Reaction: Auburn Football vs Cal | Auburn FootballPodcast (Live)

up everybody we are live I don't know about the way to the top but we on our way somewhere I'm your host DC wolf I got the May in the house the May of sports field everybody Marcus Fitzpatrick the most famous man you never heard of is in the house and bro they coming in everybody is fouling in oh my God and I got my man Nick fras dumb Nick is in the house baby he ready you ready let's do it let's do it y'all ready Bo y'all looking sad you see what I seen be feeling hey hey hey hey we going we going right I'm going I'm on the way to the top of the [Music] comments on the way to the top of the comments baby oh my God bro they like fouling in here like oh my God y'all come on in everybody come in everybody come on in everybody coming in I'mma kind of I'm kind of slow it down a little bit man cuz everybody is filing in here man everybody coming in here so I'm going kind of slow it down a little bit hit the comments a little bit let everybody you know come in you know what I'm saying hey man don't push nobody don't shove nobody man it's a seat for everybody you know what I'm saying don't Deo nobody Asia say what was that that's the first comment AIA got the first comment in here I don't know a I don't know AIA said what was that that TJ man Nick was [Laughter] right what's up fellas first off yes what's up what's up what's up as you said I gotta crunch my second half data for y'all that's what's up hey she got she got hey man y'all come on in man file in everybody people still coming in people still coming in people still coming in you want to go first Marcus or you want me to go first I do Dons uh I'm I'm I'm I'm hurt my toilet tissue I can't throw my toilet tissue tonight I had just bought a fresh roll I felt good going into this game but then everything me and you talked about last week showed it face did show his face very very very very very it did from the first half our DBS could not win one-on ones at all the second they actually woke up and we actually seen what our defense could be and then they they broke down at the end of the game we made uh we made that quarterback look like Aaron Rogers back when he was at so just in our offensive line we can't pass protect for nothing he free didn't realized that we should have kept the ball on the ground because every time we put it in the air as Nicks always point out p thowing inconsistencies cost us I'm just DC you can take over man I'm that was horrible horrible man horrible horrible showing it's an embarrassment to Auburn football man it's just an embarrassment to the Auburn Nation you know what I'm saying and I'm G just say y'all tell y'all like this in my opinion and I'm G have to wait on Hugh Free's press conference but Hugh freeze man it seemed like he's just gonna die on this pay Thor Hill man to me and we'll see I gotta hear what he say as far as I don't know what the plays were who messed up on the plays but he did say pyton Thorne was missing basic base defenses be base basic base offensive plays he was missing we not talking about nothing complex man he P free say the man is missing base plays man basic slant routes holding the ball too long missing open receipt we said this last week and we tried to throttle it back last week but we were saying me and the mail say it last week if you can't hit plays against open air man you're not gonna hit plays against Cal you're not gonna hit plays against ug you know what I'm saying if you can't execute an offense against Alabama A&M no disrespect to Alabama A&M but if you can't hit stuff on air and hit things that you supposed to hit out of Base formations man you not going to do that against Georgia or Alabama man this jump was embarrassing I got to call it like it is man and I I'm be honest with you man I tried to give I I've been trying to get throwing mercy and Grace I'm like this a new year but bro I'm G be honest with you the offense everything bro it looked worse than last year we put all this stuff on Philip Montgomery this J look worse than last year man how what was our total score how many points did we put up 14 same as last year man and bro it's like you get a a a a brand new quarterback coming to Jordan house stadium and is efficient but our quarterback who's been quarterback in five or six years dude is it's ineffective in our own stadium bro how is that possible and then I'm I'm G say this and I'm g go to Nick one thing I saw too is that bro it's like why are we running all these long developing plays it's like why do we wait we get to the fourth quarter to start throwing some some curls underneath and it's like everything all the plays it's like not all the plays but a lot of the plays is like man okay we don't have to coach we could just get these one-on ones and just throw the ball in the air we could just get these one-on ones and just throw it to a player our player out maneuver or out uh athlete the other player bro where's teing where's the underneath stuff where are the underne where are the crossing routes you know what I'm saying and DC before you pass it the N you notice we did that every down we did I mean every series we did that like we running the ball and then we'll throw a one-on-one route yeah every series we did yeah it's just like every every time it's just like bro we don't have to like like just scheme we don't have to scheme anymore we could just out Talent you and just go with these one-on-one back shoulders and throwing 5050 balls man where are where is the scheme bro and before I go to Nick I'mma catch up the chat you know what I'm saying I don't want to keep chat waiting while Nick rocking like he on The Color Purple he ready he read let remember lady on The Color Purple I she Rock sat in that jail Rock like all right let's catch up chat right quick yeah she a say she gotta catch B stor I can't blame you man Auburn guy I can't um that man has to go man but it's like your boy keep putting him on the stage to dance man H freeze keep putting him on the stage to dance hey didn't Bubba say he was the best quarterback in the locker room look man we we said this last week and Bubba gonna come on but we said we tried to say this last week man but I I I pulled back you know I'm saying I pulled back on it you know what I'm saying last week because you know just say I'mma give him a chance I'mma give him a chance but we saw it last week man even in the whatever many points you could see it last week man overthrows missing open receivers man and then like Hugh fre said this man is at the end zone he threw a touchdown but Hugh frees is fussing at this dude because he's still not getting the protections right bro you at home against Alabama A&M still not getting the protections right how's that possible all right I say I'm go to the sh man my God that's all right DC top three recruiting class man shaking my head for 2025 man I Manan I hope they can hold on to these guys man this and Auburn got Auburn got new Auburn is he on x man what's up Auburn God man we want to welcome you in welcome you in the chat what's up we got another Asian we got two Asians in the house we got two Asians in the House St Brown must start I agree as yes I agree we all on we in the same boat we all we so far everybody on the same boat consider my data okay crunch that's what's up man all right I can't put that up Bubba well I can't put that give me something I can put up I can't put that up and y'all can read it but I I can't put it up and then you know we open this to the calls man we going open to the calls if y'all want to call in if y'all want a vent you know what I'm saying we give you about 30 seconds to vent if you want to vent I'mma put the link in you know what I'm saying y'all come in and y'all can vent we get to Nick Nick is being very patient I'm trying to catch up this chat Nick just give me a second Nick give me a second um all right all right the one- on one's yeah the one he bro it's like why okay I'm not going I'm G just get a chat freeze looks confused as a play caller default name what's up default name we got new people here I agre default we gonna be here every week default we lose a draw man we all fans we gonna be here it is what it is man we gonna be here TJ what you got to say man fare weather can't catch no more it seems like man I don't know man uh I had hope so we been stor yeah man yeah yeah Dustin Dustin what's up Dustin man everybody had hope Dustin I like I said we talked about this last week and I pulled back my thoughts on it man um yeah he was hurt and he still threw the duck to him my God go man all right Nick you ready G to bring in Nick Frasier man and then we gonna get we GNA go to the call line after we get bring in Nick Frasier what's up Nick talk to me you would allow me just a moment as they say in the church would you allow me just a moment to to say and get this off my chest and just tell you how good the Lord has been to me give your testimony brother give your testimony brother dick just don't curse man can't nobody don't no cursing today go ahead man this goes back to the Bowl [Music] game H fre sat in the ball game and stated that the quarterback position was wide open three months later he did he sits down and says that it is pyton Thorn's job to lose without playing a game without playing a game my God go ahead preach brother give your testimony brother watching this game M let's go back to last week let's go back to last week let go back rewind it n rewind back us back baby I saw a lot of people I saw a lot of Auburn people in the Auburn family saying man this it felt different this looked great this looked like a different Auburn I held back on some of my thoughts because I didn't want to I didn't want to kill people's spirit I they want to kill their Spirits preach brother take your time take time I was tempted to pick Cal in this game but the fan in me the fan in me don't do it said because we will be at Auburn and Auburn will find a way to win this game at Auburn and they will not let Cal come in here and win the game I'm gonna pick AUB to win the game not Jordan H Nick not Jordan H I broke down the film I broke down the film BR it told you how this defense attacks the ball attacks the ball they play cover three they attack the football yes I broke it down for you and I still went against my own intuition to pick Cal to win this game my god brother because as I I've always been saying since last year Pon Thorne needs to give the truck back what you mean by he need to get a truck back brother give it back he needs to give that truck back that he got for that nil you did it Nick you did it time take your time son take your time take your time son I'm gonna go a step further go a step further son I have also said that I don't know if this team has a philosophy or an identity I don't know what the philosophy is that coach freeze has for this team what is it you say you want you say you want to be 60 40% to the to the pass okay you said he want to be 6040 to the Run no to the pass he wants the pass ball more than he run last week he said that was too much pass and he want to go 6040 to the Run start first half like that if you say that last week you went against your whole goad go ahead I ain't gonna disturb you Nick go ahead go ahead son hear me can you hear me I want make can hear me we he you Hugh freeze has to determine and he hasn't made that decision this week is pton Thorne going to be your guy going forward that decision has to be made this week now we can attribute other things we can attribute the pressure that Cal sent on pay Thorn they were sending pressure they weren't blissing they were sending pressure ladies the difference between a blitz and a pressure a blitz comes from your secondary pressure is just the uh the pressure that you get from your linebackers normally when you get pressure if you have five if you have a center two guards two tackles if you get you got four people that's rushing that's rushing the quarterback at all times the nose guard two nose guards two DN if you're getting pressure that's one extra guy that's coming maybe two because you you may have a Lineback you may have a a running back that's left back in to to to to take on a block that's pressure Blitz Blitz is come from the secondary MH I counted if I'm correct and I want somebody to go back and check this I counted three blitzes the whole game everything else Cal got was with pressure all they sent was pressure which means that the offensive line and the running back should have been able to pick up that pressure to give pton Thorn enough time to sit in the pocket and throw now let's sit here and say Payton Thor may have held the ball too long I honestly think that when pton Thorn gets hit he gets scared to throw the football I think when he gets hit he gets scared to throw the football pain throwing ain't it ladies and gentlemen Hugh freeze needs to make a decision he needs to make a decision he needs to put his big boy pants on this is Big Time college football sir a lot of people and the reason why it's big time college football because a lot of people put a lot of money into it they want to see they institution win they want to see their team win they invest in it Hugh freze need to make a decision and he need to make the decision by Tuesday it's pain throwing your guy and if he's not he needs to move on from pton Thorn no I agree man I agree Nick I'm like bro go on and move on from him man I could take you moving on from pyton Thorn if you gonna put in Hank brown or Walker white and bill for the future I could take losing under those circumstances because we losing anyway yeah you might as well play Hank Brown bro you might as well play Hank Brown you might as well Play Walk white holding G the results are the same at least we'll be building toward a future for something and Dustin said man he said um what's up boys he said glad y'all think like me war deag he said agent say take your time Pastor take your time he said Thor will start against New Mexico next week have a good game and will start still start said the same thing I said the same thing Dustin I said the same thing when I was coming on before I came on the show I said the same thing uh to Slayer man I was like he gonna start him next week he have a good game and then it's like okay then we'll he'll be what's Arkansas after that yes then he'll be playing after Arkansas and I would tell you this right now I will tell you this right now Arkansas is a better team than auburn I will tell you that right now man don't tell me that right now Arkansas is a better team than auburn don't tell me right but they look good no no no no no Arkansas dropped the ball because of coaching they dropped the ball because of coaching in the end Arkansas got a good team Arkansas has a good team but all I'm G say is this Auburn has a lot to figure out H fre Hugh free Hugh free gota go he he gotta go see the wizard man he gotta get some courage yeah courage man he gota give some cage he got to make the hard decision man and it's not a hard decision it's really not a hard decision just say just say pay thank you so much for your for your services I appreciate what you did for us man I really do but we got to go in a different direction man yeah man it's the same it's the same thing from the bowl game Nick it's the same thing from New Mexico State it's the same thing from last year dude ain't nothing changed nothing it's the same thing it's like how do you go a whole 365 days dude and you are doing the same thing and I bro if you go and look in the um Community section last today I put in should I be concerned about the offensive line because I am should I be concerned about the offensive tackle because I am most of the people said you shouldn't but man the offensive tackle situation on that left side bro sometimes like a Turn Style man what's up Adia Foster we got a new Adia Foster in the house ladies and gentlemen what's up come on wait a minute wait a minute what wait what does a deal have to do with Hugh freze y'all taking what hu fre did out on the deal she should get a warm welcome you're right I gave what's up come on baby welcome to the family I said it congratulations yall down today what's up Sor sorry for the energy sorry for the energy AAL says Bernard said coaching is the problem what's up Bard what's going on man yeah shout out to coaching coaching yeah it's saw that head to man he got like you said he got to make the call man and oh man you got what's up Wade what's up Wade what's going on look bad ain't even that ain't even it bro way look bad ain't even it man hey there y'all go man there y'all go it's um yeah this is um if you if you want to come on and talk we we'll give you a few we give you a little time to voice your frustration this is the tiger vent voice your frustration man when you come in audio only only can take audio no prefer fan no vulgarity or nothing like that that's YouTube it ain't me Slayer in the house here comes Slayer Here Comes Slayer all right you ready Slayer all right all right I'm ready talk to a Slayer what's up what's up y'all I'm just gonna share the data that I crunched okay the second half I was slipping in the first half because you know we was cooking that game day spread so do not come for me because this may not be 100% accurate but this is as accurate as I could get so it appears in the second half we played 67 snaps okay most most of the errors I I classified every time that on offense we did not turn convert to a first down or on defense if we couldn't get a stop that was that was categorized into one of four categories as to why that happened so it's either a player error a ref era a coaching era or other okay so as far as offense goes offense was the big stinker in the situation because out of all of the snaps offense had 177% of the out of 67 snaps wow whereas defense only had %. wow and then we could attribute um the other 2% of Errors to coaching refs weird situations like just inexplicable like Talent you know you just got beat whatever the case may be um and if you break it down even further if we just look at offensive snaps alone which was 34 snaps we had 35% of Errors being a player error wow so out of 3 for offensive snaps we had 35% of the errors in the second half coming from players I don't I didn't attribute anything else to the refs really and I didn't really attribute anything to coaching yeah yeah the yeah the only thing I was attribute to the refs was that Miss um targeting call yeah that Miss targeting it was a um it was I think it was a pass interference too they missed yeah I think that was the first half yeah that was in the first half that's I'm saying yeah that's what I saying that's only I didn't see too much in the second half besides the target yeah know so and we can see that because pton Thorn threw four interceptions four and then bro he had did did they they didn't count well they took back the one he threw in the end zone when the dude pass interference yeah he just thre another one to the to the dude and the the wide receiver was breaking out and he threw it to the Inside Man so he had really had five well here's the thing this game this game you got anything else my bad I just this was abysmal and Hank Brown has got to start next week like I was never a painon thorn truther but this just really like this has really sent me to a place that I did not want to be wow ready for basketball season y'all not already SL you gotta come back next week you can't just come on slay you gota come back next week we got to see this thing out baby we here you know what I'm saying we here just like Dustin say man we lose a draw man we here man we our tit man but and I get it I get it I get it bro you just want to just like just go to get under the bed and go to sleep you know what I'm saying so I get it and especially the after game effects I get it man so I I don't blame you how you feel you know what I'm saying I understand how you feel man but you know me Nick and Mark y'all you know we gotta be here man we gotta be here for the people people gota come get on couch gotta come talk to us man we gotta vent get this off us man so we don't take this to work Monday straight up well I'm gonna go become a USF fan for the next hour all right all right go apprciate appreciate you coming in with the data slate appreciate it man no problem wow all right man let's go let's go everybody hey y'all y'all get in the comments man we gonna put your comments up the link is in if you want to come on just like slay just did in voice hey man you're welcome to come on we'll give you a few minutes div voice and we don't want you to go to church turning over pews Sunday and you know what I'm saying not getting your TI and offering and stuff because AUB got you mad fussing with the preacher and the ushers tomorrow we you know what I'm saying y'all you know put you know you can come in here and vent Thor will not start next week it's a wrap for him we gonna see Wade we gonna see we gonna see um Lord have mercy stay how trash hey let's just see what Tennessee do tonight that's all I say yeah hey man yeah yeah yeah you yeah Tennessee bro you know still Tennessee ain't played yet now they gota play see with that now coming through Stanley we just coming through St ah oh man yeah man broke yeah that's what up you are correct Dustin you correct read it perfectly man and he just dropped it butter finger anybody want to try this modle yeah that's it welcome mod what's up hold up hold up we gave more than we gave okay we got to go back to FAL we got to go back to a deal and deal her just do all right deal Foster what up a deal Foster baby all right welcome in all right now everything is made right so we balanced the universe so like you know we got a balance back okay um I W I want to point something out though man this game could have been a lot worse than what it than what it showed um because that first touchdown easily could not have been a touchdown because yes he technically didn't reestablish himself fast enough well that's a is very you know convoluted on how what they consider to be fast enough because he Ste out of bound twice he was pushed out then when he turned around to re reestablish himself he stepped out of bounds again and then came back in to catch the ball now I don't you know I don't know um if anybody saw that or if anybody noticed that but I think Justin wi Cox didn't he said something about it but he got the win so it is what it is man but um but yeah man Auburn um and Coach free they need we need to figure something out man um on this on on uh for this team especially on the offens side of the ball um the defense I give them their props in the second half they made some adjust they made some adjustments and uh and stopped they did a good job stopping the Run um but that little tight end uh that little slip out tight end pass that they kept running man man it was uh it was it was it was going it was going and I was like can we do something can we put can we bring somebody um across the formation to watch that cuz he was blocking he would slip out and run it was easy easy eight nine yards for uh Mendo when he was throwing that calling it all night bro I was calling it all night man gota hold him up your def a gotta grab him you got to man keep him from getting easily releasing on that and I'm like bro it comes a point you gotta like man man roll the coverage up a little bit man tighten up a little bit and when you Blitz stay in your lanes they were just bro not keeping contained in the first half but I don't blame the defense I ain't got nothing against the defense I'm be honest with you the defense bro they held you in the game to the very end you know what I'm saying yes it I'm upset that hu free didn't make no adjustments as you we kept trying to pass the ball and we should have we should have found a way to get get Hunter and in our running game turnning yeah it's like bro why you see Hunter breaking bro why are we not running the ball man why why why are we not if you see this man getting pressure why why we not why do we not have a quick game why do we not have a slant game going on bro why we not running screens I'm like bro give me something other than these long developing routes where this man gotta stay in the pocket and then hang a ball a 5050 ball in the air like I just don't understand it man but see that's but see this is this is where um this is the weakness of of Hugh F's offense Hugh freze wants to go fast all the time and and and and this has always been my G with offenses like this um especially when you get it to the point the Ravens or to a degree are the same way when you w to go fast you w to air the ball out um you don't know how to slow it down sometimes because your y your DNA is just let's just go go go go go let's score quick let's score quick let's go go go go go and let's score and let's try to put as many points on the board as we possibly can I don't think I don't think this offense knows how to slow down nail on head this is the same problem Gus ma had and I'mma tell you what and this is this was my philosophy and my thought with Gus maon and this go fast hurry up offense sometimes with these offenses and I said this with Gus when they took the rule away hurrying up for him was a was a strategy it was like a it was a part of his DNA right so he used hurry up as a part of a facet of the game to win like yes okay if I hurry up I can get you out of out of alignment so I don't really have to rely on my play calling no you see what I'm saying I don't have to really the like a Mike Bobo and I know people hate on him but I'm using that as an example Mike Bobo can run at any Pace he can run a slow offense and he can schem people open with his exes and OES yes and not have if you take the hurry up away he can schem with his exes and OES yes I don't see that Gus maon and he freeze I haven't seen it proficient where if they slow down they can just scheme you ex's and O's bro we gonna slow down it don't even matter well because on the hurry up man getting people out of alignment and hurrying up and getting one-on ones and all this stuff and using that as a scheme component then bro when you can't do it bro you look it's like a flatline well because because there's only uh if you think about it they don't run a route tree they run one of three routes they run they gonna run a straight go they gonna run a they gonna run a post M or they going to run some type of play across the middle of the field to get some type of post some some type of deep dig across the middle of the field to create separation uh to where they there's nothing and I mean nothing there's no mesh patterns there's no high low patterns that they have there's no smash concept there's nothing that this offense has to where they can just literally line up and just go all right this is what's going to happen you gonna run a nine you gonna run a seven this guy's goingon to run a three it's nothing it's nothing like that everything that they run is going to be down the field and it's just it takes a while to develop and it's always going to be 50-50 balls and we had I had this come I had this this great with him last year why are we running all these 50 field ball why can't we just throw something simple to get to the next down instead of like like you you you're third and three you're third and four right why are we throwing the ball 15 yards down the field yeah makes no sense on the on the fourth and two that we throwing a go route bro like what I'm saying throw the ball a nice little comeback Route Seven yard comeback route get the first down let's play Let's get a new set of downs why are we throwing the ball why why are we putting the ball In Harm's Way to where a Defender can get up underneath it and who has the ball skills like Cal did to get the ball and to intercept the ball why are we doing that is is is is is thing is things things like that just make me sit back and just be like what is the philosophy that what is the philosophy that Hugh freeze has right like what is it man like come on man like I know you want I know you want I know you want to go 5050 ball fade route to the side of the endone all the time you want talent and stuff like that but sometimes man you just gotta out scheme the next yes some point when you match up you gotta out scheme bro go ahead marus go ahead May the difference is to me between H frez and Gus ma is Nick they did with with Gus you seen the mes and he give you the motion ey can that moves and shifts your linebackers and your linemen h freie ain't giving you no eye candy you nothing bro trying to do the like you said he's just running three straight routes a dig a go and a post it's easy to sit on that and he ain't making you adjust that's that's what that is is leaning too much into your talent you know what I'm saying and I'm say he wasn't gon in the beginning of the year though right but but if y if you see all these clips of your these wide receivers catching one-handed catches and doing all this stuff in practice it might be because your DBS aren't as good as you think it might I mean and I thought about I thought about you got in this game was just trying to do that the stuff we were seeing on the Auburn films from the practices and spring practice with them catching the ball like that that's it seems like that's what they were trying to do in the game and just lean on the athleticism and the playing ability and H fre said it himself we can't lean on that because teams are gonna match up so why would you keep doing it but told me to tell you that he said that and he got crucified for it told him what what king of the com he told he told everybody about that spring practice not licking he said King of the coms man you Vindicated you sure said it somebody and somebody say you can't tell what somebody said in the they got on them they wrote the king of the comments on that they blistered him on that one for stand he was right what's up Asia Asia the twin Asia we got two of them here he is the call link for our Twitter family what's up man appreciate it appreciate it that's what's up man appreciate you a appreciate you Asia Modo Thor was not going through his reads in his last two interception bro yo I'm I want I want to expound on this right here it seems as if when Thor Thorne he when he gets died in with one person on a drive that's who he wants to go to every single P every single play every single pass and just like yo and that that that statement is correct man like sometimes if you go through your re like on that last interception right on that last interception I was watching it there was a dig across the field and I believe it was Robert Lewis who ran that who was sitting between um the linebacker and the safet and if he would have just put a little touch on that ball over that over that linebacker head it would have been a first down it would have been a first down was that the one with kls I know he missed one with k like no no no no no no no no no the last interception he threw like the last interception threw when uh cam was when cam hurt his shoulder and he was trying and they there was there was I I want to say it was Robert Lewis he ran a dig across the middle of the field and there he was he was literally sitting in between the the safety and the linebacker and if pay Thorn would have looked all he would have had to do is just put a little touch on it a little underneath you to put it over the the the the linebacker head Robert Lewis could have caught that in and could have kept running I don't know if he would have scored but he could have kept running if you go back and look at that play he was same one with the ks and I'm have to go back and watch it man so it's like you can't really hold on this because you know things are going so fast you have to go back and watch it and break it down so and then we gonna talk about it toor more after we watched it again tomorrow on have you heard that oh yeah I'm I'm I'm G break some of this we got to break it down and like really go back for you coming can't SC C what's up what's up baby SP facts man all right yes sir he said mod say we spend facts and then Bubba come in and like y'all don't know what y'all talk about yeah he talk about me with that route tree vly disagree on your point on the route tree we ran mesh multiple times a day and we have a quick game I have no idea why we didn't use that's what I'm saying Bubba I'm saying we didn't use the quick game I'm like why are we got why do we have these long developing routes so Bubba was talking to y'all not me so me and Bubba I didn't I didn't I'm gonna put it like this if they ranom mesh concept I think I may have saw it maybe one maybe twice something like okay I didn't see you're not saying they didn't run it at all yeah I'm not saying they didn't run it at all what I'm saying is when you when when when you get and and I'm specifically talking about when you were in third third and five and less you throwing the ball 20 yards down the field on a 50-50 ball where you're trying to get a flag off a pass interference get I don't like those plays I have never like those plays I am more of a let's get a definite play to where we can get a first down and get a new set of downs and keep moving the ball down the field that that that type of stuff like that to me you playing you trying you trying to play towards the ref to what to make the call and I don't like that man just you you you determine your outcome not don't let the don't let the refs or the other team determin it but you know it is what it is let's be clear though even when he did throw the slant route he he didn't spot the ball correctly right like the Coleman pass I think I would blame Coleman because as a receiver as I play your hand you gotta catch that one F weather I blame Fairweather because it hit his hand too you gotta catch that one but that was behind him and the other one he just purly over threw it so when we did run slant routs he was madly inaccurate if you ask me sure let me up these comments man because this people show it's people show free showing he's too stubborn to change that's right TJ I agree with that man like Nick said man after the thing he was like it's wide open then he just changed his mind Rob he's saying can't score call Robert was wide open yeah that play talk yeah uhuh on the on the fourth down y'all are talking about Thor mate the incorrect read we didn't have the separation on the slot fade if I remember correctly he had the hitch yeah it's like bro and we'll watch it Bubba watch it and we we going to have to like watch it and come back tomorrow too man we going to talk about on have you heard at 600 pm. tomorrow um I'mma go ahead and and I'm g go ahead and get don't get where you can't support us man you got to stay here and support us man we you know say we just want to catch these cats up man everybody vent man and we gonna get out of here man you know what I'm saying th also miss voo on the scene on the second the first half he continues to pull his eyes down to early we all on the same page man it's just like bro yeah he was not used enough man dear yeah can't score he wasn't using them man run the ball yeah I'm like bro that's what we should be opening up with man running the ball man and I'm telling you I'm G say this man I'mma say this and um I'mma let y'all let y'all go man y'all can go whever y'all want to go if anybody else got to say something this with with Hugh Free's offense and I told Nick this before when I saw him explain one of his plays I'm saying his whole offense but one of his plays he went through all of these things where he want to put the um defense um into some kind of making them make a a decision either way so if they make a a decision either way say if he's he's going to the slant if they cover that then he's gonna go to something else if they cover that he's gonna go to something else and so forth right so if they if they cover everything every adjustment he makes on the play if they cover it then the last thing is the 50-50 ball so you see what I'm saying if if if if if I know that as a defensive coordinator I'm just gonna check and cover everything on that play and then be like hey man the 50-50 ball coming every time get ready and I'm just practicing the 50-50 ball every all all my practices because this where they going when we cover every every every one of their options when we cover it they're going 5050 I'm like bro I that one I don't understand but y'all got anything else man don't get how you have a first team SEC running back I understand he with the ball but you got you got you got one of the you got the best in my opinion the best running back in the SEC you using them sparingly I I'm I'm gon say this before we go this is the question I want to ask this question I want to ask to chat and we gonna end we gonna get out of here with this and let y'all go watch some more football I just want to get get my people you know vent place um does Payton Thorn start next Saturday that's what I want to know everybody in the chat yes no put it in and we gonna go down and I'mma um I'mma bring you up tell me if pton Thorn is gonna start next Saturday I say yes Marcus what you say the male does he start I say yes because of Hugh freeze but I don't think he should okay Nick oh yeah he starting he starting okay yeah he starting but but the thing is is I I don't know man I look I don't know what to I don't know what's going is he gonna be good enough to finish the game start yeah then that's gonna get him to start against Arkansas exactly where we might do the whole thing and lose that's the problem though because I'm telling y'all right now Arkansas is a good team Arkansas might be a better team than auburn right now and I don't care what nobody say Arkansas might be a is a better team than auburn right now better competition than they I don't disagree M says yes but Brown should start uh he better so every Everybody thinking that well problem solv is the only person thinking that he won't start don't be surprised if he does I think he's gonna start I think he's have time but me and and that's maybe why I'm not a coach but I would be done bro we don't went through this I'll be done so Che that last that last comment DC oh the old man yeah yeah y'all got time got time to hop on man he said way said Nick you were right all right man everybody hop on man we no profanity no vulgarity please so YouTube put me off of here man all right so um here go the link old man y'all come on in man y'all come in y'all old man hop on you think if uh Thor get off to a slow start he ain't gonna get bch by half time against New Mexico be honest you bro I have to see it to believe it it's like Hugh freeze is just on this thinge bro and maybe this maybe Payton Thorne is can get on the board and draw it up maybe he can look at it on the field and call it may you see I'm saying maybe he can talk and WR like a coach man but it seems like when the liks come on man he can't do it I'm I'mma tell you I'm I'mma from what I see from pay Thorne this this this is why I I give pay thror a hard time because and it's more of the fact that he doesn't have that it thing for me pain doesn't have that it thing like you know you know when you see somebody walk on the field you know like yeah that dude right something happen like I know he gonna make a play some he gonna make a play I don't see that from pain like like he pton Thorn is like one of those straightforward type people like when you tell him how it's supposed to be like if this is not here you go here that's what he's going to do he's going to do exactly what you but when he does it it looks bad because he's doing what he's taught to do so he doesn't have he he he doesn't have that thing to where he he looks he looks like oh that ain't gonna work let me go somewhere else with the football what happened old man y'all come on yet I try I trying to take some time before they come on no they no I I was just trying to take some time before they come on because I a see come but that's they've been on and they gone oh man what you should said oh I I didn't want to interrupt you no no no it just looks like that's what it looked like now if you have a guy that comes in and be like all right I know if this ain't here but that ain't it either man I'm about to just go out here and just play backyard football and we gonna make something happen that ain't pain Thorn that's not paint Thorn that's just what like to me okay that's exactly why he ain't going through his reads yeah um um I saw pton Thor get benched last year he did and we'll see we'll see man I'm going have to see it to believe it dude I'm have to see it um oh oh old man said looks like we have Internet issues driving back from Au right now oh y'all went to the game I ain't you Nick it's 18 I like like am I talking too long I like wait a minute did I talk too long my bad I didn't mean to talk too long I was trying to wait till they got all right man we we we'll see if they come on man but um Nick what uh May what can tell us where they can find y'all at man oh yeah you can find us every Wednesday and you can now find us every Sunday with the Saturday Roundup that's what's up man that's what's up what baby in your ear the coolest talk that's what the May the May what what may what we need to do with all this tissue we got man put it up no Shing the night put it up no Shing the night just put it up okay it up all right mayor let me ask you one more question before I let you go mayor what we going to do to any any any Alabama fans we see down in Auburn this week mayor May sportsville huh man I want I need some therapy we might need to sit down and talk I might buy them coffee buy Alabama fan of coffee and talk to him what the mail down bad the ma down bad he toab anybody anybody who need anybody who gonna sit here and listen to me EV say you would talk to anybody right nowbody right now anybody right now you anybody right now anybody anybody listen right now I'm in Te God he said uh more water cooler talk let's go um Jon par in I'm trying to get it hey man come over here man we go we GNA get your comments up man uh pyton Thor needs to work on not throwing interceptions he gave theall all the way man that was we can't win that way we can't win that way anybody else want win anybody hey everybody this my thing everybody that's talking in the comments put it get on the link come in and talk on the link we want to hear you talk come in man this you talk man what it's about yeah yeah get the notifications subscribe go to the water cooler Talk podcast subscribe man y'all cuz we going to be here every week man we don't lose a draw we V I'm trying to get y right for Sunday tomorrow man so y'all won't be acting crazy in church you know I'm saying get you know get all this frustration off you you know what I'm saying right now yeah you know what I'm saying The Doctor Is In man The Doctor Is In so if y'all want to vent but um anybody else anybody else go once going twice three times we don't want you to leave out here you know with the frustration on you man so we here after every game y'all come back in it's going to be fun we going when lose a draw we going to be here man to talk it out man so everybody think pton Thor going to start next week man wow okay yeah well all right man no reason me I am DC wolf you can find me at Auburn addict at albore addicts on all platforms man we got have you heard on Sunday I do a show with oh my God I gotta get on with an Alabama fan Wednesday oh my God I got to get on with Alabama fam so y'all tune in for that you know what I'm saying I got to deal with him on Wednesday man so who is Big Nasty I think I know who that is but okay let me let me get down let me get down to the comments pton Thor we read that one um pay starts boy pay starts we Riot big nasty what's upout out to big nasty I think I know who that is but W I think I know apprciate was really right about that QB all right Markus you know who that is yeah I know who that is I just want to make sure I think say she she grabbing a [ __ ] far from the garage in pain star next week man you might well grab that you might you might well grab it you might well grab that hey man hey hey hey give give him a proper shout out who's that who boy C to know he big nasty man just out the man he he might not want everybody to know KY is big nasty bro what y'all doing like wow man y'all just outed the man un name and everything man Lord man okay we go get through these man we G let get out here I hope not be nice if a brown was I agree with you man oh man uh age of the fact that it is the garage shows the state of the program over the last five years he said that's my street name you don't supposed to own it big nasty big nasty own it man what are y'all doing but see I'm tell y it only take a few seconds for y'all to like get back cheer but facts so man that's what's up man see yeah exactly big that's like they done blew your cover everything man you trying to come in here Incognito and they just call out your street name your birth certificate name and everything man you know what I'm saying now everybody know you big nasty bro my God man what are y'all [Laughter] doing I feel a little bit better man then I'm have to deal with the few freeze press conference I might do a live on that one man if y'all didn't y'all didn't check it out do check out the one check out the one I did with pton Thor y'all yeah that was crazy check out the one I did with on and what he said they kicked you out man yeah they kicked me out check it out man on what I what I got upset about because they ask pton Thor man you you have um what's my man name on have did he tell you everything he was like well I don't want to ask him and I don't want to know him because that's cheating like having you like SS I don't even want to get back there again man they kicked you out they kicked you out cheating it's not cheating oh man man oh God man uh it's time to pack up Thor's bag and send him back to Michigan man man that's right way it's not cheating man it's not cheating go check that out might man I like this last question that's that's coming okay who do you feel better about rest of the season Arkansas or Auburn if we got Hank Brown Arkansas I mean we got I'm sorry if we got Hank Brown Auburn if we got pyton Thor Arkansas I'm going to say Arkansas okay with either quarterback I'm not man I'm not I'm not sold on Arkansas quarterback listen I'm not sold on that dude Nick I'm just saying I'm not sold on him I'm telling you he can make deep he can make enough plays we we gonna see but I'm not I'm not sold on him I'm be honest with you I'm not sold on that guy I'm telling you man I'm not sold on I would probably have to ride with Arkansas man because that defense is comp it's complimentary to what the offense is doing put in his resume man did he is he is he will put it in over there man he will put it in over there um the defense is complimentary to what the offense is doing like I watched them today against Oklahoma State and I was like man they went up they could they could have went up 287 against Oklahoma state but I can't remember if it was a penalty or something that happened but then they came out the second half and they just kind of coasted until the end of the game and then they tried to you know come back but no man Arkansas Arkansas for real we'll see in two weeks man I I I don't believe in that quarterback and we'll see the dust man um let me put in traval man traval said the king told y'all at the beginning of the season but y'all call me a hater coming in like you know what I'm saying he checking y'all man they did bro they when traval said he look the offensive line look shaky and all that man they bro they went in they told him he wasn't a true fan yeah they they got it they did yeah went in on they did boy I was I was like enjoying it I kind of was laughing a little bit but I'm like wait what what's going on where they come from what's up Gregory Lawrence man what's up fam man yeah we told him yeah the one is who he is they got to hung up in on offseason optimism and that's why I kept telling y'all I separate my excitement from recruitment from what happens on the field and I said it before man I'm like bro I'm not the one to get on here and just be like sunshine pumping stuff that I see that I know that's like just gon to set you up for these great failures man I'm not doing do it bro I can't do it I don't watch football that way I got to get on I got to tell the truth man and well the truth as I see it you see what I'm saying like just being over optimistic and like we gonna win every game it's just not really what it is so if you watch it and take you know I'm like with Bubba I'm like sometime bring Bubba bring you down to reality man you need people to bring you down to reality so the The Falls won't be so hard man if you already on your knees bro you ain't got far to fall cuz I was on after that H fre press conference I was like man y'all pray everybody pray bro I'm holding Bubba accountable Bubba said that uh best quarterback I'm holding you accountable for that one Bubba Bubba was uh came in Bubba and Bubba attorneys for PT Thorin last week for that one yeah uh What uh can anyone tell me what what the Hugh free be doing not call not calling play turn pink he said TR the old man said TR still a a hater come on come on they told M he was crazy too they did but but on the but for real though but for real though he freeze is not calling plays do y'all know that yeah yeah DK Nick calling plays yeah Derek Nick and K Austin calling plays they like not call the plays okay okay man so now I can't really wait till the press conference have to take over he G to hey yeah man oh man what's up uh Gregor lawen said what's up old man I guess you see that man old man old man my guy man old man is my guy I agree seriously Auburn guy man I've been saying this I've been saying this since the middle of last season but it is what it is Bubba say he regret nothing I agre Bubba say he regret nothing Bubba came here last week and set up straight about pton Thorn stop talking about P he did yes he did yes he did we were like okay buba okay Mr Bubba okay Mr Bubba we w't talk about pain Thor all I'm saying the best that we got yeah man this is crazy bro he was out man out there with his arm dangling bro and he still threw that thing to him why why why that's what's up man old man and Gregory Lawrence having a family reunion man boy boy boy boy boy hey man hey man we appreciate y'all coming in man we appreciate y'all coming in man come back next week bro it's gonna be fun see tomorrow we see y tomorrow oh yeah tomorrow tomorrow at 6 man we G at least tomorrow we get everybody get to go watch the film settle down man watch the film and see what you really see you know what I'm saying um man our Run game is they not using it uh yeah so he Here's my thought process on this there's nothing wrong with the Run game because Auburn Auburn is Auburn has always been known to be able to run the ball year yeah Auburn's always been known to run the ball I just and I may have heard this wrong but I am pretty sure that Hugh free wants to pass the ball more than he wants to run the ball go on I agree I think he's trying to show I think again and I think he's trying to show these players like the do SNES and these people that they G to throw the ball that's fine trying to do but but he's saying out of his mouth he said in the press conference when um some someone asked him last week about the 640 he said I want it the other way he said truthfully I want it the other way I want to run 60 and throw it 40 that's what he said but interesting now is two different things wining one-onone balls and that's all we seen tonight but Nick made a strong point though is he really calling the plays or he's not but that's the thing he's not calling plays oh man can of worms now he's not calling but um um yeah man what okay take a shot at that one swd yeah yeah what's up is that is that how it's pronounced you think that's how it's pronounced s swd swad fly I'm just just making up SW oh that's a l tell us how to pronounce your name yeah K tell us how to pronounce to pronounce your name hey he's a new person I have you ever seen that he knew I've never seen shout out to [Music] um uh Auburn guy with with the impact recruiting um I'm gonna be completely honest with you um my my as we sit now from watching the game you feel as if it will but I don't think it will impact it as much as people think it will um because it was still it wasn't like Cal came in and just drug Auburn it wasn't like they did that like it wasn't like because if they did the score would have been worse than what it was now you may now AR probably got a couple of breaks here and there to where it probably could have been like oh man this could have this game could have gotten out of hand but um I don't think it does I mean would will you have some guys look at it differ and be like okay this kind of looks the same as last year there's no really proof of concept yeah you'll have those people that say that but for the guys that come in but for some guys that come in and be like all right I have opportunity to come in and I can I can be the Difference Maker I I don't think it's going to change their mind but it's a possibility it can I don't think I I don't think it will drastically I don't think it'll be a drastic change when you start having guys be like all right I'm backing off my commitment I don't think you'll see that I don't think you see that all right he says um uh yeah he he th just threw it to him bro does the yeah does the defense deserve any blame I I I wouldn't blame the defense but it's only you can't hold up so long bro yeah agree I'm saying you can't like keep just putting the defense I think man it was 14 points for a while man yeah they kept giving them the ball back man and we were talking about this if you got a 14 point a defense giving up just 14 points man I take that every week every week and with any team you know what I'm saying just 14 points no I don't get nothing to the defense bro you gonna weet down I would say to continue what they were doing in the first half yes but they they pulled it together in the second they did they did that that but that goes back to to to hu's offensive philosophy man like I don't know like they go so like is they go so fast that they I don't think they know how to slow down I don't think I don't think he know how to slow down he tried it but then when it happened and they didn't convert now you got now you in obvious passing out on third down and in the defense know what coming and nowed you balls down the field you g complete it now you put the ball again there another three and out I mean I don't I don't think he knows how to slow it down speed it up I don't think he I don't think they have the the feeling the feeling of the game like you know how some some play colleges have the feel of how a game should go like when they get in the groove they can just do this and that and everything works they ain't got it right now arburn ain't got it right he said um he said what what we were trying to do is determine um how to pronounce your um handle we was trying to we didn't want to pronounce it wrongly we want to address you correctly and we was just wondering how to pronounce it um your handle we we just s s SW DF La so we was just wondering how to pronounce it correctly because we respect you um the old man yeah he said first half a little second half n yeah marus said the same thing we agree with you there yeah yeah Marcus said the same thing you said he wants to be slightly heavier to the Run yeah he says but the RPO dictates whether it's a pass or or run so yeah that that brings even more clarity but yeah that's the same thing I heard he say he want to run it more but some you know that thanks for bringing that Clarity over man that was that's awesome yeah yeah cuz I I thought I heard it different different it's cool what it is that's awesome but he that's what he's saying he want to run more but sometimes the RPO dictates and he have to throw it hey throw throw the link throw throw the link in the chat DZ oh he say his um initials and he's from Florida yeah okay got it that's what that's what s swd okay man I was saying squ fly my bad I'm sorry sir I mean yeah we just want to get it right man like at that's we we said the same thing uh give G Lewis everything and I mean everything no no no um uh Jonathan Parker Nick catch us up man yeah so who's calling the play uh the play I'm pretty sure that mean he want to say plays do y'all know yeah so uh basically from what we have determined from what was said that media days and what we what we've read um uh Derek Nicks is calling first and second down plays and Ken Austin is calling third down plays that's how the play calling is going right now so game go ahead Mark so how can you get a flow of the game when you splitting up play calls like that you gotta get a rhythm everybody get a rhythm yeah and and listen look what look what uh SL is saying Hugh frees is already saying they struggle to protect how and see this is this is what I'm saying like you're having a problem protecting Thor with just regular pressure that comes like it's not like it's not like they were blitzing you all game they was just sending pressure that's all they were doing and you couldn't hold up with that man we we that's not good that's not a good look that's not a good look yeah s swd um Jonathan Parker all you got to do I put the link in all you got to do man is click the link and um go Audio Only and um you GNA come to Backstage and we GNA bring you up um when you come up no profanity no vulgarity it is forbidding you know because we got kids and stuff families R riding back from the game you know what I'm saying in their cars they want to listen to the show they want the kids to listen to show it's a family show so I want to get everybody involved um so yeah just click just click the link man you know what I'm saying and uh turn your audio only and feel free to come in vent bro this is your show this is your stage this is your chance to be famous what Eagle what Eagle yes sir okay Gregory Lawrence we tend to forget that mcgriff's old miss defense secondary made gwi receivers you know what okay I'm I want y'all to think about this yeah think about this now he got a point he has a legit point there but we also you also have to think about that the defensive coordinator the person that was the defensive coordinator for Colorado's defense last year is now on the staff at Auber yeah he's the secondary he's the um the um safey coach okay all and he's the co- defensive coordinator from not see I can't blame necessarily Brin McGriff because McGriff has been putting players in the NFL like that's what that's what saying he's been putting out some Corners man but if you look at the track record of these guys even when they were like even when McGriff was DC at Old Miss and even when um what's her name was the DC at Colorado last year those defenses weren't that great no I I get it I get it were not that great told you though but what did hree tell you he what did he tell you he said man I'm concerned about the secondary he said within and I saw kite out there I was like man how is kite out there how is he like bro look like he he getting like a heavy load tonight yeah he getting play he getting real play R man I was like whoa bro we really thin for real but he said it man what happened to JC Hart though I thought JC Hart was the third Corner Off the Bench I have I I didn't see him last I question no idea I same question to be honest I'm encouraged by by my secondary they they made adjustments they came CA because we were getting picked apart in one-on ones in the first in the first half and they made adjustments wooden came made ad judgments yeah uh Thompson came made they they they they came with it see that I don't I don't think that's I don't think that's our gripe with the DBS I think our gripe is the dep that we have in the secondary the problem that's the problem and they got we got to keep these classes together man so we can accumulate some depth it's coming the depth is coming man we just gota somehow and man I I just hate this happen because it does mess with your proof of concept and it's it looks the same you know what I'm saying but hopefully Hugh fre got a message for those guys and they'll stay on board man to take it to the house yeah he gotta catch that man he gota catch got can Le too good to drop that he's too good yeah it's like bro it's like okay well that's another discussion it says my only issue with MCG corn refus to get the H around I agree man yeah I agree old man you seen that last year and they might yeah then that's that might be the technique they might be taught you know what I'm saying it's just why not play Sam Jackson I don't know I don't know bro why not play Hank Brown let's start right there car Jonathan Why not start let Hank Brown play Man play please this next one right here a man uh Rob Lewis and Malcolm Simmons outplay him and why didn't Malcolm Simmons get more play this game I don't know man but he said he wasn't yeah because we had had conversation last week like does he start like no fre said no he was like you know what I'm saying that was because they wanted to run a certain play is why he was in the game see you didn't even see a lot of different packages like I Ain see no wild cat I ain't see none of that man you saw Wildcat one time on on got a start you get to see it sure yeah it's just like I say it didn't seem like it was a lot of imagination a lot of you know what I'm saying ex's and old scheming it just didn't seem that way to me maybe it was because of the way my ANS looking at the game and just not really seeing it I gotta go back and I up a fact I mean a point too keep in mind that their offensive line was beat up they was on that third extreme Center Bo don't remember [Music] and I I agree with you that Marcus I'mma also say this man Cal defense looked physical def look like like like when I was when I was watching them I was like man um ulve number zero and I number 10 number 10 man Brandon two lbers man they were feeling and replacing and they were wrapping up tackling and they were playing side onine side sideline I was like yo like that looks like and they Corners were physical they had big physical Corners as well and I was like man this is um it it I was like K look C look look look look look de look different they look different yeah yeah yeah um said bright side from this game the kids played very well and the dline looks for looks formidable I'm pretty sure what or hey man what did you do something the old man phone he could can't typing I think may I think he probably hit a dead spot and he probably right when he right when he trying to put the m i a b l e in just senta up man he said we losing to Cal and Malcolm johnon J almost beat Penn State and Happy Valley what a day wow yeah Bowling Green shout out to Bowling Green Man Bowling Green made it a game yeah look he said it looks like my 2A School it does man yeah it does I'm sorry it does hey man somebody give me some hope and encouragement man somebody Dro me like the old man just said man he was like bright side the young players played so give me some hope and encouragement because I'm you know win or lose I'm here for my Auburn Tigers opening open encouragement uh Malik blockon is gonna be a problem for years to come that's that's good he's gonna be a legit problem Krick fault Krick fault is living up to his potential ladies and gentlemen he's going to be a problem him and moud gonna be a problem off the edges on the defensive side of the ball um the Middle look good too man I was I was okay I was happy with how the the interior look with bleedy and and um who's the other Jones isah re isah re that was the last one yeah isah re yeah yeah they they look different yeah Eugene be the number one linebacker in the SEC this year okay okay yeah and I'm not yeah you ain't got a sunshine me y'all on the um in the you know just give some encouragement cuz I don't want it to be a bad Vibe you know what I'm saying some encouragement man to go for it man cuz you know what I'm saying I'm I'm Albert tiger through and through man yeah ride we gotta ride with him man we gotta ride with him win lose or draw so love Albert I'm just gonna tell you exactly how I see it yeah exactly and now man I appreciate that you gotta have friends man you gotta have friends that g are sometimes just gonna tell you the truth man like hey man calm down dude it's not what you think it is you know what I'm saying I need friends like that man and I don't need friends that's gonna always tell me we're going to the Moon you know what I'm saying not bro all right um that he said uh big NES could save the weekend I don't know what is he is he talking about uh the Alabama USF game yeah man not the Dame got beat my God D got beat by Northern ill stay tuned stay tuned to the Saturday round up that comes out tomorrow at 2 yeah y'all check out the Saturday round up on um the podcast man y'all check them out man y'all go over there and subscribe right now um the D line looks promising yep uh those in coming seeing the opportunity for immediate so everybody is high on the D line I am too man I I'm I'm glad you know they they they pretty held much held it in check until they could man you know what I'm saying you can't hold for the offense with so long the offense gota help can't wait till we get that Nike sign that Nike money okay I agree with you there anything else he said W NIU saved us baby what happen what happened to the guy that um you saved us what happened to old buddy that was supposed to come in he didn't pop I don't know man I don't know man he he might be in the car with Bubba them and all their phon that's funny that's funny I will tell you this I will tell you this I paring words these are paring words a quarterback is a Difference Maker yes all right um I'm looking at I'm lowkey trying to watch and talk at the same time is Nebraska Colorado game now if y'all remember last year y'all remember last year Nebraska went to Colorado and had a game in the first half they got beat like 364 36 17 something like that quarterback went good because quarterback went good they up 140 now they up 14 Z Now against Colorado man 12 point spread Colorado had 12 point I told I told I was said taking a breath yes sir hey man yeah you freeze you freeze a quarterback makes the difference sir hey man you need to make that decision by Tuesday man but listen to this man this this is something good he said NIU just gave us Deuce because I watched the game and I said told Slayer I was like hey which would you rather have would you rather go to Notre Dame losing to Northern Illinois or come to Auburn losing to Cal so or how about just winning the game yeah I get it but that's the reality with that is facing right now that's the reality he's facing you know what I'm saying uh Colorado get beat 14-0 man we call that man yeah yeah with North Dakota State bro um Duce night May uh see a better future on the planes after the South band debacco yeah oh man that's a good one the South band debacco that's a good one hey man debacco appreciate y'all coming in man everybody that came on in the chat man we sincerely appreciate y'all giving us some of your time man appreciate the uh people came on and talked to us man slay appreciate you coming in giving us some data yeah man some percentages man her her and uh Bubba need to start a data analytics company oh the show is almost over okay we gonna get this Alabama fan this Alabama fan I have been doing work and just saw what oh y that y'all only winning by one point against USF hey man laugh too early don't laugh too early cuz y'all only winning by one point don't laugh too early what's up PhD PhD is the resident Alabama fan she come over here and grace us with her president what is her name what is her name what they call her what is she real call her the brilliant the brilliant uh what was it brilliant hater the brilliant hater the brilliant yeah the brilliant hater that's what it was that's what it was the brilliant hater that's what it is hey see you say see y'all on on on The Round Up NFL round up we Round Up College Football Saturday tomorrow yes sir yeah we good we good PhD we we we got over we got over J J Parker J Parker you supposed to come in where you at J Parker I don't know what happened to Jay Parker man um don't yeah we'll see you tomorrow and we appreciate you coming through to check on us we know you we got our best interest we know you have our best interest at hand our best interest at hand yeah yeah we know you just really want to check on us and it's not Alabama and you to come over here and pick at her yeah the brilliant hater exactly yeah we'll see y'all man we'll see y'all man we'll see y'all tomorrow man on have you heard 6 PM come here man War Eagle we gonna ride with our we gonna ride with the Tigers man we gonna ride with them ride with him to Wheels fall off baby y'all keep your head up Monday at work keep your head up baby it's gonna be tough it's gonna be tough it's going to be tough man it's going to be tough it is what it is man hey come in go in the comments man I'll I'll talk to you help you through your day man he just talk the tight yeah Lord have mercy man oh man this is this is great this is a great this this is just great man um this is great all fans are great y'all great man I just this show is great man I appreciate y'all man wow this is awesome but I we'll see y'all man War Eagle man I'm g go watch some Colorado and some Alabama man peace y'all we see after every game man peace

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