5 Tips To Improve Your Defense NOW in College Football 25

do you ever wonder why other people's man defense seems to be better than yours or why your cover two defense sometimes doesn't work as good as it should in this video I'm going to show you how to fix some of that plus some other secret tips that will instantly improve your defense in college football 25 also if you want to watch me stream live and learn how to get better I stream my online Dynasty games on Twitch the link is up on the screen put notifications on if you want to catch those streams when they go live tip number one is shading coverages there's a bunch of different ways you can shade coverages in this game that will help you out you could shade up down left or right but for this first EX examp I'm going to tell you about shading down now this is going to be really useful in a couple of situations number one zone defense I like to do this more so out of a cover three but you could do this out of cover four or cover two as well the reason shading down is good is for this reason right here if we don't shade down I want you to notice what'll happen what we can do every play against zone is we can hit a drag underneath we can catch and we can run for some big yards and sometimes people will put dual drags on the field because it's a good concept and you could catch these underneath if you have deeper routes forcing the other zones back you could also hit the flat routes a lot of times for some easy consistent yards maybe four to five underneath against zone defense as well now I'm sure you've played a lot of games where you keep getting Dink and dunked underneath and you can't seem to stop it well what you want to do is you want to be in a zone defense like a cover three and you want to shade it down you do this by pressing wire triangle and then down on the right stick for the underneath adjustment and you'll notice some of your zones may even change here like now we have hard Flats on the field but also these two hook zones will play a little more aggressive so now if I'm trying to throw any of these underneath routes you're going to see look how the defense is right there we limit it to two yards or if we try to throw this route into the flat now you will see again we're there to limit that to no gain or drop pass and sometimes on stuff like this you will even throw an interception just like that and when you throw an interception that can go back the other way for six now do keep in mind if you're shading a Zone coverage down that means some of the deeper routes may be open like this but that's the cat Mouse game if you're playing someone that dinks and donks all day shade down catch them off guard limit those easy catches make them have to make the tougher throw another good time to utilize the shade down is if you're running a cover two man or a two man under basically that means everybody's manned up and you have these two deep zones over the top what you want to do in this style of defense is you want to First Press by pressing wire triangle down on the left stick and then you want to shade underneath which is wire triangle down on the right stick this is going to tell your man Defenders to jam and play really aggressive underneath now the only reason that this is kind of safe to do is because we have the protection of two deep zones meaning we shouldn't give up a big play like a touchdown yes a good receiver could still beat a lesser cornerback with this style of Defense but the Deep zones over the top will ensure that we don't get beat deep at least we shouldn't get beat deep and even if the receiver gets a step or two a lot of times the safeties can be in position to help make a play on it now we want to user the guy that's on the running back if the running back goes out we have to take them if not we can stay over the middle and help out and you'll notice with this style of defense that you see how tight the man coverage is playing on everybody and then we get a little bit of a coverage sack there now this is Alabama a team that has good receivers and we're using Arkansas not the best team in the world but look at the absolute jam and just how he's mugging this route this isn't open and even though this guy is fast and he's starting to somewhat get a little bit of Separation we have the safety over there waiting for him same thing on this side of the field as you're going to see everybody's playing really tight and we have safety help over the top this guy is starting to get free here but again this safety can make a play on either of these guys right here wherever this ball goes this safety is close enough that he can make a break to either of these and in fact we'll try that on this play so we're shading down we're pressing I'm going to take control of the offense here and I'm going to try to see if I can make this throw over the top you see I can't because the safety by the time we have to put the ball in the air the safety has enough time to make a play let's do it again here and we can see we got y breaking over the middle and we were just out of there we almost actually made a pass but I'll live with that that's good coverage really quickly before we jump into the other four tips I do want to mention that I have a membership where I post all of my ebooks my highest level offensive and defensive strategies if you want to get better at the game and start winning the majority of your games make sure you check out the link in the pin comment below number two Zone drops Zone drops can help you get a lot of stops on defense and let me show you why right here we're going to use a flood concept that's very popular it's some type of a deep route like a streak with an underneath flat and then a corner route going to the sideline now the problem with running a standard Zone coverage versus this like a standard cover three is that this corner route will usually get open on the sideline for a huge gain just like this this is also very effective on the short side of the field as well you're going to see Corner route is wide open we can't stop Corner routes we've all been there we're going to have the same problem with a cover two as well if we have time to get the pass off you're going to notice that the corner route is going to get open on the sideline for huge gains now to help stop this you want to press the R3 or right stick at the play call screen and then you're going to scroll down to your zone drop now zone drop flats are going to be your Cloud flats and your hard Flats if you leave these on default your Cloud Flats will be around 10ish yards and your hard Flats will be more about 5 yards but if you set this to 25 for example both your hard and your Cloud Flats will drop to the same depth which is 25 you can also drop your curl Flats back which are those perple zones in your cover three you can drop your hook zones back which are your yellow zones over the middle you can adjust these all game long just make sure that you're constantly tinkering with them cuz if you leave them set to a certain depth they're going to keep dropping to that depth until you change it back so if we want to stop Corner routes out of a cover three what I want to do is put my curl Flats on 30 now those purple curl flat zones will drop 30 yards back but to help them out I would like to take this guy who's in the curl flat and I want to slide him over and back a little bit just to help him get where he has to go quicker instead of having him line up to the inside that makes him have to cover more ground so I'll quickly slide him out to help out cuz I know where the corner route is coming from and now you'll notice if we try to throw this corner route he should be there to help make a play on the ball just like that and he gets an interception now now there is a negative to this because we're dropping that curl flat back to take away the corner now the underneath flat is wide open for easy yards too but I'll tell you how to stop that in the next tip now if we want to stop a corner route from a cover two defense we're going to put our regular Flats on 30 sometimes it'll be 25 it really depends on the type of corner route your opponent's throwing so you may have to play around with this same thing here I want to take my guy that's got to get back there I want to slide him back just a little bit just to help him out and now you'll notice if we try to throw that corner outout you're going to see look who's back there to make a play on it hey if you're still here at this point in the video and you're liking the content go ahead subscribe turn the Bell icon on that way you'll never miss out on any of these important tips to help improve your game all year long tip number three is going to be how to utilize Mabel coverage so remember when I just said that the flat is wide open when we try to take away the corners that's where you go to a Mabel coverage this is a little bit more of a complex setup but what we're going to do here now is we are going to put these Flats I'm going to put them on 30 because as we just saw 25 still looked like it gave up a little run back there we're going to put this on 30 again depending on how your opponent's playing 25 might work we're going to do 30 and then we're going to put our curl Flats on five we're using Zone drops on two different zones now now what we want to do is call a Tampa 2 style defense now with this we have to make some adjustments what I'm going to do is I'm going to take these two outside yellow zones so this guy here in the hook curl and this guy here in the hook curl and I'm going to put them in the curl Flats so I get on that guy I press a on Xbox or X on PlayStation and then you'll see the curl flat option is right right on the left stick now we get on this other guy same thing ARX right on the left stick so those light blue zones the cloud Flats they're going to drop 30 yards back because that's where we set them these curl Flats underneath are going to stay right here they're going to go underneath so this is called maing now you have to be a decent user with this because now as you can see the middle of the field is the responsibility of one man here so you need to stay over the middle however when people are trying to hit you to the sideline every play they're not looking at the middle that often but what's going to happen now is we we already know that we can take away the corners by dropping those zones back 30 yards but now what's going to happen is if we try to throw this flat this guys down there to rally and you see that we limited it now if you want to be even more aggressive with this you could put your curl Flats on zero cuz if you noticed they still dropped back a little bit they gave up a little bit of room now let's adjust it and put them on zero now as you can see here we have the mael coverage set up again and once again I like to try to help my defense out a little bit if I can so if I know they're trying to flood me on the left side by going to the Sidelines with corners and flats I want to back this guy up a little bit I want to shoot this guy out a little bit just a little bit to help them out I want to get them where they need to be going a little bit quicker now we already know the corner route's going to be stopped by dropping our zones back 30 yards let's look how aggressive he plays now in the flat look how aggressive he's playing he's playing a little dumb cuz the defense can be dumb in this game but there is a chance that that could be a pick but either way he's not really gaining any yards if you want to lock down the sidelines against people that love throwing Corners Flats comebacks anything that's basically going to be from the hash mark to the sideline this is the coverage you want to run this will just annihilate players that do nothing but go to the sideline some people are scared to throw over the middle because that's where your user is going to be and again you have to use her very well in a setup like this because you have to cover all of this between the hashes so it's up to me to just take away that one guy now again let's set this up let's back our guys up you know let's let's put our guys in position to succeed we're going to motion this guy out we're going to put B on a drag that's going to be our check down this is how a lot of people that like to attack the sidelines will play they have their flood to the sideline and they'll have like a drag or just something coming over the middle as a checkdown that's our responsibility we know we have the sidelines stopped okay I see B I'm running with b b is on me and where else am I going to go nowhere because I've got the sidelines locked down and I'm taking the responsibility over the middle number four run fits now right off the bat some of you are asking what is a run fit so let's talk about first how do you even check your run fits well when you're on the field you press the right trigger R2 button you hold it down and then if you want to check your run fits left you hit X or Square depending on your system you could see the Run fits there if you want to check the Run fits to the right you press B or circle now what do these things mean this shows you the responsibility of the players on the field if it's a run play so the first thing you need to notice here is we are in a cover two so our run fits to the right here if you'll notice the cornerback on the left and the two safeties they have no run responsibility they're not even looking to play The Run you can see that there's an F over one of the players he's the force Defender that means his job is to do his best to set The Edge now they don't always do that properly or well that's his job so we know that we should be good at any outside run to the right cuz we have a force Defender cornerback on the outside that should force things back inside where we have linebacker shooting down and then we have the C Defender he is the cutback defender meaning if the running back were to stop and cut back he's supposed to protect that but here's where the importance of understanding run fits comes in the play a cover two while it may be a little bit better for an outside run is not going to always be the best versus in inside runs cuz if we go to run the ball up the middle you'll notice the safeties will backpedal before eventually coming down which means they're kind of being taken out of the play and the safeties are going to be crucial if you need help stopping the Run notice how the safeties backpedal because their responsibility in a cover two is to protect deep they're not reading the run and they're only going to attack once they know for sure the running back has the ball now for outside runs cover twos will be a little bit better because we have that Force defender on the outside and then it's our job as a user to help get over there and help prevent any type of a cut back to the inside now when we look at a cover four you'll notice that when we go to run the ball the safeties stand flat footed and then immediately attack down because they're reading the run first since they're in run fits but a cover four can be good for all types of runs because the safeties and the position that they stand at allow them to also get to the outside for outside runs as well making cover four the best type of coverage to play if you're not sure if your opponent's running or passing I also like to bring the safeties down a few steps as well because this gets them a little closer to the action and it helps them get in there to make plays and this is especially important when you're going against people that stay in shotgun all game because you're not sure if they're going to pass or they're going to run up the middle so if you're having trouble stopping the run because you don't know when they're going to pull it out stick with cover fours bring your safeties down and they're going to help you defend the run a lot better than using other coverages number five the best run defense now if you're just playing someone that just runs it the far majority of the time and you just want to sell out to stop the run I'll show you two defenses you can use to completely eliminate the run the first formation we're going to look at is the 4-3 even 61 you can only find this in the 43 multiple Playbook but the second defense will be something you can use in every Playbook so we're going to call the Sam will Blitz and all you simply have to do is pinch your D line which is left on the d-pad down on the left stick and then crash them in or slant them inside left on the d-pad down on the right stick and then you're going to user the guy on the running back and you're going to stand about right here over the center a few yards back and what you just need to do is get in here with your user and make a hit this will also work well against the outside runs as well and you can always take the safety at the top and slide them over a little bit to give you an assist like we've talked about earlier and then you just loop around the same way get in there and your team should help you make the stop this also works well against shotgun runs as well where they like to run inside zones and things like that it's the same setup and you just want to loop around and make the tackle the next defense you could use to stop this is the nickel double mug now this is in every Playbook whether it's just the regular double mug or it's the 3 three double mug you'll have this and we're going to call the mid blit zero all you have to do on this one is you want to take one of these safeties and you want to stand in that same spot and basically you want to help get in here and make that tackle again same thing versus the shotgun runs again remember bring the other safety down a little bit just to help you out but we're going to loop around here and our job is to limit this to no yards now if you're having trouble on Heisman difficulty and you want to know exactly how to play the game the right way to get more wins check out this video right here on the screen

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