no intro at all I just want to say thank you guys for all the support this might be the last news video before 2K 25 comes out so we are ready to lock in but today we've actually got some pretty good news so I'm going to hop straight into it man drop a like if you guys haven't yet and let's get it so are you ranked individually or as a team in Proving Grounds the answer is each player is ranked individually can you go into Proving Grounds with a squad yes squads are allowed improving grounds and matchmaking will prioritize squads playing against other squads so I'm guessing if you go in Solo you will most likely be playing a lot of people that are also going in Solo or maybe with two people I'm not sure so the question here is is there anywhere else in 2K 25 besides Proving Grounds which is the new ranked mode where shop meters will be disabled shop meters will be disabled in Proving Grounds proam and anti up so for the first time we do get some information cuz Mike Wing did say it was going to be improving grounds and the stage but it's also going to be in proom where you cannot use a meter because they're trying to stop people from cheating now will park and wreck records reset Park and wreck records will not reset each season I know a lot of people were very upset with that on 2K 24 I'm one of those people who loves to look at my record not that it's the end of the world if it's bad or anything but I do want to have some spot to see it even if others can't so I'm glad that we have it back you know what I'm saying so look right here Laker fans said damn didn't think about how proven grounds 5v5 is going to probably be games to 21 it might be clipped actually still fire for twos and threes and Zack Timberman said 5v5 is more like wreck full games all right so 5v5 Guys these rank modes are going to be really awesome to watch right you're going to have your really competitive 3v3 games then you're going to have all the proam sweats Joe Nos and all the x2k league players and stuff out there in the proam swe wetting for that top five spot it's going to be awesome okay so anyway NBA 2K tweeted out last night need help figuring out your MyPlayer build we're here with the assist on new Jin using an all new interface to match your desired play style to curated builds from the experts at visual concept concepts with prot tune builds or model your game after some of your favorite players around the league with NBA templates there's 74 protuned builds this year and 40 NBA builds okay and it's did say that there's going to be more coming in the next seasons so this year you know you you have the NBA player templates there's going to be more of those but they also gave us some pictures right here I'm going to pop it up here point guard best skill playmaking archetype I mean you're able to change around things you can see who it's inspired by the stature the description the top attributes the go-to badges so it's very obvious that 2K knows especially the people that really aren't in the community that still play Park and wreck there's some really really bad builds out there okay and people I don't know what they are thinking in their head sometimes but 2K is trying to help these guys out that aren't really looking at YouTube videos or also don't know how to really make builds you know what I'm saying because you know every not Everybody Plays the game as much as we do that are watching this video okay so they also gave us a little screenshot right here of all the NBA builds that will come out with 2K 25 and of course they're going to add more as well you know you got Devin Booker Jason Tatum joic Giannis Luca Curry I mean anything you could think of probably is on that Builder besides a few builds of course like I don't know if they're ever going to drop Michael Jordan or LeBron things like that but look we have some more things to get into so anyway video game take said Do they still get all the signature styles for free and Zack Timberman said yes now if you guys don't know what that means I believe these NBA player templates and these Pro builds and all that stuff are the actual best for not spending money on the game or let's say you're making a build like I was talking about earlier this year where you only drop like 20 bucks 30 bucks to be able to get away from the miserable 60 overalls by the way this is 2K 25 Gameplay in the back but away from the miserable 60s maybe even the 70s than you grind the rest out for free or if you do it no money spent you're going to be able to start with the animation of that player so if you do stephh Curry you're going to have all his dribble animations his dribble style his jump shot right away without having to upgrade the player so just keep that in mind if you're going to do a no money spent this build uh this year a no money spent build this year or you're going to like spend 20 30 bucks cuz you'll get all the animations from that player so anyway wolf did uh comment on this a 2K League professional who was a 2K Dev now he said some of the protune builds have really cool unique names like ISO King instrument of buckets and defense Captain guys I'm not going to lie that's pretty cool okay there is some good new names in here and then Zack Timberman said pocket post is better so there's going to be a build called pocket post ISO King though is kind of crazy now look you guys can screenshot this if you want or you probably already know but this right here is the the times you're going to be able to play on September 4th if you pre-ordered 2K 25 okay so 5:00 a.m. in La 8:00 a.m. if you're on the Eastern time zone and so on and so forth now is 2K going to correctly do a global release this year I hope so I do hope it does do that um unfortunately I can't really say much but that's not going to be the first release anyway look 2K dropped a screenshot right here that you can screenshot if you want but we're just going to look at this for a second so you start in the top left you got new balance at the top State Farm Wheels decks starting five it's literally labeling everything except for there are some question marks the Brickley gym the Gatorade Courts at the bottom where you get 25% More Level per game you got the Puma down there Under Armour Gatorade facility at the bottom the dunes street ball courts The Proving Grounds over there in the in the right Rising Elite are apparently right next to each other if you look in that top right okay rise and Elite are very close to each other you got the sideline street ball courts back there the wreck things like that so we do know the city is much smaller this year which is great okay I'm very happy about that I don't think we're ever going to be able to get a small much smaller than what we have right now because 2K does have to put those ads in and you know that's just how it is at this point you really it's like if that's why you're not buying the game then you should just go ahead and not even worry about it like oh I wonder if they're going to make the city bigger or smaller this year they're probably not going to do it maybe a little bit smaller next year but Ronnie said who's going to miss their Zen you know who you are you're down bad today now that was him talking about the uh the improving grounds in the an up in the stage not having the Zen anymore or not being able to use the Zen In the Beginning because there is currently no good working node meter scripts there apparently is some but they're not efficient okay if you don't know what a Titan is as in what these guys are using basically you can press a button and it times a shot for you so these guys are cheaters right so that's why they took the shot meter out of these ranked modes however we have a question right here where a guy said wait was the what was the news they fin fin ban zins and Titans and Ronnie said proving rounds is no shop meter We Can't Ban these products from being sold LOL but you won't see them work early at least in that mode which is what you comp players are worried about anyway who knows about the future but we have to be hopeful so uh I'm not going to lie to y'all and I've told you this since the beginning since I was even hinting at the ranked modes and stuff I didn't know that shot meter was going to be out in PR him and Stage as well but I just don't know guys I mean you see from his tweet early right early okay so who knows how quick these guys are going to figure out how to cheat without the meter but man it's so unfortunate that this is a discussion we even have to have like it it really sucks this this is something we have to talk about I would be very surprised if they don't figure out how to cheat by like the end of season one or two you know what I'm saying so look this is big right here 2K the Oldtown Flyers Park is back in 2k2 for early tip off run in this classic and remastered my Park and earn double level and double season XP you pre-order now to get access to early tip off and play 2K 25 up to 2 days early so hey look their marketing team are some Geniuses bro literally Geniuses as you see they put under that tweet right here they said event ends Friday September 6th at 6:45 a.m. Pacific time so not only do you get to play the game 2 days early but you get to play at one of the remastered old 2K15 Parks okay so you know that's going to get some people now in the last video I told you guys I was showing you the most important information from the blog 99% of people are going going to be happy with all that we're not reading it start to finish but that's all the important info there is one thing I did leave out though and that was right here about the prom where it boasts a new full-sized Arena that can be unlocked once your team reaches Platinum tier and last but not least make a splash blah blah blah okay so you're able to unlock a new huge full siiz court which you were able to do in the past so it's not something I want to really like oh good job 2K about but it is cool to see back because pram is kind of going to be washed like pram regular prom was already washed it was already cooked because the ranked really wasn't ranked for years it's been it's been needing a revamp for a very long time so I guess the real like people are still going to play pram 5v5 but I would say most of the games are going to be private with the leagues and stuff this year especially when you can go play ranked prom in the proving rounds okay so this next one right here is from heck who said someone asked me an interesting question if I have a cat breaker in the attribute I want to increase is Tethered to other attributes does the tethering factor in he said it doesn't Zach Zack timman who works for 2K and this guy said after we unlock C cat breakers for one build where do the extra attributes show up for power rebirth builds and he said you choose okay so once you unlock the cat Breakers you're going to be able to put these on every single new build you create as well as Rebirth of course once again if you have a 99 overall player you can rebirth right to 99 on a new player but you know remember you're going to have to spend money to do that you just are able to skip the progression grind this year so swag said I also see a lot of people talking about the 2k2 max plus one bad workk and yes it is something to consider when making your build but it's been said that the badge perk isn't going to be something every season so be mindful that you're not relying on that badge perk to be there 24/7 and Zack Timberman said it is every season now a Max plus one as you're making your build in 2K 25 unless you're just going to be opening up the new season and buying right to level 30 so you can get the two Max Plus ones I would not make your build around that just use that as the sprinkles on top of the cupcake you know what I'm saying like just the finishing touch of the build because you know let's say you're trying to get Limitless range from Hall of Fame to Legend every season with a Max plus one you're going to have to hit Level 30 first and that's going to take I mean depending on how you know how much you play it's going to take a little minute okay so anyway right here we have a picture of the 2K 25 wreck in the top versus the 2K 24 wreck at the bottom you guys let me know I think wreck was probably one of the least impressive things I seen in the city reveal you know I had a lot of good to say about the city reveal from face value on paper which we talked about you know when the game comes out a lot of things could be wrong like the my court is back it looks great but are you going to be able to join people cuz you couldn't do that in the past right is The Proving Grounds going to have good connection is it going to not be able to be cheese where two Diamond guys can go in with some bronze people and they're able to just play bronze all game you know a lot of things we could talk about but what I'm trying to say is everything in there there really was good to me except for that and then I didn't really like the parks you know what I'm saying I'm not a big fan of how the Parks look the like unrealistic parks and people aren't really probably going to be playing there anyway cuz you can get more level in The Proving rounds you can even get more level by just playing on the Gatorade courts you get 25% more which isn't that much more okay but it is still going to be more incentivization than Park all right so hex said how are they going to leave the affiliation boost news out so I don't know if they're going to make us wait until the game comes out or they're going to tell us like a day or two before because all this information is not official information we've been getting like on 2k's road map these are from 2K employees though just remember that uh but you see what I'm saying like we're not we're getting random news right before the game comes out so maybe we'll get some more like random news from ld2k or some 2K employee telling us about this news like what is is heat check back is two way tenacity back how many shots do you have to get to hit to to to get heat Che uh heat checked does it only last for one shot this year you know there's so many things that we don't really know yet and there's a lot more okay but Power said right here here's my immediate concern about proving rounds in 2K 25 I hope this isn't an issue but are the rankings individual or team based if they're individual can high tier players team up with low tier players to easily boost their level and get favorable matchups seems like an issue toxic said if it's anything like other ranked playlists there is a cap with the levels you can search with and then power said my solution is to match teams at the tier of the highest ranked teammate will take away the incentive of doing this so there's only one way 2K can do this correctly you should not be able to as two Diamond players or one Diamond Player you know whatever it is go in with a bronze guy and that's going to match you up with bronze players cuz that's a way you could cheese it like power said you should make it to where it's you're matching up against the highest levels in there so no one can cheese it okay that's very important that it's also like that when the game comes out bro cuz if they don't everyone's just going to be cheesing it you guys know especially the the guys that are going for legend and you know they're going to be two diamonds picking up a bronze guy over and over and just playing bronze level competition so that has to be fixed immediately and then if they don't let you play with people that are like bronze Lev when you're a diamond that's also an issue right because then a lot of people aren't going to be be able to play with their friends like let's say You're Gold and your friend's a bronze cuz he you know was working or had a has a life whatever he's not going to be able to play with you so that's the only way to fix it is to where we just changed the matchmaking to where the highest level is what it searches for in that tier you see what I'm saying so guys we are right there at 2K 25 I mean right there set your notifications on click that Bell next to subscribe select all notifications because when the game comes out I will be streaming it on YouTube yes and it might not be September 4th okay that's all I'm going to say it might not be September 4th we will see I don't know if there's going to be you know how the servers come on a little bit earlier you know the New Zealand method might work things like that right so we will see but just have those noties on if you don't have them on all you might not get them so one last thing I want to talk about uh before we go into because this might be the last time I talk to you guys until we're on the game is the proven grounds and the legend ground this year does have me a bit excited because For the first time in a long time if proving rounds is really the place to play to get this level then that means the first Legend has to be good unless they're able to cheese it by playing with bronze level players you're going to consistently to get that double level in the diamond tier or the top five whatever have to play against people that are very good so the first Legends will have to be very good at the game you see what I'm saying not only will they have to be on the game a lot but they'll have to be winning a lot of their games and that has to be versus good people up in those tiers so that's going to be really deciding if everything comes out how we think it should and if not 2K obviously needs to fix that very quickly like when the first week of the game if we see hey as two diamonds can load in with a bronze they're able to play Just bronze guys that's got to change okay so anyway guys drop a like on this video If you haven't yet and click this right here all right this is going to be some 2K 25 news that if you haven't seen it you're going to be confused when the game comes out so you might as well just put the time in now if you got the time and that's it guys I'll see you in 2K 25 most likely unless we get some more news click it tap it I'm out of here peace

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