll vote and I hope you'll vote Republican and I hope you'll say a prayer for president Trump and his family and indeed for President Biden and our elected leaders thank you for being with us tonight God bless you and God bless America

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