PS5 Pro is a Scam (Sony Rant)

what up peeps it's your boy hecka Steve welcome back to the channel and today I want to talk to you about the PlayStation 5 Pro I was debating on whether or not I wanted to do a video about this but I figured I'd just go ahead and discuss it and uh let you guys know how I feel about it so first and foremost I own a PlayStation 5 I have the series X and I have the OLED switch so I have all three of the new things and I just want to say that Sony is the absolute worst out of the three okay I know a lot of people like to say that the Xbox is abandoned or doesn't have any new games or blah blah blah doesn't need new games Xbox has the best multiplayer online experience other than a PC all right let's just go ahead and get the obvious out of the way now the PS5 Pro man this thing is coming out in November and it is ridiculous as you can see here we developed PS5 Pro with deeply engaged players and game creators in mind yeah sure it didn't have anything to do with making a bunch of money off of people right as many have asked for a console that runs even higher Fidelity graphics with smoother frame rates at 6 60 FPS who really people are asking for better performance out of a system that you charge them $500 to begin with we achieved this on PS5 Pro with several key performance features an upgraded CPU it's supposed to be what is that 28% faster memory overall this enables up to 45% faster rendering for gameplay has anyone played a PlayStation 5 before it runs great all right it's fine it doesn't slow down it doesn't lag at all it looks fantastic especially if you play on an OLED TV uh then we got the the uh the advanced Ray tracing here we've added even more powerful Ray tracing that provides more Dynamic reflection and refraction of light now I encourage you to go look at comparisons between like PS5 and PS5 Pro it is barely different okay it is not $700 Justified uh and and then we go on and we read AI driven upscaling we're also introducing PlayStation spectral super resolution here's the thing aiid driven upscaling can be done with the stuff that's in the PlayStation 5 now so unless you don't know that you're going to fall for it but I mean you AI upscaling is where it makes the hardware work less and produce a better uh result which is questionable you know when you think about the fact that it was $500 to PlayStation 5 and they're saying they want you to pay $200 more for the PlayStation Pro here in America and you don't even get a disc drive or a stand they can't even give you a plastic stand that they can 3D print probably for like 30 cents it's it's pretty ridiculous man so don't don't fall for this if you don't have a PlayStation already just get a PlayStation 5 Slim or you know the original model or the digital Edition you know just get it for like four or 500 bucks cuz when you get into the $700 range and you start accepting that it's just going to keep getting worse from here and it's not worth it man PS5 Pro provides Gamers with amazing Graphics at high frame rates yeah so does the PlayStation 5 in general man and that's another thing too man you could play games at 120 FPS already and you can play them at 60 FPS uh you know depending on what it is and and and if you want anything better than that man just go to the PC you're going to have a better experience with that anyways other enhancements include PS5 Pro game boost which can apply to more than 8,500 backwards compatible PS4 games playable on PS5 Pro is there really 8,500 games on the PlayStation 4 that you can play on the PS5 I I I seriously doubt that that sounds like to me this feature may stabilize or improve the performance of supported PS4 and PS5 games well no it should cuz it's got better performance it's got better Hardware in it so obviously it would do that enhanced image quality for PS4 games dude PS4 games are old like how much more enhancing do they need I mean it's not like we're going from a VHS tape to a Blu-ray disc we're basically going from a Blu-ray disc to a 4K Blu-ray disc it's not it's not that significant of a jump PS5 Pro will also launch with the latest Wireless technology Wi-Fi 7 oh big whoop about that man that's no big deal uh very refresh rate and AK gaming are also supported dude AK I mean dude come on now for a video game it already looks amazing I I really don't think that video game Graphics can or should get better than they really are I mean they should focus more on gameplay instead of just making it look more shiny because that's pretty much all HDR and Dolby Vision which I don't even think Dolby Vision Works on the PlayStation 5 I know it does on the Xbox series X all it does is just makes it more shiny okay and you want to be blinded by your TV Go go ahead and several games will be patched with free software updates okay yeah they should be and that's another thing too man like I've bought a lot of PS4 games to play on my PS5 cuz there's not really that many PS5 games and um you know some of them charge you for the upgrade to the PS5 version and some of them don't and uh I just think that's kind of but I mean it is what it is and also it's Sony so of course they would do that and U I'm not saying that the other one other you know Microsoft and Nintendo don't do that either but um anyways these games can be identified with a PS5 Pro enhanced label within their title some games you can look forward to include blockbuster hits from PlayStation Studios uh who gives a and then look they have vertical stand sold separately okay so that's a trend with PlayStation or with Sony in general is you know they come out with the you know with the system it comes with all this stuff and then they just slowly over time start taking away which I think is um you know pretty crazy especially when it's a stand and I think they charge you like $30 for that stand I could be wrong about that yeah here you go man Manu manufacturer suggested retail price $699.99 remember when we were like $599 for the PS3 was crazy yeah there you go man $6.99 they they gry sons of dude like you know what I'm saying cuz like they charge you for online and not only do they charge you for online they charge you a crazy amount of money for online uh you know which is free on PC by the way and I just think it's ridiculous that they charge you online when most of the games are peer-to-peer anyways so basically you're just paying them to allow you to connect to somebody else when they're not really running any servers or anything that's all that's all for the most part I don't I don't know if everybody knows that or not but that's pretty much the case oh and then like for some reason it just cost a lot more money in Europe and uh you know whatever dude and then they just jacked up the price in Japan didn't they and now and now this is coming out so it's like we're going to raise the price of our stuff and then we're also going to put out a system that cost even more money than that comes with a 2 tab saw state drive that honestly these things should come with a four terabyte solid state drive uh these days these things are so cheap to get but of course they don't want to give you too much space because they need you to buy their uh accessory you know external hard drives for additional storage and stuff and then uh copy of Astros playroom pre-installed I like how they put that on there like they haven't been doing that the whole time uh just to make it sound like it's better and this is coming out November 7th uh blah blah blah yeah yeah I mean like look here now understand this is a YouTube video screenshot but I mean you can tell some differences here now on purpose it looks like they kind of blurred this one uh you know to make this one look better that's called uh manipulation to uh make you feel like this is way better when it's really not and uh it's not it's not a new tactic you know this is done all the time in media and it's done in sales and Retail everything but uh you know if you've played a PS5 before which most of you probably have if you're watching this video then you're going to know that this is uh I mean look here this is uh this is a screen capture of of Spider-Man 2 on the PS5 and I mean you know that looks pretty damn good to me man I mean what do you want you want this to be a little extra shiny here and this to be a little extra dark because of shadowing uh with the uh Advanced rage racing and all that who who gives a this is also like a millisecond of gameplay that you experience so like yeah you want to pay $200 extra dollars just so this looks a little bit better uh no I don't think so bud yeah and then here's a prime example of what I was trying to get at earlier where they come out with the system and then they take stuff away so like the original PlayStation 3 Model you got the four USB ports and then you had this little flap here that's closed had all the little card reader slots and it was like you know the polished uh piano black finish well a lot of people didn't like that cuz of fingerprints and scratches but anyway so then they went over to the matte black with the slim and the Slims great you know but you get two less USB ports uh and this is also in an era where USB is so common that it's not even expensive to just have it on there but for some reason they wanted to take that out I guess to make it smaller but who even really cares it's not like you're carrying your PlayStation around in the first place why does it need to be smaller uh I tell you why because they have to make it smaller so that you will feel inclined to buy a new thing because it's different enough to trick your stupid brain uh so yeah and then you don't get the memory card slots at all on here and then they also removed the software feature you could you could install uh it had other OS on here so you can install like Linux and stuff like that well they took that out you know because people were using it to uh to mod the system and play games for free and they can't have that so that in this system they they took that away but you know all the people that didn't do that right they used other OS for for an actual good reason or a beneficial reason they just get screwed and then the final rendition of the PlayStation 3 uh they got rid of the slide in disc you know which was fancy you know that's what set it apart really from Xbox 360 and then they took that away over here so then like you get this little like plastic slide thing it looks so cheap and uh it was cheap and I mean I never had one malfunction on me but I could definitely see that happening to somebody and then here you go we're talking about the online service now so this is the essential right this means yeah you get to play games online and uh you get a couple of monthly games right and it's all games that are old as that you probably bought already or um You probably don't care to play longer than 30 minutes and uh a year of that is $80 if youy a year upfront that is insane okay $80 for you to be able to play online with your buddies most of the time the incentivization to buy a system is based on what system your friends play on so it's just like if they decide to play on playstation then you are forced to pay $80 a year or $10 a month which would turn out to be $120 a year if you can't afford to pay 80 upfront which you know could be the case for a lot of people since they're paying $500 $700 for these consoles then you come over here you got the extra so you get extra games you get hundreds of extra games right games that have you know that are old that you could buy when they're on sale for like five to 10 bucks in the first place if you really wanted to play them uh and then you know that's $15 a month or $135 for an entire year and then premium you know which is like the crem Dela CRM of all the services that they offer and everything that's $18 a month and then $160 for an entire year of that and man let me tell you something right now there are games that I own on the PlayStation 3 that I bought years ago like PS1 games and PS2 games I own them they are part of my Sony account but they are blocked so that you can't access them on the PlayStation 5 unless they're on their subscription service and you are subscribed so basically I own Resident Evil director's cut for example okay I own it I could go to my Playstation 3 right now which is hooked up to my TV and I can play the son of a but on PlayStation 5 which is hooked up to the the same TV I can't do it unless I'm subscribed to the premium PlayStation Plus subscription like it acknowledges that I own the game but it says that I cannot play it that that that's okay and that that's what a digital future looks like but I guess I'm going to keep my PS3 hooked up for as long as it takes uh you know granted I do own that game on a disc as well but the PlayStation 3 can play the game I can I can I could put the physical disc in too if I wanted can't do that with the PS5 that and that's the most crazy thing about it all all right you want to add all this extra like hardware and stuff but for some reason it it don't know how to read a PS1 game a PS2 game PS3 4 or five y'all can't figure out how to make it play every PlayStation game ever cuz then it would actually be worth 700 bucks because it would have I don't know 20 plus thousand games that you could just play on a whim PlayStation would kill it nobody would buy an Xbox then and nobody would buy a n well people would still buy Nintendo because Nintendo's you know kind of a different gaming experience uh but yeah I mean they would be they'd be great but they don't want to do that cuz that would be too nice that would be too great you know they always want to give you just a little bit to keep you keep you interested in in their products but they don't want to make it the best that's why they out that PlayStation classic like it was nothing when it could have been the best thing ever oh and then don't even get me started on psvr2 so first of all you know it's $550 just for this headset now I don't know about you guys but you could just get a quest VR and I think it's like 300 bucks and it's not locked to PlayStation you use it on the PC you can use it Standalone uh it's pretty great and you're not locked to the Sony ecosystem with that and there's not even that many games that support VR2 on PlayStation and and that's the thing you know that's that's the signature move of Sony too is they they don't support their extra very much I mean you remember the PlayStation TV PlayStation vaita uh PS psvr 1 and then now psvr2 and then you know the PlayStation portal which uh I think I have a picture of that coming up too but yeah that's just absurd $550 so you're telling me that you want somebody to buy a PS Pro for seven and then it doesn't come with a disc drive they have to buy that additionally which is 80 bucks and then you know it doesn't come with the stand so if they want to sit it UPR right that's another 30 bucks I believe um so that's like over $800 just right there and then add 550 on top of that why the would they do that when they could just build a PC and buy a quest yeah here's the PlayStation portal now I own a PlayStation portal and I think it's pretty good but I don't think it's perfect or amazing it's very finicky depending on like where you are in your house and what's going on with your network and everything but uh you know it works which is better than nothing uh we're getting close to like ,7 $1,800 after tax and everything and I didn't even I didn't even put their headsets accessories on here but you know like you can't even use Bluetooth headphones with this thing unless it's like the Sony one it's just ridiculous man because we all live in a society we all use USBC nowadays that's like the main thing that everybody uses and uh we use Bluetooth and for some reason and their controllers use Bluetooth but uh this can only use Bluetooth with uh their own earbuds so uh that that's that's crazy I don't even know why I mean I get it like people like PlayStation PlayStation's a it's a good name and the PlayStation 2 was the goat but even with the PlayStation 2 they were taking features away when they would come out with the PlayStation slim and uh you know despite the fact that PlayStation 2 is great I still had problems with PlayStation 2 back in the day some of them wouldn't read discs uh unless it was like a certain color or something I mean it's just crazy but yeah then the digital system uh is 450 now I I don't know when that happened uh but apparently that snuck up on us cuz it used to be $3.99 and $4.99 for these two consoles uh but now they've they've made it to where you could buy the digital Edition for $449.99 and then um it's $50 more for this I guess they did that they jumped this up to $450 cuz if it was $3.99 and they're selling their disc drive for 80 then technically you would still be cheaper buying the digital and getting the disc drive uh than it would be to buy this so I guess that's probably why they did it but that's kind of like up right yeah here's your disc drive right here $80 $30 for a vertical stand Here's the final point that I want to make here man the PlayStation 5 came out November 12th of 2020 Okay and like so we're like four years in and the Slim came out last year right the Slim came out in November of 2023 and now it's November 2024 and the pro model's coming out so you're telling me that within a 4E span you're supposed to buy three different PlayStations like to keep upgrading I know not everybody's going to do that but that seems to be like what Sony is hoping happens happens uh especially if you have the PlayStation one or not the one but the original PS5 they want you to jump the PS5 Pro but you know there's people out there that buy the PS5 original then the slim and now they're going to get the pro and uh I just think it's kind of crazy man within a four years paying like think about that you pay like five for the first one five for the second one and seven 00 for this third one that's like 1,700 bucks you could have just built an awesome gaming PC but I digress let me know in the comments what you guys think about this PS5 Pro business I think it's a scam I think it's a waste of money and I think uh it's not out of left field for Sony but yeah I'll catch you guys in the next video man [Music] n [Music]

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