Category: Sports
We do have at the dhl stadium in cape town uh uhc news reporter vanessa puna vanessa what have you got for us at this stage it's just under 15 minutes or 17 minutes or so before [music] kickoff indeed and actually just a few minutes until the haka and i mean if you look around me all the new zealand... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Morning robin a very warm welcome to the weather day it is a very mild day in many areas of south africa today as a result of the cold front that we saw passing through the eastern provinces of south africa yesterday in as such behind the cold front there is a reaching high pressure system bringing... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We're going to take you to the anc's press briefing in the northwest um and we'll come back with analysis after today unfortunately due to pricing commitments of the ipc particularly the ipc coordinator we are unable to convince the press briefing my name is kenny muralang i'm the anc spokesperson in... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The campaign launch was preceded by a compliance inspection of small businesses at the wiim mandela section in tamba mc m was joined by law enforcement agencies and sister departments to shut down businesses operating illegally including liquor outlets and spasa shops maa says the campaign will integrate... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In july parisians had left the city in droves ahead of the olympic games entire neighborhoods turned ir really quiet as residents decamp as they fed the disturbance and traffic problems many thought the games would bring but the games turned out to be a global success the paro olympics will allow them... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Now law firm richard spur attorneys and lh attorneys have embarked on a campaign which is calling on tiger brands to compensate victims of the liosis outbreak now during the 20178 epidemic the national institute for communicable diseases verified that the meat processing plant owned by tiger brand's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The malanga tourism and parks agency and sand parks have confirmed that the six elephants that escaped yesterday have returned to the krueger national park at least one person has been injured after the elephants escaped from the park m malanga tourism says attempts to push the elephants back to the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And the economic freedom fighters have taken their manifesto launch to the northwest uh at a stadium outside rustenberg the party uh was launched in the nearby marikana there nearly 11 years ago a political uh stronghold for that party ever since s abc news reporter tabisa moss is live to us from there... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well it is officially springtime and the perfect time to get your garden ready for a vibrant and thriving season let's share then some essential tips on preparing your garden for spring from composting and fertilizing to pruning seed sewing and planting well to speak more on this let's welcome hotot... Read more
Category: News & Politics
A month ago teams of the police national intervention unit were deployed to and the police minister also engaged the public in the nelson mandela bay municipality has also set aside 16.4 million rand for efforts to reduce crime and to install sensitive cameras in hot spots meanwhile the rain of tera... Read more
Category: News & Politics
He was also allegedly robbed off his service pistol and a cell phone for suspects have been charged with his murder according to the hawks one suspect was allegedly shot in the lake by the deceased and is still receiving treatment in hospital three suspects appeared today at the strand magistrate court... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The south african municipal workers union believes that the municipal systems amendment act of 2022 is fundamentally flawed this matter is playing out at the constitutional court after a battle at the labor court now the labor court ruled in favor of samu and said that there's no evidence that junior... Read more