Sadhguru’s Bold Warning to Indian Citizens | A Strong Warning for the Future | Sadhguru Darshan

in this country we have every kind of people presidents Prime Ministers Cricket captains anybody can be anybody according to their talents just go around in this country and see the whole godamn country is Islam it's a shame when the condition of the country is like this everybody shut up and support the government [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're talking about actual intolerance or the debate that's happening if you're talking about actual intolerance if you're talking about intolerance in this country obviously you never traveled outside this country you don't know how the rest of the world is this is the only country left on the planet where everybody can do what they want to do and say what they want to say 1.25 billion people we have our share of nut cases of course every country has we have our share at least you must understand this in this country we have every kind of people presidents Prime Ministers Cricket captains anybody can be anybody according to their talent or their capability or their ability to be there for one reason or the other what I'm saying is this is all I think I'm not a fan of any particular political leader or a party for that matter but all I saying is 600 million people are still hungry in this country today you may go home and may have a choice of what to eat there are 600 million people who have to choose whether to eat or not to eat okay when this is the condition when a government gets elected maybe I didn't vote I voted for somebody somebody elected somebody majority of the people elected a government once they elect them next 5 Years everybody shut up and support the government whoever it is it's it's not about it's not about who got elected whoever got elected 5 years just shut up and support that government in every possible way if you're interested if you have some Humanity in you just go around in this country and see the whole godamn country is Islam yes or no it's not just in cities the entire country is Islam believe me they neither have water nor toilet nor anything nor anything okay when the condition of the country is like this you have time to talk about all these things it's a shame it's not about intolerance intolerance it's lack of humanity in Europe doesn't matter who we must understand democracy means it's the rule of institutions once you elect someone this is an electoral institution once you elect somebody you elected the devil it doesn't matter just support the devil next 5 years this is what democracy means I don't like him so I will pull him down this is rubbish when the people of the country elect somebody just shut up isn't it if all of us don't learn this this is not a question of Tolerance intolerance it just smacks of lack of humanity in US because such a large mass of people still have not fulfilled their fundamentals what are we talking sitting here in cities just walk around in the Villages and see what is the condition of Life there intolerance I'm very intolerant of this [Applause] [Music]

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