and good to see you my friend you're in you're home in the UK right I am I'm still here I I was gonna I when I saw this our intro with Eric just now oh I was just supposed to say this so I'll say it now um people write this down October 8 Eric Trump will be with us on Elijah streams uh he'll be on with uh clay uh Clark which clay was on with him last time so this will be his second time with us they're they really want to uh address the uh Evangelical community and and Clay gave them a few places that were really key and we were one of those few so we're really honored to have him back on that so it's been great so well Dr Jan where do we want to start you I know we've got a certain point that that we're gonna start called Checkmate but anything you want to say about what's going on before that or do we jump in or what do you want to do well two things one um 911 was our anniversary it was the first time I was ever on a it was wasn't it that's right yes you know when I saw the note it started coming up like this the this morning or last night and you said we have an anniversary uh to celebrate and I thought why is she saying 911 is gonna and then I then I read further oh that's when you were on the first you want to celebrate that yeah we definitely not 91 but yes that and then the other thing is that um you had posted a wonderful video about 1871 and I responded on X because of the incredible videos that you and your team put together about the wells and so I credited you and your team and got a call from my friend Nick alir who said you gave Steve Schulz credit for my video that I put together on 187 that oh is that what that was okay that Nick put that up there yeah in fact we ran Nick's movie uh which was called The Greatest Show on Earth but it's now called part one because he just he just introduced part to uh we we've talked about showing that or having Nick on I haven't figured out where we're going to fit it in uh but yeah Nick did a Nick is a great movie and his is that from his second film do you think he did a separate one on 1871 to explain that component of the problem okay okay and because of the incredible work you and your team does I just immediately credited it to Steve and the Elijah stream oh I see and I got a text sorry about that going hey wait a minute that was m I said I hope I I hope correct my mistake when I'm on with steeve well you know now that you say it I hope we didn't say something in it that made it accidentally sound like we came up with it trouble okay no no you literally just put it on there and I made that assumption and gave credit to you and your team and now credit to Nick and you and your team for the incredible videos that start this and let us know about the great work you're doing yeah and you know for those of you who are just hearing about Nick alir and his I talked about the this first movie The Greatest Show on Earth we ran the movie on our program I believe it's still there if it if it is if it didn't expire out or something it would be you would just type in Google The Greatest Show on Earth Nick alir or if you went to rumble and put the greatest show on Earth Nick Al it would come up his interview with us we talk with for 15 minutes and then we run the movie it's a full uh highdefinition movie even though we ran it on our program once it's in digital it stays in that quality so once we start the movie it's just as good as if you rent it a video you know so it's a great movie it'll tell you exactly what's going on if you're just kind of waking up and and this is all kind of new that's what I would do I would go to that so well let's jump in with uh where we wanted to go with Checkmate you that was further down so I wasn't prepared to intro that so set that up or just I'll be happy say all right so actually uh what we're going to be talking about today more specifically is the details of a corruption case I was actually asked to I was brought into as a strategic analyst and the reason that I want to start off with getting people to understand checkmate is that at this point in the plan the fact is the bad guys are caught but when I go into the depth of a one example of a corrupt in uh corrupt an investigation in corruption you'll understand why it's taking so long so often make a reference to the fact that Trump plays you know five level chess Bo he does doesn't he he does and the person who can say Checkmate knows but the fact is that they can see the board and the other guys can't see the board as well and so the moves have to be forced so that more and more of the corruption is actually exposed and can I ask you yeah ask you to Define that one part because people would say well um they might misunderstand what you meant by what you said you said the bad guys have are caught what what you mean by that is they they're caught we know who they are and where they are but not all of them have been arrested yet is that is that what you mean absolutely and and thank you for because I'm sort of been so involved in this and if I speak in shorthand more please yeah do the same thing um the the plan people understand there's a plan people have been confused because they think uh is it the military that's going to come in when are there going to be arrest who's at GMO all of that what you have to do is think of this as a huge sphere that has pieces of the pie and each of those pieces of the pie have activities that have been going on to uncover to eliminate to correct to go forward that our country and our lives will be better and so when I say that all the bad guys and all is probably more what the liberals do is say all never always Etc but many many many and the example is we had heard that there were 250,000 sealed indictments and then heard that it went up to over 400,000 this explains why because as you uncover the corruption the individuals that are involved then they give other people up so when you understand the depth of how the corruption spreads and the tentacles that exist within it that is why it is taking this long and so if it is a chess game and the player knows that they could do Checkmate but they still want to get more pieces yeah of you know off the table then they have to keep making moves to force the other side to give up their players and that is why this process is taking as long as it is and frankly it's just minute Steve it's really not that long because if you if you think about how many decades this go goes back but if we say JFK was the starter we've got 60 years into this and we are getting very very close so on that on that 400 plus thousand and uh sealed indictments what that means is there's that many who are probably eventually going to be arrested um depending on the on the type of indictment and and when they begin to reveal to them one at a time that they're about to be arrested or they are arrested they start giving up more bad guys is that kind of that that is how the indictments expand exactly okay exactly okay good um yeah yeah now I think we all have to ask ourselves because at times we all get frustrated with the plan and when is something going to happen etc etc we have to ask ourselves if there was one result what would be that most important result to you that would verify for you now for me it's Justice yeah Justice needs to happen and that Justice for me means not only exposing the bad guys not o it is eliminating their ability to commit the kind of Fraud and the trafficking and the death Etc but for other people you know it could be something else and I think it's important that we understand exactly what that is that we're holding our hope out for yeah and I said to someone this is my hope but I have to keep it in a suitcase all bottled up because I can't get down especially now that I've been asked put on this project to get upset about the detailed levels of it so yeah I mean you're sort of uh I know what you're saying because you if we let ourselves get down every time the news looked bad uh so rather than do that you're compartmentalizing in the some of those things that would make you feel bad you put it in the suitcase and you say I'll deal with that eventually when it all comes to light and when there's justice but right now we got work to do right yes right that is why I brought up the comments about the plan to think of this as Checkmate to understand the details as to why it's taking so long and that it is not worth it to even be impatient it is understanding and and the visual I gave was to think of a huge sphere and there are pieces of the pie and there are actions that are happening in each of those pieces and that is why the cleanup is taking so long I I understand that makes that makes a lot of sense it does help to for people to kind of go to the 30,000 foot level and go what's what's the big picture here you know you know God's got this and Trump's got this and the and the military's got this I mean you don't talk about the military a lot but I I do realize that they're doing a lot of operations that no none of us ever hear about um I'm assuming you've heard that and agree with that oh absolutely and I've talked about the um Jag ships that are off the coast of Australia off the coast of Japan off the coast of Italy and and England you know that those are four that I consistently am updated on where the tribunals are happening okay because I've had people say to me uh someone was a good a good friend of mine said uh who didn't know where I stood and all that this is like a month or two ago and he said Steve you know all of these people were saying that that GMO was happening and uh people were being arrested and tried and he goes and none of that happened and I thought he wasn't awake enough to know that so I didn't bother telling him but you're confirming that the these arrests have by large numbers have happened uh tribunals are happening and are do those Jag ships also serve as prisons yes they do and um you can go online and see the um construction advance of gitmo from when and Trump took office to what it look like looks like now and you can get one in between um there was a picture in 2022 and now there have been more recent pictures out and continued to expand there's a hospital facility there um and uh on Guam that has expanded as well okay good now also I I I know nothing about executions yeah okay so you know who so who gets to stay and who has to go I hear you and that we leave that to the rumor mill I guess because there's rumors that say that this person was and this person is in there we just don't know what the real facts are so that's the way we we'll leave that but we're both saying the military is very very busy with operations and and court cases called tribunals they have been very busy for the past three years three and a half years yes wow that's a lot that's a lot it is all right well where should we go from here Dr Tan all right I I was asked by um the investigative team into a 14year investigation in corruption in Tennessee that includes Mira Copa County in Arizona that expands to Mississippi Alabama Texas Louisiana um to Washington DC of course and um it has come to the Public's notice because the primary investigator um was served with a warrant and all the evidence was confiscated and he did an Instagram and he's been on some other podcasts and explained it I'm going to leave names out of this because from a higher level I want people to understand the Dynamics of the corruption because if you can understand the Dynamics the pieces that are going on it will better help you really make sense of different reports that come out and also of understanding the details of what people are doing in the plan to get us to that yeah cross that finish line is the best way that I can describe it yeah okay so um let me first start with the kinds of actions that have been uncovered and I will do my best but I am sure I'm going to leave some off of the list sure and to be accurate I'm I know usually I speak into the camera but I'm going to be Consulting my notes okay because how critical this really is yeah so this is 14 years of an investigation of many many players so I'm going to start with some of the actions they include child and human trafficking drugs drug trafficking the purchasing of real estate and then the refinancing of this real estate the monies track to funding the DNC act blue um BLM um then some of the other actions as things have been uncovered is that people get fired people are being some of the investigators are asked to retire some are transferred to a new job so that the investigation won't continue um and some get suspended then you have on the side of certain people have to to offer sexual favors to get off of a DUI um some get thrown into incar their incarcerated when they're not guilty and uh for example an assistant district attorney perjured he lied and then eventually was caught and the people that had been found guilty that were not guilty were released and the assistant district attorney boss the therefore district attorney wrote a letter on his behalf and so nothing happened to this assistant district attorney because they're covering for one another so those are some of the actions we have players in this and some of the players excuse me are politicos some of them are Judges some of them are owners these companies that are involved and then we have the traffickers and the criminals now when we get into the judicial side of it some of these judges that are involved in these activities are actually owners of some of the businesses like a trucking company um these players and then what you have is you've got district attorney you've got um Federal uh um uh legal uh people that refuse to prosecute one big drug bust happened and a district attorney on a federal level said well he made 28 million last year he'll just bombard us with lawyers so there's no point in Prosecuting him so there are those aspects you know of the kinds of decisions that individuals are making and then what you have is you've got the clerks in the judicial system because for example one of the investigators was accused of not showing up for their court date well it turned out that he wasn't being informed of the court dates and then there was a clerk that was getting rid of the information on the cases so there are all of those kinds of shenanigans that go on um what you have are the different kinds of companies So within this sphere of the companies that are involved trucking companies well the trucking companies do the trafficking the drug trafficking they traffic the children they traffic the humans one particular person owns a company that is called Elite Escorts and a chauffeur service called intimate chauffers je I me it's all right in front of our faces and the information in my putting together this overview has come from a 57 page document to Senator Ron Johnson and his committee so this is not even though it blew up because the person happens to have a position in law enforcement in Tennessee this is much much bigger and there are significant people involved but also within the companies you've got the small businesses like somebody in Tennessee who owns 12 different restaurants but then has a pack and that pack supports the rhinos and the uni party then what you've got is um the banks the banks that provide the funding because because how does all this money happen how does it get laundered who's doing the laundering who's doing the refinancing and then you have the title and the mortgage companies so the mortgage companies work with the banks but the title company for example there is and I want to get this number aact um just bear with me okay all right so there is a home that was purchased in 2011 in Tennessee for 153,000 okay now over that time between 2011 and 2023 the amount of re financing so it is think of it this way I'm person a I sell to person B but I bought it for 153 and now I'm selling it for 650,000 so person B then goes to the bank and then the mortgage company and gets it refinanced for 650 but then guess what six months later I sell it for a million to to person C and that is the way that this has been going on it is now this one home is appraised at I got to get this right 445 million 310,000 unbelievable they pay property taxes to the state of Tennessee in excess of 49 million so if you just look at the way that that transaction goes and how that money had to be funneled through the finance company the title company will only hold it at a value of 445,000 so they're covering and lying but then the banks and the mortgage companies are funneling this money and one property one property they have discovered nearly a trillion worth of corruption and and that's just one example that that I'm giving you there on that part and do what I understand you said earlier before you mention all these that among the things they were doing is they were funding the DNC they were funding campaigns they were what was the other you said blue the DNC act blue BLM black lives matter and what is what is act blue what is that act act blue used to be um a charity yeah that raised money to support activist activities it is now an LLC a limited liability company that has um I think I counted I think I counted 13 arms underneath it uh 14 companies underneath it now oh man and and I don't know this because now I'm going to make a supposition based on what I have read in all of the evidence and what has been submitted to Senator Johnson and his committee is the fact that that the ACT blue llc's some of the companies have direct ties to Leticia James the New York attorney general who went after Trump and to kamla Harris so I and I'm making a supposition that things got a little too close and the fact fact that this lead investigation investigator this assistant Sheriff of Tennessee was pounced on because he was getting way way too close to two of the most public players in all of this wow wow so when you say pound in other words they came against them in every way you can do that what through is what um what happened was he was working very closely with the TBI the tennessy Bureau of Investigations got it in the 14 years he has worked with the FBI he's worked with the federal government and agencies you know at different points um and he was using the system at the TBI the Tennessee keep on saying that because you know we get so many three-letter things thrown at us yeah um and he was using their system which is called finsen their computer system to track all of this and he got a little too close and the next thing you know he was cut off um they showed up at his home and prior to that that he was even doxed on on the local uh Channel 5's uh website and um his home and his cars were shot up after they had doxed him yes so this is a person who has led a team but he for 14 years in different roles has been pushing forward and I I I mean if it were me I don't I don't know I'd probably be shaking in my boots well I mean it's a wonder that he like it's it does when you see that happen you go it's a wonder that he got this far because he was probably getting a lot of intimidated uh threats before this and he just kept going and sounds like they finally said enough this stops now and they start shooting up his car and they start they raided his house right well they showed up with um a warrant and the warrant actually wasn't exact for his home but they still took everything they went to his place of work to confiscate the 14 years of all of this of all of this but when you think about he had been suspended when he got too close on portion of the investigation he got forced to retire he then was rehired um you know once when he got suspended they realized it was a mistake people said that his co-workers said you should have never given into it you know but he's never given up wow he's never given up and he's got a team of very dedicated people who really believe in our country in law enfor enforcement in honesty I mean I I just get down to but when you said let me ask you this one question when you said earlier that this is it this added up to about a trillion dollars U of all the things that were that I'm trying to remember if that was all related to that initial house and all the connected things to the house or is that their whole operation is over trillion it is all of the different pieces of the corruption that he's uncovered wow but but if you if you just look at how I mean where where is a half a billion dollars going I mean that one house that's worth almost half a billion dollars 445 million so you have to have 153,000 I like I mean you have to have the the people in on it is the real estate agents the broker the Brokers the the appraiser the mortgage company uh and before it's done the judges and everybody's on the take yep so to make this work unbelievable unbelievable well and it's and then when I talk about the companies and then how they you know we hear of the comment shell companies yeah where and and you look at how three or four people are connected and then you look at all of the different companies underneath them or you've got a judge in Tennessee who has a company but then the address of the company is the state department in Washington DC and you wonder now the CIA um has been remotely identified um or suspected to be involved in some of the deaths because when you have certain people for example Carl Roes it guy was going to testify that he manipulated the computers so GW Bush could win the Republican primary over Mitt Romney guess what just before he was going to testify he was killed and I I was getting depressed at how many deaths that I was reading about in relation to it so I know that you know for years it's been on the internet about anyone connected to the clintons and this person that di you know what that is a microcosm of what really goes on yeah I mean the one that had the most connections that everybody could see was Hillary had more of that but you're saying in large large numbers this is already going on around the country in numbers that we don't see we we don't connect with anybody exactly so do not think of what we have heard about the Clinton foundation and Hillary Clinton and their real estate deals and all of that as isolated it is a microcosm of what is going on and what has been going on and see we've got agencies involved we've got the TBI we've got the FBI we've got the CIA and we also have all of the NOS because they are beneficiaries of this money as well how could these noos be flying in and busing in excuse me all these illegal immigrants right now where are they getting their money guess what yeah multiply Millions upon millions of dollars that would cost to get that done yeah yeah and and then what also has been uncovered is the politicians and the way they play so for example the um haslams who uh and sorry I am not I'm blanking on well I'm just the former Governor Hassam of Tennessee okay well he had a connection there was a little bit of a problem and Bob Corker former Senator Bob Corker went grew up with the hams and you know they went to the University of Tennessee you know really really close and it just so happened that um one of their close business associates got into trouble legal trouble well Bob cork evidently went to Obama to ask him to replace the Eastern Tennessee district attorney or federal attorney or Assistant Attorney I'm sorry I'm getting confused with all the different but the attorney the federal person yeah and um and in exchange for doing that Bob Corker had been against the Iran deal and he agreed agreed with Obama that he would drop his bill and his reservations about the Iran deal and then Obama got to ship all that money off to Iran and that was billions billions billions and billions and I can go on with examples but I want people to understand the depth of this but to also know that the kind of dedication of these investigators even when certain FBI agents have been on things for five years and then oh they got too close so they get transferred to another job there still is a connection of the people that want things to be done right and want it to be exposed and um one of the reasons that I didn't want to mention a lot of the names is that too often people focus on a name and they go and then they try to discredit everything else that has been said yeah I think that's a wise move on your part because people would get lost in the names and say I know this about him or her and you don't know the whole story and all of a sudden this is better to do it this way so exactly and so there's an enormous amount of cover up going on and right now this is an example of how close people the these really dedicated investor investigators have gotten and I see that actually as a sign of Hope especially since this document has gone to Senator Johnson I on my computer in front of me but it's he's in charge of security I gon ask you good guy let me ask you about that Dr Jam because it sounds like you're saying the fact that you know the story and these details you said it's giving you hope because even though this one uh Sheriff was was mistreated and almost off you know uh with driveby or something of his car but that sounds like this yeah yeah his home it sounds like that that the investigation it continues and is making progress right oh absolutely I mean it has gotten a lot of people's attention good you know and then we also have the people who are afraid so again in that um uh metaphor I gave about Checkmate and so here this is going to be used to force more errors on the other side so that more can be uncovered and if you think that someone this dedicated leading a team working with many other teams having been on um FBI and Drug Task Force is going to turn around and walk away despite the fact that his vehicles and his home has been shot up no no that is not going to happen and the people around him are equally as dedicated to this and you know with a whole bunch of people that are that are strong intercessors prayers yall can take this information to the Lord that these people need our protection needs the Lord's protection but the military's protection all of that because the more protection they have supernaturally and naturally the more they can shut this stuff down and are you saying we we'll get on to this other part about Steve what you just said was so beautiful oh thank you really I mean it really was and and um and the power of prayer yeah is really so powerful and to pray for sha Taylor and his team yes and every other investigator that has been uncovering these things our military you know that is so important because that that will just give them that added bit that's all yeah they need that so bad it's more more than any time in my life especially the last three or four years during this that stuff that we've all been walking through I have some pretty good-sized Mega intercessors praying and I have seen the benefit of praying versus not praying and when you get people praying uh but for you but I mean even if they never there's people listening and nobody will ever know your name nobody will ever hear your voice but you but God's hearing you reach out to to ask for protection for these men um whether they know God or not they need to be protected to finish this investigation and arrest the the people so I would be praying for those men and women um some of you have gotten there are so many people that I'm enthralled with this aspect of it Chan but there are some people who just as much as I get get off on investigating and doing the show and getting information some people could spend four or five six hours a day praying and they love every minute of it I'm not put together to put that kind of time in it but there are people that God put together that will just immerse themselves in that kind of prayer and it makes a huge difference so spe that so well listen let's talk about uh you were gonna talk I'm curious what you have to say about the debate what was the other thing we were going to talk about debate I wanted to get your thoughts on the debate what was the other thing uh presidential debate and RFK joining Trump what are your thoughts on those two things well uh RFK joining Trump has really ignited a great spark underneath a lot of people and if you listen to them coming together on X bases and um what we have have with the RFK group I'll say is um we have to start re-education all over again um meaning we all know about whether it's 1871 or the cabal or the different things that have happened um they have been in more of the place of um uh hope and what they liked about RFK and so we're having fun opening their eyes and how receptive they are but also there's a genuine um enthusiasm because I think a lot of us would prefer if we were a more Centrist Nation we don't you can you can have whatever whatever your strong feelings are about whatever policy or whatever issue but at the same time um what I loved RFK said was that there are things that Donald Trump and I don't agree on but we have agreed to talk about the things that we do agree about and the other thing that excites me and I kept hoping RFK would be involved in the administration is that there has been a section of Voters of Maga people of America First who were having a hard time deciding if they could vote for Trump because of operation warp speed and the vaccine yeah bringing RFK Jr into this you know that's the first time I you know I knew he was antivaccine every way but when you say you saying that right now that's the first time I clicked oh that's right they have wanted uh to maybe not vote for Trump because of that warp speed but our K hates those vaccines worse than Trump hates them and and he they're in League now RFK wrote a whole book exposing fouchy Gates the who all of that so if there is anyone that understands it in detail he's walking in with all the goods you know how Trump says we've got the goods well Bobby Kennedy can say that expression of where depending on who you're talking about they'll say well he or she knows where the bodies are buried that's RFK as it relates to the vaccines he knows where the bodies are buried and he knows where who did what and who's responsible for what the research has already been done I am so I was so thrilled I didn't used to think that I would be that way but when it happened I thought this is brilliant plus so he he they're gonna he's gonna help get the poisons out of our food out of our water now it's I I heard recently out of our toilet paper they put poison on that they put poison in the clothes we wear they put it in everything and we're just finding it out one thing at a time but for the next couple years we're probably going to have a wake more and more of a wakeup call saying they poison that too there's poison in that too there's something in that you know and just this last week I heard about the toilet paper and the clothes that they put stuff in in in the coloring of clothes it's exactly it's infuriating you know do you realize how good we're all going to feel when this stuff stops being put in our food and water and clothes and toilet paper and toothpaste and everything else we're gonna feel really good we really are we need those Med beds I know you bring the med beds along with that we're GNA be we're gonna be in such a good mood all the time exactly these body aches that we are so used to too you know i' I'm proud of myself I've already outlived my dad 10 years he died at 59 as an old man literally he was just so I'm already 10 years beyond that and I have and Cat Curry just prophesied that she said Steve you're gonna live another 50 years at least he she told my staff that too so um I receive that but yeah the med beds are miraculous sounding aren't they yes they are y so that that's going to be great what else did you want to tell share uh well the debate um yeah one uh I would really love it if president Trump would just take a few days off for himself with his family he's like the ever ready bunny you know he just keeps going and going and going yeah I think he was tired yeah um I I think that he might have made a strategic decision to not go after her um minus the few things he said like I was going to get her a hat um you know but I I think that his raw frustration worry and anger about the state of our nation yeah was just right there um and uh and so for those of us who get it if we're talking about the show um she she she had to have been coached with the questions ahead of time there are the pictures of the earrings that she wore absolutely I believe she was hooked up in their ears yeah I believe she had knew every question and knew the pro probably had rehearsed the answers even in her Wicked sarcastic mean-spirited things she would say like everybody's laugh all the leaders are laughing at you you know and they they don't like dealing with a weak person it's like everything that was not true but she would say it with this sneering yeah arrogance and I really wanted to just do something I wanted to say something that wasn't kind I didn't but I just I did shout you're a liar to the screen but that's you know if you watch her facial expressions with no sound yeah first off what bothered me about it as a professional woman yeah and she is supposed to you know they don't know how to define what a woman is but you should vote for her because she's a woman yeah crazy how un professional she was with her facial expressions when he was talking there she was being a typical female of having emotions all over her face oh response to him you can say that I can't say that I know and and I am looking at her and I am thinking thank good goodness you are not the candidate I'm supporting thank God you are not even a woman who is a professional that I could respect because where is your game face where is your ability to be poised and not respond what you have shown us is that you have an emotional reaction to every word that comes out of someone's mouth yeah that true that uh revealed an enormous amount to me and I I like Trump's about Trump's Trump's response in the last couple of hours it only came out within the last couple of hours he put it on Truth social so I know it's him and but basic basically he's saying when a priz fighter loses the first thing he does is say I want a rematch right away and he said that's what kamla did she wanted a rematch he said because she considers that she lost and a bunch of polls have come out in the last 48 hours saying that Trump all these different polls polls that he put on true social different media uh liberal media thing that's it said they took a poll and to the last one that he posted of course said that Trump won the debate so he said she did this and she said he said she didn't show up for the fox debate she refused to do a debate with CBS and NBC so he said so there will be no third uh debate he just announced that today and I was kind of relieved I thought good oh absolutely yeah you know we don't have to listen to her go on you know and we don't have to listen to the moderators who only fact check him and don't fact check her yeah and there is um I'm going to send it to you it was on Tik Tok of this young man who put in the transcript of the entire debate into chat gbt GPT yeah and and was this biased oh my goodness the AI came out and highlighted all how biased ABC was I'm I mean it it was really enough to make you even think AI could be okay yeah that's interesting I didn't even know that was one of the features that they could do that's fascinating wow I'll send that I'll send that video to you please do well that's really really good I was really encouraging and this is encouraging today and but and by the time I came on and started I was even encouraged because i' just seen Trump's thing saying there will be no third debate and I thought good I don't have that we could I really think from this point on you're going to watch her poll numers sink and sink and sink he's not going to give her the time of day uh except you know to keep hammering the truth versus their life and I did love the way he closed out that debate where where he said it it's interesting you know I don't have it memorized but basically he he pointed out to the whole world it's interesting you have all these things that you're going to do when you haven't done it for four years and you now want us to believe you now you're going to do these exactly that was like that's right in your face so well Dr Jen this has been really really good anything else you want to say before we close today no uh just God bless you and your wonderful team and um Nick Olivier I hope I've redeemed myself I'm sure you have I didn't even realize that had happened I do remember that it was Nick and when I when I got the clip I was trying to remember if that was from the first uh The Greatest Show on Earth or if it was something that he compiled different I'm partway through watching his second movie I uh he sent it to me to watch his second movie The Greatest Show on Earth part two so I would remind people to go ahead and and get that you if you go to Google if go to rumble and just put the greatest show on Earth Nick alir and it will come up the interview with me and we talk with Nick in a few minutes and then we run the movie that if you never saw that you really need to see it it'll wake you up is up too so all right Dr Jan God bless you it's so nice having you as always we'll just keep doing this I appreciate all the work you do for the for two things the body of Christ and the and the body politic whatever we would refer to the people in the nation you're doing a great service and I thank you for your service for that so thank you all right well you have a great weekend and we will see you all later uh let's see let me see if they've written it down here Monday is Johnny Eno with a special guest we're going to do a a two special guest with Jan Jansen uh she's talking about you know her husband who was a prophet passed away um last year about a year ago somewhere in there and they're going to process all that so there's a lot of stuff that that they agree to bring to the service that's important for people to learn you'll you'll get a lot out of that so all right you guys have a great weekend and we'll see you all on Monday have a good day bye bye writing touch to Transportation trans infastructure Road Highway public transportation such as tramps buses and um Metro friendly uh environment transport such as motorik car or bicycle complex and convenient uh you can move to uh everywhere and um every time um traffic J or congression in once hour or at a PE Time air pollution global warming increase increase road safety grow maintenance raise awareness participant participant encourage Prov the incentive for or writing population the first one um traffic traffic problem and CES

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