Beetlejuice In Review - Every Beetlejuice Movie Ranked & Recapped

Start It's the final week you have to hear us remind you about the kind of funny membership drive all August long we've been asking you to show your appreciation for the content we make by tossing US $10 on kindof funny or kindof funny games y'all have shown up and we can't thank you enough gotten Greg ways on the weekends weekly happy hours for all and even the ability to be part of the shows thank you so much and if you haven't pitched in please consider doing so before the end of the month [Music] what's up and welcome to kle Bun's Beetle Juice in review my favorite thing is when everyone hasn't seen the new Cameron Kennedy Andro I didn't even think about that there was going to be an intro and as it plays Nick just goes godamn it he knew he knew second to cut the TV I was like that's going to be me I forgot it was going to be camon Kennedy invoices me for these things I'm going to stop paying cuz there wasn't even a a Tim sort of like oh wait till see the intro there was just like a go nothing yeah so good once again Carter Harold and Cameron Kennedy absolutely freaking killing the game out there with that intro um but welcome back to kind of Funny's in review where each and every week we get together to rank review and recap different movie franchises uh this time we're going back way back to to the 1980s we're doing Beetlejuice and next week we will be reviewing Beetlejuice Beetlejuice what an amazingly titled sequel it's perfect uh very excited for for that um very excited for this uh because I I know that uh right before we went live we were talking a little bit about our our history with Beetlejuice and uh it sounds like me Andy and Joey The Housekeeping are all on the same page of I don't know if we've all ever seen this movie before actually front to uh to back we've all seen it you know bits and pieces on TV like yes we've seen Beetle Juice but have we really seen it well now we have so you'll get all of our thoughts well I'm sure Nick has seen it multiple times thir is the third one threel juice I'm sure it'll just be the name three times Andy Beetle Juice Beetle Juice Beetle Juice it's like the thing you know they should have named part two Beetle Deuce you know he W me over everyone he W me over there um but of course this is in review you can get it on kindof funny you can kind of funny games you can also get it on podcast services around the globe I'm Tim Gettys I'm joined by the natural rifle and Cortez hello it's Christmas in August Joey no while it's me and the producer sleder Nick scarpino we've come for your daughter Chuck holy [ __ ] that was good that was so good that was really good dude I love Michael Keon put that underneath the walkin impression we found a new number too man maybe just sto doing the Biden forever yeah we off the list let's go watch a movie was looking some pictures together it's going good they move it's so terrible man holy hell oh shout out to to our patreon producers Carl Jacobs Nathan lth Alex J sandal James Hastings and Casey Andrew you are the best of us The Facts uh and that means you're kind of funny members which means you get the Greg ways every day uh you get to watch shows like this live as we record them it's a great deal great times for all so thank you for being a part of that and shout out to our sponsor the Dragon Age vows and Vengeance podcast um but you'll have to hear all about that later because we got to get into it Beetle juu the title spelled with the juu ice um in the movie spelled a little differently interesting yeah interest must be a marketing thing yeah we talked about that nobody would know how to spell it otherwise well Beetlejuice is a reference to a star in Orion's Belt right yeah yes no you're right so that's where they got this name I I believe that's where the word comes from and I think that they spell it Beetle GE or however it is but it's supposed to be pronounced Beetle Juice and so I think when they named the character Beetlejuice they were like this is going to be marketed for a bunch of people that don't know astr like like astrological symbols and signs or like or Stars rather star star what the [ __ ] else whatever is so I think they said hey we have to make it simple and they have that one scene with Lydia trying to guess it every is like look over there and it's Beetle and then juice makes sense to me because I'm a dumb kid when I saw it spelled the other way I was like I don't understand is that the Latin spelling of it what's going on there so it makes a lot of sense to market the movie Beetle Juice it's just simpler right Baldwin [ __ ] saying it wrong every time which got me every timey running around sweaty bumping this is this is Peak skinny Alec Baldwin before he was like like I this was like sexy Alec Baldwin this was when he was very ex oh yeah this is when he steel and a few other like movies that he had done where he was like trying to be more of a serious actor a great head of hair you unlocked a core memory like I was like now thinking about it I was obsessed with the movie Twister I was tornadoes I was obsessed with dinosaurs and a Ran's belt I was like so obsessed because of Men In Black no I think I would just look up at the stars and be like look at that like I felt like I was in tune with the Galaxy so Beetlejuice is a red super giant star in the constellation of Orion it is usually the 10th brightest star in the night sky um yeah cool yeah but I mean it's so much more off-putting and sleazy to spell it just F of basic Beetle Juice it definitely so much better definitely is uh this was released on March 30th 1988 um directed by Tim Burton um of course we know Tim Burton from many many including peewee's big adventure uh 89 Batman and 92s Batman Returns Edward Scissor Hands uh and so on and so forth including Planet of the Apes in 2000 the mark W classic yeah that we talked about not too long ago 2001 classic excuse me um but back to this it has a runtime of an hour 32 minutes God bless perect what a oh they knew what they were doing back then man when they're like being in there's like a moment that feels like in any any other day and age if this movie were to come out today we would have been 45 minutes in and I look at the clock and I'm like oh we have 28 minutes left in the movie that's including credits so maybe like 25 minutes left and like this would be the beginning of the second act in any other movie like now they're just getting to the freaking gist of it juice of it I mean I I read a piece of trivia on Beetle Juice Beetle Juice where Keaton was talking about who knows if this is real or not cuz I think I saw it on Instagram so TI It With The Grandin of salt but he was talking about original when when he talked to Burton about his may or may not be real is what Nick saying may or may you know it's like it was like an IGN pull or something like that so I'm like I didn't [ __ ] read the article I just saw the P quote on a meme so but but Keaton was talking I guess in an interview about about this character and he was like this character needs to be on screen for just the amount of time that it needs to be on screen for no more no less because otherwise it will wear it'll wear so thinly it's like Godzilla I mean exactly right just you see it it's there the joke's there and then we're done with the movie and I think Keaton every scene he's in is Peak Michael Keaton I think this is Peak Tim Burton I think everything about this movie is like what I think of as the quintessential comedy Michael Keaton comedy and quintessential kooky ass weird kind of [ __ ] up kind of scary but kind of kids movie e Tim Burton I love this movie Tim can you do me uh can you look up some Michael Keaton trivia cuz what what was really before this aside from Batman that Batman was after this Michael Gaton was a comic so Michael G they were like this guy should be [ __ ] Batman Mr W so miss he was Mr Mom and he did a movie called gung-ho before this TV show at one point he was a comic and I think he was on a bunch of smaller things he was a standup so the the so the comedic chops were present people knew that he could do a silly character he he was a comedic actor okay so before Beetlejuice he was in uh in 1978 rabbit test and a different approach and then 82 night shift with Henry Winkler and I was going to talk to him exclusively about that before he snub me I can't Mr Mom in 198 Mr Mom hilarious and classic Johnny dangerously a classic in 1984 where he played Johnny Kelly Johnny dangerously it's a it's a spoof on a mafia end up like a gangster film gung-ho and touch and go in 1986 two movies um The Squeeze In ' 87 and then in ' 88 it's when Beetlejuice and she's having a baby where he played himself yeah and then and then even after even after um though I mean he even after like Batman and stuff I mean he did a bunch of serious movies I think he did a movie called clean and sober and I think when did he do Pacific Heights Pacific Heights was0 1990 Yeah clean sober was also 88 alongside Beetle Juice and he did another one called my life I think where he's dying of cancer 93 and he basically the whole thing is like him making videos for his son that has that he's going to die before he gets that chance to meet it was gut-wrenching it was so good um and then he did something like multiplicity right after that like right back into it right back into it so Keon has a lot great jobs I'm that's all I'm saying so that I mean that's that's awesome and I could not imagine if the internet existed back then the anger of you're going to make [ __ ] you're going to make Batman this Beetle juu guy you can't believe like that like people still pushing back on that oh it's it was worse because ke like we had the only other real movie that we had as an analog to this was Superman and Chris Reeves or Chris Reeves excuse me I always say always put the S on it and Greg always uh corrects that was jacked I mean he was like 63 put on a [ __ ] ton of muscle and so you're like oh that guy looks like Superman who's going to be Batman Michael Keaton the guy with who's like let's be honest like receding hairline maybe 510 if he's anything and largely known for gung-ho and Mr Mom a movie where he is a stay-at-home dad and everyone's like that's crazy that could never work right that's insane yeah I mean some would say it didn't what's that some would say it didn't I I mean for I and I think it was because of this movie that he I think this was the movie where he met Michael Keat and said love working with him and then decided to push real hard for him to be Batman but even me as a kid I was like I don't like that that that makes no sense to me and I fought it for the longest time and then I sat in the movie theater I was like I I got to admit that this kind of works for the style of this film and for the and for what Tim Burton was going for um he was also in the 2014 Need for Speed movie played a character named Monarch I'm sure one day we'll find out what that's all about on this show and now he's doing a lot of straight to Netflix movies good for him yeah wait what wait will we need for speed I don't know sounds like something Furious or well based on the video game Oh you mean like video G I'm sure we did the core so anything's possible anything is possible we did Balls of Fury that's that's where we really sort of set the uh the precedent um I I'd love to know more about Tim bird I'm sure there's a lot of like documentaries and stuff you know I'd love to I'd love to get to know the guy cuz at what point did he get interested in stop motion and want to make Nightmare Before Christmas cuz like in college yeah he went to uh Pasadena School for the Performing Arts I want to say whatever um man this this movie was asking to be a stop motion silly yeah wacky movie so he went he met a bunch of people there too I think there was a bunch of people that went there at the time when he was is calp I want to say Cal Arts Cal Arts maybe um anyway he started in LA and that's he was an artist and so he got I think he got interested in all that stuff as his like senior th and [ __ ] like that yeah cuz obviously there's tons of Stop Motion in this movie and what they would essentially be special effects today where people would just use CG back then they were just having a sculpture and moving it around and animating it or whatever but man so much of this movie just felt like it it also just could have been fully stop motion like just it it's just begging to be one you know so I mean what's interesting about that is uh this is Tim Burton's second movie Beetlejuice the first movie peewee's Big Adventure that was 3 years before that which is uh where where he got Danny Elfman involved to do the score which obviously like Danny elfman's music and Tim Burton's style really goes hand in uh so so great but he was a fan of the band Oingo Boingo who Danny Alman was in and essentially they just approached him PeeWee Herman or um what's his real name Paul ruin and um Tim Burton went to Danny Alman were like hey we want your style to score the peeee movie and then that kind of just became what all this is but even Peewee had a lot of that stop motion [ __ ] like the well stole a shot from that in in this movie or from Peewee in this movie the the Large Marge section where she turns over and like they just do it from the reverse angle and they just don't show like what it looks like so they apparently they were going to show it but they were like this is actually funnyer if you don't show it and they have the reaction to it so there is a lot of the those style cues coming from that but I love that quote about from o about Oingo Boingo as well because Danny Alin has gone on record and being like I had no idea why they picked me I had never done anything like this and he was like it was super intimidating to like to do a full score for a movie but then obviously every single person knows him from that and not necessarily from Wango totally and now he's like one of the most iconic composers of all time like the the Spider-Man Remy Trilogy the Batman uh movies and um Simpsons theme song like all right like it's just insane right uh but uh what's interesting as well about the facts of this movie so music by Danny Al like we were saying budget $15 million five5 15 a box office of 75 million so major success but what's very interesting to me $15 million budget for Beetlejuice only 1 million for visual effects work doesn't that sound off I mean it seems like such a visual effects forward movie that like I I think a lot of it though is just the production design and if I'm not mistaken I think the guy that is the production design is B Welsh and I know him because he's actually married to Katherine O'Hara that on this movie and so every time I watch this I just think to myself really this stand out like the star of this film is the production design it's the fact that you go to these areas when they go to the reception in the underworld or wherever that is it's so creative and so silly and so fun Housey like Carnival sort of House of Horrors Z every door entrance is slanted and skewed it's it just makes you want to go there and play around in that world but it's all practical and the there's not that many locations either for the most part we're just in like the main house but everyone is like the every single thing is not like a real thing that exists like they need to make when's model that they're in and it's like the grass is all like Turf whatever it's like man like that that's that's what makes this movie special but I'm just shocked that it's only a million bucks I think Cameron Kennedy makes a brings up a good point VFX versus special effects yeah like are we are we talking only about like the camera work stuff where it's like a green screenshot or because this movie is like it's all production design it's all props it's all these things that have been painted and built by like with papier-mâché and [ __ ] like that there's no CG in this film I mean actually well yeah exactly but I mean I feel at that time though like that a lot of the stuff the sand worms and like even just with the uh all the green screen shots green screen mixed with stop motion mixed with all that stuff like I assume that's what they were talking about I'm guessing I mean I'm I'm imagining that like 900,000 of that I me also we're talking about 1986 um but I imagine a lot of that just came from the expertise of Danny Alin knowing stop motion and having a crew that probably could do that Tim bur Tim Burton sorry not Dan elant um and then being it being able to squeeze a lot of a lot of you know know a lot of those effects out of that penny that you put into it um but yeah I mean it's it's it's so fascinating because he stuck with this style for like for so long and he plays with it so beautifully here that even even the very first scene that we see like the very first shot where you think it's a real town and then ends up being the model that is just perfect for this film set the tone for everything uh it won the Academy Award for best makeup and it won a trio of Saturn Awards best horror film best makeup and best supporting actress for uh Sylvia Sydney who's uh the old woman that kind of all rules and stuff the the worker or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah I uh I never yeah Jun know who uh that actress is perfect the reception everyone and that's the other thing too I mean if the star of the film to me is the production design the other star is just the cast it's the fact that every single person they got for this is perfect for the role gie Davis Alec Baldwin great a young not writer who must have been what 23 when she did this movie baby I thought she was like 14 she was like 10 or some [ __ ] I mean she I she I don't when did she do Reality Bites that must have been 90s right she did Heathers before this so she was pretty old she was older but anyway and then Katherine O'Hara who is just 17 about 17 says Google about 17 figur Google probably could have figured that out yeah it's weird it legitimately says about 17 the big fun what year did the movie come out 88 but when did her bath or when her birthday is you know she was October 71 is just not that smart yet when did she do Heather how old was she when she did Heathers uh I don't even know the Heathers is oh hea favor movie her and Christian Slayer that's the movie that sort of put on the map it's like a dark comedy about two people two teenagers that are killing The Overall Thoughts like the high school bullies and [ __ ] yeah oh Heathers was after this Heathers was a year later oh wow that's wild man I would SW did she do be juice Heather's uh Edward oh yeah she must that 88 8990 yeah damn that's a run that's a good run Nick I want to start with you you're the Beetlejuice expert here having grown up with this watched this a ton of times uh watching it now what do you think of the movie it's still fantastic this is one of my favorite uh not only one of my favorite Tim Burton movies but one of my all-time favorite like October mustat movies for uh for the the scary holiday season uh I think it's one of those films where you look at it and when you cast Michael Keat and his Beetle Juice it's it's what we call perfect casting no one else could have done this the way he did it no one else could have done as Sleazy and perverse and still somewhat likable as he did it and really you're talking about Michael Keaton sort of like at the height of his run of being kind of a pretty big star in the 80s and then obviously it got in the part for Batman which is I was near and dear to my heart um love Alec Baldin love Gina Davis in this but the the person that always stands out for me most is Katherine O'Hara she is so every I I love doing these rewatches because I have to be a little bit more like pay a little bit closer attention to like everyone's lines and she has so many little tiny lines here and there like she has one line where she's walking down the stairs and earnestly yelling at a contractor and she goes tell me what you do again so I know what to have my husband fire you for and it's just it's that vibe that she brings through this the whole time that you have to have and she's such a nice jux position to like the kindness of the maitlands uh Banger uh when Ryder of course you were if you were a boy growing up in the 80s and W not ryer was anything I'll always have a crush on W not ryer for from back in that time I was eight years old and seeing her and then seeing her in Reality Bites growing up and she was like she was the person for the 90s for me um but I love this film and I think it's still per I think it's pretty close to perfect I think it's super fun I think it's a perfect example of you don't need a ton of money you don't need a ton of CG you just need a ton of Crea creativity and a fun interesting concept and I read a piece of trivia that that really struck me they were like this movie is basically Poltergeist but in Reverse if the humans were the bad guys and the ghosts were the good guys and I was like that is a perfect perfect weight a jumping off point for this film and up until this point I had never seen anything like this I was just like wow they're just dead they're not coming back I messed up but by the end of it you're like yeah they live in Happily after and it's okay they got a weird kid so I love this movie um I love that it it it it propelled Tim Burton into sort of that Mega stard where he could do Batman and then of course give us one of my all-time favorite Tim Burton's movies which is Edward sister hands which I absolutely adore yeah to me this is this is a 10 out of 10 Joey my turn I had a great time it's so interesting because there's so much culturally I feel like you just kind of know or you've seen referenced about Beetlejuice but it I realized that I didn't really know that much of the story CU like I had listened to parts from the musical and stuff like that which is also really good but I was like oh I guess I had never really thought about like the story connective tissue between the songs um I think the casting in this is like clearly the standout Gina Davis just a gem of a human being and her and Alec baldon work somehow which like on paper if you would have asked me before I would not have necessarily thought that way um I wouldn't have remembered Alec Baldin in this movie like I wouldn't have bet that was the shocked I always especially always seeing the movie poster I like kind of don't ever think about him in it just his head um and to me I guess I also growing up up because I had never seen it got it confused with So I Married an Axe Murderer because I felt like the covers were similar style in the cover yeah or they're like next to each other maybe in the same genre um but yeah I think they're great Michael Keaton is so weird in this movie but he's so like weirdly charming and enjoyable to watch and then Katherine O'Hara is just the charact a character actor of our time like she's so good I I think in a different time before I knew what I know now I would have also been really stoked with the principal from Baris beers yeah sadly before he got he's the one outlier in this film oh man appropriately oh yeah yeah he was like a Jared from Subway kind of guy oh [ __ ] unfortunately sandwich maker yeah that's definitely what it is uh so Jared didn't make sandwiches did you just buy them you imag you have to at some point you imagine at some point they let him drive you know what I mean get back behind there and make us say was I was do I was doing that that Conan O'Brien uh uh podcast bit where I forget who he's interviewing but he's like Jeffrey M the financier from New York like that's sandwich maker guy sandwich um and what else wiona writer I feel like she whatever she's the anti likee manic pixie dream girl cuz she always has those like dark um roles that she's so good at and just like the she's so she's so good and I'm so excited to watch Beetle Juice Beetle Juice seeing some of the interview stuff her talk talking about Jenna Ortega and like the connection that they've made filming this movie it's just like you it seems like they very are like kind of share the same like Soul Essence of like really being into the maab and stuff like that so I think that that's going to be like a really fun thing for this uh the music incredible and like it really is the practicality of the way that they design these sets uh and did all of these effects that really make it stand out where it's like man like it's the grounding of the model and then digging into it and even the that they have the turf and they have the Cork and all of this stuff and so much about this and I appreciate that because I feel like that's kind of touches that we don't see that much anymore I had a great time it makes me want to go back and like do or rewatch more Tim Burton movies because I feel like I kind of dip in and out and stuff like that and I feel like I need to give them up to a point as another go cuz the other the other Tim Burton in reviews we've done so Batman uh Batman Returns Planet the Apes and will Wonka the Wonka there's a there's a I think it's I really do think the turning point for him was like Edwards his her hands I think that was that was the movie that was like Peak Tim Burton and then it was kind of a downhill was returns after I think was it after that I think so returns was good too but returns was also not wor one unfortunately was better uh Andy what' you think uh yeah same with Joe and same with you where I just I didn't even know what the story of this movie was I just know a lot of the references through through other Pop Culture The Family Guy effect and I um I enjoyed it I thought it was I thought it was a really cool movie I think I was more impressed by the creativity aspect somebody who grew up just obsessed with all of the making of stuff on HBO and where I would see how they made the Xenomorphs and all that sort of [ __ ] like I was just always so um interested and fascinated by the special effects sort of um the like every prop in every sort of sculpture everything like that's all some artist out there just working their ass off to do that and bring that stuff to to life you know so I I really enjoyed the special effects aspect of it um I was always just giggling when Michael Keaton was on screen like he's just he's such an affable dude even though he's an [ __ ] of a dude like there's a lot of just funny things he's saying in this movie that and even just small little throwaway lines like I'm like uh Nick was mentioning all of Katherine O'Hara's Lin where there's a lot of little stuff that just can go by the wayside that you don't necessarily notice I think Keaton has a lot of those in this movie as well um and yeah I just I love the imagination behind it is the question I had though is this based on anything this just an OC this is all I don't think so yeah like that's wild it's so wild watching this movie cuz I'm like dude this would never exist today no they would never in a million years just make a movie about a dude who is a a bio Exorcist like what a weird concept that could never exist and that's and that's one thing I Love About Us revisiting a lot of these old movies is like they're there was it wasn't even a risk to them it just seemed like a good movie to be creative with something you know it wasn't like I mean it was there was a risk like reading a lot of the trivia and stuff like this movie happened because of the success of peewee's big adventure and because of Paul rubin's being a known factor and then being able to then create Tim Burton and Danny Elfman as a combo as a known thing but like yeah it is wild like original this is I I guess thinking about just other movies like that where you look at a lot of movies in the 80s and go man this was not based on any sort of known IP and it would never exist today they would never put this on the big screen like I just felt like man what a what a neater time when you know executives are willing to kind of do and you know go out of the norm and kind of make something silly well not only that but you also have like it would be so difficult to cast like Michael Keaton as who I who I have to imagine was the biggest name in the film make him the bad guy like imagine now people like oh we have to make him like a sympathetic anti-hero or whatever like that like no he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] pervert like he's the bad guy of this film but his name is the movie title and he's hilarious and he's great and he's endearing and charming and he's a piece of [ __ ] garbage uh yeah I really liked it um I I had a good time with it and I it's it's so funny like looking back at finding out what the story was and be like damn I had no idea that's what this movie was about it's so weird to like oh the the characters die immediately and this is all about trying to get these humans out of the house I just would have never if you would have asked me yesterday write down what the plot you think of beetle juices I would have never been able to guess that absolutely not what you think so funny you say that because G and I were having dinner before we watched this and we were like what is the plot of Beetle Juice before we get into the movie cuz we've both seen the movie but like what the [ __ ] is it and we tried putting it together and we were just off so cuz I I remember okay there's a couple have a house then and then they die uh and then Beetle Juice is there I didn't even know that I remember that I did not think that they were they were the ghosts they were there the whole time they through the whole movie like that is how little I actually remember the plot of this movie I loved it beginning to end I was like this to me is a 10 out of 10 film so enjoyable from the moment the the opening hits and you get the mix of the the tally man song mixed with the Danny Elfman Beetle uh juice theme I'm just like whoa this is a [ __ ] movie a couple weeks ago I watched twister for the first time and I was like this is a [ __ ] movie you know so we've been on a real good Streak For Me of uh getting some of these just like man they don't make them like this anymore type experiences get that shot about the core you know go yeah I missed the core unfortunately uh but getting the the like the helicopter shot going through the city and it being this model the sheer imagination and creativity put into this from uh Tim Burton and Danny Elfman the music goes so hand inand with what makes this so unique and special but don't know what Andy's saying like this is a original piece of art like with an original character weird ass things happening in this whole world that is freshly created just from this one film but we understand so much about it and unfortunately we're about to watch the sequel there's no chance that it's anything close to a special or whatever I do think that and I'm I'm hopeful that like it's enjoyable for all the the the reasons it can be but what makes this great is there's simply nothing like it and anything you can kind of be like oh well this one scene reminded me of large March or this one scene reminded me of this or whatever it all comes together to be something that is unlike anything I've ever seen and I feel like the the characters in this movie are so surreal yet so realistic every single one is an archetype of a type of person that we know that we're familiar with sure maybe you have to like dial it back to like the ' 80s version of that but it's like they alled and it it works so well and the way that they interact or don't interact is so spot [ __ ] on and Beetlejuice is just this thing that's around and like honestly I think Beetlejuice is my least favorite part of the movie but they use him sparingly enough that it never took away from my interest in it um and it always felt purposeful and it always felt like it was adding just a little bit of zest when the movie needed some zest just the right amount um but I just can't believe how at every turn it felt like they were like what's the craziest most creative thing we could do let's do it times 10 and I was was just constantly Blown Away by the time we get to the big dance sequence which everyone knows everyone remembers the context in which how it happens why it's happening in the plot and how hard each and every one of these actors [ __ ] commits yeah it's cinematic Perfection I adore this thing man I I loved it so much and I can't wait to get into the details scared the hell out of me as a kid oh for scary as all the SC all of the scary special effects and all of the masks and makeup and all man terrified me as a kid I hated the when they go into like their weird forms where know what that's from I was like I knew it's from some now I get what the context of it but man this movie a lot of anytime I caught a glimpse of it I've I was not digging what I was seeing espe he has all the eyeballs on his face yeah even the the opening shot with the the music playing them going through the town I just am such a sucker for the the credits on Main like in the and like getting all the actors in it you just see their names and I had no idea Alec Baldwin was in this I had no idea J Davis was in this cuz I was a little kid that didn't know who actors were and now I'm just like are you [ __ ] kidding me like what a amazing cast like oh it was and would no a writer I have like no Touchstone for her otherwise other than like she stole some [ __ ] in the when I was in Middle School yeah she has some and that's pretty much it and I just know that people liked herck no he never watched stranger things one day I Scissor Hands that's another one like this that like yes I've seen it but I don't know that I've ever seen it that's why the casting for her and stranger things were so perfect because it's such an homage to the 80s I get it and when rider was such like a darling of the 80s that it's so perfect to have her come back as the mom it was it was so awesome seeing her kind of back I think she took a little break for a while there too I said tan it's uh yeah but I said T man but it's it's tally Me banana Mr tally man tally Me banana not I said T man I said T man Langley it's not it's not a song that's necessarily getting a lot of radio play these days if you know what I mean so you should was the song canceled too no no no I'm saying it's just an old it's an old song it was an old song for that okay okay I only learned the lyrics because of the subtitles yeah 100% I mean I had I looked them up I couldn't remember what any of these songs were called I just remember they're sort of in the style of like Calypso Style music which I think is another s just weird and such a fun Choice why do Alec Baldwin who lives in Upstate New York which is where this movie is supposed to like Connecticut right it was shot somewhere else but it was supposed to be there why is he so The Plot into that style of music because even when he's doing his model work it's playing in the background and that's why they're like you you got to you're doing you're trying too hard with the Spooks you got to just do what you're uh good at doing which is him just singing these songs him singing the song he a really big F like a dork I'm just messing with you langly uh but uh we're going to get to the plot and a whole bunch of other thoughts in this movie but after a word from our sponsors from the award-winning game Studio BioWare comes an immersive fantasy series Dragon Age vows and Vengeance a pair of Heroes brought together by Fate to embark on a journey of Revenge Redemption and love set in the vast world of thetus Dragon Age vows and Vengeance features key characters from the upcoming game Dragon Age The Veil guard rated and for mature let's check out a trailer so what's the mark the eye of cisa from the world of Dragon Age comes a new Tale the eye was crafted centuries ago by a powerful dreamer listen to me you been tricked we have to put this back and leave I'm sorry but I won't let you pay for my mistakes the I will destroy Dragon Age vows and Vengeance listen And subscribe wherever you get podcasts check out Dragon Age vows and Vengeance in eight episode immersive fantasy series now at kind of dragonage that's kind of dragonage here's the pl not told by Nick scarpino it's showtime really good impression I hat how good it is I love the opening of this it gets me every single time you get the spider that you you feel by the end of it when we get to the house you're like oh that is a model and you're not quite sure if it's supposed to be a model or not a model and the spider callls over and you see the hand grab you're like you're in for a riot on this one right and we and you know Alec Baldin lets the spider go he doesn't kill it he's not like that so he chooses to you know keep something alive which I think is foreshadowing for later in the movie uh we meet we hear the clipo we get we hear the music we get the Danny elfant score we meet Barb and uh and Adam who are the two in inhabitants of this house uh we meet Jan I think or Jane who's also trying to sell the house and who's just really obnoxious about it like to the point where it's like we do I need to get a restraining order is there a local lawyer that could give you a cease and desist about this me especially when she's like this house deserves to be like lived in by a family and you see how hard that hits Gina Davis and you're like [ __ ] you I'm now spitefully never moving out of this house house and haunt it which ends up being the case um we had that conversation he says I need to go to the hardware store to get something for my model I love this sequence what are the odds that we end up with two movies in the last month that are like centered with this weird Town model what was was Twister I mean that was that's all we had we didn't have CG you know I still never know if I fully found out why he is making these yeah that's just that's what he does it's a hobby for him like it seemed like the whole town kind of knew that he makes the town that he makes the models yeah his thing he's the model guy he just makes models so it's I don't know it's that's why I thought it was time that's why I thought it was his like his job cuz he was making this for like his job is that he owns the hardware store oh [ __ ] yeah because when he goes and I love I don't think I ever picked up on that when I was a kid he goes to the hardware store it's closed and he just takes a bunch of stuff and takes and puts like takes money out of or puts money in the register he owns the hardware Stu that's what he does this way Andy like they didn't have Tik Tok they there was a lot of time to just do [ __ ] you know they had no video games well I I'm not talking about the hobby aspect I just I feel like there was a couple of random characters like how's the model going yeah it's like damn everybody just know this guy nothing else going on he's only talking about his uh sweet model how's it learning the Calypso song this is this is the small town Vibe for sure everybody knows everybody's into you're the basketball guy you're the model train guy yeah I mean I love I love this sequence too so the way this is shot is so great right they pull up in the Volvo which shout out to that Volvo um he gets out and the barber the town Barber who has nothing to do because there's like 10 people in this town and so he's already cut their hair but he's oldd starts talking to him Adam knows him knows he's going to talk to zero say uhhuh uhuh uhuh moves right in and the camera stays in this guy for like a solid 30 more seconds as he's talking about this story about this guy that came in this hippie that came in with long hair and then we cut in and then we cut out and he's still talking it's so good it's such a great way to just be like these people all know each other they all know each other's qukes way too well it's such it's too big of it's it's too small of a town uh and then of course we go back up and this is where oh I also just want to say that I just love the like silhouette of the house it feels so like so much like a obviously it is a character but it's like it just feels like a statement silhouette similar to like the psycho house and stuff like that I'm just like I love this keger makes a great point but like make a cooler model you have skill and you do your own time exactly make a Gundam what are you doing Al bald you could be making gumpla and it' be so much cooler man you never know he's got all of eternity now maybe Beetle Juice Beetle Juice you know oh you're right you're right um from here of course I I I do want to shout out the fact that this looks like the psycho house obviously they they obviously model it after that like having the just the very very vertical house um as they're going back I love that there's just this for no reason tiny little Bridge Tim Burton loves these little Bridge these covered bridges we're going to see this of course if we ever do Sleepy Hollow you'll see that in there it's a big set piece for when he fights the headless horsemen was that house real no I think they probably built that was a model as well no I like a tiny like whenever they show you the large the long establishing shots was that a real house or was it just a tiny model used for like special effects or whatever what are you saying because like when they were kept editing it I was like damn that's a lot of work filmed in Vermont it was just a facade but then it looks like they might have like rebuilt it at some point cuz yeah once they start doing all the renovating I like wow that's a lot of work for the I and I also love the way the reservations look even how awful and cheesy and corny they look that's pretty neat I like the uh the I like when they put up just the fake wall for the patio the one wall like I love that of course on the way home uh they go across the bridge to see a little fluffy cute dog makes dog First Act man and it and it and it kill and and they go over the edge and the dog's just on one little full CR and then the dog just jumps off and they fall in and this is where when I was a kid I was like oh wow what's that's weird they got into an accident and they then they come home and as a kid's like oh they're safe it's fine right but then weird [ __ ] starts to happen movie would have really [ __ ] me up as a kid it [ __ ] me up cuz the fire's on she's like did you leave a fire on I don't remember setting a fire before this happened and then of course it flares and it lights her fingers on fire and that's number one she's like what the [ __ ] but they're like weirdly cool about this the whole time that was the most offputting thing everything's a little off but they're also just a little okay with it right and we go over to the the mirror she's like look at this we can't see us and then she goes Adam I don't think we Sur have that car crash and he's like I don't think we did either there's no like moment where they're like oh [ __ ] and the rest of the movie they just act that way like I guess we're dead we're going to kind of deal with this like let's scare them cuz like we want our house back but like they're not trying to get back to life get back to life it's just like no this that's where we're at which is just such a cool choice I think like to just not have the plot be what you'd expect it to be for what just happened I would have been so blown away by the concept of uh we get Alec Baldwin walking outside it's weird it doesn't look like what he's expecting the outside to look like we see the big Dune s the [ __ ] shud on the shude out there in the in the dunes or whatever and then Gina Davis pulls him back in she goes you were gone for 2 hours 2 hours like that would have [ __ ] me up as a kid be like what like how but that [ __ ] that can happen when Dude watching that when I was when I was young that that was the scariest part of the movie that they can't leave the house if they do they go into this hellscape Doom desert with these things that eat them and then to bring that back at the end and have her writing the thing I was like this movie rocks yeah but it's cool also that they don't they he tries to leave the house because he wants to know what's going on but then they accept that they're dead and the only thing that wants to force them out of the house is the humans is the antagonist of the humans otherwise they're like we want we we'll just stay here we're fine well crazy don't the humans want them to stay well eventually they do what I'm saying is like she she freaks out the only time Gina Davis freaks out and really wants to leave the house is when she they they can't scare the people and she goes I can't live with these people and then she goes to run out and that's where he has to go save her where she pulls him back in anyway we're not quite there yet of course because we one thing I didn't like sand worms being black and white little Stripes right yeah Beetle Juice being black and white yeah it's the motif I just thought that was weird Stripes it's just like they're Carnival death too many stripes it's just like they're not connected you know what I mean Fair no one else has them oh like if like it if they were his or something if he like revealed himself that he was a the whole like that turns into the weird [ __ ] snake thing I don't know that was just one prodction terrified me too as a kid that was the scariest part for me cuz that's where he gets violent with people yeah but he has the best lines would come for your daughter Chuck um that's really so good man I I never ever copy me when I do my Michael Kane cuz just do Michel I'll just do ke the Kane just do Keaton yeah do the other Michael the other Michael from um uh here of course another interesting and fun fun thing they play around with here is time right we see we see it set up that time doesn't exist the same way for them as it does for everyone else when he goes off the patio comes back two hours later we've we've we've established that months have gone by now since they died and now the house has been sold and the dees are moving in uh the de's of course consist of Charles Chuck as we'll call him uh Delia who is Katherine O'Hara's uh character who's the Stepmom to Lydia Andy can you get me a look Cy me too Andy um who is played by of course mon Ryder our first uh introduction to her is she is in a Black Veil she is very very D very very goth very very like you know the kind of person that you would expect to be obsessed with the dead which is a perfect setup for her in my notes I have it not a manic pixie dream girl but an emo Gothic nightmare girl love it we also before I think I skipped over but a very very important plot point of this is when they come home they find the handbook for the dead or for the recently deceased which Alec Baldwin misreads so good um and I to this day say this line whenever I come across anything that's confusing for an instruction like whenever I have to fill up out a form for the government or whatever I'm like this thing reads like stereo instructions and I stole it from Alec baldwood in this it's such a perfect way to describe something that is purposefully convoluted because it is because every time they read anything about this like what the heck is going on uh from here he's like hey you know these people are terrible uh we get we get a bunch of we get introduced to their dynamics of these characters very very quickly Charles of course just bought this house house because he's a burned out stock broker or investor whatever he used to do uh real athetic guy I guess um he just wants to relax of course uh Delia is a artsy type and she is the you know the second wife and she hates this place and she has wants to spend the money there there's such good Dynamics here and this [ __ ] dad just wanting to relax and that being his entire plot this entire [ __ ] movie is like he doesn't want to deal with any of this [ __ ] and the amount of scenes he's in where he's about to relax some stereotyp typical ass way and the camera just sits on it as he's getting his tea ready and the [ __ ] sculpture comes through it's pitch perfect man it's like comedy genius uh Katherine orara has a great line here where well we'll skip around here we Al get introduced to oo uh from here they're they're they try they look at these people they wave at him they wave at Jane they W all like they can't see us rule number two of course the dead or the living usually won't see the dead and he goes won't or can't again convoluted language that's here uh from here this is where they decide the main plot point of the film this is where the exciting action is hey we're not powerless I read in this book there's a word for people like us it's called ghosts we can haunt these people right uh we get another side scene where with possibly my favorite line in the whole movie where uh Charles is just trying to get Delia to relax and like maybe not spend all the money and not gut this house that he bought because he likes the fact that it's not Ultra Modern in New York and she says and I quote if you don't let me gut this house and express myself I will go insane and I will take me with you I'll take you with me and it is perfect and it's that it's that her ability to get up to that what we call the Kevin pitch you know not our Kevin but the Kevin from from homeone Cabin where it goes almost screaming high pitched but she's still in like she's almost so good that is a perfect version of her she that's why she's you ever watch [ __ ] creek uh no I have not she is always at not an 11 but a 12 as well she should and it is like it's one of her best roles she's so good in it like her performance from this movie reminds me a lot of that D that's awesome but I think we might have skipped our first introduction to Beetlejuice oh himself we do down below the ground uh we had our first intro where he's he's got the he's looking for new you know new clients potentially and he opens up the obituary he's like what do we have here what a great intro you know what I mean a good impression I will also skip around here uh he's taken up he's taken up space in their Cemetery in the cemetery of their uh um model which this to me is so fun and Joey nailed it when she talked about it the fact that they had to build this thing to look like a a scale model for them to walk around in when I was a kid I was like I want to play on that the little Turf little bouncy little bouncy Turf the fact that everything was like kind of I mean it was obviously a set cuz it was supposed to be a set so freaking creative it's so cool I think it's one of just like my favorite Concepts in movies between this we see it a little bit in A Bug's Life when we did Pixar and review uh and in like honey I Shunk the kids and stuff like that it's just like what these worlds would look like on a small scale but the like actual practicality of it but what's extra cool about this is that it's a small scale but then it's large for scale but real things so it's it's a house but it's a house size but it's a model of a house like that's just an extra layer of like God damn you have to think through the the creativity of it all to pull it off and like it they just do it so damn well but I love this intro for Beetlejuice like looking through the U newspaper you just see him from behind and you hear his voice it's [ __ ] weird and the things he's saying is weird and you instantly are like what's this guy's deal I want to know more about what's going on like I just feel like it's such a an amazing kind of setting your expectations for oh we're going to deliver on this guy later and they do uh I I I also want to give a shout out to Michael Keaton who I think improvised most of these lines as well I think he you can just see he's just they just let the cam roll's like here would have expected that for Katherine O'Hara too guarantee she did I guarantee a lot they were just like hey Catherine just like cuz coming from like Second City and having her improv tops be probably equal if not better than Michael Keaton's like I I imagine when she was working with the vendors and all that [ __ ] they were like just be in character and [ __ ] with these guys a little bit we need you to get here however you get there yeah uh we we'll skip around a little bit this is where they start uh retrofitting the house uh we have the moment where she they're looking out the window and Lydia sees them and she's like that little girl saw us that's weird and she's taking pictures of them and all that jazz she heads up to the attic she gets the skeleton key from Jane try thank you sir tries to head up to the attic they they cut her off at the pass um I was obsessed with skeleton keys as a kid because of this movie really oh yeah cool idea you were obsessed with what skeleton keys go it's key can open up did you watch the movie skeleton key no I learned it from this you really missed out then yeah with Kate Hudson I've never watched it but I just like I can't imagine so many being acessed skeleton keys and not watching the movie skeleton key well no it's cuz this movie and then I remember like I I I saw this part and then I asked my mom about it and we had one in our house oh and I was like this is the coolest [ __ ] thing ever everything my brother locked it in in my mom's thing and it's like well we don't have the key to get in there anymore so only one skeleton te from here uh Jane sees that or Jane gives the skeleton key so Lydia heads up to the attic uh they they cut her off the past they hold the door she's trying to get in hold the door and then the TV turns on and this is where we get our our first real shot of Beetlejuice as he is uh in this television commercial promoting his Services as a bio Exorcist to uh the maand just a cool term uh of course yeah I never caught that when I first watched it I was like that's an interesting way of putting it uh from here Adam's like go look I read something in the passage where in case of emergencies draw a door and knock three times and this again you want to talk about creativity just the fact you can knock like draw a door on something he knocks three times and then it opens up and it's not it's really just a flat behind them with green light coming through but it works it really works um it opens up and they go in and what do they find what well when I was a kid I was like oh they're going to go to hell it's going to be the Exorcist it's going to be fire and brimstone no it's just a receptionist area for like a messed up doctor's office or like or like actually it's not a doctor's office a social worker office yeah and I they established it's kind of [ __ ] up line but oo mentions why everyone that works there he was like if you commit suicide in the afterlife you have to be a social worker did you catch that line I didn't everyone that works there has committed suicide so the receptionist has slitter wrist you know cut her throat that's why when she smoking the Smoke's out of her throat ridiculous the guy I guess the guy that was is flat threw himself in front of a car they don't tell you this stuff it's just that one line and you go okay makes yeah uh you got to take a number the number is just broken and I love that ongoing gag this is truly what hell is stuck in this like bureaucratic endless office and endless waiting just such a ridiculous commentary uh from here he goes hey you got to go down to the six the sixth door it's it's your time did you bring your handbook no I didn't bring my handbook of course back over in the handbook Lydia is reading the handbook so she understands what's going on she understands it because she is an unusual person and she understands unusual one of my favorite lines from her is my whole life is a dark room shrunken head guy really freaked me out as a kid as well but it's shrunken head guy and then the tribes like the person from the tribe that shrunk his head but I never noticed him until the end for I don't know if he's in the first few scenes yeah I think it was just like shrunken head dude cuz we have what's interesting is we have um it's so on the nose we have all those people that died and how they died there like the surfer with the shark on his leg you've got the guy who was got this the bone stuck in his throat cuz he choked to death uh you've got the receptionist and all those people that she was a beauty cing contestant killed herself all that stuff um I read a piece of trivia that initially they thought they would make the mands Adam and Barbara wet because they drown but Tim Burton was like that's just going to be too untenable for the actor they should have done it though like I that was a Miss for me where I was just like why are our I thought there was something special about our leads it just practical he was like I can't keep my actors wet for a month but I also though but I also like the idea of the initial reveal that when they walk back into the house they're not wet and you're like wait didn't they go why are they not wet like something's wrong here you know what I mean yeah why are you all wet baby where's that from skeleton key movie Island oh cool I only watched that once yeah real good we uh we get another little Banger from a guy that apparently uh fell asleep with a cigarette in his mouth and burned himself to death like you want a cigarette trying to cut back myself it's just little body with a real person's head sticky you can tell he's sticking they just stick yeah exactly but it's hilarious does it remind you of weinerville Tim weinerville remember weinerville I'm going to Google it right now but Nickelodeon show wienerville that I was way too young to really understand or get oh yeah yeah yeah but they used a lot of like yeah the the the video or that moment where this man who uh smoked too much is like this like shrunken Ash body or whatever it reminded me a lot of the show weille on Nickelodeon this is so funny I think this was a little before my time that's SO3 yeah but I do remember seeing this in like commercials it should be like [ __ ] happened who is this dude on the way to the sixth door which is where they're going to meet their social worker Juno uh they happen across a door when they open it up it is the door to the lost souls room where uh for Souls who have been exercised so if you get exercised from your house it's death for the dead so that kind of UPS the stakes here for later in the movie when they get to the sixth door of course they enter and they enter in an Ultra Modern House and Adam has the horrible realization that that is in fact their house they have been gone for three months now and the house has been completely retrofitted they can't even I mean it's pretty cool but it's great I mean I just this is such a good use of like we don't have many sets let's change them up though and like have it be plot relevant very fun uh Juno says look uh you got you guys got to use what you got study the hand book and get them out of of this house uh but and he's like what about this guy Beetle guy she don't even say his name he's a troublemaker he used to Max assistant he's terrible do not whatever you do don't utilize his Services uh from there of course we get another terrifying but super creative sequence where we see a fly land on the model oh I hate come here what are you doing he has a bit like a bit of Honey or whatever to get the fly over there like come here and then he eats gets you hear this fly scream like it does that but then it actually starts talking it's like God man this movie is [ __ ] up I just should like how big the fly was on the model compared to everything else well I mean when they pick him up when when when she picks up the little I mean it's so cheesy because it's not even moving the little tiny be juice and the the spikes come out you can see that they're only like that big FIP thought has asked what happened to the football players they died in a car wreck yeah CU one of the guys think we survived that car the coach lived that's why they keep calling her coach coach I don't think we survived that car EG what was your first clue uh um uh from here they try to haunt everyone they try to haunt Charles who's not buying it and then of course they try to haunt dilia but she's so whacked out on valum that there's no way they're getting through there uh and then Lydia sees them and starts snapping Polaroids and then realizes they're ghost but she is not scared and they immediately strike up a friendship with this young girl because she is uh just obsessed with the maob and they are just normal people which is so fast she's like more of a ghost than they are one thing I think is funny is that there's like one line of setup of like oh maybe maybe we should start try it again like maybe maybe we want a kid in our lives and it's just like that's kind of their subplot and then at the end of the movie it's like we got a kid now weird girl but it's [ __ ] weird it's all very weird but I guess it was set up kind of worked uh they're like why can you see us and she said well I read that book it said uh life people ignore the strange and unusual I myself am strange and unusual just all the setup you really need she can see them she's weird everyone else not weird they can't see her Lydia tries to tell her stepmom the next day about the ghost but she's too busy preparing for a dinner party uh that she's throwing for you know what happened to her mom did I miss that I don't think so I think Mom never talk about it you have to wait for be juice be juice oh maybe we'll get the back story it's a whole prequel you get a prequel on dis on Paramount plus prequel and a sequel at the same time uh they of course turned to Beetlejuice now because they're desperate who was taking up shopping the cemetery and it's slowly taking over the entire town model they say his name three times and he shrinks down them down to his size so they can dig came out of a grave another great thing is the say his name three times he appears that obviously what a great concept and just so fun to play with we've seen it before with Candyman did Candyman preced this I imagine it did I think that's earlier 80s either very cool but I love the creativity of not allowing them to say it three times even though they say two so no holy [ __ ] orator stole this there you go um but I love uh having um what's his name Bal Alec Baldwin like say Beetle gu speedle Goose Beetle whatever like saying all that stuff so they can say it over and over but not have him actually say it three times fun stuff so when when we get it here or not even three we just get the they only say it two times here right they say it three times here do they yeah because they go down to him though like it's Lydia says it three times and then he comes out this is something I was a little shaky on no they say his name three times here she he says be ju she says be and then he says be and then they get sucked in and then she says home home home and they go up but he's still activated it's not until um they do the Candyman thing or the the tally man thing which we'll get to in a second the song and then they realize they failed and then I think that's where they enact like let's let's go through this because I don't want to skip over this scene because it's got my my favorite monologue from Michael Keaton in the entire I mean him coming up out of the the freaking casket casket whatever he flies up and he just goes yeah and kisses them like oh here we f of course where they had to dig him out for no reason cuz he could get out of they've already enacted his name he can get out he's just being a dick and try and making him do the extra work uh they dig out we see the cork we see this I love the first time they they put the the shovel in and you think it's dirt but it's not it's Cork and he just like peels up just a little bit of it like oh gonna take a while yeah so funny of course Beetle Juice pops out he's immediately a perf immediately just hitting on Gina Davis's character groping her what her skirt trying to look up her skirt all that stuff and then uh Barbara's like we got to get out of her she hates him she doesn't like him Adam's like hold on what are your qualifications and he and in a perfect Michael Keaton version he goes oh uh well uh I attended juliart I'm a graduate of Harvard Business School I travel quite extensively I lived through black plague and had a pretty good time during it I've seen The Exorcist of about 177 times and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it not to mention the fact that you're talking to a dead guy now what do you think you think I'm qualifying and it's just it's the fact that he could just be like oh and cut back into the Bruce way and then go back into that character performance it's good uh she says of course home home home refuses to she's like I I refuse to expose Lydia to that perv her line her exact words um uh she has her own idea she's like I know what we're going to do and this is where we cut to the dinner scene now when I was a kid I was like why didn't they just use real prawns when I saw the scene I'm like why do those look so fake and [ __ ] up and then you hear it no no and we get I think probably the iconic scene of the movie oh yeah where they're dancing on the table and every single person Tim you nailed it is simultaneously terrified kind of having fun and just in awe of what's going on all of them have those moments of like this is scary but it's kind of fun they're all% yeah yeah they keep they keep going in and out of the this possessed character and it's really cool to watch their face and their body emotions are not the same and it's awesome all of them are telling a different story but it all comes together like looking at it like this is some great choreography like this Scene goes on so long but like it's perfect it just keeps raising in uh staks I I really love course it culminates with 6 foot 7 foot 8 foot and the prawns just come out grab their faces and just propel them backward and then that's just the end of the scene uh Alec Baldwin Barb and Adam run back up to the attic they're like we nailed it any second now we're going to see him run to the house and then just a knock on the attic door Lydia goes they want you to come down they had a blast it totally backfires on them of course um they see this as a marketing opportunity now yes obviously we've established of course that Chuck really wants to impress his old box boss Maxi Dean get him out here he sees this is like oh my God this is an investment he's also been looking at the town he's like I bet I could buy this whole town and turn it into like some sort of like getaway for Manhattan socialites All That Jazz we can build it as like a haunted town or whatever uh and so he's like we want you to come down she goes back downstairs and says they're not coming out they want they're they're they're hurt they were trying to scare you and they didn't do that so they Rush up to the attic and they start pounding on the attic door they're like come out of here go in they see the whole attic uh o oo finds the handbook stuffs it in his collar so he can study it for later uh Katherine Oro is like hey we should leave we don't want to scare them off which is hilarious that she doesn't want to scare the ghosts off who just tried to scare her she's like let's give them some space of course they're hanging out uh outside of the window by their Knuckles and when they come back in Beetlejuice uh just starts laughing at them and I think this might be where uh he's like he says let's turn let's turn on the juice and see what shakes loose such a Nick F line I ha it this and then this is z you're like oh [ __ ] this guy's like terrifying he's going to hurt these people because Katherine has that wonderful moment where she's that we we we're we're dollying on the banister as her hands on the banister and it turns to scales and she has that second where she goes what is that looks in and the banister looks up at her and it's just that scary ass snake yep and uh knocks Chuck off the balcony God grabs him like grabs him by the Tail as Chuck's hanging upside down uh the face comes over to him he goes we've come for your daughter Chuck which I love obviously because I've said it five times during this review uh and this is where and then he looks over Lydia Lydia is horrified she thinks that Barb and Adam have done this Barb busts through and goes Beetle Juice Beetle Juice Beetle Juice and he goes and then and squanders back into the into the cemetery she calls him off and ldia is like I don't want to talk to you guys I can't believe you just Unleashed that guy on us um from here uh let's see they send him back in the city model uh uh oh and he's pissed off at them and he's he's cursing them out grabbing himself I think says [ __ ] you or something like that with them she picks him up she goes listen here you little perv spikes come out he's all horned up like he falls down and she's like we don't want anything to do with you obviously and then he's like being a little a little horny a little sexy right he's like oh there it is right there it looks over there's just a brothel there for no reason and we get a great Li from Judah DAV she like Adam why did you build that he goes I didn't and then that's of course they get sucked back into Juno's office she put I had a great Li a great laugh at just like just this little miniature version of Michael Keaton like puffing up like a puffer fish and getting all and her being like Oh like just the that concept is so silly it's so stupid it's silly it's fun we go back to we go to Juno's office which is one of those cool elevated offices like Men In Black uh I think we'll see that later well actually he didn't do men black never mind um that was bar onell sorry uh and look there's no reason for this football team to be in this office other than the fact that it's hilarious that they're just annoying the [ __ ] out of Juno cuz they don't get that they're dead cuz they're dumb football players who just it hasn't quite clicked on anyway so coach go use the bathroom uh Juno of course is pissed at Adam and bar for messing everything up she's like you let him take photographs of you you let him steal the handbook you got to go get those things back upstairs Charles and dilia we we've got another time skip here they finally got Maxi and his wife to come uh to come up meanwhile Lydia is in her room runting her suicide note uh Juno uh tells ad's like look what's up did you forget something did I forget something it was on your desk what's that oh that's for later that's for a different thing okay okay sorry good cool yeah yeah don't worry about what is going on don't wor don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about I've hidden something in your desk you don't if you don't find it in the next three days it will start to smell I don't like what is going it's a fish no I'm kid uh uh let's see Lydia's writing her suicide n uh Jun is like hold on before you go you have to show me what you're going to do and this is again I think this is the meme that you always see right this is the two faces where Adam takes his nose and pushes his hand into his [ __ ] head and it's so scary and then takes his eyeballs out and go and puts all his eyeballs on his fingers and then Gina Davis pulls her thing out and then pops her eyeballs in and they come out her tongue and just designing these things must have been a nightmare crazy man so fun it's so funny watching them both get up from the seats to go do the thing and like their big ass face masks almost kind of hit each other cuz they're just not they don't really understand the spatial awareness of having these gigantic helmets or masks on their head I think it just plays so well into their characters being like we don't know what we're doing we're trying to figure this out and I think it works perfectly but she like she like it was pretty good that was pretty scary it worked out uh Lydia heads up of course to tell Adam and Barb that she was going to kill herself because she wants to join them in the Land of the Dead but she does not encounter them she she just hears she looks down and she's like what she's like are you a ghost goes I'm the Ghost with the most the Ghost with the most stupid it's such a shitty stupid thing to say uh he's like look if you want I can help you out totally conning her all you got to do is say my name twice she goes what's your name he goes look if I tell you my name you're going to tell your friends and every My Autograph and all that stuff so you just have you have to guess it he goes let's play some Shad skin on her yeah goes Rin uh two words look look look look over there and she looks over he's like hey it's just a beetle yeah like what amazing like you know there's like the like the jump jump scares and then there's like jump jokes that's what this is it's just like such a stupid F you think it's going to be scary but it's like he's cross-legged sitting down like smoking a cigarette or something but he also could have spawned anywhere else yeah like right in front of her but yeah he's got to be dick where's Beetle and then she sees the minute made juice shout out to that sponsorship Beetle breakfast Beetle breakfast Beetle something Beetle Juice and he goes that's it right there one more time she goes Beetle Juice he goes one more time just one more time and of course this is when Adam and Barb come through with the scary faces they terrify Lydia uh Barb puts hers back together she goes no no don't say that don't say that this guy's horrible he's the guy that did the snake thing actually before that she figures it out because Lydia is a smart character sorry they don't interrupt her she goes wait a minute you're the guy you're the snake that hurt my dad like I'm not trusting you at all and this is where they come and they scare her Adam can't quite get his back in so he's got the the Pinocchio nose which is hilarious puts it back in uh and he's like look we have uh before they another important point right before they go through the door she goes listen Adam I don't want to do this I like I like Lydia I want I want her to be a part of our lives like I want to be a part of her life like let's just find like basically this is where they make peace and say we'll just live with these people and that's what they tell her they say hey we've decided that we're going to invite your family to live here with us and we're just going to we're going to peacefully coexist uh but before they can do that of course Charles and oo come in and they steal the the model and again this this movie has absolutely it's just super lean they walk in and you get one line of dialogue why do we need this model because it's a presentation and you have to like wow people you have to have like a presentation aspect of it and they just it's downstairs happening you imagine Maxi was down there while they're loading this model in right like what what was the time frame here this guy's already in the house uh from here of course uh Lydia goes downstairs and she's like she's like oo's like I'm G to summon them and she goes oo you can't wait a minute what am I talking about o you can't even change the tire what am I worried about here and of course he has the hand buckon so she goes oh I start to freak out he realizes that he can summon them himself but he needs an article something personal from them to which Lydia says we got to go to the Goodwill we forgot that we established one of the very first scenes that we see these people we do see the tux and the wedding outfit in that small closet where Jina Davis was like hanging herself to scare them we get another bang of L I hope all the other closets are bigger than this um they bring those down and this scene to me was always terrifying because it was really scary that they were like oh he can summon them and then she starts J Davis starts withering away and Alec B and he can't help her and she can't talk and they're dying and of course Lydia says they're dying and then Charles says they can't die they're already dead but they are withering away because they've been I guess going to be exercised and go to the soul the the uh room of the souls uh from here Lydia seeing no other recourse turns to Beetle juu who was waiting for her and now he is in that iconic striped suit that you probably know him for I hope you probably in all all the right through Beetle Juice Beetlejuice and he says look I can help you but we got to strike a deal here a want out of here I got to get married I forget how he puts it but he has a turn of phrase that he says he's like you agree to marry me I will go and I will help them she goes okay uh Beetle Juice Beetle Juice videos Beetle Juice and he goes It's Showtime and this [ __ ] terrified me when I was a kid cuz he comes out of the ground yeah in like a carousel hat with these long ass arms that unfold and just kill those people good Lord he kills Maxi and the white like we never see them again never I think they're dead yeah and we just gloss over that it's wild man this whole scene is awesome like it's just sheer like the whole movie built to this of like let's unleash the juice see what happens is loose the juice is loose uh he they Skyrocket he comes in he goes okay let's take care of themop and then the two the Menin go they come down and they're rejuvenating whatever and he goes that is why I won't do two shows a night I won't do it I won't do it like why was that line just smoking a cigarette like I won't do it there had to have been so much improv oh my go just saying random things uh and we get an amazing cut where he's like Mom Dad you know like's like I'm so excited for you guys um and uh and it's time to get married and this great shot here because he's he's he's turned this way like he's turned away from the camera for a second right talking like about he's like oh jeez I don't know I always I said if I want just want it then turns back around and his hair is slicked back and he's in the red suit and when we cut the reverse shot of it she's in the red wedding suit and she like how the hell did I get it's a perfect piece of Ed and then the mantle comes up and it's that weird sort of like skewed mantle and the little guy comes out and this where we start the wedding uh Lydia of course says No Covers his mouth we've established of course that he can mimic voice and he's like I Lydia a sound body of Mind choose Beetle Juice um from here everyone starts saying Beetle Juice but he stops them at one point their mouths up and stuff he Zips their mouths up she unzips it she says Beetle Juice he throws the metal plate on it she can't get that off we've said it twice Alec Baldwin they tried to get he tried to say takes the teeth out and starts dancing around it with his little white shoes which weird [ __ ] he put He casts him out to the model Alec balding grabs the car Jets off the car uh Gina Davis of course is still a threat so he pushes her to the the desert world where she sees a worm we think she's going to get killed by the wor but she gets a better idea Alec Baldwin right before right Baldwin with the car hilarious him getting this tiny little model car driving it off and it's like what's he going to [ __ ] do and it's like oh he's just going to drive it into his foot like he just trying to by time right because they're about to pronounce her man and wife I love that she's like he's like where's the ring he goes takes the ring out with another woman's finger and he's she meant nothing to me uh puts it on of course and then right at the last minute he hits him with the car and then the sandworm comes and and and and just drags Beetlejuice down back back into the underworld and we know it's the underworld too cuz there's a cool little piece of just visual storytelling it's the same light that we saw in like the reception office so he's down there now uh and that is done we cut forward and uh you have to imagine if like a month or two Lydia at school fitting in still has the dark hair but she's got some friends now rides her bike no longer has a robbert Smith hair yes she's not she's not pulling the full the full cure um comes home and they check in with her the house has been restored back to where it was before everyone's living copacetically uh and she goes he's like how did you do on the test she goes well they wanted me to dissect a frog and I told him it was against my religion so I got to see on the science test and she what about the math test I got an A he goes oh great can I do it he goes I don't know you got a C on the science test and she goes and then Barbara goes Adam you never pass science or whatever sh so of course they do it and this so fun because it's basically they possess her yeah but it's it's a not not yeah shake seora which is uh jumping in the line oh yeah and I love it she starts she floats up it's fantastic from there we go down to the reception office where Beetlejuice is waiting uh he has taken a number which is 9,955 th000 and he looks over it's like now calling three he looks over sees the the the the tribes person that's sitting next to him has number four he goes oh look it's Elvis and just switches it out which to me is the perfect bit of stupid comedy so stupid he takes a small little letter that's this big and just throws this ribbon of of numbers which is hilarious and of course the guy the guy takes his little magic powder out at his pouch and sprinkles on his head goes hey hey he hey hey this could be a good look for me you cut back up the like I think probably I I'm just so fascinated by old special effects like I I never I rarely ever look at them and be like oh that looks awful I usually say that about like stuff in the 90s when they started doing more 3D model type stuff but like this one especially was maybe like the worst green screen stuff they used like there was something about like the cut off didn't quite but even all the other green screen stuff I was just like oh what a neat kind of like novel way to do that but this one looked uh especially funny you know I also love the um the cut of sound here the sound editing where you're hearing the like the song's banging up top and then it comes out of the speakers when he's down in the reception room like it's just being like played in the doctor's office uh and then of course we got back up and she's dancing we're having full everyone is one the day and who should come to back her up but the dead football team just comes to dance behind her on the staircase on the staircase and that that is Beetlejuice that's Beetlejuice who would have ever thought we'd actually get a sequel it's crazy I never would have thought and I'm I'm not dreading it I'm looking forward to it but I have to imagine it's going to sit somewhere around like the axle F world where it's The Rankings just a lot of Easter eggs and Nostalgia and I'm sure it'll be fine but I will be fascinated to see if they can come anywhere close to recapturing the magic that was Beetlejuice cuz this is one of those lightning in a bottle type movies for sure for sure it's like I really I'm looking forward to the sequel now like way more than I was like I mean I honestly like I wasn't excited to watch this one like I was like ah I guess I got to do this and I'm I loved it so there's something here but yeah a sequel H I don't know we'll see I just don't know yeah but the nerded me who loves remasters of video games like I'm excited to see what sort of visual effects we see in this univer that exists in this world you know and I'm a big generala fan I liked Wednesday right could be fun yeah there are things about this I'm like all right they're getting this right I just feel like uh with Tim Burton what we've seen of him in recentish times all the CG focus of special effects and visual effects I do not like from him so I'm like if it's more of the Practical stuff that could be cool but I just I don't know we'll have to wait and see excited yeah I think that if there was anything that he was going to like hit close to numbers this would be it he's got so much buyin and like from the original cast that's great and Jenna Orga like and Monica balushi not balushi like cautiously optimistic well we will review recap that movie and rank that movie next week um but for now we have to do Ragu bagu Ragu bagu what's up everybody Welcome to R guys talk bad guys here for Beetle juu Beetlejuice is our bad guy right I guess the deas would be a bad guy too CU they're sort ofu Badu bad juice the juice let's go juice juice but like but like goo is short for guys that's true that's so like yeah we don't want it to sound like inappropriate yeah J it's j it's true uh we're ranking the juices we're going to rank the juices yeah can we also rope uh Jane the realtor realtor yeah she's kind of shitty she's a shitty person yeah I mean be is great in this great is a bad guy like going to be hard to beat bad guy yeah I agree and I think they're I think they're introducing some new characters that are like antagonist cuz I mon bucci's character seems to be the Dolores seems to be the bad guy and Beetle Juice Beetle Juice we'll see what that that shakes out I see him being like very anti-hero in this yeah he's still to right he's still going to be like he's got to be a nuisance still but he's going to eventually be the one that looks at the the other Beetle Juice character and it's like no we can't be that bad and like stops them cuz they already kind of did that like retcon him a little bit in the cartoon well the cartoon which I did grow up watching yeah really very different situation my brother watches it constantly just like normal thing and he was talking to me about it and like apparently the cartoon takes some uh Liberties that like CU there like friends in the cartoon right yeah yeah yeah Lydia and Beetlejuice are I think more than friends it's a little weird you know different time not acceptable you're a dead guy you know it's it's yeah not great yeah yeah not so sure not so sure about all that but uh and then yeah Beetlejuice one we're currently ranking as the number one I'll be shocked if number two is better than this but uh hopefully hopefully it is we'll see um but yeah what a time to be alive everybody Beetlejuice in review that's where we're at I'm very excited we did this cuz that was a fantastic film that I don't think I would have rewatched otherwise um or watched for the first time completely otherwise so completely uh thank you for joining us along with this journey why is not on a Halloween movie they gotta be they got to be putting this out like October 3rd or something I feel like we're in like Hollywood season yeah Halloween Halloween I have to imagine that they want to make sure it's like easily accessible for everyone come October yeah right cuz you have to imagine like September it's in sort of out in theaters and they're like we want no one's going to see this in theaters they wanted on streaming on HBO Max or whatever it's going to be they're hitting the PSL kind of week you know so it's around the around the time fall time yeah but this year PSL week was like in June I could just earli ear January no it was definitely last week because I remember how hyped up Mike was about it because he burst into the studio and was like Barrett I got news threee homie psls are back like thanks Mike really need to know that I miss Mike uh let us know in the comments below what you thought of beetle juu and how hyped you are for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice um I watched The Bachelorette last night and they had an extended promotional sequence for Beetlejuice like in the uh it was one of those weird commercial things that they do and turn away the the host whose name is Jesse oh yeah he was uh dressed as Beetlejuice and then they he was also a Bachelor contestant did you know this whoa I didn't know that Carson Palmer's brother cool it was horrible everybody ah thank you very much Barrett it's been 5 hours 34 minutes and 8 seconds since Lincoln Park broke my heart did you subscribe to your phone but until next time I love you all bye everybody bye say it one more time Nick

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