Category: Sports
I was telling nora that i felt like i'm pretty lucky with the weather in general put something there nice [applause] 75 moses the buu moses the [applause] ple oh Read more
Category: Sports
Paris 2024 paralympic games welcome to the running channel podcast with me sarah heartley andy badley and rick kelce and today on the podcast we're taking a deep dive into the paris 2024 par olympic games we're going to be covering the latest news plus unpacking the various athlete classifications yeah... Read more
Category: Sports
- from an outside perspective, one might that have the impression trail running and road running are all the same thing. it's just running. putting one foot in front of the other, a little faster than walking. but actually, they are not the same sport at all. - one isn’t better than the other, they’re... Read more
Category: Sports
Try not to catch it like that. you can avoid it. -watch where you put your feet. -that’s not the problem. it’s not that. it hurts. i’m mathieu blanchard, i’m 34 years old. i’m a professional ultra-trail runner. we’re in the south of france, in provence, in a little village called cheval blanc. we are... Read more
Category: Sports
130 miles of running over 24 hours this is an event unlike any i've done before 130 mi of running over five laps with a 24-hour cut off but that's not all this event has up its sleeve i don't know the route yet we change direction on each lap and i have to collect pages from books as we go it could... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro the mic to you right here question for yakob congrats on the gold i'm wondering how becoming a dad has changed you both as an athlete and as a person um thank you that's um a good question i haven't um been home that much but it's uh it's definitely a new experience and uh a new thing to go through... Read more
Category: Sports
I i know just that i'm so passionated when uh when you you know when when you are the start line if you build like like we speak speak earlier when you are the start line you just you don't feel the pressure you just feel a po just to say wow i'm here i wait that moment since two years and i'm here... Read more
Category: Sports
Hi i'm curtis mcgrath par canoe athlete from australia in a qualification year it's it's a fairly busy one um there's lots of competitions there's extra athletes there's extra sort of pressure um but obviously we're all trying to and buying for those spots those quota spots as well as the knowledge... Read more
Category: Sports
Hi guys it's steve bait from the great british cycling team answering your questions you've sent in this week so thank you for those we'll kick off with collin daly who asks how do i increase my speed on the bike i have cleats but i'm still learning how to use them collin i think just riding more you'll... Read more
Category: Sports
Ton of possibility and no limit because you can imagine your personal adventure and what is more relevant for you and because uh i say that my season is from july to october but every place in the world are different and every people are different you have there's no definition of traveling because... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] fe for engish introduce him hello jim wsy hey guys how's it going and happy to be here happy to have you yeah so i i think most runners will know know you but for for those uh two to three people that don't know you can you give us like a short introduction and maybe why you even started running... Read more
Category: Sports
Et salut à tous on se retrouve pour une toute nouvelle vidéo très lactue après quelques jours de repos après après la folie qui avait eu à l'ultra tril du montblanc et aujourd'hui nous allons parler de trois courses qui avaient lieu le weekend dernier deux courses des deux plus gros circuits mondiaux... Read more