continuing our coverage of the physical altercation that took place at Arlington Cemetery when a trump staffer physically attacked it seems an Arlington Cemetery staff member as they were trying to get a photo op for Donald Trump using the Arlington Cemetery and specifically section 60 as a prop Donald Trump was asked about it yesterday from NBC let's take a listen to his answer should your campaign have put out those videos photos well we have a lot of people you know we have people Tik Tock people you know we're leading the internet that was the other thing we're so far above her on the on that Hallowed Ground should that they have put I don't know what the rules and regulations are I don't know who did it and I it could have been them it could have been the parents it could have been somebody it was your campaign's Tik Tok though that put out the I really don't know anything about it all I do is I stood there and I said if you'd like to have a picture we can have a picture if somebody did it this was a setup Donald Trump saying I don't know know the rules and regulations this was a setup I'm joined by Congress member Jake alen Claus of Massachusetts fourth congressional district in addition to being a congressman of Massachusetts forth he's also a marine vet who commanded infantry in Afghanistan I'd love to get your reaction to that immediate response by Donald Trump that it's a setup and that he does not know what the rules were thanks for having me on uh the rules were very clearly explained to his campaign and honestly they shouldn't have had to be because the rules are self-evident which is that when you are stepping onto Hallowed Ground demonstrate respect demonstrate respect for the last full measure of devotion that these American Heroes gave to their country and that means don't pose in front of their graves with your thumbs up laughing don't assault a army official who's trying to do their job by keeping that hollowed ground sacred just be a decent human being I mean this isn't even sort of regulations or politics it's just like be a human and apparently that is beyond the reaches of Donald Trump uh and his campaign staff and it's part of a pattern he he clearly just cannot comprehend what it means to put country before self he's attacked gold star families attacked PS called American W dead suckers and losers draft dodged himself when when asked to serve this is an individual who will never understand what the uniform means you know he also recently called his own former Chief of Staff fourstar General John Kelly stupid and an idiot he called for the execution of the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Millie um do you think that though you know Donald Trump's disrespect of the military and I mean calling for the execution of a military leader I mean it just is it getting enough attention out there do you think people now because of this Arlington Cemetery incident are paying attention to it once again what do you make of it no it's it's never gotten enough attention the the two elements of his character that I have never understood why they are not disqualifying for more Americans are one his consistent denigration of women I mean he's bragged about sexual assault he's been found Civ liable for sexual assault he nominated as VP a man who Revels in misogyny and two his repeated degradation of the United States military I mean there's a reason that every cabinet official every National Security adviser from his first Administration whoever wore Stars themselves has come out and said this man is a threat to National Security and this man undermines the United States Constitution that we are sworn to protect these two elements his misogyny and his disrespect for the United United States military should both independently be disqualifying and taking together are really revealing of a bankrupt moral character you know it was about two days ago and we reported here on the mightest touch network but I could have said 4 days ago 8 days ago 12 days ago because he basically does this every day before 10:00 a.m. he posted like 30 to 45 posts that were just reposts of the most misogynistic hateful weird strange you name it all inone and it was post post post post post and as I always say if someone was posting about their fantasy football team that much I'd be like hey you've got some serious issues but let me just show you what he was posting and then let me share with you what his uh running mate JD Vance had to say about it Donald Trump posted this photo of Hillary Clinton and vice president KLA Harris and it says the following it says funny how [ __ ] impacted both of their careers he posted this photo of former president Barack Obama and said rru if you want public military tribunals he posted several like this one that's a q andon post you can see in his hand camera right but his left hand he has the Q Plus which is a death cult that believes that he's going to conduct public executions on Capital Hill public military tribunals and it says the world will soon understand nothing can stop what is coming his running mate JD Vance was asked about this let me show you what JD Vance said moments ago you were talking about Donald Trump's social media would you describe his post over the last 408 hours is is is lifting people up quoting reposting qanon statements reposting these misogynistic memes about vice president Harris and Hillary Clinton that's the kind of open discussion that you think is lifting people up oh John I think if you look at Donald Trump's full campaign appearances and yes his social media appearances what you see is two things a guy with an agenda to lower prices and bring back American prosperity and a political candidate who isn't stagy who likes to have some fun and likes to tell some jokes I'd much rather have a candidate who's willing to go off script who's willing to give every interview and is willing to tell some jokes I do think that's how you lift people up so they think that's funny in lifting people up it's remarkable how often men mistake meanness and misogyny for toughness you and I am sure both know lots of guys like this regrettably the Republicans have nominated for President and Vice President two of the prime exemplars of this they just don't get it they think they look tough they think they look fun uh but they're not they're just they look small and mean spirited it's pathetic and what the mark of a politician who truly has self-confidence is someone who can poke fun at themselves someone who can laugh at themselves can you ever imagine Donald Trump laughing at himself nobody has ever taken themselves more self- seriously than Donald Trump has and for Less good reason you and I chatted about uh almost two months ago maybe it was early July it was a very different race a very different situation obviously vice president Kam La haros uh interviewed with uh CNN you know my own take afterward is is that seemed that CNN was using kind of the Trump talking points and then posing them as questions to her which I found an interesting I'll just say it that to be delicately but it was a tough interview I can never imagine Trump sitting for an interview that ever looked like that type of interview without kind of running away what did you make that's just my perspective what did you make of the interview generally um and what do you think of the state of the race right now it's a tough interview and that's fine presidential candidates should sit for tough interviews and answer tough questions they're accountable to the American public and uh need to explain their policy agenda and how they're going to lead because sitting in the Oval Office character counts and Americans want to understand the character the good news for Democrats is we've got joy we've got momentum and Donald Trump has JD Vance so I'll take it we right now are making this context a choice between the future and the past because one consistent feature of Donald Trump's campaign is this self-pitying lamentation about his own past it's remarkable I mean this guy was born on third base thought he hit a triple and still complains that the umpires are rigging the game uh all he wants to do is be uh the Martyr of persecution and it's exhausting and it's pathetic and it's boring and meanwhile KLA Harris is out there talking about a proactive positive agenda to lower costs and to United Americans around our higher aspirations and we are so ready for that you know are you see I mean one of the things that I'm seeing are people who weren't involved in politics being interested in I'm seeing I was calling it mainstream Republicans before but I was told Ben call us classic Republicans we want to be called classic Republicans not Maga we're classic Republicans supporting vice president KLA Harris progressives liberals you know kind of all joining together and you know your district is is an interesting one I mean it's made up it's it's a moderate District it's made up of you know you know all different types of you know you know groups of people what are you hearing what are you seeing there unbridled enthusiasm first and foremost from democratic voters so since the Democratic National Convention north of $80 million raised a third of those donations come from firsttime donors two-thirds of those donors are women uh we're seeing voter registration surge this is a party that is Galvanized and unified also seeing to your point that Comm Harris is resonating with those Haley voters in the Heartland and I think there's a number of elements to that appeal first and foremost uh it's a lower cost agenda this is about an economy that is that feels like there's more breathing room for the average middle class family and talking about lowering the cost of housing for example with a plan to build three more uh 3 million more units uh talking about prescription drug affordability which is an issue I've tried to lead on as well are important specific ways to resonate number two rule of law the Republican Party loves to claim to the party of the rule of law uh it's interesting because I've been in congress with them for four years and I've seen them try to defund the FBI I've seen them deny Congressional gold medals to Capitol Hill police officers who put themselves in the line of duty on January 6th I've seen them try to Surge guns to uh criminals and I've seen them vote against and and torpedo bipartisan border security legislation they are not the party of the rule of law meanwhile KLA Harris uh is very pointedly leaning into a uh a Law and Order message I think that's going to resonate as well finally Congressman tell us what you're working on what are you excited about personally for your congressional district and for the country what are you some of your top priorities right now let me give you three and I'll try to be succinct number one we got to support Ukraine they're fighting on the front lines of the Free World and I am uh pressuring the Biden Administration to authorize Ukraine to use longrange ballistic Miss and the f-16s to strike Russian oil refining capacity inside Uh Russian territory if we can disable their ability to take crude oil and turn it into exportable oil we will significantly impair their War economy uh and that is something that President Biden can do unilaterally don't need Congressional approval for that let Ukraine fight without its hands tied behind its back number two I'm taking on the big Pharmacy benefit managers these are United Health Group Sigma Express grip CVS car Mark fortune2 companies owned by health insurance uh companies that dominate 80% of the prescription drug market and are price gouging Pharmacists and patients were working to lower those costs and then finally we're all familiar with the Surge and AI uh what I'm worried is going to accompany this is a epidemic of deep fake pornography particularly targeting against young women uh the ability to take pictures of of women without their consent upload them into apps and turn that into pornographic content we are trying to hold the social media companies to account uh to be liable for that content so that they do not platform or amplify it Congressman Jake alen Claus thanks for joining us again good to be with you hit subscribe let's get to 4 million subscribers have a good one real quick metag just Chang their algorithm to suppress political content please follow our Instagram @ mest touch right now as we head towards 400,000 followers so you don't miss a Beat oh [Music]

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