Category: Education
In this country we have every kind of people presidents prime ministers cricket captains anybody can be anybody according to their talents just go around in this country and see the whole godamn country is islam it's a shame when the condition of the country is like this everybody shut up and support... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[applause] sure we're going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what i think we should admire ambition in each other [applause] [music] Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Douglas mhof is an american lawyer who has a net worth of $8 million doug mhof became the second gentleman of the united state after his wife vice president kamla harris was elected alongside joe biden in november 20120 significantly he is the first second gentleman in us history as well as the first... Read more
Category: Education
नमस्कार वेलकम टू स्टडी आक मैं हूं प्रशांत धवन नाउ जो थंबनेल पर हेडलाइन लिखी है यह पढ़ के आप में से कुछ लोग हो सकता है कि यह सोचे वेट यूएसए इंडिया को कह रहा है कि अपने देश में रशिया न्यूज़ को बैन कर दो मतलब यूएस डिसाइड करेगा कि कौन सी इंफॉर्मेशन इंडियंस को मिलनी चाहिए या नहीं मिलनी चाहिए वेल हाल ही में यही हुआ है यहां पर आप देख पाएंगे द हिंदू का आपको आर्टिकल दिखेगा यूएस कॉल्स ऑन इंडिया टू बैनिंग रशियन स्टेट मीडिया नेटवर्क आरटी देखो अभी... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Trump bragged how proud he was to get rid of roie wade over he took credit for it he said there has to be punishment for women exercising the reproductive freedom his words not mine he described the do's decision as a miracle maybe it's coming from that bible he's trying to sell whoa i almost wanted... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Pleas Read more
Category: News & Politics
यूएस इलेक्शंस की पहली डिबेट में बाइड को बुरी तरह डिस्ट्रॉय करने के बाद लग रहा था कि ट्रंप के लिए प्रेसिडेंट बनने का रास्ता आसान हो गया है लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है हाल ही में हुई दूसरी डिबेट में सरप्राइजिंगली कमला हैरिस ने डोनाल्ड ट्रंप को हरा दिया है इस डिबेट में कमला हैरिस ने यूएस की मिडिल क्लास को टारगेट करते हुए अपने फ्यूचर प्लांस रखे जिसमें उन्होंने आम आदमी को घर देने की साथ ही स्मॉल बिजनेसेस को कम ब्याज पर लोन देने जैसी बातें कहीं और यह जरूरत आज के टाइम... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Whoever he may be i kept every single promise i made to the workers of pennsylvania to every other place within our country on day one i withdrew from the unfair job killing transpacific partnership and if i didn't do that you wouldn't be open right now you wouldn't have a job that was a big thing it... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So north carolina two nights ago donald trump and i had our debate you watched it did you watch it and look i believe we owe it to have another debate right we owe it to the voters because here's the thing in this election what's at stake could not be more important on tuesday night i talked about issues... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
For 20 years they were fighting isis i defeated isis in four weeks i got rid of isis 100% 100% of the isis caliphate and we had no wars and we stopped wars we weren't getting along Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] well hello and welcome to what amounts to football heaven it doesn't get a whole lot better than this the conditions utopian the sun is high in the sky it's a truly beautiful afternoon and the crowd reflect that their faces hopeful their smiles beaming levels of excitement and expectation... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
They need the job so badly and if they did that in new england the prices would come down half just with the pipeline alone they were getting their gasoline and their energy from a place called russia ships would pull up on the east coast russian ships and that's where new england got it from and they... Read more