Prophecy Brief: The form of the Temple in the Tribulation

okay thanks for uh coming in and joining this is a great question that came from Troy hi Pastor Brian very much appreciate your ministry thanks for your insights is your view that the temple spoken of by Ezekiel in chapter 40 to the end of the book The Temple in the Millennium uh if that is the case you would think Orthodox Jews would want to build the Third Temple I.E the one in the tribulation according to these very specific and detailed blueprints versus from my understanding what might be starting now in Israel just something I was thinking about that probably only calls for speculation in Christ Troy uh thank you for the question Troy and thanks for the kind words I appreciate that I I do hope these posts are uh are helpful in some way um okay uh let's turn to Ezekiel chapter 40 and we'll just read the introduction to what becomes a description and a rather detailed one really of of some Temple that Ezekiel has shown and so let's look at chapter 40 just the first handful of verses in this introduction um where Ezekiel in the 25th year of our captivity at the beginning of the year on the 10th day of the month in the 14th year after the city was captured on the very same day the hand of the Lord was upon me and he took me there in the visions of God he took me into the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain on it toward the South was something like a uh the structure of a city he took me there and behold there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze he had a line of flax and a measuring rod in his hand and he stood in the Gateway and the man said to me son of man look with your eyes and hear with your ears and fix your mind on everything I show you for you were brought here so that I might show them to you declare to the house of Israel everything you see now there was a wall all around the outside of the temple or the house in the man's hand was a measuring Rod six cubits long each being a cubit and a hand breath and he measured the width of the wall structure one rod in the uh uh and the height one rod and he it goes on from that point on we now begin to again see this again rather elaborate disc uh discussion and description of a temple structure uh or a house of worship for God so um this has uh this this by the way just by way of a little bit of History uh Ezekiel like Daniel is and and Jeremiah to some degree uh uh at some point during his ministry um these uh these are known as what are or what are known as exilic prophets in other words after the southern two tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by B and um uh these are those that preached during that period of time uh in Daniel's case over the course of a number of different Kings and that um uh and and in their preaching they talked often about the coming Deliverance of Israel and the glory of their Kingdom uh that would one day come and such that Kingdom has not yet been realized it's not been established and so therefore much of what they have to say uh in regard to the future is even still future in our day and one of those elements uh is this description in chapter 40 I believe so to answer the one question yes I do think this is a temple that is being described that will be situated during the millennial Kingdom uh now uh to further explore this question that Troy raises it's a very very good one um there is a movement in Israel today to build a third Temple and uh there is the temple Institute uh which was has been around for a long long time I mentioned in a previous post that when uh my wife and I and a group from our church back in Illinois uh were in Israel uh this is a cool trip we actually were blessed to have Don Stewart uh leading that group and and Don was just wonderful and so this was a great great trip and uh and among the things we did on that trip was we went uh to the temple Institute which we didn't get to see all kinds of stuff but we did get to see a number of things um that that demonstrated you know that they were in action they were trying to uh prepare uh what they could for that time when it would come uh they were already doing the genealogy of of uh of those of the House of Levi so that they could um begin to reestablish the um the priesthood and all those kinds of things so uh there's a Temple institute there's also another group uh uh called Third Temple they got a website third I'll put a couple of links down there you can check some of that out um so the what they are Desiring to do is to build a third Temple now about this Temple that they're longing to build it is uh it serves a number of purposes number one uh uh since 70 AD the Jews have not been able to um to to practice their religion Faithfully according to God's prescription in the Old Testament uh when the temple was destroyed in 70 AD under Titus vpan uh and Israel was dispersed uh that brought an end to all of the offerings and such that were taking place in the temple during that time so for you know 2,000 plus years or so there's there's been uh there there has been no ability for them to do that which was prescribed and this is a major problem and so uh you know they now have days of reflection and things like that rather than being able to offer their sacrifices as they're supposed to be able to again under under the old Covenant so um their desire to build a temple will allow them to rejoin in in the eyes of many to rejoin those practices um another element to this is that the temple is being uh thought of is not a temple only for the Jews but a temple for the whole world and so therefore their intent is that this would be a place for people from all over the world to come and to connect with God as it were as as a a place to worship so it's pretty murky regarding the idea of it being a temple that is really just designed to help Israel worship their God uh but it's actually going to be somewhat of an ecumenical temple in many respects and so that's the design by some at least we'll see uh in the days ahead it will become more clear as to what that will ultimately be but this is a really really really really important Point uh in any discussion about the temple or any fervor that that not only Jews but even Christians in regard to escy when we uh talk about the temple and the idea of a a move to build it and of course nowadays with red heers and all this kind of stuff that uh that that is of course you know kind of adding fuel to this we want to make sure we remember that this Temple that will be built uh is an Abomination because uh it is a complete AB concrete rejection literally I mean if it's a Concrete structure uh it is a standing rejection of the finished work of Christ by God's people his Chosen People Israel who are in the land in unbelief and this Temple will be built in unbelief um they will claim to be believing in in their God but they have rejected the Messiah whom he has sent and he was ultimately again crucified so and so they are living in unbelief and when they build the temple it will also be built um in unbelief as well so this is not a temple that uh that we really should be uh urging the building of because it's it's essentially akin to inviting them to demonstrate on full display their their disbelief in the finished work of Christ whom God has sent you remember uh when someone asked Jesus uh you know what are the works what are the works of God that I may do them and Jesus said these are the works of God that you believe in him whom he has sent and so um this this Temple of course is going to stand in opposition to that truth and so um on the one hand we are very excited at the prospect of the scriptures being fulfilled God's word in regard to what he has said is going to be coming uh and of course all that that will bring with it the the coming of Christ to establish his kingdom and such but when you read the scripture and let me urge you to read them at face value primarily again we we we talk about this from time to time uh there are allegories there are metaphors there um there is symbolism there is typology in scripture but there is a I think misguided tendency to sort of lump uh eschatology into this realm of not being able to be understood where it's all kinds of symbols and allegories and such and so therefore uh nobody can really know what's in view I really don't agree with that and and wholeheartedly don't believe that um uh and and the reason I don't is because Jesus kind of squared off with the Pharisees on this point at one at one point in his ministry when he told them that when you look at the sky you can tell the signs of the weather what kind of a day it's going to be but you can't you don't seem to be able to discern the signs of the times in regard to his first coming in other words they were supposed to be able to tell when his coming was upon them uh and his his his his appearance as Messiah his presentation as Messiah um he would uh one example is when uh John the Baptist's followers came to him asking are you the one or should we look for another Jesus points to of the scripture and the description of what the Messiah would do and say and said go back to John and tell him what you see in here in other words everything the scriptures said about me is happening and so therefore you should know the answer to your question the scriptures tell us what the conditions and the um circumstances surrounding the Messiah and his first coming and the ministry that he would perform uh these things are made clear in scripture I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume that when the Bible talks about jesus' Second Coming that somehow now all these things are just unable to be understood or discerned I would say that we likely should expect that Jesus would expect us to be able to tell about the second coming in the same way that they could about his first not only that but I think there are scriptures that that plainly describe uh a timetable for his first coming Daniel chapter 9 uh veres 24 to 25 24 and 25 describe uh the timing exactingly of his first coming and likewise uh there is mentioned there there's a way given a starting point uh the the confirming of a covenant that we can know from that point the time of a second coming uh so a lot of people don't realize that but when Daniel gives this prophecy in Daniel 9: 24- 27 he actually gives the starting point and the arrival point of the Messiah in his first and second coming so this is an important thing for us to familiarize ourselves with but all of that all that to say that we should not just sort of throw Bible prophecy in regard to last things sort of in this bucket of of well we don't really know what's being said there's no way to really understand these things it's all symbolism and stuff it's all happened already because clearly this isn't meant to describe uh real events or anything like that well I'm sorry but no I I disagree with that completely um when the Bible in Revelation 13 talks about an antichrist and a false prophet and uh and the return of Christ in chapter 19:1 I don't think any of those things are expect expect to be taken uh allegorically I think that is a description of something to be aware of when the time comes and again there are other things too which I'll talk about here a few of those in a moment but the temple that is described by Ezekiel I don't think is the one that they're going to build that will be the temple in Tribulation I I think it is the one that will stand in the Millennium when Christ is reigning but that being said to try's point why would they not want to build this Temple this coming Temple using Ezekiel 40 through 48 as the blueprints essentially well to some degree they are uh when you look at the designs that have been put together for this Temple you can see that there are there seems to be sort of a connection with what um with what the temple has been historically but you could see some connection there to the ideas that are raised in some at some uh in some ways with Ezekiel 40-48 but that being said it's it's not uh uh it would not be uncommon for uh for the chosen people people of God Israel in their unbelief to reject very plain teaching in scripture and so for them to sort of go off and do their own thing is sort of consistent with what they've done in the past whether it's in regard to mic thinking and talmudic thinking and other things that sort of have added to the scriptural understanding it's not that unusual to think that they would sort of Imagine doing the temple a little differently than what they might see in scripture and that's of course presuming that they do see Ezekiel 40-48 as being the temple that they're supposed to build uh and so there may be varying understandings of that as well but that being said um there will be a couple of things here I want to point out there will be a third Temple and when I say a third Temple what I mean is the first temple would have been Solomon's uh the second temple would have been the one built under uh Herod the well actually under Hagi and Zechariah and Ezra Nehemiah and such um That Was Then built upon by Herod that would have been the second temple era and then the Third Temple would now be this future one that is uh that is um um the the the preparing for is underway um I I would say you would not be in unstable ground if you decided you wanted to include the Tabernacle as sort of the among the list of temples and that and of course from a spiritual standpoint you could uh describe other things that may sort of uh U fall under the heading of Temple and that kind of thing Peter talks about how we are living stones being built up to a holy habitation and that kind of thing but strictly speaking from an architectural structural standpoint uh typically we Mark the ideas of the temples by Solomon's um uh the one under Hagi and and and such and then this third one coming that will be the one that is then standing in the time of antichrist now why do we believe that there will be a temple standing in the time of antichrist because I think the answer to that is because I think there are passages that make that clear I'd like to point to a few of those here just to give you some things to consider and to think about um we read a little bit of Ezekiel who describes a temple but let's consider a passage that I just mentioned a moment ago in Daniel chapter 9 uh in verse uh I'll I'll leave it to you to read the entire 70E prophecy in Daniel 9: 24-27 but for our purposes I just want to focus on Daniel verse uh 9: 27 where it says here then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week uh but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abomination shall be one who makes desolate uh even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate now that's Daniel verse chapter 9: 27 this now is a description of something that takes place in this final week or Shabu or 7-year period of time that Daniel uh is describing in this this there are 70 of these and he's now describing the 70th the previous 69 led up to to uh started with the rebuilding of the the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem uh and and it ends with the coming of Messiah the presentation of Messiah to his people and ultimately he would be then uh killed but not for himself as the passage foretells um and then the 70th week seems to still be future from us now just to answer some questions that come up there because there are those that would hold the 70th week already happened during the time uh of uh of uh Titus vasia in that the problem is that the argument goes something like this is that there's no mention in this prophecy between verses 24 and 27 where there is necessarily a break between the the uh 69th and 70th week uh and so therefore the 70th week must have happened after the 69th week uh well here's the problem um the first 69 weeks are continuous there's a a command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the coming of Messiah The Prince and those weeks are seen as being a unit that happens continuously there does seem to be mentioned here this idea that there's in some way uh a difference between the S weeks and 62 weeks that make up the first 69 but there's there's not generally held to be any gap between anywhere between those 69 weeks and so part of the argument about the 70th is that the 70th therefore of necessity must follow follow after the 69th the problem is this is that the 69th week ended with a presentation Andor the crucifixion of Messiah I would say the presentation of Messiah um but even still even if you pushed it a little further and said his crucifixion in that which I don't think is accurately understanding this but even if you did there still is historically then therefore a gap between 33 is AD or so and 70 AD there's about a 40-year gap in other words the 70th week in that understanding does not actually happen in continuation after the 69th week so in other words if you're if someone is holding the view that there's no Gap in any of these weeks there's no these weeks happen continuously you are actually allowing for a gap between the 69th and 70th week you're just not allowing for 2,000 years you're just allowing for 40 years I would say that that's that doesn't that's not consistent um it would appear based on the passage itself that there is a starting point to that 70th week that has yet to happen no the passage doesn't say that there's a gap but history seems to indicate that there is how do we know because Titus Vespasian did not uh bring about an abomination of desolation like we see later described in Daniel um secondly um um uh so in other words that the events of 70 AD don't really fit the description of the abomination of desolation Jesus matter of fact in Matthew 24:15 just to kind of continue on this because Jesus points to this prophecy by the way I should mention too in Daniel that uh not only in chapter 9 uh verse 27 but also in uh in U uh chapter 10 U verse uh where is it here I'm sorry not chapter 10 chapter 11 um read it here too chapter 11 uh verse 1 also 12:1 there's mention again of this idea of the abomination of desolation in Matthew 24:15 Jesus describes that this uh abomination of desolation will be standing in the Holy Place well what is the abomination of desolation it would appear from John's writing in Revelation that this is an image that is made um the uh we'll read the passage in a moment but it's interesting that this is a thing that Jesus says will be standing in the Holy Place well that didn't happen in 70 AD the temple was destroyed before anything like that could happen and so uh in in uh according to what Jesus himself said not one stone will be left upon another and so when Titus and the two Roman Legions came the temple was decimated and so therefore the idea of an abomination of desolation standing in the Holy place never had never took place so the idea of that being fulfilled Still Remains open um so in other words John is not describing that in Revelation 13 Paul is not referring to that in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 the event has not yet taken place incidentally just to kind of continue that thought sometimes uh it is pointed to um antioch's epiphanies as having fulfilled Daniel's words in 165 BC that's obviously not the case because Jesus mentions the abomination of desolation as yet being futureed to his time 165 is years after uh uh Titus U Antiochus Epiphany so uh I would argue that we're still waiting for that event to take place even today so that means the 70th week is also still waiting to happen there is there's also no confirming of a covenant or any of those kinds of things back in 70 AD so when the Antichrist comes on the scene it will become evident that that's who that is not to the World by and large but anyone who is a student of scripture when that Covenant is confirmed how will we know that the Covenant is confirmed lots of covenants get confirmed people have been pointing to Trump as being the Antichrist because of the Abraham Accords or other things like that well how will we know well we don't know this for certain but in in Daniel 9:27 um let me go ahead and read the passage here uh in Daniel 9:27 don't don't think I actually did read it I meant to uh it says this uh again then he shall confirm a covenant with the many for one week but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice an offering I did read the passage but I didn't go back to here where I wanted to uh and on the wing of Abominations one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out upon the desolate so the idea is that there will be sacrifices and offerings again but they will be brought to a halt in the middle of that 70th week so that 70th week or that last 7-year period of time is marked is the beginning of that is marked with the confirming of a covenant with the many among whom and in particular includes Israel we know that because verse 24 of the prophecy says these 70 weeks pertain to Daniel's people in the holy city in other words Israel and the Jews and then here in uh verse 27 The Mention Of sacrifices and offerings to Daniel would obviously mean that there will be Temple sacrifices well that's that has not happened since 70 AD so when that Temple is rebuilt there will be offerings and sacrifices in it and the an Christ or the uh this man of well in 2 Thessalonians 2 we see him referred to as a man of sin the son of predition let's turn there actually we've already gone to Matthew 24 why don't we go ahead and connect now uh 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 I know I'm moving a little bit quick but I'll put those scripture references there so you can begin to enhance your own personal study of these things in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 notice um what Paul has to say about this now Brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him we ask you uh not to soon be shaken in mind or troubled either by Spirit or by word or by letter as if from us the implication being that somebody has written to them claiming to be Paul teaching them something a different than what Paul had been teaching them and now he's clearing it up Don't Be Shaken by these things that you have heard or have read as though the day of Christ had come now verse three let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come until unless the falling away comes first some see the falling away or the word apostasy is what's there as a falling away from the faith or others including some of the early church fathers saw this as a reference to the Rapture of the church and so there is the thought that this could be a mention of the Rapture or a departing from the faith people that at least in part were confessing to be Believers or they were churchgoers of some kind but they have left the faith they have walked away from that kind of thing from from anything relating to following Jesus but let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and this and the man of sin is revealed the son of predition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is god notice here Paul is saying that one of the indicators of the day of the Lord uh or that will precede the day of the Lord's coming is this idea that there will be a man who goes into the temple of God and declares himself to be God and demands to be worshiped above all that is called God um and it goes on I'll encourage you to uh to go ahead and read the rest of the passage again there's there's mentioned here about the uh that I another reference later that I think certainly talks about the Rapture and all that kind of thing I'll encourage you to go ahead and read the passage in its entirety on your own as you always should for context and everything but here the idea of who this one is um and one day he will be revealed once the restrainer whoever that is is taken out of the way my contention is it's the Holy Spirit as active in the church uh when the church is removed then the Antichrist will be revealed now uh in concert or connection with 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 now let's go to Revelation CH 13 uh where there is further description of this event and this and this person uh chapter 13 uh uh maybe I'll go ahead and just read the whole chapter here it's not that long but I'll encourage you to study the chapter in more depth on your own but again for our purposes here then I stood this is John writing uh then I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns by the way this imagery goes back to Daniel chter 7 um when we see this imagery here this is one of the reasons why people think that um this is all allegory and therefore we can never really understand it could me mean anything and and when you take it allegorically you're right it could mean anything however we have the benefit of knowing that this imagery is exactly what is used in Daniel chter 7 and fortunately Daniel when he sees the imagery says what does it mean and then the angel explains it to him so we don't have to wonder what this means and I'll encourage you to read Daniel chapter 7 with this I'll give the sort of short version of it as we make our way through um so seven heads and 10 horns and on his horns 10 crowns and on his heads a blast his name uh this would be represent representative of Nations and Kings who will ultimately give their power to the Antichrist in the final hours in that uh for a short time I should say and so that's who this is from this conglomeration of Nations arises one who ultimately will be the leader again we call him the Antichrist now a beast which I saw or the Beast which I saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power his throne and his great Authority and I saw one of his heads by the way the mention of the animals in that there that are uh representative of of of this of this Beast again Daniel chapter 7 we see the the definition of these things this description in Revelation chapter 13 would seem to indicate that this leader who will rise up will seem to be sort of like the culmination of all of these kingdoms he will be like all of them combined when he rises up uh and I saw one of his heads uh as uh as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed in other words the Antichrist will seem to have been killed but he will be healed and ultimately will rise seemingly from the dead I say seemingly because there are those that think this uh maybe just sort of it may appear that he died but didn't really and then there are others I tend to fall more in this camp that he did die and actually rose from the dead uh he is a counterfeit and so he will draw the world after after himself uh by doing the same thing is again I don't know for sure if he'll literally rise from the dead or if it'll just appear that way but this will be like the resurrection of Christ again Satan and and is and the Antichrist and the false prophet uh really make up sort of a counterfeit Trinity and they they they attempt to do something that is familiar to the World At Large but yet is not the same thing that they should be believing in other words in Christ they're actually following after this fall version of that so they worshiped the dragon uh who gave authority to the Beast and uh and they worshiped the Beast saying who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him so they're actually worshiping Satan who is the dragon who is empowering the Antichrist because he gave power uh to bring back the uh the Antichrist from the dead he was given a mouth speaking great things and blaspheming uh blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months or 3 and A2 years years so in other words this takes place at the Midway point of the tribulation in other words at the Midway point of the 70th week when he causes offerings and sacrifices to cease Paul seems to describe that event taking place and John now describes that event taking place in further detail so that being said then he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name his Tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven it was granted to him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and Authority was given him over every tribe tongue and nation and all who dwell on the earth will worship Him whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if anyone has an ear let him hear he who leads into captivity shall go into captivity and he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patient and Faith of the Saints and then it goes on I'll encourage you to read the rest of the chapter on your own the false prophet is uh is uh is brought up and then we get in verse um uh uh uh uh verse 14 he deceives those who dwell on the Earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the Beast this is the false prophet telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the Beast who was wounded By The Sword and lived and he was given power to give breath to the image of the Beast that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the Beast to be killed he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark in their right hand or their forehead so that no one may buy or sell except for the wi who has the Mark or the uh uh or the name of the Beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man his number is 666 basically read the chapter so again I'll read the rest of it but so the idea is that there's a very very strong description of what the world should expect in the days ahead so when we read these things we can go one of two ways we can uh sort of allegorize everything and just sort of feel like we can't really understand and so all these things must mean something else again I would strongly urge you not to adopt that particular mindset uh because as we've been saying a lot lately eschatology matters if we don't think we can understand last things that's going to impact the way that we see the world around us the way we interact with it the way that we understand uh very important various parts of scripture in that rather this is I believe intended to be uh given to us so that we would understand and recognize that the world is moving in a very particular direction and so therefore we should be ready for the Lord's return uh I didn't get a lot into the Rapture today but I believe that could happen at any time the second coming is obviously getting closer and closer because again if we take the scripture at face value we can clearly see that events the scripture describes are taking form around us we don't set dates we don't uh any of those kinds of things but to sort of turn a blind eye away from what's going on in the world around us as if it really doesn't bear any resemblance to what the scriptures talking about I think is sort of naive I think that we should rather instead dive deeper into these passages of scripture so that we might have a better understanding now there are other events that need to take place before any of these things happen um uh obviously Ezekiel 3839 is still on the horizon uh meaning that also very likely Ezekiel 28 is still on the horizon and maybe even coming right around the corner uh there are those that debate about whether uh Psalm 83 is description uh of of a of a war uh in and around Israel taking place is fulfilled yet or not if if not then that's also coming so as these things unfold we want to be watching we want to be living in expectation of Christ coming for his bride the Rapture I think has no prerequisite events uh requiring it um I know people have varying degrees of where that might fit in God's uh purposes and plans I don't know I I don't see anything in Scripture that tells us that the Rapture cannot happen before I finish recording this and so uh I think it's a healthy thing to live in the regular daily expectation of seeing the lord it's a great motivator and Jesus made the point of saying it's a slothful servant who says my master delays is coming there's always the anticipation to be looking to be waiting to be expecting and there's always the strong discouragement about saying he's not coming for a long time uh matter of fact Peter talked about that didn't he when he said you know there going to be those who are going to scoff they're called scoffers by Peter okay they're going to say well where's the sign of his coming and everything things have been going on like this since the fathers and all that and Peter says no no no no hey you know time is irrelevant to God thousand years like a day a day like a thousand years time means nothing to God in regard to how much time has gone by rather we should understand that God is going to do things in his timetable to accomplish his purposes in his way so let me encourage you on that same in that same way in the same token that you too would be living in the expectation of seeing Jesus that you should uh that you would apply yourself to his purposes and plans as your priority rather than sort of just assuming it's going to be a thousand years from now or something no I I really I I obviously have no way of knowing exactly when Christ will come for his bride no one does but to think that it's like thousand years from now does not seem to make any sense at all uh so that being said um regard of the temple uh I will again put some links there I I will leave all these scriptures there for you to go ahead and do some homework on and uh and and dig in and let me encourage you to do that so Troy thanks for asking the question appreciate that thanks for uh bringing that up and giv me an opportunity to go ahead and uh and and touch on that so if you have any thoughts or questions you can always share those on our YouTube channel in the comment section or if you would like you can also uh email us at info@ Calvary Chapel or if you want to go to our telegram Channel at Parson pad podcast uh we can interact that way as well and so we post these videos there as well so thanks again for watching and listening father we do thank you for giving us your word we thank you that there is great hope in the expectation of Christ's coming help us as your children the church the body of Christ to be living in such a way as to uh as to be ready when he ultimately comes to collect his bride uh ultimately we know he will also come and establish a kingdom that uh he will rule and Reign and we will come back with him when he returns to establish that so father we just pray that these these um understandings of scripture that which the your word has to say about these things would light and fuel a fire within us to be living uh even as Peter said you know how should we then live if we are living in expectancy of these things well father help us to walk as Jesus walked in these days to uh be a light uh of of his of the truth of the Gospel in his name may we walk uh as as trophies of your grace so those around us might see that you are still working in the hearts of men and transforming and saving and so father help us to be part of that uh that Outreach of yours uh that uh in your desire that none should be lost but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth we know not everybody will but father we don't know who will so help us to be available to you uh for your purposes in that regard thank you Father we uh bless you and praise you and uh we love you and thank you for all of these things things in Jesus and of course father we pray for Israel too uh goodness uh many of them will you know are going to want to build this temple in disbelief and unbelief father we pray for um for your chosen those uh who will ultimately come and believe we know that the Bible speaks of a Remnant who will be saved so father for our part help us to play our part in your purposes and reaching those that you've covenanted with so we love you father and thank you for all these things and we just Praise You In jesus' name amen

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We pray amen you'll open your bibles to 1 corinthians chapter 10 while you're turning to 1 corinthians chapter 10 i just want to make note i meant to say this before we started this morning in your order of worship um i will go back to exodus 32 uh in in my message uh i don't know if we'll turn there... Read more

Mosquito Borne EEE Virus Deadly No cure Plagues Michigan End Times News Update thumbnail
Mosquito Borne EEE Virus Deadly No cure Plagues Michigan End Times News Update

Category: News & Politics

A sixth person has died from the triple e virus here in michigan the most recent death was in berrien county county health officials aren't releasing much information only that the person died on saturday night the victim was one of two people who contracted the virus in berrien county overall there... Read more

the battle is the Lords! #motivate #christian #inspirational #faith #God #upliftedfaith thumbnail
the battle is the Lords! #motivate #christian #inspirational #faith #God #upliftedfaith

Category: People & Blogs

Choose fellowship with god daily try to learn what pleases the lord and have nothing to do with the things done in darkness walk with him walk with him for life Read more


Category: News & Politics

E e e e e e e e e e e e [music] brought to you [music] by in this video you're going to see the future line approach toward immigration and that is because uh usually the democrats uh promised immigration reform and latinos were attracted to that promise but that promise never materialized now they... Read more

President Russell M. Nelson 100th Birthday Commemoration thumbnail
President Russell M. Nelson 100th Birthday Commemoration

Category: People & Blogs

Welcoming remarks ♪♪ >> president dallin h. oaks: brothers and sisters, we welcome you to this birthday celebration for our beloved prophet and friend, president russell m. nelson. president nelson, we love you and are honored and grateful to gather to honor you on your 100th birthday. [applause] we... Read more

Prayer For Haiti thumbnail
Prayer For Haiti

Category: People & Blogs

Oh sovereign lord i lift up haiti to you may every heart experience a face-to-face encounter with christ turning from darkness to your light grant that each person may repent of sin and embrace a life of service to the poor and needy let love for you and for neighbors burn brightly in every soul teach... Read more

Game Day Sunday Featuring Jake Fromm thumbnail
Game Day Sunday Featuring Jake Fromm

Category: Nonprofits & Activism

[applause] [music] [music] oh man that was good y'all we've already had church this morning i'm telling you hey would you welcome jake from to the stage jake we're so glad you're here today man thanks brother thank you so much for being here today but have a seat we're going to have a conversation we're... Read more

Is KSL Just a Church-owned Tabloid Now? thumbnail
Is KSL Just a Church-owned Tabloid Now?

Category: Entertainment

So i just want to get something straight here you're the guy you're the one that got the apology out of ksl this is the second time in one month i've done a news article about some stupid leftwing woke thing that ksl the church-owned news outlet has done and it makes me think if i'm batting two stories... Read more

Daniel Balavoine  - Tous les cris les SOS -  First Reaction thumbnail
Daniel Balavoine - Tous les cris les SOS - First Reaction

Category: Music

Intro hello my beautiful and amazing family alex rodriguez here and welcome back to my channel and now i'm bring a new singer here in my channel so the subscriber uh send me a link to react a french uh singer unfortunately he already passed away but the subscriber told me that he is one of the monuments... Read more