Trump Lies 22 Times in 14 Minutes!

on September 2024 two candidates for the presidency of the most powerful Nation on Earth faced off against each other in an epic debate one showed up armed with facts and data the other showed up today will be analyzing and factchecking 22 claims made by the former president Donald Trump during the presidential debate so hold on to your butts smash that like button and let's go I rebuilt our entire military wrong Trump did marginally increased defense spending most of which went to cover our military's existing operating costs but he absolutely didn't entirely rebuild it nor did he even increase spending by nearly as much as Obama did in his first term or even Biden did in his she gave a lot of it away to the Taliban she gave it to Afghanistan wrong during Trump's final year in office he negotiated an agreement with the terrorist organization known as the Taliban while excluding the legitimate Afghan government to reduce us troop levels from 12,500 to only 2,500 while freeing 5,000 terrorists in a prisoner exchange and he signed an agreement to withdraw all US troops by May 1st 2021 in exchange for a promise from the Taliban to not use Afghanistan as a base for terrorist attacks but nice try trying to pin that on Harris I rebuilt our entire mil military she gave it to Afghanistan introducing the new number one military of the world T C we wouldn't have left $85 billion worth of brand new beautiful military equipment behind and just to finish they blew it while the US did leave some military equipment behind for the Afghan military which was seized by the Taliban this 85 billion number is absolutely Preposterous $85 billion psych that's the wrong number 82.9 billion was the total amount that the US appropriated for the Afghan Security fund since 2001 of that 75 billion was dispersed over half of that was for things like salaries for members of the Afghan Army in addition to training and infrastructure only some was equipment much of which was used up in the fighting over the last 20 years ultimately the Taliban acquired about $7 billion worth of equipment mostly things like guns night vision goggles Humvees and a few helicopters most of the US military hardware was moved destroyed or left inoperable when we pulled out and much of the rest will be useless soon without the required maintenance and tools which the Taliban lack none of it was state-of-the-art technology it's not like we were handing them keys to a fleet of F35 fighter jets I got more votes than any president sitting president in history by far so is that why you lost then the fact that he's still pushing the stolen election narrative is just mindboggling at this point he is a diabolical clown and it would be funny if it wasn't terrifying no judge looked at it they said we didn't have standing that's the other thing they said we didn't have standing a technicality can you imagine a system where a person in an election doesn't have standing the president of the United States doesn't have standing that's how we lost the majority of lawsuits that he's talking about weren't rejected because he lacked legal standing they were rejected because there was Zero evidence of voter fraud Trump's legal team filed 60 lawsuits alleging voter fraud and quite a few of them actually went to trial and every single one of them found zero evidence of voter fraud meanwhile Trump's own Departments of Justice defense Homeland Security the Director of National Intelligence the FBI NSA in cisa all put out a joint statement both before and after the election stating that the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history and this wasn't a left-wing conspiracy these were Trump appointed Republican judges who made that ruling one of his own nominees for the federal appeals court stated calling an election unfair does not make it so charges require specific allegations and then proof we have neither but Trump is no stranger to conspiracy theories regular L pedaling debunked nonsense even claims that he knows RBS like her vice presidential pick says abortion in the 9th month is absolutely fine he also says execution after birth it's execution no longer abortion because the baby is born is okay this is absolute nonsense there is not a single state that allows INF fanticide nor a single Democratic Congress member who advocates for it about 99% of all abortions happen in the first 20 weeks most in the first trimester long before the fetus is viable anything after 24 weeks is illegal in almost every state including California though some states make exceptions for the health or life of the mother but by unfairly painting his opponents as baby killers Trump is poisoning the well with his lies Biden doesn't go after people because supposedly China paid a millions of dollars he's afraid to do it between him and his son why is he why did he get $35 million is from the mayor of moscow's wife there have been extensive investigations into this and there is no significant evidence to suggest that Hunter Biden directly received or profited from the $3.5 million wire transfer have you seen any evidence that President Biden has committed High crimes and misdemeanors no I I I don't see any evidence of that at all uh I think before you begin an impeachment inquiry you ought to have some evidence some inclination uh that there's been wrongdoing and so far there's nothing of that nature that's been Prov provided so this accusation remains unsubstantiated our elections are bad and a lot of these illegal immigrants coming in they're trying to get them to vote princip s biggest liar not only is it a crime for a non-citizen to register to vote in all state and federal elections there's also zero evidence that anyone is going out there and attempting to register undocumented migrants to vote and when you look at these millions and millions of people that are pouring into our country monthly where it's I believe 21 million people not the 15 that people say and I think it's a lot higher than the 21 21 million immigrants a month that's almost the entire population of Australia flooding into the US every single month at that rate the US population would double in size in just 15 months at that rate the entire population of the world would have relocated into the US in just 30 years yeah this is pure and utter trip do you know that crime in Venezuela and crime in countries all over the world is way down you know why because they've taken their criminals off the street and they've given them to her to put into our country will end up being Venezuela on steroids there's no way there is no way does he actually think that Venezuela is using the us as a prison Colony how would that even work the Venezuelan prison guards just get tired one day and ship everyone off to the US and Customs just goes yeah sure bring them on in we'll take anyone Joe's orders Venezuela's crime rates declined due to internal economic circumstances not because criminals are being exported to the US this guy will say anything nasty guy now I've got 12 more for you but first I have a super small request if you're enjoying this video can you hit that like button for me it tells the algorithm that this video is worth promoting and it helps my videos to reach more people and if you want to see more videos like this I've been doing YouTube fulltime since 2016 I try to put all of my effort into making highquality well researched videos and I plan to continue for many years to come according to my analytics most of my viewers aren't subscribed to the channel so let's change that so smash that subscribe button and come along for the ride in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what's happening in our country the people on television say my dog was taken and used for food first they came for your jobs they took our then they came for your virginity they're rapist now not even Pho is safe they're eating the dogs what will they eat next the late great Hannibal Lector congratulations the late great Han we have people that are being released into our country that we don't want in our country and they're coming in totally unchecked totally unvetted and we can't let this happen they destroying our country this is absolutely unhinged and is quite possibly one of the most deranged claims that Trump has made so far and that's saying a lot it originates from a debunk social media hoax which a bunch of weirdos latched on to and it spreads so far that the freaking city manager of Springfield had to stop what he was doing to put these rumors to rest stating that absolutely no reports had been filed about immigrants stealing or eating pets but it plays nicely into an anti-immigrant xenophobic narrative I took in billions and billions of dollars as you know from China Trump imposed tariffs on Goods imported from China but it was us companies that bore the cost not China these companies in turn pass the increased costs onto American consumers through higher prices for products so it wasn't China that paid billions extra a year it was us my opponent has a plan that I call the Trump's sales tax which would be a 20% tax on everyday Goods that you rely on to get through the month first of all I have no sales tax that's an incorrect statement she knows that uh we're doing tariffs on other countries again the cost of tariffs was passed on to you the consumer in the form of higher prices so while you won't see a line on your receipts saying federal sales tax it's essentially the same thing China was paying us hundreds of billions of dollars and so were other countries again tariff Revenue came from us importers not China directly us consumers and businesses bore the run to the tariffs as importers pass those costs on to the consumers when I had it I had tariffs and yet I had no inflation inflation under Trump averaged 1.9% annually which was actually higher than the 1.4% inflation rate posted by Obama Obama when I had it I had tariffs and yet I had no inflation I had no inflation virtually no inflation wrong that is absolutely wrong no matter how many times you repeat a lie Bud it doesn't make it true awkward I inherited Obamacare because Democrats wouldn't change it I had a choice to make when I was President do I save it and make it as good as it can be or do I let it rot and I saved it what is it Opposite Day throughout the entirety of his term Trump did everything that he could to weaken Obamacare and even made several attempts to outright scrap it which would have left millions of Americans without health insurance Obamacare though weakened survived in spite of him not because of him we did a phenomenal job with the pandemic and people give me credit for rebuilding the military they give me credit for a lot of things but not enough credit for the great job we did with the pandemic you sit on a throne of Lies let's take a look at just how great of a job he did with the pandemic first he denied that there was a problem then he recommended dangerous treatments from UV light inside the body supposing we hit the body with a tremendous uh whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light and then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body you can which you can do either through the skin or uh in some other way to injecting bleach and then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute one minute and is there a way we can do something like that uh by injection inside or or almost a cleaning to consuming horse Dormers to hydroxy chloroquin throughout the entire pandemic he swed distrust of doctors and medical professionals and put his ego above the welfare of the nation his personal Feud with fouchy people are tired of hearing fouchy and all these idiots slandering the reputation of a man who was once the nation's most respected doctor rather than educating his constituents on which masks were most effective or showing people how to wear them correctly Trump spread misinformation about masks and social distancing with such fervor that people still parot these nonsense claims years later claims like masks don't work despite literally hundreds of studies to the contrary from institutions around the world both public and private showing that if you use them regularly and effectively masks do actually significantly reduce covid-19 incidences instead Trump refused to follow medical guidelines refused to social distance or mask up and wound up catching covid and spreading it to staff members there was one thing that Trump did exceptionally well during his response to the pandemic and that was Operation warp speed which funded an expedited Research into a vaccine but once the vaccines became available Trump could have trumpeted it as a victory and urged everyone to get vaccinated instead he spread more distrust of the medical establishment speaking out of both sides of his mouth he got vaccinated himself on the down low while millions of Americans were refusing the vaccine because of the seeds of misinformation and mistrust that he personally SED because of trump we saw the largest rise of antivaxers in American history and as a direct result of this gross negligence and incompetence over 1.2 million Americans died of Co Trump's response to covid-19 wasn't just not a great job it was the mother of all failures but the only jobs they got were bounceback jobs these were jobs bounce back and it bounced back and it went to their benefit but I was the one that created them the US regained all the jobs that it had lost during the covid-19 pandemic by June of 2022 since then more than 6 million new American jobs have been created under the Biden Administration finally rather than providing a coherent plan he instead ended by attacking Harris with unsubstantiated claims which she calmly dismantled she wants to confiscate your guns she has a plan to confiscate everybody's gun Tim Walls and I are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff if she won the election fracking in Pennsylvania will end on day one US oil production under the Biden Harrison Administration is the highest it has ever been in US history but if she won the election the day after that election they'll go back to destroying our country and oil will be dead fossil fuel will be dead we'll go back to windmills and we'll go back to solar where they need a whole desert to get some energy to come out Donald Trump lying through his teeth is nothing new an entire teams of people have been dedicated to fact check his Malarkey over the years but catching him in a lie has had almost no impact on his popularity or his polls as someone who deeply values the truth this bothers me but I recognize that factchecking alone though important isn't how we're going to sway people change minds or win this election it's going to take something else entirely to find out exactly what that is check out this video by rationality rules and make sure to smash that subscribe button while you're over there now videos like this one take a massive amount of time resources and hard work and I'm only able to do this full-time thanks to support from viewers like you if you've appreciated the work that I do would you please consider making a onetime donation on PayPal or a per video Pledge on even just a few bucks a month helps out thank you so much for your ongoing support of my work and as always dare to be curious but don't drink the Kool-Aid

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