Florida Gators Football - Official 2024 Pump Up [HD]

how much pressure is on Napier here I think there's more pressure on Billy Napier than any SEC football coach and likely any college coach in the country this may be the toughest schedule I've ever seen in college football I want you to wrap your mind around what I'm about to tell you Florida plays eight teams this season with a preseason win total of eight and a half or higher I've never seen that before I do not remember ever seeing that before Graham uh I'm sure you know where the media has been obsessing and that's on the schedule uh I would think as a player you're you Embrace a schedule like this yeah I think kind of what I said earlier it's it's opportunity and if you're a competitor if you if you play this game I mean you want a schedule like that you want to get everybody's best you don't want a schedule that's the easiest schedule in the country I mean that is uh that's not why you play the game that's not why you come to Florida it's no different than I tell a recruit Hey listen you got to be up for the challenge and you take on this type of leadership challenge you got to be up for that right we all signed up for it I wouldn't want it any other way and I would tell you there's a hunger in there to get back and be a consistent Championship Contender the kids that are on our team now they picked the University of Florida and our staff and we pick them and the makeup of our team is different and it will be very obvious as we start playing thist Under Pressure it as he throws just lost it up and it's an interception meanwhile Deon more rolling into the secondary takes it down inside the 20 backside pressure Merz flings in in zone and a strike was fired to Trey Wilson for the touchdown that was beautiful surang Hees it deep double coverage intercepted inside the 10 Castell uh-oh Johnson takes off the no are called a timeout and Johnson might make a pay makes a cut and scores R maker taking too much time and he'll be swarmed at the 15 by wson 400 lbs got home BN rolling out over 40 in what a catch touchdown arless boing hand empty backfield Jefferson the pumping backside pressure the ball comes out slant there's a first down Wilson is going to score touchdown and sck Tyreek sath got him the pressure ends up getting home here but look at both sides Gator Nation the moment is upon us let the sun set and The Showdown begin because the Gators will congregate under the lights in the swamp a living breathing deing force of nature it's time to lock lock the gates and eliminate all hope because there is no easy way out over 990,000 are about to let the country know that you can stand this team up to the gates of hell and we won't back down Gator Nation are we ready to rise together are we ready to fight and battle bringing every last ounce of energy we have believing in and who we are defending our house and silencing the critic because there is no quit there is no surrender there is only Victory so let's freaking go [Music]

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