Reaction: Auburn Football vs Alabama A&M (Live Call In Show)

get [Music] it what's up what's up what's up and we are live after game show tiger vent Andy y'all come on in I got the mayor I got the mayor I got the mayor of sportsville in the house with me today baby Marcus Fitzpatrick yes sir yes sir heard of yet but you will hear Marcus Fitzpatrick tonight baby because he is the mayor of sports field if you need a trophy see Marcus if you need a lumbar a Lombardi award see Marcus if you need a force team playoff trophy see Marcus the male baby what's up Marcus H at what up D what's up D how are you good man good good man I'm good man victory for Auburn baby victory for Auburn I'm good I'm good yes sir a blowout what you got on it what you got on it Ma talk man I enjoy watching practice man practice look good I enjoy watching practice practice look good man we hey you know that's how you come to practice you see yeah yeah you know that's how you come to practice practice look yes sir up you had everybody just executing that practice all the walkthroughs look good that was a good practice for us today he said all the walkthroughs look good yeah all the walkthroughs look good it a good practice for us today it was a great it was a great practice all right let me ask you this man let me ask you this would who who let me ask you this question we we F to get on it who do you think lead in receiving I'm like I'm pulling the receiving on who you think just call it because nobody I don't know if anybody expected this well maybe you did maybe you did uh I say Simmons he did Simmons did I say Simmons Simmons L and receive him I'm thinking correctly Simmons he started off good he I think he made the first reception then he came back uh when Brown when Hank Brown got in the game and he he broke off another one all the Freshman all the Freshman had a great showing though from cam Coleman per thp I think all the Freshman incoming fresh scored a touchdown so yeah they did did look good man you know I like I like that we pay HBCU to come down here for practice know got them on the planes we sold out the arena we had a whole bunch of attendant for practice practice looked looked amazing so the mayor is impressed the mayor is I got some things that I'm concerned about but all in all practice looked amazing today he said who is that Gus Johnson oh that's the mayor baby that's the mayor of sportsville he is the mayor of auburnville the mayor of NFL Ville the mayor of nville huh the M Tuma cornille and we gonna put all Al as this first act that being male what you gonna do to all all Alabama fans man what you oh man you banned you banned from Tom Corner after yes sir B all yeah yeah you got my DC let me get this off my chest tonight tonight I don't want y to bring out y'all Shan I'm bring out the Scot tonight go to the Dollar Tree get you a dollar roll you this ain't this special tissue tonight we Sav next week for Cal okay sh and Scott we for Cal go get you go down there to Dollar General Dollar Tree get you a cheat roll and let's TP it up tonight it up tonight the the M say don't waste your money on the shaman not the good stuff tonight not the good stuff not the good stuff tonight ladies and gentlemen not the good stuff tonight let's be classic let's be classic that's what's up man that's y'all y'all listen to the mail man hey man y'all can jump in the comments man I got the link in there um all you got to do is click click the link we doing audio only keep it classy keep it no we got kids we got families driving from the game you know what I'm saying we got to keep it rated G so if you want to come in if you want to vent we here every week man for you to come in and vent the link is in all you gotta do is hit the link come in audio in man I know y'all riding from the game shout out to my people in their cars riding from the game shout outs to my people that's in their PJs you know what I'm saying me and the hanging out time let's be honest bro they pulled a m they pulled a mercy rule out on them man they pul Merc never heard of that right d they put a mercy rule out on them man you know what I'm saying have mercy on them all right let's go with the let let me go with some things um some things that I saw and I only get you Hugh freeze Hugh free is not playing with Payton Thor this year no no every every little mistake he's he's he's laying the law down yeah honestly it's Alabama A&M you want you want to see that right there from Hugh freeze like this yeah he shouldn't and and I looked at Payton Thorn stats he's like 61% against and I'm not g to start this is not goingon to be a bass Payton Thorn night because you know what I'm saying Auburn did did their deal tonight but going forward man pyton Thorn we you can't be 61% against Alabama anel man you can't be 61% against Alabama and I seen some of the same old stuff rise up again overthrowing people and stuff like that so I'm not gonna stay on that but the the comforting part to me was Hugh freze it didn't look like he's approaching it like he approached the game last year where he was kind of like he was kind of yeah yeah yeah you you can see he cares he's invested yeah there you go man that's what I thought the same thing I thought is like Hugh freze is putting hisself his reputation everything on the line he putting his chips on pton Thorn and he's like man he this is I don't know what he's thinking but what it looks like is like man I'm not gonna let you embarrass me bro yeah you know what I'm saying I yeah I'm I I put my chip in Against All Odds with you dude so no you you going you going to do what you supposed to do man what you what you got on that man yeah I agree 100% at every the thing about pay Thorn he looks a tad bit inaccurate like he always has in every inacurate moment you seen Hugh freeze check him whenever when he missed the when he missed the uh got going down the sideline on the overthrow y freeze freeze Dove Dead into him yes I loved it I also would say I also would say uh F weather didn't give him a lot of help tonight F weather play very lack ofical but at times uh like he had a cur route he missed due to in accuracy thr behind so it's just at moments like that he still shows payon Thorn situations that we can't have going down the line when we Face great competition I agree man I agree wholeheartly and like I said I loved every minute of Hugh freze getting at him when he came to the sideline because man it's time to take the Pampers off and babing him and man talking about yeah you know yeah you gotta encourage him man I agree and I'm not like said I'm not gonna bash him but Hugh freeze looks like he feel the same way we feel he freeze was getting in him so the thing about it is DC it's no excuses no more you know you know it's no excuse that you don't know what you're supposed to do what you ain't supposed to do you have the weapons as we all the Freshman coming out showing that they can catch it's a the ball we picked up the blitz beautifully shouts out to the running backs who picked up the blitz offensive line gave you a great pocket all night it was just your inaccuracy what's up PO Problem Solver what's up what's going on good hey Freddy hes whoever that is is in here Freddy hes Freddy hirers is in here the king of the comments travail is in here man I put the link in if anybody want to come on and voice what they saw what they feel how they feel if you want to vent about the game talk about the game man the link is at the top I'll put it in again so you know what I'm saying I keep putting the link in so all you got to do click the link um go Audio Only we can only go audio only right now and um Bubba is in yo yeah Bubba say in about five so Bubba gonna come on man anybody who want to come on man invent about your Auburn Tigers talk tell man maybe you didn't see what we saw maybe you can add something to the Kool-Aid man you know to the to the gumbo we cooking you know what I'm saying this a family affair man we at the bond chilling Asia is in Asia said yo what's up a what's up in the he down there in Auburn chilling hey you hey are you rolling to's Corner a okay my man problem say he he hit the like on button on the way in go ahead um go ahead mayor what you say I said don't bring your special tissue if you going to to Cor hey hey man hey uh Asia the mayor said don't bring you expensive tissue if you go Dollar Tree get you some cheap stuff say the sh for next week this was a good practice but let's not let's act like we got some class here yes sir let's talk question what concerns did you see on defense on defense man um honestly it looked like what Hugh freeze said in the preseason man I don't know why but it looked like linebacker was R don't and I have to go and don't hold us like concrete to anything a lot of things we say about what we saw until we were able to go back and look at it because we're just fresh off of looking at it one time and man a just YT it out before I could say it linebacker like it looked thin because Demarcus rck didn't get in I didn't see he got in late he got right he got in late I don't know if I saw DJ Barber a lot you know what I'm saying uh I saw a lot of goate I saw a lot of um man I saw my man uh what's my man name 17 I wrote his name now because I'm like looking at these numbers Woodard yeah I'm like who I had to start writing down numbers and go to them and just kind of ref start a number list because of all the new people and all the new numbers but Woodyard played I didn't see a lot of keys um and maybe they were holding them back for the game ke I know Keys is kind of injured maybe they were holding them back you know what I'm saying I the linebacker spot to me and and it's just what Hugh free said as far as the linebacker spot the DB spot you saw Hart just misjudge the ball that caused a touchdown he said that was gonna happen you see what I'm saying he said with the young DBS look for mistakes and on the receiver side I it was a miscommunication um with Hugh free with h freeze with pay Thorn and the receivers also several times so just the same thing Hugh fre says and that's why I watch his press conference because I call him the most honest coach in America when it comes to press conferences he he's he tells you he told us about the receivers the DBS and the linebackers so man if somebody get hurt at linebacker man I don't I mean I think we are gonna be thin if it took that long for R to get in the game and get in the rotation against Alabama State like why did it take so long so what what concern you and um you tell me what concern you and then we going to bring Bubba in yeah I I definitely agree the linebackers concerning me but it's it's their pass coverage P coverage we see I seen a lot of Zone and they're not hugging the Zone prop they're they're letting you curl up in the zone they're not checking you they're not putting hands on you so they're allowing you to just sit in the zone catch the curl outout and in one play um they broke past the zone and got open in the scene yep so it's just like a lot of times that that's concerning me yes I agree I need to see I need to see my linebackers pass off players in different zones and I need to make sure that that safety is staying back deep enough because the reason why that safety misjudge the ball because he wasn't deep enough so it's just those little Keys against you know good opponents they gonna take advantage of that man against a good opponent man they gonna tear you up dude yeah so I agree all night and just pi part I agree I agree 100% um what's up Felix and Cat Felix says wow wow what Felix wore Eagle yes yes about to bring Bubba on here when I catch up these comments AIA says she think the ear help pyton Thor to extent I agree because they were rushing to the line and you could tell he was talking to him he took his time I agree with that Asia um press conference was yeah they were he freeze told us man yeah he told us uh what's up War Eagle War Eagle I think that's a new person welcome in War Eagle baby welcome inome in um he said alurn played a good game tonight they did did man they did and we just kind of just saying stuff we was concerned about and not concerned about we about to bring Bubby in um not getting a lot of pressure yeah on the from the D line okay but I like that freshman from pipe Road he show he show me he show me fles of of what he could be yeah yeah so so if he can keep progressing as as the season goes along I think we got an interior defense Lin that we can keep our eyes on yeah man yeah blockton 47 blockton man bton and Williams they don't look like freshman they don't look like freshman no all right I'm gonna bring Bubba here G haul at bubble what's up Bubba haul at me man what you got yo what's up Bub man old man's here what's up old man y'all talk to me man y'all got the tell us tell just hey man go for it y'all cook tell us what tell us what y'all saw what y'all concerned and what's positive and negative you know what y'all saw tonight talk to I'm not concerned really at all about pton I really disagree with a lot of y'all's points on pton so far okay okay what what do you disagree with the 61% it's not honestly it doesn't tell the whole story because there was multiple drops that were good throw he would have been over 70% mhm if it weren't for those drops he operated very well in my opinion uh it was clear it was very vanilla even the Deep shots were extremely vanilla uh and after that I'm not all that worried about linebacker honestly uh I feel like when Keys gets back it'll be fine coverage issues you're almost always gonna have coverage issues with linebackers unless you have Fred Warner as your mik linebacker uh as far as pass rush goes Kon Crawford is probably the biggest negative for me so far today was not was not was not impressed with him really at all okay um but I feel like the issues with gap discipline on the interior of the defensive line it'll be fixed up when we get Rees back hopefully next week I didn't see him play at all today me yeah I was looking for him I didn't see him yeah and uh DB really concerned about DB as far as depth goes JC did not have the greatest game neither did Antonio k uh but Caleb Harris had a great game and so did Sylvester Smith so you know maybe they can cover some of that stuff up so so you saying that you're not concerned at all with Thor no not no no more concerned than you would be with your average SEC quarterback I mean throws he missed were throws Zack bet Zack mburger would miss Aaron Murray are you serious you serious bubble like that wide that wide open that wide open um the Cur overthrow yeah the over the overthrow curl man I can do that I could throw that bubble that's one throw yeah I know but I'm just saying that's a throw that's a throw that can cost you a game that there a throw that pton Thorne as a fivey year six year player should hit every time he was basically throwing against air what I'm saying is I'm not trying to overstate and I'm not trying to dunk on pton Thorn I think everything was good so I don't want to get into this thing with him you know like he did bad or something like that I don't even want to get it did bad a good night I'm just the ball out his hand fairly fast but I agree with you DC like I'm concerned about the inaccuracy down the line that's it I'm look see I'm looking at I'm when I'm looking at that I'm looking at Oklahoma when you need that you can't make you can't make them counter throws against Oklahoma but and I agree with you you know we can overstate it and I don't want to overstate it but go ahead Bubba to me it wasn't an accuracy issue it was a timing issue it like to me they were just off okay they were on the same wave that's fair that's fair yeah that's definitely fair because that c rout he threw it behind him it went it wasn't just a dramatic inaccuracy it was behind him so I can I can see what you mean b yeah and and and that's why I say man we gota don't that's why I said don't hold me and don't hold anybody until we you can go back and really like break it down and look at it you know what I'm saying and look at look at things again to see what really happened in a play you know it's kind of hard when you otally invested and you know trying to watch the game but go ahead Bubba y'all keep cooking I like it man ain't nobody talking about how if number one didn't have about four drops he would have cooked our damn defense yeah man yeah yeah yeah that is true yeah that's what we're talking about with the DBS I mean we had a junior varsity quarterback playing out there and one average receiver and they were cooking yeah that's my biggest concern yeah I agree man I agree I agree yeah that's what a man saying about cover that's what the mail said man the mail saying coverage man the DBS but again it it like I said before if you listen to Hugh freze he's gonna tell you the truth man he told us he told us we can't get comfortable just running zone we gonna have to send something at a certain point you gonna have to send some of those linebackers and I expect that next week uh DJ's not going to be a guy who's going to sit back and cover three in quarters like Ron Roberts I feel like he kept it pretty vanilla outside of UPF front I saw him bring I saw him bring a couple inserts and dropping Jaylen McLoud that's something that's really exciting to me the way yeah I like how but he kind of just toying with it he didn't really get deep in his bag I expect him to get in his bag but these guys got to execute it if they can't execute cover three on Third and 10 how are they third and 10 in a game week six against Georgia got to get that down this week in practice I agree what else y'all got man talk to me man what else y'all got and we and this is Bubba and old man from Bubba and old man Sports Talk uh Auburn Sports Talk man y'all check out their Channel man Bubba and old man back cooking y y'all like And subscribe do that now while you sitting there man Bubba and the old man Auburn Sports Talk they gonna give you that knowledge they gonna give you that knowled Bubba coming on here you know what I'm saying debunking hour theories go ahead buba I'm gonna tell y'all watching a game with Bubba it's like go into science class he got a notebook his pencil he got the little clicker with the laser pointer on it he probably he probably have a Wille too old man he probably have a wh he does he does blows it at me and tells me to quit hollering for sure for sure man what what what else y'all got manad chat we're about 30 away on Auburn addicts from a thousand really what are we are we okay we about 30 away let's do it I see man it's like that Mane in over that minute in the chat yeah everybody subscribe let's hit that thous subscribe man we here channel do a thousand Subs yes sir let's do it man let's do it man let's do it let's do it let me let me catch this up BB and I'mma let y'all keep cooking uh wa is in it Wade is in the chat man um trille said Hank Brown still looks better than Thorne um f Thor was over Thorn receivers uh he said uh if my receiver has to extend on a ball that I can put in his hands and he keep running I'm overthrowing him okay and he says who was that hamr who was hamr was looking great against our second oh okay yeah okay yes sir all right go ahead Bubba uh what about his Payton was overthrowing cam Coleman had to stop him back up to catch his touchdown he did he did he did he sure did he sure did I mean it you know I I kind of feel like we in this place with pton Thorne he he kind of damned if he do and damned if he don't I agree yeah absolutely I mean that's true and I'm not I'm not taking up for him uh everybody knows he's the thorn my side okay can't wait to hear what Nick got to say oh for real man go ahead go ahead man you know he he didn't have a great year last year but he also didn't have time to really learn the offense so he was kind of learning as he went and it we I've never thought pton had the greatest arm but I think he right now he is the best quarterback for the job at all and and I'm with you I'm with you old man I'm like I've been saying before and talking about Nick because Nick is really down on him um with me I'm just like I'm going give him the benefit of Doubt but it's like with giving him the bid in the doubt is just like everything is under a microscope man I guess I guess because of what happened last year everything he does wrong is gonna be magnified to a thousand degrees I guess oh he under thre a pass you know what I'm saying so I guess so but go ahead I'm convinced pton Thorn is the only quarterback in the country that can throw for 300 yards four touchdowns rush for a touchdown and people still be bitching yeah yeah sure man but I'm telling you why it's I'm telling I'm telling you why I'm telling you why Bubba it's because it's because man it's no I get it I get it it's because it's just kind of like bro if your car has been running crazy right and your car and you get it fixed and then you drive it like a 50 miles down the road and it kind of sound like it's about to do the same thing you panic yeah like okay here we go again so you panic man and everybody gonna be clocking like my man yeah like my man uh David said he said he said he not sure with Thorn so it's just like I'm not sure either I'm not 100% sure either I'm just saying in this game he didn't do anything to me as far as like making me feel like there should be a further competition moving forward oh no I AG with that B I agree it's his he looks comfortable he looks comfortable in the pocket he looks comforable with the team he looks comfortable calling the offense like like DC said in the beginning H freeze is not taking taking any pitfalls or any any any mistakes from him right now because he needs him to be accountable the season I Hugh fre said I picked you as my quarterback and we G me and you gonna do it and I'm G tell you like this this s this a sell right here or this is we'll make a point I'm not g to say settled it What was su's demeanor with pton Thorn tonight oh he was very aggressive oh that tells you that tells you Hugh freeze didn't appreciate his some of the stuff he was doing you see what I'm saying so H fre is not comfortable we can be comfortable with him Hugh free went comfortable with him you see what I'm saying he had a lot of yeah that tells you a lot Hugh freeze didn't feel comfortable with his job even though like you say he threw 300 and did all this stuff H freeze was like uh no bro I'm not com so we'll clock it and see though we'll clock it and see what else y'all got man let's ride Bubba let's ride man I firmly believe that that the the best college football position in the nil era is the backup quarterback yes yes everybody loving Hank Brown I was like I like Hank Brown he looks more confident than Peyton and just to go off topic okay go ahead I'm watching the I'm watching the Notre Dame game is it just me or does Marcus Freeman look like he go out and fight UFC tomorrow night yeah he does man he does hey we need to get a we need to get a UFC match between him and Brian harson yes I'm pulling for Freeman the whole world yeah yeah yeah ah he said no uh traval says number five was wide open and uh no one near him yep and he one I was talking about it was bad timing yeah um he say uh he did it against Alabama and come on bubba well that's on practice man we had a great practice today go ahead Bubba all right this is just my last point on pton Thorne you keep going H why keep going go ahead my last you you the pay in Thorn lawyer tonight Bubba go for it after this you know we'll move on we're gonna be on with you tomorrow okay okay I heard a lot of Old Miss fans back in 2014 saying the same things about Bo Wallace okay okay there's gonna be moments Payton Thorne is never going to be Caleb Williams it's never gonna be Joe burrow okay he's kind of like Jackel and Hy you get good pton and you get bad pton do you remember good bow and bad yes I remember I remember man you have to take the good with the bad because the good is the deep shoty hit to Keandre Lambert Smith which was beautiful the curl route where he was just completely off time yes the bad is going to be when he's missing reads wide open over the middle but then he'll hit these deep shots the bad the reason it didn't work last year is because there was nobody who could win deep right okay I got you now that you have the weapons you'll see it it's going to be the same thing that he had at Michigan State and the reason why he was about to lose his job to Aiden child the the wild inconsistencies got but I can assure you there's no one better in that quarterback room based on what I've seen to do the job yeah B yeah b i no I don't think anybody I'm not say yeah I think it's just the scary showing up Bubba honestly I'm in old man I think it's just kind of like you scared he gonna do what he did last year and Bubba is 100% right you see I it's you got to take the good with the bad with pain thr and I and I noticed that either he's gonna be on fire or he gonna be inconsistent so it's just that's what make me nervous though I think that's what makes all of us nervous because nobody him to be inconsistent down the line playing great competition yeah yeah we got we got OCD from last year man I think with pton Thorn I think that's what it is and when we see when we see one miss we like oh here we go again and and to a degree it is unfair we got to just let him let him cook and see what happen but what I am what I am impressed with with him outside of you know some of his accurate throws he made great RPO decisions he when when he pulled it sometime he made great decisions when he pulled it I think had like four wres for 47 yard he he made great decisions when he pulled the ball yeah I agree man yeah yeah so he deserve man he deserved some praise man so like I said I don't want to make it about a show about down and p man man I'm pton Thorn you know because he he did he did some good things he did some really good things man what else you got B bu we gonna talk some o line tomorrow too okay oh absolutely cause bro I got some I got some concerns about a certain position but go ahead me too okay so we on the same page that's speech was more to The Message Board Warriors that I've already seen on there but okay oh what what talk to me buba talk to me just give me a little snippet what about come on BBA tell me about the message boy Warriors tell me a little bit you know how it is you go on there the top four you have three that hate pton one that love Payton and then the next one down is somebody asking to hire fire he freeze yeah for sure every game that's the way it's gonna be yeah I got you I got you man I got you I got you so Bubba y'all y'all coming on tomorrow show man with me and Nick absolutely all right man can't wait okay bump your curls man put your rollers in tonight man so your hair be pretty you know tomorrow right all right man we'll see y'all appreciate y'all coming in man we'll see y'all tomorrow good to talk to y'all man love you man peace take it easy boss Bubba and the old man I gota go like And subscribe they Channel yeah like And subscribe man Bubba and old man man Auburn Sports Talk all right let's get back to the comments man um my man Jonathan said war warri H Free's office is going to give people fit this year I believe so man I believe they look good the off the offense look good and I'm G say this for the first time I've watched the Auburn game in a long time man I didn't watch it like with this frustration of an like man we should be blowing these guys out you know what I'm saying like a Georgia State or people you know we should be blowing out they did that man they blew these guys off the map they had to Institute the mercy Rule and you know what I'm saying they had to go to 10minute uh Quarters on yeah man we had to do some Peewee mercy rule on these guys so that's good man so that's the first time I you know that was a game that I I wasn't in doubt um he said uh when it gets uh tough Thorn is gonna screw up please do SN commit man it's like man fingers crossed David fingers crossed that's what we hoping not yeah man and so we got we got a for du Knight and um Naim Alford prediction came in today for n offord the flip I'm like what okay and we'll talk about that tomorrow Hank Brown still look better and I stand on it okay uh he he say he respect the confidence confidence all right anybody else man and we gonna be on here tomorrow at 6 PM for have you heard we're going to do um Auburn I mean uh Auburn Cal pregame and we going to touch on this um this uh Auburn A&M game a little bit more a little more in depth when everybody got time to look at it and sett it down anybody else want to jump on and say anything any more comments M what you got anything else any concerns uh I'm I'm hyped about our special teams as quiet as ke I'm hype about our special team I think that uh cob gonna take take a couple back to the crib this year I think five gonna take a couple back to the crib this year I'm I'm hyped about our special teams um kicking I like the Freshman kicker he show he showed some great flashes tonight um outside of that like I gotta go with what Bubba said our and what you were saying earlier our offense is not discouraging but Payton Thor scares me at times I like our time of possession I like how you know we get the ball out quick we how we had a a good time of possession today so you know moving forward it's a lot it's a lot to take from this game and know but I don't want to read too much into it because at the end of it is yeah I agree with that too and they ain't showing much okay we about to travail in on the call on the line man so we just had Bubba in um Bubba gave a great um case for why we shouldn't overreact with pyton Thorn and I agree with him you know what I'm saying he was like you know what I'm saying he had a good game some of the stuff might not have been necessarily his fault could have just been timing you know what I'm saying I agree with that uh Bubba brought us back down to earth so we won't get too negative on pton Thorn and I agree with that now let's bring in Trava Trava I guess you gonna counter argue the point you know what I'm saying so hold on we gonna bring in travel on the on the hotline on the tiger vent you know what I'm saying travel what's up Trel you there yeah can you hear me yeah I hear you man talk to me Trav what you got well one thing we we not really talking about and I don't I don't see nobody really said anything is uh uh I dep at running back um we got we got Hunter but if he goes down I don't really you know we we really wasn't running the ball a lot this game but I mean hunter got his there was really no stopping him but all the players behind him hey are they gonna be able to to carry that load if he goes down of course man I think we got I think Jeremiah C Austin um Austin could do it yeah I think I think man I think those guys can carry the load man it's just I think Hunter is so good that they don't get to see the field as much as they should I think those guys could start anywhere on any other team they could they could start anywhere else in the league honestly that's just my opinion I think Austin is a G man I think C is a g I think just Hunter is that dude man when you like lifting 600 pounds with your legs bro you other folk ain't seeing the field too much man but yeah go ahead that that's just I think I think he can to answer your question yeah I understand all that but um yeah um because uh yeah we gonna have to get get get that production out of them that we getting out of him yeah sure he's really he's really a dynamic Runner um yeah we we we were slanging the ball around a lot that we we really had we really was showing showing that that wide receiving room really really a whole lot this game I mean yes it was all it was all there so it was good that that we we gave them boys some confidence put the ball where it needed to be um pton Thor looked pretty well because he had time back there yes against SEC Defensive line you will see how he he performs with that going on but um uh yeah he look L very well against Alabama and& him so hopefully hopefully his his offensive line keep him keep him um keep him safe this season yeah we see more more performances like this yeah and I think he I think it was good for Hugh freze to show proof of concept meaning you had all these big- time recruits at the game you had wide receivers watching the team you had future wide receivers and quarterbacks watching the team and they threw it around a lot man and they were successful they were successful on the ground and in the air man and it looked beautiful it looked beautiful man so yeah go ahead Marcus what you got so DC I wanted to ask because you you touched on it but you know we might not have a a lot of time for you to go in De I just want you to touch on it again okay so I can so I can me so I can see what you're saying maybe we are say the same thing okay but you said you have a offensive line concern can you speak on that yeah I'm I'm I'm G really go in depth tomorrow you know what I'm saying and really kind of talk about that I know Bubba gonna talk about it but I saw on the left side The Tackle I saw the tackle with it all right we okay whing in the Run game and in the pass game and I have to go back and watch it to make sure but I know definitely on some Run play y he was just missing people like whole just missing whole people yall saw the same thing okay about it like again yeah and again I don't want to make it a negative you know nasty show man because I'm very happy they won I'm I'm high you know Auburn right now I'm glad Pyon Thor is looking confident he had a good game the receivers had a awesome game man running backs everybody defense had a great game so I don't want to be negative and and bring the negative Vibes on this man but we just kind of like you know just saying what are what did you see that was confident and what that and what do you see that was a concern so you know that's pretty what you else you got Mr traval we got traval on the line on the live chat he talking about what's up the king of the comments talk to me travel um also uh yeah that that secondary we okay yeah that that hammer guy he was he was looking pretty he was looking pretty s against us that that shouldn't happened so we gonna have to definitely tighten up on that um those linebackers like y'all said before um and we we weren't really getting much like against a offensive line like this they they run their quarterback should have been on his back a whole lot more yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then maybe again like we said man maybe DJ Durkin maybe he holding some stuff back to next week you see what I'm saying maybe DJ DJ will send them dogs man he DJ will send them dogs he's multiple um and like hree said he's he said man he's shown us so many fronts he was like it shouldn't be nothing we haven't seen you know what I'm saying so I maybe he's just kind of play laying back and waiting till next week you know what I'm saying for Cal you know what I'm saying and then so on and so forth so um hold on there Trav let me catch up man um Le's see oh you say you say confidence um 30 yep hit the sub hit the Sub sub 30 30 away Notre Dame just beat Texas A&M 2313 wow I&M I Pi I don't know why I piic I picked Texas A&M you know I don't know why uh he said traval got smoked for me already oh take uh Bubba say he's more confident in Austin than car Bubba why though how you say that why Bubba that's not a I'm with you bu why what do y'all backfield yeah I think Cobb is explosive at least C got out the backfield right what is Cobb doing that would make not make yall as confidence in CB he's explosive he coming out the back field he catching the ball and he return he he man I just want to know I'm talking to me about that one b um he said we was going in like one minute if that happen in a big game they're not going to know what to do with us like Hugh freeze or fence fence it is a huge improvement from last year okay I agree I agree they were scoring man they were scoring and what's crazy man at one point I don't know what the end possession was but um Alabama's uh A&M had bigger greater possession than we had because they were scoring so fast like 23 I think Alabama like 23 and I was like nine yeah we can Bo High TI you can Bo man like I said man anybody who want to bul can anybody who want to you know hey man you got positive Bubba came in with the Positive from pyton Thor I agree with bubble man um uh King of the comments you you say you not as high th you think you were you know why you still there yeah yeah I'm here okay yeah yeah like like like like like um a lot a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of his time and throws went there um he was overthrowing receivers and I mean like cat's wide open like you can't miss a wide and one at one he he had a receiver that that that that had the separation on on the uh on the DB and all he had to do is just lead him lead him underneath the ball the receiver had to jump out and get it I'm like dude you you overthrew it take take a little off of it and that right a touchdown so I mean yeah I mean you I mean we can't I mean you know we you know he he did give us four touchdown we can't just be I can't be totally hard on the guy but I saw some things that that could be improved on and when I when I saw Hank Brown come in the game Hank Brown showed me those things that Payton Thor was missing yeah I gotta and and I had someone say as just say um Hank Brown just seems has this confidence man for whatever he just has a confidence my man high tide uhuh high tide says 10 and two high tide say we going 10 and two baby you know what I'm saying on this show all opinions are accepted you know what I'm saying that's just the way it is man high tied say I tell I tell you one thing though seeing us play today I'm more confident than I was seeing us practice against each other okay well that's that's good that's good and because our scout team defense is better than A&M's that situation okay Bubba said Austin's vision is incredible cob has a long way to go with his vision Cobb has uh has had issues reading blocks specifically on inside Zone Cobb also had more issues in pass Pro car has issues in pass Pro okay that's fair who who the guy who fumble who is that guy um that's the guy that he was a walk- on and they just put him on scholarship um yeah take no man you know what I'm saying you got I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I got you I got you man I got you man uh payor Miss per on that play for sure yeah okay hot hot Tod said uh he had five TDS yep yeah so like I said it ain't nothing to be you know we just kind of people just nitpicking you know what I'm saying um what what this the time to do it though yeah sure sure sure I got you what else you got TR That's it man okay all right man well we appreciate you coming on man on the live chat with us we gonna catch up this chat and then we going to get out of here man we appreciate everybody coming in we'll be here at next week for Cal we'll be here man the doctor will be in to listen to you the mayor will be in to officiate and enforce the rules you know what I'm saying and put Alabama fans in their places so we appreciate y'all coming in don't forget Shan week next week guys Sharman week next week we can do hey we definitely gonna be because we got the only we and catching passes for us so okay okay okay we'll see we'll see we'll see Sam Sam Sam Sam Walker he he catching catching beautiful passes in the end zone yeah okay my man Bubba said Hank can play for sure just think he needs one more year he missed to rpos yep I agree with that b he did he said but he has Moxy that's right Justin Jones is Justin Jones Bubba thank you Jesse Jones gez 35 is Jess Jones respect the mayor that's right respect M especially Alabama fans man because you know say the M man the M go you know put Alabama fans where they belong man you know we gonna find them and do everything you know what I'm saying so yeah we appreciate mayor tell them what oh mayor tell tell them where they can find you mayor you can find me every week on Wednesday at the water cooler talk with my co-host Nick Fraser and we gonna bring it okay we talk about a ride a wide range of things on the water cooler talk not just football so if you want different aspects from NFL to NBA come holl at us at the water cooler to that's what's up man if you want some NBA NFL talk man come over there man I go over there to get my Dallas Cowboy talk on you know I'm saying with these guys you know what I'm saying Cowboys man anyway we're not gonna get into that but I am DCW you can find me on all platforms at Auburn put theore Auburn unor addicts and we will see you guys tomorrow at 6 PM for having you heard for the Cal pregame show and we're going to talk a little more about A&M and our concerns and stuff like that we're going to talk some recruiting too because hopefully we have some big news by tomorrow that would be great but for the may I am DC wolf and we want to say War Eagle baby

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