Oakland Athletics vs Houston Astros Game 3 LIVE SCORE & CHAT @ The Juice Box Sept. 12th 2024

hello everyone this is goo tiget stros thank you for bearing with me apparently the issue with my audio my computer audio and microphone is fixed that's correct if it actually is fixed then that's great I restarted the live stream it's a new live stream and I'm going to try quickly to get back in here and get this going Kyle Tucker comes to the plate I do need to mute this one KY Tucker Hits a Fly ball looks like an infield fly got to open up my preview screen here for you guys so I can show you some replays it seems not very loud though so let me try to adjust my volume so you guys can hear me better yeah yeah it looks like the microphone volume is decent it's not phenomenal but but it's working all right guys so where are we at with the game we are in the bottom of the six the Astros are at bat with one out Kyle Tucker just flew out Jeremy pñ is at the plate with a 1-1 count ball bounced to the left side this going to be a ground out for paa easy play for the A's there there I need to slow down my preview screen a little bit it's a little too far ahead there we go let's try that maybe that's good enough John Singleton comes to the pl with two outs man Singleton is having himself a day he has two doubles pretty amazing here comes a pitch from Mitch Spence 90 mph right in the outside corner it's about 430 7 in the morning here it took me an hour and a half to get that issue worked out with my audio Microsoft guy worked on my computer remotely for a while finally got it fixed swinging a Miss 90 miles an hour Singleton whiffing on that one like it was a 110 mph pitch 90 m per hour cutter the count is 0 and two he's got the Meers cting on him here comes the o02 pitch two outs no Runners on 02 here in the bottom of the sixth that one's hit down the line just foul that'll be another 02 count is anybody joining right now Daniel Barry Sports back thanks for coming back Daniel I I really feel disappointed about what happened today because you know the past couple of days I wasn't able to do the live stream it's just live chat and I finally am able to do a live playby playay and I have uh audio issues audio everything related to audio input and output it was problems Singleton rips that one into right field looks like he was trying to get himself another double there but way too early goes out into the crowd six hits for the Astros today three hits for the A's fber apparently having a great game I haven't been able to follow this game at all I've been working on my computer chck swing did he go they say no he did not ball in the dirt one ball two strikes that was a good call he almost went but he clearly was able to stop the stop here comes the onew pitched Singleton 70th pitch for Mitch Spence and that's outside for ball two count as even man I was getting kind of worried because between my live stream and my classes online I can't have I can't be having issues technical issues with my audio this one's bounced to second base should be no problem he lobs it over to first base and that's that's an out it's going to be it for the inning three outs nothing doing it figures that the Astros would do nothing whenever I finally get in a game and while I'm not able to watch it Hayward hits a two-run home run did you guys see the home run by Hayward I'd kind of like to see it would you guys like to see it I was kind of hoping that I could play the replay but apparently I can't right now once the game is finished I can go back and look at anything I want in the game by clicking on the Innings but right now I can't I tried to just now but it won't let me not during the live stream let's take a look at my live streams speaking live streams for going to try to open this up in another screen it seems to me that the audio is very low I don't quite understand why that is but I'll try to work that out later right now I'm just happy that it's working first pitch comes into to Wilson that'll be ball one from R Valdez up to 90 pitches and I believe the Astros have yep they have Brian Brian Abu going in the bullpen right now Jacob Wilson at the plate there's Brian Abu getting a ball out there tossing around H looks like there might be a hit uh yeah that was a that was a ridiculous Dive by Meyers I think there was no way for him to get that yeah it didn't look like he could get to that sure enough he wasn't able to that's going to be a double lead off double for for Wilson and the A's to start this inning you can see just wasn't there I guess it wasn't so such a bad idea to dive actually I thought he was just diving to try to catch it in the air but he needed to dive to get in front of it it seems like I don't know I'm not sure if he had enough room to uh just go back back drift back and get it on the bounce second Pitch is fouled away for strike two batter is Tyler Nev 0 and two is the count runner on second with no outs I just updated the base pads there here we go here's the O2 pitch that one's grounded to second base runner goes to third looks like dubon is on second is that right he fires over to First gets the out but now the A's have their Runner over on third Daz Cameron comes to the plate here comes the first pitch from Valdez one out runner on third ooh curve but right below below the Zone just missed for ball one I hope this is the end of my technical issues I really can't stand any more stress about stuff like this not sure exactly what's going on here Third Base umpire comes over to talk to the home plate umpire about something not sure exactly what's going on there but in the world's going on now now they're all coming out to the mound to have a meeting Joe's spot is coming out from the dugout okay this this is so this is an issue about farber's movements towards the plate they're wanting to know exactly which of his movements he's going to stick with um I guess he's being inconsistent with how he's starting his movement towards the plate and the umpires are wanting him to pick a movement and stick with it so they know whether or not it's a bulk uh or a clock violation Etc here comes a the next pitch the one and0 pitch this is hit to left left center field that's going to be down and score a run so after that delay the very first pitch is base hit and the Astros are leading just by one two to one so the umps sto the game for some kind of nonsense and then the very next pitch it's single you can't can't tell me that that didn't throw fber out of his Zone but that's going to be it for him the SPID comes right back out to the mound and takes the ball so Valdez is coming out of the game he did have a good game it's unfortunately it's unfortunate that he didn't get through the seventh inning so six and a third innings for framber and we will have Brian aru on the mound in just a moment I'll go ahead and update that on the screen for you guys Brian Abu every time I hear the name Abu I think of a tryu do you guys remember who a treu is The Never Ending Story there we go Brian AB I you oh I think I forgot to turn my you guys can't see me there we go I got my camera on now I still got my Astros head on backwards oh goodness gracious what a day well got 14 people viewing now that's not bad considering everything thanks for coming in guys make sure you like the video this this is my second video of this particular game because my first one was a uh uh it was a it was a bomb it was a dud two days ago I was teaching an English class online hang on one second there we go okay two days ago I had my I was having one of my English classes online and basically they have their own in browser video camera system to have class with the students some students prefer Skype and if I use Skype I have to dial them directly and that's fine but whenever I was in the process of using the the U my company's online system suddenly I couldn't hear my student and I didn't know it was wrong so I clicked the Audio Mic off and then turned it back on on the screen and it fixed the problem but it kept going out like every minute it would go out and I'd have to keep manually turning it on and off to get it to work well that was really quick as soon as a brave comes in check this out this is really cool pickoff move to first base and they get him see that how do you like that so just like that the Astros are out of the inning super fast that happened so fast that was great okay so we're going into the bottom of the 7 the astr is up 2 to one but anyway what I was trying to tell you is that this audio glitch was just the beginning of the problems anytime I tried to play YouTube video I'd get the white swirl either the video wouldn't play or it would play and there' be a white swirl on the screen while the video was playing but there would be no audio and then I it was just inconsistent it would work sometimes and it wouldn't work sometimes but it kept causing problems and the microphone issue continued with my students yesterday well today I got up at about 2:35 this morning in the middle of the freaking night to do this game for you guys and I get everything set up but I see that I'm not getting any signal on my microphone in my software program so I I try to fix it myself I do everything that I know to do and I can't get anything to work so finally after troubleshooting it with the Microsoft troubleshooter it gives me the option of submitting a ticket and having a Live support person work on it and I was very happy about that because it didn't cost any money and they were able to remotely control my computer and look around and figure it out and they updated some uh some uh drivers directly from Asus uh on my computer for the audio system so so it wasn't just the microphone it was the audio everything related to audio input and output was an issue and finally they got it working because the audio was actually working fine through the HDMI to my TV but through the headset it wasn't working at all Jake Myers comes to the plate foul is the first one off four strike one Odin one is account against Myers here comes the next pitch low one outside but it Clips the corner for strike two so Myers gets the Myers count no balls two strikes no outs Myers the first batter of the inning but anyway long story short I had to restart my computer that's why I had to stop the live stream and after that everything has been working smoothly fingers crossed hope everything continues to work just fine here comes the next pitch to Myers that one is about a foot outside 85 miles an hour Spence misses for ball one good take by Myers one and two I need more coffee it's almost 5 in the morning now that one's a little low that was a good take ball two that one could have easily been strike three with a swing two balls two strikes and comes the next pitch from Spence he's up to 75 now grounded to Short Stop he Scoops it up he fires it over and that will be out number one he took a little long to throw the ball and then had to fire it over I played Short Stop before and I started off playing Third Base when I was a kid but second base was where I played 95% of the time that was my spot Jason Hayward comes to the plate he have two-run home run in the second first pitch to him is outside for ball one I'm so happy to see him getting some points on the board now getting some RBI man how awesome would it be for him to begin producing for the Astros one ball no strikes one out here comes the pitch this one's grounded to second base easy snatch up and toss to First that'll be another one how many in a row is that put down they said like 11 in a row 11 o in a row by the sky it's interesting seeing that it's still it's still light still daylight outside and admin main part still dark here but sun is coming up shortly I'm sure Devon hits it hard to left center field that's all the way to the wall that's going to be off the wall he's going to have himself a double easy two out double for dubal double duon mauriceo duall double mauriceo duble I forgot to change my base runner I bet I did but it's okay now I'm just moving from first to second there we go dubon on second with Alex bregman coming to the plate got about a dozen people watching right now thank you so much for being here today's live stream was kind of a bust for me having the technical difficulties earlier but I do hope the rest of the game can be good for both both of us I hope the Astros can pull this game out I might be able to go back to bed and get another hour of sleep if I'm lucky I sure hope so dubon on second two outs Alex bregman at the plate here comes the 80th pitch by Mitch Spence little low and outside just barely missing the corner that'll be ball one wow Alex bregman has left 44 people on base five for 35 since the All-Star break that's terrible there comes the pitch that's ground ball to the short stop and that's going to be another Runner left on base for bregman as he fires over the first two to1 Astros going into the top of the eight man I apologize I'm very tired sleepy we have big tests coming up in a little over a week and uh because I I missed so many classes due to going to the hospital I got behind on homework and staying home from from school because of being sick so I've been trying to catch up and all that homework it's required to turn in all of that homework before I'm allowed to take the tests and I have been working my butt off to get all that stuff done finally got it done most of it I still have a little bit more today it's just uh riding kanji 5: a.m. I'm in Florida it's 3:55 p.m. it yeah man it's uh it's much easier for you guys to be watching I'm sure in the afternoon or listening in than it is for me to be watching it and doing the playby playay in the middle of the night or in the early morning hours let me turn this light off for a second let me take a look yeah the sun is starting to come up a little bit later now because it's almost 5:00 in the morning and I still can't see the sunlight outside normally I can see it St to come up by 4:30 in the morning Josh haters on the mound now apparently for the Astros I need to take the runner off the base and Josh hater oh no it's Ryan Presley guys Ryan Presley I was wrong they were talking about hater so I thought it was going to be hater but I was wrong it's going to be Presley he's already tossed a couple of pitches but I can't see it yet because I'm trying to update the information on the screen I think it's two and 0 actually the count yep that's right third pitch to Lawrence Butler another ball three straight balls from Ryan Presley to the lead off batter already Presley trying to dig a hole here here comes a three-oh pitch that one's in there 92 miles hour in the top of the Zone strike one three balls in one strike here comes the three and one count pitch High inside fouled back Full Count here comes the Full Count pitch from Presley long delay getting the signal he's finally got what he wants here's the pitch swing and a miss a foul tip how do you like that comes back to get the stri out after a 3 0 count three straight strikes and a strike out for Presley 92 mph slider there beautiful boom perfectly placed that was good that brings up Brent Rooker first pitch to him is on the way oo nice swing that curve gets the half swing from Rooker strike one two for six versus Presley in his lifetime with four strikeouts here's the 01 pitch this one hit is hit hard to left field that one's going to be gone Rooker has just tied the game with the second Pitch from Brian from Brian from Ryan Presley was a no doubter is that yordon out in left field he didn't even go he just watched it he just stood there and watched it game is tied up in the eighth inning guys why does this stuff start to happen when I'm finally able to get in the game I don't even want to show that highlight or replay it's not a highlight in my opinion it's a low light two to two one out Presley giving up the Astros lead hopefully that's the last the runs for the A's can you imagine getting swept by the A's is bad enough that they've already lost two to the A's first pitch is fouled off by langers Shay langers count as 0 and one next pitch will be the 10th of the inning for Pressley El cleans the plate off he's like I'm not going to get down there sweep it off I just kick it around a little bit good job here's the 01 count swinging a Miss 93 right in the zone that was a tip foul tip caught by Diaz Diaz y y y A's have some relievers warming up in the bullpen here comes the O2 pitch from Presley laners takes that one that one's way outside in the dirt bounces to the back wall there I think a second cup of weak coffee won't hurt me here comes the next pitch from Presley 02 swinging a Miss low and outside curve good pitch gets another strikeout so strikeout home run strikeout for Presley what in the world is going on talk about extremes you say Kikuchi is going to be on tomorrow guys he's undefeated since starting with the Astros hopefully that continues JJ blay comes up swinging a Miss on the very first pitch strike one two outs no one on one strike here's pitch that one's outside 92 miles an hour just scooted out for ball one count is even one and one no one inside 88 miles an hour ball two Ryan Presley coming in and giving up just as many runs as fber did in seven Innings that pitch is also low and inside ball three three and one come on man shut it down here here's a 3-1 pitch from Presley hi ball four going to have a two-out base runner for the A's Ryan Presley has been back out on the mound four times for the Astros and that home run was his first RBI given up first earned run here's the first pitch to Zach gof that's in there on the inside corner 88 mil an hour strike one two outs run on first 01 here's the pitch in the dirt that one bounces away looks like the runner is not going to advance actually that's interesting seems like he had time to that was weird seemed like he had plenty of time to go there luy for the Astros he didn't go he stayed on first what one is Count here's the pitch this one's hit hard on the left field is that going to be playable yordon barely gets that one that one's hit just right over his head and just at the last moment he tosses his glove up there and gets it man that one was hammered yordon with the lucky grab there right there at the end holy cow man Astro's almost giving up the lead holy cow bottom of the eighth coming up guys doubtful that Mitch Spence will still be on the mound unless they were just warming up a guy to be on the safe side but if he is he's at 81 pitches right now he's going to be facing yordon Alvarez who's over three today Yer Diaz and then Kyle Tucker Kyle Tucker has one hit in the DH spot that's good it's nice to see him getting getting hits anything going on in the chat not right now I got about 15 people listening in that's modest I mean I I can't expect much today if I could get at least 10 likes on the video I'd be happy I got six right now if I could get 10 before this live stream is over I'll be happy with that the main reason is because of the audio difficulties that I had earlier um I'm just uh happy with whatever I can get today as far as views and and likes because my first live stream was a bust due to audio issues but a little shout out to the people at Microsoft for getting my issue fixed and getting me back up and going I can't have my computer glitching because I have live streams and students to teach these things are important really important for me and uh when they can't work it's stressful it looks like uh TJ McFarland will be on the mound here in the bottom of the eth for the A's TJ McFarland 3.46 erra in 52 Innings he's given up 34 hits 15 strikeouts yordon Alvarez has not had a hit yet today that one's a little inside and low but called strike one Alvarez takes it 379 average versus left-handed pitchers this season Alvarez hits that out the left field and all the way out to the track that's going to be playable he didn't quite get all of that ball so so close he gave it a ride though Yan Diaz comes to the plate with no outs I mean with one out no Runners on that is I need to take the runner off the base unless yanor corrects that for me wow janner's batting 358 from the seventh inning on and he just had a third hit guys as soon as we mention it he hits one out to right field so we have a one- out base runner and yanner did correct my base runners for me so I have to put the runner back on the one that I just took off the base paths I have to put back on Kyle tu tuck ER comes to the plate guys how awesome would it be for Tucker to get a home run man I've been waiting for that if I could see one right now oh that would definitely help me sleep well when I go back to bed in a little bit 22 is the score one runner on First with one out T sucker takes the first pitch check swing but it was a strike anyway so strike one Here Comes 0 one pitch that one's low outside 89 miles an hour ball one count is even one and one is the count with one out one one and one here comes the pitch from McFarland Tucker bounces it down the first Baseline and it looks like into the camera camera area or Dugout One ball two strikes to Kyle Tucker here comes the pitch that one's low outside ball two the count is even again crowd not very excited right now everybody's sitting down foul tip and bounces off the glove the catcher going to have another two two count hullman is going in the bullpen for the A's right now they've already got another guy warming up here comes the 22 pitch from McFarland that one's hit down the left side that's another hit Yer holds up at second base but an opposite field hit by Kyle Tucker nice Runners on first and second as Tucker gets his second hit of the game Astros with a runner in scoring position now McFarland when he faced Jeremy Peña last time he apparently gave up a home run and so they're going to take him out and swap him out with another pitcher he's not going to get the opportunity to face paa again and we are on a short break while they change pictures Astros have Runners on first and second here in the bottom of the eighth with no outs Jeremy p is up he's also 0 for three today going into the eighth inning yordon was over for three he hit one deep to left it was caught at the warning track though so he's now over four on the day Peña batting 267 right now with a 705 Ops I mean the Ops is not Stellar I can't complain too much about it but I would like to see his average at least 275 it needs to be at least 275 to really be contributing to the Astros I wonder what Singleton's average is like it's 236 right now okay he's brought up a little bit not much but you know Singleton typically about a 230 hitter so he's not far off from where he normally is but today he is he's having a great day he had two doubles unfortunately nobody was on base apparently no RBI he did score once that's good I heard that there were some interesting things in this game yanner Diaz was on third base at one of these times and told not to go home and Astros wound up not scoring a run that could uh could have been an issue for them peny comes to the plate he's ready to go Grant Holman comes to the plate right-handed hitters are hitting him 333 with a 1,000 Ops my gosh why do they bring him in against Peña I don't get it here's the first pitch that one's way inside for ball one Astros have Runners on first and second guys in the bottom of the eighth with one out Pena also leaving a tremendous amount of Runners on base since the allstar break one knows the count here comes the pitch this one's hit hard into right field it's going to be playable I think the runner will advance to third yeah Diner Yer is able to easily make it over to third no problem Runner will remain at first John Singleton comes with the plate with an opportunity to do something here two outs Tucker on first Yer on third come on Singleton all you need is a single MC Singleton here comes a pitch little outside ball one Peña just like yordon he drew drove that ball far out there but wind up being over four same result here comes a one pitch to Singleton and he does it single mingleton baby single MC Singleton the Astros just got a go-ahead run there we go Singleton living up to his name single MC Singleton did Tucker get a third yes he did Tucker booked it all the way over third and we still have Runners at the corners John Singleton on first base Kyle Tucker on third with two outs Astros up three to2 I like his little bat drop there that was funny watch him just drop the batp he's like hilarious ious okay Jake Myers comes a plate he's over two let's see if he can do something here's a pitch right on the outside corner 95 miles hour strike one well Myers get the Myers count the 0 and2 Myers count let's see here's the pitch he does Myers hits it into the Gap that's going to be a double guys easy going to score Tucker Tucker walks home the ball is bouncing around on the track Singleton unfortunately cannot make it around but he does get to third Myers with a double brings in Tucker give restores the Astros two-run lead Myers all the way to second he comes through with a big hit what a good hit good solid strike right in the middle of the zone and went right into left center field all the way to the wall man seeing uh Singleton book it he almost fell down when he was putting on the brakes watch Singleton put on the brakes here he's like that was funny that was like a big truck putting on the brakes when they start going I was just like Singleton trying to stop wow Jason Hayward is intentionally walked guys Hayward is put on first they don't want to pitch to him so they loaded the bases for Mauricio duban Mauricio duban is at the plate with Bases Loaded can you imagine a dubon grand slam that would be hilarious it would be totally unexpected the first pitch is in the dirt for ball one you know he he might not try to pitch to him too well if he's worried about getting a hit or giving up a hit might get a walk no Grand Slams for for uh dubon in his entire career this is a bouncer foul that'll be strike one the count is even Astros up four to2 with Bases Loaded in two outs in the bottom of the eighth Mauricio duban batting with his first his his next opportunity to get his first Grand Slam that' be nice to see be it would be special here's a pitch this is grounded through the left side it's not a grand slam but it is a base that's going to score two runs guys he's safe at home it gets through he makes the throw home Myers makes the effort to get home and he just barely beats the throw the Astros are up six to2 duon comes through how amazing was that interesting apparently the A's are challenging this play at the plate and challenging Jason Hayward going back to second I couldn't see the Replay for Jason Hayward but the A's are challenging not just the play at the plate but they're also challenging oh he's safe here's here's what here's the other challenge yeah they're challenging both those the A's are challenging both the the the the safe call at home plate and the safe call at second but they both look like they will not be overturned and that will be it for all of the the A's challenges I believe six to two Astros right now that's what I like to see four four runs scored in the eighth inning heck yes finally the Astros come through now it's been worth it going through all this audio trouble with my computer finally getting it fixed sweet Richard Singleton the man yeah man single MC Singleton he does it again he lives up to his name he's had a great game two doubles and a single can't complain about that he's the man for sure runner at home is safe Runners also safe at second base safe at home what about second base safe at second base both of them go the Astros way as they should have let's take another look at this replay right quick so you can see the sequence of events so dubon hits it to left field they bring the throw straight into Home Plate very close play but Myers gets in there and then they throw to Second Jason Hayward barely gets back to second but Astros are safe and now the coach is out having a little meeting on the mound with Grant hullman Astros with the runners on first and second with two outs Astros have been just scoring runs with two outs like crazy bregman is 0 for four he grounded out his last H bat please like the video guys if you like what you're hearing I would greatly appreciate it Astros with 12 hits now here comes the next pitch to Alex bregman little outside for ball one come on bregman show some of that LSU power here's a 10 pitch a little low and outside ball two Holeman down in the count bregman hasn't been nearly as patient at the plate this year as he was last year here's the two- pitch uh hide inside and popped up why did you swing get that garbage and bregman flies out to the infield ah I'm not even going to bother showing that that's bull but the Astros do get four 12 hits now for the Astros six runs one error the A's on the other hand have how many hits six hits half the hits of the Astros and a third of the runs with two runs no errors going into the top of the ninth guys the Astros are three outs away from ending this game 6-2 is the lead I've got eight likes only but 23 people watching what's up with that come on guys guys and gals helping me out here a little bit have some have some sympathy on me have some empathy I got up today at 235 a.m. to do this game and I immediately realized that my microphone was not working and I also realized that whenever I would try to play videos the audio would go the the video would act crazy and the audio wouldn't work so I realized it wasn't just a a microphone input problem it was some kind of audio driver problem or whatever and I was praying that it was not a hardware issue thankfully after about an hour the Microsoft Live support got it fixed and now and I and I came back and as soon as I came back the a started scoring and tied up the game and I thought perfect you know just perfect but then the Astros came through in the bottom of the eth just now yeah and uh now we're up six to2 feeling pretty good just need to shut them down in the ninth and that'll be it magic number well for for me the magic number is 20 as far as likes on the video right now we got 10 thank you so much I got to my target for this video this video uh it's it's didn't start until after the fifth inning because of my uh audio driver difficulties they were just showing some really cool highlights I love seeing fromer get excited like that Josh haters on the mound now he gets the check swing strike in the dirt nice pitch strike one I think I can go ahead and change the picture now to hater there we go boom there we go haters picture is a little small but that's all good fouled off for strike two I missed a ball while I was updating the information on the screen for you guys Jacob Wilson at the plate for the A's no outs no Runners on one ball two strikes here comes the pitch from hater swinging a Miss nasty pitch 83 miles an hour almost in the dirt and he just couldn't couldn't resist he tried to golf it out but it looks like he needs to work on his sand trap game because he's not going to be able to win with that swing one out Tyler Nevan comes to the plate Nevan is 0 for three today batting 193 for the season that one's just a little outside but called strike one sorry about that best I could do was move the microphone up it came on so quick next pitch is down gets him to swing for strike two good pitch by hater man he's putting a lot of movement on those pitches 0 and2 with one out hurry up and end it man so I can go back to sleep I can sleep for almost two more hours or about two more hours hell yes that' be great here's a O2 pitch from hater a little outside ball one one and two one and two to Tyler Nevin here comes the pitch this one's hit hard to right field that's all the way out that's going to be gone it's a home run Josh hater gives up a home run to Tyler Nevin a 196 batter who was 0 for three until he got to this inning and he hits a home run off hater so that makes the game six to three what in the world is with hater man he strikes two guys out and gives up a home run to a 196 batting average guy are you kidding me right in the middle of the plate with no moving at all his stuff was looking good until that pitch that brings up Daz Cameron first one him as a swing in a Miss 95 up and out 0 and one is the count with two outs oh I'm sorry one out just one out why was I thinking there was another batter or maybe was just all those strikes he was throwing fouled back that's what it was he had two strikes I was just thinking two hours I was wrong my bad guys got to give me a break here it's 5:30 5:30 in the morning and now I do kind of see the sun coming up outside hopefully I can get to sleep before it comes up come on hater here's O2 pitch and that's grounded to paa paa Scoops it up fires the first that's out number two good job that's what we're talking about right there coming in Seth Brown will not bat looks like it's going to be Armando Alvarez Armando Alvarez betting 250 for this season here comes the pitch oh how did that not get the corner 96 on the inside corner call the ball one and0 here comes the next pitch fouled away on that high fast ball 95 miles an hour and that evens the count one and one one ball one strike two outs no Runners on here's the pitch that one's in the dirt 83 miles an hour bad placement there two balls one strike here comes the 2-1 pitch to Alvarez Armando Alvarez I feel like I should specify just so everyone doesn't think I'm talking about yon Alvarez that's a ball three balls and one strike hater trying to extend this game and keep me from going back to sleep come on man high fast ball foul bag that'll be a Full Count come on hater I really want to go to sleep I want to go back to sleep come on help me out here got about 18 people watching thanks for being here make sure you like the video when you get the opportunity Full Count guys with two outs here in the top of the nth this could be it hater dealing to Armando Alvarez of the A's here's the pitch right on the corner strike three he Rings him up I like that delayed call by the Umpire he's like doop doop Str finally the Astros win a game against the Oakland A's with John Singleton being one of the big heroes of this game he had two doubles and a single and his single gave the Astros the lead after they lost the lead well they they they were in the lead then they allowed the the A's to tie and then Singleton came in with a key hit something the Astros have just not been doing consistently and that is getting hits with runners in scoring position they were able to do that in the eighth inning today and get four runs despite hater giving up a solo home run in the ninth score winds up six to3 Astros and so the Astros win this game I'll give you guys a really quick summary of the game and then I'm going to go to bed okay some of this is going to be new to me because I was having audio issues and I didn't get to see some of this but uh in the second inning Jason Hayward came to the plate I think Singleton was on second base after a double and he hit a home run to right field 354 feet and that gave the Astros the lead in the bottom of the second two to nothing in the top of the seventh after framber came out Cameron single to Center scoring Wilson two to one Astros and the top of the eight they got another run when Rook or Homer to Center and two to two I think that was yeah that was off Presley I believe yeah that was off Presley two to two Astros it was well two to two of the Astros were tied at that time but but in the bottom of the eight the Astros answered Big Time Singleton single Mak Singleton single to Center single Mak Singleton single to Center scoring Diaz and moving Tucker to third three to2 Astros Myers doubled Center scoring Tucker and Singleton moving over to third four to two Astros dubon singled to left after that scoring Meer uh dubon yeah dubon singled scoring Myers and Singleton moving Hayward to second base six to2 Astros and the ninth inning hater would give up a home run to Nevan and that would be six to3 Astros but it wouldn't matter that's where the scoring would end the Astros win the final game but lose the series to the freaking Oak Oakland Athletics of all teams now I uh I will be with you guys tomorrow by the way tomorrow for game one the angels are playing the Astros are playing the angels and I believe that is in Anaheim and I will be calling that game live now that I have audios audio issues worked out it should be no problem the Mariners are not playing today until like five hours later so there's no update on that right now and as far as where it stands at the moment let's take a look at the Astro standings where they are in relation to the Mariners right now the Mariners are uh three three and a half games back I'm not sure that that's been updated yet 77 and 68 77 and 68 uh if that's updated that's too close for comfort the Astros just three and a half games back they need the Mariners to lose today so hopefully they do we'll see the the Rangers are seven and a half games back so no no worries there but that's it guys the game tomorrow versus the the Angels me take a look at the time for me oh yeah for me it's like 1038 so I can get plenty of sleep tomorrow and then call this game for you guys so Saturday Sunday and Monday I'm calling all three of those games at Anaheim that's because Monday is a holiday here in Japan and I'll be able to call the game on Monday as well so I'll see you for the next three games everyone kikoi be on the mound tomorrow for the Astros looking forward to that but that's it for now thank you so much for being here thank you for supporting the channel liking the video all of that good stuff once again I apologize for the technical issues but I'm glad that it got worked out thank you to Microsoft for fixing that I really appreciate it that's all for now guys and I will see you next time all I have to say now is Ghost strose and see you

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