Morning Flash...US JOLTS and Consumer Confidence Reports... Ira’s Morning Flash Video for 7 30 2024

[Music] [Music] good morning all I ring with your morning update and this update is for Tuesday and we're at the 30th of July 2024 8:25 a.m. Central Time so before we go to the markets we do have some data coming out we had the Redbook weekly retail sales come out and these numbers just keep gradually slipping down now we're at 47 on the weekly retail sales for the first 3 weeks of July and they were up 42% for the weekend of July 27th so these numbers were pushing 6% over that in the first part and then the high fives and now they've slipped back almost a full percentage point or more case Shiller I don't know how you buy home year over-ear in May the home's up 6.8% up three uh T of a percent month over Month in May now we get the first day of the FED meeting in the right now tomorrow at 1 o'clock we'll get the monetary policy statement 30 minutes later we will get from the bank the uh press conference Bank of Japan kicks off first thing in the morning with their decision I still believe what they'll do is they're going to give you a plan where they're going to do severe Cuts in their short-term Bond buying programs so we'll find out what they Define a short term but that's what I think I'm not of the opinion that they're going to go with the right hike I think it's too much for them all at once but they could surprise uh the conference board us consumer confidence index will be released at 9 this morning everybody's going to look at that and the jolts opening the jobs uh last month they were 8.14 I think they're going to come out near 8 million this morning we get the API numbers coming out at 330 today uh so look for that you have Microsoft reporting after the market close today so that's another thing that the markets will all be geared up on we've already seen a number of reports coming out and throughout the whole day you'll get some of the big boy companies reporting so keep your eye on that uh Warren Buffett dumped more Bank America this was a company he said he was going to hold for a long time a while back and he's been dumping and today it was uh reported that he just did about no 7 767 million uh dollars worth of shares so it's quite a bit of money Copper's still weak China I is reading reports they still don't have their rack together and the market understands that in the sense that they don't believe what China is saying that they're going to do things I don't know what they can do they don't address consumer confidence that's the big problem they've just imposed new rules by the way in their stock market so at the end of the day youed to be able to tally up the the flows of cash in and out of their markets they're removing it you can now look back 30 days or a quarter if you want uh but they're cutting it so they're becoming less opaque and everything very difficult place for anyone to really want to invest dollar up Minor League versus most currencies which are trying to drop it's like a greenhouse out there for grains and as you could see you can't hold rallies in most of them at this point eventually they'll find a price that is a bottom I don't know where that's at but there's nothing that I see that is friendly here and on the energy Market it's all not friendly and as you know the FED not the fed the government through it the energy Administration did buy back more oil for the Strategic Reserve I hope they put out another tender now Bitcoin down 700 points so it's going to be interesting I'll cover what today's all about at the end of the day when we talk about the jols consumer confidence and tomorrow's key reports you have a good trading day I'll catch you at the end of the day

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