Category: Sports
This episode was brought to you by resilient nutrition pals pals greetings greetings greetings and welcome to another episode of everything endurance it is as always delightful to have you with us today um delightful to have you with us wherever you are in the world i i was having a look at the analytics... Read more
Category: Sports
I i know just that i'm so passionated when uh when you you know when when you are the start line if you build like like we speak speak earlier when you are the start line you just you don't feel the pressure you just feel a po just to say wow i'm here i wait that moment since two years and i'm here... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Willkommen zum mindcast deinem virtuellen wohnzimmer wo bin ich denn hier gelandet ich meine schön ist es hier ja aber nicht so schön wie in windon hallo wer bist du denn wir versuchen hier gerade den mindcast aufzunehmen ja ja mindcast schön und gut aber wir werden auch einen podcast zusammen aufnehmen... Read more
Category: Sports
So if you achieve your dream too fast then okay you can have some other dream but if it's a big dream no matter if it's take you one year two year three year five years maybe it's it's maybe a better dream if it's take long time to to achieve it and that's so i think it's very important to have this... Read more
Category: Sports
Ton of possibility and no limit because you can imagine your personal adventure and what is more relevant for you and because uh i say that my season is from july to october but every place in the world are different and every people are different you have there's no definition of traveling because... Read more
Category: Sports
Paris 2024 paralympic games welcome to the running channel podcast with me sarah heartley andy badley and rick kelce and today on the podcast we're taking a deep dive into the paris 2024 par olympic games we're going to be covering the latest news plus unpacking the various athlete classifications yeah... Read more
Category: Sports
So you can you can do it and and the victory is not just about winning it's just just accomplish your dream so this is what is interesting in try running andra tri is that everybody has his own victory and everybody can share the same dream and the same adventure because uh when we are on the start... Read more
Category: Sports
I was telling nora that i felt like i'm pretty lucky with the weather in general put something there nice [applause] 75 moses the buu moses the [applause] ple oh Read more
Category: Comedy
Der ist vorbei würde es vorbei breckle corona statt fast alle endlich eine komische kleinste problem sowieso sind der maßstab und annemie schön forsch und beim wettschießen reihe vorbeikommt kann sie jungen der gerne den turinern also kein stempel und dann nicht nur den genau wie wenn eine mücke tod... Read more
Category: Sports
So we have to be really really really relaxed about that and we discuss a lot with jim about that and this year that's why he did a race in a and then it's okay now i just focus on utmb and maybe it will be my i think ah it's a very good approach and i like it because you will be very fresh and i'm... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu einer brandneuen folge bingt der reine wahnsinn schon wieder zwei wochen um und wir sitzen hier in unserem kleinen gemütlichen studio und haben heute auch wieder für euch die ein oder anderen spannenden themen der europapark gewinnt den goldenen ticket award für den... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] and what is important for me is that people they can discover themselves they can discover the nature and they're out from some long day in the mountain and people say yeah it's not sustainable try wining and too many race too many event yeah but you can just practice traving without any race... Read more