NBA 2K25 Early...

intro not going to lie today I go be giving youall a video going over 2K 25 playing the game early if you don't know this year than ever you're going to be able to play the game earlier than ever now I was going to be breaking that down I still will be doing that in this video but if you seen the comments of my last video I pretty much said Community day is going on today I had found out that pretty much after I made that video and posted that video so we going to be going over some of the things that went over in community community day but with that being said um there were some things that people was tweeting about builds I'm not going to put that too much into this video it was some stuff that I did record but it's like no point we going to just more so react to that whenever we actually get the full glimpse of the bus but we're going to be going over some things from Community today playing the game early if yall do want more of these videos make sure to like the video make sure to subscribe if you're new without further Ado no more talking let's hop into it let's go NBA 2K 25 NBA 2K 25 is going to be early one of the first 2ks to have a early 2K drop now they used to do this in the past where I don't know if people been playing 2K long enough but this is going to really say a lot um 2K used to drop on Tuesdays but they used to have early versions of it that would drop on Fridays and then that Friday pretty much became the standard date of or release dates of the game now with that being the standard release date of the game every year it would be pretty much people would get the game early way they whether they would be going to like Best Buy or GameStops or just using certain people to pay extra money to get the game early for whatever reason people would had the game early they would be leaking certain things it would be even certain people streaming stuff like the like the animation they'll be streaming being in the freestyle practice they'll be streaming showing pretty much anything of the games early without being on the online servers but when it came to that Wednesday night people would be streaming literally playing part and then that next day on Thursday all the New Zealand Australia and that's why tyina would play it early they would be on the game this year is going to be different this year 2K is going to be dropping a early released version of the game that's going to drop on Wednesday but the real full game for everybody else will be dropping on that Friday now the reason why they're dropping it on that Wednesday is to crack down on the people that get the game early crack down on the people that's going to be trying to play the game on that Thursday now the only thing I'll say is the global early tip off thing apparently this year they're dropping it Global so the reason why it would work for people like tyo to play Early is because it would drop it Friday at 12:00 a.m. as soon as it hit Friday but if you know how time zones work it it is Friday in other countries faster than it is in the US and with it not being Global they would be able to play like almost 18 17 hours early and that you would be like a method people would use on Xbox it was harder to do on Playstation but you also could do it there now this year 2K is cracking down on it now this is another thing I don't know I don't know if the early tip off is digital only but I feel like the only way that this could really crack down what I'm saying they're trying to crack down on is if it's only for digital now global early tip off this is going to be the first year 2K ever ever drops Global where everywhere at the same moment is going to drop at the exact time so and we we have proof of this because tyo has literally already shown that in his country where he lives it's going to be dropping on the 4th at 900 p.m. so the global time that 2K has changed it to is going to be specific 5:00 a.m. now it was at one point apparently 5:00 a.m. eastern but it's been updated to where it's going to drop at Pacific 500 a.m. so that's going to be 7 my time 8 Eastern 2:00 p.m. Germany and France 300 p.m. I ain't even I think that's Netherlands and Greece 9:00 a.m. in Brazil 8:00 a.m. and Canada 1 p.m. and I think that's Australia and 1: p.m. in the UK now why is this important because like I said this is going to crack down on the people that get the game early and the only way to play the game early is going to be through this one thing for 2K now I will say there has been people in the past that's got the game a week early but that's a very very rare occurrence I don't know if that's going to happen um but yeah I feel like 2K is doing this to try to crack down on that Thursday where people playing the game streaming the game all that type of stuff early I think this is going to be cracking down on the people that's like trying to solicit the game for like maybe $300 some people be paying a thousand to get it early and stuff like that I've seen I think I've seen aen by like multiple copies one year where he bought each copy for thousands of dollars so I don't know um that I don't know if that's a regular thing or not but yeah I think this is pretty much just trying to crack on down on stuff like that except for community day about seconds of footage showing us two different Parks you'll be able to play at or areas you'll be able to play at ink and Dro that for no reason gifts they got guys we see some pins or stickers and uh top 10 I ain't G to lie I still don't believe that this means that top top 10 in Elite in um what's it called is coming back I think this this is kind of like commemorating the year now top 10 also could just be for my team because they did play my team there so and they also have the goat logo right there so that could be for my team as well top 10 could be for par but goat could now be like the new Legend top 10 could just be because they are they literally revealed that my team has its own rep and they have top 10 now that also could mean my team they did get seasons and they kind of grouped it together with the Park maybe that means top 10 is coming back but they also could have gold I don't know what the hell it means man I'm just trying to be hopeful trying to just yeah I'm sorry yeah 2K let's be for real let's be for real elite rise's be the 2K logo and in the top left the goat tier logo that I believe you getting play now online and my team this year so it is confirmed Elite and Rise is back all right all right it's not confirmed though that's not I wouldn't say that it's not confirmed I I will say I don't think they would show that for no reason like there's a lot of stuff that they didn't let people show like they wasn't letting people show the back of like hoodies but they're letting them show literally the affiliations of the city I don't think they did that for no reason I think that's just to get people talking and people was talking now the thing is you set the expectations low when you show something it's going to make them even happier you set the expectations high it's going to be harder to meet those expectations that's a just a regular marketing strategy and if 2K know how to do anything they know how to Market a video game facts now is it GNA look I really just cook with that one I don't know like went to Twitter on August 17th as you guys will see and said City reveal is about to tell us if they're really listening or not and I said just wait till you see it now I haven't actually seen it okay but there's been a lot of things I've been hinting at and a lot of things I can't wait to talk about next week which we'll be saying in a second cuz some things I've hinted that you guys have already got correctly in the comments I just can't say much now there was a news reporter there at Community Day I don't know who he is I'm not being disrespectful I just actually don't know who he is he gave us our first review of 2k2 as people he dro the uh stuff the Celtics reporter did Super Smo in 2K it feels I don't know if I'm keeping like I said I don't know if I'm keeping what I did reacting to like the 2K n Tail tweets in a video but yeah I'm not gonna lie I look I had to look up who this was bro this is a Celtics beat Rider I don't give a damn if he said that he played 2K for 25 plus years I'm not taking the word from a Celtics beat Rider opinion on how good the state of 2K 25 is off of two minutes of him playing the game I'm not taking his opinion I'm sorry I'm not intuitive intuitive guys all right so like I talked about [ __ ] trying to use big writing words and [ __ ] [ __ ] like shut your ass up all this footage from the mod you guys seen but they're not going to be able to drop them today they're going to come out at separate dates right and as you all see we did get some embargo dates today it is August 27th we'll be seeing my team learn to yeah he dropping everything in this I'm going just upload this WNBA August 28th at 11: a.m. is going to be my player Builder and my court so August 28th is a big day it did say on the road map that we're going to get city news the week of August 26th okay August 26th which is a Monday 27th is Tuesday 28th is Wednesday so I think they're going to give us the city news if I was a betting man I would bet that Thursday August 29th is when we get it since there's going to be news on the other days and it wouldn't make sense to drop a bunch of news all the you know what I'm saying like they're going to spread it out to where the hype just continues so we know from yesterday that 2K is remastering Ribbit City but they have put it in my team now people have been zooming in on these pictures and you know how it goes right but yeah I seen this I seen this I'm not going to lie background yeah n y'all are deep in but hey shout out to y'all cuz I wouldn't even have done thought of doing this so they zoomed into the back and they going to see Oldtown or chai town and it shows anti up over here it shows like Oldtown and it says like a sunset or something so that's cool I I ain't going to lie that's cool Rebrand right middle either old or shy town on the far right we might have our OG Parks back with rebranded names so that is something to maybe keep your hopes up for that Elite to could have this got to be 22ed but like way he moving it got to be 22 N I ain't I ain't going to lie I played against a dude on before that was playing guard like it was 22 bro I'm telling you he averaged like 50 something that's all off top it let's stay on topic but bro was nice he playing exactly like it he lost but bro was a cooker can I cap shout out to [Music] Bro now with my team okay so um when this trailer came out and then the elite and what's it called everybody thought that pretty much maybe since it's just supposed to be like a remas of 2K16 all this stuff in the background just made be just be for show so that's what the new theory was because you know they had the elite I don't even I'mma Be honest I'm the RW I ain't G to lie I don't even know what it's even called I I'd be lying if I did um but yeah the elite and the other affiliation you know what I'm saying when they showed the pins of that people was like okay so this is obviously not a thing this is not coming back um all that [ __ ] was just for a show just because of I guess they remastered it but Chris Manning literally is saying he's hinting at this actually may be us being able to travel to other places my thing would be though there's only two of them so I don't know but Emoji there now with my team getting a you know with them getting a park this year it would make sense probably for them to have some sort of stage area as well or because it does say that or does it take you straight to like the stage on the part you know does it take you straight to my career because you're already all right hold on let me address this hey I seen them ywn comments this [ __ ] late as hell at night I'm on stream cut me some slack please bro a [ __ ] is tired bro like y'all don't ever get tired like my bad bro like how the hell do you stop yourself from yawning like on some real stuff like genuine like tell me show me I guess you want me to edit out be honest gang it's August like come on come me some SL my player if you guys didn't watch yesterday's video I highly recommend you go watch this so yeah you're going to take your my player it might take you into the park or they might have their own stage we don't know now this is what I had to say about it bringing a classic Park back people have been begging for in a different mode [ __ ] report news on his own tweets uh bring a classic part back yeah no I ain't gonna lie he he fating he's fating and I ain't gonna lie people are saying this but like why would you do that my team makes more money than Park my career it's a fact Ultimate Team game modes make the money that that just does don't know what to tell you you see they brought back that auction back real fast cuz they player base dropped my educated gu on what's going on now this guy commented on my video and he said people laughed at me when I told him years ago that my team was going to become the main mode on 2K even bigger than my career 2k is going the same route as FIFA where ultimate team is the only thing that matters in the game essentially forcing everyone to I'mma Be Honest it's a dumbass comment like the the entire thing of 2K is that it has all these different game modes you know what I'm saying like 2K is never going to make my team the only game mode that people play they're never going to focus focus on it like that now if you want to say they're going to try to make it the main game mode okay maybe but like trying to say that 2K is trying to make it like FIFA and Madden where it's like the only game mode people play that is Cap bro 2K makes way more money on my career than any other non Ultimate Team game mode on FIFA Madden or even the new NCAA simple as that so like yeah Ultimate Team game modes make the money but they're still never going to neglect my crib because my crib makes tons of money too like literally like literally play it and honestly I wouldn't doubt that because like I just told y'all you're going to get I guarantee and they wouldn't be adding a whole new game mode with my GM bringing that back either if that was the case that would make sense 2K is making more per player off my team players than my career that's a fact though that's just literally a fact bro I'm gonna be honest like I'll bewind if y'all didn't hear him but that's a fact I mean I would put the house on it that if we seen actual numbers 2K is making more per player off my team players than my career so that's what they're gonna per player I don't know about per player but in total yeah per player I think more people play my career don't get me wrong on that I think more people play my career like if we did like a how popular the game modes are my career is the popular game mode of the game in my opinion now who makes more like what they make more money off of I would say my team by far as well but hey try to do they're going to try and funnel you in there and this isn't the first time like we talked about yesterday I mean for years now since the seasons have came out there is a multiple rewards in there for my team they want you to get those rewards and go open up my team and it's pretty simple if you honestly think about it because it's not that much money you can really make from Park like if you make 10 builds that's $1,000 let's say but when you make a build in my career in park whatever you want to call it you spend a hundred bucks you know you got to grind out the build it might take you a few few days few weeks depending on how much you play you got to get your clothes you got to get the badges up it's going to take you wow that $100 even though it's a $100 is still not nearly what they can n bro it's nasty for this out of you in my team you can spend $100 in my team quick I being fast you know what I'm saying n you get like the thing bro I don't think people understand bro Ultimate Team my team game mod you can spend $100 and literally that joint be gone in minutes your $100 on my career is gone whenever you choose it to be going like that's going to last you like should it cost $100 to make a build hell no shouldn't even cost 50 but like bro you could dad spend $100 on on my team and not get anything like you D could not get nothing like you could D spend $100 be like damn I ain't get nothing I D got to spend another1 I ain't never did that in my life I ain't never even thought that my pack look crazy even if I was to not spend 100 but hey I'm just saying so hopefully we are able more information soon guys I have been thinking about with this info coming out streaming them live on Twitch or YouTube so let me know if you guys want me [ __ ] Joe Knows be trying to switch so hard stream on Twitch the other day for the first time in like three or three years so I might be streaming on there it might be on YouTube you guys let me know if you want to see something like that just to go over the this definitely 22 I just seen a [ __ ] make a a white let me know what platform You' want to see me on but if you don't follow me on Twitch it is of course just bad plug just go ahead and do it after the video we got some more things to talk about so I've tried to be as realistic as possible with you guys this year on everything I mean absolutely everything that's coming out like yes there's some really good news or really good potential news like when the game comes out it could be really good okay but I've also tried to be realistic about you know how there's going to be cheaters and most likely the game's going to need a bunch of patches and blah blah blah right I don't want to go over it forever but something I've also tried to be realistic with you all about is the fact fact that when people say 2K is dead is that actually true at the moment trying to think about this one is 2K dead I would say yeah because it's August but at the same time no because it's like it's building the anticipation for the next game and they really good at that but I think the anticipation for this game is like the lowest in years been a while since it's been this low and I've told y'all it's actually not 2K 24 or sorry 2K 23 sold about 13 million copies which besides the pandemic where we were all home was the most sold 2K ever now I don't know how much 2K 24 sold because they haven't announced that but I actually forgot that every quarter you know two if you guys know about stocks at all if you're if you watch the channel 2K or take two has to do a quarterly earnings report for their shareholders so we can see a lot of Statistics is 2K making money are they making I ain't gonna lie I've been watching this game playay I done seen so many slightly bro 2K 22 was crazy with the whites less than they did last year how many copies did they sell sometimes they put that in there sometimes they don't but I didn't see anyone cover it and honestly I said a bar but I can't say that on the tube I can't say that I went to go look and as yall see 1.35 billion fourth quarter net bookings without performance in NBA 2k 24 guys out performance now outperformance yeah I'm like what the hell that mean bro it is indicates that an asset has performed better than its Benchmark and is often used as a key metric to evaluate its attractiveness however when evaluating an investment option it is important to also considered factors other than whether it has outperformed yet do you see what I'm saying it has done better than they think so if you're like man 2K is dead like yeah the what I figured lit it might be dry whatever it is k at this moment is still not doing horrible like they're not doing great from what like just my opinion from reading the I'mma Be honest though what I'll say is on that a lot of I'm G be honest we we in a weird area of video games like I feel like a lot of people buy games and stop playing that game within a week two weeks month more than ever more than ever like genuine like and I think it's been it's been TR it's been getting worse like the attention span is worse but also the games are worse simple as that so yeah but yeah I think that's more likely than ever so they may have sold that many copies and made that much money but at the same time I don't know if that like really means it's not dead if that makes sense like how many people are playing the game every day would be a more valid statement like how like what's the concurrent number daily or monthly but I like monthly players would be a better thing to me to be able to say if it's dead or not but okay the entire earnings they're not doing great but they're also not dead you know what I'm saying that's a whole lot to talk about because to get that money to be able to be an outperforming that look what they had to do like to the my team community that I mean a bunch of people said they've turned it into a casino farot get good cards without spending ,000 to maybe one card that you want that's super good you see what I'm saying I could break this down that is something to debate in another time but I also wanted to put this in there for you guys too because a lot of people I've heard rumors that GTA 6 is getting uh delayed and put back and maybe it is but on GTA 6 not getting delayed and if it does it still whenever wherever it gets delay to it's coming out 2025 it's coming out the earnings it did still say Grand Theft AO 6 fall of calendar 2 2025 so at the moment the information they're giving their shareholders which is legally you know they're responsible if they're lying right still fall of 2025 now you see the road mapap for 2k2 like I told y'all August 26 is the the week of August 26 is the city yeah 26 going to be a bigger week than I thought cuz they going to have my team gamep playay it's going to be a lot more than I thought was be in this week bro they said it was going to be today just realize the city but I think my city idea bro I'm thinking about all the things that they're dropping they're dropping you got to think about it they're dropping my court they're dropping WNBA gameplay they're dropping my Team gameplay they're dropping play now gameplay in the week of the city bro I'm telling y'all bro the city may be the Hub if I'm wrong I'm wrong I don't really care but I don't really think that's a good thing but I don't think it's going to be a popular thing I don't think people going to be happy about it but I think that maybe right I just want to know if I'm right or not to be honest but yeah that should about cover everything I'm going to do another video very soon I'm going to do a video that's going to be pretty much going over all the ratings I'm going to be going over some things from Community day that I didn't go over in today's video we'll probably be getting even more news within the coming days so stay tuned for that but Tuesday we'll be streaming the game play reveal um I probably won't drop a video on that but I will be streaming that for a good amount of time and then the next day will be the Rev R of the builds now if you've seen the video I dropped last year I pretty much was going through all the builds and I made one video where you can see every single build that Dro I will be streaming trying to find the best build and we will be dropping a video ranking every single build that people made or dropped a video of For the first day so yeah if you guys do want more videos for 2k2 news just drop the like sub turn on post notifications all that good stuff out the way he F Ado your boy fit out [Music] man tell to bring me my money

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