Category: Sports
But i wanted to talk about warren sapp and damen lewis i think colorado last year got dominated you know in the trenches specifically in that three technique position they you know brought in coach sap and you know they have damen lewis there as well you know i'll go ahead and show a little clip of... Read more
Category: Sports
The acc and the big 12 likely will only get one representative each in the 12 team format um the big 12 is gna eat each other alive the champion will get in one that's right that's right they will not get a second and and to be honest that it's it's going to be hard to argue for a second think about... Read more
Category: Sports
I wanted to discuss your relationship with your father um you know i feel like a lot of people in media fail to cover how great of a father he is and so i wanted you to kind of discuss that what you know how do you feel type of father he is and his impact on your life you know he he had he wasn't only... Read more
Category: Sports
Now the rest of the schedule bailey bring up the rest of that schedule we're not going to go over every game but there are a couple that if we were in that in that room and gary was up there and it we were let red lettering there's i think there's four red letter games on this schedule and and you know... Read more
Category: Sports
Sean keeler i believe his name um it's a denver reporter he went on and him and prime had a little spat but before i show this i want to show this recording of keeler talking about the you know colorado coaching staff take a listen says they have eight n win talent yes they do they do on paper i think... Read more
Category: Sports
The problem is the problem is i think people try and mimic the sanders family and it it's impossible it's like you you can watch and you can admire and you can be close to it but if you try and mimic it it's impossible because it's so unique your entire family from your sisters to your brothers toor... Read more
Category: Sports
Well-off media i just wanted to discuss so i i think other teams within college football are emulating what you've kind of done from the social media side with colorado i just wanted you to discuss well off media's impact on the colorado buffalo's football program uh i think i don't know it's like if... Read more
Category: Sports
Moving into nebraska week knowing what you know about this team for in lincoln how do you think they match up against the corn huskers currently well i i think i'd rather be taking our team in there at seven-point underdogs than be in nebraska this week because i learned a lot about my football team... Read more
Category: Sports
I think people try and mimic the sanders family it's impossible it's like you you can watch and you can admire and you can be close to it but if you try and mimic it it's impossible because it's so unique your entire family from your sisters to your brothers shador i mean i i i thr travis hunter and... Read more
Category: Sports
Can you break down colorado's offensive game plan how you think they should approach this north dakota state team well look i'm going to do both north dakota state and cu and then i'll do both defenses tomorrow cu is very in my opinion this is very simple it doesn't need to be 50 throws now if you have... Read more
Category: Sports
Paul burning question what's dion sanders going to do in his second season in colorado i think they're looking at about a 500 record which isn't all that impressive when you consider the amount of energy and hype uh and and over overhype i should say to this program it's dion sanders is a superstar... Read more
Category: Sports
Do a little story time here and i just wanted everybody to know the toughness of joel k so my favorite story of joel is we're we're in between 03 and ' 04 all right and it's right before gary got suspended and gary walks by the defense and just he he used to do this like maybe once a year maybe and... Read more