Technical Analysis: $AAPL, $AFRM, $AMZN, $CSCO, $GOOG, $HIMS, $JPM, $MSFT, $NQ, $OKTA, $SPY, $TSLA

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:32:04 Category: Education

Trending searches: aapl
INTRO hello Traders today is September 11 2024 I'm going to go over 13 different names today uh we have or I put uh time stamps on the video so you don't have to uh get stuck on names that you don't care anyways uh this is not Financial advice make sure to do the your due diligence and uh some research before you decide to uh really any of your capital on any Investments if you find any utility on this video please subscribe to the channel and uh leave a like that would be um very appreciated anyways let's get into it let's start with apple and um AAPL you know I do believe that the market is still going to bring us uh some volatility we had a debate yesterday there were some reactions especially in the crypto Market uh right during the debate uh we did have data coming up uh today which was or coming out today which was CPI and um there was some reaction in the beginning of the trading day and then uh the market actually moved um higher um around I I would say maybe 9:30 or 10 this morning Pacific time anyways I I do believe that there is still uh volatility I do think that some uh sectors are [Music] um are getting less attention from investors and and money is moving back into some names such as probably Amazon or Google or something something some names like that there might be opportunity there but um for those reasons I do believe that we might see a little bit of a ntake for uh names like apple for example I do like apple I was day trading Apple yesterday I was kind of busy yesterday so I did a quick day trade and then I moved on with my day but I think we definitely have opportunity here uh to the upside we right on the 35 SMA which is great magd and TSI look pretty neutral for me in my opinion uh that reside same thing but I do believe that if we continue on this trend we're slowly going to move up towards this area which is 233 uh we have resistance at 225 right now which is at the point or the level that you have to keep an eye on but I do believe that if um there is not really crazy news in the near future or in the next uh trading sessions I do believe that probably by the middle of next week we're going to be over this uh 225 level so keep an eye on this uh level right here there is definitely some momentum if we go to the one minute chart um that took us over the 35 SMA so in the beginning of the day and you're going to see this in some other charts that I'm going to show you today um we had the sell off and then we came actually back and there was definitely nice opportunity for day trading here uh especially in this type of setups um days like today uh for somebody that tried or trades with my style of trading um could become very profitable I was actually trading Amazon today not Apple but um I do think that uh if we continue like this there's definitely going to be volatility during the trading day and then but there's going to be a slow moving um move up towards um you know higher levels in the case of Apple towards 225 and then we can maybe start thinking about 233 um that being said I I still suggesting um caution on how you trade uh if things are not going your way I would cut losses pretty quickly uh things still a little bit um all over the place um okay let's move on with another name that I've been uh talking about quite often and that is uh a firm uh and um we had a downtrend that went AFRM yesterday unfortunately didn't have a lot of time to trade but yesterday I really wanted to go short again on a firm I went short on this area right here I think I sold on this candle and then um yesterday I was thinking about getting short again uh as a day trade but um again I was busy and I was doing other things I I didn't have a lot of time to either make a video or really go over um stocks but anyways uh we went down to this uh resist um support level which I did mention on Monday's uh video uh which is 35 let me check if I actually mentioned that on Monday's video yes I did um which is uh 33 no 35 I'm sorry 63 uh it actually got right on that level and it did uh fill some of this Gap um it got very close to the 200 SMA and then it's bouncing back up probably due to data and whatnot uh with an 8% day today this looks pretty uh solid in my opinion we still have this Gap right here now we have a little bit more liquidity here so it's going to be a little bit more difficult um for this name to continue going down but I still believe that there is a good chance and this Gap is going to fill so I wouldn't be um you know too sure about continue uh going long on this uh the macd and the TSI still look overextended but you might actually have a little uh more momentum uh to the upside let's go take a look at a weekly chart and see what we're seeing um it really doesn't look that bad so you might actually have um more room to the upside right here let's take a look at the monthly let's get this thing out of the way um the monthly doesn't tell as much but the weekly doesn't look bad at all to be honest I like this candle right here on the daily we have a little more of um I guess a caution alert for lack of a better term but um yeah sorry that's my dog is sleeping right next to me um but anyways I do believe that there is probably more opportunity here to the upside not a trade for me as far as the setup but um if if you are continue mounting or retesting the support level then you're probably going to go towards uh the 44 45 area I do still believe however that uh there is a good possibility that this Gap is going to fill we still have very little liquidity here and uh but we'll see I like I like a firm I guess um in general at least for now but I would be very careful on how I trade this name if you got the move today the 8% fantastic that that was great um anyways uh next I do have if I can find it AMZN um Amazon so interestingly today I did decide I was busy today as well early I did decide to day trade this I actually made some money but it was um in my opinion a bad trade but let's cover this name first I was mentioning right on this area right here that we are probably going to be stuck on this range between the 35 SMA and the 200 SMA and whatever direction we actually break any of these um indicators is probably going to give us a momentum to continue going either up or down so if you were breaking the 35 SMA you're probably going to go up and if you would break the 200 em SMA you're still you're probably going to go down we had this uh support level and resistance level I guess as well at 175 we did Mount when it was resistance and now we went over 181 this looks great I think there is a lot of opportunity on Amazon right now I think we can uh expect maybe a continuation towards uh 190 and I would be very careful in that area considering the volatility that we might have in the next few days or trading sessions um other than that I think that Amazon is looking great today it was and you're going to see how similar this is to the Apple uh um chart so you have Amazon uh selling off in the beginning of the day I did get um a long position uh actually right on this area right here because I thought it was going to um reverse on that area so I did get some and then I did maybe I would say Chase probably somewhere on this area when it was flat so I was like well from here it's just going to start going up but I was very stressed out I was uh at this point I didn't have a stop loss at this point I felt like I was just holding the bag and I was like well what if this continues going uh down and you know anyways I started seeing green candles and let me Zoom this in a little bit more um and right in this area right here I was like okay this is going to turn my way anyways so we went up this way we went over the 35 uh SMA and then the 35 cross at 200 SMA I was pretty positive on that area but right around here when I was seeing this flatness on on the macd and the and the TSI I decided to sell somewhere in this area right here and I also had other things to do and I didn't want to be holding uh later today when I was uh working out I looked at where Amazon was and it totally went over uh this uh resistance level and it just kept going up anyways um the reason also why left this Trader around here was because this whole uh I guess time of trading for me was a little bit stressful and at this point I was like I'm not swinging this trade this is only a day trade I went out and even though I was green I considered this a bad trade because I should have been a little more cautious on uh my entry on this area even though it looked a little bit obvious for me but once things are flat like here and I was telling myself of just sell for like whatever minimum uh gain because I was a little bit green on this area and then uh re-enter later when when things look better but I didn't listen to myself and then I chased a little bit and I don't know it turned out to be an stressful trade uh I got lucky I would say or whatever uh and I got out and and then look at this fantastic move um which you know I was happy I was out for the reason that I was so stressed out in the beginning because I was just telling myself that I got into a really bad um bad trade uh I was just irresponsible I guess so anyways very nice move for uh Amazon is looking good on the day um chart I do believe that we can easily go to0 yet uh be very careful uh again um we could retest here that would be even better and then you move up but again volatility is going to be uh the name of the game for the next um week or so or maybe a little bit longer so that's what I have for Amazon and now let's move on to there's been a great trades or setups I was looking at at all this this whole list and it's been a lot of really good um setups let's take a look at uh Cisco and um CSCO look at this um I was I did buy put I think I mentioned this in one of my videos when did I mention Cisco last time um I think it was on Monday or Sunday um I don't see it here anyways but I did mention Cisco and um I did get some puts in this area right here it was pretty obvious to me basic upon the how the macd and the TSI look the RSI were was also already R down and and under the signal line and so I got in here and then I sold I think on this candle right here and then yesterday I did buy puts again because we were right on this with a really um with a nasty candle this dodgy very neutral uh under this um resistance level so what I thought was like this is going to continue going down uh I did sell today and I in this trade was pretty intentional especially in my exit I did get out right when we were going over the 35 SMA so um this was a pretty good trade in my opinion but I do believe if we go back to the one minute chart that [Music] um that there's still more room to the downside I would just let this cool down a little bit get closer to the 200 SMA again and see how this behaves now if the 35 SMA crosses the 200 uh SMA then I will leave it alone for a while but I do believe that Cisco is going to continue going uh down towards uh filling this Gap I would give it a little bit more time at this point but I do still believe that there is opportunity to the downside on Cisco just give it give it some time I would keep it on a on a short list to be honest let's move on to another name that I did by some calls right towards the end of the trading session and that is uh Google I really think there is a lot of GOOG opportunity um with Google and um let's go to the one minute chart because sometimes I measure my entries like that and I was actually getting in right on this somewhere in this area right here and was it was mostly coincidential I I just wanted to get in um so I should be green let me take a look uh no it's actually FL but you know red is like minus 1% so I was probably somewhere closer here anyways or somewhere around there anyways I do believe that there is a lot of opportunity for Google to continue going up uh let's go back to the one minute am I no to the to the daily chart where is it I was clicking the wrong um anyways the wrong screen um so yeah I do believe that we're going to probably move up my uh contracts are for October 11 which I'm starting to think that maybe I should have bought contracts uh with a longer expiration date so I might actually do that tomorrow maybe this December or January that's what I was saying in other videos I do believe that again there is a lot of opportunity for Google to continue moving up um these contracts since they are uh expiring in October I'm probably going to sell them within a week or so um so we'll see how we move I think that this trend this downtrend right here for Google is um um definitely a great opportunity uh for a continuation to the upside especially towards 1 uh 57 and then we can reassess once you get 157 you're going to be very close to the 200 SMA and that could be a level of resistance as well as the level 157 level um definitely opportunity here the weekly chart doesn't look the best but the daily chart looks like it's starting to take uh shape towards uh uh an upside uh move keep a close eye anyways again volatility is going to be uh persistent in my opinion then let's take a look at um where is this I want to go to where's the H let's take a look at HS that had a pretty good pretty good day actually today was HIMS it um yeah 5% I did buy uh calls these calls also expire on October 11 in one month from now um for HS they are um $15 that's my that's my that's my strike but uh now we are over the 200 SMA we are right on Resistance right now which is the 15 20 1530 I think if we continue here we're definitely going to meet obviously the two uh 35 SMA and then probably continue going here we have a little bit of a volume shelf here but I think if once we pass that this little Gap right here um we're definitely Pro we're definitely going to continue towards 18 there's opportunity here I'm just going to keep a close eye on my positions considering again that the volatility could uh turn things um against us pretty quickly uh macd and TSI are looking good I like when things get flat like this there's always a reaction that could go actually to the down uh um to either direction but in this case looks like it's starting to move up um I don't see a lot of volume but um but yeah I I like the mati here the TSI is also looking good and the RSI is not looking bad at all um volume is pretty much the same that has been in in a few weeks uh with the exception of a couple of trading days but other than that I do believe that HS uh is going to continue moving up um now let's move on to another name that might give us a little bit of an Insight of where the how the money is moving in my opinion I do believe that we're moving uh that the market is moving money from we are here wait somebody's calling um let's do JP Morgan and um JPM we had this um drop yesterday uh it was down almost 8% at one point but you closed at at 5.20 minus 5.20 and today we were slightly green almost 1% I do believe that there is a a rotation of um funds going from financial and insurance and uh some other sectors into back into maybe Tech and uh semi semiconductors um you can actually see this on uh if you go to Bank of America and you see also um city and Wells Fargo and uh some other names um you can see the downtrend starting now this um candle right here has a lot to do with Jamie Diamond uh announcing that uh he's already working on his retirement and the window for that retirement used to was five years and now he shortened that to 2.5 years to two to two and a half years so the market didn't like that he's an exceptional CEO and uh obviously that kind of news had a um a huge reaction on the sector and obviously for JP Morgan uh but again I do believe that we are seeing a rotation of money from one sector to another another sector that I think and we're going to actually look into this um that is losing momentum is at the transportation sector and let's take a look at uh LUV Southwest and um you can also see it here I did try to buy some puts today but unfortunately I did I buy no um we will for some reason even was glitching or something I just couldn't see um the options um on my screen so I didn't buy and I can wait until tomorrow we're still over the 200 SMA so actually if we continue going down um definitely there is opportunity macd and TSI are definitely telling the story then things are going down um at least on this chart but if you also go to American Airlines and Delta and spirit and all those a lot of them already showing indications of um cooling down from this type of moves like this really nice move that you see here so I might we might see a little bit of a cool down I'm not saying that it's going to be another uh I guess vshape downtrend or anything like that or inverse fee I guess but what I think is that there is definitely uh money rotating from one sector to another another thing that you have to keep in consideration is that um in transportation the price of oil is going down pretty rapidly so that actually is a good cataly is for this industry but anyways I do believe that um depending how things go tomorrow I might actually buy some boots for um Southwest and out of all the the airline uh tickers that I have on my list this is the one that looks the best um anyways uh what else uh let's go and take a look at this beautiful looking chart which is MSFT Microsoft let me take an out really quick look at this and I mentioned the same as what I did with um Amazon we're going to range here and then we are going to see Direction going in one way or another depending which indicator you break in this case we went down the 200 SMA and then we recovered very rapidly which was great went over with a lot of momentum yesterday and today so you had 2% yesterday and another 2% today let's take a look at a one minute and um and surprise surprise very similar to what we saw on Apple on Amazon um you are seeing it here as well so um the market was uh taking the news in in a very I guess coordinated fashion and then um it had a very nice recovery I I think that uh spy had a very similar move as well we're going to check spy later but um you can see this kind of flag right here a little bit and then moving back up you're very solid o over the 415 level which was a a pretty critical level in my opinion and you're over the two the 35 SMA um definitely we can probably see uh 431 in the upcoming days keep an eye on that macd TSI are looking great well I shouldn't say great but are looking good I like this kind of setup on the macd as well and uh the RSI is already on its way so um definitely opportunity here towards um 431 let's move on to let's take a look at NQ and um if you NQ actually pay attention to the Chart we had a very nice rebound on the 200 SMA just like what we did in the beginning of of August now we're over here 3 days later we are going towards this level which is 19.4 um we are over that 35 SMA we'll see what happens tomorrow maybe tonight and then tomorrow and um I think we're going to hit this level it would be great if we mounted if we start mounting then you can actually start thinking a little bit more bullish um the fact that September is historically a red month doesn't mean necessarily that it's going to be a red month month but uh again the the way I see trading I'm very paranoid and I'm always very very cautious anyways that's what I have for now on NQ uh you have to to mount this label at 19.4 now let's move on to this name that might bring us some opportunity uh and that is OCTA OKTA so had really bad earnings I guess I didn't even check the report um but now you have this huge gap another negative thing is on the 35 SMA and has crashed or is crashing the 200 SMA that's not very good however the macd and the TSI are starting to curl towards their signal lines this is um I feel like this is a little bit early to to take any positions you want to break this resistance level at 70 uh at 74 and then um we can start talking about um a long position I do believe that OCTA is going to recover um at least it's going to recover some of this move I'm not saying that it's going to fill this Gap anytime soon but I do believe that there is definitely opportunity to the upside if you mount uh 74 um again MCD and TSI are starting to move in One Direction but sometimes this actually kind of like uh forms like an S kind of shape and then continues to go down so I would wait uh RSI still um oversold but it's pointing up um it had a pretty decent day today 3.3% to the upside so let's wait on OCTA this is one of these things or this um I guess setups that um could get interesting if we get a little bit more of momentum now let's take a look at as I mentioned earlier let's take a look at spy um where are you spy right here SPY so look at this I did put this level well a while ago we had this level at uh 540 on Friday of last week we hit 540 we stay there and then throughout this week Monday um Tuesday went over the 35 SMA and today let's take a look at the one minute sell off in the beginning of the day just like apple and and Amazon and Microsoft um sell off in the beginning of the day you get you got right on this support level gee I wish I was looking at this name and then you just went up and if you actually go to Apple you have the same I just noticed that let's take a look at Apple really quick look at this you had the same move right here um it is not unusual um I'm I'm very familiar with again trading Apple I don't trade spy very often but maybe I should because um there's a lot of similarities on on how they behave so they went you know this went right to the uh support and then it started moving uh that 35 SMA cross the 200 SMA on that one minute chart and then it was used you know all the way up Amazon did something very similar as well on this um between these two indicators so um this is one of those things that uh Amazon has a very similar candle as well that you see uh the damage that the wig does but then you see the whole story that the body of the candle is telling you and then um I do believe that we can again continue uh to move towards 56 uh 65 magd and TSI are not looking uh bad at all they're kind of neutral but also pointing a little bit uh up and the RSI is meeting the signal line so I do believe that this recovery here was pretty solid there's definitely opportunity here um to the upside volume shelf right here is not that bad so uh I wouldn't be surprised and we have some uh a little bit more of a move up if uh well we have data coming up coming up tomorrow I think we have PPI coming up tomorrow but um we'll see I I think that that um the volatility again is going to be around but uh it's not going to be as terrible as most people thought um just be careful anyways and let's finish this with um with Tesla um if I could click on TSLA this yeah so Tesla let me take a quick note on this um what I said a while ago we were somewhere on this area I don't know is and we're going to range between uh 234 and possibly 1 86 another range that I had was 234 and uh 63 but then I you know as I was seeing that the behavior of the stock I was like probably we're going to range between these two areas now we're moving towards um 234 which is fantastic we just have to wait uh on this name magd and TSI are looking I guess decent um and I think if we get to um 134 with a little bit of momentum so if if we have another solid day I think um we might actually start covering this Gap let's go to the one minute I haven't checked on on Tesla today at all and well it's kind of similar but Tesla Trad is a little bit different it's more volatile and it's more violent but look at this it's pretty similar you also have this drop right here kind of synchronize and then the 35 SMA crossing the 200 SMA and then continue going up so it was a nice recover recover very nicely uh throughout the day so that's what we have for today guys I do believe that uh we just have to be cautious and we have to keep a very close eye on our positions and other than that there is definitely opportunity uh I think Nvidia was up almost 8% today so it wasn't a bad day I I I do think that is volatility is going to still around but um you know we might get some new good news um this month from the fed and uh from data tomorrow we'll see and uh that is going to dictate uh how we're going to um do between now and an election time so that being said finishing the video right now and I'll see you guys tomorrow thank you byebye

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