What's Wrong with Buildup to Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness at AEW Grand Slam | Busted Open

there's a lot here to unpack when it comes to Nigel mcginness and it comes to Brian Danielson one if you're not a Ring of Honor fan if you're not somebody that watch the product or are aware of this Feud obviously this has kind of been played out on aew TV niga mcginness on commentary is always poking the bear when it comes to Brian danelson the over over-the-top heel commentator especially when it comes to Brian Danielson so even even if you don't know about the Ring of Honor Feud you know that there's something between Brian Danon and Nigel mcginness that's one thing number two Tommy you just mentioned it hey you know he's talking about his theme he's talking about final countdown for Brian Danielson he eluded to the wars that he had with Brian danison well right then the only people that are going to know what you're talking about were people like me that 15 20 years ago were watching those battles with Ring of Honor between Brian Danielson and Nigel mcginness by the way aew now owns Ring of Honor I'm super excited about the match like I said I have to be there I have to be physically there in the building like so many times I was physically there in the building when they would wrestle at final battle in the in the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City you know I I I've seen them wrestle together at basketball city in New York I I I've seen them wrestling Edison New Jersey so for me especially in this area Queens New York I think there's going to be a lot of fans I actually think this is going to really help boost ticket sales for for Grand Slam between Brian danis and Nigel mcginness so on that note I'm super excited I think it's positive but here's the problem that I have with this and there's a couple issues that I have with this Tommy one is the whole theme what's that shocker yeah and I'm not being a hater here and I know people are going to say I'm a no I'm just I'm not being a hater I what I let me try to explain you before you say it okay you want it to be how it was and how it is special correct well I want to get into how they could make it special but also how they kind of contradicted themselves okay and I got a lot to say and I'm gonna say it here's the thing first and foremost I'm excited about Brian Danielson and niga mcginness you give me that match like I said I'm buying a ticket I want to be there that match means a lot to me the one thing I don't understand is how they're giving us Brian Danielson and Nigel mcginness and listen Tommy this is this is two-way talk so if anybody disagrees with me or doesn't you know doesn't like what I have to say by all means call in and let's talk about it I just feel a matchup like this with so much his history behind it and things needing to be explained this needs more than just one Dynamite before we get to Grand Slam and queens because that's all we're gonna get before we have this matchup is one dynamite and we I'm not even sure we're gonna get Brian Danielson for this one Dynamite like I feel like this is a matchup that you could build to because it's been 15 years since they've been in the ring together Tommy 15 years to me the greatest feud in Ring of Honor history in my opinion Nigel mcginness and Brian Danielson classic matchups but not like you said Tommy not everybody knows about it not everybody knows about the history it happened with Ring of Honor 15 years ago now aew owns Ring of Honor now so that means aew owns all the footage of all these matchups all these Classics that Brian Danielson and Nigel mcin have had together imagine the build that you could have for this match so you have like the chippy commentator with Nigel mcginness and now he loves to poke the bear with Brian Denon so you have that backdrop and that's going to be there but my goodness Tommy like how how you could dive into the the career paths that these two have had together Nigel mcginness just said it in the ring last night the success that you have had that should have been mine well explain it to me let's go step by step what do you mean by that I'm a 20-year-old aew loyal fan what the [ __ ] are you talking about I don't know show me tell me the story between Brian Danielson and Nigel mcginness show me that story explain it to me so the 53y old Dave L GRE is excited and obviously I am but get the 23-year-old aew loyal fan to be excited about this matchup show me the history give me vignettes show me the clips of their matches tell me what what happened to Nigel mcginness I don't know I mean I know but the but the fan doesn't know what happened with Nigel why did Brian danielson's career Skyrocket where he had WrestleMania moments in front of 75,000 fans and why is Nigel mcginness on commentary explain that story to me tell me take the time to tell the story so that not only is the 53-year-old Dave lrea excited for this matchup cuz he loved ring of honor but everybody who's watching aew is excited for this matchup Tommy can I Counterpoint you please okay I I honestly Tommy hold on I I don't know what you could possibly say to counter what I just said I I cannot I don't think I've ever been more eagerly awaiting you speaking than right now because I can't imagine how you could possibly counter what I just said but please try Okay number one we have Rampage and collision to tell those stories as well as the next Dynamite [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] last week 125,000 people watched Collision all right nobody the you a a piece a a fraction of your audience watches Rampage and collision so I know no already I'm disqualifying what you just said because I don't need it being told to me on Fridays and Saturdays it needs to be said on Wednesday on your main show on Wednesday nights that's when this story needs to be told but continue I didn't mean to interrupt you and I get it you're very passionate about this match uh wasn't Collision on Friday this past Friday yes so it's a change of time you're going to see a dramatic itic uh ratings decrease the Rampage is usually on Friday night so what does that tell you about that I understand um and SmackDown was a a finale um okay wait hold on I don't buy into this Smackdown a finale of for what Smackdown was finality for what the last time it was on Fox oh okay my God by you just like arguing with my Tommy point point Tommy Dreamer on that one point Tommy Dreamer on that one okay so I have Rampage collision and another Dynamite to get to me here get me here correct okay three shows okay and then another Rampage Collision right before well yeah you got so you got Rampage Collision this weekend and then you got Rampage so I have technically so I have a lot more than what you're saying it's only one week and more representation and I have representation on uh digital to tell a greater story um that would be one thing uh for that the other part I don't know if this is just a one-off and if it is a one-off cool then hang on David if it's just the oneoff cuz here's the other part of it he's an announcer that's how he's perceived though he's a wrestler he had one match but he's also an announcer so I don't know where they're going to go with it and Dave if it's where they want to go with all this stuff if you're going to continue him to have a wrestling career I don't know the other part I'm not going to go say in 2024 that I had a health issue you may have because then everyone's to say what was that health issue and then it's going to go is he safe to wrestle it it's going to dive into a lot of the the negative narrative but you don't have to you don't have to stay this you're saying what happened here what happened there I want yes we I hey he did not go to the WWE he went to TNA he became Desmond wolf there's a lot of story that you could tell here you could tell one announcer for the WWE for a long time that was that was well past the whole turn from him going to TNA and being Desmond wolf and then Brian Danielson going to WWE his career skyrocketing well that's a big chunk of story you could tell compelling story that you could tell plus probably 15 years it's probably two possibly three all right then why have the match to judging from what you're then why why are you completely derailing one story to have this match at at at not I'm happy for the match and I think it is a pro I thought you were going to go how is he getting a title shot like I thought you were going to go that route um oh I we will get we'll get there but I'm excited about well more like the whole theme of the opening of the show was like Hey you know Brian Danielson can't go you know he can't have a match at Grand Slam he's out so I'm daring you to put your one your number one contendership on the line against me on the show that you were supposed to be wrestling for the aew world championship and The Story Goes that way and then 30 minutes later oh but Brian Denon is gonna wrestle uh on Grand Slam in Queens New York just not the match he was supposed to have but it's going to be a match with Nigel mcginness and they show the graphic though it hasn't been officially made they still showed the graphic so completely just derailed that too that I would agree would be a little wonky though I've heard iron lungs work really really well lately uh they speed up your recovery process um uh that would listen that's my only kind of I again I think you're so attached to this that like this was WWE's version of ew you're diard you're loyalist you're talking to me about this and it was I want it this way but then someone else was the boss so I couldn't have it that way and I I get it but we had you know Darby's going to wrestle Moxley and Nigel mcginness is going to wrestle uh hopefully Brian Danielson um and that I mean they gotta give you Nigel mcness Brian Danielson after what we saw last night correct what are they gonna do say Brian D said no so we're not having that match he gotta give us that match now you know what also I'm thinking I put that match on First and I do the Young Bucks Osprey Fletcher last to make you upset not really but just I would make upet but I give that match 15 minutes thank you we're here especially if it's just a one-off Brian Danielson and Nigel mcginness could be one hell of a story that would get everybody that's a main event for a pay-per-view and it should be a main event for a pay-per-view because Brian Danon is your aew world champion why is Nigel mcginness just automatically gonna get a match against Brian Danon in what world what what was in that rolled up piece of paper that he had that he went against Brian Danielson this is where I have problem with and I have problem with why people give matches or you know I know it's we go to the word police when there was the rankings all that stuff number one it's I would always say well it could be Champions prerogative the other part is he went to management and he told Tony Khan I want to have this match and think of all the times in wrestling again that you grew up watching I just talked to Matchmaker uh I'm talking Bill Watts here I just talked to Matchmaker whatever his fake name was um and he's making this match for next week Hacksaw Jim duin's gonna take on uh hacksaw Butch Reed in a helmet match because or hey I just got off the phone and and the wrestlers wanted well you and when they also said you know it was Bill Watts promotion and Bill Watts was was over had no problem with it then I don't have a problem with it now obviously people do um but they cancelled one match though they just they just said that he was not able to wrestle on that show so they went a completely different Direction with the true number one Contender to have a match with somebody who has who hasn't wrestled in a singles match in over 15 years uh listen uh I said I agree that is wonky unless didn't Moxley say I want that title shot and Darby yes he said me that title shot and if not we're going to fight for it he wants to wrestle him for the number one contendership and that happened before MOX I'm sorry before this announcement correct yeah because he was like hey Brian Danon is unable to wrestle you at Grand SL he can't wrestle you well that's the heel also saying that that's not an official announcement that's the heel saying hey I just kicked his ass he's not going to be there old school that baby face shows up you don't do that anymore because people would get so up in arms of I'm not going to get this match until it happened that night and there's also promota bles all that stuff Dave I I get it I understand it but then wait really quick Tommy Tommy they're taking away one match to give you another match they're taking away one match to give you this match that is Brian Danielson and Nigel mcginness correct me when I'm wrong right they're taking away one championship match to give you Brian Danielson and Nigel mcginness right they must be doing that for a reason the reason is is hey man Brian Danon and Nigel mcginness we believe as box office Tony Khan was a big Ring of Honor fan he now owns Ring of Honor they own all that footage Brian Daniels Nigel mcginness one of the greatest feuds if not the greatest feud in Ring of Honor history classic matchups so we're taking this match away we could always go back to that match but now we have an opportunity to give you Nigel mcginness and Brian Danielson which I by the way am completely on board I could give a [ __ ] less about Darby Allen and Brian Danson Moxley Brian you giv me Nigel mcginness and Brian Danielson I'm on board baby I'm on board like I said I'm buying a ticket but dear God the Epic story that you could tell leading into this match the footage the promos back and forth between Brian Danielson and Nigel mcginness the story as Nigel brought up Tommy I didn't bring it up Nigel brought it up last night about how one's guy career skyrocketed and the other one fell flat and he said that should have been me I should have been that guy well tell me why tell me the story why I would love to hear why Nigel mcginness needs this match wants validation by having this match and telling me the story of what he just planted the seed of last night in the ring on Dynamite plus you want to know something Tommy I agree with n mcginness if you went back to 2008 and you told Dave lrea hey who do you think is going to be out of Brian Danielson and niga mcginness who do you think the WWE is going to pick up who do you think is going to be maining a WrestleMania one day and who's going to be one of the greatest superstars of all time and one of the greatest wrestlers of all time my answer in 2008 would have been Nigel mcginness would have been Nigel and I remember Tommy in 2009 me and Doug mortman did a show where we took specific Ring of Honor wrestlers that were on the top of the card and we guessed about who we thought one day could be a main eventer in the WWE both Doug and I pick Nigel mcginness not Brian Danielson and look what Brian Danielson is now regarded as one of the greatest wrestlers in the world may have had one of the greatest WrestleMania moments of all time Nigel mcginness was Desmond wolf in TNA and a commentator tell me the [ __ ] story man tell me the story because I bet you most of the people watching Dynamite don't know that story I bet you there's a big portion of the audience that's listening to busted open right now that doesn't know that story now you got one Dynamite between now and then to tell that story and you can throw out all the Rampages and collisions you want their a show is dynamite you're going to give me this match after waiting 15 years and this is the build that you're going to give us shame Jame let me ask you this was it Brian danielson's fault Brian Danielson left the industry due to neck and uh head injuries correct Christian left the business due to a head injury um Edge left the industry because of spinal stenosis uh all this stuff where there's an injury and it would be caused by this person or this match I could get it where when we say this happened but then you're like where did their careers go differently it's not Brian danielson's fault it's nobody's fault so I get what he was trying to build to because it's this great match or I just sit back and when I'm going through my own personal hell I have to watch your personal success there's a big difference in that instead of blaming it on because it's not Brian danielson's fault listen when two people are on equal planes and then one becomes a you you success and the other one doesn't the one that doesn't become the you success is going to probably point the finger of blame on the person that did become a big success why them and not me very few people look in the mirror and say all right what did I do wrong wh why did this person that I wrestled with and had matches and wars with why did their career go in One Direction and mine go in in an opposite direction there's going to be jealousy there there's going to be blame there there's going to be anger there how do I know just listen to Nigel mcginness on commentary whenever he does a match that involves Brian Danielson you hear the anger and Tony Shani will say why why why why why do you hate Brian Danielson so much well now you could tell that story this is why Nigel mcginness hates Brian Danielson so much this is the exact reason why and Tommy they own the footage Tony Khan owns the footage right now as we speak Tony Khan has tapes of Ring of Honor tapes and tapes of Ring of Honor final battle lad Wars all these tapes piled up and he's got his feet on top of it he's sitting in his chair with his feet on top of all these piles of tapes that he now owns because he owns the Ring of Honor Library use it use it to tell me this story on why need to watch this match

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