Category: News & Politics
Und zugeschaltet ist uns jetzt tino kropaller der afd kovorsitzende guten abend herr kropaller guten abend man muss es tatsächlich so sagen die afd hat große erfolge eingefahren in thüringen stärkste kraft und in sachsen zweitstärkste kraft beide bundesländer jeweils 30% stimmenanteil für die afd sie... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Kritik ist teil der demokratie sie ist nötig und gehört dazu darüber darf sich niemand beschweren ich tue es jedenfalls nicht sie sind ein klemner der macht wer regiert deutschland wir sind eine regierung wo gehämmert geschraubt wird das führt zu geräuschen aber es kommt eben auch was raus machtwechsel... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Welcome back. tonight is the home opener for the michigan state football team...and that means tens of thousands of fans, flooding into east lansing for the game ...and joining us now live from the east lansing police department is adrian ojerio it's game day at spartan stadium-- the first game of the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Fans are mourning the tragic death of a star nhl player and his brother both killed by suspected drunk driver while riding bikes in new jersey. >> the brothers were on a trip home to new jersey for their sister's wedding when tragedy struck. johnny gaudreau and his brother matthew both died... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Fox four news starts now. we are learning more tonight about the dallas police officer killed in what the police chief describes as an execution. hello, everybody. i'm heather hayes. i'm steve eager. officer darren burks was shot in his patrol car sitting outside a community center last night in east... Read more
Category: News & Politics
>> dina bair: celebration in evanston today as local officials joined northwestern university faculty, they gathered to watch as construction of northwestern's new ryan field kicked into high gear who lewis reports now from instant. >> sean lewis: well, good evening. the demolition work in... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And joining me from chicago is julius van de laar, us election campaign expert and campaigns and strategy consultant. good morning! good morning harris has now brought a breath of fresh air into the us presidential election campaign. but what does it actually have to deliver in chicago so that this... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Inflation for you. but first this afternoon the dallas police department is in mourning. one officer is dead, two others wounded after being attacked last night. two of those officers were rookies. the shooting happened in the 900 block of east ledbetter in the parking lot of the four oak cliff community... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'll send it back to you guys in the studio updated chelsea. thank you. low income renters who have suffered financial hardship can today apply for up to six months of rental assistance, is launching its emergency renters assistance program to help those at risk of becoming homeless applications will... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[musik] herz willkommen zu defner und chpitz der tvs zu unserem börsenpcast mein name ist defner ditm defner und ich bin hier der bulle also der optimist mein name ist chitz her chitz ich bin hier der bär der pessimist und gemeinsam debattieren wir die großen themen für ihr geld und da auch zeit geld... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The number of unemployed recipients of citizens' benefit has increased in brandenburg, and this is triggering calls in the cdu's election campaign for the end of this benefit. brandenburg's prime minister dietmar woidke also advocates changes, especially when it comes to citizen's money for ukrainian... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In a live. now, i'm austin westfall. we want to start off with some breaking news. we are hearing out of oregon that a small plane is crashed in the fairview neighborhood. this is in the portland metro area. our affiliate in the area fox 12 says according to a statement... Read more