Florida Gators Fans GO CRAZY For DJ Lagway!

I know I know know know all right guys welcome back to another Vlog if you guys enjoyed last week's Vlog you're definitely going to enjoy this one we're playing Sanford tomorrow what's going to happen we got football Gators W all right guys so we're about to go to McDon whenever the camera's picked up again we'll see you guys Trumper camalo DJ lagway if DJ lagway walked in right now what are you saying to him hey sexy you think DJ lagway is going to lead us to a national championship oh yeah this year we're winning the NTI and you all day hell no are you guys just friends or oh no definitely just friends so you guys watch football Stanford versus UF what's going to happen I'm going to be camping Samford is good they are not good at all they used to be good they were really good last year they're not good anymore we're going to lose we're going to lose you're we in a Manchester United House man you all did I'm kind of a Man City kind of person I feel bad for you it's r r time DJ live way is going to make us 11 and one how do you lose the boss in college yo is lagway the next Timbo oh yeah yeah lway next TBO bro what they talking about we're going to fing b s what would you say is the best part about Gainesville compared to FSU FSU like you can leave and go back to Gainesville and Gainesville you can like not be at FSU liveway is a [ __ ] dog the chicken bake or the double chunk chocolate cook what the f how many touchdowns is DJ liveway throwing for no no that ass he's BNS tripping oh no when FSU plays UF what's going to happen DJ D is so much better I go to Florida state that he's ass bro DJ lagway not dj ukulele lock the DJ week two here for the Florida Gators Florida and sford I've never been this hyped to play against sford I know they're pretty bad but DJ lagway is getting his first start of the year so it's going to be a crazy game why take us to the fuing promis land what the is sord up you they can't beat Georgia Tech I actually like that this you are you betting on the game yeah how much 50 if you lose that 50 what are you going to do crashing out the first game we're going to win everying game after that how do you feel about DJ lagu he's getting his first start today who are you betting on tonight's game I bet on SF can you name one Gat his football player no she's here for the tailgates it's okay if they threw you in the game how many touchdowns are you scoring I'm scoring five touchdowns I got hurt I got hurt what do you guys feel about DJ lway who s we're going to put sord 6 feet underground how do we feel about DJ lag I play with him all the time in NCAA he's the [ __ ] truth's aing man I'm betting you don't make it to the game I'll be there I'll be there everyone's saying fire Napier I think he's him like can we can we hear some words of encouragement from nap for sure I don't with Billy Napier we're going to win the national championship in basketball if it's up to Cooper josephburg we're winning it all would the Gators be better off with you coaching oh absolutely I'll call the plays and we're going 12 and0 lagway is the next t [Applause] GJ lagway throwing some absolute bombs I mean I love Graham merch but it's hard to not want to start lagway after this [Applause] performance did you say Neymar is the greatest Gator of all time yes yes if you've never been to Gainesville and you do come come to McD's Gainesville it's the best bar by far what do you think about DJ lag yo he's aing goat baby Neymar had 500 passing yards today how do you feel about that but I did not know that bro that's cool as though next week we got Texas A&M what's going to happen blackway is going to throw over 500 yard Tex are the only thing they got his barbecue they got no [ __ ] bro what would you guys say is the most underrated thing about UF the students know how to party what would you guys say is the biggest turn off in a guy not being funny what if someone's just not funny then like no go came down and said hey if you die tomorrow the gator win a National Championship I would die tomorrow what's your favorite thing about gain that every woman looks the same if DJ lagway walked in right now what are you saying to him I saying DJ save my season I need Daddy DJ rematch in National Championship you at first Miami baby what's your name money money money yeah money yo money is a tough name bro hell yeah this is hard we're win The Natty let's go would you rather win the lottery or watch the Gators win a Natty I probably got a better got a chance of winning the lottery than the gator winning the NY if you did win the lottery what would you do with the money get the gator a new head coach DJ lagway had a great game today so how do you feel about him who it's a DJ he's not a DJ who's your favorite man united player he's Garn natural right now oh you're a casual you're a casual you're a casual all those what I follow his account bro who's starting next week Grant Merz or DJ lag DJ he's the Savior go Gator what's the best frat here Fel it bro why why F Fel it Fel is tough playing Texas A&M next week we're going to have another fire video for you guys if you guys enjoy this video please hit the like button that helps a lot also comment down below who should start DJ L gr Merz and I'll see you guys next week [Music]

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