Reaction to Drew McIntyre Attacking CM Punk on WWE 'Monday Night RAW' | Busted Open

you know we saw the match the strap match on Saturday between Drew McIntyre and CM Punk CM Punk gets the win Michael Cole you know first televised win for CM Punk in the WWE in 10 and a half years pretty significant victory for CM Punk on Saturday and hey you know Punk got the win and and you know in a brutal fashion in that strap match so now we're thinking it's all over and then all the speculation you know everybody on the internet everybody's talking even here on busted open over the weekend what's next for CM Punk well everybody thinks hey CM Punk going after that World Heavyweight Championship and going after Gunther and that was the Scuttle butt and then what do you know CM Punk goes into the ring last night and talks about hey I want to go after that World Heavyweight Championship which was always the goal for CM Punk going back before wrestle Mania 40 and then just like that at the turn in the drop of a dime you get that Claymore from Drew McIntyre that knocked Punk's shoe off the Claymore think about it it knocked the shoe off for CM Punk and that wasn't enough it gets brutal from there Wade Barrett actually tried to get involved because they talked about the friendship between Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre and even Wade Barrett because Drew was so incensed and so angry he just gave Wade Barrett the [ __ ] you and continued to beat the [ __ ] out of CM Punk and then what was the story they used that bracelet as part of that story how you know CM Punk was able to get that bracelet back from Drew McIntyre with AJ's name on it and Larry's name on it and then Drew destroys it and then shoves it down the throat of CM Punk now you know how to get more brutal than a strap match I think we saw that last night on Monday Night Raw bully what say you my friend I loved what I saw last night on so many levels uh first things first I think it was one of your Genius co-hosts that suggested a couple of weeks ago that Drew McIntyre should destroy the bracelet of CM Punk whoever that Co co-host was you should give him a gold star and a smack on the ass because whoever that guy is they listened to him I love the destroying of the bracelet because what the bracelet means to CM Punk it doesn't have to be a gold bar it doesn't have to be a million dollars it doesn't have to be a World Heavyweight Championship it is a 50 Cent bracelet and breaking that bracelet breaks CM Punk's heart shoving it down his throat is like ramming it up his backside great stuff Dave you've heard me talk about the past about unlikely Heroes when I'm seeing a baby face a beloved baby face get beat up and nobody comes to save him that tells me that nobody loves him now when I talk about nobody come to save him I'm talking about fellow wrestlers but sometimes I talk about the men at the announce table like how come like if I would have ever see Michael Cole and I've given examples about this in the past like if I ever saw Michael Cole jump up and cover somebody because as a human being you just can't stand to see this other person get beat up anymore and you put yourself In Harm's Way I love that we saw that from Wade Barrett last night yes Wade Barrett is a former wrestler who could probably get in the ring if he had to again but now his responsibilities are at the announce table and he has a friendship with Drew it is a natural fit a former pro wrestler who's as big as Drew McIntyre who understands what's going on in Drew's mind at that very moment understands the beating that he's giving CM Punk uh Wade Barrett understands how important Punk is to the WWE right now tries to get involved and calm Drew McIntyre down and not even he can do it which lend credibility to how much Drew has really flipped off flipped you know flipped out because if his Bud his fellow countrymen can't stop him who's going to be able to stop him and I love that nobody's able to stop him everybody thought this was over I loved the swerve Dave when I called you at 8 o'clock last night to talk about uh the new announcer um Joe tesor will you also said hey Bubba this is an important show because I think Punk is gonna start going after Gunther they had the hook in your mouth is that they had the hook in just about everybody's mouth and right at the end Punk starts to go hard on Gunther Gunther I'm coming for you I'm gonna take your Championship you better be ready and then bang out of nowhere yep there's Drew holy [ __ ] so like I said so many levels and once I saw once I saw this and I'm just going to throw this question out to you guys because I threw it out to the nation last night and got bombarded Ed on social media now that we've seen last night we've saw what Drew did to punk what type of match would you guys like to see Punk and Drew involved in next I got over a thousand comments on the old Twitter machine a thous 1,00 comments on this what people thought but I'd love to know what you guys think after we hear from Nick and his breakdown of the segment yeah yeah and really quick before we get to that bully because I do want to get to that question I want the nation to get involved in that question so get your phone calls in Now 877 344 4893 877 fight 93 I want to throw to you Nick not only about what you thought of the segment last night but like I just love like you just said earlier about Joe tesor where Joe tesor is like I'm not going to pretend that's not Drew McIntyre the guy's four feet in front of me of course it's Drew McIntyre it's not some random fan I love this structure too it's like we're usually used to all right that was the blowoff match now now we move on now punk goes in One Direction and Drew McIntyre goes into another Direction why after what we saw on Saturday Drew McIntyre should be more pissed off than ever before after what we saw on S like logically and again that word logic and a lot of times we don't use that word when it comes to pro wrestling logically what we saw last night makes absolute sense absolutely and and in our world forever it didn't which makes it even funnier yes any other time in the wrestling business a few years ago we don't have Punk come out we have Drew come out and go this ain't over brother you got me once I got you and then you go okay they're going to a third match it'll be a gimmick match it'll be cool blah blah blah blah blah that sounds great we're so used to that it's burned into our brain instead you have people like Dave who look pay attention to the vibe online or what the rumors are and it says oh he's going for the world title he comes out and cuts a promo on the world title that is just that step so far it's not a swerve it's just going about the exact same story they were gonna go to a third match to a big payoff but we do it in a beautiful way that gets people just a little bit more lured in to going okay that's what I want I want to see punk as Champion I want to see him as world oh okay that's the rumors that everyone's talking about this is perfect and then you do like B said just out of nowhere boom we're right back to Drew so we almost legitimately did a reversal of how they would normally go to it and just that alone stood out I go man I love that we we we know it's Drew McIntyre who's five feet in front of us even though he's wearing a hoodie we know that we're not going to get the exact same way we've always gone about going to a third match going to the rubber match going to the gimmick match and paying it off we just got a little step here and there and every step of the way you do that it's that's something that happens in my head when I'm thinking when you're going to do a superplex off the top rope I love when you don't just put somebody on the top rope and you hit a superplex you have someone go up to the top rope and you stop them and you fight them and sometimes they push you back down and you get back up and then you get them halfway in the air and then they stop you again and they turn it around and they're G to Power Bomb you you turn like there are so many ways to get to just where you're going but the story is so much more meaningful when there's other twists and turns and they make sense and I love the way they absolutely did that and I I won't go first on what the the third match should be because I got some ideas but I'm very curious to see what you guys say also yeah and and and Nick and we're going to get to that but bully what do you always say here on the show you preach shock and surprise you know a lot of times Monday Night Raw was the opposite of shock and surprise it was cookie cutter to the point where you knew exactly when they were going to go to break you knew exactly how they were going to start a show and you knew exactly how they were going to end the show here we are we're so programmed that this is what's going to happen this story is over so now let's start a new story and you kind of forget everything that just happened two or three days ago but that's not the way life is that that's not the way it should work but still we were so programmed by what we've seen the last you know five to 10 years bully that Drew McIntyre actually shocked and surprised us and it shouldn't have this is something there's so much anger and animosity here but because we're programmed a certain way we were actually surprised by what we saw last night just to follow up on what you said about the word programmed I I I don't mean to bring this into the conversation but it goes back to the conversation that we have with aew sometimes about how aew is trying to tell better stories but they programmed us to watch their show a certain way the WWE also programmed us to watch a certain way a very cookie cutter way now we get things like we've gotten last night and we love it as a huge fan of rock and roll that first note of that first chord of that first song means something to me that's what's going to shock and a me that's what's going to grab me by the throat and let me know you're about to see something right now you're about to hear something and when Drew hit Punk last night bang that was that shocking a that was that grabbing by the throat and it continued and it continued on the gurnie the blood in the mouth everything that did every little piece I've seen a lot from Drew McIntyre and CM Punk already and with the way wrestling fans attention spans are these days it would be very easy to be for fans to be like H we're getting more and I'm like yeah we're getting more after last night I'm so ready to see the next chapter in Punk and Drew just by what they did last night I don't even care who I don't even remember what the finishes are of the other matches it doesn't really matter because all I remember is what happened last night and last night they reset the whole story and and the way they told the story in the strap match immediately Drew McIntyre let you know that he didn't give a [ __ ] if he won that match or not he didn't care it was about beating the [ __ ] out of C M Punk well if that's the message he's telling you at the beginning of the match on Saturday why would his attitude change by the time you got to Monday it's not about wins or losses here it's about anger and personal animosity there's no championship title on the line here it's personal that's what makes that this Feud so special because it is a blood and guts feud between these two speaking speaking about speaking about that I saw one little thing last night you know I always talk about the tightening of the screws this was small but it would have been a nice little connector we saw Pierce in the back talking to Kofi and Pierce was in a really good mood with Kofi but 15 minutes earlier the whole Drew and punk thing had went down Pierce's demeanor with Kofi should have been a little bit different in that moment Pier should scatterbrain like what the [ __ ] just happened here correct correct and that's what to to me that's what turns a good show into a great show a great show into a phenomenal show but those are just the little things that I appreciate so much like at the top of the show when Nick talked about Nick last week talked in five seconds he talked about yeah when Josh Alexander's blown up he looks down he he walks to the left and I was like that's the greatest thing I've heard in years like those small things really really entertain me yeah and I think Nick that this that this whatever this match is going to be and we're going to dive into it and we're going to get the calls from the nation as well it makes sense because I thought the strap match on Saturday was it was a good match I actually like the match that they had at SummerSlam much better in my opinion and and you know Punk got busted open just a little bit and by the way Michael Cole maybe take a note from your former uh you know your former armor partner at the at the desk and it's not busted up it's busted open who [ __ ] says busted up you know CM Punk is busted up no he's busted open don't be afraid to say it Vince isn't gonna yell at you it's a different era now he didn't want to infringe on your trademark maybe he didn't want to Pat McAfee would put us over to the Moon he had no problem saying bust it open and then as soon as McAfee is gone he says bust it up please that's like when he turned around my Bojangles cup at an ounce all the Bojangles cups to light up except the Dudley we turned around you know what and I don't mean to pick up on these things but that's why I love the busted open Nation because I go I go on our Facebook page which is the most toxic place on the face of Facebook I go on our Facebook page and like they're like Michael Cole hates busted open reason number one he's got the Bojangles cup and he turns bully so that the cam so that the camera is not on Bully that's evidence piece number one and then he says bust it up instead of who says Bust It Up nobody says bust it up I think Michael Cole dislikes us and I need to know what I want to know why I want to know why Michael Cole hates us so much get him on the phone get him on the phone right now Paul do your job get him on the phone get him on the phone I want to know why he hates us as much as we as he does but but Nick this is this is another aspect of pro wrestling we love again surprise didn't see it coming and then now we continue on with the feud and what bully just said is 100% right nobody's saying like another match nobody say now it's like holy [ __ ] I can't wait to see that next match and and to say that without a title on the line without a championship without some kind of other than the bracelet being involved there's no like title to win and much like that match where Drew won that first one and then Punk came on top drew the story here is they hate the hell out of each other and almost always in the old days you'd come in like oh one guy won one the other guy's gonna win the other one we're gon get to the third one and then we'll see what happen like exactly like you guys both just said everybody goes yes it's not over with so you even not only did they go about it the opposite way that we're always thinking instead you know having Drew saying this ain't over blah blah blah you cir you go around that and just do two more steps to get us to the exact same match that we already wanted to see and now we want to see it just a little bit more than we originally did and then now we know that it's a blood Feud that there they're kicking the hell out of each other strap match has already been involved and now you get to speculate where do they go because in this rubber match this truly does probably finish it so how do they end the ending of the biggest thing going on except for the world title match and and Dave what I'm about to say I'm I'm kidding but I'm kind of not kidding I want to see Larry bite McIntyre's ankles and AJ kick him in the balls yeah I was just gonna say you know do we need to see AJ in this scenario may maybe we do maybe if you really want to get even deeper and get even more personal maybe we see The Return of AJ Lee to the WWE we were talking earlier about the full circle stuff with Josh Alexander and how Josh tried to bully um uh Nick which is exactly what I did to Josh and how did I bully Josh back in the day I dragged his wife over the guard rail and I got what I wanted out of it I love deep storyline like that where people involved AJ has not been around in a long time AJ a beloved female beloved wrestler amongst the WWE Universe you bring AJ Lee back into the mix and people will the emotion will flood into this storyline like like you wouldn't believe it's the it would be the perfect icing on the cake for emotional investment into into this whole uh story what do you think Nick uh absolutely and I was gonna say I again I don't want to get into what match we're going to until it's time for us to talk about that but the first thing that popped into my head was one of these two matches and involving AJ and it doesn't even have to be the buildup because of the idea of there that you don't have this physical title or Championship you have this bracelet and everyone says 50 Cent that you said it's worth 50 cents but it's much more meaningful in our business especially when it becomes it's bigger than championships when you go family stuff everybody goes oo and when you get into that extra special this is very serious business that's the first thing I was thinking of I was like how do you get the dog here I'm like AJ would be great and we don't need a run in we don't need her hitting a a hurricane we just need her as all you do need just one little piece is her supporting her husband or being there you can get to wrestling and all that other [ __ ] later this is beyond that at the moment and I would love to have again without going into the match that I would like to see that's where she gets presented and that's where you go finally Punk who doesn't have anyone in his Corner allegedly and it's the underdog because dra McIntyre is such a bastard and huge and jacked that now you have one more piece that now all of a sudden Punk cares that much more the bracelets been broken shoved in his face he's been jumped again again uh even with that win again like Bubba said you don't who cares who won those two matches let's get let's continue seeing the real life story of these people and delving farther into their characters and of course if you're going to keep mentioning someone's wife you should have the wife at some point for a payoff Dave or you know yeah Dave yes McIntyre is looking for Punk he can't find them finds Punk's dressing room decides to walk in Punk's not there but Larry is Drew walks in closes the door behind him and just by Nick's laugh alone I know I'm on to up the that's all you need Drew's alone with Larry oh my God is he gonna treat him like Mr Fuji treated uh you know somebody's dog back in the day is he going to make stew out of Larry like and you listen you you know this bully a lot of a lot of people care more about the pet than they do actual human beings I I live believe me I live with somebody who feels that way as well so you know what they actually should do they should have they should have drew uh home invasion and then stalk a oh no wait that would make him a baby face but you know what they actually you know what they you know what they there are four in the mix Four John Wick movies purely based on someone's dog getting taken and I we know what we're laughing at already but you know but you know what they actually people care so much more about their dogs I I believe me there's a lot of animals I prefer over people that's 100% yes but you know what but you know what they've done which is unbelievable is they've made CM Punk sympathetic think about that I mean here's you know two weeks ago you know we did a bully where people's perception is is punk a cancer is you know what what Punk is able to do sometimes with his attitude and now look at after last night they made him a sympathetic figure and when is CM Punk ever been the sympathetic figure on your TV I I don't even know if you can go back to Ring of Honor days and May and say that uh Punk was your syp a sympathetic baby face but yes it's true true you feel bad for the guy and it's because of a 50 c bracelet that means something to him we haven't seen from his wife we haven't seen from his dog all we know is that he likes to wear his wife and his dog's name around his wrist on that bracelet and now that's been destroyed shoved down his throat there's so just when you thought there was no place left to go in this story there's actually more places to go in this story than they have had in the past and and Nick you you have to be able to go to that next level you know bully and I have talked so many times over the years like all right they're here but you know what you if you if if they go here they go to this next level imagine what they I can't see the WWE doing that but boy imagine what what would happen if you went to this next level what we're seeing is them going to that next level we're seeing things that we don't normally see something as simple as blood that's something for years and years we did not see in the WWE but we've seen it in this story you know can they go there can the WWE go that the answer is yes Nick they can go to that next level they can and again we we have uh almost like handcuffed oursel to C this certain reality of the wrestling world or how raw is going to be or what the rulle are what as far as they can go and knowing that even just with this story so far there's more pieces and they've gone about it a different way and to just to take us out of the comfort zone so I really think they can go to that next level and they possibly will if it's Vince and 10 years ago and you're in there going I would like to do this and we're gonna we're gonna hang his dog up in the air and it's he's like we can't do any of that stuff no absolutely not here's what we're going to do you're going to roll them up with the tights and you're like oh okay so like uh you get to a point to where you're past championships you're past the personal issue you're on to another level there is a legitimate chance this can go to a bigger and more realistic legitimate suspense thriller movie with people and animals on the line I I I Bully's laughing I'm a little afraid going to bully right now because he's got that look on his head I'm almost afraid but but go ahead it's it's listening to it's listening to Nick describe going into Vince's office with this great idea that you know is going to work that you're willing to bet your contract on your home on it's the greatest idea and he just goes I think you're just G to roll them up pal you walk with the with the tights and you're you're gonna hug and you just walk out of there they're gonna booy out of the building so deflated I remember you Matt Bloom who's doing a phenomenal job down in NXT I remember him standing outside of Vince's office one day and he was the steam is coming out of his ears Matt Bloom is 6 foot5 350 pounds he's got more steel running through him from all his piercing he is a big bad mother trucker and I'm and I'm like brother what are you doing he's like I got to talk to him I got I'm going in there and I'm [ __ ] Bubba I'm gonna say this I'm gonna say this and I'm goingon to say this he came out of Vince's office and I said how did it go and he said I'm the Hip Hop hippo and I went what he go yeah I'm the hip-hop hippo now oh there's a portion of Matt Bloom's career where his character was the hiph Hop hippo yeah that's what it's like to go to V's office sometimes and just come out like you just went through the Twilight Zone so that little piece that Nick just gave us like I had PTSD like complete flashbacks and the the the real part is you do you go in there to pitch this like serial killer piece to your story and you end up regressing to an even more Tamer version of the match because he got to think about it for a second more and you go oh no you you come out as the hip-hop or something like that that's that is heartbreaking my God but you have like you're just trying to make one like one little more piece that'll make it stand out it's so different and it goes above and beyond I'm gonna I'm gonna cut a piece of his ear off and walk on there and it's gonna be [ __ ] I'm gonna walk around with it on a necklace it's gonna everyone's gonna lose their mind and he [Applause] goes and he just and you just get talked doubted just like how about if you poke him in the eye before you pin him and you're like it's kind of the same like yeah okay it's kind of the same but like not that that's not his like he had millions of ideas just I wasn't you know you're not on top so you're not you shouldn't be I shouldn't be cutting kofi's ear off in our middle of the card match but you do have these crazy ideas and then instead of just having like this cool match we have a finish we now have a you know a thumb to the eye that we have to force in for Kofi the good guy there's something interesting and it's just like you walk out of there not just defeated not just tricked and turned back around but you're 1% back far further away behind the aball than you were originally but Nick and Bully it it is a fine line and you know they made the story about this bracelet because you know hey CM Punk doesn't show that side of himself very often you know we we know he's married and we know that he has this dog that he loves and both those names are on that bracelet that a fan gave him you know he expressed it and to see a little bit of a a little bit of emotion from Punk is extremely rare so we know how much that bracelet means to your point like in the Vince McMahon era I'll use an example the Dean Ambrose Chris Jericho Feud where it was about a plant but the plant there was nothing about that plant it became a gimmick it became like a fun thing that fans would chant so yeah they're more interested in this potted plant than they are about Dean Ambrose Chris Jericho the match that they're having or the story because now it's just about a gimmick plant and it's a goof it's very easy to fall into to that like goof area as opposed to it being an object that has a lot of emotion behind it which is what we're seeing with CM Punk in Drew McIntyre but I can see you got I feel bad because I think that's I think a lot of people who are listening can relate to having a boss that's just [ __ ] clueless at times where you know the direction of where you want to go as an employee and they look at it completely different and it doesn't do for you anything for you personally so I think our fans can actually relate to some of the stories that you're telling

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