Did I PREDICT the death of James Earl Jones on 9/9? The Moon / 'Vader' Riddles abound...

what's up everyone today is September 10th of 2024 my name is Derek and in this video we're going to be talking about the death of actor James Earl Jones at the age of 93 James Earl Jones passed away yesterday on September 9th the date written in all parts of the world as /9 now this was pretty fascinating to myself on my Rumble Channel which you can find Linked In the description down below I made a video last week on September 5th about the high school shooting at appalachi high in Georgia and about 40 minutes into that video I start talking about James Earl Jones and how he is numerically connected to this shooting which we will explore shortly but the number of focus that really brought me to James ear jones in that decode was the number 99 and you can find this post linked below as well from September 5th that shooting had a lot to do with the circle and the pie code and Jimmy Carter who is the only president from the state of Georgia where the shooting was is 99 years old and then I noticed that James Earl Jones was born during Brown lunation number 99 the date September 9th is the birthday of Brian pilman Jr who shares a birthday with the 49ers player who was just shot now I didn't exactly go so far as to say that James Earl Jones would die soon but this is sort of what I was implying with this video and you know I I have a little bit of a a crisis of of sorts when I look at this stuff because you know I don't necessarily seek to predict people's deaths but it's amazing what these numerical patterns can show you and for instance if you look at my browser history from September 4th right after we learned of this school shooting I actually asked is James Earl Jones in good health because if he wasn't I was going to say that he was probably going to pass away right around the corner but you know again I didn't say anything in that video about him actually dying however to me this is what the work is all about is explaining patterns that we're picking up on and how it connects to events in the media now the whole reason I was drawn to Jimmy Carter was because of a WWE event that takes place next month October 5th called Bad Blood and this event takes place on October 5th which is the aniversary of the first Bad Blood event and on the date of that show a wrestler who was scheduled to perform died that same day Brian pilman whose son Brian pilman Jr was recently added to the WWE roster now this year's Bad Blood event takes place on the 27th anniversary of the first one when pilman senior died and I mentioned this in my video WWE Bad Blood summing to 207 with capital letters well if you measure from the date of that event to the date of the death of James R Jones notice how he died a span of 27 days before the event and his last name Jones sums to 27 in multiple forms of reduction gatria both with the S exception and reverse his middle name Earl also 27 in Reverse reduction again dead 27 days before bad blood which is on the 27th anniversary of the death of Brian pilman so again there's a lot more that connects James Earl Jones to James Earl Carter which is the full name of Jimmy Carter for instance these two men were born 2300 days apart a number found in the gatria of Brian pilman all over the place his full name his common name and his last name and on the date of the pay-per-view next month Jimmy Carter will be the 203rd prime number of lunar phases and of course a lunar phase measures the time it takes for the Moon to complete one phase from New Moon to New Moon and that's going to be the topic of this video as James Earl Jones was perhaps best known for being the voice of Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy and he's done a lot of other things I'm sure there's much more connections to for instance The Lion King or Field of Dreams but for the sake of this video we're going to focus on the connections with Star Wars now on the topic of professional wrestling there used to be a famous pro wrestler named Vader sharing a name with the arch villain of Star Wars Big Van Vader who whose real name was Leon White passed away in June of 2018 and back in the year 20120 the actor who actually played Darth Vader inside the costume passed away so this is a riddle I've been following for many years and you'll find a couple of related videos down in the description below so we'll explain how this all syncs up by the numbers and uh let's get started once again James Earl Jones the voice of Darth Vader Vader the name of a big-time professional wrestler former WCW Champion whom despite his large size was actually freakishly athletic now when you look at Big Van Vader notice how he was born on May 14th of 1955 this is a date that stood out immediately to me because May 14th is also the birthday of George Lucas the man who created the Star Wars franchise the original Star Wars film was released on the date May 25th in fact Return of the Jedi the third in the original Star Wars Trilogy was also released on May 25th well this is interesting because Big Van Vader the wrestler officially retired on the date May 25th just one year before he passed away James Earl Jones died a span of 119 days after the birthday of Vader and George Lucas and 119 is the ordinal gatria of Star Wars every letter name word or phrase also has a numerical value and to get this value we simply add up the numbers that are associated with each letter in the phrase so we see that Star Wars has this special 119 gatria James Earl Jones's birthday was also a span of 119 days before the date George Lucas was born May 14th measuring from the death of Big Van Vader to the man who voiced Darth Vader was 6 years and 83 days the number six is of course an upside down nine and notice how both Darth Vader and Leon Allen White share gatria of 900 and 83 these large numbers are produced using the standard gatria ciphers which run 1-9 10 through 90 and 100 through 800 the Latin or a grippa key method Bridges the gap between the classical Latin alphabet and the current English alphabetic order but for the bulk of this decode we'll be looking at how this all connects to the moon now if you look at the geometry of the Earth and Moon you discover that the Earth is 11/3 the size of the Moon with capital letters a cipher which maintains the alphabetic order but mixes in capital and small letters together the word Moon equals 113 September 9th when Jones died is the date leaving 113 days in the year that date September 9th written 9 sl9 and in the reverse alphabetic order the moon equals 99 113 also the ordinal gatria of George Lucas against the man who created the Star Wars franchise James Earl Jones was even born during Brown lunation number 99 and this lunation number is going to carry us through most of this decode as the head of the Imperial Army Darth Vader stood aboard the Death Star in the first and third Star Wars films and originally the Death Star was mistaken for a Moon by the main characters of the film and the parallels are very easy to draw between our moon and the Death Star in fact I believe Star Wars is sort of an occulted riddle for the reality of our moon but that aside every new moon has a new number associated with it so we saw how James R Jones was born under lunation 99 99 and then he died on 99 the brown lunation count began on January 17th of 1923 January 17th is also the birthday of James Earl Jones he was born exactly 96 months after the introduction of this lunar count in the alphabetic order Death Star equals 96 but again it wasn't Jones in the costume during filming it was actually an actor named David prow and notice how the last name prow also equals 96 David prow also has strong Moon connections with his birthday he was born on the 1st of July which is written 1/7 in his native England 17 the Latin gatria of moon both in reduction and standard and remember it was the 17th day of the year when the new moon system was introduced well on the date that David prow was born it was the beginning of brownl nation 155 this is a number coded into the pro wrestler Leon Allen White whose name equals 1550 five in the alphabetic order in ancient Hebrew gatria the phrase for the moon sums to 223 now this is an important number to the Moon as each eclipse from the same Soros series is separated by 223 CTIC months or lunar phases and whether you use the reverse alphabetic order or the Latin Cipher the name Leon Allen White equals 223 and 1,223 on the date James Earl Jones died Leon White would have been 25,000 322 days old now this reminded me of another strong snc a couple of years ago back in September of 2022 James Earl Jones officially retired as the voice of Darth Vader September 25th of 2022 and if you measure from the death of the wrestler Vader to that date we find it was exactly 223 weeks later now now these numbers are numbers that we've been following for a couple of years on this channel as this is connected to the Skull and Bones riddle skull and crossbones equals 223 Yale University turned 322 in the year 2023 and of course the skull and bone Society even uses the 322 on its emblem well if you measure from the that date when Yale turned 322 to the date of James Earl Jones's death you get exactly 48 weeks and this is important because the 48th prime number is 223 48 a very important number to James Earl Jones for one notice how he died 4 months and 8 days before his next birthday on January 17th in gatria the name James Earl Jones equals 48 in reduction and with the S exception James Jones equals 48 and his first name James on its own also equals 48 now this 223 weeks retiring 223 weeks after Vader died this same duration is also 1560 days in the alphabetic order 666 triple sixes both summed to 156 and that same date of his retirement was also 666 days after the death of David prow the man who physically played Darth Vader on screen this is also connected to 33 a number we'll explore in a little bit something else I forgot to mention is that I think it's the Death Star that has gatria of 48 the wrestler Vader his name Leon White also equals 48 and if you were to crack open the Fibonacci Cipher we find that Vader also equals [Music] 48 but back to this 666 code and I'll add another link to the description after I'm done explain how the Moon is so strongly connected to the number 666 in the Bible 666 is known as the number of the beast in the reverse alphabetic order Number of the Beast equals 258 the current Brown lunation number is 1,00 258 remember Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon died on [Music] 25/8 when you write out the moon in ordinal and reverse it sums to 90 and 99 which represents in upside down 666 and just look at how 666 is coded into the dates of the death of both Vader and James Earl Jones Vader died on 68 of 18 and 18 is the sum of 6 + 6 + 6 18 is also 9 + 9 and James Earl Jones born under Moon 99 dead on the date 9/9 with capital letters the name Vader equals 99 and then if you add six to the number 18 you get 24 and that's the year that James Earl Jones died in in a cipher called Sumerian gatria which again maintains the alphabetic order but multiplies every letter by six the names Leon White and James Jones both have gatria of 666 Jones died 2275 days after Vader his death was also 17,0 275 days after the release of the first Star Wars film and this 275 definitely stands out because in the alphabetic order 666 equals 275 Jones died a span of 283 days before June 18th the date Vader died and when you write out 666 it sums to 283 this same measurement is also 9 months and 9 days and again the moon equals 99 and 200 and 83 James Earl Jones measuring back to the death of David prow the man in the Darth Vader costume their deaths are separated by 1381 days 1381 is a prime number divisible only by one and itself this is the 221st prime number with reverse capitals Darth Vader equals 221 now what makes this a little more interesting is that when David prow died it was about a month before the year 2021 in fact his death was on the date leaving 33 days in the year and it was the 333rd day of a leap year and this number 33 will bring us almost the rest of the way home here in Latin gatria 33 equals 8.95 this is the same value as ritual Human Sacrifice David prow died a span of 895 days after Big Van Vader and when vad died David prow was 30,33 days old furthermore Vader's death was 330 days before his next birthday and the number 33 is coded heavily into these men notice how the last name prow equals 33 when you add his name David prow to Darth Vader you also get 330 reverse Vader aboard the Death Star and death star equals 33 and then we have Big Van Vader Van Vader with the 33 in reduction and 33 a significant number to the Moon 12 lunar phases equates to one lunar year and it takes 33 years for the lunar calendar to fall back in sync with the solar calendar and this is a big reason why 33 syncs to 666 so well as the triple sixes are indicative of the moon so our moon you know it's easy to draw parallels between that and the Death Star but what's even more obvious is Saturn's moon called mimos which is strangely identical to the Death Star as it has this giant crater on one side of it with a protrusion in the middle very similar to the Death Star from Star Wars and notice how in Sumerian gatria this Moon mimas also sums to 330 in fact mimos Moon also summing to 330 and this is a moon of the planet Saturn Saturn getting its name from the same atmology as Satan in satanic gatria the planet Saturn equals 303 and when James Earl Jones died notice how he was 33 weeks after his 93rd birthday well in the alphabetic order Saturn sums to 93 so you have the 93 and the 33 right sinking up with James Earl Jones's age when he died now interestingly Saturn also equals 69 and if you look at how old Big Van Vader would have been if he were still alive he'd be 69 years old when Star Wars was first released all the way back in 1977 notice how James Earl Jones look at his age on this date for the first Star Wars film the voice of Darth Vader was 16,930 days old now this 930 is found when you measure from the birth of James Earl Jones to the death of Big Van Vader Vader died 31,900 days after James Earl Jones was born and that wrestler's name Leon Allen White look at that it sums to 930 in Sumerian but that's not all because if you actually look at Vader's birthday you find he was born on a date with primary numerology of 93 Big Van Vader was known for one of the most athletic moves ever seen from a big man called the moon salt where he does a backflip off the top rope and lands on his opponent and how interesting is that considering this is all connected to the Moon Darth Vader doing a moon salt might be worth mentioning that when I was a backyard wrestler in high school this was also my finisher and I point this out because my last name matches the moon in gatria [Music] but the reason I bring this moons salt up is because this was rated the best wrestling maneuver of 1993 so in the year 93 Vader's moonsault is named the best wrestling move in the business how strange is that another major 93 by the way was Brian pilman Jr he was born in the year 93 which is something I connected to James Earl Jones since well when I made my last video he was still alive but yeah this all connects to Jones's age when he died and it's also interesting that I mention the number 13 so often here because the moon obvious viously strongly connected to the number 13 it starts with the 13th letter the word Moon ends with the 13th letter in reverse and every couple years we get 13 lunar phases and 13 has the same 99 gatria as the moon like the date that James R Jones died measuring from his death to his next birthday is 130 days and look at this he was born on 117 and died on 99 130 days before his birthday which of course in numerology represents the number 13 so there you have it guys I mean I've had a hell of a year when it comes to predicting things and again you can't officially say I predicted James R Jones's death but just the fact that I was talking about him and how his numerology connects to a massive death riddle in the media four days before he died I would like to think that would turn some heads so if you want to see more about how gatria can predict the future just look at my last few videos for instance super stream 83 where I talk about Charles lir and his potential to win the Italian Grand Prix even though he was 15 to1 at the time and sure enough he did win I explained why Philadelphia would win against Green Bay in my video from Friday and not only did that happen but then love got hurt on the final play or final seconds of the game so this is what jamre is all about picking up on the patterns of the universe around us and noticing how they potentially tie into future events again I wouldn't have thrown my real lucrative life away had I not thought that this knowledge here was truly something incredible something worth beholding and something worth spreading to those who hopefully are ready to accept this type of stuff so with that we'll wrap this video up thanks to everybody for watching again check the links Down Below in the description like share subscribe and if you wish to support the work going forward go ahead and check the links down below you can either join the website and get extra tools to empower your decodes even further or there's a PayPal link as well peace love God bless and we'll talk to you all next time see you e

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